What should a successful signature look like? A signature that attracts good luck. Are there rules

Elena: "" welcomes everyone to the blog pages again. How often, friends, do you have to sign your name? Some people, due to their line of work, do this several times a day, others only in special cases related to documentation. But, one way or another, each of us has it - ours, confirmation of our own “I”, bearing the imprint of our vital energy, our essence. These squiggles are for business, confirm the right, property and individuality of everyone. Numerologists have established that how correctly we select the letters for our signature determines whether we give enough energy to our contracts with clients, salary slips, agreements, orders, instructions, etc., whether we hinder or help their implementation. Successful signature

- this is a positive life program for the moment while we use it. Science can help the signature and find out how successful it is. We offer a table where each letter corresponds to a numerical value. Let's look at this using my example. In my signature I use 4 letters: E - from the first name and GOR - the first three from the last name. It turns out E - 6, g - 4, o - 7, p - 9. Add 6+4+7+9=26. We add the numbers of this number 2+6=8. My number is 8.

Probability instead of definite

In the first approach, a cryptographic electronic signature is different in that it is dependent on the document being signed, whereas a dynamic biometric signature is the same every time since it is independent of the document to which it is a signatory. This is another important difference: we can create a dynamic biometric signature in advance and into the inventory, without even knowing the document in which it will be inserted. Or until such a document appears.

This does not apply to an electronic signature: since an electronic signature depends on the signed document, we cannot create it in advance. So we can't sign off on "bianco check" or anything else that has yet to happen or change. More precisely, an already signed document may change, but it is immediately known: the signature will no longer be “placed” in the amended document and will be invalid.

Now let's get acquainted with the decoding.

  • a signature with the number 1
    helps in success, which solely depends on you.
  • with the number 2
    will bring success if you rely on other people.
  • a signature with
    will help if you use personal charm. Be attentive to social connections; for men, success will come through endless drinking bouts with colleagues, for women - through bed.
  • with a signature where 4
    You will rise very slowly, and only if you have sufficient accuracy and moderation.
  • The influence of the signature is twofold. You can either burn out quickly and easily.
  • a signature with a six
    tells its owner that success will be hampered by numerous friendly and family problems.
  • Seven
    indicates that yours will be entirely dependent on patrons.
  • with the number 8
    is the signature. It’s always yours, and no one will turn you off the path if you don’t give up.
  • Nine
    reports that success will come to those who know how to approach a problem creatively. Do not reject the help of foreign partners.
  • signature with the number 11
    - depends on how successfully you know how to leave favorable things about yourself. The first contact, the first conversation, the first step - think through everything to the smallest detail.
  • The owner of the number 22
    is Mr. Creator. There are no barriers for him, and therefore success is real only if the owner of the signature really wants it.

Having calculated everything, I was satisfied. I have a successful signature, quite beautiful and original. It’s just that when I put it in students every day, I am in a hurry and reduce it to two E and G. The new value 1 (4+6=10, 1+0=1) is also not bad, but eight is better. PS But Albert became thoughtful. While I was writing the article, he was still thinking about how to fix his “squiggle.” PSS It only remains to add that we found this interesting material in the book by E. Korovina “115 ways to get rich, or Secrets of monetary abundance”

. Do you, friends, have a successful signature?

But in the second view we find that even the dynamic biometric signature must be different. But not because it depends on a specific document, but because it depends on the individual characteristics of an individual, such as mood, fatigue, old age, etc. in other words: we can assume that no one will sign up twice or even more times, absolutely the same. There will always be some differences between the “samples”.

The existence of these deviations has a significant positive effect: if the exact same dynamic biometric signature "happened" somewhere several times, there would be an obvious signal of its abuse. On the other hand, however, the same feature of dynamic biometric signatures poses a serious problem: any assessment of compliance, regardless of whether a particular dynamic biometric signature was created by a particular person, must necessarily be based on probability.

Albert and Elena

For the first time, we officially put our signature on the pages of our passport and after that we use it for the rest of our lives. However, when coming up with a beautiful signature, few people think that a person’s personal autograph is a seal of fate. Unfavorable elements of a signature can leave their mark on a person’s entire fate. In this article we would like to talk about how to come up with a lucky signature that will bring you good luck.

Anyone judging this is likely to be a forensic expert will have to choose the degree of that probability. Do you have 80% compliance. probability. Or should it be 95% or even 99%? In any trial where the expert judge evaluates the judgment and takes action against "what's in play" it may be possible. What about a routine assessment of the authenticity of a particular signature, outside of the legal process? Who and how provides the “right world” for such situations?

How practical is the verification option?

Again, this is a fundamental difference from an electronic signature, where it is unlikely to work. Here's the exact result: If we have all the information we need to check, we can answer yes or no. But there is definitely no room for some type of "99% of the signature belongs to the person" verdict. Perhaps at this point you will argue that even in handwritten signatures on documentary documents, their authenticity is not immediately readable, but only in the event of a dispute. And when it is studied, it is quite impractical and expensive, and the signature must be assessed by an expert.

What does a crossed out signature mean?

Quite often, girls, when coming up with a beautiful signature for themselves, cross it out with the last stroke. Or maybe you have such an autograph? Then be sure to get rid of the extra line - why cross out your luck yourself and bring more and more challenges into life? It is possible that it was the crossed out signature that became the indirect reason that the great Christopher Columbus was deprived of the rights and privileges granted to him and ended his life in poverty and oblivion.

Yes, this is often true, but not always. When it comes to "more important", either a formal authenticated signature is required, or the authenticity of the signature is evaluated against an existing signature template even before the required action is taken. None of them are machine driven.

This electronic signature is much more practical in this regard: all its concepts are chosen so that accurate verification of the validity of the signature is not only possible, but also regularly and practically feasible. Moreover, "in house", without the need of a forensic expert, on a regular basis and without the need for any signature scheme. Even a car. For certified electronic signatures, where the signature's identity has been verified by the certification authority when issuing the corresponding certificate, we can rely on the authenticity of the signature.

A line above the signature at the top

Don't set a ceiling on your capabilities. This advice applies to those who have a line above their signature. This line is like the lid on a flower pot. That is, it is incredibly difficult for the owner of such an autograph to reach the coveted heights. The trait is a kind of ceiling that he himself sets for his capabilities, preventing the arrival of money and love. Who knows, perhaps the life of the famous Edith Piaf would have been much happier if the singer had corrected her signature by removing the line above it?..

If you don't, and you'll be damned, you'll bear it. But with dynamic biometric signatures, there is no such “self-assessment” option. In fact, this is the same as for officially authenticated handwritten signatures in documentary documents: the authenticity of the signature is usually certified by the publisher of the document. Bank, operator, utility, etc. Who also inserts his client's "sample" into the document, and then signs the document itself with his electronic signature. This entity is also responsible for correctly identifying the client whose “sample” it is accepting.

A good painting should be:

  • resistant to counterfeiting (but not too difficult for its owner),
  • individual (do not copy someone’s painting you like),
  • identifiable (that is, resemble the first and last name of its owner),
  • more or less legible (and not just a bunch of squiggles),
  • quick to paint (after all, many murals are created literally “on the fly”).

So, we see that there are quite a lot of unspoken requirements for painting, despite the absence of strict requirements and frameworks. Now let's see what elements a painting can consist of.

Line below signature

While the line above the signature blocks the flow of energy and love, the line below, on the contrary, helps to attract financial well-being and find a faithful life partner, ready to care and support in any situation. If your signature doesn't have an underline, follow the example of famous writer and actress Joan Collins and add one! By the film star’s own admission, her life has developed and continues to develop very successfully!

In the event of a dispute, if the client argued that it was not their dynamic biometric signature, they would likely have to have an expert create a new dynamic biometric signature for the comparator and then evaluate the degree of match. Overall, therefore, this is a solution without a pre-existing signature template.

At least in principle, a solution with a signature template is also being considered, which will exist a priori and does not depend on a specific document and a specific sample. But once we describe it, the existence of such a signature pattern raises some pretty fundamental questions.

Signature from bottom to top

If you lack determination and optimism, point your signature up. It has been noticed that people with such an autograph have a light, cheerful disposition, an iron will to win, and are also full of creative, constructive energy. It is easier for such people to overcome failures and disappointments, which often come across everyone’s path, regardless of character and beliefs. They achieve success faster. Among the owners of the “successful” autograph are many political figures and military men (Leonid Brezhnev, Georgy Zhukov), as well as world-famous musicians (Paul McCartney, Vladimir Vysotsky).

Benefits of Asymmetric Cryptography

If they ever had to replace electronic signatures, there would be a big "loss of quality". In particular, electronic mail registers, which already receive huge numbers of signed electronic documents, and evaluate the validity of their electronic signatures or brands. The impracticality directly addresses any dangers of signatures on a dynamic biometric signature due to the fact that they are close to symmetric cryptography - while a “classical” signature is based on asymmetric cryptography, and can benefit from its advantages.

Signature attracting good luck

A few more features of a signature that attracts prosperity: it should slope to the right, and also begin and end with long tails up. A tilt to the left and elements going down are a sign of weakness, pessimism and financial troubles. A very dangerous stroke in the signature is an eight. It doesn’t matter whether it is present in one of the letters or in the form of an additional “squiggle” - the owner of such a stroke will have life in a vicious circle, he is no stranger to feeling like a “squirrel in a wheel.” The signature of a successful person is always clear, confident, without breaks. The simpler the signature, the easier it is for its “owner” to solve problems that arise. Take a look at the autographs of Einstein, Rockefeller or Ford - maybe you should borrow some elements from them?

The essence of asymmetric cryptography is the existence of a pair of objects that are mutually “paired”: one of them is used for signing, and the other is used for authenticating the signature. The advantage is that the first one used for signing must be signed and therefore should not be shared with anyone. Therefore, this first key can be so-called private, and its owner should not give it away. On the other hand, the second key needed to verify the signature can be freely shared with anyone who might want and need it.

You might be surprised, but even the pen you use to sign your name can bring you good luck! Make sure that she writes well, leaving clear lines, and does not stain the paper and hands. It is also advisable to use only your own instrument, and not borrow it from anyone else. After all, a pen has the ability to “remember” the energy of its owner. You cannot change your destiny for the better without making an effort. Start small - adjust your signature taking into account our recommendations. Perhaps she will become that tiny piece of the puzzle that you were so missing to create a bright picture of a new life.

In practice, it is common to associate it with each electronic signature. This can be done without fear that the private key can be deduced from knowledge of the public key. This dynamic biometric signature does not deal with such asymmetry and does not have two objects, one of which is private and the other is completely public. It operates only one object, which thus has the character of a secret key, and which must be carefully protected and secured at the same time: it is necessary to secure everything “intended”, and vice versa, to protect against everything “unauthorised”.

Are there rules

There are no set rules. A signature is a special individual type of manuscript that reflects the surname in conventional written characters and certifies the identity of the signer. The main and only requirement is that the signature should not change, it should be identical to the sample that appears in the passport. Therefore, you can also sign with a cross on official papers. Provided that in the passport in the required column there is exactly such a signature. It is important to remember: the simpler your signature, the easier it is to forge. The passport service, as a rule, recommends using the first letters of initials with strokes in the signature.

For example, when you go to the mall, avoid cutting your skirt in half. Some tourists sometimes dare. Emirates really doesn't want us. It is only respect for the cultural and moral values ​​of their country. Ideally, at least a skirt around your knees, something on your shoulders, although nowadays basically no one thinks you have shorts, but there is this certain sensitivity, a cultural respect for the fact that there really is a lot of citizenship here. Indians are also very conservative in this regard.

Of course, you won't be comfortable sitting in a bra and shorts with a lady next to you who just arrived from Saudi Arabia and is covered from head to toe and can't even see her skin. You feel intuitive. Other Emirates, such as Abu Dhabi, are much stricter. Here, no one will tell you, you will not get a fine, and no one will shut you down anymore, but sometimes in shopping malls, if a woman is really exposed, the security officer will warn her to get dressed and what clothes to choose next.

Happy caption for a girl

A woman's “happy signature” has its own characteristics. It must begin with the first letter of the name of its owner. Then the girl’s opinion will certainly be taken into account, and her authority - at work or at home - will increase. Otherwise, the young lady will have to be content with second roles, her ambitions will remain unfulfilled. Another important condition is that the signature must be smooth, without “jumping” letters, otherwise the girl risks living her life with her head in the clouds. Examples of the “correct” female signature are shown to us by Catherine the Second and Valentina Tereshkova - great women who have achieved incredible success, each in their own field.

It's not that it couldn't be done, but it's very impractical. It would be very difficult just to sign dynamic biometric signatures: if they exist, they should be implemented in such a way that they save dynamic signatures can be used for authentication, but also protect against its use. How can I do that?

By the way, a draft amendment to the Law on Electronic Signatures already exists to directly introduce dynamic biometric signatures into our legislation and equate them to electronic signatures. And he did require that individual samples be made publicly available and protected from misuse. But he didn't say how to do it.

How to sign a passport?

The main thing is to decide on the nature of the signature,

after all, it must correspond to your own.

As is correct, the male version contains a large number of straight lines. If you are a man, your autograph will most likely be very concise. Various curved lines, irregularities and squiggles are more common in women's designs.

Beware of short signatures, because this is a paradise for attackers! It will not be difficult for such people to fake your stroke. It is recommended that people involved in business pay attention to this point (read our interesting article about). The painting of a business person should be memorable, easily recognizable and presentable.

But you shouldn’t get carried away, otherwise your everyday “squiggle” risks being very different from the one you leave in your passport. How to come up with a signature following so many unspoken rules at once?

You can practice creating your own stroke

, improvising on your own or following the following exercises.

1. First, pay attention to your last name.

. After all, many people use it as a basis for their signature - for example, they write the first three letters, supplementing the result with some interesting details. Try several options with the first letters of the surname, and then carefully examine the result. Perhaps the result will suit you.

2. If you didn’t like what you saw, don’t be upset, but come up with an alternative! How to come up with a painting for a surname? It may be worth capitalizing your first and middle names.

You can also use a combination of your last name and capital letters in your facsimile.

first and patronymic - a considerable number of people also resort to this type. Use your imagination to the fullest and think of all possible versions of this combination.

3. An interesting way out of the situation would be to connect the beginnings and endings of letters

from the abbreviation of your initials. Thus, the letters will not be placed separately, but more densely, gradually turning into each other. This will add a little mystery to your painting; it will not be as obvious as, for example, with the first option. As if grown.

4. Nowadays, a stroke using Latin letters or a combination of them is popular

with Cyrillic. For example, the first letter (capital) is Latin, and all the rest are in the usual Cyrillic alphabet. Or vice versa.

5. Don't forget that a man's signature

should be as clear and concise as possible. And if you


- don’t forget to decorate it with some kind of pattern or curl. But this is a matter of taste - even a representative of the fair sex can have a strict autograph. While the unlaconic one can also belong to a man.

6. Take some time to come up with an ending to your “squiggle”

. It could be a wide stroke, a broken line, or some kind of special curl.

As you can see, there are quite a few options on how to come up with a beautiful signature for a passport and other documents. Remember that this is a reflection of your character on paper, which can be easily determined by an experienced graphologist.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 5 minutes


As soon as the time comes to receive the first passport, many people think about the question - what signature to put on the document? Elegant, graceful and unusual - for the female half, and prim, reserved and soft - for men.

So how do you come up with a unique, memorable signature?

For reference: What is the correct way to say “painting” or “signature”?

Many people confuse the words “signature” and “painting”, mistakenly giving them the same meaning. But it is necessary to clarify that these words are different and do not mean the same thing. A signature is that unique squiggle that every person who has a passport has. The word “painting” has a completely different meaning - it could be a painting of the newlyweds in the registry office, or a painting of the walls in a church.

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