The color of happiness and good luck: which shade is suitable for each zodiac sign

When it comes to luck, people are divided into two types. Some people believe that there is no such thing as luck, everything depends on themselves. Others, on the contrary, believe in her and try to do everything to attract her into their lives.

Some people buy various talismans in the form of pendants, rings or bracelets for good luck, while others simply follow signs that predict good luck, etc.

But if you didn’t know, you can also attract good luck with the help of color. Color also has its power. It can affect our well-being, mood and, as already mentioned, our luck.

Therefore, in this article I would like to tell you exactly about these colors, adding which, for example, to your wardrobe, you can attract good luck into your life.


Geminis are quite energetic. These people are ready to take on different projects and work on several tasks at the same time. This interest in life is quite understandable, but sometimes it leads to paradoxical results. Geminis take on several tasks, but do not complete any of them. Astrologers advise these people to use more yellow tones in their clothes. This color can reveal a person's potential.

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What color will attract wealth and luck?

Each person has their own lucky color, which can be used as a talisman. To find out it, you just need to make simple numerological calculations based on your date of birth. Based on materials from:

Thanks to numerology, you can not only find out your destiny, but also change it. This article will show you the right path to luck and wealth. Many people put financial well-being at the forefront, so for them the information presented will be extremely important. In principle, luck is important in any field, so every person needs to know how to attract it.

Numerological calculations

Each of us has our own destiny number. To calculate it, you will need to add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth. For example, you were born on November 2, 1990. 0+2+1+1+1+9+9+0=23. Now, as in any other numerological calculations, we add the numbers again: 2+3=5. 5 is the number of destiny for you. It happens that the sum results in the number 37, 38 or any other number, when adding the constituent digits the result is 10, 11 or more. Then you add the numbers again until you get a number from 1 to 9.

But that is not all. If you have at least three repeating digits in your day and month of birth, then this is a special case. For obvious reasons, only one or two can be repeated three times. If there are three ones, then your destiny number is the fourth digit of the day and month. For example: 11/15/1977 - at 11/15 there are three ones and a five, therefore, your destiny number is 5. If it is 11/10, then your destiny number is equal to the last number of the year. In the case of, for example, 11/10/1970, it again turns out to be zero. When the second time you get zero, it means you need to take the next number, that is, 7.

When there are three twos in your date of birth, then you immediately have two talisman colors that attract good luck and wealth. The first is determined by the fate number, which is calculated in the same way as in the case of three units. The second is obtained by adding two to the first.

There are cases when a person’s date has all units in the day and month. This is extremely rare. You have three lucky colors: white, blue and red. White is needed to keep you calm. Red is needed to help overcome obstacles, and blue is needed to connect with other people and stimulate brain activity.

Color according to fate number


If you get the number 1, then your color is red. You have a selfish streak and a desire to solve problems alone. You rarely ask anyone for help. The color red and its shades will help you stay in an ambitious state all the time. Red motivates you to take action and does not allow you to give up even in the most difficult situations. This is your lucky talisman. Financial victories are given to people like you only in case of maximum return.


If you get the number 2, it means that your color that attracts luck is yellow. He will fill holes in communication with people. You have problems with communication, with creating new connections. This color also has some ability to increase vitality. You will be less tired and spend more time working. You will more often be able to find something pleasant in a string of affairs and problems. You will see any problems differently, using this to your advantage. Yellow will make you look lighter and brighter. You will be able to find your love or friendship faster. Wear yellow to important meetings if possible. You don't have to wear all yellow - some small accessory will be enough.


Those with a destiny number of 3 often pay attention to small details, losing sight of the big picture. Many of you are interested in folk signs and signs of fate. Of course, this has its share of necessity, but sometimes it goes beyond all limits. You are filled with doubts about everything, so your lucky color is black. It is the color of wisdom, which awakens in people the desire to use life experiences rather than feelings. Bioenergetics experts say you should wear black as often as possible to stay focused. A black car will reduce the likelihood of accidents. Financial luck is that black will help you spend your money wisely.


If you were born under the auspices of a 4, you are likely to have trouble dealing with emotions. The color blue will help you control yourself. It’s not always possible to wear such clothes, but you can always make such a screensaver on your phone. You don't need a lot of blue to calm down in time. Just seeing it somewhere is enough. It will magically reduce the desire for impulsive actions. Blue color will allow you to waste less energy in vain, it is easier to focus on anything.


The number 5 is an indicator that you cannot sit still. You want bright emotions and rarely think about your health. Because of this, your rhythm of life may be incorrect, and you may not get enough sleep. You are constantly haunted by small problems with your well-being. That's why your lucky color is green. This color helps the body cope with problems faster. It normalizes sleep and gives an additional boost of energy. Green can ignite a spark in you, adding a dose of positivity to a string of gray days. This color will bring you good luck.


This destiny number means that the best color for you is white. It helps erase unnecessary emotions and doubts. Your life is filled with experiences and various thoughts that make you feel uneasy. You need inner freedom, but without white next to you you cannot achieve it. Try to surround yourself with white things as often as possible. This will help you focus on work, love, and finances. Luck will always be with you because you will stop thinking about what is not worth thinking about.


The number 7 is a high and spiritual destiny number. If you get a seven, then you need a timely return from the world of dreams and illusions to the real world. The intellectual activity of your brain is often reduced due to the fact that you cannot choose the path to follow. Blue color will increase intuition and help reduce decision-making time. Your determination will increase, and without compromising the final result. Many experts say that your lucky color is even a little closer to purple than blue.


The number eight is a symbol of the fact that you always think too linearly. For inspiration to help you find innovative ways to solve problems, try to use the color orange in creating your image. There should be as much of it in your life as possible. If he is not around, you can mentally imagine him. This color has a touch of red, which awakens the desire to act, so you can get everything you need. Your financial situation will improve.


The color black will bring you luck, because you are always at the intersection of two or more roads. Your worldview is often quite the opposite. This can be dangerous for business and work. This does not mean that you need to run to the store and change all your things to black, repaint your car and renovate your house. It is enough to have at least one thing black. This color will magically make you see everything as it should be, without embellishment or fear.

A lucky color doesn't have to be worn as clothing. You can use it when choosing accessories, you can buy a car of this color or paint your house or walls in this shade. You can put a screensaver on your personal computer desktop with a predominant happy color. In short, the use of lucky flowers is unlimited. You can use the color of luck as a color therapy tool

a lion

Leos are regal in nature. These people are used to proving their own superiority. They adore admirers, closely monitor their retinue, seeking only to build up their personal club of fans. Various gold shades are perfect for representatives of these zodiac signs. They will add expression and liveliness to communication. People prone to depression can also use white colors.


Your color: red

It’s not for nothing that one of the first associations that arise when hearing the word “red” is power and authority. The scarlet color brings good luck only to the strongest and most ambitious individuals who are not afraid of difficulties and do not allow themselves to give up. Aries are one of these people. In moments when you need to be energized, turn to the color red. Buy a new sweater or bag in this shade and enjoy your invincibility.


Virgos should focus on brown and green colors. These shades will give you peace of mind and help you achieve the desired level of material well-being. With the help of the green color, Virgos will be able to reveal their own talents, become smarter and more charming.

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Your color: blue

For Libras who are always doubting their actions and actions, the blue tint will help them gain determination and freedom of choice. This color of the endless sky increases your intellectual abilities and helps you establish contact with the world and yourself, of course.


Cancers are very sensitive people and quite calm. But the inner world of these people hides many mysteries. Even with loved ones, they are not always ready to share something. The color that brings luck to Cancers is silver. It gives harmony, self-confidence, clarity of mind and even calms. If we are talking about jewelry, then you should choose silver for yourself. They will serve as protection for Cancers.


Scorpios have the most powerful energy among all representatives of the zodiac signs. They are able to achieve any goal that they set for themselves. Dark red and purple tones suit Scorpios best. They have strong energy and force action. But at the same time, such a range can cause anger with irritability and negative emotions. Then you need to direct your energy towards achieving your goals.

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