Signs about peacocks and peacock feathers: why you can’t keep them at home, reviews

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Among the huge number of items that decorate the home interior, a very prominent place is occupied by the feather of a peacock - a bird rightfully considered one of the most beautiful on earth. At the same time, attitudes towards it vary greatly: some believe that peacock feathers in a house bring exclusively positive things to the inhabitants of the house, while others, on the contrary, believe that this item is a source of troubles and troubles. What causes such a striking difference of opinion regarding peacock feathers and what advice should you listen to? More on this below.

Is it possible to keep peacock feathers in the house?

Reasons for the controversy

First of all, it should be noted that significant differences in attitude towards peacock feathers are due to the traditional beliefs of one or another people. So, in the countries of Asia - the part of the world that is native to the bird in question - this feather is considered one of the best gifts for the owners of any home. In China, peacocks have been revered since time immemorial, as evidenced by numerous pieces of art, in particular those related to the practice of Feng Shui. Some members of the Chinese nobility even placed the image of a peacock on their family coats of arms in the hope of attracting wealth and good fortune to their side.

As for our country, as well as most European countries, here peacock feathers are valued to a much lesser extent. Of course, from the point of view of appearance, there is not the slightest complaint - each of them will easily decorate any interior. The concerns concern something else: it just so happens that in most European countries, peacock feathers in the house are considered a bad omen. Many do not recommend keeping them in your home, citing their ability to attract misfortunes: both minor and more serious.

What should feathers be like?

In order for a “big-eyed” feather to cause good changes in life and bestow happiness and wealth, it should be like this:

  • large sizes;
  • with a clear, bright pattern;
  • whole, pure;
  • It is desirable that its color be dominated by green or purple tones (they are responsible for finances).

Dirty, broken, frayed feathers should not be placed in the house. They will provoke many problems - from illnesses and scandals to financial losses and loss of property.

Positive interpretation options

To begin with, we should consider the interpretations provided by the traditions that honor the peacock feather. As mentioned above, most of them have their roots in Asia, where these birds are incredibly dear to everyone. Supporters of Eastern beliefs believe that a peacock feather in the house is an exceptionally good sign, guaranteeing the following benefits to its owners:

  • financial well-being;
  • good luck in all your endeavors;
  • peace of mind.

In addition, supporters of a positive interpretation of this sign believe that peacock feathers help protect the inhabitants of the house from any manifestations of dark forces, so that the latter do not fly into the home and cause a lot of trouble there. In particular, they believe that this colorful object will reliably protect against the evil eye, no matter how strong the latter turns out to be.

It is also worth adding that Feng Shui considers the peacock figurine as one of the most effective talismans. Supporters of this practice especially appreciate gilded figurines of these birds, whose tails are decorated with precious stones. Naturally, not everyone who seeks to gain wealth and peace of mind can afford such items, so many advise making them with their own hands. Special attention is also given to the fact that the often depicted peacock feather is a key element for such items as:

  • tablecloths;
  • fans;
  • vases;
  • napkins, etc.

Each of them can be designed differently, but they all have one common feature - an impressive palette of colors, characteristic of a peacock’s tail in reality.

Symbol of countries and cities

National bird of India

The blue peacock was officially elected as the national bird of India in 1963. The choice was between him and the bustard. The association of the royal bird with Indian culture has an ancient history. Birds were deified by the ancient Hindus, as evidenced by the myths that have reached us.

The peacock has been involved in the life of a Hindu since childhood - he is the hero of fairy tales and legends, songs and poems.

Birds live near cities and settlements, therefore they are in interaction and close connection with the local population.

The greatness and beauty of this feathered representative of the fauna is combined with an unpretentious disposition, which is why it is rightfully called the national bird of India.

Other countries and cities

The green peacock has been the national symbol of Myanmar since 1940. The culture of the country was greatly influenced by the royal nobility of India, so the similarity of the symbols of the states is natural.

In the ancient Egyptian Heliopsis there was a temple of the sun, so a representative of the pheasant family, as a sign of the luminary, became a symbol of this city.

The symbol of the peacock or its feather is widely represented in heraldry. In Russia this is the city of Serpukhov.

The bird also adorns the coat of arms of cities:

  • Newark-on-Trent (Britain);
  • Albach (Germany);
  • Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux (France);
  • Pego (Spain).

Negative interpretations

Now it’s time to interpret the signs about the peacock feather from the negative side. As noted earlier, almost all of them belong to the European tradition, which considers peacock feathers as a highly undesirable item for any home or apartment. Supporters of this point of view believe that it is impossible to keep peacock feathers at home, citing the following reasons:

  • In the culture of most European countries, including Russian, the peacock is considered a very selfish and arrogant bird. For this reason, it was never recommended to keep his pen in the house - in order to avoid the development of the above-mentioned spiritual qualities in the inhabitants of the home. This attitude is confirmed by the phrase “spread his tail like a peacock,” indicating a person’s boastfulness and narcissism.
  • For several centuries in a row, peacock feathers in the house have been considered as a very serious threat to maiden marriage. This belief appeared among European commoners, who believed that peacock feathers symbolize a girl’s excessive pride, which scares off potential suitors. At the same time, the nobles ignored this sign, happily placing peacock feathers on their hats and other items of their wardrobe.
  • According to acting superstitions, peacock feathers thrown onto the stage by accident or on someone’s initiative promised complete failure for the performance. There is a known case when a woman came to the famous theater holding a fan made of peacock feathers. During the performance, she was urgently asked to remove this accessory, and when she decided to give it to a theater worker, he was afraid to even pick it up.
  • Another sign based on which it is not recommended to use peacock feathers in the interior is based on the peculiarities of their appearance. The design on them is quite reminiscent of an eye, which is considered by many to be the eye of the devil himself. This sign owes its appearance not to Europeans, but to Arabs, who believe that it was the peacock who opened the gates of the Garden of Eden to the enemy of the human race. Supporters of this belief believe that it is impossible to keep the feather of the bird in question in the house in order to avoid quarrels and other everyday troubles.

Moreover, representatives of some nations believe that storing a peacock feather in the house means the possibility of disease development in the inhabitants of the home and even their death. In this case, it can be assumed that this belief is closely related to the ancient ban on the use of such items by everyone except a select few - priests and representatives of the highest nobility. Many studies confirm: for those distant times, a peacock feather symbolized a connection with deities, and therefore it is not surprising that for attempting to touch a sacred attribute many were punished, even deprived of life.

When talking about whether it is possible to keep peacock feathers at home, it is worth adding: even its most zealous opponents admit that it can have a positive impact on a person’s life. This applies to cases when a feather flew into the house, thanks to the wind, or fell on the head of its new owner in the middle of the street.

Feng Shui meaning

In Taoist Feng Shui practice, the peacock symbolizes beauty, joy, pride and immortality. Its plumage means the same thing. This bird is considered a talisman that attracts good luck in business and helps you climb higher up the career ladder.

The peacock's tail symbolizes wisdom. This is due to its unusual color - it seems that there are many eyes on it.

According to Feng Shui, peacocks are placed in different parts of the house. It depends on the desired effect:

  • the north side promotes career advancement and solving business problems;
  • a bird on the south side will attract fame, a good reputation;
  • a peacock in the southwestern part of the house will help strengthen marriage and love relationships.

It is not recommended to place the bird in the western corner. This can increase pride.

A peacock as a talisman is more effective if the figurine is gilded or porcelain with precious inlay. You can make it yourself from clay, but paint it only in bright colors.

Comment! If you choose peacock plumage to decorate your home, then use only large and bright elements. They must be clean and not shabby.

To activate the peacock as a talisman, you need to place a treat nearby - cereal, nuts or seeds

Compromise solution

So is it possible to keep peacock feathers at home? Practice shows that there is no clear answer to the question posed, since each of the two “camps” - supporters of storing these items and its opponents - has a lot of its own arguments. As for the compromise option, fortunately, it is quite possible here: anyone who is afraid of the “look of the devil’s eyes” emblazoned on their feathers can be advised to acquire an elegant peacock miniature. There are two main types of it:

  • With a folded tail shape, which above all means caution. First of all, it makes sense to give such a figurine to people whose activities involve a certain risk, for example, businessmen.
  • With a spread tail, each “eye” of which is clearly visible. Such miniatures can be recommended to anyone who wants to have a good personal life.

No less positive is the meaning of a peacock depicted in a painting or made through embroidery. It brings good luck to its owner, attracting positivity like a magnet and ensuring success in all endeavors. At the same time, you can not only buy such a thing, but also make it yourself: draw or embroider using a wide palette of bright colors needed to convey all the beauty of peacock feathers.

Peacock in a dream

A peacock appearing in a dream can symbolize hopes and fantasies or an arrogant person.

  • Feeding a bird in a dream means that an approach will be found to an unapproachable person.
  • According to the dream book, seeing a peacock spreading its tail in a dream is a sign of deception. If the tail is not loose, this means minor troubles.
  • If a peacock loses a feather in a dream, it means exposing an influential person.
  • You dream of a screaming peacock to remind you of some small but important matters.
  • A dream from Wednesday to Thursday promises a fun pastime for the rest of the week. And if you dreamed about the bird from Sunday to Monday, then renovations will soon begin in the house.

Gift for the bride

For those who think positively, this can be a great gift for the bride. To do this, place feathers in a vase or make an unusual panel. It will bring bright colors to the room, and most importantly, a charge of positive energy.

The ring cushion decorated with feathers deserves special attention. They can also be added to the bride’s bouquet and to the groom’s pocket, creating an unusual and even chic ensemble.

Home comfort

Cute sofa cushions with a peacock feather pattern will be a great addition to the interior. Bed linen and bedspreads with exotic bird feather prints look very impressive and unique. Carpets with peacock colors are suitable as an original addition to the design of a room in the appropriate style.

The main thing is that all interior items are combined with each other in color, texture and style. Although it’s always worth experimenting and finding something unique and congenial.

Elements of feathers in the decor can be present in any element. These are paintings, table lamps, all kinds of panels, textiles, curtains and much more. It is advisable to place voluminous or narrow vases with an armful of feathers in the most unexpected places. This will help avoid primitiveness in the use of royal plumage. There are a lot of options for using feathers in the interior; the main thing is not to be afraid to use your imagination.

Little feather trinkets

Those who want to get by with little can resort to using individual decorative elements. Today, bird feathers decorate a wide variety of things: paintings, sachets, boxes, vases. You can safely add brightness to your bedroom by purchasing appropriate bedding. Now everyone can feel like a queen.

We must not forget about the wide range of costume jewelry. Products for every taste and color. Many famous jewelers use feathers from this popular bird for their creations.

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