Bathroom according to Feng Shui: practical designer tips

In the teachings of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to the correct organization of space, the distribution of elemental elements and Qi energy in the home. The element of Water has traditionally been used by specialists of Eastern practice to attract material well-being.

If the financial sector attracts attention due to the need to constantly search for funds, then you should analyze the condition of the bathroom, because arranging a bathroom according to Feng Shui will help to correctly direct the corresponding energy flows, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the financial situation of home owners.

Location of the bathroom when planning

Since the element of Water is actively manifested in the bathroom, the best Feng Shui layout for the bathroom is in the north of the home. At the same time, in order for the beneficial energy of water to be distributed throughout the home and not dissipated from it, the bathroom door is not placed opposite the front door.

If it is impossible to carry out redevelopment, experts recommend correcting the undesirable location of the entrance to the bathroom using a rectangular mirror, which is placed on the bathroom door.

Do not place the bathroom in the southeastern sector of the apartment, that is, in the wealth zone, since the Qi energy in this case will leave the house with water, and along with it happiness, money and luck will decrease. An element of the Earth element, for example, a houseplant placed in the bathroom, will help soften the manifestation of this arrangement.

For this reason, the bathroom is not located in the center of the house, or near or above the bedroom.

It is necessary that the toilet be separated because the toilet should be out of sight when entering the bathroom. In the case of a combined bathroom, the situation can be corrected by decorative means: partitions, screens and curtains.

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In addition, it is advisable to locate the bathroom as far as possible from the bedroom and kitchen.

If the bathroom is located in an undesirable place, then the inclusion of the elements of the Earth will help smooth out the negative impact (as an option: tiling).

Toilet with bath in the bedroom

If the toilet and bathroom are connected to the bedroom, then note that the following types of orientation in degrees of arc are considered unfavorable:

  1. 30* to the east: the sons and daughters of the owner of the house will be prone to idleness and debauchery.
  2. 10* to the southeast: the daughters of the owner of the house will be unhappy in love; abdominal diseases are possible.
  3. 30* south: danger of accidents (for example, fire).
  4. 30* to the southwest - an extremely unfavorable location.
  5. 10* to the northwest: the sons and daughters of the owner of the house will quarrel with their parents.
  6. 10* north: harmful effects on health.
  7. 60* northwest: extremely unfavorable location.
  8. 30* to the west: danger of abdominal diseases.

© Ogudin Valentin

Bathroom color scheme

Choosing the right color will help create an atmosphere of calm, which is one of the main goals of the bathroom. Therefore, colors that evoke associations with active activity are inappropriate here.

The style in the bathroom interior is kept in cold and pastel shades: cream, white, gray, pink, peach, shades of light wood. Decorating a bathroom in white stimulates the circulation of Water energy in the best possible way. A muted shade of blue has a calming effect, and when surrounded by green, relaxation occurs more easily.

It is recommended to leave the ceiling neutral white.

The floor can be decorated with terracotta tiles, symbolizing the earth, which will absorb excess water energy.

Walls decorated in bright colors quickly become boring. Elements of decoration and furniture in dark and catchy colors are appropriate only in small quantities. It is better to place them in the lower part of the room, and decorate the top in light colors.

Decorative inserts, borders or painting can add a bright accent. The dosed presence of scarlet in these elements will help retain energy.

Feng Shui color and texture of walls and ceilings

You should not paint the walls in bright colors, as they quickly tire you and take away your strength. In addition, the use of saturated colors contradicts the direct purpose of the bathroom, namely, rest and relaxation in the evening, vigor and energy in the morning. It is best to use bright colors when decorating accents and details (for example, handles, shelves, soap dishes, towels, etc.). Pay special attention to the decoration of the bathroom. According to Feng Shui, you should definitely decorate your bathroom with beautiful borders and decorative inserts on the tiles. Such bright details attract Qi energy, enliven the room and give the bathroom interior a certain stylistic direction.

The ceiling should have a traditional look, remain smooth and white. It is believed that a multi-level ceiling interferes with the circulation of Qi energy. It is strictly forbidden to install mirrors on the ceiling. They reflect energy flows directly related to space and interrupt them. But on the outside of the door a large mirror would be quite appropriate. On the contrary, it will attract favorable energy flows.

It must be remembered that bathroom doors and windows should always be tightly closed. This rule will help prevent negative energy and foreign odors from entering the house.

Mirror according to Feng Shui rules

The rules for the design and placement of mirrors in the bathroom are aimed at increasing and directing in the best possible way the flow of Qi energy throughout the home. It is advisable to choose a mirror that is solid and as large as possible. Mirror tiles or various types of glossy elements are not recommended for bathroom design, since the image falling on them is broken, destroying the harmony of the energy content of the room. You should also not use magnifying mirrors or place them opposite each other.

A mirror must be hung opposite the door, but not placed on the ceiling, since the mirror symbolizes water, and in this position it symbolically floods those in the room.

Where to place

The location of the bathroom for an apartment building is predetermined, but residents of private houses can choose the most suitable location for the hygiene room.

What not to do! Place the toilet in the center of the house/apartment. The rooms surrounding it, instead of Qi, will receive the influence of the “spiritual center”.

When you superimpose the Lo Shu square, you can get a rather interesting picture - the “center of glory” will be located in the center of the apartment. Now think for a moment what will happen to luck, fame and family unity if you design a bathroom in the center!

The bathroom should not be adjacent to an external wall, as it will violate the feng shui of the sectors of influence. Whenever possible, the Chinese place the bathroom away from the home or in a small annex located in an unfavorable location in the house.

Feng Shui of the bathroom and toilet begins with the right place: the bathroom should not border on external walls and be located in the center

What should those who have “built a nest” in a multi-storey building in the heart of a large metropolis do? Be sure to close the toilet lid and the bathroom door .

To prevent Sha from spreading throughout the apartment, hang Ba Gua on the inside of the door.

Mirrors should be as large as possible, preferably human height. They should reflect almost the entire room and definitely the toilet.

If you have a combined bathroom, separate the toilet from the washbasin and bathtub with a low partition, curtain or screen.

The bathroom is not so harmful, but in Feng Shui it is associated with leaking money.

To eliminate the impact, the techniques described for the toilet are suitable. In addition, do not forget to thoroughly ventilate the room after each use. It’s great if there is a window in the bathroom; in an apartment building you will have to limit yourself to an exhaust air duct.

If the bathroom is decorated in a marine style, choose wind chimes made from shells (price - from 600 rubles)

In private homes, bathrooms are often located above the kitchen, living room, hallway and bedroom. In this situation, you can close the Sha move using “wind music” or crystals hung on the ceiling of the room immediately under the toilet.

Another common problem is combining the bathroom with the bedroom. Yes, it is convenient and functional, but it is energetically unsafe. If you cannot sacrifice comfort, design the project so that the bathroom does not open into the room at an angle, or complement the premises to the correct rectangle. Screens, partitions or a large closet will help you with this.

If the bathroom interior is supposed to have a glass door, let it be frosted glass with a pattern

The door to the bathroom should be opaque and always closed. I recommend hanging a crystal above the opening; it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​using “wind chimes” and bells, due to the fact that they will attract attention to the room.


According to Feng Shui, a bathtub, like all other plumbing fixtures, must be kept in good condition. Leaking taps and pipes deplete the energy of this room, which negatively affects the financial condition of the people living in such housing. It is desirable that the plumbing be made in the same style.

It is good to place accessories made of natural wood coated with clear varnish in the bathroom: a tub or a bench. They will have an overall positive impact on the energy picture of the room. It will also be improved by surfaces rubbed to a shine.

Soft rugs slow down the movement of Qi energy a little, but make the room more comfortable, but in small rooms they should be abandoned.

Contrary to the common practice of placing a basket for dirty laundry in the bathroom, Feng Shui experts do not recommend accumulating things intended for washing here, as this leads to disruption of the circulation of favorable energy. To store such things, use another space.

Arrangement rules

When opening the door, you should not immediately bump into furniture and interior items. Even in a small room, try to get rid of unnecessary things, freeing up the passage and eliminating the feeling of cramping.

Furniture should be positioned so that you can always see the door. Whether you're taking a shower, washing your hands, or doing your makeup in the mirror, you'll feel protected if the door is in your line of sight.

If possible, install a bathtub without sharp corners - round or oval, the same rule applies to the washbasin

The largest and most important elements are the shower cabin and bathtub. If the space of the room allows you, instead of a rectangular angular design, choose an oval, round or semicircular one.

Why? These shapes are associated with the coin, and water with the flow of money, so together they can bring prosperity and wealth into the home. The same rule applies to choosing a sink.

This is what the interior of an oriental-style bathroom with a round bathtub and the same washbasins might look like

Arrangement of a bathroom at the renovation stage

Since housing is an integral system, the design of all rooms must resonate with the general direction of the design, so that the energies circulating in the apartment or house unite and interact harmoniously.

When decorating a room, preference should be given to tiles, marble, glass, and chrome-plated plumbing fixtures.

Functional furniture and accessories will help you use space rationally.

To properly organize Feng Shui in a bathroom, the use of natural materials in decoration is encouraged: metal, stone, wood.

Plumbing location

No less attention should be paid to the correct arrangement of furniture. It is advisable to place the bath in the southwest of the room. If such a technical possibility is not available, then decorative elements symbolizing water are introduced into this sector: fountains or an image of the sea, a waterfall.

When opening the bathroom door, the toilet should not be visible. Otherwise, it is recommended to rehang the door. It is advisable to place the toilet away from the entrance and closer to the sewer so that contaminated water leaves the room faster. The toilet lid must be kept closed, which can stop the flow of material well-being that flows away with each flush.


A prerequisite for creating harmony in a room is good ventilation. Dampness and mold appearing or condensation formed in the bathroom lead to stagnation of negative energy and interfere with the normal flow of Qi. Heating elements that dry out the air are not enough. Only the intake of fresh air can set Qi in motion. Therefore, the bathroom needs frequent ventilation.

Sufficient lighting

The best lighting option is natural. When using artificial lighting, lamps with bright but soft light are best suited for decorating a bathroom. Preference should be given to several simple lamps that do not fall below the ceiling level, evenly distributed throughout the room.

Massive lamps, even in fairly spacious rooms, are undesirable, since, according to the general rule of Feng Shui, you should not allow them to directly or directly hang over you.

What to put on the floor

Materials with a smooth surface are suitable as flooring: marble, tiles and porcelain stoneware. The only requirement for the material is the ability to quickly adapt to the temperature in the room. Installing heated floors solves this problem.

Design subtleties of space design

The bathroom is the place where the Pisces aura reigns supreme. Therefore, when designing this room, the harmony of elements is very important. In addition, the chosen design should act as a continuation of the interior of the remaining rooms in the house.

This is the only way to achieve the energy of a pacifying sign.

When arranging a bathroom, you should be guided by the rule that no matter where you are in the room, you should be able to see the person entering the room

Plumbing equipment and pieces of furniture should be arranged in such a way that the entrance door to the room is within visible sight.

Shelves filled with all sorts of tubes and bottles of body care cosmetics also contribute to the stagnation of Qi energy.

To restore normal flow circulation, carry out an “audit” on the shelves, leaving only those products that you often use. Put the rest of the bottles away, hiding them in a closet or cabinet under the sink.

Winning color solutions

The bathroom is the room in which it is pleasant to relax after a hard day of work, enjoying water treatments. Many people have probably noticed that after taking a bath they feel relaxed and energized.

This is due to the fact that the water energy field, acting in resonance, corrects our aura, making it softer and more sensitive.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, light and calm colors contribute to the creation of a relaxing and tranquil environment in the bathroom.

Most favorable colors:

  • White is a synthesis of all colors. It is the color of purification, which contains the energy and power of transformation. But an absolutely white room will lack comfort and attractiveness. Colored furnishings in blue, gold and apricot shades will help dilute the white tones.
  • Green is the color of nature. It calms the nervous system and promotes inner harmony. The color used to decorate the room should be bright green, like spring foliage, calm emerald, like the dense crown of trees, but in no case dirty green or khaki.
  • Blue is the color of the sky. It erases aggressive thoughts, relieves tension and harmonizes energy flows. According to Feng Shui philosophy, the color blue, which belongs to the element of Water and symbolizes heavenly blessings, is ideal for wall decoration.
  • Light brown – light wood tone. Acting as an element of the Earth, the light brown shade helps to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles present in each of us. It gives a feeling of security and inner peace. But only light shades of brown are endowed with these properties.

It is absolutely worth excluding black and dark brown colors, as they attract negative energy. When decorating a room, you should also avoid bright colors.

It is better to create colorful accents to stimulate energy flows in individual areas by complementing the interior with small bright accessories

In a combined bathroom, to harmonize the space, the plumbing fixtures should have the same color and design. It is preferable to choose white earthenware.

Mirror surfaces

What is a bathroom without a mirror? It acts as a connecting element that connects our physical body with the subtle “I”, restoring harmony between them.

When choosing the shape of a bathroom mirror according to Feng Shui, be guided by your zodiac sign and the element that protects you:

  • Round - symbolizes Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), but takes on the energy of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Earth.
  • Oval – compatible with the power of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Fire.
  • Square – combined with the biofield of Air and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
  • Rectangular – complements the energies of Water and Fire.

If difficulties arise with choosing favorable elemental energies, give preference to the stronger one. In descending order they will be arranged as follows: Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

If there are representatives of several signs among the household members, choose the form that will be most favorable for everyone

The properties of mirrors to visually expand space from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui should not be actively used. For the same reason, it is not advisable to install magnifying mirrors.

It is also not recommended to hang mirrors one opposite the other. This is explained by the fact that between the two reflective surfaces the emerging images will rush around, creating a useless movement in a vicious circle.

According to Chinese beliefs, it is not advisable to look at small mirrors installed nearby at the same time: when the reflection is fragmented, the personal energy Qi is also fragmented

For this reason, you should not decorate the walls of the room with mirror tiles or install cabinets whose doors are decorated with an ornament of individual mirror elements.

Use of live plants

The bathroom is one of the most ascetic rooms where most of us like to be alone with ourselves. But snow-white plumbing fixtures, the shine of metal taps and the shimmering surface of tiles are not able to bring a “living” note to the interior. Only fresh flowers in beautiful ceramic pots will prevent energy from stagnating in the corners.

Some people think that the bathroom is not the best option for green “pets”. But the humid environment that prevails indoors is ideal for growing decorative foliage plants.

The stumbling block in the issue of landscaping is the lighting that flowers need.

In rooms where there are window openings through which the sun's rays penetrate, in combination with high humidity in the room, ideal conditions are created for a “Garden of Eden”

In “dead” baths, you have to think about the presence of lighting fixtures, guided by the rule that there is never too much light. To ensure that the plants receive a sufficient amount of light, install fluorescent lamps around the perimeter of the room, placing them at a distance of 30-45 cm from the flowers.

Considering the high humidity in the room, it is better to equip the devices with cartridges equipped with sealed tips. You can buy them in stores specializing in aquarium equipment.

Many exotic shade-loving plants that prefer a humid climate can be used as green “decorations”: dieffenbachia, calathea, ferns, cyperus

They can be placed in floor pots or hanging planters using vertical gardening techniques. Against the backdrop of sparkling snow-white plumbing fixtures, the decorative miniature palm tree, cordeliana and the exotic beauty allocasia will look impressive.

Green-leaved dracaenas can be a worthy interior decoration, taking their place in the corner of the bathroom or near the shower stall. They are easy to care for and do not require frequent watering, which is especially appreciated by owners who forget to water their flowers.

For more spacious rooms, you can safely choose larger green “pets”: evergreen heptapleurum, framed with leathery leaves of ficus, liana-like monstera

These plants should be watered sparingly to avoid stagnation of water. Fertilize and replant in the same way as when caring for other indoor plants.

Among the beautifully flowering indoor plants, it is worth highlighting orchids.

Phalaenopsis feel comfortable under artificial lighting and high humidity, because in natural conditions they grow in coastal stones near water bodies

Exuding a light, subtle aroma, they will set you in a positive mood. Aromatic oils will also help create an environment conducive to relaxation. Lavender, geranium and bergamot will help relieve nervous tension, and a few drops of lemon or chamomile will lift your spirits and tone the body.

Surround yourself with useful and beautiful objects - and you will create a beneficial flow of Qi energy around you, which will help you find harmony with the world around you and yourself.

Bathroom geometry according to Feng Shui in the house

The shape of objects located in the house and in a separate room directly affects the movement of Qi energy in the space of the apartment. Feng Shui in the bathroom determines the need to avoid sharp corners, so it is better to choose round or oval bathtubs and sinks, since this shape represents a coin, and this symbol, coupled with the element of water present in the room, will have a beneficial effect on the level of prosperity in the room. family.

It is important to keep the bathroom clean. But don't put too much detergent here. Only frequently used household chemicals should be kept here, which it is advisable to either place on shelves or store in special boxes.

The teachings of Feng Shui do not impose any restrictions on the choice of how to decorate a bathroom. Therefore, with any stylistic direction, you can follow the simple recommendations described and improve the energy field of the room, and with it an important sector of your life.

How the bathroom affects our health

The bathroom is a special place where a person cleans himself. Water washes away more than just physical pollution. It washes away the negative energy accumulated during the day from a person. It is not for nothing that in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the place where a person washes himself is given great importance.

In China, they believe that this room is the energy center of the entire house. The element of Water prevails there. And the energy of Water can regulate all other energies.

If it is positioned incorrectly, then this energy will conflict with other elements. Then the owners of the house may face financial losses, deteriorating health, conflicts in the family and other troubles.

A properly placed bathroom in the house can bring health and well-being, material wealth and harmony to the owners. Where to place it and how to arrange it so that it additionally brings positive energy into the house?

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