What figurines should be at home for happiness: 5 options

From this article you will learn:

  • What is Feng Shui
  • In which areas should feng shui figurines be placed?
  • What is the meaning of the most popular feng shui figurines

Do you want to change your life for the better? Then free up the space around you from unnecessary things so that the flow of vital energy can circulate freely throughout your home. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, problem areas can be activated using various symbols and talismans. In this article we will talk about what Feng Shui figurines are and how to properly place them in your home.


The Egyptians revered cats and buried them according to human traditions. In their understanding, this sacred animal was a symbol of love, fertility, home and motherhood.

Religious admiration for cats has faded into oblivion, but admiration for these noble and graceful animals is still alive. Residents of Japan and China decorate their homes with the Maneki-neko (cat with a raised paw) talisman, symbolizing success and financial prosperity. An animal with a raised tail brings optimism and good mood, and a cat with a kitten brings happy motherhood.

What is Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui dates back to ancient times. This ideology originated in Ancient China about three thousand years ago, but to this day it continues to develop and improve.

The teaching of Feng Shui is based on the harmonious interaction of people, objects and nature, which is achieved through the management of vital energy.

Qi is a key concept in Feng Shui ideology, denoting the vital force inherent in people, nature, phenomena, etc.

There are several main types of Qi:

  1. Human is the internal energy of people.
  2. Natural – the power of nature, animal and plant life.
  3. Celestial – the energy of the sky, stars and space.
  4. Social is energy characteristic of each individual nation.
  5. Home is a force that circulates within a certain room.

Every day, each of the listed Qi influences our lives. And if heavenly, social and natural energy does not depend on us in any way, then human and domestic energy can be developed and improved. Feng Shui teaches you how to arrange your home in such a way as to activate certain types of Qi and improve your life. According to this teaching, symbols, talismans and figurines should be placed in special areas.


Elephant figurines are no less popular. In the 50s of the last century, compositions consisting of seven stately and majestic animals moving one after another were popular. It was believed that elephants bring happiness to the house.

There is no need to buy such a caravan. It is enough to take one elephant and place it in a visible place. Feng Shui experts recommend choosing animals with a raised trunk and placing them on the windowsill, facing the window. It is believed that elephants draw positive energy from space and attract them to the home, making its inhabitants successful and happy.

Feng Shui figurines and areas for their placement

Even if a person knows the basic teachings of Feng Shui, he may have questions about the correct placement of talismans. And this is true, because you should clearly know, for example, where to place Feng Shui figurines of angels so that they work correctly. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Any room is divided into several sectors, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​our life. By studying the drawing and comparing the plan of your apartment with it, you can easily determine the placement of Feng Shui figurines. Please note that each sector has its own purpose. You can correctly determine the cardinal directions using a compass.

  • Sector of wisdom and knowledge.

This zone is located in the northeast and is responsible for intellectual development. The sector of wisdom and knowledge is intended for study, studying various literature for the purpose of mental development, as well as finding answers to emerging questions. The territory is considered a favorable place for making important decisions or placing a workplace with a computer for study. The knowledge zone is an ideal option for a library, because the book is the key subject here.

In addition, according to Feng Shui traditions, it is customary to place crystals in the wisdom sector. It can be crystal or its glass imitation. Ideally, the crystal should be illuminated so that the play of reflections is visible.

  • Career sector.

The career zone according to the teachings of Feng Shui is located in the north. For proper activation of Qi, there must be a workplace in this sector. This could be a study or just a desk. Please note that it is in this area that it is best to place telephones (both landline phones and stands for mobile phones).

You can complement your career sector with a Feng Shui figurine in the form of a turtle (photo above). It is a symbol of material wealth, a successful career and provides support for important people. It is better if the Feng Shui figurine on the desktop is metal, since other materials in this area will weaken the power of the element of Water.

  • Sector of helpers and travelers.

This zone is located in the northwest. With the help of arranging the sector, you can improve relationships with friends, strengthen useful connections, and make travel and trips more successful. If you don’t have good friends or patrons, this zone will help you find what you need. In the north-west, a figurine of Ganesha is usually placed, who is considered the patron of business and busy people and a protector from all adversities.

You can strengthen business ties according to the teachings of Feng Shui with the help of a dragon-turtle figurine. A metal box with business cards of business partners will make business contacts more successful. Have you been dreaming of going on a trip for a long time? Place an image of your favorite country or city in the area in question - this will help you speed up your departure.

Photographing the aura and energy centers (chakras)

Analysis of the aura glow will help you understand the causes of many problems related to health, emotional state, communication with other people, understanding yourself and your inner world
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You will receive a detailed explanation regarding the individual characteristics of your aura. Our master will determine the level of energy in each chakra and in the entire energy system as a whole. According to the data determined by the auro-sensor, you will learn about how the energies of Mind, Body and Spirit are distributed in your life and much more.

Find out more

  • Children's sector.

The zone for children and creativity is located in the west. This is an ideal place for a children's room or creative activities. According to Feng Shui, an elephant figurine is considered a talisman for creative people. If you place it in the western part of the room, the muse will not keep you waiting long. Plus, Feng Shui figurines in the form of elephants and rabbits will help you conceive a long-awaited baby if you place them in the right sector.

Articles recommended for reading:

  • How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign
  • Strong amulets for the home and their meaning
  • Places of power in Russia

If you love plants, place a decorative pomegranate in this sector. It will help attract inspiration. You can also place children's crafts in the western zone - this will contribute to the development of your children.

  • Love sector.

The positive energy of marriage, love and family ties, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, circulates in the southwest. It is recommended to place your marriage bed or your bed in this sector (if you have not yet met your “soul mate”). To attract love, you should light two red candles in a paired candlestick at night. The main element of the sector is Earth, which closely interacts with Fire. Feng Shui figurines made of ceramics, porcelain and stone are suitable for arranging this area.

  • Glory sector.

According to Feng Shui, the energy of fame and success is concentrated in the south of the room. If you lack the recognition of others, you need to purchase special talismans and place them in this sector. The element of the zone is Fire. A Feng Shui figurine in the form of a phoenix or a painting with its image will help you achieve success and veneration. The phoenix is ​​considered a symbol of glory, success and prosperity.

In addition to the phoenix, suitable figurines are considered to be a rooster, peacock, eagle and horse. Please note that the horse's figure should be moving upward. What does a horse figurine mean in Feng Shui? The horse and other listed animals activate the energy of success and help you gain recognition and a positive attitude. Twisted shells are also popular feng shui talismans that symbolize recognition and glory.

  • Wealth sector.

The southeastern zone of the room is responsible for material well-being. The best option for this sector is the kitchen, dining room, living room (or any other room where the whole family often gathers). The element of the wealth zone is Wood, so relevant items for it are: money trees, mirrors, Feng Shui figurines for money made of wood and glass, TV, computer and other equipment intended for entertainment.

According to Feng Shui, beautiful green plants help increase family income. If the leaves have wilted, the plant must be replaced with a new one. The favorable number for the wealth sector is 4.

  • Family sector.

This is the eastern zone, which is responsible not only for an individual family, but also for the well-being of the entire clan. The favorable number is 3, so Feng Shui figurines need to be chosen accordingly. An excellent option is a Feng Shui figurine of three turtles that stand on top of each other. This talisman is a symbol of unity.

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Red Jasper Frog Talisman of Health and Wealth

690 ₽

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The zone responsible for well-being is dominated by two elements - Wood and Water. All kinds of plants, wooden and glass figurines, mirrors, aquariums, table fountains will help create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony in your family. If you want to place paintings in the family sector, it is better to choose images of nature.

A Feng Shui cat figurine will help protect all areas and your home from misfortunes. The fact is that according to Feng Shui, a cat figurine has a special meaning. Such a talisman promotes harmony.

Typically, a Feng Shui figurine of a cat is depicted with its paw raised up; a Feng Shui figurine in the form of a black cat is also often used.


A frog figurine attracts love, happiness, and financial well-being. Toads with protruding tongues are especially popular. If you put a small coin on it, there will be no shortage of money.

The most effective symbol in Feng Shui is the three-legged toad. It is recommended to place it in the southeast (wealth zone) or next to the front door. It is believed that the toad is afraid of heights, so high shelves and cabinets are not suitable for it.


There are a great many interior figurines. They can be classified according to several criteria.


This type of decor can be made from:

  • Made of wood . The material, which is malleable in processing, allows you to cut out shapes of varying complexity from it. Figurines made from valuable tree species can serve as an excellent status gift.
  • From stone . They themselves have considerable weight, can be made from marble or non-trivial rocks, and also, for example, match the color and composition of the material to the signs of the zodiac.
  • Made of plastic. A modern material that can take on a variety of forms. Lightweight, inexpensive, the embodiment of conciseness and versatility.
  • Made from porcelain , clay or plaster. The classic embodiment of figurines in the form of human figures, with the ability to work out the smallest details in the appearance.
  • From glass . The grace of such figures is mesmerizing. They can be transparent, painted in various colors, have intricate cuts, or inlaid with rhinestones.
  • Made of metal . Their appearance can be either the usual personification of animal forms or take on the most bizarre forged forms.

Advice! You shouldn’t put figurines made of different materials on the same shelf or even in the same room. The simplicity of the lines of plastic products will lose its elegance next to solid metal or stone.


Whatever material the figurines are made of, they are divided into:

  • all kinds of embodiments of animal species;
  • sculptural details and fragments of the human face and body;
  • images of gods and mythical creatures;
  • inanimate objects (clocks, houses, airplanes, cars);
  • abstract;
  • figurines in constant motion (pendulums, nodding animals, dancing human figures).

Important! Unlike an inappropriate combination of materials, harmoniously selecting figurines of different genres is quite a feasible task. The key role here will be played rather by the style of symbolism.


The external design of the figurines may differ in style:

  • Classic images are represented by various porcelain figurines and metal products. At the same time, the image is conveyed very accurately, without any distortion, symbolism or abstractionism.
  • Ethnic style includes elegant figurines of cats, Egyptian pyramids or pharaohs, masks and images of leaders and shamans.
  • The Baroque style can be supported by figurines of people or scenes from life in porcelain and metal. It is characterized by lush decoration with details and gilding.
  • Provence is revealed in images of animals and plants. Delicate halftones of the products, a romantic orientation and grace are the characteristic features of the figurines of this direction.

Figurines in the style of minimalism are simplicity of shapes and colors. There can be no diversity or abundance of details in such products.

High-tech is a complete lack of decoration of the space, and therefore, if you decide to add additional decor to such a room, then the figurine should be its only accent. The appearance of such a product is as laconic as possible.

The loft is represented by figurines made of massive metal with an industrial feel. These are various details of mechanisms with emphasized roughness in design.

  • Art Nouveau is seen in figures made of colored glass; it is distinguished by its variegation of color and elegance of lines.
  • All kinds of busts of military leaders made of plaster and alabaster are the personification of the Empire style .
  • This unusual figurine made of bright plastic will appeal to fans of avant-garde or pop art .

pop art figurine is always bright and fun

The Dragon

The dragon symbolizes life, success, wisdom, prosperity, development. It improves the atmosphere in the home, brings wealth and good luck in work. In order for the dragon to work for the benefit of the owner, it must be placed in the eastern part of the house.

Believing in the power of figurines or not is a personal matter for everyone. Most people notice that talismans help them be happy and enjoy life.

  • Author: lisavdushe
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Form, content and secret desires

“A strange title for an article about home decoration,” you might think, and in vain. Porcelain dogs, birds, wooden frogs and plaster gods hide centuries-old ideas of humanity. Sculptures of animals and semi-humans in many religions of the world are endowed with magical powers, and although the era of totemism is a thing of the ancient past, the modern city dweller still experiences the influence of this cultural “rudiment”. Which of them should be at home, how to fit them organically into the interior is a topic familiar to every lover of comfort. It is impossible to cover all the options in one small review, so I will focus only on the most popular ones.

What exactly will bring good luck?

  • figurines with the meaning of movement: flow, takeoff, eroticism;
  • figurines with mascot plants: clover, fern, lily of the valley;
  • unicorns and white horses;
  • colored fish and hedgehogs.

It’s great to place a shape depicting a sailboat or ship in the hallway; it will attract joyful events and good guests to your apartment!

Talismans to attract love

Mandarin ducks

By placing these figurines in the bedroom, experts assure that people will have a lot of love and happiness in their family life. Attracts loyalty and devotion.

Pair of pigeons

A symbol of love and fidelity, they should definitely be placed in the bedroom. Positively influence well-being and luck. Positively influence love and harmony in relationships.

Negative symbolism

Are there figurines with a negative charge? You should be very careful when handling religious objects. Especially if they are associated with beliefs that are alien to us. We are talking, for example, about African masks, outlandish gods and other seemingly harmless trinkets. We do not know for what purposes these images are intended, in what rituals they are used. In any case, many terrible thrillers have been written and filmed about the destructive power of such paraphernalia... Psychologists warn that the source of problems can be figurines of predatory animals with gaping mouths, monsters, chimeras, sculptural images of cutting and piercing weapons. Such things awaken aggression and can provoke depression, anxiety, and outbursts of anger.

The question remains open about objects with a rich but unknown history. Yes, old, antique things are prestigious, but not always safe. No one knows in what hands they were, whose “currents” and thoughts they absorbed.

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