What should be the entrance to the house according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions?

The entrance to a home, the doors, are the first thing that catches your eye when you see a house or apartment. With the help of doors, hospitable owners invite you into the house. Their condition will tell about the character of the residents and the attitude of the owners to cleanliness and order. Through them we leave our home either upset or in good spirits. It is through the doors that visitors bring into the house or carry away positive energy with them. Therefore, the door is the basis of the feng shui of a person’s abode.

According to Feng Shui, the entrance to a home is one of the main channels through which the energy of both positive Qi and negative Sha moves. You should strive to arrange your home and position the front door during planning in such a way that it contributes to well-being and prosperity, and everything negative passes by your home.

According to Feng Shui, the area in front of the house, the path leading to the house and the entrance doors should be attractive and in harmony with the outside world.

Which direction should the front door face?

The entrance to the house must be carefully planned, and the layout itself must necessarily take into account both the orientation of the windows and the correct location of the entrance doors. To do this, you need to use the Bagua grid and include in the project or house plan the optimal location of doors, according to Feng Shui. Much will depend on which part of the world the front door is directed towards.

Thus, a door located in the northern part of the house will symbolize the element of water. Therefore, it is recommended to use doors that have wavy elements in the foreground. As for color, it is advisable to paint the door in this part of the house black or dark blue.

The door that faces south symbolizes the element of fire. According to Feng Shui, such a door should be decorated in red tones, and triangle-shaped elements should come to the fore in the design.

The door should be metal if the entrance to the house is in the west or northwest. Such a door must be painted black, white or gray.

The entrance in the east and southeast is closely associated with the element of wood. Therefore, wood (the project must take this into account) should be the main material in their manufacture. The door must have a rectangle in one of three colors - pink, green, blue.

According to Feng Shui, if a door faces northwest and southeast, it is the element of soil. The door should be painted yellow, brown, orange. The decor requires square and rectangular components.

If the layout of the entrance was initially unsuccessful in accordance with Feng Shui and it is impossible to change the location (the project excludes this), then the way out of the situation would be to decorate such a door with elements characteristic of the desired element. Consequently, the door design comes to the fore.

Consideration of environmental conditions

The placement of a building relative to the cardinal directions has a direct impact on the interior microclimate and the well-being of residents. Lack and excess of sunlight can be depressing and irritating. An unfavorable location of windows leads to cooling and overheating of the room. An improperly installed house will be exposed to hypothermia by frequent winds, and its walls may be constantly damp from rain blown away by strong winds. These consequences must be taken into account when choosing a land plot or project.

Thanks to technological progress, the influence of the location of the house on the interior is much less than it was in the past. Today, houses are quite airtight, insulated, and it is easier to neutralize the influence of the sun and wind. Modern architecture allows for various bold and interesting solutions that compensate for the consequences of an unfortunate location of the house. To minimize or increase the amount of incoming sunlight, you can find:

  • various types of lighting,
  • sun curtain rods,
  • other simple devices.

Although modern building materials allow greater freedom in planning, it is advisable to put extra effort into choosing the right site. The “right” choice should take into account the location relative to the cardinal directions and the size of the plot, then planning the location of the building is not difficult.

Size, orientation, shape of the site, where to make the entrance?

The larger the plot, the more opportunities there are for implementing various ideas, the more space for maneuver, and the easier it is to position the house correctly. Especially if it is built on the basis of a finished project. On a spacious plot, if necessary, you can easily move the building deeper, or install it at an angle to the street so that the interior “follows” the sun.

If the house takes up 1/4 of the total area of ​​the estate, we have a great chance of ensuring its correct orientation in relation to the cardinal directions, regardless of the configuration.

The smaller the land plot (for example, less than 700-800 m²), the fewer opportunities, the more difficult it is to maneuver the house and premises. The installation of the building comes down to the implementation of the scheme “garage and entrance from the street, premises, residential buildings from the garden.” At the same time, the location of the site becomes especially important, so the demand for sites with entrance and entry from the north or northeast is always high.

It is also important to take into account the shape of the plot; the more it approaches a square, the better. On a square plan it is much easier to correctly position buildings, as opposed to a long and narrow one.


Particular attention should be paid to large trees, young plantings of vigorous species that will become large in the future. For example, a mighty oak on the south side will absorb almost all the sun's rays in the summer, it will help fight the heat and create a picturesque view from the windows. In winter, when the leaves have fallen, it will allow the sun to warm the rooms, and also provide access to natural light, which is in short supply at this time.

A neighbor's trees on the other side of the road can also have a significant impact. Especially those that grow in the west or south, as they provide long shadows. Trees growing along the northern border of the site will provide strong shading, so it is worth planting low-growing species there that decorate the area but do not shade the building.

Buildings on neighboring territory

When choosing a site for a future home, you should also take into account the neighboring buildings, as they can shade the area even more than a tree. It is important to take into account both existing development and potential development that may appear in the neighborhood. When predicting the development of empty neighboring estates, it is worth taking into account the least profitable option, which will allow you to avoid problems in advance.

For example, even if there is nothing to indicate this, it is better to assume that sometime from the south, at a distance of about 4 m, a dark wall of a neighboring house will appear, which will cast a shadow on the most attractive part of our garden.

The future neighbor will probably try, if possible, to bring his house closer to our border by building up the least attractive northern part.

Thus, when planning your dream home, it is worth considering not only its appearance and interior functionality, but also factors that affect its energy efficiency and comfort. One of them is the correct location of the building. By following a few rules, we can enjoy comfortable housing and lower energy bills.

Favorable entrance location

The location of the entrance is considered favorable when positive energy accumulates unhindered in front of the entrance. As it accumulates, it penetrates the house thanks to people. Therefore, the task of creating favorable conditions for its movement comes to the fore.

According to Feng Shui, the ideal location of the front door is if there is enough free space in front of the door, and there is a hill at some distance from the door. If it is impossible to arrange the garden area in this way, bushes or a fence will help. A fountain placed in front of the house also has a positive effect.

In any case, if it is impossible to create the necessary conditions before entering the home, then decorating the front door in accordance with the Bagua grid will help.

House orientation according to Vastu

When designing a home, Vastu principles take into account the impact on human consciousness and physiology of such factors as the influence of the sun, the magnetic field of the Earth and planets. Therefore, much attention is paid to the orientation of the house to the cardinal points.

Scientific research has shown that the functioning of our brain neurons changes depending on the direction in which we look. The brain has “orientation” neurons that send signals about the location of the body in a room and space. Therefore, the direction in which we look has a direct impact on the functioning of our brain and the body as a whole. When we live and work in buildings with incorrect orientation or distorted proportions, the functioning of brain neurons becomes abnormal, and this can cause anxiety, illness, lack of energy, troubles in family and professional life, antisocial behavior and even criminal tendencies. When a home is built in strict accordance with the principles of Vastu, a person becomes healthier, more harmonious, stronger, and copes with life’s problems more easily.

So, according to Vastu, out of eight directions, only two are considered favorable - North and East . The principle of orienting buildings to the east reflects the natural tendency of our nervous system to tune in to the Cosmos. East is the place where the sun rises. The sun is the source of life on Earth; it has a beneficial effect on all aspects of life, giving vitality and energy. The north is the “roof of the world” and the magnetic pole. When a person sleeps, eats, cooks or meditates, his face should face east.

A person's physical and emotional health are strongly related to the state of the eastern and northeastern sectors in the home. With good Vastu in the eastern sector, health is normalized, and an influx of strength and energy is felt. Good Vastu in the north and northeast helps to increase intelligence and harmonize a person’s spiritual state.

The walls of the building must be parallel to the east, north, west and south directions. The entrance to the building should be from a favorable side - from the east or north. The interior space of the building must allow the unhindered penetration of light from the first rays of the sun from east to west and from north to south.

Buildings facing in any direction other than strictly eastern or northern are not favorable for life and do not protect their owners and occupants from negative external influences.

Analyzing your home Take a compass and orient your apartment or house to the cardinal points. Then print the plan on a landscape sheet and mark all the directions and the center there.

If your room is missing a corner or has an irregular shape, build it to a square or rectangle.

Print out a Vastu Purusha picture of approximately the same size (find it on the Internet).

Place the pictures on top of each other, aligning their centers and placing the Vastu Purusha strictly in the NE-SW . If you have a house, then Vastu Purusha is applied to each floor.

Vedic architecture says that the most important direction in the house is the NE-SW . It is at the very NE point of the room that the head of Vastu Purusha is located, and in the SW - his legs.

Now you can see how Vastu Purusha fits into your apartment and whether he is “comfortable” there:

  • Are all the body parts of Vastu Purusha in place?
  • What is he missing?
  • Is he comfortable?
  • What room is on his head?
  • What's in his heart area?

Brihat Samhita says: If Vastunara does not have his right hand, the owner of the house will lose wealth and will be unhappy because of women. If there is no left hand, the owner will have a shortage of money and food. If Vastunara is deprived of his head, the person will be deprived of all virtues. If Vastunara has no legs, the sons of the owner will die, and the owner himself will become weak and have difficulties due to women. But if all the bodily members of Vastunara are properly shaped, the inhabitants of the house will be happy, wealthy and respected.

Place a square (or rectangle, depending on the shape of your home) on the floor plan of your apartment, divided into 9 equal parts, and see which room or premises are located in which sector.

The following favorable location of premises according to Vastu is recommended:

Some Vastu tips for arranging premises by sector:

Living room - should be in the north or east , but not in the southeast corner.

Bedroom - can be located adjacent to the living room and be located in the northwestern part of the northern side of the house. West is a direction symbolizing silence and sunset, best suited for the bedrooms of children or adult men, so the bedroom of the head of the family should be in the southwest corner of the western side of the house. It is advisable to avoid placing bedrooms in the north , and also sleep with your head to the north.

If there is more than one floor, the master bedroom should be on the top floor in the southwest corner. This room is also suitable for an adult married child, but under no circumstances should it be the bedroom of younger children, otherwise there will be clashes and unnecessary quarrels in the house. It is acceptable to have a bedroom south . The bedroom on the east side can also be used for unmarried children or for guests. But in any case, the young couple should not be allowed to use this room.

Meditation room and altar - should be in the east, north or northeast corner. They should not be in the southern sector or in the bedroom.

Kitchen - should be located in the southeast corner of the house or apartment, or in the west . If the kitchen is located in the northeast , then mental tension increases and this can cause big problems. If the kitchen is in the southwest , life at home becomes difficult due to collisions. There should not be a toilet next to the kitchen (as well as the dining table) or opposite it.

The dining room is best done on the west side of the house. If it is in the east or north , then that is also good.

Valuables should always be stored on the north side of the house.

Bathrooms are best placed adjacent to the southeast corner of the eastern part of the house.

Toilets should never be in the center , northeast , southeast or southwest . Toilets should be built in the western, northwestern or southern parts of the house.

Storage room - should be in the northwest corner of the main building.

The closet should be in the southwest corner of the open area around the main building. If this is not possible, then it should be in the southwest corner of the main building and have a minimum length and width.

The center is the main place in the house. It is a square or rectangular part in the middle of a house or apartment, known as Brahmasthan. This is the place of the creator of the Universe, the demigod Brahma. A stream of cosmic energy passes through it. To ensure that nothing interferes with this process, the center of the house must remain completely empty. The health of a person living or working in a room whose central part is open and not cluttered with furniture is noticeably improved. As a rule, there is a patio or hall located here.

The south-eastern part of a house or apartment is an ideal place for heating systems, fire and electrical appliances.

The southwestern part of the house or apartment should be the most massive and closed. There must be heavy furniture, bookcases, and flowers in massive tubs.

The northwestern part of the house is a great place for everything moving, mobile and changing - cars, bicycles, guests, animals; it would be nice to install an air conditioner or fan here. This direction influences relationships between people and promotes change.

Northeast is the direction of purity and spirituality. The north-eastern part of the house and rooms should always remain clean, bright and tidy, free from furniture. Under no circumstances should there be a toilet there! In the northeast, there must be water - an aquarium, a vase of flowers, or just a glass of water. By the way, if you keep a glass of water in the northeast, the water becomes “alive”, it is very useful to drink such water and water your flowers with it, they begin to grow much better, but the water in the glass must be changed daily.

Based on materials from the site vita-schola.ru

What should a door not be like?

There are a number of conditions that must be observed in order not to disturb the positive balance of Qi energy in the house. The door should not be of impressive size, otherwise prosperity and wealth will leave the house. A door that is too small is also considered unfavorable - in this case, the amount of energy entering through the doorway will not be enough. According to Feng Shui, this can be corrected with the help of mirrors, which enlarge the door due to its optical properties or lengthen the corridor and, thus, visually reduce the entrance.

It is welcome to have an additional door in the home, the so-called back entrance. Its planning in the east is considered necessary and must be included in the project. In Feng Shui, it is considered the best option when energy enters through the door and leaves through the back entrance or windows.

With an apartment, things are much more complicated. Most often, the project excludes the presence of a back entrance. In this case, preference is given to a photo of the door on the wall. Thanks to this photo, a symbolic outlet for negative energy is created.

An additional door (this also applies to the photo of the door) should not face the neighbors’ home, otherwise the Sha energy from your house will reach the neighbors. The layout must take this point into account.

It is bad when a large tree grows directly in front of the entrance, and if the tree is also dry, it must be removed as soon as possible. To be fair, it is worth mentioning that not only a tree, but any other obstacle directly in front of the door is undesirable.

It would be useful to mention the negative influence of angles in Feng Shui. It is strictly forbidden for them to be directed at the door to the home.

The location of the entrance to the house is unsuccessful if it is at the base of the stairs. This can cause illness in the residents of the house, but the presence of a threshold will save the situation.

Things are no better when the stairs go down at the exit. In this case, wealth will bypass. Here the mirror comes to the fore. If placed outside, it will reflect negative energy.

You should not plan to position the window opposite the entrance, otherwise all the positive energy will immediately leave through it without having the desired impact.

The balcony, veranda, terrace should be located exclusively on the east or north side of the house. If they are still located in the southwest, you should not open them. They also need to be glazed. If the front door is located on the south side, the construction of balconies and verandas above the door should be excluded.

What should the front door be like: fundamental rules

  • According to Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden for the entrance to the house to be facing the cemetery.
  • The front door should be the most cumbersome in the house. In height, it must be at least twice its own width (and even better - if three times). A rectangular door shape is considered suitable.
  • It is important that the front door has a rather nice appearance, is also durable and heavy in weight; iron cladding is very welcome.
  • Make sure you have good lighting for your front door.
  • But you should get rid of the peephole and replace it with an intercom.
  • It is worth placing steps at the front door.
  • An important nuance is that all doors open into the rooms in a clockwise direction and are made of a similar material.
  • Another important point is that it is important that the doors are not creaky and, in principle, do not make any sounds.
  • An excellent material for the production of doors is wood, but the average one is not very old, and not very young.
  • It is important to choose only a good quality wood species that does not have any defects; the correct size is also important: settle on the “golden mean”, avoiding extremes - very huge or, on the contrary, small doors.
  • Perfect - this is when every door has a threshold.

  • Pay attention at that moment so that there are no obstacles at the front door: huge trees with stones, columns, lamp posts, corners, elevators, railings, stairs or something else.
  • According to Feng Shui, it is considered bad to place several doors opposite each other if they line up parallel to each other.
  • Make sure that the front door is not placed directly opposite the front door of your neighbors’ house.
  • All windows and doors must be at the same level along their own top strip. The only exception is the front door, which may be slightly higher than the others. All other residential doors cannot be larger than the front door.
  • A bad nuance is if the doors open towards each other.
  • It is important that the total number of doors in a dwelling must be even, but not ending in zero (for example, like 10).
  • If the door has cracks or is old, the owner of the house will not have the best time and will face various social problems.
  • The back door in the house must be of the smallest size so that it cannot be seen from the front door. Make sure it is always covered.

If you are not able to adhere to all these rules, do not rush to get upset. You will always be able to use a special protective yantra (diagram), which is attached to the door from any direction and guarantees protection from all evil.

How to neutralize the impact of incorrect door placement according to Feng Shui?

If you have already purchased a home with the wrong location of the entrance doors, according to Feng Shui, you should not despair. There are many ways to turn the situation in your favor. Among them are:

  1. Use of mirrors. Thanks to their properties, mirrors can turn the situation in your favor, for example, optically increase or decrease the size of a door.
  2. The use of elements, symbols inherent in the five elements. This could be the color of the door, its design.
  3. Using plants or interior elements to cover negatively affecting corners.
  4. Using a photo with a door to create an additional exit Sha.

How should the front door be positioned?

Chinese traditions will perfectly tell you where and how to place the front door. Thus, the opinion of the head of the family regarding the resolution of any issues always came to the fore. Today's realities dictate completely different conditions. Therefore, both spouses should look for a middle ground, relying on the secrets of Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, entering from the west side is favorable for fathers and elderly men. They have undeniable authority and respect in the family, their opinion is of significant importance.

The entrance from the north symbolizes a calm life. But such an arrangement can carry some danger, since calmness can turn into isolation from the whole world. In this case, according to Feng Shui, it will help to weaken the factors of the main element and strengthen others, for example, painting the door in the color inherent in the soil.

The Northeast will “bring” impermanence. Residents of a house or apartment whose door faces in this direction are too sensitive to other people's opinions. On the other hand, if other factors are positive from the point of view of Feng Shui, this may indicate good opportunities for education and a thirst for knowledge.

For businessmen and people starting their own business, it is advisable to have an entrance from the east. This placement promises success in matters related to commerce.

The southeast is close in its characteristics to the east, but success will not be as rapid.

Entry from the southwest side is favorable for the weaker half. In such a house, the mother, the woman, plays the most important role. There is also the other side of the coin - family life can turn into some kind of routine.

For a family with small children, an excellent option would be if the apartment door faces west. This will create a favorable background for creative development, and also promises children a happy childhood.

Entrance to the house from the southeast according to Feng Shui

Eastern direction according to Feng Shui

Family. Parents. All family ties. Ancestors.

Responsible for the well-being of the family and relationships between loved ones. These are those whom we must honor: teachers, bosses at work, mentors, authorities. The Eastern direction is well suited for schoolchildren and university graduates to find work, to realize dreams and aspirations, to start a business

Energies: open, tangible: Two Yin, one Yang.

Element: Wood. The tree grows, develops, comes back to life, and bears fruit. One of the symbols of this element is legs, forward movement. The element is considered unifying, because gives life to other elements.

Time. In the morning and spring, the eastern direction and the element Wood have the greatest power.

The most fascinating moment in nature is the sunrise. The sun's rays slowly appear over the horizon. With every minute the air is filled with open, tangible energy, movement and magical power. Shimmering in the rays of the sun, flowing dense streams of fluids hit the chest, causing excitement, anxiety, determination, the desire to throw off numbness and start moving. A light east breeze blew, and streams of steam stretched from the ground towards the sun. The air is filled with a special stimulating aroma. All living things awaken: birds begin to sing, leaves of trees and flower heads rise. The corollas open, plant pheromones are released, and a floral scent appears.

Have you ever wondered why there is a special mood before March 8th? In the last ten days of February, the same thing happens in nature as at sunrise, but everything is not so pronounced.

This is how gravity and electromotive force manifest themselves in nature in the eastern direction of magnetic field lines, i.e. God and Qi (God is bio-organizing gravity). All Life on Earth is under the control of God and the universal life force of Qi.

The morning sun will be at one with you, if your house has an entrance to the apartment in the east according to Feng Shui, this is a typical Eastern house. It is the best for people born in 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997. Suitable for people born in 1934, 1944, 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004. or from 21.03 to 3.06 and from 22.06 to 4.09 of any year of birth. They have a chance to implement any ideas and bold undertakings, especially in early spring. Residents will experience success, a happy family life, and will have excellent analytical skills. The happiness and well-being of the family will be enhanced by a beautiful wooden front door.

There are negative and positive places in buildings where good and evil spirits live. For each home, such places have their own direction.

This place is filled with the energies of calm, harmony and well-being, which is reflected in family relationships. A mirror and crystals in this place will help eliminate disagreements and family problems. If there is a kitchen in this sector of the apartment, then the hostess will have the reputation of a skilled cook and pastry chef.

This is one of the most positive places in the apartment, filled with the energies of progress, financial success, enthusiasm and vitality. This is the place of the master bedroom, office; a table room where family budget and financial calculations are carried out. The worst thing is if there is a toilet or bathtub, because leaking water is a symbol of lost financial opportunities. If the place of prosperity is well lit and has items of your personal element, then you will be rich. This place will contribute to the special prosperity of marriage relationships.

The place of disaster and danger is associated with various kinds of delays in business, losses, but not major misfortunes. If you communicate with children in this place, you will face disappointments and difficulties in relationships. Minor failures will constantly haunt you if you put a bed in this place.

Apartment plan according to the Ba-gua grid

Place 6 Sha - these are legal problems, scandals about inheritance, common family property. Loss or errors in documents. Medicines should not be stored in this place. This is not a place to study. It will be difficult to learn, for example, foreign languages ​​in place 6 Sha.

“Parental home is the beginning of the beginning,

These words of the song refer to the eastern sector of the apartment. The energies of the Wood element dominate here, uniting different people into one whole - a family. A family is one organism, a real energy-informational entity, with its own laws and way of life.

Any direction in Feng Shui is action, work. Feng Shui, the east zone - these are the actions of us as parents. Yes Yes! Whether you like it or not, but first of all we are PARENTS, and everything else comes later! The joint work of parents is raising children, passing on both their experience, knowledge, and many generations, from father to son, from grandfather to grandson. The eldest son is the successor of the family name. Therefore, your son’s bedroom should be planned in this direction

Why is lighting at the entrance so important?

Hospitable hosts must remember that lighting the front door of a house or apartment is no less important than treating or welcoming a guest in general. With proper lighting, it immediately becomes clear to the guest where to go next, and the light near the entrance has always been considered a protector of the home. Don't hesitate to replace the light bulb in case it burns out, because light attracts positive energy. Lack of light, on the contrary, will lead to financial insolvency and illness.

Is it important in Feng Shui to maintain a door in working order?

A lot depends on how attractive the door is and how it functions. A beautiful door creates a good impression, attracts guests, and with them the Qi energy. Therefore, it is very important to keep it clean and correct any malfunction in a timely manner.

The lock should work without any problems. If a new one is installed, the old one should be removed, and the place where it was located should be carefully sealed.

Creaks and various unpleasant sounds when opening the door are undesirable. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the hinges. No bells at the door, only timely lubrication of the hinges will help not scare away the Qi.

You should not avoid Feng Shui advice regarding the electric bell that is typical for an apartment. Recently, its presence is not uncommon for private houses. It should work well and sound beautiful. Beautiful music will evoke good associations and bring only positive emotions to the owner of the house when meeting guests.

External defects of the door, for example, old paint, cracks, chips create bad Feng Shui. If a peephole is required, then its installation must be carried out according to Feng Shui. The installation must be of high quality, the peephole must fit tightly to the door. It must be clearly visible, and a protective curtain is required.

If you choose a wooden door, then it is advisable to use good quality wood, not old and not too young.

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