Table and online converter for determining the date according to the lunar calendar

Eastern numerology has its own characteristics and differences from Western numerology. For example, in Eastern numerology there is no life path number. It is believed to have been discovered by Pythagoras 2,500 years ago when he adapted numerology for the Western world. Therefore, there is no analogue of this number in the East.

A person’s birth chart compiled according to the rules of Eastern numerology will also differ from one compiled according to the principles of Western numerology. Today we will look at a person’s birth chart in more detail.

So, what are the differences between the Western and Eastern birth charts? There are only two of them. And the first thing that catches your eye is the principle of placing numbers in a square. The numbers are arranged in a special way, like in a magic square, or rather the Loshu Square. (Sum of numbers on any line=15).

The second difference between the birth chart in Eastern numerology is that it is built not according to the solar calendar, but according to the lunar calendar (that’s why I call it “lunar”). Accordingly, a person’s date of birth will be completely different from that according to the solar calendar.

The lunar calendar is a rather interesting phenomenon. According to it, the New Year begins with the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice (so those born in January or February will find that they were born a year earlier). The number of days in a lunar month is 29-30. Sometimes there is a 13th leap month in the year. The number of days in the lunar calendar ranges from 353 to 385.

Eastern human birth chart

The Eastern (lunar) birth chart has three horizontal rows:

The top row is the intellectual level (human intelligence); The middle row is the spiritual level (intuition, feelings, emotions); The bottom row is the material level (success in business and financial affairs).

In Eastern numerology, these levels are viewed from an agricultural point of view. The top row is associated with rainy and sunny days. The middle row is with crops grown on the ground. The bottom row is connected to the ground itself.

The three vertical rows of the eastern birth chart have the following meaning:

The left column is associated with a person’s thoughts; The middle column is responsible for activity; The left column is related to human strength.

Now let's look at how an eastern birth chart is compiled using my birthday as an example. According to the solar calendar, this date is 10/31/1984. We need to convert this date. For this we will use tables (unfortunately, the tables are compiled only up to 2000).

The 1900-2000 calendar is here.

Calculate the eastern birth chart using the Chinese calendar date online (free).

Select a table with your year of birth. In the table, the month of birth is listed first, then the day (10/31). Opposite your date of birth there is another date (10/8) - this is your date of birth according to the lunar calendar.

Then everything is simple - fill out the birth chart according to the Loshu Square principle and move on to the meaning of numbers in Eastern numerology. But first I would like to give a small recommendation regarding the interpretation of numbers in the birth chart:

Considering the meaning of each individual number, take into account the meaning of the 5 elements of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology!!! Often, combinations of numbers in Eastern numerology are more important than the meaning of each number taken separately. Therefore, the absence of a number does not necessarily have a negative meaning. The main thing in Chinese numerology is balance, and this can be ensured by combinations of certain numbers in the birth chart. In addition, you can compensate for missing numbers using the 5 elements of Chinese astrology.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar

In Japan, childlessness is considered a great disaster for a family. And when a Japanese woman gives birth to only girls, it is bad luck for men. After all, according to their laws, every respected man must have a son-heir.

Newborn baby

For this reason, some families even decided to adopt a child just to get an heir. And men cheated on their wives, hoping that their mistress would give birth to a son.

The problem of the birth of an heir has long been considered one of the most important in Japan. Many sages wondered how to resolve it. And they came up with a simple, effective method that is effective in 89% of a hundred - the Japanese calendar.

The meaning of numbers in Eastern numerology

Number 1 in Eastern Numerology

The number 1 in Eastern numerology is a positive number. It is associated with a person’s ability to earn money and the ability to enjoy a good life.

If a person who has one unit in his card has the numbers 6 and 8 on the material level, he has every chance of making good money (1, 6 and 8 form the line of prosperity). If there is “77” or “777” in the chart along with the prosperity line, this indicates that the person will have a fairly versatile job and will be successful in several areas.

People with "11" in their birth chart are almost always destined to be financially wealthy, and they are almost always lucky.

People with “111” in their birth chart are financially successful and have a welcoming and optimistic outlook on the world.

A person with “1111 or more” in the chart is focused on increasing material wealth, he doesn’t care about anything else - he develops one-sidedly. Become obsessed with money. But the presence of 3, 5 and 7 (on a spiritual level) can change it.

Number 2 in Eastern Numerology

Two is the number of the mind. In Eastern numerology, “2” is negative or neutral (if it does not go with the numbers 4 and 9 - in this case a line of the mind is formed). The combination of “3” and “2” indicates that the person is argumentative and likes to quarrel over trifles.

A person with a “2” in his birth chart has average mental abilities and rarely expresses original ideas on his own. If you have a line of mind (“2”, “4”, “9”), there is every chance of succeeding in the field of philosophy, literature or law.

The presence of “22” in the birth chart is a negative sign (in the absence of additional numbers “4” and “9” or at least one of them), indicates possible illnesses and lack of energy. If, in addition to “22,” the card contains a line of determination and intelligence, this combination speaks of a person’s excellent memory and excellent mental abilities.

The presence of “222” in the birth chart is extremely unfavorable (in the absence of a line of reason and determination). This is an even more painful condition. However, having a prosperity line changes the meaning.

The presence of “2222 or more” is an even more unfavorable sign. In addition to health problems, a person also has negative character traits: arrogance, rudeness and sarcasm. They tend to blame others for their mistakes.

Number 3 in Eastern Numerology

Three in Eastern numerology is associated with sensitivity and intuition. Three is included in the line of spirituality (3, 5, 7) and the line of planning (3, 8, 4).

A person with “3” in his birth chart is easily vulnerable and susceptible to stress; it is difficult for him to survive in a competitive environment. If, in addition to the three, the card contains 8, this indicates that the person has a friend who provides support.

A person with “33” in his birth chart has developed intuition, is intelligent and sensitive. He easily fits into a new team and gets along well with other people. Possessing hypersensitivity, he perfectly understands the motives of others.

A person with “333” in his birth chart is hypersensitive. He tends to live in a fantasy world and be offended by the real or imagined actions of other people. However, the meaning of “333” changes if they form a line of spirituality (that is, there is also the number “5” and “7”). In this case, “333” characterizes a person as intelligent, spiritual and intuitive. And he will achieve significant success as soon as he learns to live in a real world, and not an imaginary one.

A person with "3333" in his birth chart is impulsive, impatient and reckless (even if he has the numbers "5" and "7"). You should not trust the intuition of such a person (the exception is when there is a planning line, in which case the intuition is enhanced).

Number 4 in Eastern Numerology

Four in Eastern numerology is often considered a negative number, because in some Chinese dialects “four” sounds like death. Four in Eastern numerology is part of the line of the mind. Therefore, it can be found in the birth charts of highly intelligent people.

A person with "4" in his birth chart is careful, intelligent and consistent.

A person with “44” in his birth chart is prone to stubbornness and intolerance. He is confident in the correctness of his actions. Has excellent intellectual abilities and uses them skillfully.

A person with “444” in his birth chart is adamant and overly stubborn. It is difficult for him to find a common language with those whom he considers less intelligent. His life is filled with loneliness and painted in gray tones.

A person with “4444” in his birth chart finds it difficult to understand himself and finds it difficult to communicate with others. The birth chart of such a person is not balanced.

Number 5 in Eastern Numerology

Five in Eastern numerology reveals the strength of a person’s emotions and feelings.

A person with “5” in his birth chart is emotionally balanced. He instinctively makes the right decisions (especially if there is a line of will or spirituality). If in addition to “5” there are also numbers “2” and “3”, a person can show ruthlessness and insensitivity. The absence of these numbers often manifests itself in strength of character.

A person with “55” in his chart is full of enthusiasm and energy. He loves to enjoy life and solve difficult problems. He is ambitious, determined and self-confident. Qualities appear more clearly in the presence of a line of will (1,5,9). If a person does not find a worthy use for his abilities, this can lead him to a riotous lifestyle, the use of alcohol and drugs.

A person with “555” in the chart is prone to dominant behavior. He finds it difficult to communicate with another person if he does not control him.

A person with “5555” in his birth chart is the owner of an incredible power of emotions, which he finds difficult to cope with.

Number 6 in Eastern Numerology

The number “6” is a symbol of a comfortable life and financial solvency.

For a person with “6” in his birth chart, fortune smiles on him from time to time. He is attached to his family and loves a cozy, comfortable environment. With an increase in material well-being, he begins to provide assistance to less fortunate people (especially if there is a line of action). If in addition to “6” there are also numbers “1” and “8”, a person never experiences financial problems throughout his life. In the absence of these numbers, there is a high probability that a person will achieve financial success in the field of creativity.

A person with “66” in the chart is a creatively gifted person, but he suffers from a lack of self-confidence. Subject to unreasonable feelings of anxiety. He needs time to recover from minor setbacks. Works more productively provided that he receives support from his family.

A person with “666” in his birth chart worries all the time about his loved ones. "6666" further increases anxiety. If these sixes are part of the line of prosperity in a person, anxiety is smoothed out by financial success.

Number 7 in Eastern Numerology

The presence of the number “7” in the birth chart from 1983 to 2003 was an indicator of good wealth (20-year cycle of the number “7”). The seven itself symbolizes intuition and spirituality.

A person with a “7” in his chart in his youth rarely realizes the influence of the seven. If with one “7” there are no numbers “3” and “5”, such a person strives for perfection, revealing secrets and mysteries. If one seven forms a line of spirituality (that is, there are 3.5 and 7 in the map), a person has the opportunity to build a career in the humanitarian or religious sphere. One “7” in the presence of two or more “3” or “5” indicates that a person often does not take into account the overall picture. He is focused on details and also tends to be too categorical. Seven, together with the line of prosperity, indicates a lucky and caring person.

A person with “77” in his birth chart may well become wealthy, but there is a high probability that as a result he will experience a feeling of guilt for his success. Often, people with a "77" in religion prefer pomp and grandeur more than spirituality.

A person with "777" in their chart can be one of two types: Type 1 is a model citizen who works hard to achieve goals. Type 2 are people whose chart contains a line of suspicion (3, 5, 6).

A person with “7777” uses the inherent potential negatively. The presence of four sevens destroys the balance of the card.

Number 8 in Eastern Numerology

The presence of the number “8” in the birth chart promises a person great wealth and financial success. For such a person, the period from 2004 to 2023 is the most successful (20-year cycle of the number “8”). The number “8”, together with the numbers “1” and “6”, forms a line of prosperity and promises enormous financial success and a happy life. Separately (without the numbers “1” and “6”) it is associated with money, productivity and attention to detail.

A person with “88” in his birth chart has every chance of succeeding in business and retiring wealthy. He is open to new opportunities, has a penetrating mind and the ability to quickly analyze a situation. However, such a person, in order to create balance, needs to think about the non-material aspects of life.

A person with "888" in his birth chart rarely achieves financial success in his early years. In the first half of his life, he gains experience and learns from his mistakes. And, at 40, he has enough wisdom to take full advantage of the opportunities presented to him.

Number 9 in Eastern Numerology

The number 9 in Eastern numerology is considered very favorable. It is a symbol of completion, the unity of earth and sky. Just like in Western numerology, it is considered the number of the mind. Symbolizes philanthropy, ambition and idealism. The presence of "9" in the chart foretells prosperity in the distant future (in the future, because the 20-year cycle of the number "9" will not begin until 2024).

People with “99” in the chart are the owners of excellent mental abilities, they love to study. If, with “99” in the map, there is no line of spirituality, the person completely relies on the mind, without listening to the heart.

"999" in a birth chart makes a person an idealist. He is highly intelligent, ambitious, and strives to stand out in scientific circles. If there is a line of loneliness in the chart of a person with “999”, his negative character traits manifest themselves with particular force.

What to cook for the New Year's table 2021

The monkey loves naturalness, so the highlight of your New Year's table is a large number of low-fat and delicate snacks and salads made from fresh products, decorated with herbs. There should be more of it on the table. The holiday menu can be very varied - meat, stuffed eggs or fish. Since our monkey is a lover of spectacularly decorated delicious desserts (a well-known sweet tooth), fruits (especially bananas), vegetables and pastries will not be out of place on the table, because it’s great if the room smells of freshly baked bread and pastries. Make sure there is quality wine on the tables. But you shouldn’t overdo it with strong alcoholic drinks - the monkey doesn’t like drunk people.

Astrologers say that the new year 2021 will be very interesting and quite successful for all zodiac signs who are curious, resourceful, enterprising, and want to work and earn money. Also, the year of the Red Monkey is favorable for marriage and the birth of children, because red is the color of love. The Monkey is ready to provide everyone with the opportunity to change their lives for the better.

Lines in the Eastern Birth Chart

Determination line

The line of determination consists of the numbers “2”, “5” and “8”. A person who has a line of determination in his birth chart is decisive, persistent and patient. He never loses sight of his goal. He will wait for the right moment and begin to act.

Line of Emotional Balance

The line of emotional balance consists of the numbers “4”, “5” and “6”. A person who has this line in his birth chart is endowed with developed intuition, sensitive and well understands the desires of other people. He knows how to sympathize. Loves to take care of others. Can gain fame by doing charity work.

Spirituality line

The line of spirituality consists of the numbers "3", "5" and "7". It reflects a person’s state of mind, his feelings and emotions. A person who has this line in his birth chart takes life seriously, is internally calm and serene (these qualities usually appear after 40 years).

Mind line

The line of the mind consists of the numbers “4”, “9” and “2”. A person who has this line in his birth chart has excellent memory and excellent intellectual abilities. He is a good analyst and knows how to express his thoughts clearly and logically.

Willpower line

The willpower line consists of the numbers “1”, “5” and “9”. It is a symbol of success, since a person who has this line in the birth chart persistently and persistently achieves his intended goal. He is stubborn and determined. Likes to argue. There is an opinion on certain issues.

Prosperity Line

The prosperity line consists of the numbers “1”, “8” and “6”. A person who has this line in his birth chart has every chance of succeeding in trade and business. The absence of numbers in the line of spirituality makes a person insensitive, calculating and impartial. He does not care about spiritual values, he thinks exclusively about money.

Planning line

The planning line consists of the numbers “4”, “3” and “8”. The meaning of the planning line in Western and Eastern numerology is the same. But there is a slight difference - in the Chinese understanding, a person involved in planning must be cunning and he does not have to adhere to strict moral and ethical standards.

Line of action

The action line consists of the numbers "2", "7" and "6". A person who has this line in his birth chart is active and energetic, he likes to keep his physical body in good condition and enjoys spending his energy on sports.

Disappointment line

The line of disappointment is formed when the numbers “2”, “5” and “8” are missing. It symbolizes a streak of failure and bad luck. A person who has this line in his birth chart must learn to think through his actions well and learn from his own mistakes.

Line of Suspicion

A line of suspicion is formed when the numbers “4”, “5” and “6” are missing. A person who has this line in his birth chart is characterized by character traits such as suspicion, gloominess and cynicism. It is constantly worried about something and tends to perceive everything in a negative light.

Line of Loneliness

The line of loneliness is formed in the absence of the numbers “3”, “5” and “7”. As a rule, a person who has this line in his birth chart achieves his goals, forgetting about loved ones. Therefore, there is not much joy in his life. There is a high probability of a lonely old age.

Line of indifference

The line of indifference is formed in the absence of the numbers “2”, “7” and “6”. A person whose birth chart contains a line of indifference is indecisive and afraid of risk. In most cases, he lacks incentive to act, so in life he misses all the opportunities provided.

Line of Confusion

A line of confusion is formed when the numbers “4”, “3” and “8” are missing. For the most part, people who have a confusion line are poorly organized and inconsistent. They live one day at a time, without making long-term plans. It is common for them to start something and not finish it.

Failure line

A line of failure is formed when the numbers “8”, “1” and “6” are missing. A person with this line has an inherent desire to earn “easy money.” But he will fail until he understands that he should make efforts to achieve one, but worthwhile goal.

Line of indecision

The line of indecision is formed in the absence of the numbers “9”, “5” and “1”. It is difficult for a person who has this line in his eastern birth chart to defend his point of view. He is driven by the desire to please others at all costs. Therefore, it is easy for him to manipulate and lead.

Bad memory line

The line of bad memory is formed when the numbers “4”, “9” and “2” are missing. The person in whose chart this line is formed has good mental abilities. But over time they can weaken, especially closer to old age. Overwhelming energies can lead a person to emotional imbalance.

Line of tricks and details

A line of details and tricks is formed if available!!! numbers "1" and "3". A person who has this line in their birth chart likes to pay attention to detail. If there are more ones and threes than one each, this indicates a desire for ideality in everything. The line has negative sides: in China it is called the “criminal line.” A person from this line may lie or hide the truth for his own protection.

Science Line

The science line is formed when the numbers “1” and “7” are present. A person who has this line is fascinated by the mysteries of our world. Sometimes he is completely immersed in scientific research, forgetting about everything else. He likes to solve mysteries, scientific discoveries are possible.

Peace of Mind Line

The line of peace of mind is formed when the numbers “9” and “7” are present. Self-confident, cheerful people have this line in their birth chart. They easily overcome all the difficulties encountered on the path of life.

Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child for 2021-2022

The most reliable medical method for determining who will be born to an expectant mother is ultrasound diagnostics. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the gender of the baby is determined. But how can you plan for a boy or a girl to be born in nine months?

More than two centuries ago in China, a table was used to produce an heir in a noble royal family. It is very interesting that the calculations from that calendar table coincided, no matter how ironically the skeptics treated them. And the most unexpected thing is that it is in China that today it is forbidden for pregnant women to test the sex of their unborn baby.

Different number of days in lunar years

The lunar year, in turn, represents the time elapsed between two new moons in which the Moon is in the same sign of the tropical Zodiac, i.e. in the same symbolic sector of the ecliptic. It makes no fundamental sense to explain in detail the difference between the tropical (ecliptic) and sidereal (stellar or astronomical) Zodiac in this article. It is interesting that some lunar years contain 12 lunar months, and some 13. Accordingly, 12-month years contain 354-355 days, and 13-month years - 384-385 days. Why?

To explain this fact, we should turn to the “solar” component of the Chinese calendar. The Chinese solar year represents the time elapsed between two identical positions of the Sun relative to the fixed stars. That is, the Chinese solar year is sidereal (stellar). The beginning of the Chinese solar year (and the beginning of spring as well) is currently taken to be the position of the Sun in the starry sky, which it occupies on February 4-5.

Initially, the position of the Sun, which it occupies on December 7-8, was taken as the beginning of the solar year in Ancient China. The December New Year was adopted for the reason that the winter solstice (December 21-22) would fall in the first month of the new year. And it was moved to February by the famous ancient Chinese cultural hero Da Yu around 2200 BC, and it cannot be said with certainty that this reform was carried out solely for natural scientific reasons. Thus, the start date of the Chinese solar year was moved forward by two months, and along with it, apparently, the start date of the “action” of the annual cyclic signs—Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches—was also moved forward by the same amount (this will be discussed below).

A solar year contains 12 solar months, or “seasons” (qi). Let us list them, indicating in addition to the beginning of each month the dates of their middle, as well as their traditional names:

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