Pillar of the Day #12 己亥 Ji Hai (Yin Land on Pig)

Yin Earth, Yin Earth.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


Six Personality Types Earth Yin

60 Jia Zi

People Earth yin

. Charming, soft and welcoming. They can be conservative and often do not have their own point of view. They cannot always defend their opinion; they are compliant; they are easily persuaded to their side. But they are good at adapting to any situation. If such a person has made a decision, then he will follow systematically and persistently towards his goal and will definitely bring what he started to its logical conclusion. These are kind and caring people interested in family comfort. a good family man. People with this personality type often follow traditions, do not like to take risks, and prefer proven methods. They are owners.

There are six types of Yin Earth

辛卯 Yin Earth on the Rabbit. Their main feature is the desire for improvement and perfection. They are very demanding of themselves. They are often independent and quite flexible. They are motivated by success. Strong-willed. Often life events develop in such a way that they have to fight for something: for survival, for work, for love. Such life situations make them stronger and more resilient. They have quite extensive connections and contacts. They are compassionate, but often their compassion for others manifests itself in unconventional ways. They won’t sit and sympathize and pat you on the head, but they will do something that can change the lives of those around them. These people are extremely comfortable and calm. Selfless. They do good deeds and don't ask for anything in return. Charming and caring. But relationships don't always come first in life's priorities. And by the way, it is quite difficult to win their trust and favor.

己酉 Yin Earth on the Rooster. These are self-sufficient people. They don't complain, they don't whine. They set goals quite clearly. They can be very stable in competition, they have an inner core. They like to dream and think about a situation for a long time. This sign is characterized by maximum intelligence and minimum ambition. They are caring, pleasant to talk to, and know how to win them over if necessary. The material side of life is quite important for them; they need to feel that there is some kind of stability in their life, that they have the opportunity to provide for themselves. Purposeful people who adapt well to change. But they are often characterized by indecisiveness and need to be pushed to make decisions. It’s good if there is someone nearby who gives them the necessary motivation to act. In relationships they are ready to give, they love children. They have a need to take care of loved ones.

己巳 Yin Earth on the Snake. They have strong intuition and are able to look at things from a unique angle. Erudite, with a broad outlook. They often have extensive academic knowledge. They like to work alone and in solitude. The spiritual sphere is often more important for them than the material one. The inner world, reflections on the essence of things are interesting. Individualists. Non-standard decisions of such a person may surprise others. These are often strong-willed people who do not show fear in difficult situations. But they do not like to fight, so outwardly they look calm and domestic. Often for them, internal harmony is more important than material well-being. Their life achievements are not very high. Mainly because it's not that important to them. They must rely on their own efforts and motivate themselves. These are witty and charismatic people. They know how to capture the attention of the public. They speak well, and their broad outlook allows them to support almost any topic. In relationships, they seek support and help, but at the same time they want the right to express their own individuality.

己亥 Yin Earth on the Pig. People are smart, kind, sentimental. They can be irritable and emotional. They cannot always concentrate on their goals. Gallant, well-mannered, decent. Moderately self-confident and purposeful people. They prefer a socially active life, but love peace and quiet in their home. They do not have great ambitions, but they do have a desire for comfort and prosperity. And they quite methodically improve their lives, not taking particular risks, but also not giving in to difficulties. Balanced and responsible, you can rely on them. It is easy to do business with them because they try their best to fulfill their obligations. Sometimes they can manipulate people, deceive, and seek their own advantage. But this does not prevent them from maintaining good relationships with others, because in general they are pleasant and calm people. They are looking for a partner with money and they already know in advance where they will spend this money together.

己未 Yin Earth on the Goat. The people are talented and attractive. Often they have to make their own way. So they acquire skills and use them. They are very tenacious and can withstand difficulties and problems. They are friendly, but must carefully choose their social circle. They often attract people who want to take advantage of them, who want to sit on their necks. They are thorough, hardworking, and passionate about their work. Excellent at finding solutions to complex and confusing problems. Great planners. They are able to completely immerse themselves in an interesting task and do it for hours, but do not tolerate being distracted. They strive to expand their sphere of influence. They always lack something: knowledge, wisdom, money. They want to get more than they currently have. They have good taste and build relationships on equal terms. There are problems with childbirth.

己丑 Yin Earth on the Ox. People are talented, straightforward, honest. They can occupy good positions in the sphere of power and authority. Leaders and executives are often found among them. They need to work hard, otherwise there will be no result. Success in life comes through hard work, dedication and effort. These people have a broad outlook, they see far and wide. They can be arrogant and arrogant. Often very stubborn, this is the pillar of the Earth. They are impatient. Principled and truthful. They do not like to rush; they work better in a calm environment. Emotionally stable and reasonable. They act more logically. Relationships are built as equals, but at the same time caring partners.

Each of the sixty Jia Zis is a whole layer of information about the character, abilities, and life opportunities of a person. The most complete information about the 60 Personality types described by Jia Zi in the new version of the 60 Jia Zi Handbook.

Feng Shui and Bazi Studio “REN SHEN”

Alas, the proverb says that “Love is evil - you will love a goat...”

However, before throwing yourself into such love, maybe it’s worth looking into the chosen one’s bazi card first….

Let's look at what in a man's chart may indicate that he will be a caring, attentive, strong and worthy husband, and what indicates that in life together some traits may appear that will bring bitter and problematic moments.

I would like to immediately make a reservation that all these signs are not the ultimate truth and I do not urge, upon seeing something negative in a man’s chart, to immediately run away from him without looking back. But it's still worth listening.

First of all, you need to look at the Daytime Dominant of a man, who he even is.

Wood-yang - most often, friendly, generous, principled, aggressive, nervous, irritable, jealous, suspicious.

The best wife for this type of man is Yin Earth.

The Yin Tree is the most adaptable of all personality types. Not always, but quite often, Yin Tree men simply “allow” their spouse to take care of them throughout their entire life together.

This is a flexible, tactful, charming and friendly, vulnerable, emotional, at the same time cunning, calculating, insecure and weak type of Personality.

According to the interaction of the Heavenly trunks, there is a “love fusion” between the Yin Tree and the Yang Metal. And despite the apparent incompatibility, this union may just be very successful, but... the woman who will rule in such an alliance will be a Metal-yang woman.

Fire-yang – Fenist, clear Falcon, Red Sun.

Active and dominant, cocky and proud, self-centered, unceremonious and impatient, self-confident and vain.

It is most favorable if the radiance of such a Sun is enhanced by the Metal-Yin wife with her reflected brilliance.

Yin fire is the mysterious flickering of a candle, the reflection of ruby ​​light on the dark coals of a fire. The most impulsive and hot-tempered, unpredictable and independent personality type

Cheerful and charismatic, emotional and passionate, intuitive and proud, but at the same time can be tactless and fussy, unpredictable and annoying, unceremonious and unrestrained.

The best tandem is Yin Fire and Yang Water. This makes the Ocean Water warmer and the Yin Fire more predictable.

Earth-yang. Man is a rock, a mountain range.

Calmness, balance, reliability, caring, friendliness, respectfulness and courtesy are the most characteristic qualities of a Earth-yang man.

Among the negative ones, we can note - stubbornness and conservatism, difficulty in communication and inflexibility, jealousy, greed, suspicion and distrust.

The Earth-Yang will be a wife for a man according to the Bazi system of Water-Yin.

Earth-yin. Calmly, slowly, confidently, the Yin Earth builds its present, perfectly imagining its future.

Kindness and peacefulness, reliability and patience, practicality and realism are the positive qualities of the Yin Earth personality.

Negative ones include excessive guardianship, jealousy and possessiveness.

Yin Earth loves the Yang Tree most of all, however, a harmonious union in the case when the Yin Earth is a man and the Yang Tree is a woman will only be provided that the Yin Earth is strong and powerful, otherwise the Yang Tree will pull all the “juices” come from such a partner.

The Metal-Yan man is a loyal and reliable protector. Honest and truthful, fair and unbending.

A typical Yang Metal has a very harmonious relationship with Yin Wood. The gentleness and kindness of the Yin Tree forces Metal to reconsider its foundations and attitude towards the world around it and helps it become more alive and sociable, teaches it to love, forgive and not hide its emotions.

Yin Metal men are most often handsome, with good complexion, fine features, graceful and......somewhat cold.

They are very fair. They do not flatter, do not ingratiate themselves, do not make promises if they are not sure that they can fulfill what they promised. And they value the same qualities in people.

The best relationship develops between Yin Metal and Fire-Yang.

But, if a Man is Yin Metal, and a woman is Yang Fire, then it will be difficult for such a man to dominate the family. The light of the Sun will outshine the shine of a gold jewelry or a thin stiletto.

Water-yang. The element is the most powerful, unpredictable, secret and all-conquering. This is strong water that strives to overflow its banks and which can only be stopped by a strong Earth - the land of continents and mountains.

Everything else either collapses, or corrodes, or fades, loses its strength if Yanskaya Water is strong. It is better not to stand in the way of such Water. She always goes ahead, despite obstacles and obstacles.

People of this personality type are not afraid of difficulties, do not like to think for a long time and prepare for upcoming affairs. These are people of action.

Yanskaya Water often dominates in a team, in a family.

A harmonious union develops between Yang Water and Yin Fire, despite the polarity of the elements. Water does not see the Fire Man as a threat to its freedom, and the Flame Man will gladly shine, reflected in the water surface of the Sea-Ocean. Ideally, in a marriage, Water is the man and Fire is the woman.

Yin water. A light cloud, a drop of dew, early morning fog - this is all about the Yin Water person.

Yin Water is the most changeable personality type, which not only changes and is reborn throughout its life, it can be different within one day and change in amazing ways depending on who is next to it.

Men of typical Yin Water know how to give compliments and can make the most unattractive woman believe in their irresistibility. The wives of such men are more likely than others to hear that they are loved and irresistible.

The most harmonious relationships of typical Yin Water most often develop with Yang Earth. Yan Earth becomes a support for Water, which, as a rule, needs some management. Yang Earth will do this unobtrusively, as she loves to take care of others, and Yin Water will easily find a common language and adapt to even the hardest Earth.

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Yin Earth (G) is the most caring sign

Ji is Yin land, the most caring sign. I decided to start with the simplest, as it seems at first glance. We often start looking at the map and miss an important point about how much the Heavenly Stem of the daytime dominant influences our behavior. How open, closed, sociable, friendly or, on the contrary, closed we are is the psychological aspect of understanding the map.

The concept of heavenly trunks is also very important for determining Useful Gods. A very popular topic today. Because not all events fall on the map according to the Ti Bi Tzu system, with the help of which the strength and weakness of the card is determined and, based on this, recommendations are given to the owner of the card. And in order to determine PB, you need to clearly understand what, for example, Yin Earth is and what elements it needs in order to bear fruit and develop and bring benefits to the owner of the card. I will return to Useful Deities later.

I’m starting to look at Ji – Yin land (I wanted to start with this element). Earth Ji has the image of fertile soil. The earth nourishes plants, trees, gives life to all living things. People with the G sign are the most patient and most tolerant of all NS. They work very well as a team. Their calling is to protect, feed, give. Sometimes they forget about their interests, giving all their strength and abilities to others.

Ji's people are talented, although they do not show off their talents. Due to their great potential, they can be entrusted with various work tasks and at the same time, they are team players. An ideal employee in the eyes of the employer.

The problem with G's people is that they give too much. People of Yin land have entrepreneurial abilities, but due to their gentleness and desire to give, they may have financial problems. Ji women are the best mothers and wives, and Ji men are husbands and, accordingly, fathers. And these are not empty words. They tend to protect, nurture and cherish. They often forget about themselves because they are so focused on other people's desires. They strive to make the people around them feel comfortable around them. This is the most caring sign. It is difficult for them to refuse to help other people. Therefore, others often take advantage of this trait.

They may neglect their needs and talents, while trying to devote their strength to their family and children. It is difficult for them to assess their potential, giving all their time to other people. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, these are multifaceted personalities.

Although at the same time, people of the Yin Earth easily adapt to the changes around them, unlike the Yang Earth.

The main thing is for them to learn how to organize the process and distribute responsibilities, and not put everything on their shoulders.

And the most useful elements (PB) in the card for Ji are 丙 and 癸. Accordingly, according to Star Wars, these are the Snake and the Rat.

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Art of Bazi

The month of Goat 未 has arrived according to the Chinese calendar, which refers to the signs of the Earth, which inspired the idea to continue a series of articles about the use of useful elements in the bazi 八字算命, and in this case we will talk about the element Earth 土.

The Earth element represents the phase of energy transformation during the transition from one season to another, associated with the final days of each season, the central position, flat shapes and the color yellow. The earth corresponds to the digestive tract, spleen, stomach, mouth, muscles, cells, flesh. People of the earth element renew their strength in the late afternoon and between seasons, and are also inspired by enjoying the sensations of taste. The Feng Shui direction corresponding to the Earth element is Center, which also represents practicality, endurance and flat, square shapes.

The Earth element 土 reflects the period from 25 to 36 years, a time of active activity in a person's life, characterized by stability, reliability, productivity and common sense. The nature of the Earth is to stabilize, maintain integrity and protect. The Earth element 土 is a symbol of the safe and protected mother's womb of this world. Individuals whose daytime dominant is Earth are practical and reasonable, value stability and tranquility. They have excellent organizational skills and are competent leaders and performers. Practicality and reliability characterize those influenced by the Earth element. Representatives of the Earth element are capable of making wise and reasonable decisions and tend to be conservative and serious. People of the earth element are strongly attached to their family, partnership and homeland. This element keeps both your feet firmly on the ground and gives you the innate tenacity that allows you to accomplish difficult tasks. However, Earth 土 dominants can also produce stubborn and insufferable people. The emotion associated with Earth is melancholy, depression, which can make a person appear distant or unavailable to others. Typical problems are anxiety, self-doubt, apathy, unrealistic expectations, intrusiveness and overprotective tendencies. Anyone who knows a strong earth in their chart has probably noticed how difficult it can sometimes be to “move” them. Like the rocks that make up a wall, or the soil that produces food, people with the Earth element are traditionalists, strong and persistent. People with a strong earth are not as simple as they may seem, since the earth keeps its secrets and mysteries.

The essence of the Earth is to give birth and care, and everyone who falls into its sphere of influence becomes, as it were, its children, which is why caring for others is one of the factors for strengthening this element in a person. This is especially characteristic of the Earth Yin 己, but this article discusses only the general characteristics of the element without taking into account polarity.

When a person lacks the earth element in the bazi chart, one can consciously introduce or develop the above positive qualities and control the opposite ones.

If your useful element is Earth 土, what else can you use:

  • Try to take a central position
  • It is favorable to live in the city center, microdistrict, in the central part of an apartment building
  • If you need to support the Earth, you can use the southern direction
  • Your favorable colors are earthy, yellow, brown, use them in your clothes
  • When decorating your home or office, use stone products. Choose shades of yellow and earthy color schemes
  • The second half of summer, as well as the off-season according to the Chinese calendar, is your favorable period. Your plans, decisions and actions can be successful at this time
  • Friends and romantic partners with a predominant earth element in the chart, or those born in earth years, will be your best companions
  • Moderately sweet foods are beneficial
  • Physical exercises with an emphasis on balance, stability and grounding. For example, when walking, push off the ground a little harder so that you feel connected to the ground.
  • If you speak excessively, fuss or move, consciously slow down the pace of speech, breathing and movement, and maintain regularity. Cultivate a state of “peace”
  • It is necessary to monitor and support the digestive system, spleen, back, muscles
  • Pay attention to the aroma of food, develop your sense of smell
  • Choose a career or hobby related to the Earth element: feng shui, geology, archeology, working with antiques, real estate, collecting, services, peacekeeping, food industry, law, government agencies, accounting and everything related to calculations, farming, agriculture farming, mining, landscape work, pottery production, sculpture, animal care, veterinary medicine, mountain tourism, mountaineering.

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