Feng Shui for June 2021: favorable and unfavorable dates

June 2021 is the month of the Wooden Horse. Overall a good period, with some nuances, but without serious confrontations of energies. The month is characterized by ease of communication, the removal of barriers to movement, and the revival of creative ideas. You will want to move more, take part in various projects and events (including entertainment), and develop creatively. Moreover, everyone will be able to find something of their interest not only offline, but also online, on the Internet.

Fire will add a little more optimism and a desire for change to life, but at the same time it will instill irritability, suspicion, and unwillingness to compromise in people. If you feel that you are boiling, then slow down, give yourself time to cool down, and then you can parry the verbal blow. Just know that this month it will be difficult to contain your emotions, therefore, try to curb your negativity yourself and do not provoke other people into conflicts.

Also, thanks to Fire, enthusiasm and excitement will appear. However, these emotions must be given free rein with caution. During the heat of the moment, you can move mountains, start a new business and make good money, but you will have to keep your nose to the wind and be able to stop in time - if the business involves risk, it is important to complete the deal at the right time so as not to lose.

In June, sudden changes in temperature from cold to hot and vice versa are not recommended: there is no need to steam in a bathhouse or sauna, or “fry” the body in the sun, and it is also better to reduce the intensity of training, accompanied by increased sweating. And in general, it is advisable to treat your body in a gentle way - to live, work and train without strain.

Sour, salty and spicy foods should be removed from the diet, giving preference to sweet root vegetables, astringent and bitter foods. It is undesirable to eat too hot and spicy foods. Taking care of your cardiovascular system will be beneficial for your health; you don’t need to spend time in strong winds.

Remember that Mercury Retrograde continues to influence until June 22. At this time, you cannot start new projects, but it is better to finish the things you have started. It's good to get rid of the old and unnecessary.

And on June 10 there will be a Solar Eclipse. A few days before and after it, there may be instability of the mental state, rapid fatigue, a high probability of mistakes, and exacerbation of diseases. It is recommended to spend these days in peace and not overexert yourself.

June 2021: favorable days

June 7 and July 1 - on these dates you need to assign affairs and processes with a lasting effect: you can get married, open a new business, invest, buy real estate, hire an important employee, sign documents. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon.

June 15, 27 - you can propose marriage, and also set an engagement date for these days (but not a wedding!), start a new job or take on a new position, sign contracts, start training, travel and treatment. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat.

June 29 - everything started on this day will multiply, you can sign important documents, open a business, invest money, buy property, celebrate a housewarming, collect debts. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Tiger.

North 2021

Star 2 “black” - initially it is earth or black soil, with which fertility and savings are associated. However, now the savings received from the “two” are untimely. And when something bad accumulates inside, it can cause painful problems. Therefore, star 2 is often called the “star of diseases.” The north in 2021 falls under its influence, so if you often have to visit the northern sector of your home, then you should pay more attention to your health. This especially applies to older people, pregnant women, and young children. It is recommended to adhere to preventive measures to keep the body in good shape - proper nutrition, rest, massage, moderate physical activity.

North correction in 2021

Star 2 is the star of savings. She can bring good luck in the field of real estate, antiques, medicine, here she offers many financial opportunities. It is like a treasure chest buried deep underground. However, when extracting it from the depths, you will have to spend a lot of energy, health - and probably get sick. Therefore, traditionally, Feng Shui masters advise avoiding star 2 and weakening it with elemental means. In the sector with the “two” you can place metal feng shui accessories for a year that weaken the “earth” - this could be a wind chime, a copper hu-lu gourd, or a bunch of 6 coins.

June 2021: unfavorable days

June 9, 16, 21, 28 and July 3 – it is unfavorable on these dates to start any business and find out who is right and who is wrong.

June 8, 11, 20, 23 and July 2, 5 – there is no need to start traveling or submit documents to the authorities on these days.

June 12, 24 and July 6 – it is not recommended to make dates or go to see a doctor.

June 10, 22 and July 4 – you cannot sign documents and start short-term business.

June 13, 25 and July 7 – it is not recommended to use these days for signing documents and starting long-term affairs.

Vostok 2021

Star 4 “green” – for “passionate people” engaged in the areas of information dissemination, training, and creativity. In addition, she is considered one of the “romantic stars” - after all, it is known that people associated with creativity and education have a special charm. Often, school teachers become objects of adoration for high school students in love, and respectable university teachers “have affairs” with young students.

So, the influence of star 4 will bring attractiveness, romance, charisma, and as a result - increased interest from other people. For those who have a goal to learn something new or deepen their skills and become a super-specialist, as well as those who seek to bring romance into life, it would be appropriate to spend more time in the Eastern sector of their home or office.

East correction in 2021

Star 4 does not belong to the class of uniquely favorable stars. She is not averse to enjoying life, neglecting moral standards. Only in the company of good monthly stars does she reveal her best features. And during these months it can be strengthened by placing a fountain or active water in the East. And the rest of the time, it is advisable to weaken star 4 by frequently lighting candles so that it expends its frivolous energy. Or be especially eager to learn something. It is not a fact that the acquired knowledge will be immediately monetized, but someday it will certainly “take off.”

Flying Stars forecast for June 2021 by sector

Remember that unfavorable Stars will affect the life and activities of household members if they find themselves in the dining, work area or bedroom sector, as well as in other actively used rooms and on the door. Otherwise, corrections may not be made, because The stars will not be able to change the usual way of life at home. Don't forget to appease the positive energies in favorable sectors with the help of activations.

In our forecast we use two numbers to represent the annual and monthly Star. For example, 6-3, where 6 is the annual Star, and 3 is the monthly Star.

South-East 5-9

The annual Five will be in the southeastern sector all year, so you cannot spend a lot of time here, sleep, eat, or work. If you can’t leave the sector, then at least put the bed in a more favorable place in the room. For those who continue to use the sector, their own health should be most important; take care of it and do not ignore even minor ailments; do not lend money and do not take it yourself; do not engage in extreme and risky activities and do not start new projects. Be sure to place the Salt Medicine, and if it is already there, then do not forget to add water to it.

South 1-5

The South is another unfavorable sector with a Yellow Five. This time she will only stay here for a month. You cannot sleep, work, eat, relax or be active in this room. You need to leave this premises and not use it. Otherwise, move the bed to a favorable place, carefully monitor your health, do not borrow or borrow money, do not engage in extreme sports and do not start new things. Protection from the Yellow Five (Salt, water, coins) must be in the sector for a month.

Southwest 3-7

A bad sector whose energies can bring losses. Do not tell anyone about your financial situation, always keep your wallet under supervision and your cash reserves in a safe place. Pay special attention to who and what you say - incorrectly interpreted information can harm you and provoke conflicts. Carefully check the documents you sign to avoid problems with the law. As for health, take care of your liver, gallbladder and beware of injuries. A vessel with slightly salted water will help smooth out the negative influence of energies.

West 8-3

The sector is controversial. Energies provide an opportunity to earn money, but you will not only have to work hard, but also be under the influence of certain circumstances and people, which will add some difficulties. The main thing is not to accept proposals for risky operations and not to start large projects. If a boy is sleeping in the western sector, he should be moved to another place to avoid injury.

Northwestern 7-2

The disease star settled in this sector for a month, so you can’t sleep, work, or stay here for a long time. If you continue to use the sector, be sure to monitor your health, especially your throat and lungs - go to see a doctor, even if nothing is bothering you, take vitamins, do hardening, take a massage course, and strengthen your immune system in any other way. Place a container of salted water in the room.

North 2-6

The annual Two should have evicted household members from this sector several months ago; you cannot have a bed, work or dining table here. If you were unable to leave, then the priority for June should be the health of everyone at home who actively uses the northern sector - you need to make an appointment with your family doctor, devote time to sports and conditioning, get tested and replenish the supply of missing vitamins, go swimming or take a massage course . By taking care of our health, we reduce the influence of negative energy.

Northeast 9-4

A favorable sector, especially for study, creativity, starting a new project, new acquaintances, romance, performances, ideas, and a pleasant pastime. But in a fit of excitement and inspiration, you can spend extra on something that seems to be necessary, but you can do without it - you will have to control your expenses. If you are looking for a life partner, then place a bed in the northeastern sector.

East 4-8

Use this sector to successfully study, engage in creativity, and bring romance into relationships. The energies will also contribute to the influx of financial resources, but the money will not come just like that, but as a result of systematic work. For children, the eastern sector is unfavorable - do not use it for a child’s sleep to avoid illnesses.

Personality Element Guidelines

For people with the Yang Tree , elements of brotherhood and self-expression will come, new acquaintances and contacts may appear, but they are not of the best quality, so do not fall for tempting offers and promises. In addition, for you the Horse brings the symbolic star “ demon of illusions ”, you can see things and situations illusorily, so do not make important decisions on the fly. Pay attention to your health this month, especially if the card is hot. If Fire is a useful element for you (the card is very cold), then this is your heyday, show off your achievements and talents.

People with the lord of the day Yin tree - actively use your creative potential, because this month the “Academic Star” is helping you! “Wealth robbers” come to you, but they are quite weak and should not do much harm. If you have a weak Tree card, then it is better to share the load with someone, work as a team, and the result will not be long in coming. But also remember about the “demon of illusions”, robbers can take advantage of this. If Fire is not useful, then you can become harsh and unrestrained; relaxation practices will help you.

Women with the Yang Fire must pay attention to their health, especially if you have problems with the gallbladder, thyroid gland, and also with your parents. If you already have a hot card, then this can be a difficult month, very emotional, nervous, injuries are possible. “Wealth robbers” who are known to set you up may also appear, so if you feel that you cannot cope with emotions, keep communication to a minimum, try to relax more this month. For weak Fire, this is an excellent month for achievements with the help of previously acquired knowledge.

For people with the Yin Fire , it also all depends on how much Fire is already manifested in your chart. Men of Yin fire must take care of their health, not engage in traumatic sports, and pay attention to their parents. It will be more difficult for a strong Fire to achieve results and also control emotionality, support has come to a weak Fire, act! to Yin Fire , so there may be good cash flows (does not depend on the usefulness of Fire), after the end of Mercury retrograde it will be possible to make large purchases.

For the Yang Land, the Horse is a symbolic star of the “Yang Land”; it can bring increased injuries; on the days of the Horse, try not to worry, not make important decisions and not travel in bad weather conditions, especially on June 15 and 27. Your recommendations are similar to Yang Fire, if Fire is not a useful element, then the month can be difficult, emotional, excess resources can come from laziness, reluctance to do something. If Fire is what your card lacks to balance, then there can be great gains, especially if the card has Water in its NS. Real estate issues may become acute.

For people Yin Earth - if you need Fire for support, then you will feel a surge of strength, new ideas, and the opportunity to express yourself. If you have a “dry and hot” card, then this month you may be overcome by doubts, uncertainty, and reluctance to move forward. Strengthen the qualities of Metal, structure your activities, write plans for the day, set goals and move towards them, at least in small steps. The “star of financial success” will also help you this month. Women can have acquaintances, fall in love, just take a close look at your chosen one, he may not be exactly who he claims to be.

If your DD Metal Yang and Fire is useful, then career growth and new job offers await you. If you are not useful, then your superiors may overly control you, or they may be dissatisfied with your work, and there may be sudden fines. Try to “keep your head down” and not make mistakes! In the women's chart, the month activates the aspect of relationships, the arrival of a partner, a new acquaintance. Here again everything depends on the usefulness or non-usefulness of fire. In terms of health, there may be problems with blood pressure, headaches, cervical osteochondrosis.

People born on the day of the Yin Metal can count on additional support from the outside in June the Horse is their Personal Noble Assistant . Women of Yin metal may have a secret admirer. If Fire is not useful for you, then there may be difficulties at work, with your superiors.

For people born on the day, Yin Water, or Yang Water - Fire is the element of money, so there are great opportunities to earn money, use your knowledge and achievements! Wood is your element of creativity, self-expression, new ideas and projects may appear, although the process itself may not go exactly as planned, improvise on the go, be creative. Children and their health may require attention. If the Lord of the day, Water, is weak, try to control expenses; if Fire is not useful, there may be large expenses; be sure to set aside time for rest; strong Fire depletes Water.

find out your birthday by constructing a Ba Zi card on the Minli calculator.

To get the most out of the energies of the month, plan your affairs in accordance with the energies of the coming days, and then you will easily bypass troubles, and achieving your goal will become easy and enjoyable.

Activations: Bird falls into nest

For this activation, you need to choose a convenient place closer to the outer border of the apartment or house (the energies are stronger there), here you will stay for two hours.
What can you do during this time? Relax, work, do what you love, the main thing is not to leave. In this simple way you can attract good luck and help yourself make an important decision. DATE

05.06.2021INPigs (21-23)Tiger
18.06.2021YUMonkeys (15-17)A rabbit
30.06.2021NERooster (17-19)A rabbit

South 2021

Star 1 "white" in Feng Shui is described as wisdom and knowledge. It is represented by the element of Water, and Water means depth. The knowledge is deep and truly valuable. And noble, influential people often turn to sages for advice. Therefore, the influence of star 1 will help attract noble and well-connected people with impressive resources. Metaphorically speaking, this will give access to the Information Ocean. And then both promotion and financial success largely depend on the acquired intellectual baggage and cleverly expressed thoughts. When others see not just an interlocutor, but a source of wisdom, they are imbued with respect and trust.

Warming the Money Star

In order to activate money luck, you need to light a candle in the specified sector at the right time and leave it burning for two hours. After the two-hour period is over, you must put out the candle, not allowing it to burn completely. What to expect from this activation? Money can come in the form of an increased flow of orders, bonuses, repayment of debt, an unexpected gift, or a pleasant bonus.

05.06.2021NEGoats (13-15)CandleTiger
24.06.2021NERabbit (5-7)CandleRooster

North-West 2021

Star 7 "red" - characterized by wounds, theft, gossip, rumors, speech, as well as metaphysical knowledge. Therefore, if in 2021 you involuntarily fall under the influence of the star “7”, then be sure to study metaphysics! Including using our website. If this area is not alien to you, then purposefully use the north-west - and then you will be saturated with metaphysical knowledge from head to toe and achieve a metaphysical breakthrough! Or learn foreign languages ​​and improve your public speaking skills. In the northwest, all this will be very appropriate.

North-West correction in 2021

To weaken star 7 in the northwestern sector, it is recommended to place an elemental correction device related to the element of Water - a vessel with calmly standing water, or “virtual water” - a noticeable blue object, or images with black or blue fish.

Activations to attract financial luck and income growth (generals)

This activation is similar to the previous one; it also warms up monetary energy so that you have the opportunity to receive a pleasant financial surprise. Only here various activators are used - a fan, a candle, a fountain. Do not confuse them and activate only at the specified time.

07.06.2021WITHDogs (19-21)CandleDragon
10.06.2021ZMonkeys (15-17)FanGoats
14.06.2021ZHorses (11-13)FanSnakes
18.06.2021YUMonkeys (15-17)FountainA rabbit
23.06.2021NWHorses (11-13)FountainMonkey
23.06.2021SWGoats (13-15)FanMonkey
24.06.2021ZDragon (7-9)FanRooster
29.06.2021YUMonkeys (15-17)CandleTiger

Center 2021

Star 6 “white” helps “service people”, performers, officials, military personnel, and all those who work in a hierarchical structure. It imparts discipline and the ability to complete things. This helps to create mutual sympathy with superiors and bring opportunities for career advancement. Since star 6 is in the center in 2021, it will influence “background” on all people. Probably, such things as rules, power, service, veneration of rank will play an important role in 2021. The centralization of power and control throughout the world may increase.

It will be possible to “take” directly the energy of star 6 only in certain months, when it “flies” into the sector to the favorable annual stars and spreads its influence. You can freely receive information about sectors that contribute to career advancement by subscribing to the monthly Feng Shui forecast.

Subscribe to feng shui forecast

Magic walks

Those who like to walk in the fresh air do this to their advantage - by going for a walk at a certain time in the right direction, you can improve those areas of life where there are some difficulties. Start from home or any other point, staying there for at least two hours. Plot a route using the map, taking into account the desired direction of the world, and go for a walk or by car. Travel for at least half an hour on foot (it will take less time by transport), stop at your destination for 15-20 minutes and return back.

Health in June

To be as effective as possible in work and relationships, we need to remember that the body constantly needs to be replenished with favorable energy, and this is especially useful if the energy is in tune with the cycles of nature.

  • Summer is the season of activation of the heart and small intestine ; in the heat, the most losses occur from body fluids, which means that the blood thickens and the load on the heart . Even if the month is not very hot, it is still the time of activation of the energy of Fire.
  • For our body, working for many hours in summer cottages on hot days is a real test: physical activity increases unusually. Many people, especially those who do not regularly exercise or suffer from chronic diseases, may experience discomfort and deterioration in well-being associated with heat, excessive sweating and, against this background, loss of fluid and palpitations.
  • Please - take care of your cardiovascular system, do not overload it unnecessarily, especially between 13 and 15 hours!!!
  • If you have a tendency towards high cholesterol or blood clots, go to the doctor and take preventive measures.
  • Feature of June 2021: very weak organs of the Tree - liver and gall bladder! If you already have problems with these organs, do not wait for them to worsen, take preventive measures.
  • Now there is a lot of controversy about vaccination, this month those with a weak liver may not tolerate the vaccine well, of course, everything is individual here, but if you have a history of such diseases, be careful.

What is useful at this time of year:

  • It is useful to be outside more, in nature, but not in direct sunlight, and to get up early in the morning. Then we will have enough strength to survive the winter, because during the summer we must gain more yang energy .
  • In summer, it is not advisable to take a bath often.
  • kidneys need to be supported, spared and strengthened. For this, a nap of about 20 minutes during the day, and not immediately after eating, is useful. If you can’t sleep, just lie down and rest. This practice will help maintain yin energy in the body and strengthen the kidneys.
  • To maintain kidneys and sufficient water balance in the body, eat more liquid and semi-liquid foods. These are a variety of soups, okroshka, drinks (cool, but not ice). Keep heavy meat dishes to a minimum. Reduce your salt intake.
  • Don't eat a lot of cold food. Cold food causes irritation in the stomach and intestines, which reduces the time food spends in the small intestine and impairs the absorption of nutrients. Sudden temperature changes - ice-cold drinks in the heat - are especially harmful.
  • Green vegetables, leafy salads, arugula, and endive are very useful.
  • Summer is a period when it is useful to eat citrus fruits, especially grapefruit ( and not in winter, as is mostly done in our area).
  • Spicy and excessively salty tastes should be excluded from the diet in summer.
  • A good summer tea would be tea made from flowers, strawberry leaves and wild strawberries. This tea calms the heart and negative emotions.
  • Check to see if your bed is positioned in the south, north and southeast.


05.06.2021INPigs (21-23)Tiger
08.06.2021INHorses (11-13)Snakes
19.06.2021SWHorses (11-13)Dragon
30.06.2021NERooster (17-19)A rabbit
01.07.2021NEDragon (7-9)Dragon
04.07.2021NEDogs (19-21)Goats
05.07.2021SWPigs (21-23)Monkey

Decisive action

The Wooden Horse does not tend to cling to the old. She calmly lets go of what has already become obsolete and can no longer be restored. Therefore, June is a great time to let the wind of change into your life. Throw away conservatism, be open to everything new and boldly go towards the unknown. If you have long been planning to do something radical, for example, move to another city, change jobs, bring clarity to your relationship, then perhaps it’s time to move from words to actions?


23.06.2021NWHorses (11-13)Monkey
30.06.2021SWRabbit (5-7)A rabbit
01.07.2021SWRooster (17-19)Dragon

*The article indicates solar time.

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West 2021

Star 8 “white” - money thanks to hard work. This is the star of stable wealth, slow but sure prosperity. She is considered one of the most popular stars for the mass segment, as she brings not only money, but also reliability. After all, most people strive for everything to be stable and predictable. If you conduct a survey “would you like to get 100 thousand right now or 1 million in a year?” - many will choose the first option as more reliable.

Star 8 is the universal “money star”. Its influence, although it does not provide opportunities for a big financial breakthrough, will help improve the financial situation in general. For this, it is useful to spend more time in the West - constant work and development will be guaranteed!

Feng Shui New Year 2021 and how to celebrate it

Many are already starting to think about celebrating the New Year, choosing decorations, clothes, looking for new New Year’s recipes, and so on. If we consider the signs of Feng Shui, 2021 is a family holiday. The Ox does not like noisy parties in the company of unfamiliar people. He prefers a quiet and calm atmosphere.

The main attributes of 2021 will be:

  • Color – white, all shades of gray, pink, blue, metallic. Choose clothes and accessories in light colors. Clothes should be made of cotton and silk. Try to use these colors throughout the year.
  • Favorable materials are natural (wood, stone, metal).
  • STOP for red. It is strictly prohibited.
  • We all wish that the New Year will be prosperous for us. Before the holiday, you can ask for forgiveness from those who were offended. Throw out old trash.

Horoscope for Horse for January 2021

From the beginning of the coming year, almost all Horses can indulge in the delights of a good rest. In the professional sphere, you do not need to actively implement your production obligations; for this, a more favorable period will come ahead. You cannot enter into conflicts with partners or express direct displeasure towards your colleagues.

On the love front, things are excellent; if the zodiac sign is family-oriented, then he and his spouse can go on a short but very pleasant trip. Lonely Horses also shouldn’t waste their free time; now they can flirt and meet nice people.

Love horoscope

Calm, reasonable Horses are wonderful spouses and caring parents. Representatives of this sign are courteous, attentive, and ready to listen. Don't let others abuse your kindness and try to get closer to family and trusted friends.

What, according to the horoscope, awaits the Horse in June:

  • free representatives of the sign can meet their chosen one and distinguish him from other people - this is the first step towards a full-fledged relationship;
  • married Horses will be busy setting up a family home - they will prepare for the birth of a child or a successful life together;
  • There will also be meetings with relatives - perhaps they will pay a visit to your home, so it is better to prepare for the meeting with your parents.

When meeting a person you like, you shouldn’t try to impress him - you can attract him with your naturalness, kindness, and balance.

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