Chinese Book of Changes. Interpretation of hexagrams, predictions and fortune telling. Online interpretation of hexagrams on the website “What will happen RU”.

Fortune telling online > On the Book of Changes > Interpretation of hexagrams > 44

Name: Go/Cross Judgment: Go towards. Virgo is incredibly strong. Such a girl should not be taken as a wife. Image: Image of Transcension: the wind under the sky. This is how the great ruler behaves, who distributes orders and proclaims them to the four corners of the sky.


The descriptions relate only to those lines that were marked during the formation of the hexagram. Count the lines from bottom to top.

  • Bottom line: This should be checked with a bronze brake. Perseverance leads to success. If you let things develop their way, you will face unhappiness. Even a skinny pig has the power to be angry.
  • Second line: A fish is swimming in the aquarium. There is no guilt. There will be no guests.
  • Third line: There is no skin on the thighs, making it difficult to walk. If you do not forget about the danger, then do not make mistakes.
  • Fourth line: The aquarium is empty. This leads to trouble.
  • Fifth line: The melon is covered with willow leaves. Hidden lines. Falls to the one who came from heaven.
  • Top line: Comes to meet his horns. Humiliation. There is no evidence of guilt.

Find out the interpretation and love meaning of hexagram 44 when fortune telling online using I Ching coins according to the Chinese Book of Changes. Explore the most detailed interpretation

Famous Personalities and the I Ching

I Ching fortune telling is an ancient predictive system that answers love questions, questions about near and future events. This fortune telling was trusted and studied even by famous personalities who preferred it to horoscopes and various secret knowledge.

Such famous and great personalities as Napoleon Bonaparte, Isaac Newton, Theodore Roosevelt, Robert Boyle, Emmund Halley and many others used the Book of Changes to tell fortunes. This gives additional confidence to the veracity of the prophecies of the Book of Changes.

The Book of Changes is not some secret knowledge that is difficult to access. This is an opportunity to know yourself, find a way, standing at a crossroads, and get out of a state of uncertainty.

You should not expect that you will dream a way out of a difficult situation. It is always worth trying to get rid of doubts with the help of ancient Chinese techniques.

Full interpretation of hexagram 44

Hexagram 44 Gou (Transverse) describes a situation where the eliminated principle of darkness unexpectedly and secretly returns from within and below. The feminine meets the masculine. This is a dangerous and unfavorable environment, so it is necessary to recognize this and prevent any consequences in time. A connection is maintained with the fifth month (June-July), since during the summer solstice the principle of darkness constantly returns.

Interpretation by Yu.K. Shchutsky

If previously the 43rd hexagram touched on the contradiction that arises on the 6th line, then the 44th completely concentrates on this topic. That’s why it got the name “Transition”. To understand its meaning, it is important to understand that the name of the hexagram usually includes several interpretations at once.

For example, the symbol also means “queen,” so we see an influential woman. We are talking about a period when, despite traditions, influence is in the hands not of the king, but of the queen, who accumulates all the power in herself. If you try to intervene and subjugate her, then everything will end in serious problems.

Also, the 44th hexagram hints at the concentration of all evil that was hidden in the early stages and was not completely defeated. During this period, evil has the opportunity to raise its head and begin to act. It is not permissible to compromise. Therefore, there is no need to marry a girl who symbolizes the evil that overcomes her.

Interpretation by A.V. Shvetsa

On the external level we encounter strength and Creativity, and on the internal level – penetration and Refinement. If unpredictable transformations take place on the external level, this leads to a refinement and revision of values ​​at the internal level. You will have to regret it, but it will show the absolute.

Interpretation of Hayslip

The 44th hexagram encourages you to look at yourself from the outside. Do you have enough tact, restraint, and tolerance? Now you need to carefully monitor all the transformations that occur when communicating with others. Try not to react so critically to other people's actions.

At a particular stage of life, you don’t have to rely on the fact that you will be able to realize your dreams and desires. Show thrift and restraint in spending. Be internally prepared for the fact that unexpected events will soon happen from which you cannot expect a favorable outcome.

Fortune telling on coins according to the Book of Changes

Coin fortune telling is an ancient way to find out your future. In China it is the most common and simplest. It was used by generals, politicians and great people of this eastern country. The ritual is very simple: finding three coins is not difficult, and interpretation of the results is easy to obtain. The resulting prediction will help a person who finds himself at a crossroads make the right choice, or will give advice in a difficult life situation.

How to guess correctly using three coins

For fortune telling on coins you need:

  • three coins;
  • pen and paper for notes;
  • a book with the interpretation of hexagrams.

It would be better to find special coins

Important! You can guess using ordinary pennies, but first you need to clear them of negative energy and customize them for yourself.

To do this, you need to put them in water for a few minutes, or scorch them with a candle flame. After this, you need to hold the coins in your hands.

This fortune telling involves tossing coins. You need to formulate the question precisely, focus on it and toss them six times. In classical Chinese fortune-telling, if the result was heads, a solid line was drawn, and if it was tails, a broken line was drawn. In order to simplify fortune telling, you can use the notation 1 and 0, where heads are 1 and tails are 0. Draw these lines and write the numbers one above the other to form a hexagram. The interpretation of the numerical value must be read from the book.

If the method with lines was chosen, then you will need to divide the resulting hexagram into two trigrams, which will make up the final symbol. This symbol must also be found in the interpretation of hexagrams. The resulting aphorism will be a philosophical, succinct, deep answer to an exciting topic. you can only do it once. Even if the answer to it is unclear or does not suit the fortuneteller, this cannot be done a second time.


Hexagram 44 Gou (Transverse) shows the exaltation of the lower element, which is conveyed in the image of a brave girl. She gives up easily, which allows her to seize power in the future. This would be unrealistic if the strong and bright element had not passed halfway. The inferior seems attractive and harmless, which a man likes. It looks small and weak, which makes it think it can have fun without causing harm.

In fact, a small person has a chance to rise higher only for the reason that a great person does not see a danger in him. But this gives the small man a certain amount of power. He would never have gained influence if a strong person had immediately slammed his fist on the table.

It is important to consider the hexagram in another context. Usually small people do not date strong personalities. But sometimes it is extremely important. When earth and sky meet, all creatures begin to flourish. If a prince and an official see each other, then order is established in the world.

It turns out that it is necessary that the elements intended for fusion and interaction meet. But then they should not have dishonest motives, otherwise one of them will be harmed.

Jin fortune telling

Another name for fortune telling according to the Book of Changes is Jin or Zhou Yi. The work is also called the “Canonical Book of Changes.” It is the first part of the Thirteen Books - a collection of outstanding monuments of ancient Chinese philosophy. It would be more correct to call the work “The Canon of Changes,” but the “book” has stuck in the West.

There are also commentaries on the treatise known as the Ten Wings (or Shi Yi). They describe key philosophical concepts, as well as more practical points, such as: how to tell fortunes from the Book of Changes using yarrow branches. The comments attract the attention of philosophers: Russian sinologist V. S. Spirin analyzed them.

The 64 hexagrams of the I Ching are an overview of all human conditions and possible life situations.

Fortune telling allows you to identify the current state, detailed probable developments of events and find out what behavior would be the most reasonable.


The situation of hexagram 44 Gou (Transversation) resembles 20 Guan (Observation). In the latter, the wind blows above the ground, and in the 44th it spreads under the sky. That is, in general it blows everywhere. In the 20th hexagram, the wind blows on the earth and displays the ruler who is studying the situation in his kingdom. And in the 44th hexagram it blows from above and describes the influence that the ruler exerts at the expense of his subjects. Heaven is distant from earthly things, but starts movement due to the wind. Likewise, the ruler is removed from the people, but moves them through orders.

Lines in hexagram 44

Bottom line

If an extra element is inside, it should be checked immediately. Constant checking will avoid negative influence. If you allow everything to develop as usual and do not interfere, then misfortune cannot be avoided. Even if the problem seems minor, you cannot ignore it. A thin and young pig may seem harmless. However, she is capable of becoming angry when she is satiated and increases her strength. True nature will awaken if it is not curbed.

Second line

The lower element cannot be overcome by violence, but can be overcome through gentle control. In this case, you don’t have to worry and evil will not be able to harm you. But it is extremely important to be careful not to allow him to come into contact with those above, otherwise he will become free and begin to act evil with impunity.

Third line

The temptation is great to become part of the evil element. A dangerous situation is developing, but the good news is that circumstances are preventing this. Because of this, a person begins to behave indecisively. If you clearly understand the danger of the current situation, you will be able to prevent catastrophic mistakes.

Fourth line

You have to tolerate insignificant individuals so that they remain in a good and upbeat mood. Then you can use them if necessary. If we push them away or do not meet and make concessions in time, they will turn away from us and will not come to our aid when we need them. But the blame falls entirely on our shoulders.

Fifth line

The melon symbolizes the principle of darkness. It is sweet, but easily spoiled, so it is protected by a covering of willow leaves. In such a situation, a strong, superior and balanced person must tolerate and protect his subordinates. He has clear order and inner beauty, but does not rely on it.

He does not bother his subordinates with ostentatious appearances or tedious lectures. No, he gives them complete freedom, relying only on their inner strength, morality and honesty. And so! Fate smiles. Subordinates begin to voluntarily behave conscientiously and completely obey.

Top line

When a person withdraws from the world, the inner turmoil becomes unbearable. There are a large number of people who, in noble pride, remain aloof from everything base and sharply reject if they encounter something similar. But when surrounded by such people they are not perceived, because they seem proud and distant. But they don’t care because they rarely have contact with the real world. They are calm about hostility from society.

The meaning of the trigram combination

Each hexagram is a combination of a pair of trigrams (upper and lower). Let's look at the meaning for hexagram 44.

Heaven in the wind

Hexagram 44 Gou (Transect) represents the wind that comes from the heavens and disturbs the world located on earth. The heavens are famous for their height and power, because they are fixed above us and influence through the wind. Many ancient myths indicate that the heavens control us from above through the wind.

In principle, any wind should be considered as a factor of change. He starts a movement in the world with a specific purpose. The starting point is the heavens, and the direction is tian dao, which in ancient China was once called the “heavenly way.” The wind demonstrates heavenly intentions or, according to Taoism, the path of nature, which is indifferent to human will and does not depend on it.

It seems that this is an accident, but there was nothing like this in the cosmology of Ancient China. Any event has a specific purpose: human or heavenly. In any case, the hexagram reflects processes that are beyond our control.

Therefore, it should be taken as a warning. Heaven seems to be hinting that it is important to pay more attention when choosing a path. In the end, the wind comes as close to the heavens as earthly creatures can hope for. The ruler expresses his opinion to his subjects and it is better to listen to him before doing anything.

Hexagram - what is it?

Each Chinese hexagram combines elements symbolizing the masculine and feminine principles - Yang and Yin. Hexagrams carry fixed information - about some life event, and dynamic information - the situation is considered in development. Each symbol consists of six solid or broken lines (nine or six).

Sometimes you can see color schemes, in which the nines will be painted white, the sixes will be black. The choice of paint is not accidental. Nines are yang energy and symbolize action. Sixes are yin, that is, passivity. The features should be read from bottom to top, although you can come across recommendations to the contrary. By consistently analyzing the features, the interpreter understands how the situation will develop.

The line in the hexagram is called yao. Their combinations are gua. There are two types of them: trigrams (three features - ba gua) and hexagrams (six features). Each yao corresponds to a certain set of aphorisms, and each gua also has such a correspondence. In them the fortuneteller finds answers to his questions.

There are eight ba guas in total. Each of them is the fundamental principle of the world.

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