What can a natal chart tell us if there is a problem with conception or pregnancy? Is conception possible?

Examples of problematic birth charts

Example 1

Here we see the Demon of Destruction in its worst manifestation, it brings strong fears, some far-fetched problems, destructive thoughts. The Peach Flower in this card carries a tendency towards bad habits and some “wrong” pleasures. And even such a remarkable star at first glance, like the Noble One of the celestial unit, in this map brings the following characteristics: a person overestimates his strength, cannot think rationally. A person is easily overcome by anxiety, depression, and everything is not right for him.

That is, those spirits that characterize a person’s psychological state, his emotions, his attitude towards life, have a very negative influence in this map.

In 2015, Sheep Knife joined them. Against the backdrop of the strengthening Tree (useless power that brings restrictions, pressure, some kind of uncertainty), the girl committed suicide.

Example 2

In this example, we also see the Demon of Destruction, but here it has a different meaning - a person is able to calculate and analyze everything. At the same time, the Demon of Illusions creates in a person’s head his own world, a fictional reality. This is a card of Philip Budeikin, one of the administrators of the “death groups” on VKontakte.

Spirits and Demons are a very important part of the birth chart. They help to understand the psychological state of a person, the reasons for his actions. When a bad period comes, unhelpful elements, the Spirits of Good Luck will help a person get out, and the Demons of Failure will aggravate his situation and push him to take wrong actions.

How to increase the likelihood of conceiving a child?

  • Have a regular sex life.
  • Track ovulation and days favorable for conception.
  • Eat well.
  • Take folic acid, vitamins E and C.
  • A strong immune system can maintain normal hormone balance.
  • Drink at least two liters of water per day.
  • Eliminate stress and give up bad habits.
  • Normalize the regime.
  • Change intense physical activity to moderate one.
  • Visit a psychologist or psychotherapist (a psychological factor after long-term problems. In this case, there may be no health problems for conception).
  • Avoid certain medications.


Children are the flowers of life, the greatest treasure and the most fragile.

What situations related to children can confuse us:

  • When we already have them, but we don’t know what to do with them.
  • When we don’t have children, we really want to, but nothing works out.

With the help of Chinese metaphysics, in particular Ba Zi - analysis of the fate map, both issues can be resolved.

  • There is an opportunity to understand your children much better, help them know themselves, and guide them at the right time. So that they are happy, healthy and successful.
  • And there is a chance to identify the cause of failures, based on an analysis of the cards of both partners, and receive very specific recommendations for actions and dates that will help solve this problem. In this case, it is also necessary to connect Feng Shui, since the energies of space usually duplicate problems in the Ba Zi map. Read more about planning children and conceiving in the “Love and Marriage” and “Health” sections.

Let's talk about the children we already have, and we have a huge responsibility for the upbringing, skills and values ​​that we give them.

What questions are we usually interested in:

  • What is his character, characteristics, and what approach to education should he choose?
  • How to understand a child and establish relationships with him, reasons for disagreements
  • What does a child expect from his parents, what kind of authorities does he have?
  • How will he manifest himself in a social environment, in relationships with people?
  • What does a child have abilities, talents, potential for?
  • Which clubs and sections to choose to develop his potential?
  • What teaching methods are preferable, choice of kindergarten, school
  • Choosing a university, an education that will not be useless, but will actually be useful in life
  • A profession, a field of activity that will bring success and satisfaction
  • Possible health problems, periods of danger

The child’s Ba Zi card can answer all these questions, thereby helping parents make the right decisions.

Ba Zi children's consultation (up to 14 years) fully covers all of the above aspects. To create an energy map you need:

  • the child's date of birth must include the exact hour
  • city ​​of birth
  • gender of the child

To schedule a consultation, you must leave a request and provide the necessary information.

During the week, preparations take place, then the consultation itself via Skype, in which you can ask any questions you may have about the child. After consultation within a few days, I will send a written report for your convenience.

The cost of a child consultation is 6100 rubles. 100% prepayment after my consent to the card analysis. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, I may refuse.

I will answer all additional questions if they arise within 1 month.

A short excursion into children's BaZi cards using fragments of consultations as an example:

  1. Child:

Boy Yin water, already soft and gentle in itself, like drops of dew on the grass or a small stream with crystal water. So he has two more peach flowers in his card, which makes him simply irresistible, sweetest and most charming. He leaves no one indifferent. His chart has an Academic star and an Art star, which will allow him to be a versatile, intelligent, educated and very interesting person.

But the main thing about the map is that it is a Map of Following Self-Expression. This is an unusual card, not the easiest, but if you really follow it, you can achieve amazing results in life.

Such children need a special approach:

  • It is vital for him to express himself, to do something, to create, to defend his position, and this is not always convenient for others. You can’t put pressure on him and impose your point of view, you don’t need to teach him to reason. It's just no use.
  • We need to be given freedom of choice and taught to be independent. It's easier to express yourself this way.
  • This is a lone wolf in life; a team is contraindicated for him and will only get in the way.

You need to love such a child! Don’t babysit, don’t patronize, but simply Love! Anyone and always!

2. Child:

His Ren personality element is Yang Water. This is the ocean, the seas, in a word, big water that does not tolerate pressure, values ​​freedom, sees no barriers and stops at nothing. ⠀ If you look at the map in general, a large amount of land immediately catches your eye. Therefore, land, and for water this is power, plays a huge role in the map. And the structure of the card is precisely the wrong power (7th killer, aggressive power). This gives a person courage, determination, and a reluctance to live by someone else’s rules and stereotypes. He is his own commander, and he has his own laws. Can easily solve any non-standard problem.

"Boss Star" or Kuigang in the pillar of the day. First of all, it means inner strength, leadership qualities, rigidity, intolerance, power. Although in appearance they often give the impression of being calm and peaceful creatures. But as soon as a threat (even just an illusion) looms on the horizon for him or his loved ones, Kuigang will manifest himself in all his power, and he is terrible in anger. It can behave absolutely unpredictably, which is why this star is compared to the “devil in a snuffbox”. Everything seemed to be fine, and then bam, and you don’t even understand what hit the person.⠀

If you noticed, the card contains a triple duplication of very similar characteristics - perseverance, determination, courage, power (kuigang, Yang water, structure of the 7th killer). I think the line of behavior in life is generally clear. This is very good, because there is no hesitation, a person knows what he wants and achieves it. ⠀ And the baby definitely has every chance to achieve great success in life, the main thing now is to channel all this power in the right direction. For example, sports, where he can show his character and fight to become the best there, and not in the family or society. You can't break it and try to remake it. He is a person, strong and persistent, you need to put up with this. ⠀ On the contrary, resources are very useful to him; water is very weak due to the strong control of the earth. Therefore, it is very important to give such a child warmth and comfort at home, family traditions, care for him, delicious food and a mother nearby. Since the resources in the metal will also be important, order, regime and discipline.

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