Problem pillars in Ba Zi for personal life, marriage

Resource in the bazi map

Resources are the element that supports the Lord of the Day. These include the material component of a person’s life (property, home, food, health, clothing, work) and spiritual values ​​(our thinking, knowledge, education, upbringing, inner world, ideas). It is resources that make a person educated, cautious and conservative. If there is a strong star of Resources in the fate map, you move through life easily and on your life path you meet people who are ready to provide help and support. But if they are in an unhelpful element, then this leads to indecision, reluctance to act, and unnecessary thinking. Strong resources are found in the cards of teachers, scientists, writers, and analysts.

Weak resources do not allow the owner of the card to express himself; he cannot concentrate and complete the task.

A resource is information, and if you have information and other people need it, then your role in life will be very significant. Therefore, learning Bazi is of great importance because you see what other people do not see

You can learn a lot about a person from the resource.

What happens if a resource comes in a year or cycle of Luck and an imbalance appears in the fate map - there is a lot of resource. The answer is simple: you will lose motivation and laziness will overwhelm you. You will sit still and wait for something. People who have a lot of useless resources in their bazi chart are indecisive and self-indulgent. Such a person loves to enjoy life.

The resource shows the overall health status of a person.

When the Resource element comes in the strokes of luck, then you begin to learn, you can start writing a book.

If the resources are in the annual Pillar, then first of all people see his education, politeness and good manners.

Lack of resource in the bazi map

Let's look at what the absence of a resource element in the fate map gives:

  • weak connection with parents, with family, that he has nowhere to wait for help;
  • lacks vitality to realize your goals;
  • decreased interest in study and education;
  • management will be biased towards him, not noticing his achievements in work;
  • there is no “indicator” of health, it is difficult to diagnose the disease at an early stage, a person can see a doctor only when they are already in an advanced stage.
  • A practical person, the material aspect is important to him.

Resources, in turn, are divided into Homogeneous, they are called “Oblique Print” and Heterogeneous, they are called “Direct Print” or “Right Print”.

Direct printing

Direct printing is an element opposite to the Lord of the day. In the bazi chart it represents the mother star. If you have a strong correct seal, then you are interested in your family, family traditions, and are happy to create a family tree. This is a symbol of knowledge, study, education. If there is a lot of correct seal, then the person is very jealous. He wants to control everyone.

Oblique seal

The oblique seal is an element homogeneous with the Personality Element. So, for the Yang Tree, the oblique seal is Yin water. The oblique seal (indirect resources, Owl Spirit) is a symbol of alienation, non-standard knowledge, original thinking, i.e. not like everyone else. But this is also creativity, great creative opportunities.

An oblique seal can be a sign of adoptive parents, or the fact that grandparents or nannies are raising the child.

People with a strong oblique seal are interested in spiritual practices, ba zi, qigong.

If resources are unfavorable and there are many of them, then a person may be inattentive, inaccurate, and make mistakes. This is a symbol of alienation. But also creativity, a wealth of ideas, enormous creative abilities. If there is a lot of oblique printing, then the person can be arrogant and arrogant. A person can isolate himself from people, prefer solitude, this is one of the signs of loneliness. These are individualists and can easily break off relationships with people.

People with a strong oblique seal often engage in research in the field of all sorts of spiritual things. They are interested in the origin of the world, spiritual practices, qigong, yoga, feng shui, bazi.

The oblique seal is responsible for sincerity and sensitivity. The oblique seal may be a sign of adoptive parents, or the child may be raised by grandparents rather than natural parents.

If resources are not favorable, and there are many of them, then a person may be careless, inattentive, and make mistakes.

These are the different regular and oblique prints in the bazi map.

Ba Zi Map Information

Despite all the language difficulties, the residents of Russia have access to enough information to form a foundation that will allow them to build a strong structure of knowledge in the future. One of the building blocks is the Ba Zi map, which is created using the solar calendar. It is a table containing the days when a particular individual was born, written in Chinese characters. If you decrypt them, you can get:

  1. Knowledge about the character and fate of a person, including bad omens and black streaks.
  2. Information about each decade of life, they are called “10 pillars of destiny.”

The system is accurate and allows the following analysis:

  1. All aspects of life.
  2. Flow of qi in the map.

Possibilities of good luck or a negative moment.

There is no need to be afraid of bad news. If a person learns about something negative in advance, then he gets the opportunity to correct the situation. The man or woman will not have to feel embarrassed, angry, or ashamed because he or she will not be caught off guard in an unpleasant situation. In addition, the system will help:

  1. Build equal relationships with others.
  2. Choose an area of ​​activity that will bring success.
  3. Calculate the time for any undertakings.
  4. Properly plan the near future.
  5. Spend time and energy on something that will pay off and generate income in the future.

The map consists of such time parameters as time and date of birth, which contain hieroglyphs - signs of the heavenly trunk and earthly branch. The trunk and branch create one pillar. Then a table is filled in, where the pillars are listed up and the branches down.

How to identify normal map structures based on 10 gods?

In order to determine whether there is an internal structure in the natal chart, it is necessary:

1. Consider the heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branch of the month.

2. Reveal the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month. For example, in the earthly branch of Yang-earth Dog, the dominant hidden trunk will be Yang-earth.

3. This hidden trunk (for example, Yang-earth) must grow into the heavenly trunk of the pillars of fate (the hidden heavenly trunk must be duplicated in the open heavenly trunk without changes. That is, the yin-earth in the heavenly trunk is not a duplicate of the Yang-earth from the hidden trunks ).

4. The dominant trunk hidden in the earthly branch can be duplicated in the open heavenly trunk of the month, year or hour. But it cannot grow into the heavenly trunk of the day.

5. Depending on which element the personality element belongs to, a normal internal structure is created. For example, if the personality element is Yang-tree, then the celestial trunk of Yang-earth hidden in the earthly branch, duplicated in the open celestial trunk of the year, will create the structure “Propensity for Wealth.” After all, for a tree, wealth represents the element of earth.

6. If the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month is not manifested in the open celestial trunks, then to find the usual structure, you need to look at the secondary qi in the hidden trunks. That is, we need to see whether the heavenly trunks of the second and third levels, hidden in the earthly branch of the month, are duplicated in the open celestial trunks.

7. When in the pillars of fate two or three heavenly trunks at once grow into open heavenly trunks, hidden to the earthly branch of the month, which is not related to the earth element, then the structure is formed only by the dominant hidden heavenly trunk.

8. If in the pillars there is an earthly branch of the element of earth, and two or three heavenly trunks, hidden to the earthly branch of the month, grow into open heavenly trunks at once, then it is necessary to identify which of them forms the structure. Here it is worth remembering the seasons. For example, the metal hidden in the monthly earth branch of the earth element will set the structure if the date falls in autumn. And by analogy with other elements. But still, in this case, the structure formed by the dominant hidden celestial trunk of the earth element is also taken into account. This type of map is vague, cloudy, or ambiguous.

9. It is worth noting that if the celestial trunk of the earth element hidden in the earthly branch of the month grows into the open celestial trunk of the month, then the structure of the map is determined by the earth element (hidden celestial trunk of the earth).

10. When two months of secondary heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branch have sprouted in the pillars, the season must again be determined. For example, the spring season is supportive for a tree.

11. If the earthly branch of the month is the element of earth, then when determining the season, one should look at whether the seasonal hidden celestial trunk has sprouted in the open celestial trunk or not. For example, if in the month of the Ox the water hidden in the earthly branch was duplicated in the celestial trunk of the year, then the season of water is determined. And in this case, the structure of the map is determined by water.

12. When the earthly branch of the element of earth, then if there are hidden celestial trunks of the element in it, supported by the season - in open celestial trunks of the same element, but with a different meaning, then the structure is determined by this energy. For example, if in the month of the Ox the celestial trunk of yin water hidden in it is supported by Yang water in the open celestial trunks, then the structure is determined by water. Here again both structures are taken into account - both water and land. After all, this is a muddy map.

13. If in the earthly branch of the earth element there are hidden trunks of water and metal, and the metal has sprouted into the open heavenly branch (duplicated in it), and the season of the water element, then the structure is determined by the water element. And again this is a muddy map, because the structure of the metal is also taken into account.

14. When none of the celestial trunks hidden in the earthly branch of the month are manifested or duplicated in the open celestial trunks of the map, then the structure of the map is determined by the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month.

Map structure

NameWhich person does it point to?
Direct (correct) wealthA pragmatic person who knows how to save and accumulate capital
Wealth bias (lateral or false wealth)Looks for profit in everything and is not afraid of losing money
Food Spirit (Eating Deity)Selfish, hypocritical, with the habits of a person from high society.
Assault on authorities (injuring an officer)Does not want to submit to authority and generally accepted norms.
Correct Resources (true seal)An individual capable of accurate analysis of all received information and scientific activity.
Oblique print (indirect resource)An unconventional person.
Direct official (correct authority)A balanced pedant who loves precision in everything.
False (wrong) officialAn emotionally unbalanced, calculating and petty person, accustomed to daily veneration and self-abasement before his superiors.

Compilation method

To compile the correct map of Ba Zi, one turns to the “calendar dial” - an image of all the dates of birth along with the year. Then they recognize the hieroglyph corresponding to the person (energy movement). At the intersection of the time and birthday columns, the animal assigned to the person will be indicated. It is worth considering that the time is indicated in Beijing; it is translated into local, taking into account the time zone. After a person has found the necessary cell, he must compare the element and animal to which the individual belongs.

Decoding cards

The most difficult thing is deciphering the resulting Ba Zi card. Therefore, after compiling a table in accordance with the rules, they turn to a specialist, rather than trying to draw a conclusion on their own. The difficulty is that there are many different variations in the system that result from a combination of animal, element and personal characteristics. In any case, the resulting comment should not be considered a verdict. Even experienced people analyzing such data make mistakes.

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