Calculate Gua number online for Happiness in your home


Is it possible to change your Destiny or influence events in your life. It turns out that followers of the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offer several ways by following which you can make significant changes during your own life. One of the most popular is the Gua number ; anyone can calculate it online

Gua Lucky Numbers Method

This method of numerical values ​​is easy to understand, and its effectiveness is known from the numerous experiences of our predecessors. It can help identify the main directions for adjusting one’s own life situation, provide niches for possible further development and personal perfection, and determine areas in which significant changes should be made.

Definition of the concept of Gua number

This number of Happiness is associated with the generally recognized cardinal directions.

  • To prepare an accurate calculation, you only need to know the person’s date of birth.
  • The result obtained allows you to arrange things in your apartment and workplace in such a way that the state of your affairs changes for the better.

With it you can achieve:

  • attracting cash flow,
  • good luck in your personal life,
  • determining the main aspects of one’s own development,
  • moving up the career ladder,
  • awareness of one’s significance and common purpose, etc.

How can you correct life situations?

Each of us would like to change something in our lives and achieve well-being in all areas. It is for these purposes that various methods and techniques are used.

The direction that came to us from Ancient China indicates the necessary areas that should be activated in order to properly organize the surrounding space.

In some cases, it is first recommended to create a Desire Map in order to determine directly for ourselves the most important points that we should change. The main thing is that when carrying out all the above actions, you need to believe in the effectiveness of the method. Only in this case will the expected events and people enter your life and you will achieve a positive result.

Find out more about how to create your own Wish Card: how to properly make a Dream fulfillment screen

Feng Shui Gua Number

A diagram that helps determine the Ancient Chinese Zones in your apartment is called Ba Gua.

  • She suggests dividing the entire space into eight sections in a circle, with one central one.
  • Each of them has its own name and purpose.
  • Their location is mirrored in relation to the existing cardinal points.

How to create Ba Gua sectors in an apartment

It is advisable to depict it on a piece of Whatman paper; you can create it on a computer and print it out.

Calculate Gua number by date of birth

Now all you have to do is compare the Ba Gua diagram with your plan, not forgetting to turn it over according to the mirror principle. You have completed all the preliminary steps to calculate your cherished lucky number.

The principle of calculating the number of Luck

In order to calculate the Gua number for women, you will need to take the two extreme values ​​of the year corresponding to your birth. However, there is one important point that is definitely worth paying attention to.

  • Women born between January 1 and February 5 take the previous year as the reference date, and in other cases actual data is used.

How to count

The calculation scheme is quite simple and should not be a time-consuming process for you.

  • Add the numeric value until you get one digit.
  • For example, 1991 = 9+1=10, 1+0 =1.
  • Increase the resulting result by five if your date of birth is before 2000 and by six if after.
  • Do not forget that when receiving two-digit data, we perform addition until we get one digit in the end.
  • If we consider the above example, it turns out: 1+5=6

Now, depending on what value you have formed, read its correspondence in the tables below.

Digit one

This value is for the east direction.

  • Its element is Water and its color is white.
  • If you get this value, then you know how to control yourself, are careful and rely only on your own strength.
  • Your relationships with other people are calm and balanced.
  • You manage to find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation.

It is believed that a few are always good listeners, but those who are not fans of being around too many people. Representatives of ones find a common language best with people whose lucky value is six.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementNorthIt is possible to activate and develop this side provided that the person’s life goal is clearly defined
Material well-beingSoutheastPlace wooden things or water in places corresponding to this direction.
  • The figure of the bird of happiness can be installed in this direction.
  • If the woman is single, then it is better to use a male.
  • To improve relationships, family units should purchase a figurine of a mandarin duck.
  • Fill this sector with light and positivity.
  • Turn the head of the bed towards this part of the world to become the owner of good health.

Number two

Representatives of twos belong to the western direction.

  • Their element is Earth, with corresponding yellow or red color tones.
  • You can rely on these women; they are capable of anything for the sake of their family and friends. Twos take on any task and always bring it to the end.
  • They do not like various kinds of changes in their measured course of life.
  • The ideal option for marriage will be people who have received the Gua number, calculate seven online.

Areas in which positive results are likely

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementSouthwest
  • All aspirations of twos are aimed at creating stable and strong relationships.
  • Symbols of the fire element, installed in sectors where it is important to achieve favorable changes, will help you with this.
  • The head of the bed should also be positioned in this direction.
Material well-beingNortheastThe material stability of twos will be at the same level if the latter use all their intellectual capabilities.
A ceramic vase located in this area will help strengthen the result.
  • Optimal bedroom location.
  • Place icons and various amulets of love in it.
HealthWestMethods of alternative medicine can improve the health of two people.
This sector involves placing a dining room in it.

Read more about protective amulets for the home: Amulets and talismans and their meaning with photos: what every woman should have

The meaning of the number three Gua

Three-piece women are representatives of the eastern group.

  • Their element Wood suggests the positive influence of blue and green shades of color.
  • These are sensual, straightforward and hot-tempered natures.
  • They do not trust others and are too responsible, so they carry out all important actions themselves.
  • Threes constantly improve themselves and develop in various aspects.
  • Ideal alliances with sevens.

Areas in which positive results are likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementEast
  • For these women, family is the greatest value.
  • It is in it that they find an outlet for their inspiration.
  • Determine the attributes of the Water symbol in this sector, for example, an aquarium with fish.
  • They will become excellent stimulants for their own self-improvement.
Material well-beingSouthWhen the Gua number comes up as a three when calculating online, a woman should clearly define her area of ​​development.
A money tree or a frog with a coin installed in this area will help to strengthen the expected results.
  • Symbols related to Wood or Water will allow you to activate success in love relationships.
  • But threes should avoid Fire.
HealthNorthHaving the head of the bed installed in this direction will help eliminate the occurrence of health problems.
This place is more preferable for the location of the kitchen or front door.

Read more about the Health sector according to Feng Shui: Health zone according to Feng Shui in an apartment - the secrets of eastern longevity

Gua Four

If you get the number 4, then you are a representative of the eastern group.

  • The protection of the element of Wood leaves its mark on the predominant use of blue or green tones.
  • Women of this type are open, independent, but too changeable in their views.
  • They do not accept any kind of injustice, so they do their best to prevent its manifestation.
  • Caring and tolerant fours are ideally suited to nines.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementSoutheastThese women are capable of achieving maximum earnings, so place a money tree or luck node in this sector.
Material well-beingNorthA great place for a front door or study.
LoveEastInstall any available amulets that symbolize love and fidelity.
  • When choosing a talisman for this sector, remember that you need to be careful with the fire element.
  • Suitable as an area for a bedroom or kitchen.

Number five

Being under the auspices of the Earth and belonging to the Western group, women of five choose red and yellow tones in their environment.

  • This figure indicates the presence of a penchant for adventure, perseverance in achieving goals and self-sufficiency.
  • These people do not tolerate defeat, know how to find a way out of unforeseen situations, and are constantly looking for ways to develop themselves.
  • Men with the same Gua designation are best suited as marriage partners.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementNortheastOptimize this space for a creative studio, workspace or bedroom.
Material well-beingSouthwestIt is better to present the sector in the optimal color scheme, without overplaying with love symbols.
LoveWestThe perfect place for your vision board or bedroom.
HealthNorthwestFives should sleep with their heads turned towards this part of the world. To enjoy excellent health, install a door to the yard or kitchen in this place.

Number six

  • Representatives of the Western group are under the protection of the Metal element.
  • For them, white and yellow tones are closer and more favorable.
  • They know their worth, are rational and collected in their actions.
  • Women place higher demands not only on others, but also on themselves. Ideal partners are people whose lucky number is one.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementNorthwestDetermine the required area for yourself and install an amulet in this zone that symbolizes it.
Material well-beingWestThe placement of crystal stones, horseshoes or things related to creative activity will help to attract well-being.
  • Your head should be turned in this direction while sleeping.
  • Any amulets of the earth element activate success in amorous affairs.
HealthNortheastThe interior in this part of your room should be decorated in accordance with the necessary color tones.
Use the following activation methods:
  • snake figures,
  • flower (better if it is a lotus),
  • owls.

Lucky number seven according to Gua

Just like sixes, representatives of the number 7 are under the auspices of Metal and belong to the western direction.

  • The color shades are also almost the same - these are the purest white and yellow colors.
  • However, this metal is more flexible and adapts to its environment.
  • Women are characterized by prudence in their actions, the ability to communicate with people and excessive work activity.

The problems that arise in the life path of sevens do not frighten them, and their friendly nature allows them to get out of the abyss of troubles dry and unharmed. Ideal partners are men who roll the number 2.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementWest
  • Install crystal stones and horseshoes in this part of the room to activate personal development.
  • Decorate the interior using a suitable color scheme.
Material well-beingNorthwestAn icon of your saint or guardian angel will help you save and increase your accumulated wealth.
LoveNortheastIdeal for placing a bed. Provide sufficient light and do not clutter the space.
  • The canteen located in this sector will help improve health.
  • Provided that you got a seven on the Gua number when calculating online, and you have chronic illnesses, set up a personal account in this place.

Eight for Gua

The Western group of Eights, protected by the element of Earth, must choose between yellowish or red tones as their main colors.

  • This number gives women iron will, firmness, pressure and endurance.
  • Great conservatives are quite hidden and do not dump on the heads of the first person they meet the thoughts swarming in their heads.
  • Convincing them of something is quite difficult, since their beliefs are not subject to change. For living together, the ideal partner would be a person with a deuce as a lucky sign of fate.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementNortheastEights clearly see the goal in front of them, and it is precisely this that should be located in the designated sector.
  • As a talisman, you can offer figurines of an elephant or a snake.
  • It is better to choose a color scheme in accordance with the color suitable for the number.
Material well-beingSouthwestMoney talismans will not be an ideal solution when choosing the necessary things in a given area, at least don’t get carried away by their quantity.
Also select a different area for the office location.
LoveWestIt is best to place in this place an icon of the saint who patronizes you.
  • Items that symbolize Fire are not a good option for placement in this location.
  • It will be good if it is in this area that you place the door to go outside, and place the bed with the headboard towards this side of the world.
HealthNorthwestAn icon installed in this area and the periodic use of incense will allow you to activate the beneficial effect on the general condition of your body.

Number nine

Impulsive representatives of the eastern group are under the protection of the fire element.

  • Red and green tones are suitable as optimal shades. Women whose Gua number is calculated as nine are quite vain.
  • They know how to communicate with people and are well versed in their strengths and weaknesses.
  • They are easily ignited when a new business appears on the horizon, but they fade just as quickly if their interest is not ignited.
  • They get along well with representatives of the unit.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Sphere of influenceSide of the worldDescription
Personal improvementSouthThe sector of fame and recognition indicates the ease of achieving popularity among others.
  • Representatives of the Feng Shui direction recommend placing doors to the street in this area, as well as installing attributes symbolizing Fire and Wood.
Material well-beingEastPlace amulets of monetary and financial well-being here.
LoveNorthDo not install fiery love paraphernalia, such as candles. Place the head of the bed in the direction of this side of the world.
  • An interior using bamboo will allow you to enhance the optimal positive impact on your overall health.
  • You can place a dining room in this area.

How to use the calculation

Using this comparison method, it will be quite easy for you to understand in which rooms a certain area of ​​​​Chinese philosophical teaching is located.

  • To enhance their impact on your life, you should choose the right colors for arranging the interior of your apartment and the appropriate objects and things that symbolize your goal.
  • Don't waste your energy activating all zones at the same time.
  • Clarify for yourself what exactly is required at the moment, and direct your efforts exclusively to these two or three sectors.
  • When you achieve what you want, move on to other areas of your life.

Definition of element

A person’s element determines his character and temperament. To find out what energy predominates in you, study this table:


  • 0 is the number of “metal” people with Yang energy. They are very determined, persistent, endowed with colossal willpower and fair. But they can be overly stubborn and demanding, which complicates relationships with others. Intellectuals.
  • 1 - metal, Yin. Aesthetes, the main thing for them is the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. They strive to improve, improve and decorate everything around them. But they can be too arrogant, criticize people and consider themselves better than others.
  • 2 - water, Yang. Very active, lively people, inquisitive and curious. They are interested in absolutely everything, incorrigible optimists and lovers of life. Sometimes they can be infantile and live in a world of pink clouds, not seeing the true reality.
  • 3 - water, Yin. Refined and noble natures. They strive to be part of “high society”, to occupy a high social status. They are prone to depression and do not tolerate stress well.
  • 4 - tree, Yang. Very principled natures, stubborn and uncompromising. They live by their own clearly formulated rules, do not tolerate laxity and will never do anything anyhow.
  • 5 - tree, Yin. They are very tolerant of others, they will find an excuse and explanation for any negative action of a loved one, they are kind and compassionate. At the same time, they are very demanding of themselves, striving to live up to the invented ideal.
  • 6 - fire, Yang. Very energetic and active. They strive to try everything in life, often change jobs, place of residence, hobbies and friends. They fall in love often and are just as often disappointed.
  • 7 - fire, Yin. People are cautious and vulnerable, very sensitive to negativity, and often get offended. They do not know how to rest and relax, so they can live in a state of constant tension.
  • 8 - earth, Yang. Conservatives adhere to strict moral principles. Very faithful and devoted friends, they will never leave a loved one in trouble.
  • 9 - earth, Yin. Soft, flexible, compliant personalities. They honor parents and family above all else. They like to be alone and cannot stand noisy companies.

Knowing your element, you can understand how to live the energy inherent in you harmoniously and correctly.

How to find out the Feng Shui zones in your apartment

Ancient Chinese teaching teaches us to bring harmony into our lives in accordance with the current laws of nature. Its origins go back to ancient times, but despite this, the popularity of this science today is growing every day. According to it, all premises can be divided into certain areas. Each of them makes its contribution to the general course of life of a particular person. That is why it is important to know their correct location in order to promptly and independently have a positive influence on the course of events that we are not entirely happy with at the moment.

Apartment zones according to the Bagua scheme

For these purposes, it is enough to superimpose the image of the Bagua grid onto the plan diagram of your room. There is no need to be afraid of such a terrifying name for an ordinary zoned octagon.

  • Its name consists of two words: “eight” and “trigram” (“ba” and “gua” respectively).
  • Each corner of the grid corresponds to its own cardinal direction and its derivative.

How to calculate sectors correctly

You have already decided how to calculate the Gua number by date of birth.

Now, in order for each area in your home to be activated and begin to perform its intended function, you need to arrange interior items and things in accordance with certain requirements.

And the color scheme in many cases plays an almost magically decisive role.

Zone nameLocationElementAttributesColors
  • Fish figurines,
  • tree,
  • promising money
  • aquarium,
  • artificial fountain



  • Porcelain figurines (dove, ducks, swan, angel, couple of lovers),
  • candles or aroma lamps.


HealthCenterServes to unite other sectors
  • Wooden objects (oak table, figurines),
  • fruit baskets,
  • crystal ball.
CareerNorthWater and MetalWorkplace attributes:

  • computer,
  • telephone,
  • framed corporate photo.



FamilyEastWater and Wood
  • An ideal place for family photos, gifts from children or relatives.
  • It is not recommended to post photographs of departed relatives, ikebana, or stuffed animals.
Travel and useful people in your lifeNorthwestMetal
  • Photos of landscapes of places where you have been or are planning to visit.
  • Snapshots of people supporting your growth.
  • Figurines of the Gods Guin and Ganesha.



  • Your achievements in various fields (certificates, awards, cups, etc.),
  • figurines of birds (crane, eagle or dove).
WisdomNortheastEarthSector for the location of the family library, items related to education.

  • Do not store glossy magazines or low-quality literature in this place, as well as sharp and cutting objects.



Where to place the Wish Map Zone

So, you have already used the recommendations about how to calculate the Gua number online, placed the necessary amulets and talismans around your apartment, changed the color of the interior in accordance with the sectors and zones, but do not forget that your gaze should regularly rest on the previously compiled wish map.

This kind of “magnet” will attract expected events into your life and allow your plans and hopes to come true.

At the same time, be guided by the diagram and place photographs in zones in accordance with the rules, and not in a chaotic order that you have come up with.

To consolidate your actions aimed at changing the stream of your life in the direction of your choice, when activating sectors, use the following tips:

  • In the Health zone, located in the center of the grid you create, place a photo of yourself, in which you are completely happy and carefree.
  • Above your photo, in the glory zone, pin images that indicate success in your business.
  • For the Career zone located under your photo, select images of people that symbolize the profession you plan to get, or your results in the chosen field.
  • Fill the upper left corner, in which the Wealth zone is located, with banknotes or other material benefits that you want to achieve.
  • At the bottom left, place a photo of your diploma or the expected prospects that it will allow you to achieve. Since this sector is the zone of Wisdom.
  • Fill the space to the left of your photo with happy photos from your family album, focusing on the Family sector.
  • In the upper right corner, symbolizing a love relationship, paste hearts, pictures of lovers or a snapshot of your partner in life.
  • To the right of your central photo, in the children's and creative activity area, place objects that express the ways of your development and hobbies - books, knitting needles, musical instruments, etc.
  • If a child comes first in your plans, decorate this place with images of expectant mothers, strollers, photographs of babies, or attributes necessary for the birth of children.
  • In the lower right corner, responsible for travel and teachers, there should be photos of amazing places from your dreams or pictures of people who help you in life.

Directions for representatives of the eastern group

DirectionsGua 1Gua 3Gua 4Gua 9
Five Ghostsnortheastnorthwestsouthwestwest
Six killersnorthwestnortheastwestsouthwest
Complete collapsesouthwestsouthwestnortheastnorthwest
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