Types of Ba Tzu cards. Special or external structures

Super-weak Ba-Tzu cards or following the strength

Follow the Leader is a type of card in which the personality element is excessively weak. Typically in pillars of this type the personal element is suppressed by all others. Therefore, it loses its properties and follows the strongest element in the map. But this happens only according to the following rules:

— a card is super-weak if there is no element in its earthly branches that is identical to the element of the personality; - the card can be of the “follow the leader” type, if there is no hour, day or year of the same element in the hidden earthly branches; — the card may turn out to be super-weak if the personality element is not in the phase when it has the greatest strength; — the four pillars of fate can be of the “follow the leader” type, if one of the elements of the pillars is dominant, is present in the heavenly trunks and is in the phase of strength (for example, a tree has strength in the spring); - the main element - the leader can be a resource that is present in hidden trunks, in heavenly trunks, but does not take root in earthly branches; - if one of the four earthly branches is the strongest, then it cannot be a leader; - the dominant element does not have power in the four pillars of the element; — usually the sequence map contains seasonal combinations and triangles of energies.

In Bazi, it is believed that if a card turns out to be of the “follow the leader” type, then the elements are unfavorable for it, which are favorable for the personality element. And the energies that are beneficial to the energy – the leader – become favorable. At the same time, the element of personality itself remains unchanged. She simply abandons her natural environment.

The Ba-Tzu distinguishes subgroups of sequence maps

1. Following power is a special structure in which the element of power predominates. Typically, men and women with this type of pillar strive for power all the time. And besides, women with cards of this special structure usually strive to get married and devote themselves to their family. But to confirm that this is the same type of card, it must meet the following conditions: - the presence of a dominant element of power in the growth stage; - the absence of the element of self-expression in the heavenly trunks and in the earthly branches or the presence of the energy of wealth; - the element of power is favorable to a person.

I was once contacted by a girl who was born on June 15, 1986 at 12:45 in the +7 time zone. In 1986, maternity and summer time were in effect in Russia. This means +2 more hours. The girl claimed that her card was of the “following power” type, although she had water in the celestial trunk of her birth hour. Ba Tzu's consultant, who examined her pillars of destiny, answered all her questions. After all, if you wish, you can “pull by the ears” any suitable rule of Eastern astrology to the events of life. But the recommendations that the consultant gave to this girl did not help her in any way.

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on June 15, 1986 at 12:45 in the +7 time zone

In the natal chart of a girl who was born on June 15, 1986 at 12:45 in the +7 time zone, it is clear that the metal is severely restrained. It is suppressed by the element of fire, which is active in June, and it is supported by the element of wood. The Tiger of the Day or Year can create strong fire with the Horse of the Month. Therefore, the consultant considered that the girl was favored by energies useful to the leader element. In this case it is fire. That is, strengthening wood and fire, according to the consultant, and according to the Ba-Tzu theory of special structures, should bring good luck to a girl born on June 15, 1986 at 12:45 in the +7 time zone.

This girl strengthened wood and fire for several years, but suffered severe health problems (she developed cancer), quarreled with the man who asked her to marry, and began to waste money. The girl told the consultant that the most successful years for her were the years of earth, metal and water. As soon as a girl’s energy levels increased in earth, metal and water, she met men interested in relationships with her, graduated with honors from educational institutions and successfully got a job. But the consultant decided in his own way, because he followed the theory of special structures.

Having examined the natal charts of a variety of people for many years, I came to the conclusion that charts of following the leader are rather a myth. This type of card was probably invented because there were cases where a counselor could not understand what was causing problems in his client's life. For this reason, I don't consider follow-the-leader cards. I always pay attention to the balance of the five elements in the body’s energy. If you rely on the Ba Tzu theory of special structures and recommend that a person weaken an already excessively weak element of his personality, then the likelihood of a serious illness or death increases significantly.

If we consider the girl’s date of birth in Greenwich, it turns out that she was born on 06/15/1986 at 03:45. There is a metal weakness in the card. However, its strengthening makes it possible for the girl to improve her health. But improvements in her life begin with the strengthening of the earth, which is capable of partially creating a balance in her energy - taming fire, limiting wood and strengthening metal. Water creates experiences and turmoil associated with childbirth in this girl’s life. Therefore, she has already experienced several miscarriages. This happens because water and very strong fire conflict, creating active and scalding steam. But otherwise, water is good for her.

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 06/15/1986 at 03:45 GMT

2. Following self-expression is a special card of Ba Tzu, which indicates that a person has creative abilities. And if it occurs in a woman, it makes motherhood the main thing in her life. To accurately determine whether a card is of the “following self-expression” type, you need to pay attention to the following points: - the element of self-expression dominates and is in the growth stage; — in the heavenly trunks there is no element of resources and there is only one element of self-expression; - the resource element is not one of the main elements of the earth; - the element of wealth may be present; — elements of self-expression and personality are useful to a person; – energies representing power and resources are unfavorable.

A woman contacted me, who herself determined that her card was of the “following self-expression” type, and the Ba-Tzu consultant revealed the same thing. The woman was born on November 2, 1968 at 22:30 in the +5 time zone. In 1968, maternity time was in effect without a transition to summer and winter. This means +1 more hour. The map shows that the element of personality is weak. Here one could assume that water is an element of power for this woman, stronger than earth is an element of self-expression for her. But for some reason, both women decided that this was a “follow self-expression” card rather than a “follow power” card. Probably, in their analysis they relied on the content of the bars. From 29 to 69 years old, this woman is in the periods of earth and fire.

Four pillars of the destiny of a woman born on November 2, 1968 at 22:30 in the +5 time zone

As the owner of this card said, she always strives for power, family and children are important to her, and she is a completely uncreative person. Ba Tzu's consultant identified metal and water as beneficial for her. But as the woman herself claims, she was very unlucky during the years of water, as well as during the years of earth. But the periods of time during which fire and wood intensified in her energy brought her luck.

If you calculate the pillars of fate according to Greenwich, it turns out that this woman was born on November 2, 1968 at 16:30. In such a card, fire is slightly stronger, water is weaker, but there is more metal than in the previous layout. The water here is strong due to the abundance of metal, and the earth is strong due to the abundance of fire. Apparently, the fire here is being suppressed greatly. Therefore, it needs support - fire and wood. This is the result of chart analysis, in which the emphasis is on the balance of the elements in the pillars of fate. He should be trusted more than the theory of special structures.

Four pillars of the destiny of a woman born on 11/02/1968 at 16:30 GMT

3. Following wealth is a special structure in which the element of wealth predominates. Usually people with cards of this type are enterprising, they are always doing something, trying to get money. To identify a map of this type, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions: - the personality element is weak, is not in the stage of growth, is not duplicated in the pillars of fate and it does not have roots in the earthly branches (there is no same element); — the element of wealth is favorable to a person, is dominant and is in the stage of growth; - in the heavenly trunks there is only one element of wealth; - in the earthly branches there must be a triangle of kinship or a seasonal combination; in both cases the derived energy must produce an element of wealth; — the elements of resources are not in the heavenly trunks and in the earthly branches; — the energy of self-expression is beneficial to a person; - the element of power is not favorable or unfavorable; — the elements of resources and personality are unfavorable to a person.

I had the opportunity to conduct a consultation for a woman who was born on November 6, 1967 at 08:20 in the +6 time zone. In 1967, maternity time was in effect without a transition to summer and winter. This means +1 more hour. Its pillars contain a lot of earth and an excessively weak personality element. Therefore, the consultant determined that her card was a “follow wealth” type. At the same time, he recommended that she strengthen earth, fire and metal. And to weaken - water and wood. It is clear that before the consultation the woman did not strengthen any energies, but lived with the dominance of the earth element all her life and constantly suffered from this. Although, according to Ba Tzu’s theory of following a leader, a strong earth was supposed to create exceptionally happy events in a woman’s life.

Natal layout of the date of birth of a woman born on November 6, 1967 at 08:20 in the +6 time zone

If you calculate the pillars of fate according to Greenwich, it turns out that the woman was born on November 6, 1967 at 02:20. In this case, the dominance of the earth element is a little weaker, and the tree is a little stronger. But still, an excessive amount of earthen energy upsets the balance in this woman’s energy, which is why she has difficulties. And what’s most interesting is that this woman is not an entrepreneur, she is not rich and has never strived for money. This is due to the fact that the dominance of any element can create stagnation. In Feng Shui they are called "sha". To disperse extra elements, you need to activate or deplete them. In this case, metal, wood and water are useful for a woman. Which she herself confirmed by describing the events of her life. Therefore, it is better to consider the pillars of destiny through the prism of energy harmony, rather than relying on the theory of special structures.

Natal layout of the date of birth of a woman born on 11/06/1967 at 02:20 GMT

Brief description of symbolic stars. Ba Zi.

Features of the manifestation of stars in the Ba Zi chart. How to calculate the stars. Otherwise, spirits and demons.

Peach blossom.

Star of romance, star of attractiveness. A star that increases attractiveness to the opposite sex and the attractiveness of a person in general. He receives more attention and interest from other people. Often, a star increases the number of fans, makes personal life more intense, increases the number of novels, but sometimes a star helps to achieve public popularity, among the public, popularity in a team, to achieve success in performances, teaching, and negotiations. The star endows a person with charm, ease of communication, and often coquetry, especially in women’s cards.

If there are two or more stars, then a person can, like a magnet, attract fans, and he himself is more frivolous about relationships. Sometimes the star is called sha peach, because it can cause instability in relationships, frivolity, and difficulty choosing a partner.

Travel horse.

Or a mail coach. Shows a desire to travel, move, move. Love of movement and movement, desire to expand your horizons. A person with this star can travel to different parts of the earth, or change their place of residence more often. He may have business trips, performances in different cities, etc. If a star is not realized, dissatisfaction builds up. A person needs to move, but he remains in place. It also shows a person’s desire for change.

Arts star.

Another name: blooming canopy. Gives a person a subtle perception of reality, a sense of beauty. He can admire the sunset, or a beautiful painting, building, clothing, etc. He sees what is beautiful and what is not, he feels real beauty. Such a person has a penchant for creativity, art, and creating something new. Often he has some kind of talent: he draws well, sings, writes poetry, etc. But not necessarily, sometimes a star only makes a person more subtle, less rude. Such a person usually does not use rude words; his speech can have beautiful and sublime turns.

Commander's Star.

General's Star. Makes a person more active, able to lead, organize people and lead. A person is not afraid to come forward and offer his candidacy. In a weak map, this can only manifest itself at a special moment. The star helps advance in the army and in the bureaucracy.

A noble man.

Heavenly noble man. A positive star, always welcome in the Ba-Tzu chart. Gives a person help and support from people around him, destiny, helps in business and relationships. It is especially desirable in a complex map and in a situation with complex stars - it softens their effect, deprives them of some of the negativity.

A star makes a person more noble. Such a person can help other people and come to the rescue. So he will be helped in a difficult situation.


Heavenly virtue and monthly (lunar) virtue. The star enhances the nobility in a person’s character. Increases internal harmony, makes a person softer and more pleasant to communicate with. The star increases luck. Virtue is heavenly and monthly.

Heavenly Doctor.

The star improves health, gives interest in medicine, and the ability to heal others. Helps in treatment situations. A person meets a good doctor and receives the necessary advice. Especially if there is no symbolic star of the angel of death.

Academic star.

Or an academic star. The star helps in learning, gives a thirst for learning, interest in various information, interest in science. Gives a person the right attitude and motivation to learn. A person wants to learn in order to achieve what he dreams of. Often a star helps you choose the right path in life and avoid bad influences. A positive star is always welcome in the Ba Zi chart.

Star of happiness.

The star helps a person to relax and feel a state of happiness. A person can feel happiness just like that without a reason, happiness from the world around him and simple events. Makes a person less aggressive, slightly softens the effect of negative stars. If there are a lot of stars, unreasonable optimism gives.

Heavenly joy.

Heavenly happiness. The star gives a feeling of happiness. Helps in family life, helps build a good marriage if there are no other indicators.

Spirit of well-being.

Another name for the star: reward of heavenly trunks, star of prosperity. Determined by day and year. Desired star in the Ba Zi chart. Improves financial situation throughout life, or at a certain point, helps to find income. A person will not be left without work and money, and may own large sums of money or real estate. Increases status. Gives a person an external gloss. Increases luck in money matters, especially in a strong card. It is more effective if there are no negative stars or breakdowns. Almost always present in the cards of rich people and show business stars.

Brad Pitt. Actor. Two stars Spirit of prosperity in the year and in the month.

Golden carriage.

Status star, helps to achieve success, improves business and finances. Gives a person a sense of taste different from others. Sometimes he prefers branded items to differentiate himself from others, and sometimes he needs something special. The star acts more strongly if there are no negative stars or breakdowns.

State seal.

The star helps to achieve success in the service, shows the opportunity to become an official, or manage people. The star advises entering the public service.

Red Luoan

A star increases a person’s attractiveness to others and helps establish friendly contacts. Increases success with the opposite sex and shows a strong marriage and partner's affection, if there are no other indicators. If there are several stars, the impression is that an inner light emanates from the person, attractive to everyone.

Natalie Portman. Actress. 3 stars Red Loan. It is often said about Natalie that she “radiates an inner light.”

Storage of wealth.

Money storage, storage. Gives you the opportunity to get rich, unexpected wealth. The ability to one day earn money, receive an inheritance, win. It is believed that when colliding with a branch of a star, the vault opens.


The star adds toughness and intransigence to a person. Good for businessmen and politicians, athletes, but the star can give out outbursts of anger and rage.

Yin-yang error.

The star creates difficulties in his personal life, misunderstanding of his partner and the opposite sex in general, and high expectations from relationships. To overcome the effects of the star, you need to be more sensitive in relationships and not panic if something goes wrong. The star is not strong and does not interfere with the establishment of long-term relationships.

Tai Tzu.

Noble Tai Chi, calculated by year and day. Strengthens decency and honesty in a person, often gives a desire for development, making a person sublime. Interest in philosophy. If there are several stars, it helps to achieve success.

Red beauty.

Beauty demon, red peach flower. The star increases charm, magnetism, charm. Makes a person more frivolous, flying in the clouds. Such a person can influence others

Star 10 troubles and failures.

Another name: bankruptcy star. Reduces financial success in a person's life. You have to work harder, put in more effort to achieve results. This is especially true for earnings in the service; it may not apply to fees. More effective in weak and super-weak than in medium, strong and super-strong cards.

Earthly snares, heavenly networks (stars of dependence).

The more of these stars, the stronger their influence. One star has practically no influence, but when there are several of them, or another one comes in the period - the pillar of luck, their effect is already felt.

The stars of addiction say that a person can get carried away and become involved in any processes, become dependent, fall under the influence. A person may become addicted to the game, or have bad habits and addictions. Sometimes he finds himself in an unpleasant situation from which he cannot get out and returns again. A person may get the impression that he is walking in a vicious circle of his problems or negative situations. Sometimes this dependence is on a partner, he may have a complex character, bad habits, but it is difficult to part with him, everything is forgiven to him, everything is tolerated. Having these stars in the Ba Zi chart, you cannot gamble, get involved in bad habits, or break the law.

What is the difference between these stars and shackles and fetters, which are also called stars of dependence? Earthly snares and heavenly nets can have more positive meanings. They show internal rather than external causes. For example, they may say that a person is bound by obligations and cannot do what he wants. Such stars are in the charts of people who, due to their profession or social activities, must give up part of their freedom or sacrifice personal time and personal life.

Sha put or sha kov (stars of dependence).

The star speaks of the possibility of getting into situations of dependence on people, games, bad habits, or some aspects of life. It is especially bright if there are both stars - sha put and sha ok, or one is there, and the second is in the 10-year period - the pillar of luck.

A person can get carried away and become involved in any processes, become dependent, fall under influence. It can be difficult for him to switch from one thing to another, or to part with a person, even seeing his harmful influence, or bad attitude towards himself. A person may become addicted to the game, or have bad habits and addictions. Sometimes he finds himself in an unpleasant situation from which he cannot get out and returns again. A person may get the impression that he is walking in a vicious circle of his problems or negative situations. Having these stars in the Ba Zi chart, you cannot gamble, get involved in bad habits, or break the law.

Dependency on a partner, boss, or bad company is possible. Bad habits, health difficulties, both your own and those of your relatives or partner. Such a star can work at any period of life.

If the star is connected with the sign of the partner (branch of the day), the partner may have bad habits, a complex character, health difficulties, but it is difficult to part with him. There is a feeling of dependence on the partner.

If there are shackles and bonds and stars of dependence, the situation is more noticeable.

3Sha. Sha of robbery.

The star indicates possible losses of funds, incorrect investments, loans. A person needs a good adviser in money matters. A star can help in business and give the ability to take risks at the right time. Together with the angel of death, it can indicate dishonesty and a tendency to steal.

3Sha. Sha of disasters.

The star shows the possibility of injury and health problems. You should be careful, avoid stress and risks, and do not engage in extreme sports. The star also gives a person the talent of an argumentative person. He knows how to turn any facts and arguments in his direction. A good negotiator who gets his way. The star works especially well in this capacity in a strong card.

3Sha. Sha storage.

A star that slows down business and processes. A person with this star does everything a little slower. He needs time to readjust. It works more slowly and can delay projects and delivery of work. It is more difficult for him to get used to the rapid change of events, he needs time to think about everything, to get used to everything.

Sheep knife.

Lamb knife. Shows emotional instability. May have periodic outbursts of anger. Especially destructive anger in a strong card. Such a person can suppress others.

It happens that a person is calm and balanced, but at some point, for some reason, he has an emotional outburst. The star also gives stubbornness and reluctance to change your plans. A person insists on his own, it is difficult for him to change his opinion and his intentions, to rebuild and adapt to changing circumstances.

It is recommended to correct the emotional instability that the star gives through sports, dancing, or other types of physical activity that are beneficial due to favorable elements. Negativity goes away if you have the right physical activity.

The star is good for athletes, businessmen, military men and politicians. She helps them in their careers, helps them achieve success and defeat competitors.

Sheep and Flying Knife.

Flying knife - a breakdown of the Sheep Knife, is taken into account only together with the Sheep Knife. The presence of both of these stars shows health problems and difficult life situations that reduce luck. A flying knife is a branch that pierces a Sheep Knife, without a Sheep Knife it is not taken into account. For example, if the card contains a Snake Sheep Knife, then the Pig is a flying knife.

Stars of loneliness.

Two stars united by one name. The star of separation and the star of loneliness.

The star often says that a person needs time to be alone and think about everything. He may withdraw from people to be alone. Such people often like to work alone. They do not tolerate crowds or large companies well. Or they have a normal attitude towards company, but they quickly get tired, are oversaturated with information, and need rest.

The star of loneliness may indeed indicate loneliness at some point in life, but not necessarily. Much depends on the person himself. It is more difficult for such a person to find mutual understanding and build relationships. It is more difficult for him to get along with people in close relationships. He may more often feel lonely, unloved and unhappy. People with the star of loneliness more often remain faithful to their partner, protect relationships because it is more difficult for them to enter into them again, and are less likely to destroy marriages.

However, the star of loneliness often gives a person a philosophical mindset and does not interfere with success in life.

It is believed that in women's ba zi cards the stars of loneliness, which are brought by the branches of the Earth - Dragon, Dog, Sheep, Ox, are more noticeable. And in the men's ba zi cards, the branches of the beginning of the seasons are Monkey, Snake, Pig, Tiger, (Snake - the first month of summer, Tiger - spring, Pig - winter, Monkey - autumn). This star in the bazi chart may indicate separation from loved ones, widowhood, divorce, or reluctance to marry. But this is not always the case.

Angel of Death.

Another name for the star: demon of destruction, spirit of loss, calculated only by year of birth! As the name suggests, it is a negative star. Brings complex, confusing situations, difficulties in paperwork, illness, failure, depression. The first thing a star relates to, especially in a weak and complex chart, is deteriorating health. Possibility of medical error. When receiving a diagnosis, consult other specialists. To understand how “harmful” a star is, you need to evaluate the entire map: what combinations of signs or breakdowns (oppositions) there are, what other symbolic stars are, there are also negative stars and the strength of the card - how much strength a person has to resist negative events.

This star does not act constantly and does not deprive a person of the opportunity to achieve success. You have to work harder than others. Found in the cards of people who worked very hard to achieve success and became pros. For example, ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. Or actor Jackie Chan.

In some indicators, the angel of death may indicate cruelty or violation of the law. A person in whose chart there is an Angel of Death, or who comes in a 10-year period, cannot violate established rules and laws. Otherwise he may be sent to prison. Take as little unnecessary risk as possible. Engage in psychoanalysis, comprehend and think about your actions. Strengthen auspicious verses and have an activity that allows you to take your mind off the sad thoughts that arise from time to time.

A star often gives a tendency to depression, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life. Indicates internal problems, complexes, fears, excessive shyness, painful impressionability.

Gives a penchant for philosophy, often a sense of humor.

Robert Pattison. Actor. 2 stars Angel of Death - Snake, 2 stars of loneliness - Snake. And 2 stars Sheep Knife – Snake. The actor’s role in the film “Twilight” is quite consistent with his ba zi chart.

Moneyless days.

Star 10 troubles and failures for the current time cycle. These days are considered inappropriate for starting all important matters.

Super strong cards in Ba Tzu or following the power

In Eastern astrology, it is believed that when all the energies in a chart support the element of personality, then a person receives support from all sides. In such cards, the elements of personality, resources and wealth are considered favorable. And the harmful ones are the elements of power and self-expression. People with such cards tend to be tenacious, able to get back up after a fall, and quite stubborn. And women with super-strong cards usually cannot arrange their personal lives.

I conducted a consultation for a woman born on July 11, 1958 at 07:00 in the +3 time zone. In 1958, maternity time was in effect without a transition to summer and winter. This means +1 more hour. In her pillars of destiny there was solid earth. Therefore, the consultant said that her card was of the “super strong” type and assured her that she had nothing to worry about, because she had “everything covered and everything paid for.” Therefore, he advised her to relax and enjoy life. And this despite the fact that the woman at that time was suffering from a fatal disease that arose in the year of the earth.

Ba-Tzu layout of the birth date of a woman born on 07/11/1958 at 07:00 in time zone +3

Often people whose element of personality is too strongly manifested and supported die in the prime of life. Wanting to find a way to avoid a sad fate, this woman turned to several more consultants. If you calculate her date of birth according to Greenwich, it turns out that the woman was born on 07/11/1958 at 03:00. Its pillars also contain fire and wood, which slightly dilute the strong imbalance of the elements with a bias towards earthen energy. This woman had a difficult life. Everything was given to her and is still given only thanks to her hard work. And she doesn't give herself time to relax. Successful periods of her life were, as a rule, temporary periods passing under the influence of the elements of fire, wood, water and metal. It was these energies that I recommended that she strengthen. And now this woman is healthy and, as usual, full of strength. By the way, contrary to the “super strong card” theory of the special structure, this woman has been married for many years.

Bazi layout of the birth date of a woman born on 07/11/1958 at 03:00 GMT

During my entire practice, I met super-strong Ba-Tzu cards only three times. And in each case, the owner of such a card was an overly hard-working person. And this can be explained - by doing something physically - manifesting itself in society, people with such cards strengthen the element of self-realization, which contributes to the partial emergence of a balance of elements in the energy of the body. Only through hard work do these people achieve something. And if they relax, they suffer from endless problems. And even for the support promised by the theory of special structures, they need to ask a lot and persistently.

Stars and strokes of luck.

Stars that come into the Ba Zi chart for 10 years.

Peach blossom – increasing a person’s attractiveness in personal and social contacts. Romance, novels, increasing the number of fans. This is not always the case. Hobbies can be platonic. And instead of fans, a person’s circle of friends will expand. He can start giving a course of lectures, star in a TV show, his social attractiveness and other people’s interest in him will increase. If a peach blossom comes into a chart where this star already exists, it gives an activation to your personal life.

Academic star - during this period you need to change your approach to learning, lifestyle, and work. Often new thoughts, new learning, new projects. a person can be passionate about an idea.

The spirit of well-being is a clear improvement in finances. Profitable work, receiving an inheritance.

Golden carriage - improvement of status: obtaining a diploma, getting married, buying an apartment, a new position.

The Angel of Death speaks of deteriorating health, difficult situations, and difficulties in relationships. During this period, it is better not to perform operations, except urgent ones. Don't do plastic surgery. The star is associated with medical errors. Confirm the diagnosis with other specialists.

The star of loneliness may talk about the termination of any relationship for various reasons, or the removal of one of the relatives or friends. May indicate divorce, but not always. It can talk about the beginning of adult life for children, moving away from their parents, breaking up with a friend. Sometimes it simply gives a feeling of tiredness from people, a desire to be alone, and reduces a person’s social activity, making him more introverted.

If during the Sha period of robbery it is better not to take out new loans, carefully thinking through your finances.

The Travel Horse in the period speaks of travel or relocation.

Qi Transformation or Following Fusion

It is believed that such a special structure arises due to the fact that an element of personality is transformed into another energy. This occurs when the element of the personality merges with the celestial trunk of the hour or month of birth. But the main condition must be the presence in the earthly branch of the month of an element identical to that which arises during the merger. The new element will be of the “yin” type if the earthly branch of “yin” is located under it. The same goes for "Yang". In cards of the “chi transformation” type, the element that appears during the transformation and the element that supports it are considered useful. Unuseful energy will be the element of power. People with the “follow the fusion” type card tend to be fickle and changeable.

Examples of fusion of heavenly trunks: - Yang-tree + yin-earth = earth; - Yang metal + yin wood = metal; — Yang-fire + yin-metal = water; — Yang-water + yin-fire = wood; — Yang-earth + yin-water = fire. It is worth noting that these mergers, like any others, do not form immutable structures and elements. They arise only under conditions favorable for transformation. When these conditions arise is known only to the energies themselves.

I once analyzed the natal chart of a girl born on August 25, 1981 at 07:30 in the +1 time zone. In 1981, summer and winter time were introduced in addition to maternity time. That's +2 more hours. As this girl said, the consultant who analyzed her pillars of destiny told her that in her pillars the celestial trunks of the day and hour of birth - yin wood and yang metal - merge and form a new element - metal. Since there is metal in the earthly branch of the month, the personality element of yin-wood turns into yin-metal. The consultant recommended that the girl strengthen metal and earth. And he advised to weaken the fire.

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 08/25/1981 at 07:30

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 08/25/1981 at 04:30 GMT

It is worth noting that the girl already has little fire in her pillars, and it is also suppressed by strong metal, as well as water and earth. Fire has little fuel, but in this case it represents the element of self-realization and the element of children. This girl had no children and could not find a job. When she began to weaken the fire element, she lost hope of finding a source of income - she became depressed and stopped looking for work.

I do not believe that by merging, earthly branches or heavenly trunks create new immutable and indestructible structures. After all, I saw in practice that these structures can arise and collapse again. Therefore, they cannot be considered substitutes for the elements available in the pillars. These elements are rather additional factors that help when considering the pillars of fate. For example, in this case it could be said that the personality element is weak because it can transform into metal. But this transformation is not possible in every case, but only under favorable conditions for its occurrence.

For a girl born on August 25, 1981 at 07:30 in the +1 time zone, I recommended strengthening the weak elements of her energy: fire, water, wood and a little earth. Six months later, she wrote me a letter thanking me for the consultation and advice, thanks to which she got out of a depressed state and found a job. And two years later the girl got married. She had an overly strong element of her husband in the pillars - metal. Because of this, the energies sought to reduce it by all means. In the physical reality of this girl, this manifested itself as the absence of a man. But as soon as the fire melted part of the metal and the wood activated it, the man was found.

If in this girl’s chart, compiled taking into account Greenwich Time, there was a merging of the element of personality with the celestial trunk of the hour or month of birth, 2 sets of energies would be favorable for her. Because her changeable personality element would have different qualities at different times. For example, if she was a metal during the merger, and a tree before the merger, then the girl would feel more comfortable if these 2 elements were simultaneously strengthened in her energy. She could find a job if she went to the south (to the fire sector - the element of self-realization for wood) and there she would have an interview in a company founded in the year of the Rat (water - the element of self-realization for metal). That is, pairs of elements would become favorable to her. This happens because any energy structures are temporary. They arise, and then fall apart into components, like the same merger. It arises at a favorable moment and then breaks down into its components if conditions are unfavorable for fusion.

Yansky region

In Ba-Tzu, it is believed that people with cards of the “Yang Edge” type are very strong, capable of leading troops or organizations. It is impossible to convince people of this type; it is useless to argue with them. The map of the “Yansky region” structure is revealed according to its own rules. In it, a strong element of personality is usually supported by the month of birth: - Yang tree is supported by the Rabbit; - Yang fire - Horse; - Yang-earth - Horse; - Yang metal - Rooster; - Yang water - Rat.

That is, here the personality element is in the “imperial lamp” or “imperial glow” qi phase. A person with the “Yang Land” card has problems when there is a clash between the earthly branch of the month of birth and the coming year or period of life. In this case, the adversary, enemy or competitor is activated and creates problems. Or an accident occurs. After all, it is believed that when the “Yang edge” collides, its forces are activated.

I haven't had to look at maps like "Yansky region". But among Ba-Tzu consultants it is believed that among the famous people Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Anatoly Chubais and Ingrid Betancourt have cards of this structure.

It should be noted that in some Ba-Tzu schools there are only three types of “Yang edge” cards: - Yang tree supported by the Rabbit; - Yang metal - Rooster; - Yang water - Rat. Other schools emphasize that a person of the Yang-Earth element cannot have the “Yang Land” card.

Many consultants are confident that the “Yang Land” card belongs to a person of the yin element, born in the month when the qi of this energy flourishes. That is, for example, the personality element yin-fire, born in the month of the Snake, is considered the owner of such a card. Useful elements in the “Yansky region” map in the methods of some masters are considered as for an ordinary map, in others it is believed that only power and money are useful.

In this lesson we will talk about the stages of growth of elements, they are also called Qi Phases.

Everything in the Universe has its own closed cycle. In order to be born, you need to die. All natural processes live according to the Laws of Nature. Everything in the world is born, grows, and dies. This process is symbolized by the Stages of Growth, which describe the change in the quality of the Qi energy of the Heavenly Stems, depending on which Earthly Branch they undergo transformation through.

Qi phase analysis is used for:

  • Determining the characteristics of a person’s character;
  • Determining the potential of human abilities;
  • Determining the way to achieve success;
  • Analysis of his personal life;
  • Relationships with people around you;
  • Analysis of the incoming pillars of luck;
  • Determining the strength of the elements;
  • Definitions of the qualities of the palaces of fate, and much more...

12 Phases of Qi or 12 Stages of Growth.

1. Birth, Growth. This phase of Qi indicates high energy potential. This can be called a blessing from heaven. It doesn't have too much energy, it's the beginning of a journey. We can compare this phase to the birth of a child. It correlates with creativity and goodwill. This stage of growth is associated with the birth of something new. It is associated with the joy of learning about the world.

2. Bathing in favors. This phase of Qi symbolizes the baby in the bath. Indicates helplessness, dependence on others. There is low energy potential here. This stage is often associated with the color peach, and indicates romantic and sexual relationships. Here a person washes away everything unnecessary, washes away what he does not need in life. The fact that a person easily parts with what is unnecessary and exchanges it for something new, clean, fresh. This stage speaks of change and impermanence.

3. Putting on the belt. The child went to school. This stage signifies activity and ambition. Symbolizes a young man who looks forward with enthusiasm and interest. This is the beginning of independent life, independence. Huge prospects for development await people ahead. This is a strong phase of Qi, there is a lot of energy here. A person gains importance, significance, sets goals, and gains new knowledge.

4. Entering the service, building happiness. This is the Blooming stage. There is a desire to make a career, get results, achieve goals. Strong phase. It refers to promotion, rank increase. This stage helps a person in business, in making money. Here a person can become popular and famous. This Phase also speaks of leadership, independence, great achievements and development prospects.

5. Flourishing, imperial lamp. This stage signifies the highest level of energy. This is the limit. This phase symbolizes a qualified specialist, maturity and intelligence. Here a person can be hindered by ambition and excessive self-confidence. This is the pinnacle of success. The energy has reached its maximum, there is nowhere to move further. This is where the most difficult thing begins - to hold on to what you have accumulated, what you already have. Therefore, in this case there may be a fear of loss. Outwardly a person manifests and shows strength, but inside he is afraid of losing it. This stage can mean a knife edge that easily hurts others. When the Imperial Lamp comes into contact, it is considered inauspicious, the person may suffer from possible surgery or disaster.

6. Weakening, fading. There is no special activity - but there is still strength left. This Qi phase indicates a decrease in energy potential. There is still a lot of success and work here. But energy is declining, so it is important to maintain discipline. There is no longer any prospect for development here. Energy goes into the internal desire to maintain strength. Here a person is given the opportunity to fill his life spiritually. In the so-called weak stages, a person needs to correspond to them, plunge inside himself, live according to what is inherent in him, and not look back at his neighbor. The weaker the stage, the wider the spiritual world opens before a person.

7. Illness. This stage indicates an even greater decline in energy. It can indicate a likely weakening of a person’s physical health. May result in fatigue and lack of interest. In this phase, a person shows even less external activity. He still strives for activity, but achieving results becomes more difficult. And the person begins to worry, get upset, and get nervous. It is best for a person to be passive at this stage.

8. Death. This Phase speaks of low energy potential, a low level of capabilities. This is a symbol of loneliness and illness. At this stage it is very difficult to determine a person’s character; it manifests itself very weakly. He cannot be active. He can only feel, think and nostalgia.

9. Grave, Storage. Energy is becoming less and less, the level of possibilities is decreasing. There are no surges and no drops in energy. This is a stop in development. This is the stage of retention and accumulation. This stage helps a person retain and preserve Wealth, collect something, collect something. But here there is a difference between the Vault and the Grave. The Grave and the Vault open differently. An entrance to a treasury may open, or perhaps to a prison.

10. Break, Disappearance, Decomposition. This is the lowest energy potential. This is where the energy disappears. It exists, but it’s as if it’s not there. At this stage, energy is preparing for a new birth, for a new form. External manifestations stopped. This is the state when even the body ceased to exist, but the Spirit did not cease to exist. This is the most subtle existence of energies. This Phase speaks of good intuition. And this is one of the worst stages for an Officer in a woman’s Bazi chart.

11. Germ, Conception, Embryo. At this stage, an increase in energy potential occurs. Lots of hope, faith in success and plans for the future. The weakness of this Phase does not allow achieving results. In order to achieve results, you will have to work a lot. The results are in the distant future. But nevertheless, there is hope for implementation here.

12. Feeding, Gestation, Nutrition. In this phase, slow progress and development begins. The level of opportunity is increasing. But the energy here is not yet mature. It is not enough to be active. At this stage, a person is able to start new things and achieve results faster, but still requires a large amount of his own energy and effort.

The “vis-a-vis” structure or two elements in a map

In Bazi, it is generally accepted that the structure of the “vis-a-vis” is a map where only two elements are present - two spirits looking at each other. Both elements must be immediately present in the map. If the second element is formed as a result of mergers, then this is a false “vis-a-vis”.

Favorable in a scenario where there are two elements, where one generates the other, is considered to be the element that goes further in the circle of generation. For example, if the map contains water and wood, then fire will be useful. And the remaining two are unfavorable. In this example, metal and earth.

In vis-a-vis cards, where two elements are in the process of being overcome (for example, earth destroys water), the favorable energies are those that are present in the card and the one that is implied between them (for example, earth, metal and water). An unfavorable element is one that attacks the one standing between the two energies represented in the chart (in this case, the metal standing between earth and water is attacked by fire). The remaining element is usually neutral (here the remaining element is wood).

Maps of the vis-a-vis type are dependent on ten-year cycles, which can greatly influence the course of life events, creating turbulence in it. In Bazi, it is believed that people with vis-a-vis cards have things differently than others.

I have never seen vis-a-vis pillars of fate in my practice. After all, they are quite rare.

So what should I do?

What now, you ask? Soon after the divorce, Katya intuitively chose to work in a medical institution. Where, as you know, there are a lot of deaths and losses.

In her case, it would also be possible to add such energies through real estate, antiques, and Feng Shui.

Are you wondering what the energy level is in the House of Marriage in your birth chart? I can study your case with the phases of Qi in different areas of life and the level of energy in the House of Marriage by constructing a birth chart. This is done during a personal consultation, which I recommend that you sign up for in order to avoid such a sad result that overtook Katya.


Do you want to know how to change the course of events in life as written in your birth chart? Remember that only by accepting responsibility for your life can you change it for the better! I'm waiting for you and your stories in my private messages. Sign up for a consultation using the following links:

Dark structures

There are several types of dark structures and their subtypes: 1. Dark collision: - reverse collision of a lucky horse; - a happy horse flying in the sky; - closed well. 2. Dark connection.

I will not describe Ba Tzu's theory regarding these structures. Since in each course it is clarified that this information is extremely rare and quite difficult to understand, and it must be transmitted only from teacher to student. To find out something about these structures, it is worth taking the appropriate courses.

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