Money tree Crassula according to Feng Shui for wealth and abundance

Hi all! Have you ever noticed that most often we wish each other happiness, love and... financial well-being. And although everyone knows perfectly well that capital is formed as a result of long and painstaking work, I want to speed up this process as much as possible! After all, we are all a little “freeloaders” at heart and believe in miracles, like children. Money affirmations, talismans (money toad on coins), and even magical rituals and conspiracies are used! But the easiest way to attract financial energy into your home is to plant a Feng Shui money tree! Beautiful, useful, not too troublesome and... they say it works! Therefore, today I will talk about where and how to plant a money tree, how to properly care for it and how to enhance its energy. In general, get ready for a lot of money to come to your house!

Tree meaning

One of the most popular money symbols is the Crassula. They began to call it monetary because of the appearance of the leaves, which resemble real coins. People try to grow it at home. She does not require careful care. It is enough to create good lighting conditions and water from time to time.

It is believed that the Feng Shui money tree should be purchased. But, some Feng Shui experts say that you need to steal a piece of the plant from your friends. In this case, financial well-being will definitely settle in your home.

Watering is important! - with words :

YOU GROW, I BLOW IN RICHES. THIS IS MY WILL! LET IT BE SO! As an option in your own words, like “as your leaves grow and multiply, so the money is added to my wallet.” In general, your imagination is enough! You can decorate it with the same coins, or you can apply, in case of need, with a request for urgent finance, in this case we tie ribbons on the branches (all as in ordinary rituals). “Apartam tama” - these agmas, special words, must be said three times when watering, water only on odd days.

Landing Features

In order for the fat plant to help you increase your wealth, its planting must be done with your own hands. The landing principle itself is not complicated, so it should not cause any problems:

Planting a plant correctly is only half the battle. Pay attention to the growth of the bush. As soon as it begins to grow out of the pot, it must be replanted immediately. Otherwise, he will die. When replanting, you need to choose a larger container and carefully plant an adult plant in it. Such actions can be carried out with your own hands, at home.

Selecting a location

The tree loves the sun

According to Feng Shui, the money sector is located in the east-south part of your home. If you don't know where exactly it is, then use a geographic compass. According to Feng Shui, it is best to place a money tree in a place where most of the sun falls, because the plant needs good lighting.

There are a number of recommendations that claim that you can rely on the cardinal directions. The best option is to take the direction southeast from the front door and place the pot in the right place.

An interesting game in Odnoklassniki

On the Odnoklassniki social network there is a game called “Money Tree”. It is liked by those who do not like to carry out tasks, shoot, come up with various strategies or solve problems. In this game you need to grow a tree: plant it, care for it, change conditions. But at the same time, it is a competitive game.

They compete for every centimeter of their beloved pet. Anyone can look at the trees of other users, evaluate them, and compare them with their own. And it all starts with a very small seedling. The website has a training course from which you can learn which conditions are most favorable for the tree. For example, to ensure an optimal humidity of 80%, the seedling must be watered regularly. In addition to water, it needs loosening the soil and fertilizers. When the tree is covered with many branches, money will grow on them, which can be spent in Odnoklassniki.

The tree can be decorated with bows, and a ladybug, hummingbird and hedgehog will live on it. To make the tree grow faster and bear fruit better with coins, you can buy horseshoes. Moreover, the weaker the tree and the fewer coins there are on it, the more horseshoes you have to purchase. But this is optional. If the tree has a black streak, you can simply wait until it ends.

Screenshot from the game “Money Tree”

Adding excitement to the game are traps that protect your own coins and attract others’ coins. The coins are also not all the same: some are quite ordinary, while others are friendly. The first ones belong only to the owner of the tree, the second ones are intended for friends. This means that it is beneficial to invite friends to the game - this makes it possible to exchange coins. You can get additional income if you periodically solve tasks.

Some people believe that this game also attracts money. After all, magicians claim that any tree can attract money if a person trusts it. They call it space encoding. Parapsychologists believe that this is how one connects to the egregor of money. In fact, this is not a miracle at all: fate fulfills the strongest and most sincere desires. Everyone can try and see if the money tree game attracts well-being. Most likely, a virtual tree helps to send a wish to the right address no worse than a living one.

Design of the selected sector

After you have found where to put the money tree according to Feng Shui, you should decorate the interior according to all the rules.

First of all, you need to take care of cleaning. The wealth sector should not contain unnecessary old things, because they will block the positive energy of the plant.

You also need to adhere to a certain color scheme of the room. Light pastel colors (blue, purple or green) are suitable.

The talisman should be placed on a stand or in a wooden pot. Water will enhance the flow of energy from the symbol, so you can install an aquarium or a small fountain indoors.

The room must be regularly ventilated so that the wind periodically blows on the plant. Feng Shui practice states that the vibrations of leaves from the wind will spread the energy of financial well-being throughout the entire perimeter of your home.

Don't forget that the pot with the money bush should be placed on a red napkin. The color red is known to attract money. You can tie a lot of red ribbons on a bush, their number can reach up to 10. And on the napkin itself you need to embroider a Chinese symbol for money.

These simple methods will speed up the process of attracting wealth to your home.

On what Moon, on what day of the week, in what pot, etc. Should you plant a money tree (crassula) to attract wealth? What spells to read when landing?

Leaves love the score

The plant is called a crassula for its thick, succulent leaves, and it was dubbed a money tree for its shape, reminiscent of coins. If a flower is planted as a symbol of prosperity, you should treat the leaves exactly like money growing on a tree.

One of the most famous sayings about money is: “Money loves counting,” so periodically count the leaves, stroke them, wipe them with a damp cloth and spray them while watering.

Notice and rejoice at the appearance of each new leaf, remove the outdated ones in a timely manner. Dead leaves should not be on the tree or in the pot.

As you know, Crassula is a succulent, which means that in winter it is rarely watered, 1 or 2 times a month. Try to time winter watering to coincide with the waxing phase of the moon, and when watering the tree, say: “As the moon grows, so does my income.” And always thank the fat plant for every new leaf.

What does the money tree mean in feng shui?

People have come up with many symbols, talismans and things that can attract money to the family. According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, wealth manifests itself in different areas of life: finances, the spiritual world, and culture. One of the main symbols of material wealth has become the Crassula tree. According to Feng Shui, the money tree is considered a strong talisman in the field of finance. With proper placement and proper care, the plant will bring the desired result in the shortest possible time.

The living talisman is unpretentious and does not require special care. It is enough to follow simple rules of agricultural technology. An important factor in the successful growth and development of the fat plant is the organization of good lighting and timely watering. It is optimal to turn the bush on different sides to the sunlight, this will help even development. If you decide to get a living talisman, you should buy it at a flower shop or discreetly pick off a sprout at a party. Feng Shui experts recommend dropping the plant along with a small amount of Chinese coins. Unpretentious, it takes root even with one leaf. A medium-sized container is best suited for planting; as the fat plant grows, the pot should be changed to a larger one. A donated money tree will not bring what is expected to either the owner or the donor.

In Feng Shui, a miniature tree made of wire and coins has become an effective talisman analogue of a living plant. It is easy to purchase in a store or make it yourself. A more powerful source of raising funds is the money tree of your own work. The creator increases its power by investing positive energy and charging the product with his own desire for monetary benefits. Making a talisman is not difficult; before starting work, you should prepare the following materials:

The minimum number of leaves on a tree is one hundred. Only if all recommendations are followed will the talisman comply with the teachings of Feng Shui. The size of the tree is not of fundamental importance. It will depend on the capabilities, desires and imagination of the manufacturer.

Is it possible to throw away the fat plant?

Superstitious people believe that if you throw away Crassula, this will lead to a whole series of very negative consequences and happiness will leave the house, however, this is nothing more than a prejudice. A broken talisman will not bring the expected benefits, since it becomes a source of spreading negative energy. If the plant looks unhealthy and its imminent death becomes obvious, the owner has several options for reasonable action:

  1. Get rid of the plant;
  2. Leave a sprout with the prospect of growing a new tree;
  3. Try to give it to another person (but it is better not to do this for a number of reasons described earlier).
  4. The money tree used as a talisman should not be thrown into the trash or landfill. Just bury the money tree in the ground away from your home.

Where to place a money tree according to Feng Shui?

According to the philosophical teachings of Feng Shui, the strength and effectiveness of a talisman will be related to its location in space. Unlike most items, the location of the money tree will not change its positive effect, but can enhance its effectiveness.

The most favorable place in the apartment is the southeast side. According to Feng Shui, she is responsible for the financial well-being of the family. A compass will help you determine the cardinal directions. Take the front door as the starting point or use the classic system of cardinal directions according to the device. In the future, the space in the apartment should be organized in accordance with the chosen method for determining the cardinal directions.

How to care for a plant?

Crassula is not a demanding plant species. To successfully cultivate a living talisman, it is enough to follow simple rules of agricultural technology.

Care measuresDescription of the procedureAdviсe
WateringWatering is carried out as needed. When the soil dries out, it is necessary to irrigate. To do this, use water at room temperature. The optimal time for the procedure is evening hours. The plant does not like abundant and frequent watering.
FertilizingAs a top dressing, the classic version of fertilizer for succulents will be optimal.The plant should be fertilized after each watering.
Setting the temperatureThe plant feels comfortable at room temperature. Reacts negatively to sudden changes. The pot should not be placed next to a radiator or in a draft near cold glass.
Climatic conditionsFor successful cultivation of the plant, high air humidity should be maintained.To create favorable climatic conditions, you should regularly spray the leaves with a spray bottle or use a humidifier.
LightingThe money tree prefers indirect rather than direct sunlight.The windowsill is an ideal place to grow the plant. For the successful development of the fat plant, you should periodically turn it towards the light with different sides.
Crown formationTo create the desired shape of the crown, branches that have not yet become woody should be tied up and fixed in the required position. A reinforced wooden peg placed next to the main trunk is suitable as a support.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the fat woman must be surrounded with care and attention. You need to talk to the money tree, talk about your plans and share your desires, stroke the leaves and treat it like a living creature. The owner's job is to try to breathe positive energy into it. The tree will react poorly to its presence in the house - negative. The bad mood of the owners, quarrels between family members can lead to the death and withering of a living talisman.

Advice from flower growers

Growing Crassula is easier than other indoor plants. The tree does not grow quickly, so replanting is performed no more often than once every 2-3 years.

Recommendations from flower growers:

  • Illumination. The money tree loves diffused color. To prevent wilting, do not place it in places where direct sunlight penetrates.
  • Watering. It is best to water the money tree a couple of times every 7-10 days. In this case, they focus on the dryness of the top layer of soil. If it is wet, refuse watering. Excessive soil moisture can cause root rot.
  • Temperature conditions. The plant feels good at temperatures of 10-27°C.
  • Transfer. In order for the plant to easily adapt, we replant it using the transshipment method in early spring - during a period of intensive growth.
  • Feeding. When the plant begins to develop, it will need to be fed. Fertilizers are applied in the spring no more than once every 3-4 weeks. Preference is given to mineral mixtures that are intended for succulent plants.

The money tree has not only magical, but also healing properties. The leaves secrete substances with bactericidal and antiviral effects.

The fat woman is a living talisman that attracts finances to the family. But for a plant to actually conduct monetary energy through your home, it needs to be properly cared for. Therefore, when planting, watering and transshipping trees, they take into account the recommendations of not only gardeners, but also adherents of secret teachings.

Money tree pot

Caring for a money tree is a task that is accessible even to a novice gardener. A feature of the root system is its proximity to the surface of the earth. When choosing a container for planting, they are guided by this and buy wide pots with minimal depth. As for the diameter of the container, you should focus on the crown: the pot should be a little wider. From an aesthetic point of view, the best solution would be ceramic containers. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the selected container should be decorated with coins, and they should also be used to create a drainage layer.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui?

Chinese teachings do not recommend purchasing an adult tree. The talisman will gain power if it absorbs the positive energy of the owner. A plant can attract wealth only if its owner plants it. Before planting, you need to talk to the fat woman, ask for well-being and promise careful care. In the future, you should continue regular conversations and communication with the living talisman. The plant should be planted on a waxing moon, the preferred day being Wednesday. A separate leaf should first be placed in water until roots appear.

Planting includes several stages:

Artificial version of the money tree: do it yourself

Impressionable people and those who have a hard time experiencing failure should avoid growing live talismans. An artificial tree will not wither, will not require maintenance, and will delight and bring good luck and financial well-being for many years. A man-made money tree has equal power with a living talisman. It is recommended to use natural stone for the base; it is decorated with bright ribbons. It should be short in height and quite wide. Short branches are attached to the base. Each of them is decorated with at least ten coins, beads and red ribbons. Artificial or natural stones are suitable for making soil.

Whether the money tree is grown by you from a leaf or made from stone, twigs and coins does not matter for the power of attracting finance. It is important not to forget about it and take good care of it.

Trees made of money

In a theme store you can buy an artificial tree made from money. It is believed that such talismans attract money for a short time, for example, from one specific transaction. You can make a tree with money (bills or coins) yourself. There are many options, and very little cost, effort and time are required.

Tree made from banknotes

To make the simplest money tree from banknotes, you need: a vase (pot) made of clay, a plastic (foam) ball, a stick of wood, plaster, foil, PVA glue, banknotes printed on a printer, ribbons.

How to make a tree out of money? There is nothing complicated about it! First, you need to make leaf bags from fake bills. To do this, each bill is folded in half, one edge is folded inward, the bill is wrapped, and the edge is glued. A tree trunk is made from a wooden stick by wrapping it in foil. Then you need to pierce the ball so that the “trunk” can be inserted and secured with glue. The crown of the tree is made from small bags - they are glued to the surface of the ball with a taped corner.

The finished tree needs to be “planted”. Gypsum is poured into a vase (pot), into which the “trunk” is placed (if it is not possible to buy gypsum, it can be replaced with soil). When the plaster has completely hardened, the “leaves” are decorated with ribbons (it’s best if they are red).

A paper money tree can be made in another way - replace the ball with a cone cut out of foam rubber, and fold the counterfeit bills several times so that they form an “accordion”. Pins are stuck into their ends, with which the bills are attached to the ball (cone). It turns out something similar to a fan. Artificial leaves decorated with red ribbons can be attached between the bills. On the Internet you can find photos of many other options for artificial trees made from banknotes.

Anyone can make a money tree made from coins. This requires coins, a drill (to drill holes in the coins), newspaper, aluminum and copper wire, a pot (disposable plates), gold paint, stone, plaster, salt, gouache paints, varnish, a figurine of a toad (optional).

The very first thing you need to do is drill holes in the coins, and only then can they be painted. At the painting site, you need to lay newspapers, carefully lay out the coins and apply gold paint. To paint the second side, you will have to wait until the paint dries.

Prepared coins with holes for money wood

In order to make branches for a tree, you need to fasten 3 coins together using copper wire (if it is not entirely clear how to do this, you can search the Internet for a corresponding video). These will be small branches. To make large ones, you need to fasten 3 small ones. Aluminum wire is needed to make a dollar sign (or some other) out of it. Large branches are attached to it using copper wire.

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