The right foot itches - this portends a long journey

In the old days, there was a belief that the path should be started with the right foot in order for it to be prosperous and successful. People also believed that causeless itching of the right foot foreshadows a quick journey or dramatic changes in life.

Even before this folk sign became known to me, I noticed that after sudden foot scabies, significant events occurred in my life. In this article I will try to talk in detail about why the right leg itches, and also what it can mean for men and women.

General brief interpretation

Signs associated with feet do not always foreshadow travel or a road.
If you adhere to superstitions that have come from time immemorial, itchy feet often foreshadow a quick journey. At the same time, everything that touches the left side has a negative connotation, and everything that touches the right is a sign of happy events in the future. This division is explained simply. In the old days, it was believed that behind any person there were representatives of evil and good forces: a guardian angel on the right and a tempter demon on the left.

Returning to the topic of itching of the right foot, it is important to note that the path that this sign portends will be long, but happy. In some cases, we may even be talking about a change of place of residence.

Among other things, the desire to scratch the foot on the right leg is considered a harbinger of an imminent feast with guests - abundant and cheerful. In addition, you should expect other events that are sure to change your life for the better:

  • good news;
  • big win;
  • unexpected receipt of a sum of money or other pleasant surprise.

Of no small importance is who has itchy feet and under what circumstances.

The meaning of the itching site

Without determining which place itches on the right leg, it is impossible to understand the exact meaning of the sign. Depending on the location of the itching, the interpretation also changes.

  1. Thumb - there will be a change in weather that will affect future plans. If you plan to go for a walk in sunny weather, it is better to take an umbrella with you.
  2. Heel - applies only to trips that are recreational in nature. They will go well and bring a lot of positive emotions. Work trips will not be so successful.
  3. Foot – long trips are expected, which will take a lot of time and effort. At the same time, the sign says that such a trip will end well and will bring many profitable deals. New unexpected acquaintances are possible that will turn into strong friendships.
  4. The foot is a possible danger, so you should be careful. Somewhere nearby there is an ill-wisher who can ruin all your plans. There is also no need to be provoked by others.
  5. Little finger - people you didn’t expect to see will come to visit you. For example, old friends or colleagues whom you haven’t seen for a long time. The time spent will bring many fun moments.
  6. The sole of the right foot is for a long journey. Perhaps a long walk, road, travel. Such a load will be physically exhausting, but will bring pleasure spiritually.
  7. Ankle - a pleasant meeting with a friend, which everyone postponed “for later”. A great moment for parties, get-togethers and adventures with friends. They can also invite you to visit, and the sign does not recommend refusing.
  8. Index finger - problems will appear that were not previously noticed. Without resolving these difficulties, it will be impossible to move forward.
  9. Ring finger - there will be financial losses and expenses. But they will be forced, so there will simply be no other way out. It is recommended not to get upset again, because the money will definitely come back in the future.
  10. Between the fingers - someone is showing great interest, but in a positive way. Meeting this person promises a romantic relationship. For those who are married, the sign promises a new round of relationships with a partner.
  11. The middle finger is a sudden business trip that you definitely need to go to. It will bring with it the chance to earn extra money, a bonus or even a promotion.
  12. Right calf - a sign that promises the appearance of someone who will help solve minor problems and troubles. The help of such a person will be irreplaceable, because there really are a lot of things to do.
  13. Ankle - a quick move is possible, which may not be very successful. The sign warns that you will still have to go back. It is worth reconsidering your decision or planning for another time.
  14. Thigh - problems will arise in financial matters. You need to be careful not to fall into debt or scammers. During this period, taking out a loan is realistic. But such decisions must be made with great caution.
  15. Kostochka - a person will experience positive changes that he doesn’t even know about. The news is about to come, bringing with it great success and joy.

How does the interpretation of a sign depend on a person’s gender?

For the female sex, a sign prophesies only good things.
When an unmarried girl has a desire to scratch the foot on her right leg, the reason for this is the upcoming imminent acquaintance with an interesting guy, which may happen on the trip. Sometimes this portends joy or a noisy celebration with dancing and fun. It is quite possible that a wedding and a happy move are just around the corner.

If a married lady’s right foot itches, she should prepare for a pleasant surprise or an interesting trip with her husband.

For a single woman, the sign promises a meeting on the road, which can be fateful in terms of favorable changes in her personal life or the conclusion of a successful business contract. In addition, guests from afar may soon arrive, which means it’s time to prepare for the meeting.

As for men, it is generally accepted that they rarely believe in omens and do not pay close attention to the signs of fate. Nevertheless, they will be interested to know what itching in their right foot portends:

  • a successful combination of circumstances that will lead to success in business;
  • the degree of luck will exceed your wildest expectations;
  • There is a trip ahead and meeting an influential person, which in the future will lead to a significant increase in income.

If a man is married, but has quarreled with his wife, itching in the right foot means that reconciliation will definitely occur and will be the beginning of a new, happier life. There will be a real opportunity to atone for your loved one and improve relationships in the family.

The sign makes it clear to a lonely guy that it’s time to think about marriage. A fateful meeting with your soul mate can happen on the road.

Interpretation for girls and women

If your feet itch, the omen promises female representatives an unexpected meeting with a former lover or an acquaintance with a new boyfriend. It’s pointless to count on a couple’s reunion; there will only be friendly meetings and memories.

If a girl is very sad about a breakup, her body sends a signal that her time is being wasted. All attempts will be pointless, because the relationship has outlived its usefulness. The outcome of such experiences is loss of time, melancholy, and a difficult state of mind.

Itchy heels can be a harbinger of serious financial problems. Don't expect to make a profit any time soon. Risky undertakings and adventures can cause ruin. Any business started will be a loser.

If a woman has itchy fingers, wait for trips to help someone close to her. The road will be difficult and will cause serious worries. You may have to sacrifice something significant to you for the benefit of another person.

If the feet of a recently married girl itch, superstition promises an early pregnancy.

Depends on the time of day

Itching of the right foot at night really calls you to go.
If the sole of your right foot is itchy:

  • in the morning or afternoon - there will be a lot of trouble and fuss. You shouldn’t count on much rest, but this circumstance is compensated by the successful completion of affairs. True, you will have to put in a lot of effort, and besides, there is a possible risk of forgetting about something important (a promise, a meeting, a phone call, a message). To avoid annoying troubles, you should plan your time carefully and always write down the most important things;
  • in the evening and at night - in the morning you will have to prepare for the journey. This will be a planned trip that will take place without any major incidents. Fate will be favorable, so everything will go smoothly. Perhaps an old dream will come true.

As explained by day of the week

The interpretation of foot itching on the right leg by day of the week foreshadows important events and makes it possible to insure against troubles.


Most likely, you will have to deal with an unkind person, and sometimes superstition means an upcoming conversation on an unpleasant topic. It is worth restraining yourself so as not to say something that you will soon regret. Moreover, the relationship with the interlocutor will not end there, but will continue. In order to avoid mistakes, it is recommended to remain silent once again.


On this day you can expect good news: one of your friends or relatives will share their joy. The mood will be high and will remain so throughout the following days of the week.


For a girl, itching in her right foot on Wednesday foreshadows a joyful meeting.
A stream of positive events will overwhelm her. There will be a chance to make a long-awaited purchase or go to visit dear people.


Important matters are nearing a successful conclusion. The problem, which has long been a cause for worry and concern, will finally be resolved. A profitable contract will be signed, and the deal will be successful.


On this day, it is important to control your emotions so as not to create reasons for conflict. Anger, anger and lack of restraint can ruin your reputation. Restoring the old relationship will not be easy.


You shouldn’t put your accumulated tasks on the back burner: everything that can actually be done today must be completed. There may simply not be enough time for this in the coming days.


The coming week will not be easy, and you will have to prepare well for it. There are likely to be problems in relationships with management at work. It is important to remain calm at all costs.

The foot itches at the same time as the heel

It is believed that if your heel itches at the same time as your foot, you can expect financial profit, the size of which directly depends on the location of the irritation.

If, in addition to the heel, the top of the foot also itches, fate will create favorable conditions for receiving monetary rewards, for example, in the form of a bonus from your superiors, which you did not expect. However, this requires some effort rather than sitting idly by.

Another option is itching of the right foot and heel of the left leg. It is a positive sign that predicts important news or benefits. If a similar phenomenon is observed in a girl or woman experiencing failures in relationships with men, an improvement in the current situation awaits her. She will meet a reliable husband whom she can always rely on.

When the heel is very itchy and there is a tingling sensation around the perimeter of the foot, this indicates that it is necessary to reconsider certain aspects of family life. The sign warns of possible disagreements. In this case, there is no need to panic; it would be more productive to sit down with your partner at the negotiating table, which will help fix everything without moral and material losses.

Why does the right foot itch in a certain area?

When the right side of the foot itches, it’s time to get down to business that has been postponed due to a lack of time, effort and money. Everything will be done without much effort, expense, and in a short time.

If the skin of your right foot itches closer to the pads of your toes, you should expect guests or good news. And when your fingers themselves begin to itch, it’s time to get ready for a fun holiday, where there will certainly be fiery dancing.

Sometimes my foot itches while I sleep. This often indicates the approach of happy events. In reality, you should expect the fulfillment of your cherished desires if the dream was joyful and calm. When awakening is accompanied by sadness and anxiety, trouble is possible.

Which part of your leg is itchy?

The place where the itching appears is important for the correct interpretation of the sign. By combining the location and interpretation of signs for a man or woman, you can get much more accurate information about the future. The interpretations are valid when the right leg itches.

If your right foot itches

Get ready for an exciting journey. The upcoming trip will not only bring you a lot of positive emotions, but will also allow you to make new acquaintances with interesting people. Subsequently, they will play an important role in your career. If you have a business trip coming up and the omen appeared the day before, then rest assured that everything you have planned will come true. However, you need to make some efforts, be attentive and persistent in negotiations with partners. Everything will come back a hundredfold.

Why is my right heel itching?

If your heel itches , it means you are trying to hide from problems and unresolved issues. And you do it at the most inopportune moment. Remember, “delay is like death”? This is exactly the case now. Mobilize as much as possible and try to deal with the accumulated troubles. Make a plan and proceed from simple to complex. Do not hesitate to ask for help from your loved one, do not stop halfway and act decisively.

When your right knee itches

So you are to blame for something. Perhaps you yourself do not feel any particular wrongdoing and do not notice that anything has changed around you. It’s time to be alert and carefully review all the events of the recent past in your memory. Try to remember who you talked to shortly before the sign appeared. Perhaps you have offended or even insulted an innocent person. Understand the situation and, putting aside pride, be sure to apologize. Such an act will only strengthen your reputation.

In ancient times, if the knee itched , they said that the person had a sin that would have to be atoned for in church.

Why does my right shin itch?

Your right shin itches for a quick meeting with an influential person who will have a significant impact on your career. With its help, you will be able to implement a number of innovations that can significantly increase financial income. As a result, you will receive a promotion and respect from the team. However, in order to maintain your position, you will have to work a lot and very hard. But we assure you, it's worth it. A completely new stage will begin in your life and opportunities that you never dreamed of will open up.

Why do my toes on my right foot itch?

If the big toe of your right foot itches, it means that an ill-wisher has appeared in your team, who is spreading rumors about you, sowing gossip and weaving intrigues. Be careful, take a closer look at the people around you. The enemy is very close. your index finger itchy ? Get ready to move. You may not have planned to change your place of residence, but this is how the sign is interpreted. When your middle finger , it means you are showing intemperance in your words and actions. Watch your emotions, otherwise troubles won't keep you waiting long. The ring finger itches for an exciting trip and a fun time. Why does the little toe on the right foot itch? Know... This is a hint of future health problems. Listen to your body, perhaps in the bustle and problems you are missing something important.

Why does your right leg itch depending on the time of day?

  • Your right leg itches in the morning - a rather troublesome day awaits you. The most important thing is to set your priorities correctly and not be distracted by trifles. Only then will everything planned be fulfilled to your greatest satisfaction;
  • If your right leg itches during the day , then this manifestation of a sign suggests an urgent matter, which for a number of reasons you overlooked. Leave your current worries and immediately catch up on your forgetfulness.
  • In the evening, my right leg itches for the upcoming trip. Perhaps the news about it will take you by surprise, but believe me, by going on a trip you will gain new impressions and knowledge that will greatly help you in the future.
  • When your right leg itches at night , it means you need to do some forward planning. Of course, this will lead to insomnia, but the cherished wish that you make will definitely come true.

Is there any way to avoid negative interpretations?

Folk signs regarding itching in the right foot are, for the most part, positive and do not affect such significant areas as health, issues of life and death. Those meanings that are precautionary in nature provide an additional opportunity to pay attention to acute moments and prepare for them, so they can also be viewed in a positive way.

If the desire to scratch your foot foreshadows a trip that you would like to postpone for a while, this can be done with a simple ritual. You should go to the door of your house (apartment) without shoes, scratch your right foot on the threshold, whispering at the same time: “Be itchy, but don’t call me on the road. I’ll be home and forget about the itch.”

Each of us, to a greater or lesser extent, is superstitious. This is especially evident in the run-up to important life events. Is your right foot itchy? There is hope that everything will be fine! However, if the itching is severe and frequent, you should visit a dermatologist.

The left leg itches - signs about the knees, hips, legs

If your left knee itches, the sign speaks of jealousy provoked by your partner. Be careful, jealousy is not always justified. Another version of this sign is that you will cheat on your husband.

Is your left shin itching? Expect good news. Perhaps, having received it, you will go on a trip that you have been waiting for a long time.

The left thigh itches, indicating unpleasant news. Most likely they will come from your relatives. As with all signs of itchy feet, there is a possibility that you will need to hit the road immediately.

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