2 of Pentacles Tarot - the meaning of the upright and reversed card

» Tarot » The meaning of the Two of Pentacles in Tarot cards



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In the Tarot deck, the suit of Pentacles indicates material wealth and their role in human life. The Arcana Two of Pentacles of the Tarot is no exception, symbolizing change and the individual’s readiness for it.

Meaning of the Two of Pentacles in Tarot cards

Straight position

The Two of Pentacles of the Tarot in the upright position has a very complex meaning. Basically these are changes, although they may not always please you, a series of changes, a change of place of residence or work.

The attribute warns of the occurrence of an important event, which may be very uncertain. Often this symbolizes the beginning of learning something, a situation that will require you to compromise. What to expect if this card comes out:

  • what you are doing will probably bring satisfaction or results, but the exact prospects are still difficult to determine. Pay attention to the cards that lie nearby, they will help you more accurately determine whether the changes will be positive or negative;
  • you will have to do paperwork, counting profits, but it will not be very difficult for you. You may have to study to become an accountant, take a new position that will be related to money;
  • if a person is sick, then the dropped image will indicate recovery, but not soon.

Warning: there may be a curious, not permanent, but practical person nearby who is always ready to find a way out of the current situation. The map reminds you that if you chase two hares, you won’t catch either. Choose a goal and go towards it, no need to take on several things at once.

Description of the classic minor arcana

For fun, a guy plays with two identical pentacles enclosed in the sign of infinity, standing with his back to the raging sea. While he juggles, sailboats skillfully maneuver on huge waves, avoiding danger.

This card belongs to the element of Earth. It is a must in all traditional decks and in many non-traditional ones.

In astrological significance, it is greatly influenced by the Moon. The map has a character similar to that of lunar Cancers, people who have an amazing ability to adapt to other people and circumstances. They are as capricious as they are vulnerable, so the card may indicate the vagaries of Fate.

Work area

If we talk about work in general, then the 2 of pentacles indicates a person’s high adaptability. This shows that he will be able to adapt to any working atmosphere, even the most difficult team, and do everything to complete the assigned tasks.

Sometimes this indicates that a person is rather superficial and frivolous about the work that is assigned to him. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, the Two of Pentacles indicates neglect of the work that the individual is doing.

In addition, the attribute may indicate getting rid of the routine of gray everyday life, caring about saving money for food, and hard work.

Inner meaning

Ability to maintain balance in any situation. The art of balancing act, only in life. Joy and sadness, success and failure, bankruptcy and prosperity, spirit and body - all these pairs cannot be broken, but a middle ground can be found.

Every rise is followed by a fall for a fool - this is enough to get stuck in self-pity, despondency and inaction. The sage knows that after the fall there will be a rise, so he lets go of the past and prepares to ride the wave of luck.

The ability to feel the changing times in life, to act in accordance with the cycles. Adapt and find benefit even in this.

2 Dinariev promises joy, good news, good luck, fun.

Surrounded by gloomy cards, it warns that one will have to sacrifice one thing in favor of another. The prospects are vague. Complete uncertainty in the planned business.

Even under good circumstances, difficulties will arise. Result is uncertain.

Human consciousness and two coins

Today, man is in a state of weightlessness. It is surprising for him that after many years of heaviness, burden, yoke around his neck, he can breathe a sigh of relief. This is such a strong feeling that for some time it can shake a person’s resilience and even lead to an emotional crisis.

But if a person is not particularly susceptible to such stress, this will mean relief, the end of a period of failure. If the attribute is surrounded by negative cards, then the situation should be regarded as a manifestation of infantilism, the person constantly complains, constantly feels misunderstood, which irritates others due to the fact that he constantly accuses them of lack of attention.

Money, career, professional activity

Like most minor arcana, the Two of Disks is ambiguous. Here again the characteristic of the position in which the clearing is located comes into force: “above” or “below”.

For a questioner experiencing financial difficulties, the appearance of the Two of Coins in a business scenario is a favorable sign. This is the appearance of an additional part-time job, when you can “grab an extra penny” or the opportunity to sell something profitably.

For a debtor, accustomed to a good financial situation, the value of 2 Denarii is not so joyful. External factors such as economic crisis and market fluctuations can lead to significant financial losses.

In general, the lasso portends an unstable and precarious financial condition. But this is not a crisis in the truest sense of the word. All difficulties are perceived quite easily, since the questioner has the ability to live economically on relatively little money, and the income, although small, is still there.

Professionally, the Two of Pentacles takes on the meaning of two sources of income (or the need to work two jobs). Klevrent has to take on a lot of things and constantly maneuver so as not to get confused. The constant lack of time and bustle, of course, creates a stressful situation, but the questioner has no choice - he cannot give up any of his earnings.

If we are talking about a new business, then the questioner will have to diplomatically resolve contradictions between business partners, endlessly run through the authorities and correctly distribute finances.

A) Ways to increase income

If 2 Denarii are rolled, there is no talk of income. The card speaks more about stupid, unjustified expenses. Ill-considered actions, chaotic decisions, the desire to get something “for free”.

B) General monetary situation and progress of changes

In business readings, the Two of Pentacles of the Tarot matters: the overall financial situation is extremely unstable. Business is in chaos. Money comes, but it’s like water slips through your fingers. The state of affairs can be described by the saying “earn half a ruble, spend a ruble,” especially if the Four of Scepters is located nearby.

At such moments, the behavior of the gentleman resembles the state of a carefree tourist, spending money on souvenirs and meaningless pleasures. Sometimes the lucky ones manage to win a significant amount, but most lose money.

C) Positive and negative impact of the card on income

On the positive side, one can note the spontaneous possibility of winning, getting something “on the cheap”. But he feels more the negative impact of 2 Disks on his financial situation. First of all, this is the absolute uncontrollability of the situation. Circumstances develop in such a way that they can neither be foreseen nor prevented.

D) Choosing a promising profession

As a typical representative of the Pentacle suit, 2 patronizes financiers and merchants, so the following professions will be promising: salesman; stockbroker, bookmaker, gaming establishment employee; lottery organizer. Among other specialties: acrobat, gymnast. Working in pairs or running a joint business will be effective.

Meaning in relationships

If the card falls on love in a reading, then it indicates that the relationship is very easy, lovers do not pay attention to various difficulties.

But this does not happen because they actually love each other, are ready to bear responsibility, to go through fire, water and copper pipes together, but rather is a symbol of infantility, carelessness of two people who themselves do not understand what they want. They either attract or repel, trying to tie their partner to themselves as tightly as possible.

Sometimes a card can speak of prudence, the presence of someone else in a person’s life, roughly speaking, the second one is used as a backup option. If a two of swords falls nearby, this speaks of indecision, the attractive power of insecurity.

Personal relationships

An easy relationship, not burdened with obligations or deep feelings. There are you, me and this wonderful sunset. We'll think about the rest tomorrow. The situation is not certain. A person is searching, but is not ready to immediately accept the burden of a relationship. It takes time to understand whether there is a need for a person. And here and now two souls are resting from loneliness.

It may indicate a situation where one of the lovers deliberately keeps silent about a closer and more important person in his life in order to have a good time and then return to the arms of another lover.

For a married couple, this is a period of balance, peace and absence of conflicts.

The inverted position speaks of meaningless meetings that do not involve relationships, of a lack of intention and desire to build a personal life.

In the vicinity of good cards - flirting, sympathy, easy falling in love.

Next to lasso 0, “Jester” is a person with frivolous intentions, you cannot rely on him. There is no trust or stability.

Two of Coins with “Devil” – outright manipulation, lack of respect.

If the Seven of Swords is nearby, the relationship is insincere, often betrayal.

Combination with other cards

universal tarot

Pay attention to which major arcana card is located next to the two of pentacles. This will help you more accurately interpret the results of fortune telling. Two in combination with a card:

  • Jester - instability, lack of money;
  • Mag - money fraud;
  • The High Priestess is a source of knowledge;
  • Empress - receiving funds from various sources;
  • Emperor - wealth;
  • Hierophant - lack of integrity, new partner in love;
  • Chariot - deprivation, lack of money;
  • Strength is the absence of will;
  • Hermit - mood is too changeable;
  • Wheel of Fortune - you are playing with fate;
  • Justice - you owe someone money;
  • Hanged Man - lack of funds;
  • Death - you will have to completely change your lifestyle;
  • Moderation - learn to save money;
  • The devil is indulgence;
  • Tower - collapse;
  • Star - failure;
  • Moon - a sudden incident;
  • The sun is happiness;
  • Court - collection of fruits;
  • The world has great prospects.

The Two of Pentacles is not a bad card, especially if it is combined with other positive ones. The main advice she gives is to pay attention to your situation, try to look at the situation from the other side and learn a lesson from it.

At the event level

Straight position

Uncertainty, petty quarrels, ambiguous situations like quicksand.

Minor difficulties and slight obstacles in business. Throwing from side to side. Empty troubles.

May mean training. It is necessary to constantly adapt to ever-changing conditions, move forward, assimilate and apply new knowledge in practice. It is impossible to rest on old laurels.

Trying to sit on two chairs at the same time. You need to choose one thing. Use all available skill, dexterity and ingenuity to achieve the goal. Concentrate, do not be distracted by other things.

Inverted position

  • Being late. Delays. Delay in some matter. Errors in paperwork. Absent-mindedness.
  • Financial difficulties. In some cases, it indicates theft, forgery of documents and signatures.
  • Gossip. Empty gossip. Advertising.
  • The work of a courier, postman.
  • Internet correspondence.
  • Breach of obligations.

Financial forecasts

  • In the direct position of 2 Coins, a person earns as much as he needs to live. But we are not talking about luxury. Therefore, this card is considered good by those who usually have difficulty making ends meet, and negative by people with high incomes. Because for them it may be a signal of a decrease in income.
  • In an inverted position, it speaks of a difficult financial situation. Sometimes the money doesn't arrive. But more often, the fortuneteller simply spends them unwisely, and therefore is always in debt and survives from bread to water.

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