Is it possible to keep peacock feathers in the house - folk signs and beneficial properties

Peacock feathers can be used in interior decoration and to create beautiful jewelry. Tattoos and mehendi are also created with this image.

The peacock is a very beautiful bird, but at the same time, very controversial. Among some peoples, the peacock is considered a symbol of bad weather, while among others it is equated with a deity. Yes, by the way, everyone’s favorite peacock feathers (which look very beautiful as decoration at home) have both a positive effect and a negative meaning. But a tattoo in the form of peacock feathers (in an era of many tattoo lovers) requires a careful analysis of this picture.

What does a peacock feather symbolize?

First, it’s worth understanding the essence and meaning of the peacock feather itself. The first thing to highlight is that this bird comes from India. Therefore, the meaning takes more roots from Eastern and Asian countries. By the way, in tropical areas the peacock is considered a bird that destroys snakes. Therefore, she has positive motives to some extent (for example, abundance, fertility and immortality).

IMPORTANT: The peacock is considered the national bird of India. And she was approved for such a post in 1963. Hindus have worshiped birds since ancient times. By the way, the peacock has been involved in their lives since childhood. They have many songs, fairy tales, poems and legends associated with this bird.

Symbolism of a peacock feather
What legends go around the peacock:

  1. In China there is a legend about a beautiful bird that a sage met on the bank of a river in ancient times. The bird was incredibly beautiful and, naturally, loved to look at itself in the reflection. The sage tried to talk to her, but vanity and pride prevented the bird from reacting to what was happening. Then the sage covered the sun with his palm, and the reflection disappeared, and the bird turned its attention to the Yellow Ancestor. They began to communicate, and the peacock talked about his good plans and that he wanted to bring happiness. But as soon as the sun appeared again, the peacock, forgetting about his speech, continued to admire himself. After which the sage ordered the bird. And now the peacock must bring only goodness and always be responsible for what is said.
  2. According to the legends of ancient peoples (especially in the ancient cultures of India), the peacock is a symbol of the moon and sun, or even the entire cosmos.
  3. By the way, in Indian mythology, peacocks are closely associated with two forms of the god Vishnu - Krishna and Radha. As they dance in abundance, love and joy, they are watched by peacocks. And they also say that we must always find positive moments in our lives, no matter what happens and no matter what troubles fall on your head.
  4. And one cannot fail to note the legend of Ancient Greece. Hera transferred to the peacock's tail (by the way, they associated it with the endless starry sky) the eyes of the sharp-eyed Argos, whom she put to sleep.

IMPORTANT: Peacocks are considered harbingers of rain and thunderstorms. Different peoples, naturally, have their own interpretation and differ from other versions. But the whole point is that the peacock becomes restless (as if dancing) before changes in the weather.

The meaning of a peacock feather for different peoples.
What is the symbolism of such a divine bird:

  • Let's start, naturally, with India. This bird is the embodiment of great beauty and unpretentious disposition. By the way! The city of Myamni, which is also located on the Indochina Peninsula (in its western part), also borrowed the peacock as a symbol of the city.
  • In the ancient Egyptian Heliopsis there is a temple of the Sun, and the peacock acts as a sign of the luminary. Therefore, in this city such a bird is also a symbol.
  • But in ancient Greece and Rome, the peacock meant luxury and was considered a divine bird (although this did not prevent it from being eaten).
      By the way! There are many tombstones in Rome with the image of this bird, since it also acts as a symbol of immortality.
  • Among Christian peoples, circles (eyes, as they are called) on feathers symbolize the “all-seeing eye” of the church and God. And also, the peacock is considered a symbol of immortality (due to the ability to change its feathers) and resurrection (after all, its meat is not subject to decomposition processes).
  • Among Muslims and other peoples of Islam, peacock feathers indicate developed intuition and clairvoyance. And also, undoubtedly, they act as a symbol of two heavenly bodies - the Sun and the Moon.
  • But Buddhism sees such a bird as a symbol of compassion and vigilance.
  • In China, the peacock speaks of longevity, beauty, helps drive out evil forces and is awarded upon receiving a high rank or as a virtue.
      Interesting! The peacock is the emblem of the Ming Dynasty. And the feather has been given since ancient times to those who received a high rank or as a reward for their subjects.
  • And yet! In Persia, the Shah's court is named after the peacock - "The Throne of the Peacock."
  • In general, the symbolism of the peacock feather is more than pleasant and does not carry any bad energy (although in some countries there is such a meaning). I would also like to know about the peacock (its tail) helps to expel bad thoughts from a person’s head, and negativity from his heart. And also, it will help you find love and find harmony with the world around you.
  • Reasons for the controversy

    First of all, it should be noted that significant differences in attitude towards peacock feathers are due to the traditional beliefs of one or another people. So, in the countries of Asia - the part of the world that is native to the bird in question - this feather is considered one of the best gifts for the owners of any home. In China, peacocks have been revered since time immemorial, as evidenced by numerous pieces of art, in particular those related to the practice of Feng Shui. Some members of the Chinese nobility even placed the image of a peacock on their family coats of arms in the hope of attracting wealth and good fortune to their side.

    As for our country, as well as most European countries, here peacock feathers are valued to a much lesser extent. Of course, from the point of view of appearance, there is not the slightest complaint - each of them will easily decorate any interior. The concerns concern something else: it just so happens that in most European countries, peacock feathers in the house are considered a bad omen. Many do not recommend keeping them in your home, citing their ability to attract misfortunes: both minor and more serious.

    Tattoo and mehendi - peacock feather: meaning

    Mehendi has ancient roots, and to this day does not lose popularity in India. Where the peacock is considered a symbol of prosperity, health, love, harmony and prosperity. It also acts as a symbol of the country and is equated to a deity.

    • If we talk about drawings on the body, then it is immediately worth noting that they directly affect the life and destiny of a person. Yes, any drawing (no matter a tattoo or mehendi) will definitely affect the course of some events.
    • Therefore, you need to carefully study the preliminary drawing (especially in matters of tattooing). Mehendi lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. But this is enough to change something in your life.

    Tattoo on the body

    • Peacock in India is worn in order to find joy in life. After all, the peacock is a symbol of the goddess of fun and joy Krishna. Therefore, girls who are depressed or have simply lost interest and joy in life should get such a tattoo. If you are not ready to make it for life, it is enough to resort to the help of henna. By the way, such a tattoo will help creative individuals find inspiration.
  • If you want to attract fame and wealth, then it is recommended to make mahendi with rhinestones. Yes, you can decorate a peacock's tail with your favorite stones.
  • By the way, men can also get such a tattoo, although it seems cute and gentle. But even in ancient times, the peacock feather spoke of perseverance, courage and strength. The man seemed to make it clear that he was able to protect his home and family.
      Important! In Eastern countries, a dream catcher with peacock feathers is often used. In order to protect the baby from bad dreams, as well as from damage and the evil eye.
  • Therefore, the tattoo will protect the wearer from the evil eye.
  • Also, mehendi in the form of a peacock feather was used for dances, which helped to communicate with dead ancestors and gods. Therefore, such a tattoo gave immortality, health and protected from evil spirits.
  • In Greece, for example, a peacock feather spoke of luxury and wealth. Therefore, only noble people got such a tattoo.
  • Some compare the peacock feather with sublimity, purity and lightness.

  • Mehendi
    The color of the tattoo also plays an important role:

    • a black or gray tattoo indicates the strong spirit of the wearer;
    • yellow or orange color speaks of spiritual harmony and tenderness;
    • red means victory over enemies or competitors;
    • blue or green color will give harmony and tranquility;
    • but the violet or purple color speaks of a difficult character, integrity and iron fortitude.

    Peacock feather on mehendi
    By the way, don’t forget about the place of the tattoo:

    • If a girl got a tattoo in an area closed from prying eyes, then this indicates her positive disposition, conscientiousness, patience and honesty.
    • But if the tattoo is made on a small scale, then this already indicates pride, vanity and arrogance of the wearer.
    • In open areas, bright pictures are made by individuals who want to attract attention and show their sexuality.
    • But on the wrist or on the fingers, a peacock feather speaks of the girl’s grace, tenderness and dreaminess.

    Positive interpretation

    The greatest respect is given to the bird in Asian countries. Having peacock feathers in the house means:

    • financial stability: the peacock is a luxurious bird, a symbol of wealth, and therefore carries these qualities into the surrounding atmosphere;
    • success in business: a peacock feather charges the home with positive and working energy, they believe in the East;
    • spiritual harmony: peacock feathers in the home interior protect the environment from negativity and neutralize negative energy;
    • protection from the evil eye and dark forces: if people with evil thoughts, envious, energy vampires come to the house, then a feather from the tail of an exotic peacock will protect the house from damage and bad influence

    Bright and beautiful tails

    Bright colors (there are about 350 shades in the bird's tail) fill the environment around with light and joy, scaring away evil and negativity and decorate the interior of the apartment according to the Feng Shui system.

    Giving feathers to loved ones was considered a symbol of love and respect, a wish for prosperity. Embroidering a peacock and presenting it as a gift speaks of the best wishes of the giver.

    There is an Eastern belief that if a particle of a peacock feather flies into the window, long-awaited happiness will come to the family. In floristry, the use of peacock fluff was an exquisite expression of the best emotions and the meaning of happiness.

    Why you can’t keep or store peacock feathers at home: negative interpretation will take

    We pointed out above the different symbolism of the peacock feather among different peoples. The picture as a whole turned out quite good, because all the legends and beliefs originate from the Ancient East, Rome or Greece. And there such a bird was considered divine. But we first want to highlight the negative aspects, which, by the way, are more widespread in European countries.

    • For many peoples, feathers with an “eye” are symbolized with damage, the evil eye and bad intentions.
    • Moreover, such feathers not only do not attract luck, but drive it away. There is an opinion that the owner of the house will experience bad weather one after another.
    • In England, for example, such a feather promises loneliness. If there are unmarried girls in the family, then she will never receive an offer. Although noble ladies often used such feathers to decorate their hats and hairstyles. And it is worth noting that they got married very successfully.

    INTERESTING: According to one of the European legends or stories (there is no factual confirmation for it, and when this was also unknown), the sister of the owner of the house gave him a fan made of such feathers. It fit beautifully into the interior, but it did not bring happiness to the house. Moreover, the owner of the house was soon arrested and shot, and the family went to camps.

    • Therefore, such feathers can promise betrayal, illness and even death. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in ancient times the peacock was a divine bird. Therefore, it could not be sacrificed or its attributes touched. The person who violated the rule was executed.
  • By the way, the well-known novel “Gone with the Wind” by the American writer Margaret Mitchell also mentions the bad weather of peacock feathers. Perhaps its popularity in European countries has given such an impetus.

  • It is not advisable to keep peacock feathers at home.
    Believing or not believing such signs is a personal matter. After all, how you set yourself up is how it will respond. I would like to add only small facts that could cause such negative meanings of the pen. Let us repeat that they are found precisely in European countries, and in the countries of the East the version of the peacock is completely different.

    • Previously, the pen was difficult to get in Europe or Scandinavian countries. It either cost a lot of money, or required doing bad things, including smuggling. Perhaps that is why only negative views were gathered.
    • Although since the Middle Ages it was believed that the bird has a hundred eyes of the Lord, and its tail resembles a halo. But there is another version that it was the peacock who let the Devil into heaven (the eye on the feather is very similar).
    • By the way, in India, attitude, good intentions and love are also important features. Perhaps, by accepting a gift, you simply received the bad energy and thoughts of another person.
    • Or maybe this was influenced by another side of the bird - vanity, pride and talkativeness. After all, they communicate very loudly with each other. Especially at 4 am. By the way, the expression “spread your tail like a peacock” comes from these traits. After all, we repeat, such feathers were mainly owned by rich, noble, not always honest and even vain people.

    How can you replace natural feathers?

    There are many superstitions surrounding real peacock feathers. But even people far from superstition cannot always afford to decorate their home with such an original accessory. The cost of real feathers is quite high.

    An affordable and safe (from the point of view of negative impact) alternative could be:

    • Clay peacock figurines, made and painted by yourself. The bird should be painted with bright, rich colors. If the plumage becomes faded, your life will become equally expressionless.
    • Sofa cushions, furniture covers, equipped with hand embroidery in the shape of a bird or its feathers.
    • Artificial feathers. They are devoid of their own energy, so they will not harm anyone, but will only serve to decorate the interior. Keep these feathers away from moisture and sunlight, otherwise they will fade and lose their original shape.
    • Dishes depicting colorful peacock plumage.
    • Brooches, earrings, bracelets with inserts of feather pieces.
    • Paintings and tapestries in a “peacock” theme.

    For exotic lovers who doubt the positive influence of such an item and are afraid of the “devil’s eye,” elegant miniature peacock figurines will be a compromise solution.

    There are two types of such products:

    A bird with a closed tail is a symbol of caution and the ability to keep your mouth shut. It is better to give such a figurine to people who are forced to confront competitors

    This is a meaningful gift for businessmen, bankers, and company executives. With a loose tail, on which each eye is clearly visible. Such figures are presented to those who are looking for happiness in their personal lives.

    Why you can keep and store peacock feathers at home: a positive interpretation will take

    In Asia and Eastern countries, the peacock feather is extremely popular (we don’t have one, and never have had one). And if the owner of the house is given such a gift, it will be the most valuable and expensive of all. Moreover, it shows respect and good intentions of the giver.

    • Such a feather will not only bring good luck to the family, but will protect it from evil spirits and dark forces. Yes, they will act as a talisman and talisman for your home.
    • Wealth is what a fan of such feathers promises. By the way, in China and India, feathers are often painted on vases, napkins and tablecloths. And Feng Shui sees the peacock figurine as the most powerful protection. Moreover, the peacock will also help you achieve spiritual balance and harmony.
    • A figurine in the shape of a peacock with a loose tail will attract love to your home and help you find your soulmate.
    • The feather will bring health and long life (after all, it is associated with immortality) to the owner of the house.

    The presence of peacock feathers can have a positive effect

    • A figurine with a gathered tail is more suitable for businessmen and people in risky professions. Indeed, in this appearance, the peacock brings caution and career success.

    IMPORTANT: The talisman loves praise! Yes, you first need to appease him and shower him with compliments, then he will start working in the right direction. If this is not done, then the talisman will provide the opposite service.

    • By the way, in Feng Shui they prefer the white peacock. It is he who will bring spiritual harmony, love and prosperity. But even in China it is believed that the talisman must be taken care of. You can’t think or say bad things about him and you need to be “friends” with the peacock.
    • By the way, Feng Shui recommends periodically activating the talisman in the right direction. And for this you need: Fire. Yes, you can light a candle next to the peacock feathers or its figurine. It is enough to do this 1-2 times a week
    • Give treats. If you don’t know what birds like, let us remind you – sunflower seeds, nuts or seeds. Also pour them into a saucer next to the talisman
    • We have already said that the bird loves praise. Feng Shui also adheres to this version, because it is a very beautiful bird. Don’t forget to periodically say nice words and stroke her


    Having found a feather, look at its color:


    Light feathers are symbols of happiness and good luck. From a found feather you can make a talisman - weave a wreath from leaves, herbs and branches, symbolizing a nest, and place the feather in its center. You need to keep the amulet at home - it will become a keeper of comfort, strengthen family relationships, protect against negative influences and help in any endeavor. Even sorcerers use white feathers exclusively for light affairs.

    If you sew such feathers on clothes or insert them into earrings, you can protect yourself from the evil eye - thanks to their color, they are able to dispel bad energy. They can also be used to resolve quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses.


    The night-colored feather usually belongs to the raven, a symbol of wisdom, courage and longevity. It is very useful to keep it in the workplace, among business papers, where it will contribute to making the right decisions and success in business. You can also ask for help from dark forces through black feathers, but it will be difficult for an ordinary person to cope with them. Dark colored feathers are most often used in black magic to cause damage.

    It is impossible to pick up, let alone bring into the house a black feather found near a cemetery, at a gate or on the threshold of a house. After such a find, it is necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual - wrap the feather in a scarf, tie it with a red thread, take it outside and say: “The evil man harbored a grudge, he decided to kill me, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I’m only cleansing myself of blackness. As it came to me, it passed by!” Then the bundle should be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind. Upon returning home, you need to wash your hands under running water and shake off the drops from them over the threshold - to consolidate the cleansing effect.


    A feather of mixed color or spotted is considered neutral; it can carry both a positive and negative message. It is used in magic for various purposes - both for good and evil deeds. If you paint such a feather gold, it will be tuned to attract wealth into the home.

    Helper amulets are also made from the pockmarked feathers of wild birds living in the wild to help one find their way in life and bring their dreams closer to fruition. To do this in the evening after sunset, you need to clear the kitchen table, including the tablecloth, put an open new handkerchief on it, a feather on top, and place two burning wax candles on the sides. Then bring the third candle to each of the burning ones, thus receiving a double fire.

    Taking a feather in your left hand and a double-flame candle in your right, walk around the kitchen clockwise, then go to the front door of the apartment and return back. Place the feather in a scarf and tie the opposite ends to create a knotted amulet. You need to carry it with you in your pocket or keep it at home.

    How to use peacock feathers in jewelry: ideas, photos

    Of course, peacock feathers look very beautiful! There's no arguing with that. And even looking at such decorations, you forget about all the negative influences. Moreover, we have provided enough evidence that the peacock feather has more positive characteristics.

    • The simplest and most common way to create peacock feather decor is through earrings. Moreover, you can make such decoration yourself. To do this, you only need earrings (in other words, hooks), the feathers themselves, ends for the cords (you can do without them) and glue. You can also add beads and rhinestones. They are made in no more than five minutes - you need to glue the feathers to the ends, and then put on the earrings. Ready! Some people like to paint their earrings with gold or silver paint. You can also add chains and other decorations. If we talk about quantity, earrings can be made from one feather or even from several.

    Chic earrings

    • You can create a beautiful headband or comb. The decoration is also simple to make and even a schoolgirl can handle it. After all, the feathers themselves play the main role! It is enough to glue the feathers (it is better to do this in at least three units and in the shape of a fan) to the most ordinary rim or comb. Finally, add rhinestones or beads.
  • A hat decorated with such feathers will look very original. Let us repeat that you can give free rein to your imagination and use absolutely any color scheme of feathers. But don’t forget about contrast – the color of the hat itself should be significantly different.
      By the way! Consider your hair color too. Blondes are not suitable for using white peacock feathers. For red-haired girls, blue or green feathers are more suitable. Brown feathers will look good on fair-haired girls (but other colors too). White feathers are great for brunettes.
  • Various hair decorations. A chain with different lengths of feathers intertwined with your hair will look very gentle and beautiful.

  • Jewelry in the form of small hats and hairpins with peacock feathers

    • Brooch. Another decoration that is easy to create with your own hands. You need to take a base on which lace, feathers, beads and rhinestones are attached with glue. Naturally, such decoration is suitable only for the classic style of clothing.


    • You can make a necklace. Moreover, it can simply be on a chain (several feathers will be attached to it), or it can be a thick chain, densely decorated with feathers and beads (or rhinestones).


    • Shoes are the second reflection of a girl. Feathers can be attached to the toe, heel or completely cover the entire shoe. And, as an option, the feather can be placed along the entire length of the strap.
    • A clutch or small handbag decorated with such feathers will make you the queen of the evening. If we talk about quantity, then it can be only three or two feathers, or it can be a whole bouquet (can be made in the form of a flower) or a fan of such feathers. Of course, such decorations can easily be made with your own hands and do not forget to decorate with additional rhinestones, stones and beads.

    Clutch with feathers

    • The dress will already be a whole work of art. You can decorate just a corset, you can create a whole skirt from feathers, or you can even strew the entire dress with peacock feathers. But if you are a supporter of minimalism, then it is enough just to place such an ornament of several feathers on the waist or near the chest.

    Bright decoration on the dress

    How to make a feng shui symbol with your own hands

    Handmade talismans have special value and power, since during the work a person transfers the energy of his thoughts to the amulet. You can make a peacock from any material, for example, clay, salt dough or plasticine. The main rule for making a figurine is to use as many colors as possible when decorating the bird's tail. It needs to be colored as brightly as possible. It will be good if the colors shimmer. If there are none, then you can use beautiful stones, beads and other materials.

    The amulet can be made in the form of an applique, while the tail can be decorated using a peacock feather that fell from its tail.

    If the peacock is a self-drawn emblem, it will also bring prosperity, good luck and recognition.

    How to use peacock feathers in the interior: ideas, photos

    If feather decorations have recently become popular, decorating a home with such feathers has long been in demand. It’s worth noting right away that bright colors of feathers can be used (blue, green or purple), or only monochrome feathers can be used. By the way, some resort to painting them, but this does not make the feather lose its attractiveness.

    • The most common option is to simply place peacock feathers in a vase. It all depends on your taste, as we mentioned, you can use colored or solid colors. But keep this nuance in mind - if the feathers are brightly colored, then the vase should be discreet.
    • Nowadays it is becoming very popular to print on the ceiling. And a peacock feather will fit perfectly into any interior.

    Ceiling decoration

    • You can also make a feather design on plates, vases or glasses. By the way, you can surprise your guests even more (of course, such cutlery will only be for the festive table) and glue the peacock feather itself to the glass, decorating it with a pebble at the base.

    Plate decoration

    • If we talk about absolutely wonderful and unusual decorations, then a tablecloth made of peacock feathers will simply stun everyone! It will be chic, rich and eccentric.
    • Decorative pillows also make a beautiful addition to your guest room. By the way, if you think that real feathers are not suitable for such an idea, then you are mistaken. A pillow with feathers attached will look incredibly picturesque and bright. Of course, it will be purely for beauty.

    Interior decoration

    • Curtains or a painting on the entire wall will make the room elegant and delightful. But keep in mind that other interior items should be in calm colors and styles.

    IMPORTANT: According to Feng Shui, the peacock serves to activate career and fame. Therefore, keep this in mind. And if possible, place the peacock figurine in the career area (this is the north side of the house).

    • For curtains, you can make your own holders from the feathers themselves. Of course, they need to be attached to a wire or a special base. And don’t be afraid to give free rein to your imagination - add rhinestones, beads, stones or beads.

    Peacock feathers on curtains

    • Table napkins will become another unforgettable attribute. Fold the feathers in the shape of a sun and secure with a base (a small paper or fabric circle). These napkins can be used to place a vase on a coffee table or even a plate with cutlery at a special event.

    If you are a brave enough person, you can resort to decorating furniture or wallpaper with this print. But you need to be very careful with wallpaper, because it shouldn’t turn out too flashy and cumbersome. And further! Peacock feather can be used to decorate candles, candle holders or used as a bookmark. You can decorate a box with them or create your own picture. And, as an option, you can make a lovely keychain.


    Depending on which bird the feather you find belongs to, you can understand what area of ​​life it symbolizes and how it can help:

    • Stork. The feathers of this bird bring happiness and prosperity to family life. If an unmarried girl finds 2 stork feathers, she will have a wedding within a year. By preserving them, you can strengthen marital relationships and avoid problems with conceiving and bearing a child.
    • Crow. These birds are often companions of sorcerers and symbolize dark forces. Therefore, crow feathers are widely used to send curses. They are also used in fortune telling magic, where they successfully compete with Tarot cards. By making a dream catcher (a talisman that protects a sleeping person from evil spirits) with raven feathers, you can get rid of unwanted dreams and the arrival of prophecy dreams.
    • Pigeon. It is believed that evil spirits cannot take the form of doves - this bird is associated with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, finding a dove feather is a good omen, foreshadowing peace and harmony, resolution of disputes, and fulfillment of plans. You can safely pick it up and use it to protect against any manifestation of evil.
    • Woodpecker. The feather of this bird brings happiness in all endeavors, especially in matters related to career.
    • Grif. An amulet made from vulture feathers improves sensitivity to energy and can give its owner the ability to foresee potential danger. By hanging a feather in your house at the front door, you can protect your home from the penetration of evil people and negative energy.
    • Goose. Talismans made from goose feathers sharpen intuition, protect against deception, and help to recognize enemies and their intrigues in time.
    • Kite. A found kite feather can protect a person from theft and extortion, protect cash deposits, and save you from unnecessary financial expenses.
    • Chicken and rooster. Chicken feathers are used as a talisman against the evil eye. Feathers left over from cockfights are often used to inflict damage.
    • Swan. One or more feathers are a wonderful love talisman, symbolizing swan fidelity. Such feathers must be lost by a living bird, and not taken from a killed swan. This material is also used to cleanse rooms of negative energy.
    • Eagle. The feathers of this bird of prey are sacred and store a huge supply of energy. They personify calm and strength, confidence and stability, and serve as an excellent tool for protection.
    • Peacock. The specific color of a peacock feather resembles an eye and is often identified with the devil's eye. Therefore, in many cultures it is not recommended to keep it in the house - it is considered a bad sign, bringing troubles and misfortunes. However, finding such a feather on the street is a good omen, foreshadowing wealth and prosperity. In witchcraft rituals, peacock feathers are used in love and sexual spheres, for love spells, and also as symbols of deception.
    • Owl. This bird is considered a symbol of knowledge, the embodiment of the spirit of ancestors and the messenger of the gods. Owl feathers are used to decorate ritual robes - they stimulate intuition, enhance the ability to clairvoyance, and are also a powerful protective amulet.
    • Magpie. Magpie tail feathers protect the house from thieves. To do this, you need to symbolically sweep your home with them. They also bring good luck in business.
    • Ostrich. It has long been customary to decorate items of clothing and tall ladies' hairstyles with ostrich feathers. An ostrich feather attracts wealth and is a symbol of wealth and success.
    • Duck. It is believed that the feather of this bird can protect against colds. To do this, you need to stick it into the window frame, then the disease will not penetrate the house. It also brings prosperity to the house and prevents the onset of poverty.
    • Pheasant. The image of a pheasant was transformed into the mythical Phoenix bird, capable of being reborn from a flame. An amulet made of pheasant feathers gives inexhaustible vitality, promotes assertiveness in business, and brings good luck and prosperity.
    • Gull. An amulet made from a seagull feather will become an indispensable assistant for travelers and people whose activities involve constant travel. It will prevent troubles on the road and make the trip successful and comfortable.
    • Hawk. The feathers of this bird symbolize skill and luck in hunting - not only in the literal sense of the word, but also in work, study, and love relationships. Another meaning of such a find is the upcoming victory in various disputes, the suppression of competitors. In the wrong hands, this material can be used to send illness and trouble to an unwanted person.

    Compromise solution

    So is it possible to keep peacock feathers at home? Practice shows that there is no clear answer to the question posed, since each of the two “camps” - supporters of storing these items and its opponents - has a lot of its own arguments. As for the compromise option, fortunately, it is quite possible here: anyone who is afraid of the “look of the devil’s eyes” emblazoned on their feathers can be advised to acquire an elegant peacock miniature. There are two main types of it:

    • With a folded tail shape, which above all means caution. First of all, it makes sense to give such a figurine to people whose activities involve a certain risk, for example, businessmen.

    Peacocks are incredibly beautiful birds, arousing the admiration of millions of people. It is simply impossible to remain indifferent to their appearance. That is why many people dream of having the feathers of this bird of paradise in their home. But before purchasing an unusual piece of jewelry, you should carefully study all its advantages and disadvantages.

    Since ancient times, certain peoples have perceived the peacock as a sacred bird possessing divine power. There are beliefs that it is able to return former passion and romance to couples. Therefore, today many consider bird feathers to be a symbol of love. Decorating your home with this unusual decor means bringing love, wealth, and good luck into it. It’s not for nothing that it was painted on the thrones and coats of arms of famous kings.

    Those who want to get rich should also buy a peacock feather. It will not only help increase capital, but also protect it from envious eyes.

    For those who have not found a soul mate, they will help attract love faster. And it will save married couples from betrayal, grief and scandals. The most important rule is to purchase only real feathers from a living bird. Moreover, on their surface there must be an unusual pattern in the form of an eye. The magical attribute must be constantly filled with positive energy. To do this, the owner must periodically say good words to him, give him compliments and praise. This is the only way it can reciprocate its owner.

    Although we must not forget about the other side. Some peoples attribute to it the opposite effect. Supposedly it is capable of attracting various failures and misfortunes. They even managed to discern in him an evil, envious look that brought trouble to the house.

    In some homes in England, even today, there is an opinion that a peacock's tail is bad luck, especially for those who live with daughters. Such an attribute can lead to their unhappy family life. The same goes for stuffed animals or animal skins.

    Therefore, it is difficult to give a definitive answer. Some are convinced of the bad qualities of the feather, others wear it as a treasured talisman. It all depends on personal thoughts, the strength of faith. One thing is for sure, the fashion for decorating the home with feathers will always remain.

    For those who think positively, this can be a great gift for the bride. To do this, place feathers in a vase or make an unusual panel. It will bring bright colors to the room, and most importantly, a charge of positive energy.

    The ring cushion decorated with feathers deserves special attention. They can also be added to the bride’s bouquet and to the groom’s pocket, creating an unusual and even chic ensemble.

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