Four of Pentacles (4 of Pentacles) - Minor Arcana Tarot cards

Card combinations

Experienced tarot readers always look at which cards surround the Four of Coins. This is necessary because it helps to create a more accurate and correct interpretation.

Let's look at examples of card meanings in combination with Tarot arcana:

  1. The jester is a symbol of greed, which you need to get rid of so as not to lose everything you have.
  2. Magician is a favorable time for a new business. You can open a business, look for a job.
  3. The High Priestess is a call to be careful and not share plans with people around you.
  4. The Empress promises profit, material security and stability.
  5. Emperor - you need to learn to control expenses so as not to be left with nothing.
  6. Hierophant - you are too sensitive and trusting, you need to become more indifferent to other people's problems.
  7. Lovers are a symbol of possessiveness and jealousy, which interfere with relationships.
  8. Chariot - the time will come to get the money put aside for a rainy day.
  9. Strength - don't waste energy. On the contrary, you need to look for sources for its accumulation.
  10. Hermit - a time of financial stagnation is coming. There won't be large expenses, but you won't get any tangible profits either.
  11. Wheel of Fortune - lack of peace and stability in the material sphere of life.
  12. Justice - you risk suffering from the actions of scammers, be careful.
  13. Hanged Man - you are sacrificing yourself in vain, stop and think about your own interests.
  14. Death means bankruptcy.
  15. Moderation is a symbol of harmony and balance in all areas of life.
  16. Devil - you are seriously addicted to money.
  17. Tower - you will become a victim of financial fraud, which will cause you to suffer.
  18. Star - there is every chance of getting something that has long been desired.
  19. Moon - relieve yourself of responsibility and let other people make decisions.
  20. Sun - money will come from an unexpected source.
  21. Peace is the right time to save money.

Yes, the Four of Coins most often promises unfavorable events in life. But this is a reason not to be upset, but to think about whether you are moving in the right direction, whether you are managing your income correctly. It is worth learning how to properly distribute finances, then money will come into life easily.

Brief description of the lasso

Looking at the Four of Pentacles Tarot card, one can see a lone man sitting on a ledge wearing a red dress and blue robe. On his head is a crown, and directly above it is a large coin, which is one of the four pentacles.

The main character of the card holds the second coin in his hands, and another pair of pentacles is located right under his feet. And behind him you can see a beautiful and rich city.

A significant number of pentacles on the card reduces its interpretation to greed and hoarding. And we are talking here not only about the material component, but also the moral one.

A person holding a coin in his hands is afraid to show his own emotions and feelings. And he often thinks for a long time about whether it is possible to open up to loved ones, showing his true face.

But here it is necessary to understand that hiding feelings for a long time leads to their loss and can result in complete loneliness. And therefore, the card of pentacles advises not to hide the emotions seething in the soul, but to share them with others.

And most often it means the financial component of human life, indicating the need to use funds rationally and strictly control one’s own expenses.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ “One card” layout

4 of Pentacles General meaning A person will have clear boundaries of what can be done and what cannot be done. The card also speaks of stinginess or frugality. Relationships The card indicates stingy relationships in all areas - emotionally and materially. Health There will be no problems, but it is recommended to follow a daily routine and follow the rules of nutrition. Business Any enterprise related to investments and savings will bring success. The Arcanum can also indicate that a person does not live on a small income. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the future

4 of Pentacles The card symbolizes great stability, which occupies a very significant place in the life of every person. Try to achieve a stable present in order to ensure a fulfilling and bright future filled with bright colors. However, there is a possibility that you are an excessively stingy person, which does not allow you to get the most out of life. You take care of your health and try to keep it in excellent condition. You just have to be more relaxed about spending money, then life will become easier and more interesting. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On relationships

4 of Pentacles A person who asks about the possibility of new relationships in his life must ask himself - is he ready for such global changes in life? Most likely, this person has now set his priorities in such a way that his financial situation, status in society and career occupy the main place in his life, and his loved one may simply not have enough strength and attention. If a person is currently in a relationship, he should also think about the fact that his partner may be receiving too little attention from him. Reluctance to change your habits and course of action, which has been developed over the years, can cause separation or serious disagreements. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For today

4 of Pentacles Stability, unwillingness to share, clear boundaries of what is permitted and economy. You strive to save money from your modest profits in a routine job that you don’t want to change just out of habit. The card says that you are very careful about your health and physical and emotional state, and therefore it is strong. The card indicates frantic jealousy in relationships on your part, caused by an acute desire to rule and not share with anyone. You are a stingy man of small views. Try to spend your saved money wisely! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For tomorrow

4 of Pentacles A map of clearly defined boundaries. The boundaries are most often of a material level, that is, living within one’s means, saving, no changes - everything goes according to plan. But the card can also appear in a more abstract sense, as the personification of the stability of the inner world. Tomorrow won't bring much trouble. Most likely, this is the usual way of making money, a quiet evening with your family or with your loved one. No “outbreaks” are expected. Perhaps a little disappointment associated with the inability to make a large purchase. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ What does he think about me

4 of Pentacles You can create a strong family with a real partner, which will be distinguished by bright emotions and harmony. A family hearth allows any person to achieve their goals, which improve their personality and allow a person to become more self-confident. However, the development of these relationships can be hindered by jealousy, which plays an important role in such love. Jealousy is a destructive feeling that, in excessive quantities, does not allow you to reach a new level. Therefore, try to restrain excessive emotions that may interfere with your love. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On request

4 of Pentacles You are a serious and reliable person. You are not alien to such qualities as pragmatism and determination. However, Fate has prepared a serious test for you - a situation in which these qualities will have to be replaced with the opposite. You may also have to sacrifice your beliefs. Think about it, is your desire worth it? A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the situation

4 of Pentacles Crisis events have come, but you are not ready for change and make decisions to serve your own interests. Feeling concerned about the future. Self-restrictions are possible. A reasonable distribution of resources and a period of accumulation of benefits are necessary. Excessive dependence on material things, concentration on one thing and stinginess will interfere with your life. Success will come if you approach the problem intelligently. Focus on one global goal, and don’t be scattered about trifles, but at the same time be generous! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the betrothed

4 of Pentacles The Four of Coins promises you complete confidence in your partner, peace of mind for tomorrow and reliability of your relationship. However, this does not at all mean a speedy marriage, quite the opposite: now begins a period of long build-up and thinking about the question: Should I propose or not? Fortunately, the cards ensure that the answer will come to you. Fate will guide you, but you have to wait. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚Guardian Angel Advice

4 of Pentacles Vicious circle, hopeless situation. The man clung to the profit, fearing to miss even a drop of profit, but the tighter the knot on the rope with which his hands are tied.

You feel like you've gotten the most out of it, so you don't want to move on. You voluntarily stopped development, forgetting that what remains without movement dies.

Give up defense and go on the offensive. Thus, you will open new doors and see new perspectives.

A full description of the card is available at
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Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the King

4 of Pentacles Pay close attention to your chosen one. Most likely, a person puts material values ​​at the forefront. Think about what is most important in your relationship: emotional and sensual compatibility or you are valued only for your ability to profitably invest money and earn money. Don’t try to shoulder all the worries and troubles; ask your life partner for help in some matters.

A full description of the card is available at
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Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For treason

4 of Pentacles From the outside, such a union seems ideal, but inside, unpleasant things happen that slowly destroy the relationship. One of the partners is pathologically jealous of the other, poisoning the lives of both. A riot of feelings and unrestrained emotions sometimes get out of control.

Also, the 4 of Pentacles shows stagnation, melancholy and hopelessness. Relationships do not develop, which begins to weigh heavily and makes you doubt the correctness of your choice regarding a partner.

A full description of the card is available at
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✚ “Three cards” layout

The 4 of Pentacles Arcana shows that before you take on something, you need to carefully consider your plan of action. This will ensure success and help you avoid unnecessary problems. The card also indicates a good time to express yourself to society. We must stop being afraid and come out of the shadows. It's time to act for your own interests.

A full description of the card is available at
the link >>>
Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Love triangle

4 of Pentacles One of the partners experiences very scarce emotions towards the other partner. Perhaps this is a feeling of ownership, but definitely not love. Partners are closed from each other, and no one wants to share their thoughts and problems. Another meaning of the lasso is monetary stinginess, greed

A full description of the card is available at
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✚ To fate

4 of Pentacles You, like the Stingy Knight, suffer from greed and anxiously predict difficult times. The need to share something - money, emotions, strength - causes panic in you and a distinct reluctance to part with at least something. Don’t live one day at a time, be sure to plan your life, otherwise your savings will become unusable.

A full description of the card is available at
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Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To Work

4 of Pentacles The card foretells stable work, but not big profits. Arcanum can also promise income from rent, deposits, and the purchase of securities. Another meaning of the card is income only from pensions. In any case, financial difficulties will arise that will be difficult to resolve. The card foreshadows a conflict between colleagues, anger at each other. Arkan recommends not to skimp, but to spend money wisely.

A full description of the card is available at
the link >>>
Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For pregnancy and children

4 of Pentacles You are too fixated on monetary wealth and are subconsciously afraid that a child will take away your career and will require large expenses, so you are not ready to conceive. For your own peace of mind, you can postpone the idea of ​​conceiving until you have collected a small savings in order to feel financially secure.

A full description of the card is available at
the link >>>
Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Will he come back to me?

4 of Pentacles The cause of the problem in the relationship was an overly acute sense of ownership. One of the partners shows extraordinary abilities to refuse to move forward and change, to be flexible and sensitive. Accordingly, to resolve the conflict and continue the relationship, you just need to understand where to move, make an effort and take this step. It will be difficult only at the beginning.

A full description of the card is available at
the link >>>
Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

Basic Keywords

Like all Tarot cards, the Four of Coins has a specific list of keywords to help you better understand its basic meaning.

This list includes the following basic words:

  • guarantees and stability;
  • fear and dread;
  • practicality and business acumen;
  • greed and hoarding;
  • stagnation and restrictions;
  • greed and concern.

The listed words will help you quickly understand the designation of the lasso and understand what meaning it carries in a particular fortune-telling.

Psychological condition

Psychologically, the lasso with four pentacles indicates a person with a calm and adequate character. He is in complete control of his own life, is perfectly aware of his actions and actions, and does not suffer from the unknown.

This person is composed, confident and carries his burden with absolute dignity, having considerable power over those around him.

But there is also a certain problem - the constant desire for control. The desire to control your own life and those around you often leads to delving into little things and losing the ability to see certain prospects and new paths in life. It also leads to petty care over others and loss of authority.

Fortune telling for professional activities

In work scenarios, the lasso with the four of pentacles is very favorable, foreshadowing a quick solution to all problems and great success in business and affairs.

In relation to a specific person, the card of pentacles indicates excellent organizational skills, clear formulation of thoughts and the generation of very promising ideas.

But often the card also warns of an exhausting work schedule, when a person is literally “burning” at work in anticipation of personal gain.

In the reverse position, the four coins on the card indicate the following:

  • improper organization of professional activities;
  • physical and emotional stress;
  • constant stress and problems;
  • presence of obstacles on the path to success.

Often, an inverted lasso of pentacles also indicates a lack of ability to competently organize the work process.

Key Ideas

The main meaning of Tarot cards usually has a strong relationship with the picture that is depicted on them. And often it consists in certain ideas that allow you to quickly decipher the meaning of the arcana and are key.

In relation to the Four of Pentacles, these ideas are:

  • awareness of one's own responsibility;
  • lack of ability to share with others;
  • wise use of available resources;
  • constant preoccupation with finances and material success;
  • control over all ongoing events and situations;
  • limited horizons and fear of change.

Thanks to this list, the main designation of the lasso with four pentacles will be memorized much faster, which will speed up the deciphering of any fortune telling.

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