The power of magic. Black cat talisman, its meaning and manufacture

The cat is a lunar symbol, almost universally associated with the night, dark forces and the feminine. The idea that a cat is a magical animal, an assistant to dark forces, has a very ancient history. It was the black cat that was considered the companion of a witch or sorcerer, accompanying its owner to the Sabbath. She herself possessed magical powers capable of harming an enemy and bringing bad luck to anyone she met. It was believed that the cat has such unique properties as flexibility, speed, and the ability to see in the dark, because it entered into a conspiracy with evil forces, and therefore brings misfortune.

Cat on an ancient Roman mosaic from Pompeii

The Chinese also considered the cat to be a witchcraft animal and attributed to it the ability to transform into other creatures and humans. Since the cat is a nocturnal animal, the Chinese associated it with the yin principle, that is, the feminine principle of darkness, moisture and night. The cat in China is a symbol of clairvoyance. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that, thanks to their exceptional vision, cats can see spirits.

However, not all cultures have created such a negative image of the cat. Muslims, on the contrary, considered the cat to be an animal that brings good luck; they were sure that the cat has seven lives. In heraldry, the image of a cat is considered a symbol of love of freedom.

L. da Vinci. Madonna with a cat. The subject for this painting was a legend according to which a cat gave birth in a stable at the same time as the Virgin Mary.

In Christianity, the image of a cat is controversial. On the one hand, she is considered the embodiment of dark forces, the devil, lust and laziness. However, there are biblical legends in which the cat is a light symbol. For example, during the Great Flood, a cat saved the ark from sinking by plugging its tail into a hole in the ship’s hull, which had been gnawed by a mouse sent by Satan.

The cat is an ancient Slavic symbol of wisdom, riddles, and secrets. In Slavic folklore, the image of a cat-bayun is often found, which puts people to sleep and lulls them to sleep with fairy tales, as well as a learned cat. In Rus' it was believed that the devil was reincarnated as a cat, and small children saw death in the form of a black cat.

Maneki Neku is a Japanese talisman, a symbol of happiness and good luck.

Cats in mythology

Cats act as assistants to sorcerers.
The cat was the first animal to be domesticated by man. This happened despite the mystery and ambiguity of the character of this small predator. Cats were idolized, worshiped, their images decorated houses in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Japan.

In Greek and Roman mythology, representatives of the cat world were associated with the world of the gods. This was the case with Artemis in Greece and with Diana in Rome. The Greeks and Romans valued the characteristics of a cat's character: independence, belligerence, grace, and the ability to protect offspring.

In Ancient Egypt, some deities were depicted with cat heads: the Egyptian god Ra was represented to the Egyptians in the form of a cat, and the fertility goddess Bastet was represented in the form of a cat. Dead pets were mummified and temples were built in their honor.

According to ancient Egyptian justice, killing a cat was punishable by death. This attitude of the Egyptians towards cats is associated with the ability to catch mice and thereby preserve the harvest. And for agricultural Egypt this was vitally important. The Scandinavians also depicted the goddess of fertility in the form of a cat.

According to Japanese mythology, cats are able to attract good luck and prosperity into the house, protect against evil forces, and keep the home hearth. A Japanese legend tells the story of a poor old woman who loved her cat, but did not have enough money to maintain her pet.

Then the cat appeared to her in a dream and advised her to make a cat figurine and place it by the road near the house. The woman did just that. A gentleman passing by liked this figurine, he bought it, generously paying the owner. Since then, she regularly received new orders for cat figurines, and prosperity and prosperity came to the house.

Another legend about a cat is associated with the biblical parable of the Flood. When Noah, taking a pair of each creature, swam across the endless waters of the ocean, a mouse managed to gnaw a hole in the bottom of the ark. It is unknown how it would have ended if not for the smart cat. She was the first to discover the leak and plug it with her bushy tail.

The Slavs treated the cat family differently, but the tradition of keeping a cat in the house speaks for itself. It was believed that cats are guides to the goddess Makosh, the patroness of women's crafts.

They are able to warn home owners about impending dangers. Perhaps that is why the Eastern tradition of using talismans with the image of a cat has taken root in Russia.

The meaning and effect of a cat according to Feng Shui

The animal symbolizes patience and the ability to choose the right time for active actions, agility, grace, endurance and the ability to protect oneself. It is also the personification of independence, intuition, clairvoyance, insight and physical recovery, because these tenacious animals, according to legend, have nine lives. According to Feng Shui, an amulet in the shape of a cat gives a person the ability to self-heal.

Gitti Lohr/Pixabay

A home amulet in the form of any image of a four-legged creature brings comfort and warmth to the house, improves mutual understanding between people, develops eloquence and observation, teaches to be restrained, maintain composure and self-esteem.

The talisman is very suitable for the fair sex, as it is closely connected with feminine energy. The cat instills love and self-respect in women who are inclined to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others. After all, only those who love and respect themselves are able to truly love and respect others.

The meaning and power of the talisman

Each talisman has its own meaning and power, which depends on the proper manufacture of the product and its correct use. The meaning of the amulet depends on the meaning that the manufacturer and owner put into it.

Black cat as a symbol of magic

The black cat has always been an integral attribute of magic and witchcraft. She was credited with the ability to communicate with otherworldly forces and travel between worlds.

Shamans and sorcerers used these feline abilities for magical rites and rituals. The ability to recognize evil forces in any form allows a black cat to protect its owner from them.

It is believed that the talisman with the image of a black cat is the most powerful. It is endowed with the magical power of protecting the house from thieves and fires.

Black cats to protect your home from evil spirits.


The totemic image of a cat is not only a talisman or a talisman. According to ancient beliefs, a totem is an animal that is related to a person or a group of people. For example, a totem of a clan or family. Therefore, the effect of such a talisman is the strongest. A cat will never allow its family to be offended.

Maneki neko

The maneki neko figurine is the most common cat mascot. It appeared in Japan in the Middle Ages. Many legends accompanying its appearance have been preserved. One of them is the one in which the cat told her owner to sell cat figurines and thereby helped bring wealth into the house.

Since then, maneki neko have symbolized prosperity, prosperity, joy and good luck. Depicted as a sitting cat with a paw raised up. He has a ring with a bell hanging around his neck.

If the left paw is raised, then it attracts useful guests and profitable buyers to the house, and if the right paw is raised, it attracts good luck and money. Therefore, according to Japanese tradition, it is better to keep paired maneki neko in the house.

The tradition of hanging a bell on cats appeared in the 7th century. Then these animals were expensive, and the owners, in order to know where their favorites were, hung such attributes on them.

Maneki neko amulet to attract wealth.

What is the meaning of a cat amulet?

The first figurines in the form of cats have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt . The goddess of the family hearth and fertility, Bastet, was depicted in the form of a cat. The Asgardian goddess Freya was also often depicted with cats.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, talismans of good luck and material well-being, Maneki-Neko, have been very popular since time immemorial. There are quite a few legends about their origin.

One of them says that a poor elderly woman had to sell her cat to get some money for food. One night she dreamed of her pet and gave her wise advice. He said that the owner could make a figurine of him out of clay and sell it, then everything would get better in her life. The woman listened to the animal and made a clay figurine. She sold it at the market to a rich man for a good sum, and then began regularly making similar things and selling them. From that day on, wealth appeared in her house.

Cat mascots can come in various shapes and colors . But most often they are made white or black. Light color means purity and prosperity, and black is associated with protection from magical powers. It is talismans in the form of black cats that have the most powerful energy. This is due to the superstitions that have accompanied such animals for centuries.

Cats with coal fur are considered by most peoples to be mystical creatures associated with the world of witchcraft, magic and otherworldly forces. According to legend, they can:

  • travel between worlds;
  • help develop psychic abilities;
  • contact the souls of the dead;
  • ward off damage and the evil eye from the house where they live;
  • protect your home from thieves, fires and lightning strikes;
  • prevent accidents;
  • increase luck and prosperity.

Important! At the same time, these animals also carry negativity if they suddenly cross the road. It is believed that after this the person whose path is blocked by the cat will have a time of troubles and losses.

People also believe that cats with jet-black fur coats are the henchmen of witches. When a witch dies, she returns to this world in the form of her furry pet. From the point of view of symbols of the spiritual world, such a cat personifies healing, therefore it is an eternal companion of witch doctors and healers.

We recommend: Effective ways to charge an amulet: how to nourish the amulet with energy and what is it for?

A talisman in the form of a cat is one of the most effective home amulets . It performs the following functions:

  • keeps the family hearth;
  • removes negative energy and improves the atmosphere, making it more comfortable;
  • harmonizes space;
  • gives a good mood, self-confidence and strength;
  • improves health;
  • calms and helps to get out of difficult situations;
  • develops oratory skills, restraint, observation;
  • attracts people and useful contacts.

It is also important which cat will be depicted on the talisman:

  • a domestic furry beauty protects her family;
  • mountain - associated with freedom and endurance, helps lonely people gain strength;
  • forest - awakens intuition and helps find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • steppe - reveals charisma, helps maintain neutrality in different spheres of life.

Important! It is believed that both wild and domestic cats have great abilities to restore health and improve the condition of the body. This is due to the belief that they have 9 lives.

The principle of operation of the amulet

The principle of operation of the amulet is based, first of all, on faith in its effectiveness. The exact mechanism of action has not yet been studied. The energy of the animal depicted on the talisman resonates with the energy of its owner. A stable energy connection is established between them.

The totem animal gradually endows the owner with its own character traits, habits, and abilities.

For the amulet to work, you need to know the main rules for its use:

  1. Love, and not exploit, the animal depicted on the amulet. You should not expect help from a totem with a picture of a cat if you offend your pet or its stray brothers.
  2. Working with amulets has its own laws and rules. If you do not follow them, then instead of a positive effect you can get a negative one or not get any at all.

What can cats and cats be a symbol of?

Go to the fifth part of the article

A friend of mine once put forward a theory a long time ago that, unlike the dog, it was not man who domesticated the cat, but rather, the cat domesticated man. They say that from ancient times their relations were built on a mutually beneficial “equal” basis. It was beneficial for a person to have a cat catch rodents in his house, and the cat periodically needed shelter and a constant diet. It is not for nothing that fed cats often do not eat mice at all, but continue to kill them, obeying their innate instinct.

Illustration for a fairy tale by R. Kipling Photo: Rudyard Kipling;

As it turned out, my friend was not alone in his ideas about the cat.

M. Montaigne: “When my cat and I play monkey, entertaining each other, playing ribbon, who knows, maybe I amuse her more than she amuses me. Can I simply conclude that she chooses when to play and when not to play, as freely as I do?

Alfred North Whitehead: “A dog jumps into your lap because it loves you; cat - because it’s warmer for her.”

Anecdote: PSYCHOLOGY OF A DOG: “My owner takes such good care of me, feeds me, makes sure I go for walks - of course, he is a god!” PSYCHOLOGY OF A CAT: “My owner takes such good care of me, feeds me, makes sure I go for walks - obviously, I’m a goddess!”

Photo: Hans Asper, 1538; It is not without reason that, depending on the context, a cat is usually credited with such human traits as individualism, commercialism, and the desire for independence.

For example, articles constantly mention that the cat was chosen as his symbol by Spartacus, who led the slave uprising of Ancient Rome. Although, for sure, this is just a story started by the 19th century writer Raffaello Giovagnoli. At least I didn’t find any other mentions of the banner of Spartak. And cats were still a novelty for the Romans at that time.

Raffaello Giovagnoli “Spartacus”: “On the shaft, where the Romans had an eagle mounted, Spartacus ordered to attach a red cap - the headdress of slaves whom their masters were going to set free; under his hat he ordered a small bronze image of a cat to be nailed, because the cat - the most freedom-loving animal, according to mythology - was placed as a symbol at the feet of the Statue of Liberty.

Andrei Makarevich also sang about the individualism of cats in his time, showing a kind of “fig in his pocket” to Soviet collectivism.

Only in a herd does a ram trust fate, for which he is nicknamed cattle, only a cat walks on its own, and only in the spring with a cat.

Catwoman from the Bae saga - she does not join either the “coalition of good” or the “coalition of evil”, but behaves each time based on the situation, her interests or whims.

Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman Still from the film "Batman Returns"

It is generally accepted that, unlike a dog, a domestic cat does not become attached to the owner, but rather to the house - its shelter and “dining room”. This is true - it’s not for nothing that a purr warming itself by the stove has long been firmly associated with home comfort. The custom has survived to this day - when moving into a new house, let the cat in first. There are even special services where new residents can rent a “ritual” pet.

Photo: AE Brehm;

Despite the above, many “cat people” know that personal affection is not at all alien to these pets - she loves some family members, but will not kneel for others for any price. This is especially true for “prisoners” of state apartments. Our cat Tilya, who grew up within four walls from childhood, clearly perceived the people around her as strange big cats - for example, during her heat she openly pestered me with unambiguous demands.

Of course, the love of a dog (originally a pack predator) cannot be compared with the affection of a cat - a loner, accustomed to regularly leaving at night. The nocturnal wandering lifestyle is also reflected in human culture. Here you can recall the rockabilly punk band STRAY CATS (Stray Cats), and the famous Parisian cabaret “Le Chat noir” (“The Black Cat”).

Steinlen's advertisement for The Black Cat, 1896. Photo: Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen;

The cabaret was founded by Rodolphe Saly in 1881 as a kind of hangout for French artistic bohemia (the idea was copied in St. Petersburg by creating the Stray Dog cafe). The “Black Cat” did not exist for long - from 1881 to 1897, but during this time it managed to become famous throughout Europe - after all, such outstanding personalities as Maupassant, Verlaine, Zola, Debussy and many others visited it. Only legends remain about the origin of the name. Some believed that it was a tribute to Edgar Allan Poe (the author of the short story of the same name), others say the reason was an old black cat who lived in the building where the cabaret was set up.

One way or another, the name suited well the nocturnal and free life that poets and artists led. They say that in Germany the word “kater” (cat) even became synonymous with an alcoholic hangover.

F. Garcia Lorca “The Newest Song about Cats”: ...The French love cats. Verlaine was a cat himself. How wonderfully he purred to the capricious moon, Tolerated by insects, drowned himself in wine, A gloomy homeless cat, a bully and a narthex, Among church cats like a white crow... The French love the cat as we love the bullfighter, As Russia or China loves the night - the dragon. Cats are otherworldly. Former deities, They have not lost the secrets of magic. Doesn't a cat's sleepy gaze teach us about life? “Love tides, love tides Rhythm of life. And not only barren verbs, but everything - light and roses and stars are not sexless.” He squints - and with the light of his green soul, the darkness saturated with the light looms like the silhouette of a demonic goat. Cat souls are ancient, their souls are androgynous, And these souls are strange, dissolute and innocent, They lovingly combine both youth and old age. ... Do not value anything, avoid vanity and bask in the sun, blessed cats!

People also paid attention to the heartbreaking cat concerts that accompany mating games. Maybe this is why in medieval miniatures they liked to depict cats with musical instruments in their paws.

Cats in medieval miniatures Photo: Book of Hours from France 15th century;

The “brazen” behavior of animals and the expression of feelings during mating made cats also a symbol of debauchery. Male revelers were often called “March cats,” and about women they said “fell in love like a cat” - that is, passionately and lustfully, without embarrassment.

Drawing by Edouard Manet Photo:

D. Chaucer “The Canterbury Tales” (XIV century), from the story of the Brotherly Weaver: You say that I am like a cat, That if I burn a little of my hair, I will never leave the house. Fool! fool! You don’t know that, since Murka is poor and beautiful, And since her skin is soft, fluffy, She won’t even spend a day with you, She’ll wave her tail, meow and leave. Then they slept at least a handful of her hair, and all of it was fluffy and shiny fur. She would go to show off on the roofs, To sing songs and rage with cats.

It is not surprising that for many the cat has also become the embodiment of femininity. Like a woman, she is graceful, elegant, “mysterious” - she can be affectionate and playful at one moment, and at another turn into an unyielding and dangerous creature.

Because of this, the cat has long been credited with such qualities as deceit, pretense, betrayal, and cunning.

Even in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" you can find a story about a cat who pretended to be a devout ascetic and quietly ate the pilgrims who came to her. Similar stories can be found in Aesop's fables, where a cat deceives its victims, pretending to be either a doctor or a corpse. The latter story was depicted in the popular Russian popular print “How mice buried a cat” (need I say that the festive funeral of the “tyrant” ended in tears for the mice?).

Lubok Photo:

The opinion about the insidiousness of cats was shared even by such an outstanding French scientist of the 18th century as Georges-Louis Buffon. In his Natural History he writes about it this way:

“The cat is a domestic traitor, who is kept only out of necessity, in order to resist another domestic enemy, even more unpleasant, which cannot be driven away.”

This opinion was expressed even more clearly by Maurice Maeterlinck in his fairy tale “The Blue Bird”:

"Cat. All of us present here - Animals, Objects, Elements - possess a Soul that Man has not yet figured out. Only thanks to this we have not yet completely lost our independence. But as soon as he finds the Blue Bird, he will comprehend everything and finally enslave us... I recently learned this from my close friend Night, the keeper of the secrets of Genesis... So, it is in our interests at all costs to ensure that he never finds the Blue Bird, at least for this we had to sacrifice the lives of children...”

The cat was often depicted at the feet of Adam and Eve in Paradise on the eve of the Fall.
In Durer's engraving (left) you can see that it still coexists quite calmly next to the mouse. Photo: Albrecht Durer (1504), Hendrick Goltzius (1616); But the 20th century zoologist rightly considered such an attitude towards a cat to be a far-fetched slander.

Konrad Lorenz “A Man Finds a Friend”: “ wrong are those who consider the cat - the proudest and most honest of all our domestic animals - to be an insidious deceiver. However, I do not at all consider this inability to deceive as a sign of the cat's superiority. On the contrary, this skill inherent in dogs, in my opinion, proves that they are mentally much higher.”

But a cat is really capable of frightening - especially when she herself is afraid. Probably few domestic animals can change so dramatically. Just now sweet, pretty Murka was sitting in front of us, and then - suddenly! - and we see an evil hissing fury baring its teeth.

We can see a similar rearing black cat on the emblem of the Industrial Workers of the World, an anarchist organization of the first half of the 20th century. One of its leaders and the author of the emblem, Ralph Chaplin, stated in court that since childhood he perceived this animal as a symbol of protest and sabotage. According to his idea, a black cat should instill superstitious horror in the hearts of the bourgeoisie in the face of workers' strikes and sabotage.

Anarchist cat Photo: Ralph Chaplin;

The cat has “inherited” a lot in language. But we’ll talk about cat catchphrases in the next article.

Tags: cats, pets, symbols, animal behavior, pets

Suitable for: magical influence on a person

A cat talisman is recommended to be purchased by people who feel insecure. It will help develop intuition and show the way to solving pressing issues.

For men

It is better for a man to choose a talisman with the image of a cat. Such a totem will make its owner more independent, sociable and witty. Curiosity, ambition and insight will appear. However, sociability will be aimed most at a female audience. There may be a tendency to intrigue, including amorous ones.

Amulets with images of cats have a strong influence on their owners.

For women

The cat amulet endows its owner with all feline properties: independence, grace and magnetism. She gains self-confidence, self-control, the ability to stand up for herself, and the ability to recognize hidden lies. The amulet awakens the maternal instinct and the intention to protect the offspring.

Totem cat

If a cat is a human totem, then it can influence various areas of life. The animal is known for having nine lives left. However, this does not mean that you can expose yourself to danger or take unnecessary risks.

A person is given a chance to see the result and understand whether the goal is worth the money that will be spent on achieving it. And each of the nine lives will give such an opportunity.

The cat denotes patience, endurance and at the same time agility. Follow her tactics: remain motionless until that very moment. By calculating the odds correctly and making the jump at the right time, you can hit the jackpot. Don't rush things or, conversely, wait too long.

The totem cat will give its owner the ability to “see in the dark.” A person will be able to recognize lies, identify ill-wishers and false friends. This ability is not given to everyone, but only to those who are not lazy to take into account the smallest details.

The symbol will teach a person to fully relax and enjoy sleep. After all, sleep is an important component of our life, and performance depends on its quality. During the rest period, a person will be able to fully recharge the body.

The cat is characterized by independence and the ability to protect itself. Sometimes independence can border on a thirst for loneliness, complete detachment, but at the same time the person will have enormous social connections. And the totem cat will come to the rescue in time - it will give the ability to protect both itself and its loved ones.

The cat is inherently attractive and sexy, and her every step is graceful. She endows the owner with the same qualities. A person’s character becomes soft, cat-like, thanks to which he gains fame in his circle, people begin to be drawn to him.

Such people are loved because they know how to make others happy. And sexuality in their lives takes on a special meaning: it is often thanks to it that development occurs and goals are achieved.

These people are clean. They know how to take care of themselves (both women and men) and keep their home completely clean. And they are always independent and try to ensure order without the help of others.

Expert opinion

Marina Gonchar

Healer, clairvoyant

A cat’s curiosity and ingenuity also affects a person’s life. The owner of such a symbol will try to be the first to learn all the news and turn this knowledge to his advantage.

Moreover, a person with a cat totem does not always occupy a leadership position. More often he will be in close proximity to the leader, as they say, he will find a “warmer place.” Having made himself as comfortable as possible, thanks to his intelligence, he will definitely receive all the benefits he expects.

Advantages of people with a cat totem

These people are distinguished by:

  • sharp mind and ability to make the right decisions;
  • independence and the ability to independently solve their problems;
  • self-esteem and complete self-confidence;
  • vigilance, reticence and a high level of self-control.

What's wrong with a cat totem?

However, the image of a cat also has its drawbacks. A person's weaknesses are manifested in the following:

  • complete independence often brings with it loneliness, since when making independent decisions, a person neglects the opinions, advice, and tips of others;
  • understanding of one’s own strength develops into self-confidence, and a person crosses this line without noticing it, and complete confidence in one’s rightness does not allow one to see how others suffer;
  • the totem cat correctly calculates its own strength, but more often tries to save it, as a result it begins to manipulate others;
  • cat cunning often develops into outright deception - a person gives high intellectual abilities as a gift to his own ego.

Totem cat for women

A woman with a cat totem is very attractive to members of the opposite sex. She always remains a girl - light, desirable, bright and pure. The man sees in her strong sexual and partner potential.

Expert opinion

Marina Gonchar

Healer, clairvoyant

A woman has feline qualities such as grace, agility and flexibility. She knows how to make concessions, thereby showing flexibility of character, but even more so, she manages to take the best from life. She is very soft, affectionate, patient and at the same time cunning.

A woman with a cat totem is comfortable in relationships, but she will not allow anyone to offend her - she knows how to release her claws in time.

These representatives of the fair sex have a very strongly developed maternal instinct. They strive to have a large family and love spending time with children. Such a woman is the most caring mother; she has the ability to properly raise her child and instill in him the necessary skills.

Totem cat for men

For men the meaning is different. Young men with a cat totem are highly active. They are inquisitive, active and love adventure; They easily find a common language with others, including representatives of the opposite sex.

As soon as such a man starts a dialogue, the girl instantly becomes interested in him. He often has several love affairs at once, and has very few male friends.

When in company, this representative of the stronger sex is always the center of attention. He is not shy about showing his cheerful, sometimes mischievous, disposition. With age, activity decreases. There is a desire to start a family and calm down. At the same time, such a man remains polygamous forever, and is not against new acquaintances and affairs, even while legally married.

As for remorse, he never experiences them. In a word, a man with a cat totem is looking for a more comfortable place, staying where those around him will do almost everything for him. His mission is to decorate this corner of the planet with himself. At the same time, he is well versed in people and will not allow himself to be deceived.

If such a man feels injustice, then from a purring cat he will instantly turn into an angry tiger and become a fighter. A similar turn of events can be expected in a situation when he sees an opponent in front of him; here he immediately activates all his abilities.

In general, he truly lives in competition; for him it is a driving force.

How to make a cat amulet with your own hands

Traditionally, cat figurines are made from porcelain and ceramics, but at home, an amulet can be made from clay or papier-mâché. Handmade talismans have stronger energy.

Choosing colors according to Feng Shui

When making an amulet, the choice of color according to Feng Shui is extremely important. If you make paired maneki neko, it is recommended to paint one white and the other black. Unpaired maneki neko can be red or blue.

When it comes to the color of a cat amulet, the principle of its operation is as follows:

  • black color - protection from the evil eye, healing power;
  • white - gives harmony and tranquility, development in all areas of life, increased intelligence;
  • red - a source of energy, well-being and stability;
  • 3-color - harmonious concentration of all previous properties;
  • blue cat - chastity, morality.

Where to place a figurine in the house

To solve this problem correctly, it is worth turning to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, according to which it is better to place a figurine of a cat where all family members gather.

Most often this is the living room or dining room. In addition, depending on the side of the world where you place the figurine, one or another area of ​​life will be enhanced.

If the figurine is placed in the southeast, it will enhance financial well-being. If in the north, it will help with your career. If in the southwestern part of the room, then family ties will be strengthened.

Maneki neko are placed at the entrance to the house or inside the house, opposite the front door.

Cat figurines in the house to enhance spheres of influence.

Precautionary measures

When using amulets, it is recommended to remember safety precautions. The first is due to the fact that the amulet should be used only for good. The second relates to the properties of cat nature.

When constantly wearing a body amulet, there is a possibility that these features will become hypertrophied and its owner may become overly independent, risking ruining relationships not only with friends, but also with family.

Such properties as pride, a sense of superiority and a desire to manipulate other people, and a desire for loneliness will appear. An amulet is a strong and kind helper, but not a magical cure for all problems.

Cat Chariot

The Scandinavians considered the cat one of the main attributes of the goddess Freya. If her movements were not related to war, she rode a chariot drawn by cats. It was on this kind of transport that the goddess came to Balder’s funeral. Volva, a priestess of the Seidr cult, whose patroness was Freya, wore gloves made of cat skins.

AND ABOUT. Blommer. Freya's Chariot

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