Feng Shui Basics: 5 Simple Tips to Transform Your Home

Feng Shui Practitioners Club

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Author Anatoly

The newsletter includes announcements from the Feng Shui Practitioners Club, articles from the most famous Masters and experts on the theory and practice of Feng Shui, Astrology of the Four Pillars of Destiny, predictions from the I Ching and other aspects of Chinese metaphysics. Here you will find simple and useful recommendations for attracting Happiness, Luck, Wealth and Harmony into your home, tips for improving the Feng Shui of your home, office and apartment, as well as training materials from Feng Shui distance learning courses. The newsletter contains information about upcoming courses and other interesting news.


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Feng Shui Practitioners Club Program of the International Online Feng Shui Conference 2022! 622

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook AT THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Online conference program: <All metaphysical forecasts 2022> December 11, 2021! Open International Online Feng Shui Conference <We welcome 2022. All metaphysical predictions. We are gradually determining the lineup of speakers and forming a program! Register today to avoid...

2021-11-15 08:00:44 + Comment


Since 2005, I have been studying traditional Chinese arts: Feng Shui, Chinese astrology Ba-Zi and Nai-Yin, Qi Men Dun Jia, I-Ching, Qigong, physiognomy, palmistry, traditional Chinese medicine and nutrition, point massage, tea ceremony, creation of individual talismans and seals.

I study and practice classical schools of Feng Shui : the school of Forms and Configurations of Xing-Shi, the school of Eight Houses of Ba-Zhai, the school of Mysterious Emptiness of Flying Stars Xuan Kung Fei-Hsing, the school of Three Harmonies of San-He, the school of Mysterious Emptiness of Hexagrams Xuan Kung Da- Gua.

My mentor is Feng Shui, Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan master Howard Choy. I completed training at the European College of Feng Shui ECOFS in the two-year program “Feng Shui for Professional Practice”. She studied classical Feng Shui and Qigong on Feng Shui training tours in China. I continue to improve my skills at Govrad Choi’s courses in Europe, Russia and Online.

She studied traditional Chinese gardens in China and landscape design at the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art. Explored the best gardens in China with master Howard Choi in Suzhou Sūzhōu, Tongli Tongli and Shanghai Shànghǎi.

She was the organizer of courses for Feng Shui master Derek Walters and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Nicola Pfeffer Nicola Pfeffer in Yekaterinburg.

She studied Qi Men Dun Jia with Alexey Skoblikov at the Institute of Taoist Management and Coaching DAOMAC.

She studied psychology, public speaking, and public speaking techniques. She practiced Buddhism and Yoga. Received higher education in the field of economics and finance at USTU-UPI named after Boris Yeltsin.

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners how to find the famous corner of wealth? Master Päivi Vilkki 621

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Promotion: <Master Raymond Lo's calendar as a gift for reposting! The conditions of the promotion are super simple: During the promotion period, from November 11 to November 27, make a post on your page on any social network (VK, Facebook, Instagram, OK) with a picture, a small text and always with a link to the Practitioners Club...

2021-11-12 14:29:47 + Comment

Tips and tricks

Very often people begin to go to extremes: they buy money talismans in large quantities and fill their house with them. But this approach is extremely incorrect - it is better to purchase just one oriental symbol, but place it perfectly correctly.

Tips and tricks:

  1. Place no more than three talismans in the southeast of the apartment. If there are more of them, the flows of monetary energy will become confused, and you will get complete confusion in financial affairs.
  2. A prerequisite for activating cash flows is the presence of living plants in the house. So you will have to learn how to care for them. Place at least one flower pot.
  3. The mirror in the hallway should not look at the front door. This will ruin all your efforts.

It is very important that there are no broken items in the house. This is especially true for plumbing: a dripping faucet, clogged pipes, a kettle with a broken spout - all this will cause money to “leak” from your family. Therefore, throw away what is already hopelessly damaged and repair everything that can still be restored.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Online conference: 2022. All metaphysical predictions! 620

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook AT THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Online conference: <2022. All metaphysical predictions > December 11, 2021! Open International Online Feng Shui Conference <We welcome 2022. All metaphysical predictions. Online conference of the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is a unique online conference dedicated to various forecasts for ...

2021-11-08 08:00:52 + Comment

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners 143 Activations and Forecast for NOVEMBER! 619

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" 143 Activations for NOVEMBER! Here you will find 143 of the most popular activations for money, promotion and success in all areas of your life! I've collected the best! There is a detailed description of the purpose of each activation, as well as safety rules and conditions for successful implementation…

2021-11-01 07:00:43 + Comment

Golden rules of Feng Shui for an apartment

In order for your home to have favorable energy, walk around the apartment and carefully look to see if everything complies with the Feng Shui rules given below:

  • order and cleanliness reign in the apartment, every thing knows its place;
  • there are no faulty things, objects, or equipment in the apartment;
  • the apartment is well lit at any time of the day;
  • walls, floors and ceilings are in good condition;
  • dishes and mirrors are intact, without cracks, chips, etc.;
  • there are no heavy objects in the house;
  • The premises in the home are spacious, not cluttered with furniture and other items;
  • entrances to rooms are not cluttered;
  • doors open into the rooms, and in the bathroom and toilet - outwards;
  • there are no ceiling beams above the bed in the bedroom and above the dining table;
  • there is no room in the apartment for unnecessary things;
  • you like being in your apartment, it’s cozy, and you want to come home.

After inspecting the apartment, you will immediately see what needs to be changed or corrected in your home so that everything is in accordance with Feng Shui. If you are absolutely comfortable in your home, this is the first sign that all the basic rules of Feng Shui have been followed.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Chinese astrology bazi for women's happiness, Workshop 618

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The key to good luck. The strongest cash activations for October 2021! To make your wish come true, it is important not only to know what you want, but also to be in the right place at the right time. And, if the time and place are known, then you can release energy to open up new earning opportunities. That's exactly how it works...

2021-10-15 08:00:50 + Comment

What is Feng Shui really?

The basis of the science of Feng Shui is knowledge about the divine energy Qi, which gives life to everything on our earth. Qi energy is found under various designations: spirit, breath, vitality, and life energy. And accordingly, it turns out that Qi is a vital force that passes through all living things and gives them energy and movement.

If we literally translate the word Feng Shui into Russian, it will be designated as “wind-water”.

Traditional Chinese medicine states that Qi energy flows through all the meridians (or Nadis) of the human body. Meridians carry vital force to all internal organs and parts of the body. And how healthy a person is can be judged by his energy state.

Moreover, all components of the body, presented in the form of blood, lymph, nerve cells, as well as muscles and skeletal bones, are secondary to Qi energy and work exclusively thanks to it.

Just as Qi energy flows throughout the body, it is distributed throughout the globe. The meridians of earth energy are called “dragon veins”. In places where Qi energy is close to the earth's surface, there is high soil fertility, it abounds in plants and is very rich, and the same thing happens vice versa - in areas where there is a lack of Qi energy, the soil is too dry, nothing grows on it.

Feng Shui as an art or teaching is a technique for cultivating Qi energy, as well as improving its quality (allows you to harmonize, strengthen, and eliminate negative aspects).

Chi energy is distributed over absolutely all objects and phenomena and has a very powerful effect on them. This energy affects both specific individuals and the entire planet in general. The science of Feng Shui is designed to teach people how to harmoniously fill their lives with Qi energy, thereby bringing their lives and the surrounding reality into complete order.

It should be immediately noted that real feng shui is not at all different recipes, signs and superstitions that can lead to prosperity. Feng Shui is actually a teaching about the living flows of the Universe, by observing the laws of which a person becomes healthy, happy and successful.

To explain this in more detail, we need to mention the following popular concepts: “good places”, “favorable times for various undertakings”, which are actively used in Feng Shui. Moreover, they can relate to the choice of work, and to the conclusion of important agreements, the purchase of real estate, the conclusion of a marriage, the birth of a child, and so on. With the help of Feng Shui, a person gets the opportunity to analyze the situation in a space-time framework, which helps to easily achieve success in different areas of life.

Feng Shui philosophy is based on Taoist principles, which arose approximately between the sixth and fifth centuries BC. They were developed by the famous Chinese thinker Lao Tzu. It was he who first began to talk about the single beginning of everything on our planet, and also revealed to people the concept of Yin and Yang energy, told about Qi energy, and discovered the features of the relationship between man and the Universe, based on energy exchange.

People who practice Feng Shui are able to feel the pure divine energy of Qi. When they cease to be attached to the external manifestations of themselves, they begin to feel the greatest connection between all phenomena on Earth and the flows of Chi energy.

Taoist teachings say that Feng Shui involves the use of special schemes and models of existence in order to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationship between everything that happens in our world. Having mastered the art of Feng Shui, a person gains the ability to become truly happy, calm, harmonious and enjoy life in all its aspects.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Tze-zhi - a system for choosing successful dates, Feng Shui Club Workshop 617

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The window for access to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is closing! The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open only until October 14! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club to get access to all the Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 118 Workshops on all topics of Chinese metaphysics; 2. Discounts on…

2021-10-12 08:00:29 + Comment

What to wear

The choice of colors for a festive look is quite wide, so it will not be difficult for men and women to choose the right clothes for themselves:

  • shades of water - blue, blue, aquamarine, turquoise will be an excellent option for the evening;
  • white - all shades of this color will be appropriate, beige, milky and cream look especially advantageous;
  • classic black - emphasizes good taste. A black suit will be an excellent option for both sexes;
  • silver and gold - will look especially advantageous with selected accessories.

The main thing is not to try to combine all fashion trends and the listed colors at the same time. The Tiger will not like excessive flashiness. The best option is to dilute a monochromatic outfit with bright accessories.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Promotion “Get an unconditional gift” from the Feng Shui Club 616

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Promotion: <Receive an unconditional gift for reposting> from the Feng Shui Practitioners Club! Promotion dates: October 7-14, 2021! The conditions of the promotion are super simple: During the promotion period, from October 7 to 14, make a post on your page on any social network (VK, Facebook, Instagram, OK) with a picture, a small text…

2021-10-07 11:24:59 + Comment

Other Chinese talismans

A popular home talisman is the money cup. It helps if it is hidden from prying eyes.

Often choose:

  • Ship of wealth. It should be placed at the front door and used to store jewelry and coins. The more valuable things are in the ship, the harder it works.
  • Red money envelopes. They put several bills in each and place them throughout the home. The energy attracted by them comes from all sides.
  • Elephant. Symbolizes wisdom, attracts financial well-being, helps to make the right decision in a difficult financial situation. The best place is the windowsill; the product is turned with its trunk outward.

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners “Metaphysical forecast for October 2021” Workshop 615

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open until October 14! The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open only until October 14, September! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club to get access to all the Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 118 Workshops on all topics of Chinese meta…

2021-10-04 08:00:25 + Comment

Noble Helpers 2021

Every year we celebrate the sectors in the room where the Four Noble Helpers come. These are very favorable feng shui energies for 2021

, to whom we turn for help in various situations. However, it is not always possible to fully use the influence of Noble Helpers. Much depends on in which sector and in the company with which flying star of 2021 each of the assistants will be

The noble helpers of 2021, as well as other annual energies, will begin to influence after the beginning of the year according to the solar calendar, that is, after February 3, 2021.

In 2021 - the year of the Metal Ox

four noble assistants will be in the following sectors.

YearSunMoonNoble DragonHappy Noble
2021Northeast 3rd sector of the TigerSoutheast 1st sector of the DragonSouthwest 3 sector MonkeysNorth-west 1 sector Dogs
Sector Star9537
Possibility of useIt is possible and necessary!It is forbidden!Depends on a situationUndesirable

In the table, I immediately noted the combination of the Flying Star of the sector and the Noble Assistant. It immediately becomes clear that in 2021 we can fully use only one Noble assistant - the Sun. We will turn to the Noble Dragon for help with caution. Noble Moon cannot be used. It is also not recommended to activate Happy Noble.

Two Nobles: Sun and Noble Dragon

we use it to mitigate, cancel or prevent the consequences of disturbed negative sectors of the year.
Activating these helpers will neutralize the negative impacts (afflictions of 2021, if you suddenly activated one of the unfavorable energies of 2021
: Five, Three Sha, Prince of the Year (Tai Sui), Destroyer of the Year (Sui Po). Let us note which sectors were influenced by negative annual energies

In 2021, these energies are located in the following sectors:

Yeartai suiSui PoThree ShaFive
2021Northeast 1Southwest 1Northeast 3, East 2, Southeast 1Southeast

If one of these sectors suddenly turns out to be disturbed, that is, you were forced to carry out repair work or there was activity outside the house: laying asphalt, digging a trench, etc., then we can connect the energy of the Noble Helpers the Sun or the Noble Dragon

by revitalizing these sectors.

The Sun is the Great Yang (Tai Yang).

In 2021, the Noble Assistant Sun found himself in the Northeast 3

sector From 52.6 to 67.5 degrees.

Using the Noble Sun sector helps in new endeavors, allows you to think through decisions efficiently, and enhances activity and enthusiasm. This is active energy that brings a fresh spirit to both business and thought, gives impetus, helps to generate ideas, and find optimal solutions.

We use the Noble Sun sector if:

  • Need an assistant (a male assistant will come)
  • We want success, a breakthrough
  • Need help in implementing ideas and achieving goals
  • We need to improve relationships in society - colleagues, friends
  • Need to pass exams, speak publicly
  • Things have slowed down, you are confused, confused
  • Need to find information

In combination with the star Nine, the assistant Sun will bring quick help. But do not forget that at the same time you will also be required to be active and ready to act.

How to activate.

In order to receive help from the Sun, you need to light a candle in sector Northeast 3. Noble helpers are also activated by knocking, but in 2021 the Sha of robbery will be in this sector. This energy cannot be disturbed by knocking and noise, but candles can be lit.

Months when the Sun is active

In May*
there will be a Five in the Northeast
In May, September and January already 2022

three sha
in the sector . During these months, you cannot activate the sector by knocking (but we won’t be knocking there all year anyway). But you can use a lit candle.

*We are talking about the months of the Chinese calendar. The exact start and end times of the month can be found here

Noble Dragon (Dragon of Perfection)

Noble Dragon will visit Southwest 3, 申Monkey sector.

From 232.6 to 247.5 degrees.

We use this assistant if:

  • We need to get things moving
  • Overcome stagnation, congestion in business
  • Get a promotion
  • Repay the debt (when you are owed and not repaid)
  • Get a loan
  • Find a new job

Activation of the Noble Dragon

is done in order to overcome the logjam in business. Here we are talking about a situation where you are already in a deep impasse. When you've tried all the ways to solve a problem and you've run out of ideas. Allows you to get up-to-date information and look at the situation from a new perspective. Transforms a stagnant situation, gives movement, helps to find a solution.

How to activate.

In 2021, the Noble Dragon entered the sector with the annual Three. Therefore, it is possible to use the sector, but this activation will not suit everyone. In order for the effect to be favorable, you must meet the requirements set by the Troika star. Be persistent, slightly aggressive, demanding, capable of scandal, and harshly demand your way. If you are a non-conflict person, are not ready to enter into an active discussion and are too painfully worried about the need to make a scandal, then this activation will not suit you.

Activate with a lit candle


Months when the Noble Dragon is activated


In August

in the Southwest there will be
a Five
. We don't activate it.

In March, July and November

2021 in the South-West there will be
Three Sha
. During these months, it is impossible to activate the sector by knocking. But you can light a candle.

Happy Noble (Blessed Dragon).

The location of this energy is North-West 1

, which corresponds to the
戌Dog sector.
From 292.6 to 307.5 degrees.

This is good energy that increases vitality, gives optimism, creates a feeling of satisfaction and happiness. But, unfortunately, she found herself in the company of a strong star, Seven. And this star clearly shouldn’t be disturbed by activations, because it can bring a number of problems, ranging from loss of money to injuries and operations.

Therefore, we will not activate Happy Noble in 2021


Moon – Great Yin (Tai Yin).

The Moon is located in
the Draco
, this is
Southeast 1.
From 112.6 to 127.5 degrees.
will appear in the Southeast sector and this completely prohibits any activation in this sector.
Therefore, we are not activating the Noble Moon in 2021!

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners 151 Activation for OCTOBER and how to use time for success 614

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open until October 14! The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open only until October 14, September! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club to get access to all the Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 118 Workshops on all topics of Chinese meta…

2021-10-01 07:00:47 + Comment

Feng Shui Practitioners Club The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club opens today! 613

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The window for access to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club opens today! The window for access to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club opens today, September 30th! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club before October 14, 2021 to get access to all Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 114 Workshops on all Chinese topics...

2021-09-30 07:00:41 + Comment

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