Talisman with the image of a phoenix - mystical help for practitioners

A talisman with the image of a mythical bird - a phoenix has fallen into your hands. This is a powerful ancient symbol, which is still not without its powers.


Learn to work with him, take the phoenix as your ally. This is an excellent talisman for practitioners, because it will give you the necessary strength and energy of the element of fire. Before you start working with a talisman, find out everything you need about it and its power. You have an excellent opportunity to develop your dormant abilities, follow the path of the knowledgeable and gain strength, and this amulet will help you.

Try it - not everyone gets this chance, but for a select few, the power of the phoenix will become a very strong support on the path of knowledge, because wisdom is another meaning of this symbol. Alchemists, magicians, warriors, seers used it. Now it's your turn.

Amulet of Veles

Before purchasing the Veles amulet, you first need to find out about the Deity that patronizes it.
As mythology says, Veles is one of the supreme gods in the ancient Russian divine Pantheon. This is the god of agriculture and agriculture. It is not for nothing that his images are represented as the head of a bull.

Among other things, Veles is also the patron of the world of the dead, and after death he leads the souls of people to another world. And his decision determines where the soul goes - to Heaven or Hell. For this reason, during archaeological excavations, the Veles amulet is often found in burial places.

Often the talisman of Veles can be seen on modern sorcerers and magicians, especially on those who are initiated into the witchcraft of the Magi. He is their patron.

It was noticed that when the “Veles amulet” is regularly worn, magical changes occur in its owner:

  • discovery of psychic abilities
  • improvement of financial situation
  • manifestation of luck and good fortune, avoiding troubles
  • health promotion, care of chronic diseases

Activation of the “Veles amulet”

In order to activate this powerful artifact, you need to charge it with your energy.

Take the amulet in your left hand and look at it for a couple of minutes, transferring your strength and energy to it. Breathe frequently and deeply. Mentally say the task he must perform. After this, turn the talisman over and on the reverse side, use a red permanent marker or paint to draw your Zodiac symbol.

Now your assistant and protector is ready to go.


Using the examples of cases that we will analyze at the end of the article, we can conclude that both Zen himself and the user perceive the link to the offer much better if it is unobtrusively included in the text. It is important not to overdo it with advertising - one advertising article for 3-4 regular texts.

In order to save your budget, you can write articles for the channel yourself. You can also turn to professionals who can write both the original text according to the specifications and rewrite the finished article you need, which you found from competitors.

You can order copywriting and rewriting of articles on the same freelance exchanges, of which there are a huge number on the Internet. The average cost of writing text for an article is ₽200-300 per half A4 page, but, for example, rewriting can be entrusted to beginners at copylancer.ru for 40-50 rubles/2k characters.

The meaning of the phoenix talisman

The main meaning of this symbol is immortality in every sense of the word. The bird has great wisdom, because it is not afraid of death, but consciously prepares for it. According to legend, the phoenix makes its nest from valuable wood and adds aromatic herbs and resins to it. Feeling the approach of imminent death, he remains in the nest right under the scorching sun. The wood and resins catch fire, and from the flames a new, young phoenix emerges. As Helena Blavatsky wrote:

The death and resurrection of the Phoenix signify the successive destruction and restoration of the world, which#8230 was accomplished through a fiery flood#8230

An amulet with the image of a phoenix helps mystics, soothsayers, and fortune tellers. It is their symbol, because it carries unearthly wisdom, fortitude, the ability to look beyond the boundaries of life, to see what is hidden from view.

The bird has the powerful energy of the element of fire - it is born in it, and it dies in it. The symbol is very similar to the salamander, which is also fiery, but the phoenix is ​​a more powerful manifestation of fire magic.

How to cloach Ya.Zen?

There are several common methods. I’ll tell you about them below.


  • Go to Ya.Forms and create a “Text without a question.” We make the text as a title.

To attract the interest of readers, you need to use large text. This will increase the percentage of probability of transition to the site and increase earnings.

After that, you need to come up with a catchy title for the article and save it.

  • Next, open “Settings” and go to the “Texts and sending logic” tab.
  • Required items:
  • "Text on the button." Readers will see this message. This is the same as “Buy” or “Order” on different sites.
  • "Event after sending." This message will be shown to the reader after clicking on the forward button.
  • Next, you should make the “Redirect to website” item active. Select “Delayed” transition method. You can also make a button without any titles or text.

When creating a form, we do not add questions to it. Leave the page blank. Go to the “Settings” section, then “Texts and sending logic”. We insert the link, write the words for the link and the text.


For cloaking you can use GitHub. This method will be a little more complicated, but the profit and the number of transitions will be much greater. The thing is that Ya. Zen’s algorithms have not yet learned to recognize texts and links from GitHub. The same cannot be said about checking articles by real Yandex.Toloka users. If they find nude pictures and clickbait headlines, then you can expect the channel to be blocked soon.

  • Register on GitHub. (Enter your username, password and Email. Next, fill out the captcha and the form. Confirm your email address, and you can get to work).
  • Click on “+” in the upper right corner of the page. Next, click on the “New Gist” item. A code editor appears in front of us. We place our information in it: this is text, a link, a button to go to the site and a pre-landing page.
  • We save our Gist in MD format.
  • Let's transfer some pre-landing from the PP. Click on the “Edit” button.
  • Let’s open the markup description file “Readme.md”. To move a line to the end of a paragraph, press “Space” twice.
  • After finishing the work, click on “Update secret gist”. There is a column just above the text. The default setting is “Embed”. Instead, click on “Share”. Copy the created link.

So, let's create a new article. We write a standard beginning. Next, we post a link from GitHub. Now, just publish the article.

Ultimately, the algorithm will miss the link and the channel will live longer.

Cloaca inside Zen

Before problems with payments in the Russian Federation during 2021, Monstro successfully drained traffic from Zen to gambling offers. Scheme: we purchase a link to an article posted on a newly created channel, which acts as a prelander. It was posted mainly in automotive and weapons-related channels, since that is where the target audience often hangs out.

In addition to paid placements, I also used several of my trust channels, the number of audiences in each of which consistently remained at around 300+ thousand people per month.

It looked like this:

Here you can see what one of these articles looks like.

The essence of the method is that tolokers rarely bother with a deep check of a channel or publication for compliance with Yandex rules, and links in the form “

The process of using the amulet

It's just not enough. Or rather, you can wear it, but whether it will benefit you is another matter. Remember - any amulet or amulet, no matter how strong the signs may be applied to it, will not work if it is not first cleaned and charged. Instead of a magical item, you will receive an ordinary piece of jewelry without any remarkable properties.

There are quite a lot of methods for cleaning or charging an amulet - the most popular of them are listed on our website. After cleaning and charging the amulet, you can start using it

Please note that we write “use” and not “wear”. In the case of amulets, there is a huge gap between the meanings of these words

It is not enough to simply put on a protective symbol and hope that it will bring dramatic changes to your life. You must feel the energy of the magical object and become one with it. We can say that the amulet should be treated as a living being that makes your life better. This living creature has its own character traits, its own reserve of strength, it periodically needs rest and, in a certain sense, communication. Let's start in order.

Free traffic

Unlike Facebook, TikTok and teasers, traffic on Zen is free. The essence of arbitration is this: Zen recommends the channel’s articles to an audience interested in its topics. The arbitrator’s task is to dilute thematic articles with a link to the promoted offer and the potential client will definitely see it. Everything seems simple, but it has its own characteristics.

What do Zen arbitrators and Venetian gondoliers have in common?

Answer: both work with channels.

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