Feng Shui Forecast for October 2021 – Month of the Dog

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Feng Shui Practitioners Club Program of the International Online Feng Shui Conference 2022! 622

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook AT THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Online conference program: <All metaphysical forecasts 2022> December 11, 2021! Open International Online Feng Shui Conference <We welcome 2022. All metaphysical predictions. We are gradually determining the lineup of speakers and forming a program! Register today to avoid...

2021-11-15 08:00:44 + Comment

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners how to find the famous corner of wealth? Master Päivi Vilkki 621

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Promotion: <Master Raymond Lo's calendar as a gift for reposting! The conditions of the promotion are super simple: During the promotion period, from November 11 to November 27, make a post on your page on any social network (VK, Facebook, Instagram, OK) with a picture, a small text and always with a link to the Practitioners Club...

2021-11-12 14:29:47 + Comment

Health in August

Autumn is the time of transition of yang to yin, all processes in nature begin to slow down a little. This August, those who are prone to allergies, dermatological problems, as well as inflammatory diseases of the lungs and intestines should be careful.

At the very beginning of the autumn season, the vulnerable organs are the spleen and stomach, the trend continues in July . Please note that exacerbation of gastric ulcers most often occurs at the end of August - beginning of September.

  • It is correct to eat food that nourishes the spleen and stomach. These are usually foods with a sweet taste, as well as some “bitter” foods.
  • Sweet foods : sweet apples, carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, millet, peas, golden beans, glutinous rice, apricot, groundnut, peach, carp, beef, pumpkin seeds (these are recommendations for healthy people if you have stomach diseases , then of course you need to consult a doctor).
  • If you have very little energy, you wake up and already feel tired - this is an indication of a weak spleen, it needs to be strengthened!

The second half of August is the time of the primary element Metal (lungs, large intestine). As we remember from wu-sing, the main property of Metal is Dryness. Therefore, dryness increases in autumn, although in some latitudes this may not be noticeable. But inside the body, an autumn mood reigns: the production of juices is reduced, which causes a tendency towards dryness in the lungs and liver , sometimes expressed in the form of a dry cough or constipation.

  • In the human life cycle, Autumn is associated with aging, but if we fight dryness during this season, then we will to some extent postpone the aging process.
  • Therefore, in the fall it is necessary to hydrate the body as much as possible, drink clean water, eat vegetables and fruits with liquids (watermelon, apples, plums). If August is very dry in your area, you can put a humidifier in your room.
  • At the end of the month, try to eat less spicy spices and foods (meaning a lot), as the lungs may be damaged: fever in the lungs, cough, phlegm.
  • August is the season for fresh fruits and vegetables, but it is not advisable to eat them raw in large quantities , as this can cause colds in the future. To prevent this, it is useful to include baked potatoes, baked apples, vegetable stews, and rice with vegetables in your diet.
  • It is good to make decoctions (compotes) from apples, cranberries, hawthorn, lingonberries, and dried fruit compote.
  • If you have a “dry” card and often cough, eat pears , this is an excellent fruit for moisturizing the lungs. Pears contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for children, pregnant women and those who are concerned about the problem of hematopoiesis. Just don’t eat them on an empty stomach or if you have a stomach ulcer!
  • The exercises you should do are those aimed at stretching the tendons in order to maintain the liver in order, it begins to weaken in the fall.
  • And, of course, movement! Nothing will strengthen our lungs and spleen more than daily walking in the fresh air.

Check to see if your bed is positioned in the north, southwest and southeast.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Online conference: 2022. All metaphysical predictions! 620

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook AT THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Online conference: <2022. All metaphysical predictions > December 11, 2021! Open International Online Feng Shui Conference <We welcome 2022. All metaphysical predictions. Online conference of the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is a unique online conference dedicated to various forecasts for ...

2021-11-08 08:00:52 + Comment

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners 143 Activations and Forecast for NOVEMBER! 619

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" 143 Activations for NOVEMBER! Here you will find 143 of the most popular activations for money, promotion and success in all areas of your life! I've collected the best! There is a detailed description of the purpose of each activation, as well as safety rules and conditions for successful implementation…

2021-11-01 07:00:43 + Comment

Feng Shui forecast for unfavorable sectors in October 2021

New on our website Large package of individual activations.
It includes the maximum possible number of Feng Shui and Qimen activations, calculated according to your date of birth. These are the activations of Push Money, Noble Man, Post Horse, Birds, Dragons, Walks, Money Star. One package contains more than 70 activations! A large package of individual activations can be ordered from any date of the current month for 30 days. Sector South-West Star of the month 3. Star of the year 3. The energies of the south-west are unfavorable, they bring quarrels, disputes and courts into your life.

In addition, the energy of the flying star 3 is very insidious and addictive, such as playing in a casino. First, you receive a win and this encourages you to increase your bets and take more risks. And then, you lose a large amount of money. Be careful, and if possible, do not use the southwestern sector.

Star 3 belongs to the element of wood, so a red triangular object, such as a sofa cushion or folder, will help reduce its bad influence. Place such an item in the southwestern sector for the entire 2021.

It is favorable in the southwest to have good lighting and, sometimes, to burn candles here.

Sector North Star of the month 2. Star of the year 2. Star of diseases 2 - unfavorable, you should not be under its influence. Accordingly, if you have a bed or desk in the north, then they need to be moved away from the northern sector. If your door to your apartment or bedroom is located in the north, then the star of diseases 2 will also be active in relation to you. It is recommended to rearrange the bed or table so that the influence of the disease star 2 from the door is removed. If this is not possible, please actively monitor your health. Practice a Healthy Lifestyle, consult with various doctors, undergo preventive examinations, and include more vitamins in your diet. Do individual activations to improve your health and help you recover.

In addition to illness, the energy of star 2 encourages you to be more lazy than usual and slows down business processes. Therefore, be vigilant if you are actively planning to use the northern sector in October.

Sector East Star of the month 4. Star of the year 4.

Flying star 4 is unfavorable in the current period, so you should not actively use it. Its influence is similar to the influence of star 3, but may be softer, i.e. quarrels and disputes remain, but the loss of money may not be due to risky investments, but due to excessive spending on hobbies and interests. Of course, it is necessary to love and pamper yourself. But make sure you stop in time. For example, an innocent hobby of cooking, approved by all family members, can turn into gluttony, and as a result - health and weight problems.

Star 4 brings romantic relationships into your life, but since this star is unfavorable in nature, accordingly, romantic relationships will have unfavorable consequences. Keep this in mind if you actively use the eastern sector.

As an “antidote”, in the east, you can also use a red triangular object and bright lighting.

And to improve your personal life, we advise you to use the Push People activation.

Sector Southeast Star of the month 5. Star of the year 5. Flying star 5 Yellow is located in the southeast in 2021. This is the star of losses and problems, so the southeastern sector becomes bad and is not recommended for use throughout 2021.

Problems from the A can overtake you in all areas of life - these could be losses of money, car accidents, health problems, as well as problems in interpersonal relationships.

If you have a door in the southeast, then it is better not to use such a door. If this is not possible, be sure to hang a metal bell on the door handle, which will dispel the influence of the negative energy of star 5.

If the bed or your desk is in the southeastern sector, it is recommended to move them.

You can place a salty remedy in the southeast. The salt remedy is made as follows. A pack of salt is poured into a liter jar and filled with water above the salt level. 6 yellow coins (10 kopecks each) and 1 white coin (1 ruble) are thrown into the jar. Water will need to be added to the jar as it evaporates. We place the salt product at a height of 60-100 cm from the floor.

Our special activations are perfect for selling or renting real estate. There are 37 of them in the package for October!

North-West Star of the month 7. Star of the year 7. Flying star 7 is located in the northwest in 2021. This is an unfavorable star, also called the star of robbery.

If your apartment door is located in the northwest, we recommend checking the locks and purchasing a security alarm.

In addition, star 7 causes health problems, namely lung problems. This is especially true given the ongoing pandemic.

Flying Star 7 also causes problems with non-payments in business.

If you actively use the northwestern sector, then to reduce the bad influence of star 7, you need to place a salty remedy here.

The salty remedy is made in the same way as against star 5, but coins are not added to it.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Chinese astrology bazi for women's happiness, Workshop 618

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! YouTube Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The key to good luck. The strongest cash activations for October 2021! To make your wish come true, it is important not only to know what you want, but also to be in the right place at the right time. And, if the time and place are known, then you can release energy to open up new earning opportunities. That's exactly how it works...

2021-10-15 08:00:50 + Comment

Sectors unfavorable for repairs in October 2021

The figure shows a diagram of the location of sectors unfavorable for repairs in October 2021.
These are the sectors of the Prince of the year Tai Sui, Sui Po, Tri Sha 2021 and Three Sha for the month of October. Sectors in the house that are not favorable to be disturbed by drilling or hammering nails are highlighted in red. It is not favorable to disturb the structure of the walls here. You can paste wallpaper or carry out activations (install a fountain, fan) in these sectors. And don’t forget about the sectors with the five year and month (southeast). They also cannot be repaired in October.

I wish you happiness!

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Tze-zhi - a system for choosing successful dates, Feng Shui Club Workshop 617

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The window for access to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is closing! The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open only until October 14! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club to get access to all the Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 118 Workshops on all topics of Chinese metaphysics; 2. Discounts on…

2021-10-12 08:00:29 + Comment


Many people think that Feng Shui is only associated with furniture in the house and Chinese paraphernalia. Meanwhile, Feng Shui has been used since ancient times to select a site for the construction of houses, palaces, temples, and even to find favorable territory for the construction of an entire city and even a country.

With this article we will begin a whole series of stories about different cities of the world and their feng shui. Let's start with a short story about how to find a favorable place from the point of view of Feng Shui, and then, in the following articles, you will learn about the Feng Shui of Moscow, Thailand, China, Singapore, and some European countries.

When we consider the feng shui of a city, we take into account first of all:

1) its location among mountains and rivers;

2) the location of the “heart” of any city - the central palace. In Moscow, for example, such a “palace” is undoubtedly the Kremlin.

The central place in the theory of Feng Shui is occupied by the so-called theory of forms, in which it is important to find a place called the Shui point. Shuya can become either a small point on the surface of the earth or a whole huge space, sufficient for the construction of an entire city or even a country. In the feng shui classic of Master Yang Yun Song (800 AD) “Han Long Jing” it is said about shui:

“Big as the capital and city of a state, small as the district and territory of a lord or principality.”

This place is energetically very strong, capable of enabling the development and prosperity of what is located on it. Finding such a place requires a lot of experience and knowledge. Traditionally, the search for such a place comes from analyzing the shapes of hills and rivers.

A good place is one that is located at the end of a mountain range (mountain dragon), which has water streams of a certain shape.

Ideally, this point has an incoming stream of maternal mountain energy behind it, and a river in front, skirting other hills. “But what about the cities located on the plain?” - you ask, - “do they all really have bad feng shui?” It is not always so. Pay attention to the rivers. What makes them bend? There are many reasons, but one of them is the “desire” to go around some obstacle. In Feng Shui there is the concept of “Flat Dragon”, i.e. an area without visible mountains, but nevertheless having the energy of a coming dragon (as, for example, in Singapore).

“The flat earth of the Long begins in the high mountain veins, high on the peaks of the mountains, and falls down in the Shui” (“Han Long Jing”)

The ideal place from the point of view of Feng Shui is in China, in the ancient capital of the Chow and Han dynasties - Luoyang, which I already mentioned in my article “Chasing Dragons”. A large mountain dragon stops here, giving birth to rich land for an entire city.

To be continued... Don't miss the next issues - it will be interesting ;).

Feng Shui Practitioners Club Promotion “Get an unconditional gift” from the Feng Shui Club 616

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" Promotion: <Receive an unconditional gift for reposting> from the Feng Shui Practitioners Club! Promotion dates: October 7-14, 2021! The conditions of the promotion are super simple: During the promotion period, from October 7 to 14, make a post on your page on any social network (VK, Facebook, Instagram, OK) with a picture, a small text…

2021-10-07 11:24:59 + Comment

Favorable dates

August 8, 20. September 1 . Suitable for starting a long process or events from which you want to get a lasting effect. Good for a wedding, starting a new business, signing a contract, hiring an important employee, buying a pet, medical procedures. Do not use for traveling, moving to a new home, or taking out a loan. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Horse .

August 12, 24. These are the most favorable and positive days. Suitable for any business from which a positive result is expected - engagement, wedding, opening a business, moving, construction, building relationships. Don't start litigation. But this month, the days of Success are overshadowed by the “Sha of the Year,” so these days you should not resolve urgent issues, buy and sell land and real estate. Don't start a project that has a clear deadline, you won't meet it. Travel on this day is unfavorable. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dog.

August 13, 25. On this day it is good to receive something - reward, recognition. Suitable for asking for promotion and help. It's good to start studying, get married, start a new job. But again, the days are not absolutely good; loss of documents and money, robberies, and troubles while traveling are possible. Not suitable for starting treatment, do not visit sick people. You should not start repairs, as theft is likely throughout the entire period. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Pig.

August 14, 26 - good for opening a business, housewarming. You can start a new business or resume a business after a long break, get married or negotiate deals. You can accept a position and start studying. BUT these days also have their own “Sha” - there may be physical injuries, illnesses, problems with the opposite sex, do not sort things out, do not start treatment. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat .

August 19, 31. Suitable for weddings, construction, starting a trip, negotiations. But be careful - do not plan things in which you want to win, as the energies of this day bring all forces into balance. Now, if you are weaker, your position will level out. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Snake .

August 30. Everything started on this day multiplies. You can sign agreements and open a business, celebrate a housewarming, collect debts. The day is suitable for valuable acquisitions, such as real estate (not on credit). Not suitable for weddings, signing onerous contracts, or taking on a new position. You should not take out loans or start legal proceedings. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Unfavorable days: August 3, 6, 10, 15, 22, 27, September 3, 4 - do not start important things on these days.

The days of “destruction” —August 10 and 22— are especially dangerous for people who already have a Tiger-Monkey collision in their chart.

“Days of illness” - August 2, 13, 22, 25 , September 3, 4 - try not to contact people who are sick, do not visit them in the hospital, as there is a high risk of getting infected.

August 2, 15, 27 - it is not favorable to perform operations, start treatment, or consult a doctor (there is a danger of medical errors).

August 16 and 18 - “days without wealth” - expectations will not be met; you should not choose this day for signing contracts, major purchases, presentations and commercial transactions (except for hiring).

“Days of Loss” - September 3 and 4, all actions on these days will simply be a waste of time.

In August , travel in the southeast and southwest directions .

For very important matters, be sure to use individual date selection,

for example, a personal calendar!

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners “Metaphysical forecast for October 2021” Workshop 615

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open until October 14! The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open only until October 14, September! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club to get access to all the Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 118 Workshops on all topics of Chinese meta…

2021-10-04 08:00:25 + Comment

Club of Feng Shui Practitioners 151 Activation for OCTOBER and how to use time for success 614

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open until October 14! The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club is open only until October 14, September! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club to get access to all the Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 118 Workshops on all topics of Chinese meta…

2021-10-01 07:00:47 + Comment

Personality Element Guidelines

For people with the Yang Wood personality element, you may become noticeable this month, especially to your superiors. Various ideas “wandering” in your head this month have a chance to manifest themselves, the main thing is to find the right balance between your “want”, workload and numerous responsibilities. If your Tree in your chart is weak, try not to overexert yourself and argue with your superiors, especially with regulatory authorities. If the Tree is quite stable, then there are chances of career growth and the emergence of new projects.

People with the lord of the day Yin tree - the month of the “Noble Man”, you can count on the help of others. For all your natural gentleness, this month you may seem harsh to others, defending your rights. The topic of interactions with management and career issues is also relevant for you. Women have a great chance of meeting new men, try to be gentler this month.

For people with the Fire Yang , the month can be filled with new acquaintances and useful connections, especially everything related to the financial sphere. If the element of Fire is already strong in your chart, then it is dangerous for you to enter into new partnerships and invest money very carefully. If you need support in the map, then take advantage of new acquaintances, besides, an “academic star” comes to you, knowledge will be easier to assimilate, it’s time to discover new horizons for yourself and learn new life lessons.

For those with the Yin Fire personality element, the month of “wealth robbers”. There may be unplanned expenses and spontaneous purchases, so give yourself the mindset to be more careful with your expenses. There may be proposals for new sources of income, but also be careful, do not be fooled by quick investments, it is advisable not to take loans or lend money.

For Yanskaya Earth, a month of difficult balance between new ideas, thoughts, and the desire to enjoy life. Try not to get stuck in thoughts, you may miss opportunities if it is impossible to implement the idea right away, write down your insights, they will be useful to you. Try to treat yourself this month. Be sure to take care of your health, chronic diseases may worsen, and for women, pay attention to your mother.

For people of the Earth, Yin is also the month of the “Noble Man”, you are under the protection of higher powers, do not hesitate to ask for help, but as they say, “do not make a mistake yourself.” You may be more harsh than usual, but parenting will help keep your emotions in check. A good month for learning new things, especially for the weak Earth element.

If your DD is Metal, work and interaction with your superiors come to the fore; women may make new acquaintances. For Yang Metal, there are also recommendations to take care of health, especially with regard to the intestines and lungs. There may be difficulties at work, inspection authorities, increased control, friends may need your help.

People born on the Yin Metal may have good career growth, your competitors are under pressure this month. Women may make new acquaintances. If the topic of relationships is a priority for you, don’t sit at home this month.

For people born on the day of Yin Water or Yang Water , you can make good money this month. But if you already have a lot of Metal in your chart, then you can swing for a long time and miss your chances, so be bolder, you may have new original ideas. For Yanskaya Voda, this could be completely unexpected money, from new sources.

For Yin Water , everything is more traditional, a constant source of income, salary, your knowledge will bring income. But do not give in to illusions, this month you may be deceived by promises of “mountains of gold.” Old mistakes may resurface for which you will have to pay. Think about unpaid taxes or fines in advance.

find out your birthday by constructing a Ba Zi card on the Minli calculator.

To get the most out of the energies of the month, plan your affairs in accordance with the energies of the coming days, and then you will easily bypass troubles, and achieving your goal will become easy and enjoyable.

Feng Shui Practitioners Club The access window to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club opens today! 613

Feng Shui Forum USEFUL LINKS Choose a day that brings good luck!>> Application: “My Luck” for calculating Lucky dates!>> Join us! Instagram Yandex-Zen Facebook ON THE FORUM "FENSHUI.RU" The window for access to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club opens today! The window for access to the Feng Shui Practitioners Club opens today, September 30th! Hurry up to join the Feng Shui Practitioners Club before October 14, 2021 to get access to all Club bonuses: 1. Recordings of more than 114 Workshops on all Chinese topics...

2021-09-30 07:00:41 + Comment

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