According to Feng Shui, an aquarium with fish is the best talisman of wealth

According to Feng Shui, the Arowana fish is one of the symbols of wealth and good luck in this Chinese teaching.

It is able to attract success and prosperity into the life of its owner, endow him with power and luck in business, and increase sources of wealth.

It is recommended that you contact her and, if you wish, increase your chances of making an unusually profitable acquisition that will immediately bring financial benefits.

It is also believed that such fish in the house drives away evil spirits and bad luck.

Shape and dimensions of the aquarium

Harmonious proportionality – these are the basic principles of choice. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself.


The main thing is to match the area of ​​the room . Do not overdo it with excess moisture so that it does not cover you with its wave. After all, according to Feng Shui, a large volume of water in a room can bring problems to you.


Luck is best attracted by containers in the shape of a circle or rectangle.

Avoid the square, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the earth.

Flower Horn - fish of the eighth period

Flower Horn
Fish Flower Horn has been declared by some feng shui experts as the fish of the eighth period, that is, the period from 2004 to 2024. It is believed that Flower Horn is able to attract good energy from the surrounding space.

This fish brings prosperity and good luck to its owner in everything related to wealth, fame, love and happiness.

This fish has a variety of colors and a protruding horn on its forehead. The marks and black spots on her body symbolize wealth.

Flower Horn can be placed in the north or southeast of the living room to activate good luck. In the north it will help in your career, and in the east in family well-being.

Where is the best place to place an aquarium with fish according to Feng Shui?

The best place is the room where the whole family gathers to admire the outlandish beauty . Optimally - on the left side of the front door . But it all depends on your goals.

Among the general recommendations:

  • By placing goldfish in the southeast part of the living room, you activate money energy . Be sure to install an aeration device in the container, since babbling water is directly related to the favorable “qi” energy.

  • An aquarium in the form of a flask filled with water, installed in the north of your apartment , activates career success; one condition is that there must be bubbling air in it.
  • A bowl on the northwest side will calm passions and boiling disputes , but the water in it must also be calm.
  • A symbol of the happy secret present in the home is an aquarium placed on the corner of the room.
  • The optimal place for a water talisman is the eastern part of the house, traditionally associated with healthy offspring , as well as success in business.

What types of feng shui arowanas are there?

The most common arowana is the silver one, which is found in Latin America (Peru, Colombia). At the same time, it is the cheapest and simplest, and has nothing to do with Feng Shui due to its geographical location. Therefore, this is not the talisman we are talking about now.

The only Feng Shui talisman is the Asian artificially bred arowana, which differs from the Latin American in color (rich, pure and deep colors that do not fade over the years), body shape, shape of fins and size of scales. It is she who, with her grace, plasticity and dignified appearance in the aquarium, resembles a mythical dragon that seems to soar in the sky.

Breeders distinguish three main elite color groups of arowanas, which can have different shades of these colors: gold, purple or, as other sources say, platinum, which was bred relatively recently, and red.

They are very expensive, elevated to the rank of sacred animals, protected by law and have recently become a national treasure in a number of South-Eastern countries.

Transportation of these rare fish is possible only with the receipt of numerous special documents. Each individual is implanted with a microchip, which contains all the information regarding it (date of birth, entire pedigree history and even the name of the breeder). This is confirmation of the elitism of the Arowana.

Most suitable fish

There is no fundamental difference - any type of suitable color corresponds to good Feng Shui predictions.

Veiltail aquarium fish

Money goldfish according to feng shui

Reference! Kum yu from Chinese has a double translation, meaning fish and abundance . To attract money, individuals are carefully selected. Only healthy and active people are suitable.

Goldfish suitable for Feng Shui are a type of carp . But these large and voracious individuals can be replaced with small veiled tails.

Veiltails of different colors

Arowana fish according to feng shui

The second name, “dragon,” comes from the unusual appearance of these tropical freshwater creatures: a curving body and large scales in the tail framed by fins. Large in size, it does not tolerate crowding, and it is not cheap. This is the strongest amulet, possessing great power on a par with the three-legged toad . In this case, it’s definitely bigger/better. But she will only give the amount of money that will not cause harm to the person.

People have long believed that a silvery Arowana suddenly “blushed” - expect untold riches .

Arowana red

Advice! Place an aquarium with fish in the office “wealth zone” - good luck in doing business will come.

Koi carp

She is considered sacred. Tai is distinguished by courage, strength, and bravely goes against the grain . It attracts success in business, promotes the development of spirit, self-confidence, determination, the establishment of love relationships, well-being, and the appearance of children.

Chinese koi or carp

Such a talisman is rightfully considered a family talisman.

Compatibility with other aquarium fish

By nature, the fish is peaceful, but quite active, so it should not be kept together with smaller individuals. They risk being attacked by their neighbor and end up being their prey. The keeping is always gregarious, it makes no sense to buy 1-2 dollars, it is better to house them in groups of 4 or more individuals.

Excellent neighbors for this fish:

  • giant gourami;
  • shark ball;
  • sacbranch catfish;
  • platidoras.

There are other aquarium fish that can live with piranhas.

Do not add frogs, guppies, shrimp or neons to the aquarium. They risk disappearing without a trace and irrevocably in a couple of days. Perhaps the dollar received certain predatory qualities thanks to its ancestors - piranhas.

Number of fish

Important! The optimal solution is an “eight” of fish in golden tones (red, bright orange, red-silver) + one individual completely black , protecting money from unexpected waste.

According to Feng Shui, “nine” is a symbol of the unity of heavenly and earthly forces , bringing the happy joy of material prosperity. You can achieve absolute happiness by increasing the number of fish by a multiple of nine: eighteen, thirty-eight, etc.

In a small container there may be fewer of them: one, four, six.

Arowana talisman to attract money

The Arowana dragon fish is a rare fish that brings very great financial well-being.

Followers of Feng Shui around the world revere Lady Arowana and dream of getting such a fish in their aquarium.

Arowana is synonymous with enormous, simply fabulous wealth.

She is characterized by fascinating plastic movements, amazingly beautiful colors and a proud appearance.

Arowana is a great wealth magnet that always works.

In Hong Kong, Arowana is used in wealthy families to show the wealth and status of the owner.

In Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia, keeping Arowana is a tradition for very rich and influential families, as they believe that DragonFish helps their business flourish and provide a constant large income. And the larger the Arowana, the more prosperous its owner will become.

Live dragon fish are not available to everyone, but you can also buy a figurine depicting an arowana. Symbolically, the fish is represented sitting with a coin in its mouth on a pile of coins.

Fish figurines can be made of iron with various coatings, porcelain, or wood.

It is best to purchase an iron figurine of a golden color, then the effect will not be long in coming, and prosperity, wealth and material well-being will settle in the house.

A complete taboo when arranging aquariums

List of requirements to avoid harm:

  • You cannot place fish on the south side of your home..
  • The kitchen is not for an aquarium. According to Feng Shui, the fire of the family hearth lives here, which does not like water, especially if there is a pregnant woman in the family.

Important! Under no circumstances place the container next to a sleeping person. This is fraught with loss of health and finances.

  • In a nursery or classroom, it is better to put it in a secluded place so that children are not distracted. Otherwise, the kids will stop obeying, and their performance will drop sharply.
  • An unfavorable omen is when a person sits with his back turned to the water. The smile of fortune is guaranteed by the presence of an aquarium before your eyes.
  • Do not place a container of water in the direction of sharp corners of the room or interior space.

Types of arowana: similarities and differences

Despite their differences, the Arowana varieties also have similarities. Thus, their bodies are elongated and flattened on the sides. There are no pronounced fins on the almost completely flat back. Depending on the variety, fish can reach 60-120 cm in length, but when kept in artificial reservoirs they rarely grow more than 80 cm. Despite their impressive dimensions, these “hot” river inhabitants, if necessary, can jump out of the water at a distance of up to 3 meters!

If in natural conditions the arowana can feed on mollusks, small fish, as well as insects, which it catches on the fly, jumping out of the water, then in an aquarium this hunter fish feeds peacefully from the hands of its owner, like a devoted dog.

Additional activation of a water feature

Feng Shui money amulets will help with this

  • a symbol of incoming wealth - a boat filled with treasure, or a chest filled with gold, placed at the bottom;

  • a frog at the edge of a container of water will attract money;
  • a good sign is the beauty of powerfully developing algae.

A natural design style is preferred. strange, ornate items . Then the magical pond and its inhabitants will bring success, prosperity and financial well-being into your life.

Sources of Abundance

An aquarium is an interesting decorative element and a symbol that attracts good luck and prosperity. Much depends on the design of the aquarium and its inhabitants - it is desirable that goldfish live in it. A glass aquarium placed in the center of a blank wall will bring good luck. The decorative arrangement of the aquarium does not contradict the concept of Feng Shui, the main thing is that the fish feel comfortable.

Not everyone has the opportunity to place an aquarium at home or in their office, but this is not a problem, because fish figurines also help attract material wealth. One fish attracts good luck, two fish bring harmony to marital relationships. 6 figurines at once will help attract money and stability. It is desirable that the figurine depicts a carp or a dragon fish. Carp easily overcomes any obstacles, and the dragon fish is a symbol of fabulous wealth.

An image of fish can be used as a talisman to attract money into the house. It doesn’t matter what the symbols of good luck are depicted on - it could be a canvas, a decorative panel, or even an image printed on wallpaper. Sometimes fish are used as a decorative element of embroidery, for example, on curtains.

The amulet must be worn on the hand. Try not to take it off so that the energy of the talisman is with you all the time. Otherwise, the talisman will not be as effective as when worn constantly. If necessary, the effect of any of the mentioned talismans can be enhanced.

Feng Shui paintings with fish and figurines

A picturesque Chinese “guohua” written in ink solve pressing problems and

Chinese guohua painting

If you dream of having an heir and a prosperous life , hang a boy (child) Karako .

Karako's Child

A girl holding a “tai” fish will add wisdom, save her from troubles, and surround her with honor.

Where not to place

There are places where, according to Feng Shui, an aquarium should not be placed. If you place it incorrectly, it will do more harm than good. The following places are not suitable for an aquarium:

  • Opposite the front door - do not place an aquarium in the hallway, since all the positive energy will flow out through the door. Only if the corridor has a turn can it be a place for a pond.
  • Kitchen – fish should not be placed in the food preparation area. An aquarium in the kitchen attracts trouble, since the room, being a symbol of the hearth, is associated with the fire element, which does not combine with water. If you install it in the kitchen, then the family cannot avoid constant conflicts, financial difficulties and illnesses, which can result from the collision of two elements.
  • Behind the door - in addition to the fact that with such an arrangement it is easy to break the aquarium and flood the room, which is already a big nuisance, the flow of positive energy will also pass by, not bringing well-being. According to Feng Shui, the aquarium should not be blocked by anything. All obstacles opposite it repel the flow of positive energy.
  • Under the ceiling beam - if the Feng Shui aquarium is placed under the ceiling beam, then the sword of trouble will be raised above the home. Problems will haunt the owners until the reservoir is moved.
  • Bedroom - an aquarium in the bedroom negatively affects health, as it draws a person’s energy onto itself during sleep.

If you place a container with roars selected according to Feng Shui without following the rules of location, it will cause serious harm.

Sun and moon

Based on the works of artist Dan Morris in the primitive style, the moonfish and sunfish crafts made from salted dough are interesting. They are painted with acrylic dyes using brushes of different thicknesses. Any plot can be invented.

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