How to choose a lucky phone number: basics of numerology

Mystical phone numbers in numerology

Numerology is in some sense associated with mysticism and implies the influence of the other world on human life. The number 13 (the devil's dozen) is considered mystical and ambiguous, so it is treated as both a good number (the number of strength and power) and as a bad number, avoiding it. Some numbers and combinations of numbers, according to Feng Shui, are considered unfavorable:

  • combination of numbers 666, which leads to destruction;
  • 6, which is repeated as many times as possible (for example, 9066666666);
  • 40, because It is believed that for so many days the soul of a person who has died remains among the living.

If in a 12-digit number some symbols are repeated more often than others, then these numbers influence a person’s fate.

Meaning of numbers from 1 to 9

The teachings of Feng Shui believe that each number has certain properties:

  • 1 – a sign of good luck, leadership, victories, suitable for directors;
  • 2 – unfavorable number, bringing failure;
  • 3 is a good number, a symbol of life and movement, which is suitable for creative individuals;
  • 4 – the number of disagreements, quarrels, difficulties and interference;
  • 5 is a neutral number, symbolizing negation, on the one hand, and the combination of all five elements according to Feng Shui, on the other;
  • 6 – attracts finance, gold and symbolizes material security;
  • 7 – a symbol of determination, constancy, communication;
  • 8 – development, prosperity, success, suitable for bankers;
  • 9 – wisdom and increase.

Since a phone number consists of a larger set of numbers, you need to look at those numbers that are repeated more often than others; they will be dominant in a person’s life.

A good phone number according to numerology is one that contains almost all numbers (for example, 3784291). This is a harmonious number that ensures prosperity and luck.

Combination of numbers 11, 22, 33, 44

Lucky numbers can be considered those in which the following combinations occur:

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  • 11 is a favorable combination of numbers, it gives determination, courage, responsibility;
  • 22 – this combination leads to good luck and prosperity, recognition in life, reliability and stability;
  • 33 - the path to rethinking life, a symbol of talent, sacrifice, suitable for lawyers, doctors, farmers, workers in the field of environmental protection, since the owner of such a number must help people, serve nature and society;
  • 44 - a combination that enhances firmness, steadfastness, is a symbol of physical and spiritual strength, because This combination enhances the effect of a person’s efforts.

Thus, if you know a favorable combination of numbers, you can change your life for the better.

Tips from numerologists

Numerologists strongly advise paying attention to the numbers in your subscriber number. According to their beliefs, they have a direct impact on the life and fate of the person to whom this number is assigned.

In short, the main meaning of numbers in numerology comes down to the following concepts:

1Courage, courage and resilience. Ability to achieve designated goals.
2Flexibility, softness, femininity. An exceptional ability to easily find compromises.
3Brightness, originality, creativity. Future recognition and glory.
4Hard work and stability. Ability to organize work efficiently, delegate work processes, and manage personnel.
5Curiosity and resourcefulness. The ability to easily adapt to new conditions and easily find a way out of difficult situations.
6Harmony, calmness, warmth. The ability to build family happiness.
7Intelligence, intelligence, insight.
8Wealth and material stability obtained through worldly wisdom.
9Sociability, communication skills. Ability to easily get along with people.
0Start. Life from scratch, birth or death.

There are also so-called karmic numbers.

These combinations of numbers have special meaning:

11Development of telepathic, extrasensory abilities.
13Sacrificing the interests of society for the sake of one's own.
14Lack of spirituality
16Authoritarianism, payment of karmic debts
22A rational combination of logic, reason and morality.

The telephone number is a set of 12 digits, taking into account the country code and mobile operator. And, of course, in such numerical confusion it is difficult to find a rational grain. Another thing is to calculate a single code from 12 digits, which will become the key code for the subscriber.

Which set of numbers is best for sales?

When choosing a Feng Shui phone number for a business, you need to use symbols of profit and stability, which will lead to career advancement, an increase in the number of regular customers, profitable deals and business prosperity.

For example, the combination 3-2-8 is easy and rapid business development. The combinations of 64 and 56 mean monetary losses and lack of profit, but 6 itself is wealth. Combinations 76 are income, and 88 are wealth.

The most successful numbers for business will be those that add up to:

  • 2;
  • 6;
  • 8;
  • 9;
  • 11;
  • 22;
  • 44.

If a phone number has almost all numbers, then its owner is guaranteed prosperity, since he is protected by the positive vibrations of many numbers.

Key combinations according to Feng Shui

The numbers at the end of the number are of particular importance. That is why it is so important to choose it carefully, and not take the first one you come across. Feng Shui practice identifies several key combinations:

  • 258
    ㅡ combination attracts success at work and in personal life, helps strengthen financial situation;
  • 18
    ㅡ a combination of “easy money” that increases the chances of winning the lottery;
  • 24
    ㅡ this combination should be avoided, because it entails failure, misfortune and death;
  • 29
    ㅡ symbolizes failure in endeavors;
  • 58
    ㅡ interferes with achieving goals;
  • 67
    ㅡ a dangerous combination that will attract various dangerous situations to a person;
  • 69
    ㅡ is a bad combination that attracts clashes with evil people.

It would seem that the numbers 6 and 9 are on the list of the most favorable numbers for a phone number, and their combination does not bode well.

Why should you contact us?

We conduct completely legal transactions that eliminate problems for car owners. Our company provides:

  • wide selection of license plates;
  • the shortest possible time for transactions;
  • drawing up a purchase and sale agreement in accordance with all requirements;
  • guarantees of transaction reliability, etc.

The experience of our specialists allows us to avoid problems when purchasing signs from private individuals. We will help you get numbers quickly and on favorable terms, avoiding problems with the law.

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Ways to obtain license plates

There are both legal and illegal options. Most people are convinced that you can only acquire a license plate if you have connections through illegal means. However, it is not. The most effective methods are:

  1. Contacting commercial organizations. Today, a significant part of the “beautiful” license plates are issued when registering trucks by enterprises of various types. At the same time, state signs are not assigned to a specific car, so they can be repurchased. This method will ensure low cost and legality of the operation.
  2. Purchase from a private person. In every city you can find a large number of cars with criminal license plates. If a person wants to sell them, you can complete the transaction without any problems.
  3. Leave the old registration plates. This option is only permissible when purchasing a car without obtaining new state signs. This method requires a lot of luck and the ability to negotiate with the previous owner.

There is also the possibility of purchasing a license plate from the traffic police MREO. This method is quite fast, but the price is much higher. However, there are a number of illegal situations that can lead to serious consequences. Our company sells beautiful license plates on cars through a legal transaction. The company's database contains a large number of signs that were found through personal requests from owners, cooperation with commercial organizations and other means. At the same time, our conditions are much more favorable, which will allow you to save your budget while getting the desired result.


In numerology, this combination is called master numbers. It is strong and influential and has special meanings. She is revered and believed to be the original source on Earth. Two units enhance the desire for leadership, bring victory, winnings, and enhance the effect of other positive numbers.

The owners of the room have great enthusiasm and self-confidence. They discover hidden potential and are able to make non-standard decisions. The combination of numbers helps to overcome any difficulties.

Main categories

If you ask the average consumer which category of cell phones is the best, most will answer - gold, but which number is considered gold, few will answer.

Gold, which cellular operators classify as the most expensive numbers, includes, according to the classification, one digit repeated in a row. The cost of such a room is from ten thousand rubles.

In addition to the main parameter, these numbers differ in several other characteristics. So, the numbers in them can be in ascending or descending order. Or the so-called combination “three plus three”, when triplets of numbers are repeated. Such numbers belong to the subcategory of double gold numbers.

Simpler combinations of numbers are found in silver numbers. They are also formed from paired numbers, which can be at the beginning or end of the cell, have a mirror image, or be repeated in pairs. The pair can consist of two different digits. The cost of such rooms starts from one and a half thousand rubles.

The third main category of beautiful mobile phone numbers includes bronze ones. They remain one of the most popular categories due to their low price. The cost of such a number does not exceed three thousand rubles, and if you subscribe to a favorable tariff, you can get it for free. The bronze number is distinguished by the double repetition of the last numbers or combinations.

Butterfly, mirror, thousand

Cheaper than gold, but more expensive than silver, these are numbers from several categories, characterized by a more affordable price, and at the same time quite flexible. The combination of a certain number and repetition can significantly affect their cost. So, in pearl there are three numbers in a row, plus there are two pairs of repetitions, and in amber there are three pairs of identical numbers.

The most popular among users in this price category are mirror and butterfly. Although they are similar, they have a fundamental difference. In mirror ones, the first three digits in a seven-digit number are combined with the last three, and in the “butterfly” the last three are in the reverse order.

The easiest ones to remember are the telephone numbers in the “royal flush” category. More than five numbers in them are in descending or ascending order, which makes them easier to perceive both visually and auditorily. Judge for yourself how easy it is to remember number 1234567!

Flush numbers are also referred to as a combination of a sequence of three pairs in ascending and descending order.

Numbers of “thousands” are also valued, the last three digits of which are zeros. Such a number can be purchased for five hundred rubles, and the price depends on the combination of the remaining numbers in it.

Where to buy expensive numbers

It is not difficult to purchase a beautiful license plate.

It can be done:

  1. Directly from another car owner. If you know a person who is ready to sell his license plate, then you can purchase a number from him through the purchase and sale of a car.
  2. Through online platforms. As a rule, the purchasing method is similar to the previous one, only you communicate through an intermediary. Such sites provide legal support, so you don’t have to worry about the legality of the transaction.
  3. Through a traffic police officer by giving a bribe. This is a dangerous and illegal method that is best avoided.

In this chat, you will help chat about ways to purchase unique transport identifiers, their cost and raise other questions that relate to car license plates:

Athletes' lucky numbers. Which ones will bring you luck?

We talk about the most unusual cases when the jersey number for athletes was something more than just a set of numbers.


1 is the traditional number for goalkeepers in football. But Brazilian Rogerio Ceni has been far from traditional throughout his career. For example, he was a goalkeeper-scorer. And he scored over a hundred goals in his career. Seni spent most of them with the number 01 on his back. That's right, adding zero to one.

The goalkeeper played some matches under very exotic numbers: 618, 700, 800, which he took in honor of anniversary matches.

Did the original number bring good luck? And how! As part of Sao Paulo, Ceni won every conceivable trophy in Latin America, and with the Brazilian national team in 2002 he became the world champion.

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An iconic number for sports. After all, it was under this number that the career of the legendary Michael Jordan took place.

“My favorite number was always number 45, which is what my older brother Larry wore. When I made the high school basketball team, I couldn't take it because Larry had it. So I decided to take half of his number... 22 and a half, rounded up to number 23. This is the real story of why I started wearing number 23,” the basketball player said.

Either it was a lucky number, or Jordan was a genius (the second is perhaps more likely), but it’s easier to say that His airiness did not win in his career than to list all his regalia. Two Olympics, five NBA championship rings, 14 participations in the all-star game...

Number 23 brought luck to Michael not only on the floor. Jordan became the first athlete to earn over $1 billion.

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Lucky numbers can bring good luck and fortune not only to Jordan, but to you as well. Read about how you can win up to 300 million rubles without having to become an NBA star at the end of the article!


After Jordan's exploits, many NBA players abandoned the number 23 to avoid unfavorable comparisons with The Greatest. But LeBron James, who was destined to become a star even at the school level, did not suffer from modesty.

He spent almost his entire NBA career wearing the number 23 on his jersey. This choice was a clear hint that LeBron considers himself as great as Jordan. Michael himself was lenient about the choice of his young colleague, noting that the number was not anyone’s property.

James turned out to be a worthy bearer of the iconic number. Now LeBron is 33, and in terms of the number of trophies he almost caught up with Jordan. However, it is worth remembering that at the peak of his career, Michael went into baseball for two years.

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It's not just basketball players who admire Jordan. David Beckham became a football star with Manchester United wearing a number seven on his back. But when moving to Real Madrid, the Englishman had to change his number because the number 7 was occupied. Backs decided to play under 23rd.

“I chose the free number 23 because I have always been a fan of basketball player Michael Jordan. I adored him both as an athlete and as a person,” said the footballer.

At Real Madrid, wearing the 23rd number, Beckham added to his collection of trophies with the titles of champion of Spain and winner of the Super Cup of this country.

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The Chilean football player Ivan Zamorano solved the problem of an unavailable number in a more original way. When he moved from Real Madrid to Inter Milan, his favorite number nine was taken.

Zamorano did not get upset and took the 18th. And then I cut out two strips from an adhesive plaster and made a plus sign between the numbers from them. The total turns out to be that cherished nine. It is interesting that the referees were liberal about such manipulations with the game uniform and did not force Ivan to get rid of unnecessary elements on the uniform.

Already wearing the 18th number (or 1+8) Zamorano won his main international trophy in his career - the UEFA Cup. Moreover, it was the Chilean forward who scored the golden goal in the final.

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French defender of Bayern Munich Bixan Lizarazu played the second episode of his Munich career wearing the number 69, which is not the most common number for football players. The player's choice was not accidental. He was born in 1969, his height was 169 centimeters, and his optimal playing weight was 69 kilograms. Full set!

Biksan also collected a full set of national awards wearing a Bayern jersey with the number 69 on the back.

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Gökdeniz Karadeniz’s number did not fit into the football canons either. The Turkish midfielder spent ten years with Rubin Kazan and became the main football player of this club in history.

But before that, Karadeniz played for even longer (11 seasons) in the Turkish Trabzonspor. Number 61 is from there. This is more than the number for fans from Trabzon. Every 61st minute of play at the club's home matches is met with thunderous applause. The fact is that this number is assigned to the region and is considered lucky by the team.

Karadeniz's Trabzon luck also extended to the Russian team. The Turk twice became the national champion together with Rubin. Previously, the Kazan club could only dream of such achievements.

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August 21, 1968 is the darkest day in the history of post-war Czechoslovakia. To suppress liberal trends, troops from the Warsaw Pact countries (mostly Soviet) were brought into the country. More than a hundred Czechoslovak citizens died in the clashes, more than 500 were injured, and thousands were subjected to repression.

Jaromir Jagr's two grandfathers were also seriously injured. In memory of them and the resistance of his people, the hockey player spent his entire career wearing number 68.

Jagr's career turned out to be phenomenal. He won everything he could: Olympic Games, two World Championships, two Stanley Cups, dozens of individual awards. Jagr is also the highest-scoring European player in NHL history.

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The luckiest number in the “7 out of 49” lottery (super prize - 89 million rubles) in recent days. Yes, yes, Gosloto has statistics on the most frequently drawn numbers .
So you can’t play with luck blindly. Choose which numbers will be lucky for you and win millions!

How to buy a beautiful number

According to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2000 No. GKPIOO-75, the state registration plate of a car belongs to the state and is issued to the car owner for indefinite use. Therefore, GRZ cannot be bought or sold.

Procedure for re-registration of numbers

Cheap cars become donors

However, there are several legal ways to get the desired number:

1. Acquisition of a state sign through the purchase and sale of a car. You buy a car with the license plates you like. The license plates are removed and transferred to the traffic police for storage for up to 180 days. Then you get the next number plates for the purchased car and sell it back. Submit documents from your car to replace the GRZ with beautiful numbers, which are stored in the REO archive. Registration of all documents will cost 10-20 thousand rubles. 2. Similar to the first method, only the buyer and seller change places. The owner of an expensive license plate hands it over to the REO archive and receives another one. Then he purchases a car from the buyer, registers it with a nice license plate and sells it back. 3. Purchasing license plates using a donor car. The owner of a beautiful license plate registers it on the donor car and sells it along with the beautiful license plates to the new owner. Then follows the procedure for submitting the license plates to the archive and re-registering them for your own car. Then the donor car is returned to the previous owner. Or they don't return it. A cheap old car, for example a Zhiguli, is often used as the third. This method has fewer risks from a legal point of view.

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Is it possible to get an expensive number for free?

Purely theoretically, all series numbers are issued by the traffic police in order, and anyone can become the owner of a beautiful alphanumeric combination. In practice, this rarely happens. GRZ, which can be sold at a high price, most often are kept by employees of the above department for themselves, friends or relatives. Perhaps they even sell it.

The media have repeatedly noticed that expensive license plates are on expensive cars. For example, RIA Novosti wrote that the first number of the series A001AA777 went to the owner of a luxury Mercedes. One should not discount the fact that an ordinary person, indifferent to the combination of symbols on his license plate, will most likely sell his number if he can get a significant amount for it.

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