How to choose a lucky phone number: basics of numerology

When choosing a phone number, most subscribers take the digital combination lightly, which from that moment on will connect them with other people. A thoughtless choice of an individual code, from the point of view of numerology, can radically change a person’s life and force him to leave a prosperous path. How to choose the right digital code that will bring you happiness and fulfill all your deepest desires?

Mystical phone numbers in numerology

Numerology is in some sense associated with mysticism and implies the influence of the other world on human life. The number 13 (the devil's dozen) is considered mystical and ambiguous, so it is treated as both a good number (the number of strength and power) and as a bad number, avoiding it. Some numbers and combinations of numbers, according to Feng Shui, are considered unfavorable:

  • combination of numbers 666, which leads to destruction;
  • 6, which is repeated as many times as possible (for example, 9066666666);
  • 40, because It is believed that for so many days the soul of a person who has died remains among the living.

If in a 12-digit number some symbols are repeated more often than others, then these numbers influence a person’s fate.

Meaning of numbers from 1 to 9

The teachings of Feng Shui believe that each number has certain properties:

  • 1 – a sign of good luck, leadership, victories, suitable for directors;
  • 2 – unfavorable number, bringing failure;
  • 3 is a good number, a symbol of life and movement, which is suitable for creative individuals;
  • 4 – the number of disagreements, quarrels, difficulties and interference;
  • 5 is a neutral number, symbolizing negation, on the one hand, and the combination of all five elements according to Feng Shui, on the other;
  • 6 – attracts finance, gold and symbolizes material security;
  • 7 – a symbol of determination, constancy, communication;
  • 8 – development, prosperity, success, suitable for bankers;
  • 9 – wisdom and increase.

Since a phone number consists of a larger set of numbers, you need to look at those numbers that are repeated more often than others; they will be dominant in a person’s life.

A good phone number according to numerology is one that contains almost all numbers (for example, 3784291). This is a harmonious number that ensures prosperity and luck.

Combination of numbers 11, 22, 33, 44

Lucky numbers can be considered those in which the following combinations occur:

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  • 11 is a favorable combination of numbers, it gives determination, courage, responsibility;
  • 22 – this combination leads to good luck and prosperity, recognition in life, reliability and stability;
  • 33 - the path to rethinking life, a symbol of talent, sacrifice, suitable for lawyers, doctors, farmers, workers in the field of environmental protection, since the owner of such a number must help people, serve nature and society;
  • 44 - a combination that enhances firmness, steadfastness, is a symbol of physical and spiritual strength, because This combination enhances the effect of a person’s efforts.

Thus, if you know a favorable combination of numbers, you can change your life for the better.

What numerology says

To obtain the desired benefits, you need to take a closer look at the selected number: does it contain numbers that can change reality for the better, or denies such a possibility. The table below presents the meanings of each number according to numerological teachings.

Digital codeMagical meaning
0A kind of origin, meaning life from scratch or death
1Courage, imbued with courage, perseverance and willpower. The owner of the code knows how to achieve any goals
2Femininity, breathing harmony, flexibility and softness. Anyone who wants to have such a number in their phone number will achieve success where they need to be able to negotiate
3A creative code that spreads originality and vibrancy. The owner of the code will gain recognition and fame
4Hardworking start, ability to manage people and organize processes. The owner of the number will have stability in everything
5An inquisitive beginning that brings adaptability to change and resourcefulness. Distinguishes a person who can easily find a way out of a difficult situation
6A code of harmony, evoking romance, tranquility and warmth. The owner of this code will find happiness in love relationships and family life
7Intellectual origin, endowing insight and intelligence. This is the number of explorers, philosophers and scientists
8A code that combines worldly wisdom, wealth, confidence and the search for compromise. A person with this code will always be financially stable
9A social code that implies sociability and sociability. A person with this code is the life of the party; he cannot be alone for long

Having studied the proposed new number, you can understand what opportunities you will get with its purchase.

Which set of numbers is best for sales?

When choosing a Feng Shui phone number for a business, you need to use symbols of profit and stability, which will lead to career advancement, an increase in the number of regular customers, profitable deals and business prosperity.

For example, the combination 3-2-8 is easy and rapid business development. The combinations of 64 and 56 mean monetary losses and lack of profit, but 6 itself is wealth. Combinations 76 are income, and 88 are wealth.

The most successful numbers for business will be those that add up to:

  • 2;
  • 6;
  • 8;
  • 9;
  • 11;
  • 22;
  • 44.

If a phone number has almost all numbers, then its owner is guaranteed prosperity, since he is protected by the positive vibrations of many numbers.

Phone number and fate

Mobile communication providers, with the help of marketers, lure customers with “gold” and “silver” combinations consisting of repeating numbers. Many buyers prefer numbers that partially or completely coincide with their birthday or other significant date. Having made their choice, people believe that such a phone number will be remembered well, will emphasize their individuality and bring good luck. In fact, according to numerology, a person attracts into life exactly those events that are charged with a combination of numbers. In other words, a request encrypted in a numerical code goes out into the universe, and the universe fulfills it.

Number 8

It has the vibrations of Saturn (Cronos), the god of time, the father of Zeus (Jupiter). This is the number of strength, patience, endurance and wisdom. It is not among the luckiest, as it is associated with responsibility and loneliness. However, this number can help a person overcome all obstacles by giving him awareness, self-realization and awakening. True strength always comes on time, when a person is ready for it.

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Numerology of phone numbers according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient and mysterious science that originated in China. This teaching talks about how the mystical magnetic forces of the earth help a person improve his life by correctly arranging objects in his home. The literal translation of this mysterious word is “water-wind”. By following the recommendations of Feng Shui, you can attract the positive energy of Qi, the energy of water and wind into your life and fill it with benefits and prosperity.

In Feng Shui, everything is important: in which area of ​​the apartment is your bedroom and bed, study and desk, children's room and crib, kitchen, water sources, stove and refrigerator, as well as a bathroom and toilet. The worst thing is if the toilet in your home is located in the money sector of the apartment. This means that you will not see money for the rest of your life.

A refrigerator in the fire zone will bring chaos and confusion to your affairs and worsen your health. In general, it is important not only to arrange the furniture and things in the apartment correctly, but also to ensure that there is no stagnation of energy. This requires daily wet cleaning. Qi energy does not like dirt and dust in the corners, and will not come even to the most favorable home.

Feng Shui also studies the influence of numbers on human life, which are woven into the system of knowledge about Qi energy. Try to ensure that your phone number contains all favorable numbers and no unfavorable ones. In this case, you will be better protected from problems, and with the help of combinations of male and female energies, your business and your life will proceed calmly and harmoniously, without unnecessary problems and shocks.

The main thing is harmony

Magnetism of the Universe and numbers

Lucky numbers - myth or reality?

Numerology is often subject to merciless criticism. And there are many reasons for this. The influence of figures and numbers on a person’s fate has not been proven, however, as well as the opposite. This means that the theory about the close connection of the numerical code on the life of a specific individual and humanity as a whole has every right to exist.

And it is not surprising that with the advent of telephones, people began to attach special importance to the subscriber number. Agree, few people buy the first SIM card they come across; usually we try to choose a special number.

But what are the criteria for this selection?

First of all, this is, of course, the convenience of remembering numbers. And here two scenarios for the development of events, contradictory to each other, can take place at once. It is convenient for one to keep the room light. Others, on the contrary, specifically look for more sophisticated options.

But there is another selection criterion that few people pay attention to. And it lies in a person’s personal attitude to a specific number. For example, someone who, for whatever reason (or no reason) openly shuns fours, will try to buy a number that excludes this number. And the Chinese will support him, because in the Celestial Empire this number means death.

And there are people who avoid the number 13. And there are many of them. You won’t even find a floor like this among the Americans: after 12 there is immediately 14.

Perhaps numerology, popularized by Pythagoras, has been successfully tested for centuries due to the fact that people subconsciously connect their fate with numbers, defining “lucky” and “unlucky” numbers for themselves. That is why it is almost impossible to get an unambiguous answer to the question of whether this is a myth or a real reality.

Meaning of numbers

When choosing a number, you need to look not at its beauty, but at the meaning of the numbers, and choose a combination based on your goals. Each symbol has its own designation.

  • 1ㅡ sign of renewal, symbol of leadership;
  • 2ㅡ digit combines conservatism and concern for others;
  • 3 ㅡ symbolizes competition and negotiation, this is not the best part of a phone number;
  • 4 ㅡ promotes expansion of partnerships, attracts good luck;
  • 5 ㅡ number helps you understand yourself;
  • 6 ㅡ the embodiment of financial well-being;
  • 7 ㅡ increases the risk of loss, we are not necessarily talking about financial situation.
  • 8 ㅡ symbol of good luck, prosperity;
  • 9 is a number for attracting profit and increasing it.

The most favorable numbers for the number are 1, 6, 8 and 9. Even better if they are combined in combinations. Perfect match ㅡ 168. This trio promotes leadership development and attracts wealth.

Repeating numbers

The easiest way to choose a memorable arrangement of number combinations is to select repeating combinations of numbers from the proposed options. It’s great if such combinations are repeated several times. For example, 743-524-68. The best option is when the numbers are repeated in a row: 748-528-68, for example. In this case, the human eye immediately picks out a symmetrical combination, and the brain easily remembers this combination, focusing on the same numbers. In addition, this sequence looks neat and beautiful when written.

Of course, choosing a telephone contact so that there are many repeating characters will not always work, but for accurate memorization, as a rule, the last characters are important. Therefore, if your number has a “beautiful tail,” then half the battle is already done.

Numerological meaning of the last digit of a phone number

0 (zero). It awakens the desire to achieve the intended goal, but nothing in this life is given to you without difficulty. 0 is just a starting point, not something you achieve through your own efforts. It is important that your companions in all matters are your stubbornness and incredible resilience.

1. A number indicating that leadership is guaranteed to you and you will achieve your success precisely through this desire to always be first, bask in the rays of glory and win even in the most brutal battles. By the way, this applies to both career and personal life.

2. You are not as ambitious as those who got one, but you can also keep your “blue bird”. The main thing is that others do not cross your path, since pushing with your elbows and pulling by force is not about you.

3. This figure speaks of the peacefulness and non-conflict nature of its owner. You don’t rush into “local battles”; your strong point is persuasion. People trust you and are ready to help in any matter. Gentleness and non-conflict are, in general, quite good qualities that can present good luck on a silver platter.

4. If you were “chosen” by this number, it means that we are talking about a nature whose actions are most often guided not by reason, but by emotions. Do you think that this is the reason why you will not see success? Nonsense. Sometimes you just need to moderate your ardor a little - and everything will be exactly the way you want.

5. This number means “excellent” only when it comes to school disciplines. But you, the owners of such a number, will have a hard time on the path to success. You are the ones who people like to slander and who, often for no reason, put a spoke in their wheels. Your path always lies through thorns.

6. Away with all talk about the tractability and pliability of those who, by the will of fate, fell into the hands of a phone with such a numerological number. There is no doubt that family and friends often advise you not to get into trouble. The desire to prove that you are right often blocks your path to your dreams. Still, sometimes it will be very useful to remember that the world does not always revolve around you, and you, too, can be wrong. In general, learn to listen to others, and then what you want will be much closer.

7. This number will definitely cling to you if you are a fatal nature in life, that is, you fearlessly rush into dangers that do not stop you on the path to achieving your goal. Of course, you shouldn’t think that you will be able to avoid “bruises” and “bumps” - they will happen, but there will also be desired victories. So it's not that bad.

8. You received an infinity sign - this is a reason for joy. It symbolizes eternal luck and inexhaustible vital energy. You work with pleasure and enjoy the results of your work. Money, awards, respect and love - you rightfully deserve all this and, as life shows, you receive it in full.

9. It's very tempting to get a phone number with that number at the end. She promises prosperity, well-being, endless gifts of fate. However, composure and activity should become your main qualities. After all, if you cannot quickly respond to the changes that this number brings, then there is a danger of losing everything and being left with nothing.

Choosing a number in Western numerology

Numerologists in the West believe that only the number that is obtained as a result of addition matters. To do this, you need to add up all the digits of the number. This results in a two-digit number, the digits of which should also be added to each other.

The next step is to become familiar with the characteristics of the resulting figure.

  • 1ㅡ number is quite strong, it multiplies energy. An ideal figure for businessmen and other people who need to influence others. Not at all suitable for subscribers who want to find their other half.
  • 2ㅡ romantic number. Helps to establish contact and find love. An excellent phone number for those employed in sales.
  • 3 is an ideal number for artists, musicians and other creative people. Symbolizes fun and inspiration, but is extremely unsuitable for ambitious individuals.
  • 4ㅡ guarantees stability. This is a “trusted” number, so it should be chosen by anyone who cares about trust and reputation. Also suitable for those people who have a huge family.
  • 5 ㅡ room for freedom-loving people and travelers. Talks about instability.
  • 6 is a number for strengthening family relationships. Symbolizes caring for others and protects. This is the most ideal room for family men.
  • 7 ㅡ “mystical” number is suitable for thinkers and those who study. Allows you to improve your inner mood.
  • 8 is the number for attracting money and success. Suitable for ambitious people and businessmen.
  • 9ㅡ symbolizes idealism. It is considered one of the luckiest numbers. An excellent option for people who are constantly compassionate: doctors, volunteers, charity workers.

When choosing a phone number, pay attention to the numbers and their combinations. Combinations can both attract happiness and money, and repel them, causing failure.


How to calculate the value of your phone number?

Most available sources offer to calculate the individual numerological value of a telephone number by summing all its constituent numbers. In our opinion, this approach is somewhat incorrect, since a standard 11-digit mobile number usually consists of:

  • a number indicating the country code (+7 or 8 for Russia);
  • mobile operator code (usually 3 specific digits);
  • directly the personal number (7 arbitrary digits).

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The final 7 numbers will be of decisive importance and influence, so it would be more correct to compose the numerological code from their sum. Here is an example of calculating this indicator:

  1. Let's say a subscriber has the following phone number: +7 (the number was chosen at random, any coincidence with the real one is pure coincidence).
  2. We discard the country code - +7, the mobile operator code - 911, we get the number we are interested in - 345 56 72.
  3. By numerological convolution we reduce all the numbers of a given number to one: 3+4+5+5+6+7+2=32 . If we get a simple number, we don’t change anything - it will be the very value of the phone number. In the example given, the number is two-digit. Let's add up its components again: 3+2=5 .
  4. Our numerology code is 5 . Let's look at the interpretation.

It should be noted that the numerology of a phone number can be calculated not only for numbers that you received from some cellular operator. Do the same actions with any phone number - be it home or business.

Nuances of calculation

It may happen that the result of the calculation is two-digit numbers , , or 44. If in the above example we reduced a two-digit sum to a prime number, then with these numbers the situation is different: further manipulations with them cannot be carried out; they cannot be reduced to prime numbers they bring it up. This is due to the fact that in numerology the numbers 11, 22, 33 and 44 are called master numbers (or dominant numbers). It is believed that they themselves (separately) are already strong and influential and have special meaning.

Number 5

This number has the vibrations of Mercury (Hermes), the god of communication and speed. This is a universal number, easy, problem-free and simply lucky. This number is suitable for those who are engaged in trade or work in the transport sector. Moreover, it brings good luck and prosperity to anyone who needs to communicate with a large number of people. However, remember that when Mercury is retrograde, things can get stuck!

Who needs a nice room?

A beautiful number is especially necessary for businesses that require frequent telephone contacts:

  • Any logistics companies: sale of goods with delivery, cargo transportation, taxis, courier services.

Beautiful paired rooms for business

  • Companies providing services with pre-registration - medical clinics, beauty salons, consulting companies.
  • Companies with popular goods, high demand and regular customers: for example, delivery of food, pizza, sushi, gas cylinders, service organizations (telecom operators, Internet providers, etc.).

Beautiful numbers are also relevant for any advertising - commercials on TV and radio, outdoor advertising in the city on billboards, banners, streamers, buses.

How to choose a beautiful room

It all depends on the type of advertising:

  • Visual (banners, television, billboards) – numbers with repeating or changing numbers are suitable. For example, (499) 753-02-02.
  • Auditory (radio, audio advertising) - it is better to choose numbers from which you can compose rhyming songs or rhymes. This is easiest to do with numbers with the same type of digits. For example, (812) 477-77-77. Remember the program “Wait for me” with their “nine-three-seven, nine-nine, nine-two.” It seems that everyone remembered this, even if they weren’t looking for anyone.

And a little more psychology.

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