Spathiphyllum - signs and superstitions, female happiness according to Feng Shui

Ancient philosophers said: if you want to be happy, grow flowers. Some peoples even worshiped them. Each plant is endowed with magical properties - positive, negative, or both. Women's happiness has not been spared by the flower either - the signs associated with it relate to the relationship between the sexes. This is not surprising - the white curved blanket looks like a pregnant woman’s tummy or the palm of her hand, and the cob resembles a phallus.

To believe in beliefs or not is a personal matter for everyone. But why not lift the veil of secrecy that does not promise anything bad?

Description of plants for home

Spathiphyllum is a perennial that was first discovered in the nineteenth century. Its favorite habitat is marshy areas in tropical river valleys. The plant is characterized by the absence of a stem; the leaves grow from the ground. The leaf blade is elongated, shaped like an oval. The species is evergreen, the most optimal temperature for flowering is 22°C. Does not tolerate drafts and prefers high humidity levels.

If you provide good care, you can achieve the appearance of a cob that grows on a long shoot, shrouded in a white blanket. Due to the formation of the veil, the flower is also called “white sail”. Under natural conditions, this formation serves to attract pollinators.

Flowering occurs in cream-colored flowers and can be observed in spring. Spathiphyllum has earned popularity due to its unpretentiousness.

Interesting! It is possible to achieve spathiphyllum flowering twice a year; for this it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for its existence.

Spathiphyllum and Anthurium together

There is another amazing indoor pet, Anthurium, which has an equally romantic name - “male happiness”.

There is a belief that if Spathiphyllum and Anthurium are brought together in one pot, and they bloom at the same time, this is the first sign that harmony and love reign in the house, and only positive energy envelops those living in it.

Is it possible to keep spathiphyllum in the house?

There are many different signs that do not recommend keeping spathiphyllum at home. One of the worst signs is the drying out of the plant. This fact can be explained by the lack of humidity in the house; spathiphyllum, a tropical plant, for normal existence, the moisture level must be higher than usual. Another reason may be keeping the flower on the windowsill on the south side.

The key to long life and good flowering is proper care. This will prevent unnecessary worries on the part of the plant’s superstitious owners.

Can I keep it at home?

Spathiphyllum or Women's Happiness is a very beautiful flower, but its true value is given to it by its special properties. It is generally accepted that it has a beneficial effect on the overall atmosphere in the house, bringing well-being, comfort and peace.

There are no contraindications - “bad” omens that would prohibit keeping the “Flower of Brides” at home, and there are quite a lot that help in a variety of areas - from relationships, to monetary wealth and imminent pregnancy (more on them below).

Therefore, if you like a female flower, you can safely take it.

Folk signs

Spathiphyllum is one of the favorite indoor plants among many, especially unmarried women. That’s why it is also called “women’s happiness.” It is believed that by planting this indoor flower at home, you can soon meet your betrothed, get married, and if you already have a spouse, the plant will help maintain family harmony and help with the birth of a child. Among all the signs, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Helps develop a sense of beauty. Spathiphyllum can be a wonderful decoration for an apartment and will fit into any interior.
  2. Can have a positive effect on health if given to someone who is sick.
  3. Spathiphyllum will cope well with depression, help its owner survive a difficult breakup, and even find a new partner.
  4. To cope with your significant other’s suspicions of cheating and regain lost trust and attention, you need to place the flower pot in the most visible place.
  5. This plant will help improve your financial situation.
  6. The flower will also restore an optimistic mood and increase self-esteem.

The greatest positive effect of spathiphyllum at home is noticeable if it is given as a gift to a representative of the stronger sex for any holiday. It doesn’t matter who, colleague, neighbor or father. After receiving the gift, it is worth keeping an eye on it. If it blooms within a short time, then the girl will soon find her love. A flower presented to an unmarried woman by her sister, who is married, will show a good result. At the same time, it is worth accompanying your gift with wishes for well-being.

Spathiphyllum can be purchased independently in the form of a small shoot. It's better to do it on women's days of the week. When purchasing, you must leave a tip, and it is strictly not recommended to take change, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling your luck.

Interesting! It is better to buy a flower from a fair-haired girl or woman with blue or gray eyes. In this case, he will better settle down at home and have maximum influence on the search for his betrothed.

Signs for men

In addition to the fact that female happiness drives jealousy out of the lives of spouses, there are other signs for the stronger sex:

  1. If a man gave his chosen one a beautiful, healthy spathiphyllum, and the plant suddenly stopped blooming, the tips of the leaves dried out, or, even worse, died, it means they don’t love him. Of course, when the purchase was made at a sale, it will take time to put the spathiphyllum in order and make it bloom. You need to complain not about your friend, but about your own greed.
  2. It is much better to give your loved one a healthy plant with the beginnings of buds. And then observe whether it is in a hurry to bloom or “sits in place”, how abundantly and for a long time it throws out flower stalks. A good omen is a strong bush with beautiful elastic leaves and numerous white blankets.

Why is the spathiphyllum flower called women's happiness?

According to a legend dating back to Ancient Greece, Astarte, the goddess of love, was about to get married and on this occasion decided to endow the spathiphyllum flower with amazing powers. She gave him the ability to bring happiness and love to people. The goddess gave a flower shaped like a heart to a girl who was unmarried. She presented it at the wedding celebration to her friends, who were supposed to look after him in order to find happiness.

Since then, a tradition has developed to present spathiphyllum to unmarried ladies. His further fate depends on the owner. It will either dry up or begin to bloom and bring good news home. In order to “make friends” with a flower, you need to provide good care, spray it on time and at the same time talk to it. Soon, changes will begin that will improve your personal life and bring happiness home:

  • girls who are not married may notice pleasant changes in their appearance - they will become more attractive to men, and a sparkle will appear in their eyes;
  • in case of disagreements with your husband, it is recommended to purchase spathiphyllum and try not to argue with your spouse and not pay attention to his discontent, but to greet him kindly and warmly;
  • “female happiness” will also help you wait for the long-awaited pregnancy;
  • the plant will be useful during childbirth and will make it easier;
  • If you place the potty right in the bedroom, you can avoid family quarrels even in the most difficult situations.

A well-groomed plant can resolve any conflict, both between spouses and between generations. It will reduce feelings of dissatisfaction and set you in a positive mood.

Interesting! If you look at the spathiphyllum bud from the side, you can see the outlines of a pregnant belly, which many explain by its magical power in facilitating the conception of a child.

Flower “female happiness” and feng shui

Both according to folk superstitions and according to ancient Chinese teachings, this beautiful flower, which came to us from the forests of tropical America, is extremely useful for those who want to find this very feminine happiness.

It is best not to buy it yourself, but to receive it as a gift from the hands of a loved one - for example, your mother. Then his strength will be greatest.

In order not to ruin your happiness, do not transfer the flower into the wrong hands, even temporarily, and also do not start quarrels with your family in front of it - by the way, the spathiphyllum itself will prevent this with all its might, harmonizing the situation in the room where it was placed.

Anthurium and spathiphyllum are 2 “happiness” at once

According to one of the signs, anthurium and spathiphyllum are placed in the same room. The first means “male happiness”, and the second means “female happiness”. Anthurium is a symbol of masculinity, reliability and manifestation of courage by the male half of humanity. However, keeping such plants in one place is extremely wrong. They need different care. While the shady side is preferred for spathiphyllum, anthurium needs the sun. Although both need regular spraying, they do not like excessive watering, as this can lead to rotting of the roots.

Interesting! If the spouses decide to have both plants, then care responsibilities should be shared. The wife should care for the anthurium, and the man should care for the spathiphyllum. It is with this division that the plants will show all their magical properties and prolong family happiness and well-being.

Where and where to place Spathiphyllum at home?

From the point of view of ancient Chinese teaching, the ideal place would be the sector of love relationships, located in the southwestern part of the house or your apartment.

In winter, spathiphyllum can be placed next to the window; it is not recommended to place the flower near the door or exit.

Plant Spathiphyllum in a beautiful new pot. Place it on a table or a special stand. Create a kind of “altar of love”; Your magical flower will ensure the circulation of fresh energy flow here.

Look after and talk to your “green assistant” more often. It is very important to do this in a good mood, with an open heart. And then - believe me - miracles in your life will not keep you waiting long!

You can contact the experts of the Magistika website for consultations with a psychic, talk to a fortune teller, and read fortunes using tarot cards by phone or in writing.

Bad superstitions for women: isn’t a flower a muzhegon?

Many indoor flower lovers are afraid to start and grow spathiphyllum. There is an opinion that with the appearance of the first bud, the house in which the flower grows and its owner will be shunned by men.

Sometimes small droplets of water form on the leaf blades, which are popularly called “widow’s tears.” However, this is not due to superstition; almost all tropical plants have this property. This way they get rid of excess fabric moisture, which can also be an indicator of imminent rain outside.

In this case, you should discard prejudices, because spathiphyllum is not dangerous, but is a very attractive plant that will decorate the house and delight guests. And in order for it to bring happiness, it is recommended to smell the blooming bud together with your other half. And if the flower has dried up, it is better to store it in a locked container.

Spathiphyllum: magical properties

This flower is familiar and loved by many; people attribute to this plant the valuable property of bringing happiness to its owner.

Spathiphyllum female flower of happiness is the second, popular name of this plant. The name came because many women and girls love to have it in the house; if you care for it properly, it will definitely reward you with magnificent flowering and thick green foliage. Does not require complex care.

  • For girls and unmarried women, it portends a quick, promising, romantic acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex and a successful marriage.
  • It helps married ladies strengthen and harmonize marital relationships, attract understanding, harmony, love and happiness into the home.
  • For those who dream of motherhood, the presence of a flower helps them conceive, bear and give birth to a long-awaited baby.

Magic rituals involving spathiphyllum

Due to the fact that spathiphyllum is associated with many magical phenomena in people’s lives, there are various rituals that are designed to attract good luck, love and wealth.

Ritual for meeting your loved one

This ceremony is carried out at the flowering stage of spathiphyllum. To perform it, you need to choose a night from Thursday to Friday, it is important that there is a full moon. The flower pot is placed on the windowsill, and they begin to read a plot that talks about the desire for happiness and love. There are no specific words; it is important to speak from the bottom of your heart what is in your soul.

This ritual must be repeated every full moon. In this way you can “order” the physical condition and appearance of your chosen one. There is a high probability that after a short time everything will come true.

Ritual with spathiphyllum to attract money into the house

To attract financial status, the plant must be placed near the box with all the savings. A coin of any denomination is placed under the flower pot. It is designed to increase wealth. For the most powerful effect, it is recommended to place a fake key on the leaves, hanging it on a green ribbon, which is a symbol of financial well-being.

Then they make a conspiracy to increase income or increase profits or any material benefits. After the flowering process is completed, the green ribbon is replaced with the same one only red.

Signs associated with spathiphyllum

The following traditions regarding the magical flower have long been established:

  • If the flowers are rounded, like a pregnant woman’s belly, then the owner will soon become pregnant. The day of birth can be tracked by the suddenly blooming spathiphyllum.
  • To find out his partner's true feelings, a guy must give her a flower. If it withers, the feelings are gone; if it blossoms, the girl loves you.
  • The ends of the sheets turn black - soon the owner will find himself in a hole of debt.
  • The simultaneous appearance of 2-3 flowers signals that everyone in the family will be happy and in a good mood.
  • For a girl in a relationship, a flowering plant will bring a quick wedding, and one that throws away its leaves will warn about an unsuitable person.

What does spathiphyllum mean in Feng Shui?

According to Taoist teachings, spathiphyllum is considered a symbol of girlish happiness and family well-being. The greatest manifestation of its properties can be observed during the flowering period. The flower pot should be placed in the bedroom near the head of the room. Here the flower will release the most powerful energy. Also in this place, energy flows will be strong and circulate well. The location should be in the southwest, it is responsible for attracting love. The plant must be transplanted into a new pot and placed on a stand, thereby creating a center of home well-being.

Interesting! When performing rituals designed to attract happiness or wealth, the main thing is to believe in the result, making slander from the bottom of your heart, then the result will not be long in coming.

Where to put according to Feng Shui

The universal answer is on the windowsill. In general, according to Feng Shui, flowers in an apartment are best placed in window openings. So they serve as a kind of filters for negativity coming from outside. As for the spathiphyllum, the ba gua grid will help determine its place.

  1. In the love zone, in the southwest of the room - to activate the powers of the flower, plant it in a pink pot or place it on a pink (terracotta) stand.
  2. In the west, in the children's zone - if you want a long-awaited baby to appear in your family. The colors of this sector are white and silver, so the flower fits here perfectly.
  3. East, family zone - the symbol of this sector is a large tree. Spathiphyllum, with its straight stem and lush green foliage, activates the area of ​​family relationships.

According to Feng Shui, spathiphyllum in the bedroom is a good option. Here he will help establish and strengthen relationships with his spouse. If the bedroom faces south, then it is better to place the spathiphyllum away from the windows, since the south is not the sector where it will be in its place.

You can use a stand - this way the flower will feel good in any part of the room, close to the light source. Placement in close proximity to the matrimonial bed is also considered suitable. Unlike some other indoor plants, spathiphyllum does not force the husband out of the bedroom, but, on the contrary, normalizes intimacy and helps spouses understand each other. It is recommended for a still unmarried girl or woman to place “women’s happiness” in the center of the house - this way the owner will appear in it most quickly.

What does spathiphyllum bloom mean?

The flowering of spathiphyllum is a wonderful phenomenon, which is accompanied by the release of an aroma that fills the air with the energy of love and is a symbol of future changes in your personal life:

  1. For married women, the flowering of spathiphyllum confirms that her husband loves her and remains faithful. But it can also be a symbol of upcoming pregnancy. You can even determine the gender of the unborn baby by the color of the bedspread: a dark shade promises the birth of a boy, while a light or white bedspread indicates that there will be a girl.
  2. If there are quarrels in the family or even in the process of divorce, the flowering of this type of plant can warn that the family can be saved. And you should make peace with your spouse; you cannot make rash decisions.
  3. For an unmarried lady, the blossoming spathiphyllum will be a warning about the imminent meeting of a soul mate, who will become a spouse.

Family signs

Why do women like spathiphyllum? There are a variety of signs, beliefs and legends associated with it. It is important to remember that magical power manifests itself only when the owner surrounds the flower with attention, kindness, and sincere love.

It is known that if a wife and husband inhale the aroma of spathiphyllum together, mistrust, causeless painful jealousy disappear, and suspicions dissipate. If this flower is placed in the bedroom next to the bed, it will prevent the husband from leaving the family, normalizes intimate intimacy, revives faded passion, and eliminates the danger of infidelity.

Spathiphyllum (“Women’s Happiness”) is amazing! We continue to study signs about him further. If the flower looks like the round belly of a pregnant lady, expect the conception of the desired baby. The energy of this plant eliminates unwanted sensations during pregnancy, facilitates childbirth, and helps to bear a healthy baby.

Several flowers blooming simultaneously indicate that everyone living next to you will be happy.

Are you interested in spathiphyllum (“Women’s Happiness”)? What else do the signs say? It helps prevent conflicts between parents and children, reconciles son-in-law with mother-in-law, daughter-in-law with mother-in-law, grandchildren with grandparents. Different generations are beginning to find common interests and understand each other’s needs. A flower given from the heart helps patients overcome their illness.

What does it mean for a flower to wilt?

If the spathiphyllum begins to dry out suddenly or wither, there is no need to rush into worrying about superstitions. You should not think that this sign means a quick break with your loved one. First, you need to check whether all the conditions for keeping the plant were correctly observed. Most likely, the flower withers due to irregularities in care or the appearance of a disease or the process of rotting roots.

During flowering, the plant spends a lot of nutrients on the formation of buds, so the leaf blades may begin to dry out or wither at the tips.

If the leaves began to turn black, then most likely the watering and maintenance regime was violated. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering water and remove the flower from the draft. And if the leaves dry out, then you should spray them more often. If problems arise, it is recommended to fertilize the plant and change its location so as not to expose it to drafts. And if the spathiphyllum does not bloom at all, then perhaps it needs to be transplanted into a pot of a different size.

Flower care

Proper care of a plant is one of the most important components of its magical effect. If a flower is given due attention and carefully taken care of, then it will not fail to reciprocate its owner’s feelings and will in every possible way help her achieve what she craves so much, that is, female happiness.

Since the plant grows in tropical rainforests, at home it needs high humidity, that is, periodic spraying at any time of the year. The air temperature should not fall below +18 degrees and rise above +27. In the summer heat, the number of sprays is increased.

For a flower to bloom, the lighting must be quite bright, but diffused. If it is deficient, the leaves will be crushed and the plant will not bloom.

During the winter months, Spathiphyllum needs additional lighting. To do this, you can purchase a special lamp for indoor flowers.

The plant needs high-quality and timely watering. You should not allow the soil in the pot to dry out, but you should not water it too much to avoid stagnation of moisture. Water for irrigation should be settled. It is best to take water from a natural source, since the lime contained in tap water can cause irreparable harm to your pet. In winter, watering is sharply reduced.

Spathiphyllum responds gratefully to feeding. It must be fed with special mineral complexes for indoor plants at least twice a month. In winter, fertilizer application is halved.

Plants under five years old must be replanted annually. Starting from the age of five, the flower is transplanted into a larger pot when its roots begin to crawl out through the drainage holes. When replanting, special attention should be paid to the composition of the soil, which should be light and loose.

Energy field of a plant

Spathiphyllum itself has positive energy, which it shares with people living in the same house, especially for the fair sex. Therefore, if quarrels are a frequent occurrence in the home, family members often get sick, and a negative atmosphere reigns around, then spathiphyllum is unlikely to be accepted and will grow happily and delight with flowering.

It is a very good sign to receive spathiphyllum as a gift. This could be a sign of an imminent wedding or the arrival of a baby in the family. If a person is sick, then the flower will help in a speedy recovery. And for the poor, it symbolizes an improvement in their financial situation.

You should not judge the magical properties of a plant if problems in the family have not been resolved. This suggests that the flower is already charged with negative energy; it can no longer be returned to the flowering state. It is also not recommended to give it to another family if it dries out. For a gift, it is better to choose another specimen of spathiphyllum. As a gift, you can give it to close women: mother, sister or friend. At the same time, it is worth accompanying the gift with pleasant words and wishes for well-being.

Interesting! If you have been given spathiphyllum, you cannot give it to other people. Otherwise, there is a risk of scaring away your luck.

For singles

Do you have spathiphyllum? Remember the signs and superstitions about him. Under the aura of this wonderful flower, single ladies become charming, gentle, and find their own style. Many people feel a desire for individual growth and their self-esteem increases.

Anyone who has experienced a difficult breakup or the loss of a loved one overcomes depression, looks at the world with optimism, and communicates productively. A woman again attracts the attention of men, it is easier for her to meet a loving, faithful, reliable person. If an unmarried girl wants to get married as soon as possible, close male relatives - uncle, brother, father - should give her a flower. When the plant blooms, a marriage proposal will definitely follow. If the flower withered when you already had a relationship with a guy and dropped its leaves, this person is not your life partner. If a married woman gives a flower to her unmarried sister, it will help her get married sooner.

If a lady is lonely and has no one to give her spathiphyllum, she can purchase it herself, while following simple rules:

  • Purchases can only be made on women's days (according to magical laws) - Saturday, Wednesday, Friday.
  • It is necessary to purchase the plant from a female seller with blond hair and eyes.
  • Money must be given more than its value; change cannot be taken, otherwise the magic “will not turn on.”

Reviews about spathiphyllum on forums

Galina is 34 years old. At 30 years old, I was already desperate to meet my destiny. But, by a lucky coincidence, my sister came across an article about the wonderful properties of spathiphyllum and bought it for me as a gift. I placed it in the bedroom, watered it every day, saying that it would bring me a little happiness and help me find a man. And after 3 short months I met the love of my life. We have been happily married for 2 years now.

Ivan is 60 years old. There was an unsuccessful period in my life, I was fired from my job, my wife’s salary was a penny, our savings were coming to an end. I'm already disappointed. But my wife bought spathiphyllum, having heard a lot that it brings wealth. I even read the plot. I didn’t really believe in all this and thought it was stupid. But a few weeks later they made me a very lucrative offer with a good salary. I don’t know if this is just an accident or magic. But the fact is a fact, life has improved for us.

Signs according to the state of the flower

By how a flower behaves in a home, one can determine what will happen to its owners in the near future.

There is a sign that if a flower blooms in the house of an unmarried lady, then soon she will be offered her hand and heart to those who are loved and dear to her.

Why does the flower of “female happiness” wither? There is a special belief associated with this - if a guy gives his beloved Spathiphyllum, and it withers even with good care, then these two are not destined for each other, and they should not tie their lives in marriage.

If a newly blossomed flower resembles a round belly, then the owner of the plant should expect an early pregnancy.

When several flowers bloom at the same time, this portends happiness, prosperity and health for all family members.

An amazing flower, which is also called “widow’s tears,” may cry, but this does not bode well. This way the plant gets rid of excess moisture accumulated in it.

For a man in love, the flower “female happiness” is an indicator of the sincere attitude of his chosen one towards him. A man can verify the purity and sincerity of his girlfriend by giving her Spathiphyllum.

If the flower blooms and feels great, then the girl’s feelings for her man are real. If the plant begins to wither, then her love is fake, and the guy should not connect his fate with her.

Anthurium - Male happiness

Anthurium or Men's Happiness for the home with beautiful flowers of white, red, light green and other shades is usually given to men. The plant adjusts the atmosphere in such a way that any man in the house becomes braver, bolder and generally more courageous. If you place it together with spathiphyllum, this will strengthen mutual attraction in the family and help smooth out any looming conflicts.

Anthurium and spathiphyllum together: signs

Women's and Men's happiness are slightly similar plants in appearance. That is why our ancestors once upon a time decided for the first time to experience their magical properties together. This is how the belief was born that anthurium and spathiphyllum together can help much better than separately. They harmonize and equalize each other and help establish family happiness:

  • It is worth giving this flower as a gift, and not buying it - then for the owner it will be able to reveal all its properties.
  • Women who feel lonely or do not feel real support from their partner are advised to put “Male Happiness” next to “Women’s Happiness”. This will make the man you already have more sensitive to you, and will help those who don’t have one to find their love.
  • Anthurium placed in the kitchen can help overcome financial difficulties. According to Feng Shui, this will help significantly influence your income.

Whether or not to believe the signs and superstitions about these colors is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, in any case, regular attention, care, and care for the flower will help you learn to better show all the same feelings to your loved one. And if after all the feelings and care you have shown there is no response, ask yourself is this the right man?

Still have questions about Spathiphyllum or Anthurium? Can't decide whether to keep it in the house? Ask them in the comments and I will definitely answer you. Author of the article: psychic, parapsychologist and magician Boris Shabrin.

Let there always be a favorable atmosphere in your home.

© Author of the article: your reliable friend - the magician Fose (Boris Shabrin): practicing psychologist, psychic.

Spathiphyllum - superstitions and signs, where you can put

The name Spathiphyllum comes from the shape of the leaves of this flower, reminiscent of the ancient Greek spatha (sword). According to an old legend, the Goddess Astarte, celebrating her wedding, gave this plant as a gift to one girl, having previously invested all her care, love and joyful feelings of the wedding day into it. Filled with love, joy and happiness, the flower promised to bring the grace of marriage to everyone who cares for it with a pure heart, care, and attention, as well as to improve relationships in an already established family. That is why spathiphyllum is surrounded by signs and superstitions that have survived to this day.

Spathiphyllum and anthurium flowers: signs

Spathiphyllum “Women’s Happiness” and Anthurium “Male Happiness”, if you believe the signs, help very well in family matters. Already, many women have been able to find or improve their family well-being with their help, so this can be considered much more than superstition. Plants also serve as a talisman and protect against rivals and ill-wishers.

Characteristics and features

Spathiphyllum or spathiphyllum, from the Latin Spathiphyllum, is a plant from the genus of perennial evergreen plants of the Araceae or Araceae family. A perennial, unpretentious and evergreen plant represented by terrestrial crops. However, the family also contains epiphytes and hemiepiphytes.

The Spathiphyllum plant has a short rhizome and is characterized by the absence of a stem part. Basal leaves, formed in a bunch, grow directly from the soil. The shape of the leaves can be different and depends on the varietal characteristics. The leaves are entire, with a clearly visible midrib. The inflorescence is represented by a spadix with a veil near the base. The bedspread has an oblong-elliptical shape.

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