Bamboo of happiness: signs and superstitions, is it possible to keep a houseplant at home?

Signs about bamboo boil down to the fact that the exotic plant symbolizes well-being and rapid growth in all areas of life. Juicy shoots protect against the evil eye and damage, restore energy balance. Therefore, esotericists and followers of Feng Shui recommend growing a flower at home or giving it as a gift to good people.

Folk beliefs associated with Dracaena Sandera

  • Decorative bamboo improves financial affairs, strengthens immunity and health in general, and helps you focus on achieving your goals.
  • Attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires.
  • Increases a person's physical and moral strength.
  • Brings harmony to the house, protects against dark spirits, gives positive energy and destroys negativity.
  • Helps solve difficult problems and find a way out of difficult situations.
  • Gives peace of mind, develops a person’s spiritual world.
  • Helps young children grow up strong and kind.
  • If you tell bamboo about your wish, it will definitely come true, but over time.
  • Guarantees professional growth and increased family income.


This houseplant belongs to the grass family. It is common in Asia, Australia and South America. It is distinguished by its accelerated growth rate - in its natural environment, the height of the plant can reach 35 m. It is famous for its high vitality and resistance to adverse external factors. It easily adapts to new climatic conditions and is therefore extremely easy to care for.

Bamboo looks impressive and attractive. It has a strong stem and bright green lanceolate leaves located closer to the top. At home it blooms rarely, but beautifully, with small light inflorescences. The elastic stems of the plant can be twisted into spirals, giving them an original shape.

Bamboo is undemanding to temperature and watering. Prefers shaded places, since in direct sun it can begin to turn yellow and wither.

Can it be kept at home?

There are people who believe that bamboo should not be kept in their home.
And this is completely wrong! Bamboo can not only be kept at home, but it is also necessary, since almost all known signs are exclusively positive.

You just can’t keep this plant near sick people , it can worsen their well-being.

This flower can be used as a gift to friends or loved ones.

Necessary microclimate

Indoor bamboo is unpretentious to grow and does not require special care. It is important to provide the flower with the necessary microclimate, and then, under the right conditions, it will grow quickly. The following factors should be considered:

  1. Air temperature . The suitable temperature range for growing is +18…+35ºC.
  2. Indoor lighting . This houseplant loves partial shade. Shoots and leaves are sensitive to sunlight: when exposed to direct light, they turn yellow and dry out.
  3. Humidity . Moist air is not of great importance for decorative bamboo, but regular wiping of dust from the leaves or a warm water shower is necessary. In addition, it is forbidden to place a pot with a plant near heating devices, because the air there is too dry.
  4. Soil and soil . The flower is best suited for special soil for dracaena plants, which is sold in flower shops. You can use a mixture of earth and sand in a 1:1 ratio. To prevent the formation of mold and rotting of roots, it is necessary to lay drainage made of stones or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot.
  5. Watering . If home bamboo is planted in the ground, it needs abundant, timely watering, especially in the hot season. In the cold season, water the flower once a week; it is important not to let the mail dry out. Watering with too hard tap water is harmful to the plant due to chlorine. It is better to use rain or settled melt water. If bamboo is growing in a container of water, change it every 2 weeks.
  6. Fertilizer and top dressing . Bamboo planted in the ground must be fed promptly in the spring and summer. Mineral-organic fertilizers are suitable for this. You should alternate between foliar and root feeding. If the plant grows in water, feed it once a month with a special liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus.
  7. Pot. The container in which the plant is planted must be spacious, since the root system of indoor bamboo grows quickly.

Why do you dream?

People who believe in the significance of dreams have always been interested in what it means to see bamboo in a dream; in many dream books around the world, entire sections are devoted to it. Here are the most famous dream interpretations :

  1. If a child dreams of this plant, it means he is growing, and growth is not only physical, but also spiritual.
  2. If you had a dream where a person walks through a bamboo grove and makes his way through dense thickets, then in life he should be more circumspect, careful, not commit rash and spontaneous actions, be guided primarily by reason, and not by feelings.
  3. A dream where a person has various objects made from bamboo - interesting entertainment will await him in the near future.
  4. If you dreamed of bamboo, this means meeting with friends, possibly a romantic date.
  5. A dream where a person sees bamboo can be interpreted as a symbol of trouble. Problems in the family are possible.
  6. If you break bamboo stems in a dream, then in the future a person will have enough strength to cope with all his problems.
  7. If you dreamed that a person had bamboo ski poles in his hands, this means nostalgia, memories that will be carried back to childhood.
  8. For a woman to dream that she is lost in a bamboo grove in the fall - to an imminent nervous breakdown, in the winter - to avoid problems, in the spring - to getting confused in her affairs, and in the summer - to threats from the outside.
  9. For a man, seeing bamboo in the fall means that you need to take more care of your health, in winter - an interesting incident, in spring - small intrigues, and in summer - gossip.

If you dreamed of bamboo on the eve of the end of a business in which a lot of effort was invested, then it will definitely end in success.

Bamboo - signs and superstitions

Signs called bamboo a symbol of happiness, attracting good luck, fulfilling wishes. It improves health, helps you achieve your goals, attracts money, and increases the quality and length of life. The plant relieves fatigue and charges with optimism. Tropical escapes help children succeed in school and adults succeed at work.

The ancient Chinese believed that bamboo had a number of healing properties, which the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire still use to treat diseases of the respiratory tract (in this it is similar to its neighbor on the windowsill, the fern), the digestive tract, colds, and also to increase potency.

Interpretation of the sign about bamboo seen in a dream:

  • for a man: summer - gossip, winter - an interesting event, autumn - deterioration of health, spring - intrigue;
  • for a woman: summer - threats, winter - eliminating problems, autumn - nervous breakdown, spring - confusion in business.

What does the number of stems mean?

The number of stems is an important factor for anyone looking to purchase live bamboo.

  • The two stems symbolize the happiness of the family.
  • Three stems attract happiness.
  • Four stems are best avoided as 4 is the number of death.
  • Five stems carry wealth.
  • Seven stems will bring health.
  • Eight stems - active growth in all areas of life.
  • Nine stems - good luck and success in everything.
  • Twenty-one stems will have a positive effect on everything that happens in life.


Bamboo extract and preparations based on leaves or shoots should not be prescribed:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with blood diseases;
  • with internal bleeding;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components.

In addition, you should always remember the origin of the purchased drugs. Medicines from unknown manufacturers can cause unpredictable reactions in the body and do more harm than good.

Feng Shui meaning

From a Feng Shui point of view, this plant also has positive properties. He is a talisman of well-being and a protector from negative emotions and evil spirits. According to teaching, it means rapid growth, calm and serenity. It brings prosperity and success in all endeavors, helps to overcome difficulties, stay on the intended path, and win in everything.

Even in Ancient China, they noticed what positive power this plant has, and how it endows its owners with luck, prosperity and good health. Therefore, it received the name “lucky bamboo” , and to this day the traditions of keeping it in the house remain unchanged.

Fifth Element

An ancient Chinese sign says that in order to achieve harmony and agreement with the outside world, when arranging bamboo in the house, you need to use 5 such elements:

  1. The tree that is bamboo itself.
  2. Water used for irrigation.
  3. The earth is the container in which the plant lives. Often, a vessel for growing bamboo is chosen in the shape of a symbolic animal (turtle, dragon) or the composition is complemented with amulets, for example, a three-legged toad.
  4. Fire - scarlet ribbons with which you need to tie the stems of the plant into bunches.
  5. Metal - talisman coins that are dipped into a container or tied to ribbons.

Feng Shui signs about bamboo promise that such a composition, located on the south side of the house, will attract recognition and fame, to the east - family happiness, and to the southeast - prosperity and wealth.

Where is the best place to place Dracaena Sander in the house?

It is generally accepted that placing a plant in a specific place affects certain areas of life. For example, if you place bamboo:

  • in the east of the apartment, in the so-called “Family Zone”, it will have a positive effect on family relationships;
  • in the south - it will bring glory and honor to the owner;
  • in the north it will help you rise in your career;
  • in the West - to improve the physical health and intelligence of children;
  • in the southeast - will bring wealth;
  • in the northwest - will open up more opportunities for business trips.

If you place it in the center of the house, the physical and spiritual health of the whole family will be strengthened. You can place it next to the children’s room, and then they will grow and develop faster. And if you put it on your desktop, then everything will go faster and tasks will be solved much easier.

We looked at the signs and superstitions associated with indoor bamboo. It can be noted that most beliefs are positive and bring only light in people's lives. It is believed that one must listen to the advice of ancestors, who, with special prudence, observed and accumulated knowledge for many years, which they subsequently passed on to us.

Whether to buy this plant for yourself or not is everyone’s business, but if it does appear in the house, it will be a wonderful talisman that will serve perfectly for many years.

Magical properties of the flower

Bambusa vulgaris belongs to the ornamental cereal plants and is distinguished by its unusual stem shape. Like the Chinese rose, it grows in tropical or subtropical zones of Asia, Australia, America, Madagascar with a humid climate. It was introduced to Europe in the 19th century and gradually gained popularity among gardeners.

Bamboo has also become widespread among Feng Shui fans. According to eastern superstitions, it prolongs life, improves health, and brings good luck. Its green shoots absorb the negative energy of its owner, charging him with positivity.

Tropical grass is a hardy, fast-growing, unpretentious crop. This determines its magical properties. Bamboo is associated with growth in every area of ​​life. After the appearance of this indoor plant in the house, your personal life improves or a more promising job appears, as well as relationships with loved ones and your financial situation improve. A person who is next to this flower becomes stronger, more resilient, and more responsible.

Bamboo is also considered a powerful talisman. According to most signs, he, like a home cactus, protects the house from evil, envious people, the evil eye and damage. No ill-wishers come to the house where this tropical cereal grows.

Helpful information

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, a substance with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties is used to care for tired skin prone to the formation of fine wrinkles. Based on the extract from the core of the trunk, creams, masks, scrubs, hair care products, anti-cellulite and anti-aging cosmetic complexes are made. To strengthen the formula, mulberry bark, camellia or lingonberry extract are added to cosmetics. The components of the plant are an important ingredient in foot and leg care creams.

A bamboo broom and massage sticks are an indispensable attribute for a cleansing and healing massage in a Turkish bath. The cleansing procedure in a Turkish steam room is often combined with aromatherapy, for which white jasmine extract, bergamot or juniper oil are used.

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