A portrait that brings happiness. All about the legendary portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness

Our world can be divided into material and otherworldly, mysterious. The material world is already known to us, since we encounter it every day. As for the mysterious, practically nothing is known about it. So, for example, certain words or some object bring good luck, and another object - vice versa. It is still not known exactly what gives power to amulets, amulets and talismans. Despite the fact that all these phenomena have existed since humanity appeared, they still remain mysteries. Now we call them supernatural. Many people are afraid of these phenomena because they do not know whether they can be controlled or not. These include a portrait that brings happiness. What kind of portrait is this, and how did it appear?

The history of its appearance

In one Italian town lived a small family called Carbone. The husband loved his wife very much, but they had no children. All my strength went into work, but things did not move forward. In 1897, Luigi Carbone saw a street artist’s portrait of a beautiful gypsy girl. He really liked this image, he decided to buy the painting and give it to his wife. Soon after purchasing this portrait, Luigi's business began to improve. Even minor transactions brought him unexpected income, and he became rich. During this period, another surprising incident occurred for the family: contrary to the doctors’ diagnosis, Luigi’s wife became pregnant and gave birth to healthy twins. Married life improved. At that time, the Carbone family did not even suspect that they had acquired a portrait that brought happiness.

Description of the portrait of a gypsy

The portrait of a gypsy woman, which brings happiness, cannot be called either a masterpiece or some kind of significant work of art. It was painted in the 19th century by an unknown artist. The canvas depicts a beautiful gypsy girl with long black, slightly curly thick hair. She has large brown eyes and long black eyelashes. Correct facial features emphasize the beauty of the image. In addition to everything, she has big beautiful lips. The canvas well conveys the youth of the girl, who to a certain extent is the standard of beauty. In principle, there was nothing special about this portrait. At that time, there were many similar paintings depicting beautiful girls. If it were not for the mysterious power that this portrait possesses, perhaps this image would never have attracted such widespread attention.

Unusual pictures from the word LOVE

Anton Viktorov tried different words as brush strokes for his unusual paintings. He believes in the power of words, believes that every word carries not only information, but also a certain energy, it is capable of destroying and creating.

There are many significant words in our world - Life, Gratitude, Mom, Earth, but the artist settled on the word LOVE!.. After all, Love is the basis of all life. Love is all-encompassing. The artist is happy that his paintings radiate the energy of warmth and positivity. After all, love, even written in small letters, can change the world. Love from paintings settles in the hearts of people looking at them. A person who is in the midst of pictures consisting of love is not capable of cruelty, anger, or aggression. Anton sows love, which our world so lacks. The artist multiplies it in a way accessible to him and gives it to people.

The painting “Creator” is written with the word Love in 60 languages ​​of the world!

The first cases of miraculous power

The connection between some life events and the portrait of the gypsy was discovered by luck. When the Carbone family decided to carry out major renovations in the house, they had to remove all the objects from it, including the portrait of a gypsy who brings happiness (which, of course, they still had no idea about). Suddenly, misfortunes began to haunt the family: the children became very ill, a fire broke out in the house, the losses from which were very significant. Luigi was broken, he had lost all hope that everything would work out for him. One day, while deep in thought, he remembered the portrait. And in order to somehow console himself, he brought it from the barn and hung it in its place. In the shortest possible time, all failures left this family. It was then that Carbone realized that this portrait had a certain power that made his life, and the lives of everyone living in this house, happy. Since then, the picture has never been removed from its place.

How can we quickly turn this life towards the light?..

In addition to the love inherent in each of his unusual paintings, the artist puts philosophical subtext into each canvas. So, for example, the painting “The Golden Thread” reminds us that in any seemingly most complicated matter, a golden thread must be found, by pulling which you can unravel the tangle of problems. The main thing is to do this without anger, without insults - with LOVE and respect for each other.

...You die from every evil word, You die from every evil shout... M. Petrov

Decay and discord. Hopeless power. The world smells of both lies and blood. How to heal the soul so as not to disappear completely? - Love. And only love...

How can we choose the only path in the darkness? Don't listen to slander and slander? How can we quickly turn this life towards the light? - Love. And only love...


When the Carbones discovered that the portrait had miraculous powers, they did not know whether a copy made from this painting would have such properties. In 1938, Carbone's son Mario decided to go to America. The father made a copy of the gypsy woman’s portrait and gave it to his son. Since then, Mario has always kept a portrait with him that brings happiness. The reviews that he subsequently gave during various interviews regarding this film indicated that there was not a single day when success did not accompany him. Finishing his story, Mario thanked fate for this every time.

Portrait of a black-haired girl – a legacy of the Carbone family

This relic was passed down in the Carbone family from one generation to another, and everyone had a wonderful, happy life, healthy children, and material wealth. All members of this family achieved what they wanted in life. They say about such people that luck follows them. And each of them connects their well-being with the beautiful black-haired gypsy, whose image still hangs on the wall in Carbone’s house. The portrait that brings happiness has truly helped all generations of this family. As eyewitnesses confirm, all Carbones were lucky not only in their personal lives and work, but also in gambling. As Mario Carbone said, they gave copies made from this painting to their friends. The result was amazing. It was then that it became known that this portrait helps not only the Carbone family, but also everyone who believes in the miraculous power of this painting.

Feng Shui paintings: which ones attract luck, love and money

It's no secret that all things in the house have energy - negative or positive. The teachings of Feng Shui will tell you which paintings to keep in your apartment to attract luck, love success or financial well-being.

In their advice, Feng Shui experts rely on the idea of ​​the five elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Metal and Wood. It is believed that each sphere of a person’s life is associated with one of the elements, and the cardinal directions also correlate with them. Each sector in the apartment is responsible for something: by putting things in order and placing suitable talismans there, we activate this zone.

But it is important to understand that it is not enough just to hang a suitable picture on one wall or another. To begin with, you simply need to establish the circulation of Qi energy in your home. Therefore, experts from the site dailyhoro.ru advise starting with cleaning according to Feng Shui, making repairs if possible, be sure to throw away broken things, and give away unnecessary things, sell them, send them for recycling or to a second-hand store. To allow abundance into your life, you need to prepare the space. And when it is ready, the paintings can be used as good luck talismans.

Pictures to attract love

It is logical that for this purpose it is worth purchasing stories whose heroes will be couples in love. But you can attract love by using romantic symbols, such as flowers, images of cooing doves, and a happy wedding procession. The element of this sphere of life is considered to be the Earth, so you can buy landscapes for your apartment. You should not place images of lonely women and men, gloomy pictures of nature, gloomy and depressive in the love sector. It’s also better not to keep them in the bedroom.

Side of the world: southwest.

Pictures to attract money

Such paintings will depict abundance: a rich table, beautiful interiors, a casket with expensive jewelry. It is important that the picture is not dark and gloomy: you should not hang a still life in dark colors and with a skull in the middle of the canvas on the wall as a talisman for money, even if there are picturesquely depicted jewelry or food around (in the history of painting there are not such subjects). Since the element of Wealth is Wood, you can place photographs of a money tree, the tree of life, or an apple tree full of ripe apples in the desired sector.

Side of the world: southeast.

Pictures to attract good luck

For this purpose, you will need a picture that you yourself consider to be the personification of success. For example, for some it is happy motherhood, and then they need a plot with children, for others they want to make a career or achieve recognition, make a discovery, write a novel, buy an apartment. Also good for attracting Fortune are portraits of people whom you consider in this regard as models, whose ideal you strive for. You can also choose a conqueror of peaks, a surfer on the crest of a wave, a person with a positive smile.

Side of the world: depends on your priorities, you need to look at the area that is important to you using the Bagua grid.

To attract success, love or money, you can use photo paintings, collages, drawings, using Feng Shui talismans as examples. For example, place in the money sector a collage with images of banknotes, a toad with a coin, a beautiful house with a garden and a veranda. By connecting our own energy and imagination to the matter, we charge such a collage for success, and from an interior item it becomes a strong Feng Shui talisman, and at the same time a map of desires.

First appearance in the press

Rumors that there is a portrait that brings happiness also reached the press. The latter became very interested in this painting, and after several interviews taken with members of the Carbone family and their permission to publish the material, a reproduction of the portrait of the gypsy was published in the most popular American weekly Daily News with a description of the life episodes on which the painting influenced. Readers were invited to cut out this portrait and place it in their home so that their lives would become happy. Thousands of readers took advantage of this advice, and the image of a beautiful black-haired girl could be found in many homes.

How to attract prosperity according to Feng Shui using paintings

What to look for before buying a painting

Before buying a painting, you need to listen to yourself, what emotions it evokes, what sensations arise when looking at the image. Even if you were supposed to buy a specific canvas, but it did not evoke positive feelings, it is better to refuse the purchase. After all, you will have to look at this picture every day, and it is very important that the image brings pleasure. The next point that needs to be taken into account is the irresistible desire to purchase an exhibit. If an internal “flutter” arises when looking at a painting, then it will benefit the owner.

Attracting love through paintings

According to Feng Shui, to attract love, you can place images of a certain theme in the bedroom. But before this, it is necessary to clear the space of unnecessary objects, as well as remove aggressive drawings, posters and dried plants.

To attract love in Feng Shui, images of flowers or pairs of animals are considered favorable.

It is better to hang the image of the peony at the entrance to the bedroom. Moreover, a red peony is ideal for finding a loved one, and if you need to rekindle an existing fading relationship, the flowers should be pink or purple.

Magnolia is capable of bringing spiritual balance into family life and resolving conflicts.

The poppy field is favorable for those who want to have children.

In Feng Shui, pigeons, swans and a wolf with a she-wolf promote mutual strong love.

Paintings to make wishes come true

In esotericism in general, and in Feng Shui in particular, it is believed that paintings contribute to the materialization of thoughts. For example, if a person wants to live in a cozy house by the sea, he should purchase a painting with a similar image. Looking at it, he will be mentally transported to the house of his dreams, bringing its realization closer. Feng Shui masters recommend placing images to make wishes come true in the southern part of the home.

Attracting wealth through paintings

Money energy is enhanced by water, so to attract wealth you can hang pictures depicting fish, especially if they are two colored carp. They are symbols of a comfortable life.

Images of ships with lush sails sailing in your direction are suitable as a “money magnet”.

Promoting health through paintings

The image of peaches can activate energy that improves a person’s condition. A picture with individual fruits or a flowering tree would be suitable.

Cranes are considered symbols of health in Feng Shui. Images of these birds should be placed in the center of the home. A picture of cranes against a background of coniferous trees will have a particularly strong effect.

Mass distribution

After the portrait of the gypsy was published in the American weekly, the editor began to receive a huge number of letters in which people thanked the publishers of the newspaper for such a gift. All the letters told us that as soon as a portrait from a newspaper got into the house, the life of the owners changed radically for the better: some people’s incurable illnesses went away, many people’s businesses brought unexpected income, some were promoted at a rapid pace in their careers, and For some, family quarrels have stopped. In a word, they were all grateful for such a gift. Such a crazy success could not go unnoticed. Everyone around was just talking about the portrait of a gypsy, bringing happiness. Due to the fact that the story became famous, the photo of this girl was published in other publications. It should be noted that everyone who published a portrait of a gypsy in their publications began to gain popularity at a rapid pace. For example, the Daily News newspaper, which first published this portrait, is today the most successful in the United States. Subsequently, the beautiful black-haired girl, who was talked about so much in America, also appeared on the pages of European newspapers and magazines.

On the pages of Russian publications

In the 80s of the twentieth century, a portrait that brings happiness appeared in Russia. It was published by such Soviet newspapers as “Kuban News” and “Home Doctor”. People cut the illustration out of newspapers and hung it on their walls, believing that it would help them the same way it helped the Carbone family. Either this is some kind of self-hypnosis, or simply a coincidence, but the portrait really brought good luck and prosperity to these people’s homes. Today, in many homes you can still see this image on the wall. But they also say that a painting brings happiness only if you talk to it. Whether this is true or not, no one can say with certainty. However, after the image of the black-haired girl began to spread via the Internet, many reviews about it appeared. One thing is certain: the popularity of sites that published this portrait has increased significantly. Perhaps this fact was also influenced by the portrait.

Which paintings attract good luck to your home, and which ones, on the contrary, repel them?

The painting is a complete work of art. By choosing it correctly, you can diversify your interior and lift your mood when contemplating it.

But there is something else: paintings influence what happens around them. The theory has been proven using milk. In the 20th century, Russian scientists accidentally left this drink near the oil painting “Ship Grove”.

To everyone’s surprise, the liquid did not turn sour during the whole night. Since the room was warm, those who saw this were stunned and decided to conduct research. Scientists left milk near various paintings, and in one room it soured at different rates.

When creating something, a person leaves his own energetic trace. That’s why it’s so important to “acquire” a positive attitude before starting work. Another very important factor: the picture shown.

According to Feng Shui, a painting with one image will bring happiness to the house, but with another it will bring misfortune.

Instances with an even number of objects or creatures have a positive effect. For example, two boats promote prosperity and good luck in life, while butterflies bring happiness and joy. Otherwise, the picture will have a negative impact.

The artist, depicting various types of living chrysanthemums, directly gives people a stream of good luck. Because, in the east, this flower is inextricably linked with this concept. Dry plants bring bad luck to the life of the owner and his home.

Peonies will attract good luck and diversify the life of a married couple. But paintings with elements of naked bodies cannot be broadcast in the bedroom, they encourage infidelity.

The tree means longevity, and the blooming of bright flowers located on it will turn fortune in the right direction.

The road shown guarantees success for travel enthusiasts. And the sea and the ship are in motion, with open sails, promising to bring good luck.

Paintings with water patterns bring health and happiness, and waterfalls bring good luck. Experts recommend hanging similar specimens in the northern part of the house

Important! The flow of water is not recommended to be placed opposite the door, the best option is above it.

It is popular to apply hieroglyphs on paper. They bring happiness, love, longevity and luck. It all depends on the meaning and translation.

Important! It is better, before purchasing, to contact a specialist who knows the required language.

Birds contribute to a positive outcome in an aspect of life that is important to the buyer (for example: work; study; love, etc.). But cages are strictly prohibited; they can make a person depressed and create problems.

Birds of prey and bats, despite their menacing and frightening appearance, “lure” fortune to the side of the owner.

What other images will bring good luck:

  1. Bees.
  2. Fish.
  3. Swallows.

The main thing to remember is that a person is influenced not only by the drawing, but also by the method of receiving it. A stolen item will lead to disastrous consequences; a gift from an enemy can cause harm, but from loved ones and relatives it will bring a lot of positive things into the life of the owners.

Reviews from owners

After a portrait of a gypsy woman appeared on numerous websites on the Internet, bringing happiness, reviews about it became available to everyone. They are very diverse, but most of them really talk about some kind of miraculous power emanating from the image. Thus, one girl describes the doubts she had before purchasing this portrait. Previously, she believed that all this was invented by people who were clinging to any straw, trying to improve their lives. However, what happened after purchasing the portrait radically changed her opinion: her husband made a big leap in his career, children appeared, financial stability and much more, which made life happy. Another forum member also has a similar portrait of a house purchased by her mother. She talks about how she achieves everything she wants in life, and connects her luck with this picture.

My opinion about the picture of happiness

Personally, I am writing this article myself, not for the sake of public interest. I read reviews on the Internet and did not find a single guide, some ( most

) they simply write, as they always do with all sorts of crap, like you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty, someone writes that they had one of these hanging at home, but they didn’t feel happiness.
So, just so you know, not a single thing in itself will bring success if you have not materialized this thing. It's a matter of installation ( like Kashpirovsky's
I recommend doing this ( I’ve already done it myself, see the video below

You often hear about the unhappy existence of rich people; lack of ability to enjoy life rather than satisfy higher order needs. Wealth brings with it more problems than benefits. However, most people still believe in saving money. Thanks to them, they receive higher social status, privileges and, therefore, much more opportunities for action. But it doesn't stop there. The attitude towards money is a trap for the misleading thinking that accumulated wealth will provide a better life for our children.

  1. first read, if you haven’t read my article, about dreams
  2. believe in this miracle, give a mental attitude to this picture
  3. print the picture you like ( I uploaded different options
  4. Find a place for it, at least in a frame at home, in your wallet for a business card, or on your desk at work.

I'm uploading a video where I framed this portrait

After all, better schools, more sophisticated entertainment, and plenty of things to make kids' lives better than ours. Unfortunately, in many cases it turns out that we do not have time to build relationships in the family, which ceases to be a place of development and forms itself.

How much money do you need for happiness?

In addition to these, there are three groups of needs: intellectual, spiritual and social-emotional. It cannot function properly if all these needs are not fulfilled equally. The answer probably won't surprise you. Well, you don't need money at all, because you can't buy it. Let's be honest: gadgets, cars and luxury villas will not give you real happiness. Thinking that more beautiful and exciting objects at your disposal translates into greater happiness is completely missed.

The main thing is that now she comes across your eyes at least once a day, it wouldn’t be bad if you

Copy from newspaper

talked to her sometimes ( you can mentally

And then, I am sure that there will be improvements, some in an hour, some in a year, some in 10 years ( depending on your correct installation)
And yet, do not treat this picture only as a genie from a lamp ( this does not work
), treat it simply with love, as if it were a thing made by your own hands. Do you value things made with your own labor? So it is here.

Money can only increase the level of satisfaction in life and from this distant to real happiness. It doesn't matter how much money you have; It's what you do with them that matters. It turns out that people who spend money on others rather than themselves are actually happier in the long run. They feel more satisfied with life, and this contributes to their inner enrichment.

How to find a balance between life and money? Anyone who knows the answer will undoubtedly be in the group of happy people. Let's look at some examples. This is a very common approach: many people do not know how to correctly predict the true value of the items they buy. They seem to need something or make them happy, then land in the basement. It feels great when you fill the emptiness inside with something new. Unfortunately, this is like a drug - a wonderful experience passes quickly, and there is only a desire to repeat it. Before you look, you will be looking for further ways to satisfy your illusory needs. Think about how much time is worth to your life. All financial decisions affect the time you have. You can spend it on your family or on something that interests you. Instead of working on your sweat, you can enjoy your life. The choice is yours. Instead of thinking about how to become rich, start thinking about how to live rich. This is your true goal: abundance, which is not a banknote, but inner satisfaction. When the pursuit of the most money becomes the main goal in life, it has very negative consequences not only for well-being, but also for mental health. Adding self-esteem to your money increases the risk of depression and problems with your loved ones. Plan and control your budget. Most people don't do this, and this is the starting point for maintaining balance between life and finances. Find the financial planning method that's right for you. There are quite a lot of them, and each person has different morals. This is a regular table of income and expenses for each product group. Nothing complicated, but allows you to control costs.

  • Do you have to have everything that much?
  • You probably have more material than you've ever used.
  • Brake fever is very unstable.

Increasing the amount of money in your pocket won't actually make you a happier person.

Logical thinking about facts

To convince you, I’ll briefly tell you how materialization roughly works. Somehow, I touched on the issue of decorating a house, there was an idea that the doors to an apartment made of nutria should be painted in such and such a color, depending on the location, and add such and such colors, also depending on the location. The color I got was burgundy with a hint of gold added to it. I was going to paint the doors anyway and bought a burgundy color, and I added the stripes myself using dry bronze paint diluted in varnish. The effect was obvious, my well-being began to manifest itself. I was given a bonus at work, I was appointed manager there, the scandals at home stopped, my dream of a parrot came true, my wife’s dream of a fur coat came true, I got rid of my inguinal hernia sore and I can bring many more positive results.

When you have basic needs—like food, housing, and manageable daily living expenses—more money has little effect on your happiness. And the more your wealth grows, the less luck you will have. Maintaining a balance between life and money is not as difficult a task as it may seem. The reason for this balance is feeling and moderation. You can actually achieve this - provided, of course, that you don't waste your resources in shops and places like nightclubs or fine restaurants.

Live at a level you can afford—without credit cards or other debt. The problem with many people is that they live above the state. As a result, they lose a lot of interest without any benefit. If someone can live within their financial means, they can save some money. After all, money can make more money in many ways. The sooner you start working on maintaining a balance between your life and finances, the sooner you will realize the benefits.

Understand, I’m not proving to you now, but telling you! I'm on my side, believe it or not. I gave my advice, but whether you hang her photo in your home or not is your own business. What do you lose if you host it?

Never mind!
What can you buy?
Hope that will materialize and bear fruit! Hope that will make your fantasy come true! Here is a portrait of happiness that brings good luck!

Unusual pictures from the word love

Not the one who incites hatred and struggle, but the true one - focused on the sincere pursuit of truth.
All natural stones have their own special properties or energies. These are energies that are easy to match for everyone. Popular stones include wealth, love, creativity, protection stones or energy stones. We will not draw energy from a small stone and pin our hopes or dreams on it. Our life depends on ourselves, and not on things outside of us. Therefore, if you have wealth stones such as lemons, malachite or jade, or jewelry made from such stones, wearing them or holding them in your hand, consciously focus on the wealth you already have, no matter how small it may be. We are all mired in the swamp, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde

Dear friends! I would like to introduce you to an amazing artist, a person who brings love to every home. You've probably already heard about the art of drawing with words?.. Some artists can paint a whole story on a canvas. St. Petersburg artist Anton Viktorov uses only one word in his work. When you look from afar, these are completely ordinary paintings, painted with acrylic paints, and only when you get closer you discover that the paintings are unusual, because every stroke contains the word LOVE!..

Stones of wealth - how to work with them?

Focus on the wealth within yourself.
Start building this wealth within yourself. You can meditate on a specific subject - for example, creating a new project, finding a good job, etc. you can hold a stone in your hand and just feel the energy of that stone. You can look at it, focus your attention on it. By working with stones, you can appreciate and appreciate the abundance that already exists in your life. You can be grateful for that. And what is noted and valued increases. Whatever you feel strengthens you. This way you increase your wealth, your inner abundance. And what we have within ourselves sooner or later manifests itself in the outside world.

From this Love images arise and plots are built. These can be genre miniatures, landscapes or biblical scenes. Artist Anton Viktorov calls his unusual paintings painting from the heart. Imagine what painstaking work this is! In some paintings, the number of words Love reaches 40,000. I specially present enlarged fragments of the paintings so that you can see the letters.

It's not that you buy yourself a huge stone of wealth and you expect great wealth to come to you. But, of course, large or expensive stones are also for people. Perhaps someone buys a stone road not out of a desire to get rich, only with a desire to appreciate himself and the wealth that he already has. Then such a stone has the ability to maintain the power of its “owner” and can really do interesting things.

Logical thinking about facts

For example, create a new company, introduce a new idea, or buy an apartment or land. We unite our intentions with the energy of the stone and together realize our goals. You can give intentions to stones you already have, you don't need to buy new ones. Or you can create a group of stones that will support you in some activity or pursuit of a goal. Stones should help and support.

Different opinion

But the portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness has not only positive reviews. So, on one of the forums, a girl says that after she put a photo of this gypsy on her computer screensaver, she was almost fired from her job. And when she removed it, everything fell into place. One young man describes a whole story connected with this portrait. By the age of 40, his sister had not found a life partner. One day, a friend gave her a portrait of a gypsy. The woman began to be haunted by nightmares, where this gypsy was the main character. After some time, she began to see a mirage of this girl in her apartment. Her life has turned into a nightmare. And if her brother had not come to the rescue in time, it is unknown how it all would have ended. After the portrait was removed, the woman gradually returned to normal life.

Despite various reviews regarding this portrait, whether it brings happiness or not depends entirely on you. After all, faith has very great power, and perhaps it is what gives the portrait miraculous power.


Quote from Olga-olg's message

Read in full In your quotation book or community!
A portrait that brings happiness. All about the legendary portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness


This portrait was published in the Kuban News newspaper about 25 years ago. There were also publications, including on the Internet. So many have already had the opportunity to see whether it brings happiness.

In childhood, it is always easy to believe in miracles and holidays, but over the years the world becomes predictable, and there is hardly a place for miracles in it. We can believe in some signs and talismans, but we definitely need indisputable evidence of a miracle.

Of course, it is impossible to believe that in some distant country there is a portrait that brings happiness. We will certainly want to see a copy of the portrait and, if possible, happiness itself. And to believe that this happiness will appear within ourselves is already from the realm of fantasy! But everything can change...

Based on some mini-surveys and reviews about the portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness, you yourself can form some opinion.

The famous portrait of a gypsy is the most ordinary-looking portrait of a black-haired girl, interesting and beautiful. The picture would hardly have been noticed if not for the gypsy woman herself, who brings happiness.

The American Carbone family has the original of the painting, and three generations of this family associate all their achievements and successes with this portrait of the gypsy woman.

Success is brought by communication with the heroine of the picture, and not by the picture itself.

The Carbone family often gave a reproduction of the painting to friends and acquaintances, after which dramatic positive changes occurred in their lives.

The gypsy, who brings happiness, has changed the lives of many people for the better.

There are several portraits known in history that bring happiness, however, the portrait of a gypsy woman is the most mysterious and amazing of all.

The connection between some life events and the portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness was discovered quite by accident.

More than a century ago, in Italy, the portrait was purchased as a gift for Luigi Carbone's wife. Some time after purchasing the portrait of the gypsy woman, it actually came into the house. The head of the family himself successfully developed his business, and his wife, who had previously suffered from infertility, gave birth to twins, to the surprise of doctors.

But when moving the painting to the barn, which happened after another renovation, the family faced failure.

Gradually everything got better only after the painting was returned to its original place. The magical effect of the portrait did not stop there.

The portrait brought and continues to bring happiness to thousands of people. First, a photograph of the portrait and the accompanying history of the Carbone family was published in a popular American weekly, then other publications published it.

All publishing houses that printed a photograph of a portrait of a gypsy woman bringing happiness became the most successful in the United States.

Such publishing houses included the Daily News newspaper, today the most famous and richest corporation.

Immediately after the American publications, the photograph was published in some well-known foreign newspapers; today it is distributed via the Internet.

We decided to follow the example of successful publications and present an image of an amazing portrait to our readers.

You need to believe in miracles - then they will definitely come to you!

A portrait that brings happiness.

All about the legendary portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness.

Our world can be divided into material and otherworldly, mysterious. The material world is already known to us, since we encounter it every day. As for the mysterious, practically nothing is known about it. So, for example, certain words or some object bring good luck, and another object - vice versa. It is still not known exactly what gives power to amulets, amulets and talismans. Despite the fact that all these phenomena have existed since humanity appeared, they still remain mysteries. Now we call them supernatural. Many people are afraid of these phenomena because they do not know whether they can be controlled or not. These include a portrait that brings happiness. What kind of portrait is this, and how did it appear?

The history of its appearance

In one Italian town lived a small family called Carbone. The husband loved his wife very much, but they had no children. All my strength went into work, but things did not move forward. In 1897, Luigi Carbone saw a street artist’s portrait of a beautiful gypsy girl. He really liked this image, he decided to buy the painting and give it to his wife. Soon after purchasing this portrait, Luigi's business began to improve. Even minor transactions brought him unexpected income, and he became rich. During this period, another surprising incident occurred for the family: contrary to the doctors’ diagnosis, Luigi’s wife became pregnant and gave birth to healthy twins. Married life improved. At that time, the Carbone family did not even suspect that they had acquired a portrait that brought happiness.

Description of the portrait of a gypsy

The portrait of a gypsy woman, which brings happiness, cannot be called either a masterpiece or some kind of significant work of art. It was painted in the 19th century by an unknown artist. The canvas depicts a beautiful gypsy girl with long black, slightly curly thick hair. She has large brown eyes and long black eyelashes. Correct facial features emphasize the beauty of the image. In addition to everything, she has big beautiful lips. The canvas well conveys the youth of the girl, who to a certain extent is the standard of beauty. In principle, there was nothing special about this portrait. At that time, there were many similar paintings depicting beautiful girls. If it were not for the mysterious power that this portrait possesses, perhaps this image would never have attracted such widespread attention.

The first cases of miraculous power

The connection between some life events and the portrait of the gypsy was discovered by luck. When the Carbone family decided to carry out major renovations in the house, they had to remove all the objects from it, including the portrait of a gypsy who brings happiness (which, of course, they still had no idea about). Suddenly, misfortunes began to haunt the family: the children became very ill, a fire broke out in the house, the losses from which were very significant. Luigi was broken, he had lost all hope that everything would work out for him. One day, while deep in thought, he remembered the portrait. And in order to somehow console himself, he brought it from the barn and hung it in its place. In the shortest possible time, all failures left this family. It was then that Carbone realized that this portrait had a certain power that made his life, and the lives of everyone living in this house, happy. Since then, the picture has never been removed from its place.


When the Carbones discovered that the portrait had miraculous powers, they did not know whether a copy made from this painting would have such properties. In 1938, Carbone's son Mario decided to go to America. The father made a copy of the gypsy woman’s portrait and gave it to his son. Since then, Mario has always kept a portrait with him that brings happiness. The reviews that he subsequently gave during various interviews regarding this film indicated that there was not a single day when success did not accompany him. Finishing his story, Mario thanked fate for this every time.

Portrait of a black-haired girl – a legacy of the Carbone family

This relic was passed down in the Carbone family from one generation to another, and everyone had a wonderful, happy life, healthy children, and material wealth. All members of this family achieved what they wanted in life. They say about such people that luck follows them. And each of them connects their well-being with the beautiful black-haired gypsy, whose image still hangs on the wall in Carbone’s house. The portrait that brings happiness has truly helped all generations of this family. As eyewitnesses confirm, all Carbones were lucky not only in their personal lives and work, but also in gambling. As Mario Carbone said, they gave copies made from this painting to their friends. The result was amazing. It was then that it became known that this portrait helps not only the Carbone family, but also everyone who believes in the miraculous power of this painting.

First appearance in the press

Rumors that there is a portrait that brings happiness also reached the press. The latter became very interested in this painting, and after several interviews taken with members of the Carbone family and their permission to publish the material, a reproduction of the portrait of the gypsy was published in the most popular American weekly Daily News with a description of the life episodes on which the painting influenced. Readers were invited to cut out this portrait and place it in their home so that their lives would become happy. Thousands of readers took advantage of this advice, and the image of a beautiful black-haired girl could be found in many homes.

Mass distribution

After the portrait of the gypsy was published in the American weekly, the editor began to receive a huge number of letters in which people thanked the publishers of the newspaper for such a gift. All the letters told us that as soon as a portrait from a newspaper got into the house, the life of the owners changed radically for the better: some people’s incurable illnesses went away, many people’s businesses brought unexpected income, some were promoted at a rapid pace in their careers, and For some, family quarrels have stopped. In a word, they were all grateful for such a gift. Such a crazy success could not go unnoticed. Everyone around was just talking about the portrait of a gypsy, bringing happiness. Due to the fact that the story became famous, the photo of this girl was published in other publications. It should be noted that everyone who published a portrait of a gypsy in their publications began to gain popularity at a rapid pace. For example, the Daily News newspaper, which first published this portrait, is today the most successful in the United States. Subsequently, the beautiful black-haired girl, who was talked about so much in America, also appeared on the pages of European newspapers and magazines.

On the pages of Russian publications

In the 80s of the twentieth century, a portrait that brings happiness appeared in Russia. It was published by such Soviet newspapers as “Kuban News” and “Home Doctor”. People cut the illustration out of newspapers and hung it on their walls, believing that it would help them the same way it helped the Carbone family. Either this is some kind of self-hypnosis, or simply a coincidence, but the portrait really brought good luck and prosperity to these people’s homes. Today, in many homes you can still see this image on the wall. But they also say that a painting brings happiness only if you talk to it. Whether this is true or not, no one can say with certainty. However, after the image of the black-haired girl began to spread via the Internet, many reviews about it appeared. One thing is certain: the popularity of sites that published this portrait has increased significantly.

Perhaps this fact was also influenced by the portrait.

Reviews from owners

After a portrait of a gypsy woman appeared on numerous websites on the Internet, bringing happiness, reviews about it became available to everyone. They are very diverse, but most of them really talk about some kind of miraculous power emanating from the image. Thus, one girl describes the doubts she had before purchasing this portrait. Previously, she believed that all this was invented by people who were clinging to any straw, trying to improve their lives. However, what happened after purchasing the portrait radically changed her opinion: her husband made a big leap in his career, children appeared, financial stability and much more, which made life happy. Another forum member also has a similar portrait of a house purchased by her mother. She talks about how she achieves everything she wants in life, and connects her luck with this picture.

Different opinion

But the portrait of a gypsy woman who brings happiness has not only positive reviews. So, on one of the forums, a girl says that after she put a photo of this gypsy on her computer screensaver, she was almost fired from her job. And when she removed it, everything fell into place. One young man describes a whole story connected with this portrait. By the age of 40, his sister had not found a life partner. One day, a friend gave her a portrait of a gypsy. The woman began to be haunted by nightmares, where this gypsy was the main character. After some time, she began to see a mirage of this girl in her apartment. Her life has turned into a nightmare. And if her brother had not come to the rescue in time, it is unknown how it all would have ended. After the portrait was removed, the woman gradually returned to normal life.

Despite various reviews regarding this portrait, whether it brings happiness or not depends entirely on you. After all, faith has very great power, and perhaps it is what gives the portrait miraculous power.

— Read more on FB.ru: https://fb.ru/article/135928/portret-kotoryiy-prino...syiganki-prinosyaschey-schaste


  • Sorceresses, be careful with such things! Here’s one girl who writes: “I took the printed portrait and took a closer look. Some kind of skull is clearly visible above the bridge of the nose, in the hair (top right) is the muzzle of an animal, like a crocodile, in the left hair is another muzzle of a toad, on the chest is also some kind of entity... In a word, the portrait is full of mysteries...” wishes come true and all that. But who knows what this “portrait” will take from you. Free cheese only in.. But that's just my opinion
  • Everyone chooses what to believe in. I personally am cautious about such things. Believing in everything is stupid. Maybe someone will be interested in reading the article, at the very bottom, psychoanalyst Anna Kiryanova describes the case of how one woman hung this portrait in her place. Here is the link https://mistikairealnost.blogspot.com/2011/05/blog-post_16.html
  • I read it, a terrible incident, well, this is his portrait, happiness is within us, and not in the portrait of some unknown gypsy. Thanks for the link )
  • There are a great many girls and gypsies who bring happiness on the Internet, and they are all different. Choose whichever one you like best/smiles/winks and you will be happy
  • it all depends on how you feel when you look at such things. I once found a portrait of a boy on one site and it was written that it brings happiness. I was terrified to look at it, everything turned upside down in my soul, but I still saved it on my phone and put it in the background. The next day my aunt called and said that my cousin had died under unknown circumstances. I immediately deleted the boy and this portrait does not make me afraid, the girl is very nice.
  • Thank you very much for the portrait, I was looking for it for a very long time. The fact is that 20 years ago I accidentally came across an article in a newspaper. I believe in miracles, and I know that when you strongly believe in something, it will certainly come true. I Naturally, I cut out the article along with the photo and hung it in my bedroom. You don’t know right away, but miracles began to happen. I ordered a portrait from the artist and gave it to a friend whose husband left her, and she didn’t know how to continue to live. You know today she lives and prospers. And the portrait still hangs in my house
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