Why does a cactus bloom in the home or office? The most important signs associated with this plant

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  1. A little about cacti
  2. Plant energy
  3. Negative signs
  4. Positive signs
  5. Cactus in feng shui
  6. Where is the best place to put it?
  7. Is it worth giving a cactus?
  8. How to choose the right one

Despite their needles, cacti look funny, and even attractive during flowering. Many myths, signs and superstitions are associated with these thorny plants. Some say that cacti bring troubles and misfortunes to the house, others claim that the place where the cactus grows will always be filled with happiness and joy. Therefore, many lovers of indoor plants are very interested in the question of whether it is worth keeping cacti in the house, where it is best to place them and whether they should be given as gifts to loved ones.

A little about cacti

Cacti are perennial evergreen plants that have thick stems. They are covered with spines and thorns up to 12 centimeters long. They can reach a height of up to 10 meters and live on average 500 years. There are now more than 3,000 species of cacti in the world. The very first of them appeared on our planet about 30-35 million years ago. The homeland of the cactus is South America. Plants are not picky about environmental conditions and do not require special care.

Plant energy

The cactus has strong energy and can change people who have been in the same house with it for a long time. For example, strengthen or suppress certain personality traits. Due to the main feature of its appearance, it is primarily attributed to the energy of threat. The longer the spines, the more aggressive and brighter it will appear. Therefore, in a house where calm people live, the plant can upset the balance, throwing out negative energy. At the same time, positive energy is also attributed to him. In overly angry and irritable people, it will absorb energy, accumulate it, purifying the atmosphere in the home and family. A cactus, like any other living organism, has dual energy.

Protects against early marriage

Cacti are energy epicenters. They perfectly take away all the negativity in the house, but they can also release it through their thorns. Since ancient times, it was believed that if you give this plant to an unmarried girl, it means wishing her a bad fate or living alone all her life. Such a harmful plant easily scares away men. It can cause cracks in relationships both within a couple and between relatives. You should not keep cacti in the bedroom, so as not to doom yourself to while away your life in complete solitude.

Negative signs

Signs promising misfortune are based, of course, on the belief that the cactus cultivates negative energy and aggression. Moreover, he is able to spread it throughout the house and to all household members.

  • The husband gets drunk. The cactus excites and awakens hidden desires and feelings in a person. One of the main ones for the stronger sex is alcoholism.
  • Loneliness for women. The negativity accumulated by the flower pushes a man to change and leave his family.
  • Does not allow you to find love and get married. It is believed that the thorns repel men and make them afraid to approach. A girl who takes care of a thorny plant and becomes a thorny one herself.
  • Dropping a flower pot on the floor is a sign of bad events that you will be unable to prevent.

Rhipsalis hairy

Graceful hairy rhipsalis (Rh. capilliformis) with soft light green, very thin branches, with white flowers in abundance, the fruits are also white.

Erythroripsalis pilosa is very interesting; (Erythroripsalis pilosa), it has magnificent silvery-pubescent shoots and bright pink berries. Rhipsalis pilosa (Rh. pilocarpa) is often found with frequently spaced areoles with white bristles. In paradoxical rhipsalis (Rh. paradoxa), old shoots lose the bristles in the areoles and begin to twist in a spiral. Houllet's rhipsalis (Rh. houlletiana) also undergoes changes: all segments are initially round, then flatten, become lanceolate, jagged along the edges. This is a highly decorative shrub with abundant winter-spring flowering.

Reproduction of rhipsalis

It is not difficult to propagate rhipsalis. Seeds readily and quickly (in 4-6 days) germinate in a light mixture of peat and sand. By dividing the bush and cuttings it can be propagated throughout the year, but in March-April it is most successful. We cut pieces of the stem with several segments and, after drying the cut for an hour, plant it in a mixture of peat, sand and finely chopped sphagnum. You can wait for the roots to appear in the water, then when planting cuttings with roots, be sure to support the plant on a plastic stick.

Rhipsalis grow slowly for the first one or two years, therefore, to achieve the fastest effect, five to seven cuttings are planted in one pot. A good scheme is one pot - one plant. When planting rhipsalis, you need to choose a cutting that is already branched and has a beautiful shape.

There is no need to replant rhipsalis often, at least not more than once every two to three years. Good drainage and loose soil, with the addition of heather or pine soil, plus bark.

Compositions of different types of rhipsalis collected in one flowerpot are good, but it looks especially impressive in the company of bromeliads. Your desire - and you can enjoy a green waterfall, or better yet, several at once. A treat for the eyes and no noise!

What is good and what is bad for rhipsalis:

Bright diffused lightDark room, away from the window
Loose soil, similar in composition to soil mixtures for orchidsClay or sandy-stony soil
Moderate watering in summer once every 5-6 days, in winter - once every 10 days and with lukewarm waterOverzealous watering and hard hardening when watering with cold water
Moderate feeding only during the growth period (spring-summer) with liquid fertilizers for orchidsEnhanced feeding
Spraying on hot days, periodically taking a warm showerKeeping in dust and drafts

Positive signs

The thorns symbolize not only threat, but also protection. Positive signs and superstitions about the cactus are primarily associated with this image.

  • Protecting your home from external threats. Since ancient times, people have placed cacti on windowsills and near entrance doors so that the flower will prevent people with bad intentions, such as thieves, from entering the house.
  • Creating a cozy atmosphere. The cactus takes root well in houses where there is even a drop of negativity and negative energy, absorbing it. If a thorny plant cannot take root, it means that there is nothing wrong with the house.
  • Repels evil spirits, protects from the evil eye and damage. The plant can be used as a living amulet.
  • The cactus is a wonderful helper that guards our health. It protects against acute pain that can occur due to inflammatory diseases.
  • A plant that has not bloomed for many years and suddenly produces flower buds indicates that you will soon get married.
  • A lushly blooming cactus for a woman who wants to have a child portends an imminent pregnancy. For a man - improved financial condition, changes in life and career.
  • Breaking or picking a flower on a plant is a sign indicating that joyful events in life will not happen soon.
  • A red flower bloomed on a cactus - a sign of a long-awaited meeting, acquaintance, and the emergence of mutual love.

Cactus in feng shui

According to the eastern science of Feng Shui, plants and flowers, being living organisms, fill the house with beneficial Qi energy, charge the space with it, and improve the emotional and physical condition of all inhabitants of the house. However, Feng Shui also adheres to the same ambiguous interpretation of cacti. According to early sources of teaching, the cactus was considered a symbol of wealth. The increase in money was compared to the ability of a cactus to go without water for a long time, accumulating moisture and nutrients in itself. However, the appearance of the plant, its spines, raise a lot of questions. Since, according to Feng Shui, any pointed objects are a source of negative Sha energy, and therefore harm the inhabitants of the house.

In Feng Shui, the cactus is considered a very capricious and willful plant. It can either recognize its owner and positively influence him, or reject him and bring nothing but trouble. Therefore, it is imperative to establish contact with the plant, to coincide with it energetically. You can determine his attitude towards you by how he feels.

  • Sudden headaches, dizziness, loss of strength that occur when you are in the same room with a flower clearly signal that it is not suitable for you.
  • Cheerfulness and a surge of energy indicate the opposite.

In general, ancient Chinese healers believed that it was better not to have such a plant at home. And to use its positive qualities, it is enough to make amulets from its thorns.

Where is the best place to put it?

Folk signs and superstitions call for growing a cactus in the house in certain places. The impact of a cactus on a person and the microclimate in the family will depend on its location.

  • Kitchen (on the windowsill, table or shelf). Usually this is where the whole family gets together. Therefore, the plant will absorb all negativity and prevent discord that may arise between relatives.
  • In the room (on the windowsill). The cactus will absorb negative energy and direct it to the side of the light. And if you close it with heavy curtains, then it will not throw it in your direction.
  • Hallway. The most ideal place for a cactus. The flower is less in contact with the residents of the house, but will take away all the bad energy from strangers who enter the house.
  • Near a computer monitor or TV screen. A person spends a significant amount of time near these devices every day. It is believed that the technique emits negative energy, and the cactus will absorb it.

It is not recommended to keep the plant in the following places:

  • In the bedroom, especially at the head of the bed. The plant can cause nightmares, insomnia, frequent headaches, and reproductive system disorders.
  • In the children's room. According to popular superstitions, a cactus and a child are incompatible. Children are not yet able to understand and appreciate the importance and features of this flower. As a result of this, he can develop aggression and other negative qualities in them.
  • In the living room. This is usually a place where a person tries to rest. The cactus will definitely disturb this calm.

To rid your home cactus of accumulated energy, you need to replant it once a year. But he doesn’t like moving from one place to another, especially moving to another house.

What properties does it have?

The cactus lives in arid deserts and is considered a sacred plant. Even ancient shamans used it in their rituals. They used the spines for scarring and drawing designs on their bodies. In China, they drank the juice from the pulp of this flower and it was believed that this drink increases male strength. It was also a plant-amulet that protected a person and his home. The cactus contains a large number of alkaloids that have an antibacterial effect. They destroy pathogens such as bacteria and protozoan fungi. The plant is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes, especially in diseases of the genitourinary system.

Preparations are prepared from the cactus for the treatment of mild stages of heart rhythm disturbances. Remedies from this plant activate blood circulation and reduce the symptoms of angina pectoris. The pulp can be used for compresses in hot weather, and the juice has a pronounced diuretic effect. It also helps with alcohol intoxication and headaches. Seed oil is used as a good cosmetic product that restores epidermal cells and protects against ultraviolet radiation. Cactus is used in aromatherapy and has a tonic and calming effect.

Is it worth giving a cactus?

Giving someone a gift of a cactus may seem like a great idea. After all, a cactus is a nice, tenacious plant that can withstand all inconveniences. However, it would be better to come up with another gift or choose a less controversial plant. Its pros and cons have always been the subject of debate. Because of its magical properties, the cactus makes you think about why it was given as a gift. From an esoteric point of view, thanks to its needles, the cactus falls into the category of sharp objects. Such a gift can be perceived as a threat and a sign that the person wishes you harm and wants to destroy family happiness. A cactus usually leads to a break in relations with the one who gave it.

Use for treatment

With the help of such plants a person can stop being an alcoholic.
Cactus is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • inflammation and bacterial infection of the urinary tract;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • exhaustion of the body after suffering pathological conditions;
  • bleeding;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • heart disease;
  • neuroses;
  • bloating;
  • metabolic disease;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • circulatory failure;
  • sexual desire disorder;
  • bacterial and fungal infections.
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