Feng Shui butterflies are a symbol of family well-being

Butterflies are incredibly beautiful and graceful insects. In popular beliefs they are associated with the other world. They are a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth, as well as a symbol of the ability to transform. Since ancient times, people have admired and revered butterflies. And all because they are born in a very interesting way.

feng shui butterflies

In the fall, the caterpillar turns into a pupa, and in the spring a butterfly is born from it. Each of the processes has its own symbolic meaning.

The pupa resembles a shroud, the pupation of a caterpillar resembles death, and the butterfly resembles a soul that leaves a dead body and rushes into heavenly life. Butterflies do not eat or drink; they are beautiful, light and occupied only with love.

There are many myths and legends in different nations of the world about butterflies. For example, among the peoples of Asia, Mexico, New Zealand, as well as many Slavic peoples (including Russia), butterflies are considered the souls of the dead and cannot be killed.

figurine “butterfly on a flower”

Buddhists treat these “beauties” with great respect, since Buddha addressed the butterfly with his sermon.

According to the legends of the ancient Aztecs and Indians, butterflies are able to convey a person’s desire to heaven. You need to whisper it to the butterfly and let it go, and the wish will definitely come true.

In the church environment of Christians and Catholics, a butterfly can be seen on the hand of the infant Christ. She is depicted as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection of the soul.

In Japan, a butterfly in the house is a symbol of joy and happiness. In ancient times, Japanese newlyweds released a pair of live butterflies into the sky at their wedding, which was considered the key to a future happy married life. Geishas wore images of butterflies on their kimonos; it was believed that with their help they could easily capture the attention of men.

butterflies in the bedroom

In China, to this day, before marriage, the groom gives his chosen one a butterfly (live or jade) as a sign of unchanging love. In Chinese art, the image of a butterfly with a plum is considered a symbol of long life and beauty, with a chrysanthemum - beauty in old age; with a feather - longevity.

And this is not a complete list of peoples and their beliefs regarding these insects. In a word, butterflies are amazing and mysterious creatures that have captivated the minds of mankind for many centuries. In this article we will not delve into myths and legends about butterflies, since our site is about Feng Shui. Let's take a closer look at what role the butterfly symbol plays in this ancient Chinese teaching. So:

Reasons why people are attracted to you

Thanks to its beauty and grace, in many beliefs the butterfly symbolizes joy and love. Adherents of numerous religions believe that this insect personifies the immortal human soul, which after death leaves the physical shell and is reborn. Therefore, in some countries it is prohibited to catch and kill representatives of this species. The symbol also often denotes rebirth, eternity and magic.

In addition, butterflies are associated with magical transformations, because... The life cycle of a moth includes several stages: the birth of a caterpillar, sleep in a cocoon and the emergence of an adult. Many people believe that these beautiful insects help make dreams come true. To do this, just catch the creature, whisper your wish to it and release it into the sky.

Why are moths so attractive to people?

Butterflies have evoked admiration and affection for many thousands of years. This is all due to their appearance, as well as the way they were born. In the autumn, an unremarkable caterpillar turns into a pupa, and with the arrival of spring, a beautiful moth emerges from it. Each stage of transformation has its own symbolic meaning:

  • Doll. Has a direct association with the caterpillar's shroud, which directly means death;
  • Butterfly. In many cultures, it is described as a soul that has departed from the dead body and flown upward to an easier life.

Moths spend their entire existence fluttering and making love; they do not need water or food at all.

What do butterflies mean in Feng Shui?

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, the butterfly symbolizes eternal love, strong affection, joy and harmony in relationships. When positioned correctly, the symbol attracts passion, tenderness, romance, good mood and happiness into the home. For lonely people, the talisman will give the opportunity to improve their personal life and will contribute to the emergence of a new partner. Feng Shui masters believe that the amulet strengthens a childless union and helps the successful conception of a child.

What material should the talisman be made of?

The symbol of love has been used to decorate the interior since ancient times. It doesn’t matter what material the butterfly is made of, it will always attract positive energy. When creating a talisman, you can use paper, clay, ceramics, wood, precious metals, silicone, glass, etc. Often on sale are painted or embroidered paintings depicting moths, jewelry, figurines, figurines of various sizes, candles and chandeliers, curtains, bedding, furniture and other home decor elements.

Types of butterflies in feng shui

When decorating a living space with elements of Chinese symbolism, butterflies should definitely be used in the form of various figures. There are many types of traditional Chinese figurines, the main ones are:

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  • an insect that pollinates a flowering plant;
  • a moth fluttering over a flower;
  • a butterfly hiding in the reeds;
  • composition consisting of 2 insects flying towards each other;
  • a butterfly sitting on a leaf or branch, etc.

The meaning of butterflies of all types is the same, so the choice of species depends on the personal preferences of the owner.

Suitable material for making butterflies

The material from which the symbols are made will also enhance some of their properties:

  • metal beauties - will add passion to your life, especially if they are inlaid with shiny stones, acting as symbols of the fire element,
  • wind music with butterflies - will attract happiness to your home,
  • butterfly products made of gold and silver will help fulfill your cherished dream of starting a family,
  • winged creatures made of brightly colored ceramics will give you a great mood, create an atmosphere of happiness and harmony,
  • butterflies made of wood - will attract peace and tranquility into your family life.

Items of clothing with butterflies on them also attract love to their owner. A similar effect is inherent in bed linen. Therefore, if you wish your loved one to find mutual love and be happy, give him a gift that will be decorated with a bow with a beautiful and bright butterfly.

You can decorate a children's room with a flock of winged sorceresses so that your child always makes you happy and is in a good mood.

Where to place the insect in the house

According to Feng Shui, the best place for a butterfly in the interior is the bedroom. It is necessary to use paired figures or numerous symbols uniting in a small flock. The more individuals, the stronger the positive impact. It is advisable to place butterflies on the wall above the bed. This will bring harmony to personal relationships and create comfort in the home. If you place insects in a circle or spiral, positive energy will concentrate and intensify in this place.

Read more: decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui

According to the rules of the teaching, moths can be located in the southwestern zone of the home. This sector is responsible for love, marriage and communication between people. It is advisable to use individuals of bright colors: red, pink, lilac and yellow. When placed in the southeast, the graceful creature will attract wealth and material well-being to the home.

In addition, fluttering creatures are actively used in the decor of children's rooms. They are believed to have a beneficial effect on the mood of babies and are a source of joy and ease in relationships. Feng Shui sages recommend using representatives of this type of insect in the interior of all residential premises in which, according to the owner, there is a lack of positive energy.

The meaning of butterfly in feng shui philosophy

A gentle and fabulous creature, as if woven from a thousand precious stones, is associated with lightness and carefreeness. The true magic lies in their extraordinary transformation from a humble caterpillar to a stunning butterfly. In Eastern philosophy, insects are endowed with magical powers; it is believed that their presence should be in every home.

According to Feng Shui, butterflies primarily mean love and joy, so they will definitely help all single people meet their soulmate.

For family people, moths will bring passion and romance on their wings. Thanks to their energy, the couple will forget about boredom and routine, which those who have been married for many years often fall into. It is worth remembering that you should decorate the house not with one flyer, but with a pair or group. This approach will only enhance their positive impact on the space.

What is prohibited to do

According to Feng Shui, the use of dried butterflies in the bedroom and other rooms is prohibited, because... they symbolize death and will attract negative energy into the house. You cannot collect dead individuals of different species. It is also not recommended to use talismans with dark colors and images of skulls and bones on the wings.

Adherents of Chinese teachings do not attach insects to curtains, tulle and curtains. It is believed that then happiness and prosperity can fly away through the window. This prohibition also applies to the placement of creatures near entrance doors and arches. According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden to decorate bathrooms and bathrooms with butterflies, because... this promotes the outflow of positive energy.

Varieties of butterflies in feng shui

In eastern dogma, the winged beauty is divided into different groups, depending on its shape, material, as well as the shades from which it is made. The figures can be very different from each other: you can find a moth that pollinates plants or hovers over them, or you can see a beauty quietly hiding in a flower.

A feng shui painting with butterflies can be a wonderful gift for a loved one or decorate your own bedroom, bringing the energy of love into your life.

It is best to make a flyer with your own hands, because what can work better than a talisman into which you have put your soul? The product can be made not only from complex types of metal, but also from simple paper, cardboard, or, for example, sewn. On store shelves you can already find hundreds of ready-made options that have a variety of shapes and colors.

According to Feng Shui, butterflies symbolize love and joy, which means they can be of any shape. They can often be found in the form of lamps, pieces of furniture, chandeliers, carpets and so on. A man can express his admiration for his lady in the form of jewelry, which will give its owner even more charm and femininity.


You can often see jewelry made in the shape of insects. These can be pendant chains, bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches and much more. What does a butterfly symbolize in jewelry? The same as mentioned above. However, this insect has many meanings, as can already be seen, and in this case, what it will symbolize depends on the meaning invested in the product by its bearer.

In Japan, for example, almost every woman has a piece of jewelry in the shape of a butterfly. It is logical, because it is generally accepted that if you wear such jewelry, you will be able to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. And two butterflies represent family happiness and love. Nowadays, many newlyweds (and not only in Japan, by the way) release these beautiful insects into the wild after the wedding ceremony. This trend has given rise to a new idea for a nice gift. Some people present newlyweds with talismans in the form of two graceful butterflies, which is very symbolic, beautiful and, for now, original.

What not to do

There are no special restrictions on the successful placement of a colorful insect, but there are several taboos that are extremely important to adhere to.

  • Avoid windows and doorways. It is these zones that are considered the most negative for the placement of any talismans. Experts assure that any positive energy will instantly disappear out the window or door.
  • Dried insects. Nowadays, various panels to which dried dead insects are attached are very popular. Such an unreasonable approach attracts not only negative energy, but also the energy of death.

If you want to bring something positive into your life, then you should definitely pay attention to various oriental talismans. The colorful moth in the art of Feng Shui has occupied an honorable place among powerful amulets for a thousand years.

Butterfly totem and transformation

The butterfly is a symbol of powerful transformation. By analogy with the development of this animal, the meaning associated with the butterfly emphasizes the ability to move from one state, perspective, way of life to another.

When a butterfly enters your life as a mystical signal, you can expect important changes in your life. Personal transformation symbolizes the magical powers of the butterfly.

Butterfly and the world of the soul

In many traditions around the world, the butterfly is a symbol of peace of the soul. For example, in Chinese symbolism it can represent immortality. For the Japanese, a white butterfly symbolizes the soul of the dead.

The butterfly is a powerful mystical and magical symbol. For the early Christians, she was the personification of the soul. In China, butterflies symbolized marital happiness and joy. Among the Hopi Indians, an unmarried girl from the butterfly clan wore her hair in the shape of her wings. There is an Indian story about how butterflies came whenever they were called. For American Indians, the butterfly is a symbol of joy and change for the better.

In Ancient Greece, butterflies represented the soul or the attribute of immortality.

Ideas for male and female sketches

Images with a butterfly are preferred by ladies. Men sometimes use them to express themselves. Female and male images have some differences. Guys apply dark butterflies, believing in rebirth and immortality of the soul. A tattoo can become a memory of a loved one who has died. Craftsmen stuff butterflies for men, weaving them into Celtic patterns. The places where images are most often applied are the neck and arms.

Sketches of butterflies.

For a tattoo you need a sketch.

Beautiful sketch of a butterfly.

An example of a butterfly sketch.

Unique sketch.

A sketch is an integral part in choosing a tattoo.

Tattoo sketch by the best masters.

Sketch – a sketch of a plan for a future tattoo.

Choosing a tattoo design.

Interesting tattoo sketch.

Women prefer bright images with flowers. Compositions of three soaring butterflies are popular. Sometimes insects are supplemented with a scattering of stars if a person is in search of a path in life. Often butterflies become the first image that appears on a lady’s body. After all, they symbolize femininity and beauty.

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