Peach Flower in Bazi and Feng Shui - what can it bring?

Peach Flower in Bazi and Feng Shui - what can it bring?

The Peach Flower, also known in Bazi as the Flower of Romance, imparts attractiveness and opportunities for seeking love adventures. Under its influence, a person easily attracts the opposite sex.

But romance is only one of its sides; Peach Blossom is capable of much more...

Thanks to the Peach Flower, a person is able to charm others, but this property can be used not only for romance, but also for business relationships, business. Peach flower is very good for politicians, TV stars, famous personalities, and public figures. Those who have many fans and are capable of charming will be able to come to an agreement with great ease, instill their point of view, and “lead.” When other people feel sympathy, they are very willing to meet you halfway.

Peach Flower in Bazi

The Peach Blossom is one of the four “animals” and is determined for each person individually, by year or birthday.

Knowing the year or birthday, you can look up the Peach Blossom in this table. If it is present in your personal Bazi chart, then you are capable of charming!

Animal by year or birthdayPeach Flower
MonkeyRatThe DragonRooster

For example, a person was born in the year or day of the Snake, Rooster, Bull. Then the “Peach Blossom” will be the Horse.

There are two Peach Flowers in this BaZi card - the Horse and the Rabbit.

If there is no Peach Flower in your Bazi card, then you can “borrow” it from another person. Being close to someone who has an animal in their Bazi chart - your Peach Blossom - makes you more attractive.

You can find out the animals in the date of birth using the Bazi online calculator

The Peach Flower, depending on one of the 5 elements of Wu Xing, can have a certain property. What quality it further enhances depends on what animal it is presented with.

Types of Peach Flowers

Rabbit is a spring flower. Symbolizes first love - innocent, fresh, exciting. This flower is slightly emotional, sincere, kind, open. In love he is unselfish.

Horse is a summer flower. Symbolizes passion, hot relationships. This flower is cheerful, polite, respectable. Appreciates generosity and beautiful, luxurious courtship. In love, he is subject to the dictates of the heart, strives to bring warmth and joy.

Rooster is an autumn flower. Symbolizes mature feelings and the predominance of reason. This flower is firm and decisive, very beautiful, but at the same time it evokes cold. Seductive, with a charming voice, a master of compliments.

Rat is a winter flower. Symbolizes sexuality and bodily pleasures. This is an active, sociable, freedom-loving flower. Intoxicated with love. Always ready to try something new, hitherto unknown.

"Problem" Flowers

It also happens that the presence of a Peach Flower brings failures in your personal life. Here are some of such cases.

When the Peach Flower is under collision, we can say that it does not have time to bloom, showing itself in all its glory, and immediately fades. This brings fleeting, fleeting relationships that leave behind disappointments and bitter regrets.

Several Peach Flowers (three or four) - on the one hand, this is not very good, since they then impart too much love. And your whole life can flash by in passions, feelings, experiences. In such cases, it is recommended to engage in activities related to beauty, entertainment, bodily and emotional pleasure. In these areas there will be an opportunity to realize oneself to the fullest and achieve high achievements!

Peach flower in feng shui

Regardless of whether or not the Peach Flower is in a personal Bazi chart, its energy can be “borrowed” using Feng Shui. This will help you gain additional attractiveness and enhance your charm. This is often used to achieve success in romantic relationships.

Using Feng Shui methods, you can activate a sector in the house that affects the ability to please other people.

Peach FlowerSector in the house

You can freely learn how to find sectors in your home from the mini-course

“How to take measurements for feng shui purposes”

It is undesirable if a toilet or bathroom is located in the Peach Flower sector. Or there is a dirty pond outside the house, or other negative objects. Then problems in relationships and “dirty connections” may arise. It can also provoke a craving for “unhealthy pleasures” - for example, drunkenness, a riotous lifestyle.

Bulky objects, huge cabinets and furniture in these sectors, on the contrary, can “block” romance. Those who have difficulties and problems in the sphere of relationships should check whether the Peach Blossom sector is “blocked” in the house? Is there any rubble, clutter, or a toilet?

How to activate Peach Flower

To do this, you can place a vase with water and fresh flowers in your personal “romantic sector”. And thereby activate romantic luck.

To enhance the effect, it is better to do this on a suitable favorable date.

This is one of the most famous methods in Feng Shui to attract love. It enhances the energy of attractiveness, and representatives of the opposite sex will begin to show more attention, flirt, and “make advances.” At the same time, even complete strangers can show signs of attention.

It is imperative to change the water in the vase so that it is always clean and the flowers are fresh. Otherwise, all romance will also “wither” without having time to bloom. And as soon as “sympathy” is met, the vase with flowers should be removed so as not to harm the nascent relationship.

However, this Feng Shui method only helps to enhance charm, and as a result, to find new romantic acquaintances. Peach Blossom cannot promise to meet true love “for life.”

Married couples should not activate the Peach Flower in this way to “revive” their relationship. This can attract hobbies on the side. Instead, to strengthen your marriage, it is better to place family photos together in the Peach Blossom sector.

How to attract only the worthy

Activation of the Peach Blossom does not always attract the type of relationship that one would like. People who show interest may not be likeable. They may be harassing or sexually harassing. Or people who are already married are attracted.

But if at least someone is attracted with the help of peach blossom activations, then this already means that it works! The Peach Flower is very beautiful, to which everyone flocks - not only bees, but also flies... In the same way, it attracts everyone indiscriminately, including the “wrong people”.

For better selection, it is advisable to activate the Peach Flower together with personal nobles and the academic star so that no one will be attracted, but only noble, cultured, and intelligent ones!

You can do this using the personal activation

The Peach Blossom itself has neither good nor bad moral qualities. It only creates certain conditions, like a tool that can help enhance your attractiveness.

And what to use it for - to improve your personal life, or to gain popularity, or for business activities, and whether attractiveness is needed at all - depends only on you.

Pictures with peaches

A painting depicting 5 or 9 peaches is considered an excellent gift for the birthday of the head of the family. An equally common gift symbolizing longevity is a painting depicting the god of immortality Sau Seng Kung holding a peach in his hand.

Depending on the number of peaches depicted, the meaning of the picture with peaches also changes. If 5 peaches are depicted, then the picture symbolizes overcoming obstacles. If the painting shows 9 peaches, then the painting symbolizes the fullness of the world, Heaven and Earth.

The best place for peaches in the house will be the zone of Unity and Health; in these zones, peaches will bring the most benefits to their owners.

Peach Tree Symbolism

You may come across different interpretations, but it always comes down to the fact that the peach is a very light symbol associated with youth and immortality. The fruit of the peach tree means the process of renewing life, and the flower means spring (in fact, also the resumption of life).

Blooming peach tree

Then there are variations on the theme of everything that is considered bright and good - sincerity, gentleness, innocence, purity and even feminine charm. Peach is also associated with protective magic.

They say that in the Renaissance, a peach with a leaf was a symbol of truthfulness, sincerity, and this is also an imitation of antiquity, where a fruit with a leaf supposedly symbolized sincere, heartfelt speech.

In different traditions

The peach is mentioned in the traditions of different countries:

  • In Chinese mythology there is a peach that grants immortality. It's called Xian Tao. In the most ancient versions of myths, it is endowed with the features of the world tree. The peach tree bloomed once every 3,000 years in the gardens of Xi-wan-mu, the goddess of immortality, and the fruit took another 3,000 years to ripen. Those who ate the fruits of Si-wan-mu became immortals who knew the truth, or retained their youth forever and acquired the ability to fly freely on the clouds, or equal to heaven and earth, eternal, like the sun and moon. Peach tree wood was used to make wonderful bowls and magic wands that expelled evil spirits, prophetic figurines and even images of patron gods. The branches were attached to the doors of houses during Chinese New Year. The Chinese believed that it drove away evil spirits;

  • Among the Taoists, the god of longevity Shou-xing usually holds a peach in images, sometimes emerging from a peach of gigantic size. Peach is the main ingredient in the Taoist elixir of life;
  • Just like in China, in Japan the peach is considered the tree of life. In one legend, the god Izanaki defeats the thunder gods who were pursuing him by throwing three peaches at them. It is believed that this emphasizes the protective properties of the fetus. There is even such a custom - on one’s birthday they eat peach-shaped bread, and on New Year’s they drink peach tree juice or a decoction of the fruit. Peach wood planks are hung on the gates, they are supposed to promote happiness;
  • in Egypt, the peach is considered a symbol of the infant form of Horus, a god revered as the personification of the sun;
  • in the Christian tradition, the peach is the fruit of salvation, and the fruit with a leaf at the stem is the virtue of the heart, tongue and silence.

In the dream book

Let's look at what dream books say about peaches:

  • you dreamed of a beautiful peach that attracts you - to a trip, moreover, organized by you. What this could mean, decide for yourself. Perhaps you will receive additional free money (bonus?), or maybe you will find a very good offer. By the way, some believe that this means traveling by plane, and not by car or train;
  • A big peach is a dream of love pleasure and, perhaps, that your family (if you have one) will become even stronger and more friendly. If you don’t have any relationships planned at all, even short-term ones, the dream has no meaning;
  • ripe fruit - in the near future you will be healthy and success in some small business awaits you. Also, you had better do a good deed;
  • you see a girl eating a peach - you will be lucky in the coming day, besides, you will be in a great mood for a whole week and you will infect other people with positivity, so don’t be afraid to communicate;
  • you eat a peach - you or your loved one will probably get sick, perhaps even seriously, but he will soon recover (if, of course, he consults a doctor);
  • dried peaches - your rivals will find out what you are plotting against them and will try to get ahead of you. Most likely they will succeed. It is better to abandon the desire to harm them;
  • you see a peach hanging on a branch - soon you will have to work very hard. For some time, you may be busy almost around the clock. But soon you will be rewarded - success awaits you;
  • someone shares a peach with you - this and the coming days you have a great chance to strengthen your relationship with a friend. Invite him or her somewhere, go to the movies, go for a walk, do something together, talk openly, be sincere. It will definitely improve your communication;
  • dropped a peach - you are too distant from the person who is dear to you, but for whom for some reason you still can’t find time. If this continues, your fragile relationship may break down. You should call, find out how he is doing, chat and meet. Take care of your friends;

  • you cut a peach - it may not mean anything, but if you have to make an important decision, it means that the moment has come when you need to choose. You should devote one of the next few days entirely to thinking. Go to an empty place or choose a location where you think better (for example, a classical music concert) and think, weigh the pros and cons. You need to be rational. You must decide;

  • peach pit - be bold. You must do something that you haven’t dared to do for a long time. Most likely, we are talking about admitting something;
  • you examine the peach with special attention - in the coming days you will find a piece that will teach you something, change your views, or simply give you great pleasure. It could be a book, movie, TV series or game. Search for yourself and listen to the advice of good friends.

Information in dream books varies greatly. You shouldn’t take her word for it, because you build your own life.

Plant a peach at home

Some esotericists believe that if you keep a real peach tree at home, or an artificial copy or image of it, the peach will drive away evil spirits from the house, promote happiness and success in the house, and make the owner charismatic and sexy.

The main thing is to remember that if you plant a peach, you must grow it and not destroy it. It is better not to do this if you do not have experience in growing such plants.

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