Attracting success - the meaning of the north zone in Feng Shui, activation of the sector

Northern Career Zone

The northern zone in the home relates not only to what a person does to earn money, it is also closely related to how you see the world around you and how you develop spiritually. In order for the zone to become as active as possible, it is necessary to eliminate all possible obstacles in its path with the help of the ancient Chinese philosophical science of Feng Shui.

Referring to the theory of Feng Shui North, a room or office is perfect for career advancement. To do this, you need to activate this zone.

What is he responsible for?

The zone is fully responsible for your career growth, for working relationships with colleagues and boss, with investors and sponsors. If you need a promotion, high salary, social status, monetary luck and generous bonuses, then you should pay more attention to this space.

Where is

According to Feng Shui, the Career sector is located in the North. It is recommended to use a compass and see where this zone is in your home. You can use a compass on your phone or a pocket device. After identifying the area, carefully analyze all the things and interior items that are located there.

You can select the North sector both in the total area of ​​the apartment and for a separate room (bedroom, living room, office).

Career area in different places of the apartment

What to do if the toilet in the Career zone does not allow favorable energy to circulate normally? First of all, your toilet should always be clean, just like it is in 5 star hotels. You should hang a small mirror on the toilet door. It helps to reflect all bad energy. Make sure that the mirror does not reflect your front door. In this case, metal tubes or wind chimes will save you. It is advisable to decorate the toilet in favorable colors of the northern sector.

If the Career zone is in the bathroom or bedroom, then exactly the same rules apply here with a mirror and wind chimes. In the bathroom, you can tie the pipes with a symbolic blue or light blue ribbon or use tiles in sea shades.

Remember that the Northern Career Zone according to Feng Shui should always be clean. Try to do general cleaning frequently, dusting and throwing away broken items. Let your life get better and better every day.


My job is perfect for me

Do you want to change everything in your workplace as quickly as possible? Let's look at the elements that govern space and choose the right interior colors and objects that will be located in the North. According to Feng Shui, the career area must be properly designed.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Water.


There should be many elements in this sector that are associated with water. Here you can place a small aquarium with 9 fish (8 red and one black), mirrors, any image of water, dolphins, frogs, turtles.

Metal strengthens and activates this sector. It won't hurt if you put metal aroma lamps in the quarry area or hang a horseshoe for good luck.

A large amount of wooden furniture (cabinets, cabinets) slightly softens the space in the North. There shouldn't be a lot of wood. But any earth elements should be abandoned.

There should never be standing water in this sector (for example, for watering flowers). The water needs to be removed or changed every other day.

Shapes and colors

Pay attention to the shapes and colors that should be present in the northern part of your home. It is advisable to use favorable shades in interior design or use them in decorative elements.

FormFavorable colorsUnfavorable colorsScents of success
  • bends;
  • fluidity;
  • mobility;
  • wavy.
  • all shades of blue;
  • blue;
  • gold;
  • blue-green;
  • silver;
  • grey;
  • black;
  • white.
  • brown;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • cedar;
  • orchid;
  • rose;
  • citrus;
  • laurel

You can light the oils in an aroma lamp or apply a drop on some object in the North to attract the desired type of luck.

First steps to develop the northern sector

According to Feng Shui, the northern sector will begin to work if certain conditions are met:

  1. There should be no peeling wallpaper or stains on the walls or ceiling in the area. If any of the above is present, it is better to make cosmetic repairs and eliminate the shortcomings.
  2. Check the condition of the lamps. All light bulbs must be clean and in working order.
  3. Clear the room of unnecessary items. Feng Shui does not accept clutter and strives for free space to activate vital energy and attract favorable events.
  4. Water will help clean the sector, so wet cleaning is the next step in preparing the area and getting rid of negativity. Adding salt to water will enhance the effect.
  5. To get rid of dark forces, a bell is suitable. If it is not available, just clap your hands.
  6. Incense also helps cleanse the sector of negative influences. The aroma can be different: rose, cedar, orchid, laurel. The ritual scheme is simple: move clockwise 3 times with a bell and an incense stick along the walls, starting and ending at the door.
  7. Positive energy will be attracted by wind music - a graceful chime will clear the space and correct the energy. When choosing wind chimes, you need to pay attention to the cord, which should be made of natural material, and the number of tubes: 5 will destroy negative energy, and 6 or 8 will attract good luck and prosperity.

Where to start developing the northern zone

Work on revitalizing any sector must begin with cleaning. A cluttered room is unnatural to the nature of Feng Shui. Therefore, it will take a very long time to wait for advancement on the career ladder, having a closet at home against the northern wall, littered with unnecessary things and covered with a layer of dust.

Or make incredible efforts to improve. Although you can just get to the junk warehouse and throw out everything that you don’t like, is not used, lies in place and delays the flow of energy. The freed up space on the mezzanine and in the wardrobes will certainly attract favorable changes. After all, empty spaces are filled with new energy.

Wet cleaning in Feng Shui is no less important than in hygiene. This is a good way to get rid of everything negative. For greater efficiency, you can add a small pinch of salt to the cleaning water. And you can breathe much better after wet cleaning, and fresh ideas fly into your head in flocks.

The purification and preparation of the Path zone can be continued by expelling evil spirits with the help of sound. For these purposes, you can use a ringing metal bell or bells. In the absence of a suitable tool, you can use your palms. Loud claps will scare away all unwanted guests.

Fumigating a room with aromas also serves the purpose of cleansing the space of all bad things. You can choose the scent at your discretion. The ritual should be carried out according to a certain pattern. It is necessary to move with an incense stick or bell clockwise, starting from the doorway and ending with it. Three laps will be enough.

To keep the effect of purity as long as possible, it is good to place wind chimes or bells. With each air flow, with their subtle ringing, they will disperse everything bad and attract positive energy.

What should be located in the career sector

Feng Shui north in an apartment can be easily determined using a compass. You can select the required zone in a common area or in a separate room.

A bedroom located in the north is suitable for sound sleep, but the northern sector can relax active people. Although according to Feng Shui it is recommended to avoid blue color in the recreation room, for a bedroom in the northern zone it is best to use blue shades.

In an apartment, it is best to use an office or library as a workspace. If you do not have the necessary space, it is recommended to choose the north side of the living room, kitchen or hallway.

When organizing a workplace, the correct placement of a person is important:

  • It is recommended to sit with your back to the wall for additional energetic protection, the window should be opposite to have a positive effect on further development, you cannot sit in the corner, near a mirror or facing the wall.

There are many items that are recommended to be placed in the career sector:

  1. Working equipment that creates a constant movement of energy and its renewal: computer, fax, printer, telephone.
  2. Portraits of famous people who have achieved success. Images can help you gain additional support.
  3. Accessories, items, consumables related to work: booklets, business card holders, folders, etc.
  4. Sharp supplies are stored point down in a special stand.

Laws of Bagua Sectors

Plan the rooms in the house according to their location according to the cardinal directions. Good feng shui is a bedroom in the Family or Love sector, a study in the Career or Wealth sector, and a children's room in the Children's zone.

The Bagua sector does not always harmonize with the room in the house that falls on it. For example, a toilet in the money area is the worst solution. Money will flow out of the family like water down a drain. This is why it is preferable to build your own home rather than buy a ready-made apartment with a layout that is difficult to remodel.

Each of the nine zones is subject to a specific element. There are only five of them: Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire. Bagua zones have their own colors and activators. Let's look at everything in detail.

Suitable talismans

Having identified and cleared the northern feng shui zone in the apartment, you need to select talismans that will help you achieve success in your career:

  1. The most common mascot for this zone is a turtle. It can be black or metal-colored. It is a symbol of heavenly support, wisdom and longevity. There should be only one turtle, since the number of this sector is 1. It is best to have a live turtle, but an image or figurine with a portrait of the owner attached to the shell will do. The most powerful talisman will be a live turtle, which is in an aquarium with water.
  2. An amulet that attracts financial well-being is a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, which should not be glued. It is best to place the figurine in water, for example, in a fountain or aquarium.
  3. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money, made of any material, will become a symbol of material wealth.
  4. A ceramic vase, inside of which there are special Chinese coins, symbolizing the unity of Heaven and Earth, has similar properties.
  5. A ship with raised sails and filled with coins appears only in a house that expects financial stability. The nose is directed to the right, but not towards the door or window, otherwise the wealth will go away.

Bagua scheme and places in the apartment: design features

The layout of an apartment when the Bagua scheme is applied to it does not always please the owner.

Asymmetrical houses are sometimes deprived of one or several zones, there is a toilet in the financial part, and there are no options at all for improving the center. All these situations are corrected, the negative background is corrected by available means.

If it turns out that several zones have fallen out of the scheme, then strengthen the center.

Health and well-being are what a person’s entire life energy rests on. In case of illness, money, family and travel can no longer please us as before. How to strengthen the health sector:

  1. The ideal piece for the center of the apartment would be a dining table. It symbolizes prosperity. A mirror will help strengthen the table: it multiplies what it reflects.
  2. Health is attracted by peaches and their image.
  3. Be sure to place everything that makes you smile and laugh in the central sector. Positive emotions are the key to health, Chinese sages knew this.

How to find the center in an apartment

Prepare a plan to scale and draw it to a square or rectangle, connect the opposite corners with lines and at the place of their intersection you will find a point of well-being according to Feng Shui.

Another way to compensate for the missing parts of the Bagua diagram is to label them within the same room. For example, support a weak financial territory with a money talisman on your desktop in the southeast. For one room, the same measurements are taken as for the entire apartment.


A difficult area in Feng Shui is the bathroom. If the finance sector falls on the toilet area, then a person who does not know Feng Shui will have a constant outflow of funds. To dispel negative energy, hang wind chimes there.

Mirror placement

Difficulties also arise with the placement of mirrors; this magical object can both correct the situation in the house and worsen it.

Mirrors are not placed opposite corners and toilets, opposite the bed where people sleep. There is no place for it opposite the front door and window: the energy entering the home will flow away


As for the kitchen, a mirror will come in handy: let it reflect the well-being and wealth of the family.

It is not always possible to successfully combine rooms in an apartment and Feng Shui zones. Water in the bedroom can bring trouble: if the finance sector falls in this place, then aquariums will be appropriate, but for marital territory, water symbolizes inconstancy and even infidelity.

Activation of the northern sector of the career

What needs to be done in order to activate the northern zone. The first thing is that the area should be kept perfectly clean, it should be very light and spacious.

Under no circumstances should there be any debris in this area of ​​the premises. Storing things in this area, piling up objects, all this will negatively affect you. You will constantly experience an incomprehensible feeling that your life is like a struggle for survival. You will most likely feel the heaviness of everyday life; your favorite activity may become a burden to you.

You yourself cannot get an answer from yourself, what do you want?

According to Feng Shui, in order to activate the career sector, it is important not only to clear the space and choose the right talismans, but also to enhance the positive energy of the zone. There are various ways:

  1. Decorate the sector in blue, blue, gold, silver or white. It is acceptable to add black accents.
  2. The northern zone in the apartment is controlled by the element of Water.
  3. Metal enhances the water element, so it is appropriate to place cups, awards, figurines, medals made of any metal, as well as wall clocks with a metal pendulum in the career area.

Suitable symbols of the water element would be:

  1. An aquarium with a goldfish (symbol of well-being) or guppies, creating the energy of vital activity. The water should remain clear to prevent the opposite effect.
  2. Fountain. Moving water attracts beneficial Qi energy.
  3. Glass of water. To attract financial well-being, place high-denomination coins on the bottom: 8 white and 1 yellow. Rinse the coins and glass daily with fresh water.
  4. Paintings depicting a river, waterfall, seascapes or aquatic life. It is important to choose a suitable frame for them in a color recommended for the career sector. Wooden frames will not work.

Activation of the sector should occur not only at the external level. In addition to transforming the space, it is important to change the attitude towards the situation. The northern sector corresponds to the trigram Kan, which is considered work on mistakes. By working on one's shortcomings, a person becomes more perfect. This influences your future career and brings the desired result.

According to Feng Shui North, this is not an easy zone at all. If you attract additional energy flows into it, you can gain success, luck and prosperity for yourself. In order to find yourself in the social sphere, you simply need to use the theory of Feng Shui. By stimulating the northern zone, you will move up the career ladder, strengthen your position at work, or find the type of activity that is ideal for you.

In order to attract energy flows, you need to place certain objects in this zone.

You can place there transparent crystals, a mirror (preferably without distortion and in full length), an aquarium, a fountain, a three-legged toad sitting on some jewelry, wind chimes, a turtle (live or figurine), a cup of wealth (a vase or a decorative bowl with coins) , lotus (made of glass or rock crystal), as well as a desktop, computer, any work equipment and so on. It is very important that according to Feng Shui the north of the room is equipped correctly.

There is no need to “go too far” and fill this zone with all or most of the listed items. It will be enough to purchase at least one item from the listed items, and you will immediately feel an improvement.


How to activate the career sector according to feng shui rules

The longest journey begins with the first step. In Feng Shui symbolism, the northern direction and northern sector help us realize our life goals, aspirations and achieve career success. Therefore, those of you, my dear readers, who are characterized by ambitious aspirations, take a close look at the northern sector in your apartment. He is responsible for career success and, therefore, money. The northern sector is ruled by the element of Water, so the presence of Fire, the antagonist of Water, does not contribute to your career takeoff. But fountains, aquariums, paintings with water and goldfish are just what you need!

The fountain is an important element in the career sector

The image of water is generally good in the north, and a fountain is just what the feng shui doctor ordered! The fountain is such a popular symbol of good luck that it has become a universal expression of good feng shui. Personally, I prefer those fountains that point upward rather than flow downwards. Up, up, everything must grow and rise up!

Turtle is a symbol of career

O wise and ancient turtle! How many legends and fairy tales have been written about these amazing creatures! It is believed that if you make eye contact with a living turtle, most of your bad luck will disappear. These slow giants have such power. In Feng Shui, turtles are treated in a very special way. She is one of the four mystical creatures. The turtle's place is in the north, behind your back or in the bedroom.

Metal is an important element in the quarry area

The presence of the Metal element also strengthens career growth. Metal gives birth to water, and water brings money. Decide for yourself what you like best - metal bells, embossing or a bronze figurine. Important point! If you're serious about taking off in your career, make sure you work, sleep, and eat in ways that are good for you! The School of Compass Feng Shui is very powerful and accumulates its potential over time, so use knowledge of your favorable directions to your advantage! Now let's start placing the talismans.

Glass goldfish

Glass is a Water element, fish is also a Water element and a great symbol of money. Hang a picture with this beauty on any northern wall or in the northern sector. Let it float there and bring you success and money! Just make sure that this fish is not behind your back.

Goldfish in the water

The greater the number of fish, the greater your luck in business! Such a wonderful picture can be hung in the north, east or southeast of the house. You can even enlarge it and hang it in your office. And in such a way that the fish are always in front of your eyes. This is a wonderful feng shui for business and money luck!

Feng Shui desk

In the art of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to the work area itself. The most successful place is considered to be next to the wall. Sitting with his back to the wall, a person will be additionally protected energetically and will feel safe and comfortable.

It is also good to sit with your back to your boss’s office: this arrangement will contribute to rapid career advancement thanks to the energy flows of success emanating from your boss.

If you are located opposite the window, you will receive a charge of additional energy, as well as creative forces, and will be able to reveal all your creative talents.

If your desk is positioned in such a way that you can see the entire office and all your co-workers, there is another huge advantage. Then those around you will additionally feed you with their energy.

Feng Shui prohibits placing a desktop near a passage, opposite a door or wall. By placing your desk in this way, you will block your possible career growth. The location opposite the door or passage is generally the most inappropriate, because a lot of negative energy accumulates in these parts of the room.

You also can’t have a blank wall in front of your eyes - then you can forget about the promotion forever! After all, being located in such a disadvantaged area, you will not see the horizons and new opportunities appearing before you.

If it is not possible to move the table, it is worth hanging a picture of a natural landscape on the wall. It will make the room visually wider, which will have a very positive impact on your ability to work, creativity and capabilities.

We put things in order in the apartment and life

In the helper sector, as in other sectors, it is very important to ensure the free movement of energy. To do this, you need to get rid of the trash and restore order.

Old things cause stagnation of energy, which is reflected in stagnation in all areas of life. That’s why it’s so important to regularly clean the entire apartment and get rid of unnecessary items.

If something is not used for a long time, then it is better to say goodbye to it. It is often a pity to throw away new and completely functional things.

In this case, you can give them to friends or people in need. This will help to establish energy circulation and achieve harmony in your life.

How to set up your workplace

First of all, it is necessary to study the theoretical part of this eastern art. After all, Feng Shui is represented by various nuances and little things that must be taken into account. Therefore, below we list the factors responsible for the career zone according to Feng Shui philosophy:

  • it is necessary to place the desktop in the northern part of the room or office,
  • give preference to gold and silver colors, blue shades, and black. They should be the main ones in the design of your work sector if you want to program it for success,
  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the water element is responsible for attracting money, as well as eliminating any troubles from a person’s path. Therefore, it is necessary to have a water theme in your work area,
  • The placement of special plants in the workplace is also very important. So, for example, the money tree will attract material benefits, geranium will calm even very aggressive people, dracaena will provide stable financial profit, and the Chinese rose will help to intensify creative processes. To enhance the effect, Feng Shui recommends placing these plants not only in your office but also in your home.

Interesting detail. To provide even more inspiration, hang portraits of celebrities or people who have achieved certain professional heights on a nearby wall in your office. Also, be sure to put photographs of people near and dear to your heart on your desktop, which will remind you of pleasant things, especially at the end of a hard working day.

Zones Love, Family, Children


It’s also the love zone – it’s the southwest. There is a romantic atmosphere, pink and beige colors, and earthy elements.

The main law in this territory is paired talismans: fish, birds, angels and candles. They help both find love and maintain feelings in a couple.


Located in the east. Paste blue or green wallpaper here and be sure to put up family photos where everyone is happy and smiling. Green plants and paintings with fertility themes will support family well-being.


Children, as well as Creativity, are the western part of the apartment. The children's room, a place for games and various creativity, is decorated in gold, silver and other light colors.

There should be a lot of sunshine here. Arrange an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts here. The West is considered a wish-fulfillment zone; this is where you can hide your wish card.

Office color scheme

It may seem strange, but the color scheme of your office walls also has a big impact on your career success. The predominance of green and blue tones is considered ideal. According to Feng Shui, these colors are symbols of energy, sound thinking, sincerity, as well as harmony and peace. Decorate your office in similar colors and you will not feel tired, drowsy and irritable, but on the contrary, you will feel maximum strength and energy.

At the same time, gray and brown shades have an extremely unfavorable effect on workers. Such a dull color scheme will not contribute to your career advancement, because these colors absolutely do not improve vitality and productivity and have a depressing effect on the psyche.

Love and marriage

The southwest sector is associated with romantic relationships, love and marriage. This is the most suitable place for wedding photographs, wedding candles, images of lovebirds.

For people who have not yet created a couple, it would be appropriate to place images of happy lovers here. According to Feng Shui, the southwestern sector is dominated by the elements of Earth and is activated by Fire, so the following colors are suitable: orange, beige, pink, red, yellow.

Amulets for the career field

First of all, you can use all the items directly related to the element of water, for example: aquariums, small fountains, models of ships and sailboats and, of course, fish.

Sailboats or ships are the most suitable solution for those people who have their own business or dream of it. Then the model of the sailboat must be placed in such a way that its bow is directed towards the wall or towards the corner of the room, but in no case looks at the window or door.

But the stern of the ship must be placed exactly the opposite way to the front door, so that your ship seems to float into your home and bring with it success in all respects.

As for fish, you can, of course, purchase real fish, but it is better to turn to artificial ones, made in the form of figurines, for help. In this case, the fish figurines must be gold or bronze. In addition, you can place a fan on the wall, decorated with images of fish, and the more of these cute creatures painted on it, the better.

It is also allowed to use talismans that indirectly relate to the element of water and also enhance the metal element. Among them, the first place is deservedly occupied by the turtle, symbolizing wisdom and support from above. Therefore, if you dream of getting help from higher-ups (for example, your boss), be sure to purchase a turtle figurine.

And remember that there should only be one turtle. Options with a pyramid with three turtles will not work in this case. It is ideal when the turtles are made of heavy metals, for example cast iron, the greater the weight of the figure, the better

A rather unusual item that will help enhance your luck in business is a voluminous spherical vase. You need to place white flowers in it. The metal will help increase financial well-being, so the vase will not just stimulate career growth, but will help you get much more than before.

It is recommended to hang wind chimes in those areas where you most need to attract good luck (such as doors to your home, dimly lit places). In this zone it can be formed by several metal tubes. In order for the tubes to make sound, additional parts should be attached to them, for example, metal sticks.

Now you know how to attract good luck in your work and career. Use this knowledge to improve your situation, and to complete the topic, be sure to watch this interesting video:

Methods for defining zones

To properly arrange your home, you need to determine the Feng Shui zones in the apartment. This can be done in different ways. Most often, a compass, the Ba-Gua diagram, a method called “from corner to corner” are used to determine sectors. Let's consider the description of each method separately.

Grid diagram of Ba Gua

Before moving on to defining zones, you need to make a grid diagram of Ba Gua. For this you will need cardboard and a pencil. A regular octagon is depicted on cardboard. Later, this diagram is compared with the diagram of the room, so they choose a scale that will be convenient to work with. Each face of the octagon corresponds to a specific zone. They are arranged clockwise in the following order: fame, love, creativity, travel, career, knowledge, family, wealth. The center of the octagon, like one of the faces, corresponds to the family zone.

Each zone has a specific color. We'll talk about the right color solutions later.

Once the Ba-Gua grid is ready, a drawing of the room is made, marking all the rooms on it, including the pantry and bathroom.

The schemes are combined. First, determine which side of the world the windows of the house face. If they face west, in the drawing the buildings are combined with the creativity zone. Then, according to the markings on the Ba-Gua grid, the remaining zones are determined.


Proper planning

This method of determining zones by cardinal directions is not the most reliable, since reinforced concrete structures are used during construction, which can lead to errors. When choosing this method, you should, in addition to the compass. arm yourself with a map of the building. The drawing made on thick paper is cut out clearly along the contour.

First of all, find the center of the building. There are several ways to determine it. Let's look at the simplest one. In addition to the diagram, you will need a sharpened pencil. It is placed vertically, with the sharp tip facing up. Then they put a diagram of the building on a pencil so that it does not fall or become warped. The fulcrum of the pencil drawing is the center of the building.

After determining the center, using a compass, determine the cardinal directions. You should not use the compass near electrical appliances: they affect its operation. You can determine the cardinal directions on the street, after first making sure that there are no electrical wires nearby, which will certainly lead to incorrect readings: where north is, the compass can show south. After determining the cardinal direction, it is applied to the drawing. When plotting south, north, west and east on a diagram, remember that a person is looking at it in a mirror image.

It remains to divide the layout of the room into zones according to the cardinal directions. To do this, use a protractor to divide the diagram into 8 equal parts, after first connecting its center with the center of the building. Each sector should be 45°. The names of the sectors are applied to the diagram.

Corner to corner method

This method always gives the correct result. To find sectors in a communal apartment or house, stand at the front door, turning your back to it. The interior door cannot be used as a guide.

The left corner, which is closest, is the knowledge zone. The second left corner is the zone of material wealth. The right corner, which is closest, is the travel and assistants area. The last corner is the zone of marriage and love. The career area is the middle of the wall, located behind your back. The middle of the wall, which is located in front, is the zone of self-realization and glory. The family area is the center of the wall located on the left. The creative zone is the center of the wall on the right.

You can also determine the sectors by the facade and rear of the house, but this method often gives an error, so it is not considered.

Feng Shui of an apartment: zone of wealth

In the wealth zone, a fountain symbolizing abundance (or a picture with its image) would be appropriate. A successful alternative to a fountain can be an aquarium with goldfish swimming in it.

  • When activating the wealth zone, you need to place several traditional symbols of abundance in it. Most often, a figurine of a money frog holding gold coins in its mouth is chosen for this. Its head must be directed inside the room so that there is a feeling that the frog has jumped from outside, bringing wealth into the house. When designing the wealth sector, you should show a sense of proportion and not overload it with a large number of traditional Chinese symbols.
  • In this corner of the apartment you can place a hieroglyph of wealth and a bunch of Chinese coins tied with a red cord.

Wealth Zone: Southeast

Many people begin to get acquainted with the principles of Feng Shui by arranging a money or wealth zone.

The material of this sector is Wood. It’s good if the furniture is made of natural wood. The colors of the zone are purple, green.

Water enhances the flow of finance, so fountains and aquariums will be very useful in this area.

Talismans for the wealth sector are goldfish, a three-toed frog, a figurine of Hotteya, a money tree (crassula). It is customary to place a coin under a pot with a living plant to increase income in the family.

Important! Artificial flowers attract negative energy.

It’s great when the money sector coincides with the kitchen. The dining table is a symbol of family wealth. Place a mirror in front of it to multiply the benefits with the help of reflection.

It’s great when the front door is located in the southeast: this means that wealth will easily enter the house. Keep the hallway clear of clutter to allow Chi energy to flow freely.

If the zone is on the toilet

And proximity to sewerage is a big problem. In order to neutralize negative energy and not scare money away from life, you will have to follow these rules:

  1. The toilet lid is always kept closed.
  2. Dirt and leaking plumbing are not allowed.
  3. Tie red ribbons onto the pipes.
  4. Place pots of fresh flowers in the bathroom.
  5. Enhance the wealth angle in a single room or desk.

And if the wealth zone is located in the bedroom, then you should use water with caution to attract money. She is a symbol of marital inconstancy.

Feng Shui apartment number

Numerology is one of the tools used by Feng Shui specialists to attract prosperity and success into a person’s destiny. The practice of Feng Shui states that even the number of an apartment can influence its owner.

To determine the apartment number according to Feng Shui, we add up one by one all the numbers that make up the address of the person we are interested in. The resulting single-digit number is considered the apartment number according to Feng Shui.

This number creates certain vibrations, which have a specific impact on the fate of the people living in this apartment.

We will not dwell on the characteristics of each number, since this information can be easily found on the Internet. We only note that owners of private houses can also use this method to determine the number of their home.

Assistants sector

According to Feng Shui, the northwest is the sector of helpers and travel. This zone is responsible for business activity, spiritual growth and travel. When planning your home, it is ideal to place a work office, telephone, computer, or arrange a meeting room.

This will contribute to success in business and the appearance of people in life who can help in business, everyday matters and spiritual quests.

In addition, this place is ideal for placing portraits of inspiring personalities, idols and gurus, whose lives and actions inspire us to conquer new heights. You can also place icons, talismans and images of helping spirits in it. That is, everything that is associated with help and patronage.

Creativity and children

According to Feng Shui, the West is under the auspices of Metal. The activating element is the Earth. This sector influences creativity and children. Here you can post photographs of your offspring or images of ideal little ones from magazines.

For those who do not yet have children, but really want to, it is proposed to decorate the western sector with an image of a pomegranate tree - a symbol of fertility and pregnancy.

Or you can place rattles, pacifiers and baby toys here, that is, everything that reminds you of the joy of motherhood.

It is proposed to use the west in an apartment or office for a creative workshop or studio. It is this arrangement that will lead to increased activity and inspiration.

Tags: zone, northern

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