Sectors and zones of the apartment according to Feng Shui, we apply Bagua or Lo Shu to the plan.

» Numerology » The importance of the Luo Shu square



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How often have you had ups and downs in your life? Did you know that you can predict them? Luo Shu square is one of the ancient Chinese ways of calculating numbers by date of birth. The square is often used in Feng Shui practice. The numbers in a square are arranged in a certain order, no matter how you add the numbers, you will always get a total of fifteen.

Lo-shu square by date of birth

The history of the square of predictions

The history of the magic square is described in a Chinese legend. Maps were first used after 560 BC. During a flood, a turtle appeared on the banks of the Lo River, with an unusual pattern on its back. Emperor Yu managed to take a closer look at the animal. He saw that the pattern was a square with strange symbols. Since then, the Chinese began to use magical Lo-Shu cards, the name of which means “message of the Lo River.”

The main feature of the square was that the numbers in any row (including diagonally) added up to 15. This figure is of great importance, because coincides with the number of days that form one lunar cycle in China. The peculiarity of the magic square attracted the attention of the ancient sages. They found that the map can provide knowledge about the natural energy laws and rhythms of the Universe. Lo-Shu began to be used not only to determine the potential of premises, but also to make astrological predictions.

When determining the energy potential of premises, the position of the numbers is fixed. The central number of the square is 5. Even and odd numbers alternate around the middle. The latter form a cross and occupy northern, eastern, western and southern positions. Even numbers are in the corner sectors. In China, the south side is placed at the top, so the number 9, which is in the corresponding cell, symbolizes the energy of the southern room.

Each number in the magic square has its own properties. For example, the number 9 reflects the element of Fire, and 1 the element of Water. This helps determine favorable colors for decoration and the usability of the space. Additionally, an auxiliary element is highlighted. For proper use, the magic square is placed in accordance with the cardinal directions, but some Feng Shui schools suggest placing it so that the north side (sector with the number 1) corresponds to the entrance to the room.

What else do you need to know about values?

Chu-men - the great gate, is considered the most evil and not good of the existing series, which brings disease. Translated: Monarch of Disease. The second meaning is that the star brings fertility and longevity. And the third meaning is that the star is a big Doctor who treats many diseases. Let's also consider other existing star designations.

  1. Conservation 3. Lu-Xin is the savior and saver of the salary. Again two words and two different meanings. Lu is the God who gives wealth, and Xin is the God of disaster and destruction. One of the many names for this star is the Spirit of Misfortune or the Ghost of Accidents. And according to many reviews of people and observations of masters, this is true. The star really carries bad energy, which leads to sad consequences.
  2. Strength 4, interpreted as a civil official. The Chinese name is Wen Chu. The star carries difficult life paths, another of its meanings is “six troubles.” In ancient China, it was believed that people who held high positions were required to pass a couple of important exams to prove their strength and loyalty to the people. And it is believed that when a person occupied high positions, he relaxed and became lazy, as a result of which work for the people decreased. Another meaning is a smart nymph. This star can help you solve many problems and give love, but on the other hand it can bring discord and misfortune.

What is the northern zone of Lo-Shu responsible for?

In indoor and personal predictions, which can be calculated by date of birth, the lower northern sector is responsible for career growth.

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The corresponding number is 1. It is associated with the element of Water. Auxiliary element – ​​Metal. When decorating a room, it is recommended to use white, blue, blue and black shades to enhance energy. In the northern room you can place mirrors, aquariums and decorative fountains. It is advisable to prefer objects with a curved or wavy shape.

The northeast direction is associated with wisdom and knowledge. Proper interior design helps children achieve academic success.

The control number is 8. The main element is Earth, the feeding element is Fire. When decorating a north-eastern room, yellow, beige and orange shades are used. Black and blue items cannot be placed here, because... they will suppress the element of fire and cause the appearance of negative energy. The preferred shape of objects is a square. Various crystals help strengthen the energy of the zone. You can place a globe or map indoors.

The northwestern sector is associated with travel and helpers. This is the zone of the head of the family.

Control number – 6. Predominant element – ​​Metal. The feeding element is the Earth. When decorating, it is advisable to use metallic shades: silver, gold, etc. The presence of red is not allowed. It is recommended to prefer rounded shapes. To enhance the effect, you can use metal bells. On the walls you should place photographs of mentors, teachers and the places you want to visit. This will help speed up your journey.

Read more: door bells according to Feng Shui

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Eastern sector of the square

In the magic square of Lo Shu, the eastern zone represents mutual support, family and warm relationships between loved ones. With the right influence on energy, peace and harmony will reign in the house. When a conflict of elements occurs, discord in the family is possible.

The corresponding number is 3. The governing element is Wood. The feeding element is Water. Preferred colors are brown, green, black and blue. The presence of red tints should be kept to a minimum. They will help emphasize the Wood element, but if in excess they will cause the transformation of positive energy into negative.

To enhance the influence of the sector, you can place wooden furniture in the room. The element is symbolized by fish and a dragon, so it is recommended to place an aquarium or figurine indoors. You can grow indoor plants. It is advisable to prefer those flowers and dwarf trees that have rounded leaves. Among fruit-bearing plants, shrubs that bear sour berries will have a beneficial effect. It is better to avoid growing cacti.

Western Zone of Luo Shu Square

The western side is a symbol of childhood and creativity. Nearby there is a health and life zone according to Feng Shui (center), so this room can be used as a bedroom.

The governing number is 7. The predominant element is Metal, it is fueled by the element of Earth. When decorating a room, you should prefer silver and golden shades, as well as white, gray and yellow. Oval or square shaped decorative items have a beneficial effect. To activate the sector, you can place photographs of children or their drawings on the walls. If a new addition is planned to the family, it is recommended to place a figurine in the room, symbolizing the child.

Combinations of numbers in a magic square

Triads (i.e. combinations of three numbers) are qualities that are given to you from birth . If there is not a single triad, this means freedom of choice; a person himself, as it were, chooses which path to follow.

Horizontal: 492 – willpower. 357 – family way of life. 816 – problem solving.

Vertical: 438 – solid vital core (determination). 951 – welfare. 276 – talent.

Diagonal: 456 – love for one’s neighbor. 852 – life marked by God.

Question: Where do these interpretations come from? We have already discussed in arithmetic that we are not just writing some squiggles (numbers), but under each number, there is an IMAGE (see images of life numbers), we put the images together and the meaning becomes clear. Example: 951 – (9 is harmony, 5 is love, 2 is creation) give prosperity. 276 – (2 – perseverance, 7 – God’s help, 6 – skepticism, i.e. experience). Experience, perseverance and God's help give talent. 456 – (4 – tenderness, 5 – love, with elements of jealousy – 6) give love for one’s neighbor.

What to expect from the southern zone of Lo Shu

The southern sector of the magic square Lo Shu symbolizes fame and glory. The direction allows you to realize your ambitions under favorable circumstances.

The control number is 9. The main element is Fire. It is fueled by the Earth element. When decorating, it is advisable to use green and red shades, as well as rectangular or triangular objects. Here you can place a fireplace, stove or oven. The lighting must be good.

The southeastern zone of the square is responsible for wealth and financial status. With the correct design of the room, circumstances develop in such a way that the family increases its well-being. If positive energy is transformed into negative energy, unplanned expenses regularly arise.

The associated number is 4. The predominant element is Wood, the auxiliary element is Water. Favorable shades are lilac, green and violet. The color red will help enhance the impact of the main element, but it must be used carefully so as not to provoke a conflict with the additional element. It is recommended to place decorative items and furniture in the room in a rectangular, cylindrical or wavy shape.

The southwest direction is associated with relationships and love. With the favorable influence of the sector, harmony and understanding reign in the family. If the energy has become negative, conflicts and betrayals are possible.

The control number is 2. The main element is Fire. It is fueled by the element of Earth. Favorable colors are red, pink and brown. When decorating, it is recommended to prefer decorative items of triangular or square shape. To enhance the energy, candles and lamps are placed in the room.

From five to nine - star interpretations

Star five stands out from all the stars. She embodies purity, faith and honesty. The Chinese name for Leno Chen is honesty and integrity. Oddly enough, with such good qualities, she is considered unfavorable. The second meaning is the Devil of cruelty, the Ghost of misfortune. But they say that it has a beneficial effect on people with the number 5.

Star 6 is a warrior who will always get his way and protect his family and friends. It is considered one of the most auspicious stars, which brings success, tranquility and good luck. The Chinese name is Wu Chu - Angel of Courage. Power 7, star 7 – Chinese Po Chun, means defeated army. Another meaning is the Phantom of Destruction or Hard Fate. Symbolizes the breaking of dreams and hopes. Very often he can deceive, give hope, and then cruelly take it away.

Luck 8 – carries the meaning of “emperor”. A star for big and hardworking people, those who always help. The star is said to be associated with the sun and it brings happiness, luck and joy. Another name is the Angel of Wealth and Glory. Energy 9, Chinese meaning – Yu Pi. The star draws its magical and energetic powers with the help of the Moon. And, as you know, the Moon is a strong recharge of energy. Translated as Angel of mighty power. Feng Shui masters, as well as ordinary people who are interested in such topics, are sure that this particular star can bring happiness and good luck to a person. They say it all depends on the environment. If she is in a negative environment she is bad, if she is in a positive environment she is good.

Bad stars: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and good ones - 1, 6, 8, 9.

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