“The book is about How to Apply Qi Men Dun Jia When There is No Time Handicap and You Must Act Immediately...”

A little background on Qi Men Dun Jia's or why this article came about.

The Internet space of professional Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics is replete with walks and activations that are offered to everyone who is too lazy. “If you go there, you will see it and get happiness or money, or improve relationships. I did that too and it worked . Your success is guaranteed, because I can see it. Yes, and you see for yourself. You see, right?”

But everyone in life has moments of awareness in one situation or another, at work. When this moment comes, you realize that what you did before is no longer acceptable now. Time passed and the world changed . It is either not needed or does not lead to where you wanted.

“Every surgeon has his own graveyard,” says an old medical saying. (may my colleague forgive me).

Working technology or just another nonsense?

I in no way want to downplay the possibilities of walks and their effectiveness, because you still go on walks, looking for them in groups on VKontakte, Facebook, on other sites, and trying to purchase them on various portals.

But no one tells you that any activation has consequences . Without knowing or deeply understanding the art of Qi Men Dun Jia , you go on all the walks that are given to you, and do not think about the consequences of this walk. You want to achieve what you want, but you don’t understand the full depth of the technique.

The secret of 97% of cases or the difference in understanding

Have you observed successful people? How do they behave? How do they live in harmony with the world? They feel this world with every fiber of their body.

Look at your life and worldview. How do you live and how do you go on these free walks? After all, most of you do not live here and not now. Even while you are walking, you have a frantic herd of thoughts and experiences in your head. This is especially evident during personal consultations after asking a targeted question. You simply are not in this world, space.

What do you think about when you are on a Qi Men Dun Jia walk? About what your experience was in relationships, or about how to make money? What is happening to you at this moment? What do you pay attention to while doing walks?

The thing is that when you go for walks, you think with your head, with your mind , and mainly from a position of fear. From a position, how to make sure that “this and that” don’t happen. The deities Qi Men Dun Jia , which you ask while walking, as well as your subconscious, which you activate by walking, remove the excuse NOT from their work! The first dangerous moment. When you want to get an answer to the question “How can I avoid getting pregnant from Vadim?” your subconscious will slip in the best solution without the excuse NOT.

Further. As soon as you are in a tense state, with your thoughts and actions you completely block all kinds of information channels to obtain the necessary information with the help of which your issue can be resolved. Up to a spasm of the upper “diaphragm” at the base of the skull with compression of the paravertebral arteries and deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. You simply have nothing to think about - your brain has no food.

More serious consequences await you when you go for a walk and fall into the astral state. The point is that the astral state works at higher levels of world perception. It is this state that allows you to get what you want. However, it very often happens that you went for a walk after one thing, and while walking you fell into the astral plane and thought about something completely different. DANGEROUS! It is very dangerous, since the difference between the energies you entered during the walk and what you wanted in the astral plane can lead to very serious consequences.

You MUST NOT Skip This:

How to create a force field of protection or restore energy

If you need protection, for example, you are being attacked, someone initiated an attack, something unpleasant happens in life, you can call up a force field of protection... (Page 30)

Negotiation techniques for monetary gain

If you are negotiating about money, for example, you want to be paid for goods or services, then use this technique. (Page 33)

How to find out in your Qi Men birth chart: do a business from scratch or buy a ready-made one

Sometimes it’s a bad idea to “reinvent the wheel” and build a business yourself from scratch, but you need to buy a ready-made system and apply it. The answer is in Qi Men's birth chart (Page 35)

How to find out where qi comes to your home from

If you are looking at Qi Men for Feng Shui and want to find out where the source of Qi is, then apply this technique. And then all that remains is to make Feng Shui interventions so that the house receives this qi (Page 36)

How to get more courage

Sometimes you have everything you need to take the first step... but you don't have the courage. Use this technique and you will have metal balls even if you are a nice girl. (Page 39)

How to pass a lie detector test in a conversation

“Everyone lies,” as Dr. House said in the series of the same name. Consciously or unconsciously. If lying is part of your strategy, then use this technique (Page 44)

How to get someone to talk

In contrast to the previous technique, there is a way to find out someone else's secret without revealing your cards. (Page 49)

How to stop a bad habit

If you have learned to say “Yes”, but find it difficult to say “No”... Use this technique (Page 54)

How to prevent stress at an important moment

When your hands start to shake... and you have to make a very scary, expensive or vital decision in the conditions of a lack of information and time... (Page 58)

How to dissolve obstacles, jump to the next level and let in opportunities

One of the best Gates for everything and the easiest technique to use. (Page 64)

How to find out if there is Sha at the front door

Qi Men Technique For Feng Shui, how to find out if the entrance group is good. After all, a door is a membrane between the outside world and the inside; the quality of qi that comes into the house depends on it. (Page 65)

How to get better results

(!) Table of descriptions of the best combinations of Heavenly Stems for Qi Men with the presence of Mystics (Page 69)

4 Ways to Achieve Victory

I told in detail, with examples, drawings, diagrams, tables (!) 4 ways to activate Qi Men tables:

— for moving from point A to point B, including going on vacation, he gave an example of choosing dates with a detailed explanation and signs;

- all methods for static application of Qi Men, sitting still, negotiating, speaking, working, etc.

- my favorite way to leave home. For the lazy, look at flight directions))))

- a way to choose the best door through which to enter a building.

You definitely won't get bored while studying the book. It will definitely be mega useful! Even beginners will definitely understand it.

The “Practice” chapter and the chapter with practical problems and questions for self-test take up 1/3 of the book! So I’m calm about the digestibility of the material

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