Feng Shui windows. Basic requirements and recommendations

The location of windows significantly affects the level of comfort in the interior, so it is necessary to follow several recommendations that will help create optimal conditions for living, studying and working. Ideally, you need to select an apartment or build a house taking into account the advice, but in practice, most people use real estate that has already been put into operation, in which there is no possibility to change the location of the openings. In this case, you need to order a set of windows depending on which side of the world they face, and how exactly the room where they will subsequently be installed will be used. This article provides practical recommendations to help you correctly determine the purpose of rooms depending on the location of window openings, and to avoid mistakes when building a house or buying an apartment, as well as ordering windows.

How many windows should a house have?

The number of windows in the house should not be large or, conversely, small. If there are a lot of them, then the positive Qi energy will freely leave the home. If there are few of them, then its supply to the house will be limited. The most optimal option is when there are no more than 3 windows per door. The best ratio is 2 windows per 1 door.

If there are many windows and they are large in size, this can lead to disruption of harmony in the relationship between parents and children: children become capricious and disobedient. Regardless of the size of the home, the number of windows in it should not be a multiple of 10.

General architectural standards

Before the construction of any residential building, authorized services carry out calculations of insolation (natural lighting) of the interior premises. According to current standards, regardless of the location of the openings, they must be illuminated by direct sunlight for at least 2 hours a day. At the same time, it is allowed to orient windows to the north only in cases where the apartment or house also has openings facing other sides of the world. As for the time of direct insolation, it does not depend on the region.

Tips on window condition

According to Feng Shui practice, windows are the eyes of the house. They must be kept clean and tidy. Dirty or dusty openings can negatively affect your health and business success. They prevent life-giving energy from entering the house, attracting negative Sha energy.

Many home owners install large windows, believing that this way more air and sunlight will penetrate into their home. But the teachings of Feng Shui warn that large openings contribute to the leakage of Qi energy. This is especially true for those windows that are located close to the floor. Positive energy rushes towards them, leaving the house.

Absolute purity

Dirty and cloudy glass prevents the penetration of light and life-giving energy Qi into the apartment. A lack of it can cause a decline in vitality, deterioration of well-being, apathy and a decrease in the body’s resistance to various viruses and infections.

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A dark room accumulates negative energy that can affect the health of residents. To avoid this situation, you should regularly clean the glass from dust and dirt.

Without knots

The presence of cracks in glass can also cause health problems for home owners, since through these cracks the destructive energy of Sha penetrates into the house, which provokes conflicts, illnesses and troubles in all areas of life. Cracked glass can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.

The glass in the frame must be firmly fixed. In no case should it move away or rattle during the wind: these sounds will attract a flow of negative energy.

Peeling paint on windows and the walls around them, as well as the presence of cracks and other defects can cause illness and failure.

Shape and size of windows according to Feng Shui

The size and number of windows in the house are of primary importance. It is recommended to install medium-sized windows, since high and long openings can release a large amount of positive energy outward. Small ones, in turn, prevent the penetration of sunlight, heat and air into the room.

It is believed that the most suitable for residential premises is the round shape of windows.

As for windows facing loggias and verandas, these rules do not apply to them, because they serve as a door. It is believed that when we go out onto the balcony, we leave the confines of our home.

Window placement according to the Bagua grid

According to Feng Shui, the elements of fire, wood, water and metal have their own cardinal directions (south, east, north, west). That's why:

  • The east sector (tree) affects the well-being of the family. Windows facing east are most suitable for schoolchildren and students. Also, this sector will contribute to achieving the goals.
  • If the windows open to the south, then fire energy will flow into the room. The south brings glory and fame.
  • North windows receive water energy. They are recommended to be covered with curtains and can be decorated with flowers that do not require sunlight.
  • The element of metal (West) is favorable for childbirth and the health of older people. You should not place a vase of flowers on windows facing west,

According to Feng Shui, windows are important links in the circulation of positive Qi and negative Sha energy. They let one in, the other, on the contrary, they let out. By following simple recommendations, maintaining a clean and presentable appearance, and choosing the right size and location of windows, you can fill your home with vital energy and health.

Where should the windows go?

According to Feng Shui, windows facing east and south contribute to the accumulation of the energy of the rising sun in the apartment, which gives strength and energy for the whole next day. The ratio of window locations to cardinal directions affects many aspects of life. Their incorrect location can lead to loss of vitality, depression and failure.

Successful Variations

The most favorable option are windows that face southeast and east. Thus, Qi energy fills the house, cleanses it of negativity and heals the owners from various diseases, drives away evil spirits who are afraid of the rising rays of the sun.

Failed exit

In Chinese culture, it is generally accepted that windows facing west absorb the rays of the setting sun, which symbolizes the fading and decline of activity. Exiting to the north side is also unfavorable.

During sunset it is not recommended to stay near windows. They need to be tightly curtained to prevent negative energy from entering the home.

What should the view be like?

The energy that comes into the room from the outside should be bright and positive. A beautiful view from the street can contribute to this: a well-kept yard, beautiful vegetation, natural landscapes, etc.

It is undesirable for windows to look out onto busy highways, factories, factories, city dumps, cemeteries, etc. Unfavorable is access to the end of a neighboring house, pillars and intersections.

An important factor is the view from the window in the kitchen, as it affects the digestion of food and the mood of the owners of the house. Bad energy tends to accumulate in liquids and food. Once ingested, such food can be harmful to health.

Tinted double-glazed windows with various effects negatively affect not only vision, but also the perception of the surrounding reality. Through them, daylight and, accordingly, solar energy enter worse. Preference should be given to simple glass without sputtering or other effects.

Choosing a room for a children's room

Finding the perfect room for a nursery is not an easy task. On the one hand, the room should be as bright as possible, but on the other, the child must be protected from overheating during the daytime. Children should not be awakened too early by the rays of the rising sun, but at the same time they need to wake up quickly. Most often, when choosing a place for a nursery, parents give preference to rooms with windows facing northeast or southwest. Moreover, in the first case, the room must be well insulated and sources of artificial lighting must be added for comfort in the evening hours, and in the second, care must be taken about ventilation and air conditioning of the room.

Can curtains be used?

Curtains serve the function of protecting the home. They prevent unwanted light and prying eyes from entering. Curtains decorate your home and create a cozy atmosphere in it.

It is recommended to use curtains made of lightweight material in light shades, since dark colors make the room gloomy and contribute to the accumulation of negative energy in it.

The color of the curtains is selected depending on the location of the glazing of the house. The southern side corresponds to red shades, the northern – blue. The eastern and southeastern colors are green, and the northwestern and western ones are white. Shades of yellow are preferable to use on the southwest and northeast sides.

Windows facing west according to feng shui

Through the windows, light passes at a smaller angle than in the south and is therefore more intense. In the west, the sun shines in the afternoon and is suitable for the bedroom for those who like to sleep longer in the morning.

The afternoon strong sun makes the room very hot. In the summer heat, you need to take care of cooling: blackout curtains, a fan and, best of all, air conditioning. But in cold weather this is a plus - you can save a little on heating.

If the external view allows, it is nice to admire the sunset on the balcony in the evening.

Rooms in the northwest are cooler during the day.

With windows facing southwest there is excellent illumination, the longest daylight hours, but in the summer the room will be hot.

What to do in case of incorrect windows

If, nevertheless, the window openings face the “wrong” side, from the point of view of Feng Shui, such a negative influence can be neutralized by using various techniques.

If the window opening and the door are located opposite each other, this adversely affects the energy of the home. Positive energy, entering through the doors, will immediately go out the window opening. You can place a screen or a large vase, a tree in a pot, etc. on the path between them. You can place crystals or hang a bell on the windowsill. This will help keep the Qi energy in the house and keep the Sha energy out.

For the same reason, placing windows opposite each other is considered unfavorable.

Chinese teachings emphasize that small window openings should be present in the toilet and bathroom. Often in multi-apartment developments they are not provided for by building codes. Their absence can be compensated for by hanging bells in these rooms that emit a pleasant sound. With their help, it will be possible to harmonize the energy in these rooms.

A large accumulation of fiery energy from the south side can provoke family quarrels. It is not recommended for a married couple to sleep in a room whose windows face south. In such rooms, it is recommended to hang a wide canopy over the opening to delay the excess penetration of solar energy.

The ugly view behind the walls of the house can be hidden with the help of stained glass, colored double-glazed windows, miniature toys and other types of decor. Care should be taken to ensure that such techniques do not affect the illumination of the premises.

Neighborhood view

According to Chinese tradition, the view from the windows is important for the favorable flow of energies in space and home. Outside is a park, forest, river, garden, landscaped yard? What a score. In such cases, you need to open the windows more often - positive energy penetrates the room through them.

Outside the window is a factory, a highway, a garbage can, an abandoned barn? Negative energy is attracted to the house and its inhabitants. It does not contribute to health, active longevity, or harmony. Curtains will help reduce the negative impact of the environment. Unfavorable energy flows will be stopped by bright curtains and stained glass windows.

Little tricks

You should not sit with your back to the window. This blocks the energy flow, resulting in energy not being able to circulate freely in space. If the workplace is arranged in this way, it can negatively affect one's career and relationships with colleagues and superiors.

A mirror located opposite a window opening can reflect both positive and negative energy. Among other things, the light reflected in the mirror will illuminate the reflection, distorting it.

In old buildings you can often find arched openings, rounded at the top. Such window designs will maximize the penetration of positive energy into the room. Having a large opening area, you can experiment with its shape. Rounded lines will have a beneficial effect on energy flows.

Shutter devices

Faulty shutter mechanisms and other fittings that wobble or fall off are conductors of Sha energy. It is necessary to pay attention to this factor and repair all faults. Mechanisms should be lubricated in a timely manner to prevent rust and other defects from appearing on them.

The shutters should close without squeaking or noise, without touching the cornice, window sill and pieces of furniture. The fixation of glass in the window frame must be strong.


Residents of lower floors often have to install bars, as this is a means of protection against unauthorized entry into the premises.

But such a security measure can protect not only from intrusion by offenders, but also block the flow of energy. Grilles may have an unaesthetic appearance, look massive and rough.

To solve all these problems at the same time, you can install openwork forged grilles, painting them white. This technique will help to give the structure lightness and aesthetics, without violating its functional purpose, and the qi energy will flow freely into the apartment.

Window sills and flowers on them

Window sills should be covered to a minimum and only with small objects.

Window sills and plastic windows, cluttered with a large number of large flowers and various decorative items, interfere with the free flow of Qi, while miniature flower pots or a small aquarium with fish swimming in it can enhance the flow of energy and fill the house with beauty and comfort.

How many windows should a house have?

The number of windows is important. In this case, you should take into account both their total number in the entire house and in a single room.

For a one-room apartment with a large area, the number of window openings should not exceed 7. If there are more than 3 openings in 1 room, this factor is negative from the point of view of Feng Shui.

To create a favorable atmosphere in your home, you should take into account all the nuances regarding windows and related items. Their number, location, appearance and shape must comply with the rules described in this teaching.

Aesthetics of window openings

  • Windows should let in maximum light and be clean. Dirt is an obstacle to positive energy. Glass and profiles must be washed at least twice annually.
  • At night, window openings should be curtained to avoid excess yin energy in the room.
  • It is important to maintain the integrity of the glass and profile. Negative energy accumulates in cracks. Is the paint on the frame peeling? Clean it off and repaint the structure.
  • It is undesirable to install bars on windows that interfere with the movement of energy. Is it possible to do without framing the windows? Make the grilles inconspicuous - paint them to match the profile.

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