Lucky or unfavorable apartment number. Feng Shui meaning

» Feng Shui » Feng Shui meanings of apartment numbers



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The Chinese practice of Feng Shui is intertwined with numerology. Numbers and figures can influence a person's relationship with the world around him. Each number has its own vibration, and vibrations can be both positive and negative.

Feng Shui meanings of apartment numbers

Any number that surrounds you in all areas of life is characterized by meaning. Even the Feng Shui number of an apartment can bring you good news or completely destroy your happy energy.

How to determine the apartment number for interpretation

The art of Feng Shui is directly related to the arrangement of living space. According to his rules, a place to build a house is chosen, plots are divided, and interiors are planned. And, of course, Feng Shui influences such an important characteristic of housing as the apartment number. Numbers leave their mark on all areas of life, especially if residents spend a lot of time within the walls of their home.

To determine the apartment number according to Feng Shui, you need to consider each number separately. For example, if the apartment number is 208, you will have to take into account the numbers 2, 0 and 8.

In Feng Shui, numbers influence each other. An inharmonious neighborhood can negate the positive meaning of any number and vice versa. Therefore, even if there is a “bad” number in the apartment number, there is no need to be alarmed prematurely. It is quite possible that the poor value of the figure is offset by its neighbors.

The influence of numbers

The meaning of the apartment number according to Feng Shui affects the owner of the home and other residents of the house. To deal with future news, you should find out about the true prediction for the future.

  1. Number 1 helps a person improve his creative life and gain inspiration for future inventions.
  2. The deuce helps those who devote themselves to working with children.
  3. Three sets a person up to be more decisive. 3 will always haunt activists and optimists. The number 33 is characterized by special power.
  4. The number four is ideal for those who have oratory abilities. 4 will help him reach heights and bring many achievements into his life. Apartment number 22 means that you will be excellent parents.
  5. The number 6 puts a person in a romantic mood, that is, the number six can help establish a love relationship. If your apartment is number 33, then all qualities are doubly activated.
  6. The number seven will never allow trouble to enter your home. Seven is energy protection for your home and energy.
  7. Eight is a number that will always promote new plans. It is believed that 8 helps people achieve success in all endeavors. Ideally, the apartment number is 44, because the strength of the four is enhanced.
  8. Five will always be there for those who love to have fun and have hopes for the future.
  9. Nine works in such a way as to protect apartment residents from constant worries. If 9 hangs on the door of your apartment, then you will always be able to relax and will not feel the trials of life.

Below we will consider all the numerical values ​​that can influence your destiny, because the apartment number is of considerable importance for every person. Feng Shui numerology has studied all possible situations and drawn certain conclusions about a person and his life.


Using numbers we determine a person’s energy

The number 1 is always associated with the energy of the Sun. It is characterized by positive energy that brings happiness and joy to the home. According to Feng Shui, an apartment with such a number will allow a person to develop his creative abilities and become the center of attention for many people around him.

The unit is an ideal option for creative professions. She will always help artists, performers or writers. If your apartment has this number, it means you will never have to cry. It is believed that all troubles will turn into good news and family well-being. Also, 1 always takes into account the spiritual energy of the owner. If he becomes a kind person, he will be able to achieve success in many endeavors and gain great material well-being. If the owner has a dark soul, then he will fail in business, which will lead to a complete decline in well-being.


According to numerology, 2 refers to the lunar element, therefore its owner has developed intuition and contemplation of the surrounding world. Such people will never make mistakes or fail. An apartment with this number is ideal for those who work with children.

Even the color palette of the interior has an influence. It is recommended to furnish your home only in pastel colors, because they help attract positive energy. Those who have a damaged nervous system should not buy such an apartment, because number 2 promotes the development of nerve endings.


3 in numerology is influenced by Mars. It symbolizes a powerful force that will be transmitted to the owner of the apartment. If you decide to buy a house with this number, you should be prepared for the fact that all decisions need to be made quickly. You will never be able to sit and think about certain situations in silence.

When arranging your apartment, give preference to red colors. Only the toilet and living room have positive energy in such housing. But, it is important to remember that the number 3 can slightly disturb a person’s psyche, so you need to control yourself and avoid assault.


According to Feng Shui, number 4 is under the auspices of Mercury. It promotes quick and positive acquaintances. If you become the owner of such an apartment, you need to be able to speak well. Eloquence is what will allow you to attract good luck, success and a lot of money into your life.

Be prepared for the fact that you will constantly have to talk on the phone and solve many important business matters. Four does not tolerate lies and falsehood. If you decide to lie to someone, then troubles will come back to you pretty quickly.


The number five is influenced by Jupiter. It helps a person to expand many possibilities. Each tenant of this apartment will constantly need some kind of work. Also, the number 5 increases the desire to travel.

The interior should be decorated in purple tones. You should not give in to aggression or assault. This will reduce the possibility of attracting good luck, success and money. Pay attention to the condition of your liver. It is believed that the number five leads to the possibility of liver diseases.


Venus influences the vibrations of the number 6, so it promotes regular mental and physical rest. Also, residents of an apartment with this number will constantly need friends and time together. As a rule, such people reveal hidden desires regarding the cleanliness and comfort of their home.

Such houses are characterized by a large amount of upholstered furniture and interior items. Choose only brown or pastel colors that will attract money, success and good luck to your life.

Number seven

Each number has its own meaning

Seven in numerology is under the influence of the planet Saturn. Despite the fact that the energy of such housing is rather sad and constraining, it is easy to develop in it. It is believed that 7 helps to reveal secret talents for complex professions.

According to Feng Shui, this apartment number means that the interior should be done in blue tones. If you do not behave as the number requires (appeasable and cheerful), then you may develop liver or spine diseases.


The number 8 is filled with the energy of Uranus. You will constantly experience enormous energy and the desire to commit a rash act. If you live in apartment number 8, then you will always meet good people who will become excellent friends. This house will be comfortable for people who believe in mysticism.

It is recommended to move into this housing for those who have a materialistic or pragmatic mindset, because plans will be destroyed. Arrange your interior in blue or orange tones (you can also choose other shades of the rainbow). You should be wary of electricity, because disobedience can damage electrical appliances.

Nine or zero

Number 9 has the energy of Neptune. This energy flow is perfect for sailors, psychics and priests. Other professions will not be able to cope in such difficult energy conditions. If you neglect this recommendation, you may attract problems with alcohol addiction into your life.

0 is characterized by different opinions of others. Some are sure that this number brings only problems and hardships. Another part of scientists believes that zero contributes to the development of positive energy, so everyone must decide for themselves whether they should move into such an apartment or not.

Interpretation of each number

It is more convenient to present the meaning of each figure in a table:

NumberMeaningAction on adjacent numbers
1Honor, gainEnhances positive and negative values
2EaseEnhances positive and negative values
3Increase, lifeEnhances good numbers
4DyingNegatively affects neighboring numbers
5NegationCancels positive and negative values
6Money, wealth - a very favorable numberDoesn't affect others
7ConfirmationSignificantly enhances
8Prosperity, happiness – is highly revered by the Chinese as the most auspicious numberDoes not affect other numbers
9Long life, healthStrengthens
Neutral number, has no energyDoes not affect

Interpreting the result

House No. 1 - All are gentlemen, but no servants

People living in house number 1 are purposeful, energetic and determined. Any business they undertake leads to success. Such people often choose to do business or become bosses.

The owner of this house has the makings of a public person who easily makes contact with others. In such a house, residents may have problems related to the person’s personal qualities. If a person is a pessimist at heart, if he does not have his own opinion and is driven, he will not be at ease in such a house. If a person has a large family, conflicts and disagreements will often occur in it.

House No. 2 - Balance and partnership

The house at number 2 is quiet and calm, the residents value and respect each other. There is peace and tranquility in the family. If a hot-tempered and impulsive person appears in the house, who does not listen to other people’s opinions and behaves defiantly, the house will not accept him. There should be people living there who are ready to help at any moment.

People living on the territory of the house have a close connection with each other. This is an ideal place for married couples to live. Over time, the owners of the house develop intuition, which will help them out more than once.

As in any home, problems may arise sooner or later. They can be associated with material condition, with the accumulation of unnecessary things. This number can attract people who are not averse to criticizing others. But home requires balance in relationships. Be more tolerant of each other, then everything will be fine.

House No. 3 - Fun - hour

A house where people often have fun. It can accommodate bright personalities with extraordinary thinking. People who can come to the rescue in difficult times, who think about everything before doing something. People of creative professions, such as poets, musicians, artists, teachers, can live in such a house. It is thanks to the home that you can gain wisdom and develop spiritually.

The following problems may arise when living: frequent conflicts occur within the walls of the house, associated with the chaos that is happening there. Frequent visits from guests and, therefore, feasts. People living in house number three like to relax more than work. It will be difficult in such a house for those who prefer silence and privacy. People who do not have families and children, as well as creative people, live best in such a house.

House No. 4 - Connected by one goal

House number 4 is suitable for those people who strive for stability. Over time, the owners become purposeful, assertive and practical. This home could be the beginning of a bright future. Residents must be disciplined, diligent and must love order.

If all the requirements are met, then the house, in turn, will help the residents. The person will have a stable and well-paid job, stable relationships in the family, and respect for each other. If you have a dream, the house will help you fulfill it, the main thing is to fulfill its requirements.

Problems arising in the house: Residents work too much and practically do not allow themselves to relax. It is rarely noisy or crowded. There is practically no feeling of joy.

House No. 5 - Farewells are easy, but meetings are timely

Do you stand in one place for a long time? Are there no changes in your life? It's time to change your place of residence. House number 5 is ideal for you. There you can feel like a truly happy person. You will begin to experience changes in your personal life, an interesting job with a good salary will appear. Thanks to business trips, you will have a change in activities. Relatives and friends will be frequent guests in your nest.

The only thing you will need to get used to is the daily routine. You have to get up around seven in the morning and go to bed after twelve at night. Over time, you will be drawn into such a life. You will become an enterprising person. Frequent parties with friends will not go unnoticed. The residents of this house behave relaxed and at ease. There is a frequent change of sexual partners.

Problems that may arise: if by nature you are a calm person who likes to be in silence, does not like experiments and noisy companies, then it is better not to live in such a house.


Unlucky apartment numbers

Your apartment number can have a subtle impact on your life. It is better to know about this, and if the number is unfavorable, be able to neutralize its effect.

Combinations of numbers that bring financial losses and failures:

  • 24;
  • 58;
  • 27;
  • 95;
  • 64.

The number 4 is unfavorable. It means death. If the four doubles, as in the number 44, the negative influence of the number intensifies. But the number 48, despite the four, means “great wealth.” The correct way to read it is not “deadly money”, but “hard-earned money”.

Feng Shui phone number

This topic will be especially relevant for those who cannot imagine their own life without a phone. First of all, those people who solve many business issues related to monetary profit during telephone conversations should pay attention to the Feng Shui phone number.

The positive energy of a correctly selected telephone number can significantly increase business success, help you make the right contacts (beneficial in all respects), and improve your communication skills.

Psychology is a rather complex science. Sometimes our actions are mysterious even to ourselves - the subconscious kicks in and begins to guide our actions.

Why do we eagerly answer some mobile numbers, but simply ignore others and even forget to call back? This is due to the combination of numbers that is displayed on the telephone screen when there is an incoming call.

We recommend reading:

  • Numerology of phone number

Based on many psychological studies, a certain pattern has been identified. According to Feng Shui, a person is more likely to pick up the phone when the number contains a seven or a nine. It is difficult to understand why exactly these numbers are conducive to trust and dialogue, but this is indeed the case.

But the number 4 is repulsive - the incoming call will most likely not be accepted. This has also been proven by practical experiments. A person’s subconscious mind suggests that this number, according to Feng Shui, will not bring positive emotions, but rather quite the opposite.

An interesting point: in Eastern teachings, all the negativity existing in the Universe is associated with the four. But, without even knowing it, a person intuitively feels a negative charge of energy.

Experts in Eastern teachings recommend using the following numbers in your mobile number: 1, 3, 7, 9. They emit positive vibrations and can attract success.

It is believed that the number eight can also influence a person’s life, but it will be more effective if it is present in the number along with a stronger number.

Try not to have two digits in your phone number: two and four. They will only create obstacles on your path and destroy all pre-made plans.

Advice from Feng Shui experts:

  • The numbers 3 and 5 in the phone number are conducive to a happy family life. A couple of people in love will retain a wonderful feeling of love for many years if their mobile number contains these numbers. Troika helps to become good parents, find a common language with children, and become an authority for them. Five gives a person peace of mind, destroys selfish tendencies, and helps to achieve harmony emotionally.
  • Those who dream of their own business and huge profits are recommended to take advantage of the unit effect. Her presence will give you self-confidence. The result will be even more successful if, together with 1, the number contains 8 and 6. But 2 and 4 can destroy all positive radiation - avoid them.
  • For people who have devoted themselves to the creative path and believe that the main thing is spiritual, not material, the number 7 is suitable. If your phone number contains seven, it means that you will easily achieve spiritual growth. The truth from centuries will penetrate your mind and give you incomparable wisdom.

The amount is 5

The influence of Jupiter is expansion. In such a house you will probably find a large library. You will be drawn to doing something comprehensive, capable of uniting people with a common idea. This could be politics or science, or a spiritual association, some kind of church. Residents of this house will want to go as far as possible, beyond the borders of the country or beyond the boundaries of what is permitted.

Favorable color is purple. The house will be decorated with things from afar and bronze dishes, various telescopes and globes. Don't give in to anger - take care of your liver.

The influence of housing number on a person

Many were convinced that the apartment number influences the residents; even skeptics, after undergoing a special examination, agreed. The approach to calculation is different among masters of different movements, but complementary to each other. Feng Shui masters have their own approach in this regard.

At the same time, the numbering of the dwelling is within the first ten, and the larger one consists of two or three numbers: 58.72, 81, 101, then. A single house number is simpler in relation to the owner’s problems, while two- or three-digit numbers can be complex in meaning and unequal in influence: 18 and 81, 11 and 111, 12 and 21. After all, the position of the numbers can be leading and subsequent. In a three-digit number, numerology takes each digit separately for its meaning: it means health, feelings, mind.

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