The meaning of apartment, car and telephone numbers in Feng Shui: which numbers will bring good luck

Good day, dear readers of the “Your Feng Shui” website. As practice shows, the teachings of Feng Shui are penetrating deeper and deeper into the lives and consciousness of people around the world. And more and more people are actively applying the advice of this ancient teaching in their daily lives. They are interested not only in how to arrange this or that room, or which talisman symbolizes what, but also in what the numbers mean, individually and in combination.

I have already touched on the topic of numbers and numbers on my website. She talked about the general meaning of numbers in Feng Shui, and about the car number, and the house number. By following the links you can learn more about all this. As part of this article, I would like to talk about the Feng Shui phone number.

After all, now you can’t live without a mobile phone. Technical progress does not stand still; almost every day, mobile phones become more and more advanced and are more and more firmly embedded in our lives. Now a mobile phone is a constant companion for every person, young and old. And it should be noted that it also has an influence on its owner. Whether he wants it or not.

Just as the paintings in the house influence people, the color of the wallpaper, and the arrangement of furniture, so the mobile phone is now also our “surroundings”. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the phone number is important (!), and the color of the phone is important, as well as what’s inside (now there are excellent Feng Shui wallpapers for phone screens with various hieroglyphs and good luck talismans, which can also become a kind of excellent amulet).

In the comments to the article about the car number, many readers ask how to correctly interpret the digits of their mobile phone number, and I decided to write a separate article about this in order to immediately answer the frequently asked question regarding the phone number according to Feng Shui.

But first, I would like to make a small lyrical digression and tell you a little interesting about numbers.

Mystical phone numbers in numerology

Numerology is in some sense associated with mysticism and implies the influence of the other world on human life. The number 13 (the devil's dozen) is considered mystical and ambiguous, so it is treated as both a good number (the number of strength and power) and as a bad number, avoiding it. Some numbers and combinations of numbers, according to Feng Shui, are considered unfavorable:

  • combination of numbers 666, which leads to destruction;
  • 6, which is repeated as many times as possible (for example, 9066666666);
  • 40, because It is believed that for so many days the soul of a person who has died remains among the living.

If in a 12-digit number some symbols are repeated more often than others, then these numbers influence a person’s fate.

Meaning of numbers from 1 to 9

The teachings of Feng Shui believe that each number has certain properties:

  • 1 – a sign of good luck, leadership, victories, suitable for directors;
  • 2 – unfavorable number, bringing failure;
  • 3 is a good number, a symbol of life and movement, which is suitable for creative individuals;
  • 4 – the number of disagreements, quarrels, difficulties and interference;
  • 5 is a neutral number, symbolizing negation, on the one hand, and the combination of all five elements according to Feng Shui, on the other;
  • 6 – attracts finance, gold and symbolizes material security;
  • 7 – a symbol of determination, constancy, communication;
  • 8 – development, prosperity, success, suitable for bankers;
  • 9 – wisdom and increase.

Since a phone number consists of a larger set of numbers, you need to look at those numbers that are repeated more often than others; they will be dominant in a person’s life.

A good phone number according to numerology is one that contains almost all numbers (for example, 3784291). This is a harmonious number that ensures prosperity and luck.

Combination of numbers 11, 22, 33, 44

Lucky numbers can be considered those in which the following combinations occur:

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  • 11 is a favorable combination of numbers, it gives determination, courage, responsibility;
  • 22 – this combination leads to good luck and prosperity, recognition in life, reliability and stability;
  • 33 - the path to rethinking life, a symbol of talent, sacrifice, suitable for lawyers, doctors, farmers, workers in the field of environmental protection, since the owner of such a number must help people, serve nature and society;
  • 44 - a combination that enhances firmness, steadfastness, is a symbol of physical and spiritual strength, because This combination enhances the effect of a person’s efforts.

Thus, if you know a favorable combination of numbers, you can change your life for the better.

Features of Chinese numerology

In the Feng Shui system, all numbers are divided into Yang numbers - odd and Yin numbers - even. On the one hand, odd numbers are considered the most favorable. However, on the other hand, all Chinese philosophy is based on creating harmony and balance between Yin and Yang. Thus, to reach a point of harmony, it is important that there are equal numbers of even and odd numbers. The presence of Yin and Yang elements in the car number, date of birth, house number is considered favorable. It turns out that identical numbers in a car's license plate will not bring much happiness to its owner.

Which set of numbers is best for sales?

When choosing a Feng Shui phone number for a business, you need to use symbols of profit and stability, which will lead to career advancement, an increase in the number of regular customers, profitable deals and business prosperity.

For example, the combination 3-2-8 is easy and rapid business development. The combinations of 64 and 56 mean monetary losses and lack of profit, but 6 itself is wealth. Combinations 76 are income, and 88 are wealth.

The most successful numbers for business will be those that add up to:

  • 2;
  • 6;
  • 8;
  • 9;
  • 11;
  • 22;
  • 44.

If a phone number has almost all numbers, then its owner is guaranteed prosperity, since he is protected by the positive vibrations of many numbers.

The meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui

Like all other things that surround us in the world, numbers, according to ancient practice, are also divided into Yin and Yang. The first ones are even, and the second are odd. Learning to maintain a balance between Yin and Yang is what Feng Shui teaches us. It doesn’t matter what combination of numbers is meant - apartment, house, car or cell phone number. Everything has its own meaning and leaves a certain imprint on the formation of our personality and future life. In addition to the masculine and feminine principles, each number has its own sacred meaning:

1 win, honor 2 easily
3 height 4 death
5 balance 6 wealth, income
7 confidence, stability 8 jewel
9 health, longevity 0 neutral figure

A competent combination of numbers will allow you to better understand the basis of ancient practice and use them for good. Despite the negative or neutral meaning of some numbers, their combination with others can enhance the positive influence and attract the desired results in life.

What to avoid

It is important to remember that the greatest importance when choosing a phone number according to Feng Shui is the person himself - the person himself is ALWAYS primary and individual, namely the 8 energies of different quality that he received at the moment of his birth.

We often follow fashion, trying to keep up with it. Nowadays the number 8 is popular, the number of the element Earth. It must be remembered that even if the number 8 in the eighth period (we now live in the eighth period according to Feng Shui) is considered one of the most favorable numbers, but the element Earth is UNFAVORABLE for YOU, then this number will NOT bring the expected result, but may attract a different quality of energy , not positive energy.

Therefore, you don’t need to strive to choose a phone number with a predominance of eights.

Emptiness and Wealth

The number 5 is very different from the rest - it symbolizes emptiness. Five greatly downplays the significance of other numbers or completely neutralizes their energy. Do you want failures, minor quarrels and other unpleasant events to disappear from your life? Then get a talisman with the number 45.

Wealth is attracted by the number six. This is one of the happiest numbers of the Yang aspect - financial well-being makes life better. If you want to achieve financial independence, then you should get a talisman with the number 16. The more numbers 6 you have in your life, the richer you will become.

Phone color

We all choose the color of clothes, cars, even wallpaper in the apartment for harmonious interaction with subtle energies, a suitable combination of elements and the smooth flow of positive Qi energy.

And we only look at the phone as a trifle that is not worth attention, so here the color is determined according to the “like it or don’t like it” principle.

This is not the right approach. It’s great if you have a well-developed intuition to choose a metal case, if you yourself are a person of the element of Metal, or red plastic, if you are Fire. On the other hand, not all of us are so sensitive as to unconditionally trust our sixth sense. Therefore, it is worth, first, to find out which element you belong to.

There is a simple way to calculate this by the hour of birth

Feng Shui table of elements

By checking this table, you can find your element and, based on this, choose one color or another for your phone. With all this, you should know the following information:

  • Water – blue, black, blue,
  • Earth – yellow, brown, beige,
  • Metal – silver, gray,
  • Tree - green, salad,
  • Fire – orange, red.

By choosing the right phone color, you will take a significant step towards a harmonious life. But that's not all. What else should you consider?

Shape matters

Once again we are dealing with the elements. Each specific form has its own element. Previously, we were already able to find which element we belong to; now we need to choose a form. Fortunately, in the current situation on the mobile phone market there is no shortage of this kind. Some useful information:

  1. Square shapes – These relate to the earth element.
  2. Round and semicircular - in harmony with Metal.
  3. Rectangular - here there is direct interaction with the Tree.
  4. Protruding corners in a triangle correspond to Fire.
  5. Moon-shaped protrusions are ideal for Water.

The more common shapes of mobile phones are: rectangular, square, semicircular (or rounded). It is more difficult with triangular options, but here there is a way out using adhesive tape or a selected body of a certain shape and with a suitable pattern.

Thus, choosing a suitable tube does not seem difficult. Or simply style it to match the appropriate element. Color, size, shape - all these are external signs. What about the inside?


Best place for mobile

The mobile element is metal. Therefore, the best location for it is north, northwest and west of the house or office.

It is also good to use a mobile phone while in a part of the house. This will help activate the helper zone and will work great in business. When your mobile phone rings, it takes you one step closer to new opportunities.

The North-West is the sector of mentors, friends and helpers. The element of metal reigns here, and this sector can be further strengthened by placing metal and round objects here.

In addition to a mobile phone, you can place a computer, printer and other electronic devices here, which also belong to the element of metal.

Thus, you will easily find a common language with business partners, clients, employers and friends who will always support you.

Mobile to attract wealth

Decorate your mobile with a screensaver of a symbol or hieroglyph of wealth. In Feng Shui, everything is symbolic, and by placing a screensaver with a symbol of wealth, you attract a little more monetary luck into your life. You can use an image of a three-legged frog, gold bars, lingots and various currencies.

You can also use the wish fulfillment mantra as a screensaver. A particularly powerful tool is the symbolic mantra font, which fulfills your desires related to wealth.

Perfect Feng Shui ringtones for your phone

Ringtones for mobile phones

In modern devices you can choose them according to your own understanding, simply because you like them. This is not entirely correct from a feng shui point of view. How to be in this case? Let's remember about talismans that have their own sound. These are primarily “” and “Bells”.

It is not necessary to record such sounds on your phone yourself, especially if there are no talismans themselves. However, it is quite easy to go online and just download the required ringtone.

You can also choose simple ethnic Chinese music performed on folk instruments. At the same time, you will not only attract luck, wealth, health, longevity and prosperity into your life. Bells, wind chimes and simple Chinese folk music have a special psychological effect that calms, pacifies, gives good mood and an overall positive attitude.

And, as you know, a person is the creator of his own happiness. Along with a positive attitude will come peace and a feeling of satisfaction with the world, business, and communication with people. Life itself will become of a higher quality, saturated with positive energy, and all things will be accomplished quite simply. What helped this? Just the right ringtone!

And now it's time to touch the screen. If you have a sensory model, this expression will be direct, but in other cases we will simply select the appropriate wallpaper.

Formula for the perfect phone according to Feng Shui

Now we can sum up the results and derive the formula for the ideal phone according to Feng Shui. Let's try to do this.

So, according to Feng Shui, a real phone should have the following features:

  1. A color that matches your element.
  2. Size calculated using a feng shui ruler.
  3. A shape that fits your element perfectly.
  4. A number that does not contain the numbers 2, 3 and 5.
  5. The melody of “Wind Music”, “Bells” or Chinese ethnic music.
  6. Wallpaper represents what you want in life.
  7. Powerful and useful applications that help in different life situations.

Now you can go to the store and choose your model and install the necessary elements that will turn your phone into a powerful amulet that brings good luck, health, wealth and success. But there are some more useful tips.

  1. Cleanliness and order - externally, the phone should always be in perfect condition. Dirt, scratches, and finger-stained touch screens should not be allowed. Remember that the right phone should be exemplary. If chips or cracks appear on the case, it would be good to replace it.
  2. It is better to wear a phone designed according to the rules of Feng Shui around your neck, on a chain or string, and not in your pocket. Remember that this is now more of a talisman than a communication device. And it’s better to announce this to the whole world so that your luck never leaves you.
  3. At home, if you put your phone on the nightstand or table, e.g. do not carry it with you all the time, it is better to store it according to the side of the world that corresponds to your element, or in the center, where there is a common energy beam that connects the other elements and zones. In this way, the phone will maintain contact with its element or simply be charged with positive Qi. Note: it is not possible to charge a mobile phone battery with favorable Qi - it is better to use a charger.
  4. Try not to have a negative balance on your phone. In addition to the fact that this provokes a negative psychological mood (it is impossible to urgently call about an important matter, etc.), it is possible that the mood will provoke the appearance of Sha - negative energy. Carefully monitor your balance and replenish it on time!

We hope that the ancient science of Feng Shui will help you and me, people living in the 21st century.

General information about numbers

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, all numbers relate to the energies of Yang and Yin. Odd numbers belong to the Yang aspect and are considered the luckiest. However, this does not mean that all Yin numbers bring misfortune. Many of them also have a positive impact on our lives.

Try not to combine numbers that have radically different meanings. For example, numbers symbolizing luck and death will overlap each other. Such a neighborhood can bring illnesses into the house - this, of course, does not mean that one of your loved ones will die, but troubles cannot be avoided, for example, quarrels or illnesses. Let's look at the meaning of the numbers in more detail.

Feng Shui numbers: meaning

a very successful combination of numbers in feng shui

6 is a lucky number, denoting stability and.

8 - this number can be called the most revered in the East, it denotes the totality of all benefits: great wealth, prosperity, abundance, growth, development, etc.

9 is the number of divine wisdom in Feng Shui, which is available to humans. Denotes the connection between heaven and earth. Favorable number.

0 is a neutral number. When numbers are combined, it is not readable at all, some think so, others say that zero means the integrity of the world, they consider it a favorable number. There is no clear opinion on this matter. But, I think, since there is no negativity from this number, then this is already good. And this is the main thing!

Cash combinations

Combinations that bring wealth have been sufficiently studied. The word “money” has its own digital encoding.

From numerological literature:

  1. D - 5;
  2. E - 6;
  3. N - 6;
  4. b - 3;
  5. G - 4;
  6. And - 1.
  7. In total - 25.

It's good if this number is in the number. Even better - if this is the final value of the addition.

Positive sums/series:

  1. 18 - quick and easy money: big win in the lottery. Unexpected positive turns.
  2. 28 and 82 - an endless stream of money.
  3. 78 is a guarantor of stable wealth.
  4. 68 - a win-win combination, an ever-growing fortune.
  5. 48 - financial prosperity achieved through hard work.
  6. 66 is a sign of a lucky person who does not count his money.
  7. 88 or 888 - strong bankruptcy protection, financial tycoon.
  8. 16 and 18 - triumph in transactions, the combination is ideal for business in the service sector.
  9. 19 - perfectly generates all flows in the right direction.
  10. 76 - stable income from your favorite activity.

The progression from the smallest at the beginning - one, two, three - to the largest at the end must be used carefully. Confident - to success, unstable - to collapse.

Phone numerology is a magic wand. Use it in practice and prosper to your delight. Good luck!

Mobile size

In addition to color design, Feng Shui also takes into account the size of all objects with which a person interacts. Here it would not be amiss to mention such an interesting tool as the Feng Shui ruler.

It has certain segments that influence a person in one way or another.

The usual size of a mobile phone is approximately 10-15 cm, so let’s look at segments that are close to this range:

  • 5.37 cm – patronizes Wealth (symbol – chest of jewelry),
  • 10.74 cm – Illness (bad attitude of the authorities, prison or widowhood,
  • 16.11 cm – Separation (loss of funds, deception, you can lose everything),
  • 21.48 cm - Nobility (excellent income, gifted descendants, happiness and prosperity).

As you can see, in order to choose a phone that will bring happiness with its size, you need to use either a completely micro model (5.37 cm) or use a real monster smartphone (21.48 cm).

This does not seem very comfortable and it is quite difficult not to fall into the range (10.74 and 16.11 cm) so as not to become a victim of Illness and Separation. But there is a unique way out.

You can use a beautiful plain adhesive tape or a special phone case, in which the symbolically real size is miniaturized and you can get 5.37cm. This way, the feng shui for the mobile phone will be coordinated with the appropriate dimensions. But color and size are not everything either. What can you say about the shape of an object?

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