Lucky color by date of birth: the color of luck and wealth


Eastern sages advise choosing the color of your wallet in accordance with your date of birth in order to attract the energies of money and prosperity into your life.

If you want to channel positive energy into both your life and finances, we suggest you buy a wallet in one of the five Feng Shui colors of wealth.

In Chinese astrology, the 12-year cycle represents one of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) in the forms of Yin and Yang. The years are named after 12 animals: mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The combination of all this produces a 60-year cycle that begins with the "Yang Wooden Mouse" and ends with the "Yin Water Pig."

Lucky color by date of birth

Lucky color for your birth number. Determining color by date of birth using numerology. Every person has their own lucky color.

Can the color of your clothing affect the outcome of your interview? Is it possible that if you wear green rather than white, there is a stronger opportunity to impress those around you? Many of us are interested in our auspicious and inauspicious colors. And why not, because it is a proven fact that every color has its own universal meaning and consequences. Let's decipher their significance in relation to numerology...

The colors are a result of the wavelength of cosmic rays. The composition of the Universe consists of dark matter and other objects such as planets, stars and galaxies. Each planet has its own wavelength of cosmic rays, which results in a specific color. Even our own body color is based on the wavelength of cosmic rays based on our astrological horoscope. Now let's find out the lucky color for your birth number.

Lucky color for birth numbers 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th

For people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th, the ideal color for them would be yellow and gold. Since they fall under the rays of the planet Sun, shades of orange, yellow are the most favorable colors for them.

This color is attributed to success and energy for people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th . This color enhances the character of number 1, which is bold, courageous and honest. Yellow color increases vitality. You will be able to work more and be less tired. Any problems will be resolved faster and in your interests.

Yellow with a small addition of orange gives a magical golden hue, which we perceive as the color of wealth, success, and prosperity. But still, the main meaning of this color is activity. Bright and rich, it literally inspires action, stimulates movement and charges with energy.

Yellow will make you look brighter and lighter. You will be able to make friends or find love faster. If possible, wear yellow to entertainment and business events. You don't have to wear this color completely. It is enough to wear some small accessory.

However, you should avoid colors such as black and maroon. These colors will in no way be fruitful for them.

Lucky color for birth dates: 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th

A person born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th falls under the rays of the planet Moon. These creative numerology birth dates have the lucky color green. Green color is the best and suitable color for people born with number 2, 11, 20 and 29 .

Green is also a symbol of wealth and money. Green shades in the design of a study or office will help increase business productivity and contribute to success in work matters.

It is the color of nature, growth, security. Green improves communication between people, enhances love and sympathy.

Green color helps the body cope with problems in the shortest possible time, normalizing sleep and energizing. Green will ignite a spark in you, bringing a lot of positivity and good luck. Light green is very good for you and brings you good luck. You can choose shades of green from light to dark.

Green color calms, harmonizes, promotes health, healing. If you feel the need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life, to increase your level of vital energy, then it is good to use green tones in the interior or in clothing.

Yellow, silver and creamy yellow are also compatible with people born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th .
The colors they should avoid are red and black.

What color should you buy to keep your money in, and which should you not buy?

One of the most important aspects is cost. Buy the most expensive wallet you can afford. It will not only last a long time, but will also become a kind of magnet for the positive energy of financial resources.

It is not advisable to buy a wallet:

  • with transparent fragments
  • oval, round shape
  • not large enough, from which bills or coins that do not fit peek out
  • with protruding threads, non-functioning zippers, buttons
  • with a common coin and banknote department
  • at the cost of infringing the family budget, to the detriment of other acquisitions

Products with the listed features and models that cause negative emotional experiences repel money.

Proper storage of money

There are certain rules for storing money in a wallet:

  • paper bills should be placed as their denomination increases, the face should be directed towards their owner, when opening a wallet, the front of the bill should be directed towards its owner;
  • banknotes cannot be stored upside down, money really doesn’t like this, they may get offended and stop being useful;
  • the funds received must lie in your wallet for one night unspent;
  • You cannot immediately after receiving money spend it and repay debts, pay off loans or lend money;
  • banknotes must be charged at home;
  • all bundles of bills must contain only an even amount of money;
  • You cannot store fifty bills in a bundle;
  • It is desirable that the packs contain 100, 80 or 20 bills.

It should be noted that you cannot count money at night. They can be shown to the world only in the morning so that they multiply and bring benefits to the owner. It is not recommended to store old banknotes for too long; it is advisable to spend them and replace them with new ones. Cash flows must be constantly in motion, otherwise they will stop working to increase human well-being. You need to put things in order in your wallet every day, throw away everything unnecessary, arrange money according to denominations, smooth edges and corners, straighten banknotes.

Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

For the Signs of this element, the most important shades are blue, gray, and green. They are equally beneficial for these people and can also be used individually or in tandem.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22): The combination of gray and blue shades has a good effect on the mood of Cancers. Blue also helps you make good decisions regarding money. Gray clears the mind of negative thoughts.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22): People with this birth date benefit from combining the colors green and blue together. They help them fight negative thoughts that block the mind's ability to purify itself. Pisces (February 19-March 20): Good luck awaits Pisces, who often wear gray, dark blue and dark green. You can sometimes dilute these shades with white, which improves communication skills and helps fulfill your deepest desires.

Continuation: The main starfalls of 2022

How and when to buy and clean a wallet

If your wallet has fallen into disrepair, is torn, holes and cracks have appeared on it, the energy of banknotes will be wasted until it is completely exhausted. The product requires immediate replacement. In addition, regardless of the condition of the accessory, it is advisable to update it annually.

Try to plan your wallet purchase for Thursday. This day is patronized by Jupiter, which influences the financial sphere. When choosing from a variety of models, listen to your inner voice.

If the purchased accessory does not attract finances for a long time, replace it with another model.

Energy cleaning of a wallet involves the timely removal of checks, tickets, medical prescriptions, expired cards, and various unnecessary little things, including banknotes withdrawn from use.

Money talismans

What do they put inside the wallet?Result of action
MagnetAttracting and saving money
Pine nutWell-being and stability
Acorns supplemented with horseradish rootLife in luxury. It’s great if horseradish is grown on the property of a wealthy person. With this addition you will never say that you “don’t have a damn thing”
Three Chinese coins with red thread or ribbonOne of the most effective ways to attract wealth and good luck
Fish scalesQuick earnings
Dry yeast in packagingIncrease in finances
Dollar folded into a triangleStrengthening monetary energy. From time to time you can take out a bill, unfold it, roll it up and return it to your wallet.
Cinnamon stick, mint leaves, grape bunches, green tea leaves, 4-leaf clover, heather leafAttracting good luck and money
Silver scoop spoonTo attract wealth, it must be in a separate pocket, not in contact with other objects, coins, bills.
Mouse figurine with a curved tailThe end of the period of financial failures. A mouse holding a raking spoon in its hands is considered a very powerful money talisman that increases profits and prevents wasteful spending.
Miniature mirrorCapital increase

The list is supplemented by randomly discovered banknotes whose numbers end in the year of your birth.

Feng Shui and its influence

It is advisable to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui, where there are certain rules. The ancient sages were sure that each person has his own color and element that have a beneficial effect on him. In this case, you need to focus on the last digit of the person’s year of birth:

  • 0, 1 - silver, white;
  • 2, 3 - black, purple;
  • 4, 5 - green, brown;
  • 6, 7 - all shades of red;
  • 8, 9 - golden, yellow, red.

It should be remembered that when choosing a wallet, you need to be guided not only by the color scheme, but also by the size of the accessory. It is advisable to choose a large wallet so that the money in it is never transferred.

Important! When purchasing a wallet, you need to listen to your own feelings. If it evokes extremely positive emotions, but does not meet certain feng shui parameters, don’t worry!

Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

These are the most sociable people on Earth who love to be the center of attention. Good luck is brought to them by shades that will allow them to reveal uniqueness in all possible senses.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21): Soft pastel shades of blue, pink and orange bring good luck to these people. They provoke an improvement in creative thinking. Blue symbolizes the sky, the element of Air. Pink brings good luck in difficult situations, while orange lifts your spirits.

Libra (September 24 - October 23): The main wish-granter for Libra is bright yellow, which helps with visualization. He is the best conductor between thoughts and reality. In financial matters, purple helps to attract success, as it sharpens the sixth sense.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18): People with this birth date find more financial success when surrounded by orange and blue tones. Orange, as mentioned above, increases creativity, and blue helps structure thoughts, improves memory and attentiveness. These shades also dispel bad thoughts.

Is it possible to carry photographs in a wallet?

Images of a loved one in a wallet destroys his aura. If the energies of photography and money intersect, it scares away good luck and attracts misfortune.

Carrying a photograph of a loved one in your wallet increases the risk of separation and disappointment in love.

Carrying photos of the dead in your wallet is not safe. The sign reminds you that the destructive energy of death will block cash flows.

All of the above rules apply to images of pets.

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