How apartment number affects life. Lucky apartment numbers

Apartment numerology will help you calculate your “lucky” number when purchasing real estate. Also, using numerological calculations, you can determine what kind of energy your home has.

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What can the apartment or house number tell you?

Numbers and figures surround a person throughout his life. And from the point of view of numerology, each number has its own influence on the events that happen to you. It often happens that the house is cozy, clean, and kind and good people live in it. But when you enter it, you feel depressed and restless. Or vice versa - the apartment is a mess, but people live happily in it. Why is this happening?

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It's all about the number of an apartment or house - it fills the residents with its energy, affects the atmosphere in the family and the relationships between its members.

Apartment and house numerology will help you determine how the number of your home affects your life and environment.

Lucky numbers

Feng Shui is inextricably linked with Chinese numerology. In the East, they attach great importance to numbers and believe that they are closely related to human life and have a direct impact on it.

This is why it is so important to find your “lucky” combination of numbers so that when choosing an apartment, car or phone number, you can choose the ideal option.

List of favorable combinations of numbers according to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  • 23 is an ideal combination for careerists, businessmen and anyone who wants to turn work into their life’s work and achieve success. These numbers increase efficiency, give good luck and fortune, and help quickly find solutions to problem situations;
  • 76 is a combination that attracts money into your life. Helps to notice and use the financial opportunities around a person to the maximum, achieve material well-being and stability, forget about need and poverty;
  • 29 is the number of health. Protects against illness and poor health, helps you always feel full of strength and energy. Grants longevity and attractiveness for many years;
  • 21 is a wish-fulfilling combination. If the number is present in your life, you are incredibly lucky. As soon as you think about something, your dream comes true in the most unexpected way;
  • 39 is the number of harmony and balance in everything. Balances a person’s psycho-emotional state, makes him happier, healthier, fills him with vitality and energy for achievements. Protects against diseases.

If you are lucky enough to have some of these numbers in your life, we can only be happy for you. You do not need any additional talismans and amulets, and luck is always with you.

Watch a video about what an apartment or house number can mean in Feng Shui:

Brief description of the apartment or house number

First of all, you should pay attention to how many digits are in your apartment number:

  • Unambiguous. This means that small problems may arise from time to time in your life, but you quickly and successfully solve them. But in general, events around you are developing calmly, without harming the family atmosphere in any way.
  • Double digit. Indicates that everything that happens in your life is the result of decisions made on emotions. You are more often guided by feelings than by reason. You can be a little happier if you start thinking about the consequences of your actions before you take them.
  • Three-digit. Your physical health always depends on your emotional state and thoughts. If you are used to hoping for good things and are almost always in a good mood, you are healthy. As soon as you allow negativity into your life, you feel bad.

But this interpretation is very superficial. The numerological code of your apartment can tell you much more.

Compatibility of date of birth and address

In numerology, significance is attached not only to the apartment number. Date of birth and name play an important role.

People who have recently begun to study numerology are often interested in the question of whether the date of birth of the apartment owner should influence the choice of home. The answer to this question is ambiguous.

The fact is that the address of the apartment must correspond to personal qualities. The date of birth partly determines the character and temperament.

People who cannot understand themselves should familiarize themselves with the name and date of birth code. This will make it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses and use the housing code that will develop only the necessary traits.

How to determine the numerological number of an apartment

The apartment number, which is written in the registration certificate, and the apartment number according to numerology are completely different numbers.

  • Calculate your apartment number using our algorithm, and then look for a suitable value:
  • Write down the apartment number, house number, floor number and entrance number on a piece of paper. For example, if you live in building 4, apartment 79 on the 14th floor, the entry will look like this: 047914.
  • Add the numbers: 0+4+7+9+1+4 = 25. Continue adding until you reach a single digit number: 2+5 = 7.

Seven will be the numerological code. There are some nuances:

  • If your house number is written with a fraction (for example: 4/3), write it without the fraction - 43.
  • If you live in a private house, use only its number for calculations, and the apartment number is considered equal to 0.
  • If there are letters in the house number, they are equal to the following numbers: 1 - a, i, c; 2 - b, t; 3 - in, k, y; 4 - g, l, f, e; 5 - d, m, x, y; 6 - e, n, c, i; 7 - o, h; 8 - f, p, w; 9 - z, r, sch.

That is, if your house number is 14A, use the number 141 in the calculation. After you receive the numerology code, you can look for the interpretation below.

We fix it

Is there an unfavorable number on your apartment door? You can and should get rid of its influence.

  1. You can paint over the “bad” number in gray.
  2. Paint the door where the bad number hangs green.
  3. On the back of the door, add the number missing to the lucky number.

To my 13th apartment, which in total gives the same four, you can add +6 to get a lucky one. You can add up to 8 or 88, whichever is closer.

What does the apartment number say according to numerology?

The values ​​of the numbers that you received as a result of the calculation are as follows.


Your home is the perfect place to live. The atmosphere in it cannot be called calm - on the contrary, there is a lot of bustle, trouble, and work. But these are happy chores - taking care of family members, joint events, holidays and entertainment. This is an island of love and happiness, to which other people are attracted like a magnet.

Therefore, even if a person living in a single-family home is alone, sooner or later he will meet his ideal other half and build a happy and harmonious family with her.


Double apartments are an ideal place for newlyweds. It’s worth starting your life together with other people for the first time with such housing, because the whole atmosphere helps you get used to each other as quickly as possible.

For a single person, this number is unfavorable - it repels all potential partners and friends.


Houses and triplex apartments are suitable for elderly people. This is an ideal place to spend the rest of your life in peace and prosperity. This is also a suitable place to create a “family nest”.


A suitable place to live for very active people who cannot and do not want to sit still. In such an apartment they will achieve great success and will never lose their characteristic energy.


The most favorable number. Apartments-five have incredible energy and are a source of positive energy. Usually this is the place of residence of successful people who have achieved much more than everyone else around them and have a high social status.


Houses of six are for a strong family life. They are always cozy, calm, and warm. You want to return there to experience the notorious homely hearth. There are often guests there who are drawn to the cozy atmosphere like a magnet.


An ideal place to live for intellectuals. Such a home is filled with the energy of knowledge, discovery, and constant development.

Watch the video on the topic:


This is a great place to stay for people looking for privacy. They are not used to being in the center of events; the best rest is alone with themselves. In such a house, a person strives to get to know himself better, to achieve harmony with his own inner world. But he doesn’t want to let anyone into this world. Bachelor's home.

Interpretation of the house number

Understanding what the address “says”, you can choose a home that will attract good luck and contribute to the development of the activity that a person is engaged in. That’s why apartment numerology is so interesting not only to ordinary people, but also to successful businessmen.


Number 1 is the meaning of the Sun. It is suitable for self-confident people with a core. A house with this number is literally created for leaders. Apartments with code 1 will contribute to personal and career growth.

These houses are not suitable for family life; they have the atmosphere of calm and harmony that children and young couples need. It is code 1 that can cause cheating.

Such numerology should be avoided by weak-willed and driven individuals. Housing with code 1 will contribute to the development of bad habits in people who are not strong enough, giving them the opportunity to escape from the difficulties of real life.


Value 2 is associated with the Moon. It increases magical abilities, sharpens feelings and intuition.

Houses with this number are ideal for young people who love each other. In them, the period of “grinding in” will be short-lived, and the passion that reigned in the hearts of the couple when they moved in will remain forever.

Apartment No. 2 will also help people who lack inspiration. It will contribute to the development of creative and magical abilities, as well as the search for “oneself.” The room has a beneficial effect on raising children and developing culinary talents.

Married couples for whom “not everything is going smoothly” should not live in houses with code 2. Negative emotions also become aggravated in them. If there is falsity, lies and betrayal in the family, then the vibrations of this number will contribute to a break in the relationship.

People who have not found their match will also not like housing number 2. In it, the feeling of loneliness will worsen. For individuals with mental illness, the situation may worsen.


The numerology of apartment 3 is associated with Saturn. This code is suitable for individuals who have already achieved everything they set out to achieve. For older people, such houses are ideal. They will not take away excess energy.

Life at number 3 is calm and measured. Code 3 is also suitable for a family that consists of several generations. Quarrels here subside on their own.

But there is also a drawback to such dwellings. When children grow up, it will be difficult for them to leave the family nest. Number 3 hinders independence, ambition and perspective. People who grew up here are afraid to leave their comfort zone.


Code 4 is ruled by Mercury. Such houses will appeal to sociable and purposeful people.

Dwellings with number 4 are suitable for individuals who crave adventure and communication. They contribute to the development of career growth for those whose activities involve the need to interact with society. Artists, singers and poets will feel good here.

Number 4 is not suitable for homebodies, lazy people, or lovers of peace and quiet. They will simply feel uncomfortable in it. Such houses evoke a thirst for communication, travel and new achievements.


House number 5 will maintain harmony in married couples. Here their love will last forever. Such apartments encourage open communication. Not only household members feel comfortable in them, but also their guests.

Number 5 suits sociable and hospitable individuals. The owner of an apartment with this code will always be the center of attention.

The vibrations of the five enhance not only positive, but also negative feelings.


The number 6 refers to Venus. This code helps create comfort and harmony.

Apartments number 6 are suitable for families and those who want to meet their soulmate. In such dwellings an atmosphere of love, tranquility and kindness reigns. Couples who often quarrel will find a common language here and will be able to come to terms with each other's shortcomings.

Single people who move into house code 6 quickly find a mate. Children growing up in such dwellings marry early.

House 6 is not suitable for careerists. They reduce ambition, make a person lazy and discourage success in business. Extreme sports enthusiasts should not settle here either.


The numerology of apartment 7 is associated with Uranus. This figure helps in analytical work and promotes the development of magical abilities.

Houses with code 7 are calm and cozy. Here anyone can find answers to all their questions. Detectives, writers, scientists and researchers will achieve success in their work activities. In such homes, recovery from a serious illness will occur faster.

But there will be no wealth in the house with number 7. But this does not mean that material well-being cannot be achieved.


Eight is ruled by Mars. This number promotes various endeavors.

Houses with code 8 should be lived in by active people who like to constantly try something. Here they will be able to achieve success in a new business. This applies not only to hobbies and work, but also to building a family.

Such dwellings are contraindicated for people with a tendency to bad habits. In them, the love of alcoholic beverages will develop into alcoholism.


The numerology of an apartment with the number 9 is patronized by Neptune. This number creates vibrations of wisdom and altruism.

Individuals who want to benefit other people will feel comfortable here. Such houses are suitable for religious workers, teachers, volunteers, esotericists, numerologists, poets, musicians, etc.

For individuals who value loneliness, homes with nine vibrations are not suitable. They will quickly begin to be annoyed by their household, neighbors and acquaintances. Nine also does not like down-to-earth personalities.

Meaning of number 101 angel numerology

Number 101 is a combination of the energies of number 1 and 0. The energy of number 1 is amplified because it appears twice in this number.

In fact, its energy is tripled because the number 0 tends to amplify the energy of other numbers.

Number 1 represents new beginnings, creativity, creation, ambition, progress, success, motivation, intuition, inspiration, initiative, self-affirmation, personal fulfillment and happiness.

Next, the number 0 represents the energy of the universe and God, eternity, infinity, wholeness, unity, cycles, beginnings and infinite potentials, as well as the development of spirituality.

Number 0 signifies the beginning of your spiritual journey. It encourages you to listen to your inner guidance for the help and answers you are seeking.

The meaning of number 101 is romance, exploration, endless potential, self-determination, teamwork, camaraderie, relationships, diplomatic cooperation and achieving common goals.

It also indicates sensitivity to other people.

Mathematicians about lucky numbers

It turns out that mathematicians also did not ignore lucky and unlucky apartment numbers. They just approached it in a unique way, as mathematicians should. They took the function S(n), for n>0, which for some reason should give the sum of squares of numbers. As a result, using different numbers, researchers will obtain mathematical series with numbers. Well, so what, which of them are happy, an inquisitive person will ask.

A number is lucky if the function contains the number 1, mathematicians answer. By manipulating numbers, they obtained the first SIMPLE numbers like 1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31, 32, 44, 49, 68, 70, 79, 82, 86, 91, 94, 97, 100, 103, 109, 129, 130, ... And what do we see after returning to everyday life? We see that here, too, mathematicians use the numbers 13 and 91 as truly lucky numbers. If you take a 3 x 3 magic square, they note, then it will contain nine lucky numbers such as 907, 1188, 635, 638, 910, 1182, 1185, 632, +913.

Scientists E. El-Sedi and S. Siksek have proven that runs of arbitrary length are possible, and in them it is possible to identify lucky numbers in the range up to 10; 100, 1000, 10,000 - here they are: 3, 20, 143, 1442, 14,377… . Interestingly, the number 3, for example, is interpreted in all sorts of ways, in particular as a Fibonacci number, Cunningham number, double factorial (3 = 3 !! = 1 ⋅ 3).

There are 3, 20, 143, 1442, 14377, 143071, … lucky numbers up to 10, 100, 1000, ….

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It happens that a dark streak comes in life. Particularly superstitious people may see in this the machinations of evil forces, the evil eye, or at least a black cat that crossed the road a month ago. But modern numerologists offer another interesting interpretation - you simply have a zero at the end of your phone number.

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