5 elements of Feng Shui: their symbols, properties and main qualities



“Whatever is below is like what is above” - astrological aphorism

According to astrology, the Universe is filled with 5 elements (Latin elementum - primary matter, element, origin). The lower four elements (elements) are located in the Sublunar World, that is, between the planets Earth and the Moon in the following sequence:

  • Earth
  • Water
  • Air
  • Fire

The “heavier” an element, the closer it is to planet Earth, where coarse matter predominates. And vice versa, the “lighter” the element, the closer it is to the Moon. In addition to the four subtle material elements in the Universe, there is also a subtle 5th element, which is called quintessence (from the Latin quinta essentia - fifth being). The fifth element is Ether .

Elements in astrology

To begin with, it should be noted that elements in astrology and elements in chemistry are different concepts. Therefore, in Russian, astrological elements are often called elements.

In astrological science, each of the four sublunar elements (elements) represents one of the states of the single First Matter - a combination of basic qualities - heat, cold, moisture and dryness.

The two passive or feminine elements represent cold. This is Earth and Water. The two active or masculine elements represent heat. These are Air and Fire. Dryness is represented by the elements Earth and Fire. Humidity - Water and Air. Thus, each of the sublunar elements represents two states of the First Matter:

  • Earth - cold and dry;
  • Water - cold and wet;
  • Air - heat and humidity;
  • Fire is warm and dry.

In astrology, the four elements have the following characteristics:

Earth - thoroughness, firmness in one’s rightness, steadfastness in one’s decision, the desire to collect and accumulate; Water - emotionality, receptivity, touchiness, ability to understand others, intuitive thinking; Air - lightness, curiosity, sociability, the ability to negotiate and conduct dialogue, the desire to know everything; Fire - uncontrollability, swiftness, belligerence, the desire to win, intransigence, the desire to command.

For more information about the characteristics of the four elements according to the signs of the Zodiac, read the article Astrological signs of the Zodiac.

The four sublunar elements in astrology are usually designated by the following symbols.

Symbols of the four sublunar elements.

Why were different types of triangles chosen to represent the lower elements? The following illustration will help the reader understand where these triangles come from and how they are related to the symbol of quintessence, that is, the 5th superlunar element - Ether.

Characteristics of energies

Let's look at how each energy is characterized, what is characteristic of it?


  • Energy spreads in all directions
  • Growth and development
  • Symbol of wealth and health
  • Tenacity and perseverance
  • Green color
  • Shape: cylinder, long, narrow, vertical rectangle
  • Time of year - spring
  • Cardinal directions: east and southeast
  • Emotions: kindness and anger


  • Energy moves up
  • Peak development, maximum
  • Impulsiveness, passion
  • Color: red, purple,
  • Symbol of recognition and dynamism
  • Shape: triangle with sharp ends
  • Time of year – summer
  • Side of the world: south
  • Emotions: joy and temper


  • Horizontal movement of energy back and forth
  • Caution, thoroughness
  • Symbol of support and stability
  • Color: brown, yellow, beige
  • Shapes: horizontal rectangle and square
  • Cardinal directions: northeast, southwest, center
  • Time of year: off-season
  • Emotions: confidence and anxiety


  • Movement of energy inward
  • Discipline, power, concentration
  • Arc, semicircle, oval
  • Symbol: harvest, decline,
  • Future plans
  • Time of year autumn
  • Cardinal directions: west and northwest
  • Emotions: self-discipline, melancholy


  • Movement of energy down and to the sides
  • Start of a new cycle
  • Symbol of abundance and money
  • Shapes: smooth, sinuous, irregular
  • Color blue
  • Season: winter
  • Cardinal directions: north
  • Emotions: curiosity, wisdom, fear, panic, depression

Ether - the fifth element

Ether (from the other Greek word αἰθήρ - transparent, clear sky; and from the Latin word aether - celestial beings) is the 5th element in ancient and medieval philosophy, physics and alchemy. It is with ether that the space of the Universe is filled, starting from the first sphere of the Universe - the sky of the Moon. Figuratively speaking, in the entire Sublunary world, no one located below the Moon can “breathe” the ether - the “air” of the gods. Therefore, there is no immortality in the Sublunary World. The popular expression goes like this: Nothing lasts forever under the Moon.

Ancient sages allegorically said that immortal gods “breathe” ether, in contrast to mortal people who breathe only air. Ether was called not only the quintessence, but also the “elixir of immortality.” Therefore, from the word “ether/ether” in some languages ​​words with the meaning “eternity” were derived:

  • aeternum - in Latin;
  • eternità - in Italian;
  • éternité - in French;
  • eternidad - in Spanish;
  • eternity - in English.

Above in the article the characteristics of the four sublunar elements were given. If each of these elements has only two states of Primary Matter, then Ether, the fifth supralunar element, is not limited by this. And if each of the lower elements can be either male or female, then the highest element combines two principles of the Universe - Yin-Yang , because the Ether is higher than the divided states of the Sublunary World.

In J. Cooper's encyclopedia of symbols about Yin-Yang symbolism we read the following:

Yin represents the feminine principle. Yang symbolizes the masculine principle. Together they symbolize all the complementary opposites of the dualistic Universe. The same applies to the lotus. The Yin-Yang symbol (da ji) represents the perfect balance of the two great forces of the Universe, each of which has within itself an embryo of the opposite principle.

This suggests that in the Universe there is no only male or only female principle. This is the Cosmic Egg; the original Androgyne, reflecting the perfection of balance and harmony; pure essence is the union of two principles. These two forces hold each other in opposition, but not in an antagonistic way, but as interdependent partners.

Thus, the 5th element can be given the following characteristics:

Ether is the unity of opposites, balance, harmony, integrity, completeness, perfection, androgyny.

Symbols of balance, integrity, completeness and unity.

Wu Xing as the basis of Chinese metaphysics

Chinese metaphysics is a vast body of knowledge that includes many different areas. All of them are closely interconnected with each other. But the basis of everything is the Taoist system of Wu Xing, five elements, five rotations, modifications.

All sections of Chinese metaphysics, in turn, help together to improve various areas of a person’s life and bring him closer to success in life. Get the results you want from life with less effort in a shorter period of time.

One of the sections of Chinese metaphysics, ba zi, describes the connection between the individual energy acquired by a person at the moment of birth with his subsequent fate, character, health and potential in various areas of life. Knowledge of Ba Zi allows you to increase personal effectiveness and find ways to solve life's problems in the financial sphere, personal relationships and health. And in the absence of balance in energy (and almost most people do not have it!) it is necessary to “strengthen” or “weaken” a certain element.

Analysis of a birth chart allows you to find out almost everything about a person and his destiny! Anyone interested in analysis, please contact us for a consultation.

Correspondences to the 5 elements in religions

The number 5, being a symbol of the 5 elements of the Universe, is considered sacred in the religions of the world. The creators of religious cults were well aware of what lay behind this number.

The Hindu deity named Shiva has 5 faces, and his mantra is called Panchakshari, that is, the “Five Words” mantra. The Hindu goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, is also associated with Panchami, or the number 5. The most sacred tree in Hinduism has 5 leaves on each leaf.

The Hindu god Shiva has five faces. The Torah, the sacred Scripture of Judaism, contains 5 books - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which are collectively called the Pentateuch. The Biblical Book of Psalms also consists of 5 books, in accordance with the Pentateuch.

In front of the entrance to the Tabernacle described in the Pentateuch, there were 5 pillars on the east side of the courtyard. Read about the structure of the Tabernacle and its astral symbolism in the article The Biblical Tabernacle - the image of the Universe.

The Torah consists of five books - the Pentateuch.

Five pillars in front of the entrance to the Tabernacle. Muslims have 5 pillars of Islam - the main regulations of Sharia, which form the basis of Islam and are mandatory for all Muslims. The Muslim religion is based on 5 main religious duties, formulated during the life of the Prophet Muhammad:

  1. declaration of faith (shahadah) - Ether ;
  2. five daily prayers (namaz) - Fire ;
  3. fasting during the month of Ramadan (Eid) - Air ;
  4. tax for the benefit of the needy (zakat) - Water ;
  5. pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) - Earth .

Every adult Muslim is required to perform prayer (namaz) 5 times a day. Prayer is performed at a certain time, in accordance with the established ritual:

  1. morning prayer (fajr) - Water ;
  2. midday prayer (zuhr) - Fire ;
  3. evening prayer (asr) - Air ;
  4. evening prayer (Maghrib) - Earth ;
  5. night prayer (isha) - Ether .

Catholics have rosaries and a special prayer for them is called the Rosary.
This prayer is associated with reflection on the three Fives, the Five Joyful, the Five Sorrowful and the Five Sacraments of the Virgin Mary, whose attribute is the rose, and in the countries of the East - the lotus. The epithet Dea Maris (Latin: Goddess of the Sea), from whom the Christian Virgin Mary originated, was the name given to the lunar goddess Isis (Latin: Isis) in the ancient world. Rosalia, or Rosary (from the Latin Rosalia, Rosaria, Dies rosae) is a rose festival, which takes place in ancient Rome in mid-May during the flowering of roses. The rose symbolizes the number 5, the five main phases of the Moon, as well as the quintessence, that is, the 5th element - Ether .

Orthodox churches often have 5 domes. In the middle of the four there is one large dome. It's not hard to guess why. The four smaller domes symbolize the four lower (sublunar) elements, and the central large one symbolizes the higher (supralunar) element - Ether.

Five domes symbolizing the 5 elements (elements).

Read what the 7 domes on Orthodox churches symbolize in the article Seven planets in astrology and their earthly correspondences.

Hamsa (Arabic خمسة, Hebrew חמסה‎: five) is a protective amulet in the shape of an open palm with 5 fingers in the countries of the Middle East and Maghreb. Muslims call this symbol the Hand of Fatima, and Jews call it the Hand of Miriam. Hamsa was used as a protective amulet even before its use by adherents of monotheistic religions. For example, in Ancient Egypt this amulet was called the Hand of Isis.

An open palm, as a sign of protection, is also found in Mesopotamian amulets called the Hand of Inanna (Ishtar, Astarte), the Mano Pantea amulet (Hand of All Goddesses), the Buddha's mudra of teaching and protection - Dharmachakra mudra. Symbols such as the Hand of Venus (Aphrodite) and the Hand of Mary were used to protect women from the evil eye, increase fertility, lactation, ensure a healthy pregnancy and strengthen the body.

As a rule, anchovy is symmetrical, with thumbs on both sides, and does not copy the anatomical shape of the palm. The Muslim hamsa contains the image of an eye, and the Jewish one contains a hexagram or Hebrew letter - ה (he).

Samples of anchovy - a protective amulet in the countries of the Middle East and Maghreb.

And here is a photo of a kind of “anchovy” from the wall of a Roman Catholic church. As you can see, on the top of the church wall there is not only a palm with 5 fingers, but also a foot with 5 fingers. And even the head of some deity. Obviously, all three amulets should bring good luck and happiness to the parishioners of this Polish church... ?

The wall of the Catholic Church in Drohobych, Lviv region, Galicia.

The Five Elements are a Form of Divinity

Speech by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Dasara Festival, 10/25/2001

One can say that the heart of a person symbolizes the Vedic saying Raso Vai Saha (God is in the form of essence) if he is able to forget all the torments and remain enthusiastic even when the ambitions and expectations of a person are not fulfilled.

(Telugu poem)

Embodiments of Love!

Everyone says that God is responsible for the creation, maintenance and dissolution of this world. In what form does God function when performing these activities? Nothing exists without the five elements. God does not have a single form and name. The five elements form divinity. Let's take the earth for example. All types of energy present in creation are hidden in the earth. The earth cannot be depicted in one sketch or drawing because it contains various objects such as mountains, hills, rivers, oceans, villages, etc. Due to this, the earth is very heavy. Scientists say that the earth rotates. In this case, it is natural for a person to think that all formations on the surface of the earth should feel rotation. However, this does not happen. The earth has the power to hold them firmly and steadily. What will happen to passengers if the rails start moving with the train? The earth contains all types of energies and all substances necessary for the survival of humans and other species of living beings. It is mother earth, the embodiment of all forces, who protects and feeds all living beings. Nature is the fundamental basis for all human endeavours. If the earth becomes motionless, then all creation will cease. Over the past tens of millions of years, the earth has undergone various changes that have caused the appearance of hills and depressions in various areas. In the beginning, the surface of the earth was flat. Then, for several tens of millions of years, continuous rain fell, which led to the fact that the surface of the earth became uneven and oceans appeared. Before that, there were no different formations on the surface of the earth.

Water is present everywhere on earth. However, it manifests itself in rivers, oceans and in the human body. Sweat on the surface of the skin demonstrates the presence of water in the human body. Without water in the body, a person could not live for a minute. Water is the guardian of life.

The third element is fire. It is also designed to support and store life. It maintains body temperature at 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit, which is essential for good health. Moreover, fire is present in the human body in the form of Jataragni (digestive fire). There is fire even in stones, which becomes obvious if you rub one stone against another. You can notice the presence of fire even in trees. If two branches begin to rub against each other, then fire occurs. Even in the ocean there is a fire called Badabaghni.

The fourth element is air. Air is the life of all creatures. It is not limited to any particular place. He is all-pervasive.

Akasha (ether) is the fifth element. It is called Sabda Brahman, from which earth, air, water and fire came. These five elements are found throughout the world and they preserve and protect life. They are truly divine. Unable to understand this truth, man thinks that he is protected and nourished by God, who, according to his idea, has a specific form and lives in a certain place. Some people say that God is all-encompassing, but He is invisible. But this is only their imagination, not reality.

The Buddha performed various practices in order to recognize and experience divinity. He studied sacred texts, met learned people and listened to their teachings, but was not satisfied with this. He ultimately came to the conclusion that the five elements were the very form of God. They are present in subtle form in all beings. Our ancients called Akasha Atma. Akasam Gaganam Sunyam (Akasha is infinite and has no form). Atma has no specific form. The Buddha made deliberate efforts to experience the Atma. He was able to turn his vision inward and conducted research into the nature of Atma. Ultimately, he was able to gain a vision of the Atmic Radiance. Radiance is an aspect of fire. That is why Atma is called Jyoti Svarupa (embodiment of light). One must contemplate Divinity in the form of light.

The Buddha drew attention to the significant amount of disagreement and worldliness in people's lives. People criticize or praise each other. Buddha noticed this and began to ask himself questions. Who criticizes and who is criticized? Who worships and who is worshiped? When he did research along these lines, he was able to visualize unity in diversity. The reason that a person develops such vicious tendencies as anger, jealousy, hatred, etc. is that he ignores unity and perceives only difference. But in reality there is no difference at all. Ekatma Sarvabhutantaratma (The same Atma is present in all beings). There is only one powerful force present in this world. The same thing was realized by Einstein.

Divine energy does not have a specific form, such as an object or a specific being, but it permeates all of creation. From divine energy come all other types of energy, which have different names and manifestations. But in reality there is only one energy and that is Atma. The same Atma is in the insulter and the insulted, the worshiper and the worshiped. One who has been able to recognize the principle of unity will never allow himself to become angry or jealous. Buddha preached that a person can get rid of evil qualities only if he realizes the principle of unity. There are differences in forms and minds, but the Atma is the same in all. Evil qualities such as ego, anger, jealousy, self-aggrandizement arise from bodily attachment. Therefore, you need to get rid of bodily attachment. Buddha was a prince. He had no shortage of money, comfort and convenience, but still he was ready to lead the life of a renunciate because he was freed from bodily attachment. Bhikshannam Deharakshartham Vastram Sheeta Nivaranam (food is needed to maintain the body, and clothing is needed to protect the body from cold). The principle of Atma is the same in the rich man and in the poor man. When you understand this principle of unity, you will become divine. That is why the Upanishads exhort man to develop a spirit of unity. Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti (Truth is one, but learned people refer to it under different names).

God is the embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda. Sat is that which is unchangeable, Chit is awareness that helps a person to know the truth. When Sat and Chit come into contact, Ananda (bliss) arises. Bliss is not only inherent in humans, but birds, animals and insects also have it. All the qualities that exist in man also exist in other beings. They are only unable to express their feelings because they do not know our language. Although the Atma is the same, the languages ​​and forms are different. Man is misled by these differences and forgets unity. As long as a person is immersed in this Bhrama (delusion), he will not be able to achieve Brahma (Divinity). In order to overcome Bhrama, one must understand the principle of the five elements. One who understands the principle of the five elements will understand the fundamental principle of unity.

God is the very personification of the five elements. It does not have a specific name or form. But learned men, on the basis of sacred texts and their own experience, declared: Daivam Manusha Rupena (God takes the form of a man). The Vedas declare: Sahasra Saoirse Purusha Sahasraksha Sahaspa Pad. This does not mean that God is some kind of being with thousands of heads, eyes and legs. It only means that all heads, eyes and feet belong to Him. The names and forms attributed to God by people are based only on their imagination and on the images drawn by the artist Ravi Varma. They don't correspond to reality. The one who portrays God in different forms is Ravi Varma and the one who describes Him in different words is Kavi Varma (poet). It is through Ravi and Kavi (artist and poet) that differences arise. There is no need to follow what Ravi and Kavi portray. One must give up bodily attachment and develop attachment to the Spirit. Only then can truth be realized.

Embodiments of Love!

All five elements are necessary for human existence. Life cannot exist if at least one of them is missing. To realize divinity, a person must revere the five elements. Respect for the five elements is similar to respect for God. You should use the five elements only as needed. If you waste or misuse them, it is like misusing divine energy. One should not leave a fan or electric light on unnecessarily, as this is tantamount to abusing the five elements. Whoever misuses the five elements commits sin. Abuse of the five elements is the main cause of human suffering. When you understand that they are divine, you will use them correctly.

There are millions of cells in the human body. Every cell is permeated with divinity. There are thirty million taste buds on the tongue, and hundreds of thousands of light receptors in the eyes. All this reveals the greatness and splendor of divinity. It is said that Divinity shines brighter than a thousand suns. This can be understood simply. Here you see many light bulbs. But you shouldn't look at the light bulb directly with your eyes wide open. You should partially close your eyes. When you do this, you will see light rays coming out. These rays of light are nothing but the reflection of fire. The reflection, reaction and echo of divinity can be understood in the five elements.

I have explained all this in scientific terms for the benefit of the students gathered here. You will not find a single reference to God in modern science. Scientists consider it beneath their dignity to talk about God. They talk at length about light, heat, laser, etc. But in fact, everything came from divine magnetic energy. Newton understood this. He was a great scientist and was the first to describe the existence of gravitational energy on the earth. This energy is not limited to any particular space, but is present throughout the entire cosmos. This is divine energy, the energy of Atma. It is called consciousness, from which conscience arises. Consciousness is all-encompassing. Consciousness is present in every body in the form of conscience, just as current is present in every light bulb. Air is all-encompassing, but you cannot grasp it or see it. It has no shape, but takes the shape of a balloon when the balloon is inflated with air. The all-encompassing air can be compared to consciousness, and the air inside the ball to conscience. If you pump the balloon harder and harder, at some point it will burst and the air inside the balloon will become one with the air outside. Similarly, when a person overcomes bodily attachment, his conscience will merge with consciousness. Man, due to his attachment to the body, has limited willpower. Only God has free will.

Newton stated that the nature of gravitational attraction is unchangeable. It cannot be created or destroyed. Einstein was also a great scientist, but not as selfish as modern scientists. He always thought about God. One day the Bharatiyas visited him. He took them to his reading room, where they were surprised to find many sacred texts such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita on his bookshelves. A great scientist like Einstein had great faith and respect for the Bhagavad Gita and other sacred texts. What modern scientists have understood is only a fraction of reality, but they boast as if they know everything. Once they get their degree, they start thinking a lot to themselves. A real scientist is one who has no ego. Modern scientists know very little, and their research is based on the question: “What is this?” However, the great scientists of antiquity investigated: “What is this?” “This” refers to that which is related to the senses, and “that” refers to divinity, which is beyond the senses. Science is below the level of the senses, while spirituality is beyond the senses. People think that scientists know everything. In fact, a scientist who lacks humility and faith has less knowledge than an elementary school student. One who lacks faith is not a scientist at all. To some extent he is worse than an animal.

Embodiments of Love!

Divinity is the basis of both science and spirituality. All types of energies are hidden within a person. They come from the food he consumes. Tamarind and lemon contain a lot of acid. When consumed in limited quantities, they add strength to the body. But if they are consumed in excess, then health will be impaired.

The Upanishads convey many teachings to man. They lead a person closer to God. "Upa" means close, "Ni" means down, and "Shad" means sit. As a student, you don't need to sit at the same level as the teacher. You also need to not be too far from him, because the teacher speaks quietly. Therefore, sit close to the teacher with all humility and obedience and receive his teaching. This is what the term Upanishads means. Every letter, word and sentence of the Upanishads has a deep meaning that cannot be found in dictionaries.

Once upon a time, a debate was held at the court of Krishnadevaraya, in which eight scholars of the royal court took part, whose names were Ashta Diggajas (Eight Elephants Guarding the Eight Directions of the Compass). Among them were Allasani Peddanna, Nandi Thimmanna, Ramaraja Bhushanudu, Tinali Ramakrishnudu. Ramakrishnudu calmly watched the process. Krishnadevaraya wanted to know which of them was the best. He wanted them to form a meaningful five-syllable sentence, each syllable having the same meaning, but in five different languages. “Whoever provides the answer to this question by seven in the morning tomorrow will receive an appropriate reward,” he added. Ramakrishna, since his home was far away, decided to spend the night at the house of his brother-in-law, his sister's husband. A comfortable bed was arranged for him for the night, but Ramakrishna refused to sleep on it. He said, “I must find the answer to the question asked by the king by tomorrow morning. And on such a bed I will definitely fall asleep quickly. So you better put a cot in the cowshed for me.” As he lay on the cot, at one in the morning one of the cows in the barn began to calve. Ramakrishna knocked on the house and informed his son-in-law about this. His brother-in-law wanted to know which cow calved as he had given various names to his cows like Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati etc. He asked Ramakrishna, “Ye Aav Ra ​​Bawa?” (Which cow, O son-in-law?) When Ramakrishna heard these words, his joy knew no bounds because he had found the answer to the king's question. So he repeated this phrase like crazy over and over again. His son-in-law thought that Ramakrishna was behaving so strangely because he did not get enough sleep. The next morning, Ramakrishna came to the royal court and found that no one else had found a solution to the question. Everyone else was convinced that it was impossible to form such a proposal. Ramakrishna was a great devotee of the Divine Mother. He told the king that with the blessing of the Divine Mother, he had found the answer to the question. “‘Yeh Aav Ra ​​Bawa’ is the answer,” he said. Everyone was intrigued. Then he explained: “Ye” in Marathi, “Aav” in Hindi, “Ra” in Telugu, “Ba” in Kannada and “Va” in Tamil convey the same meaning, i.e., “come.” Five languages ​​are represented in this offer. On the previous night, Ramakrishna continuously remained in contemplation of the Divine Mother. He was able to find a solution due to his natural ingenuity and thanks to divine grace.

The five elements correspond to the five principles of life, namely Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana and Samana. These principles permeate the entire creation, from Chima (ant) to Brahma. The process of invoking life principles is called “Pranopasana.” Before installing the idol in the temple, Pranopasana (Pranapratishta) is performed. Life forces are the basis of all living beings. As long as there is life in the body, the body is Shivam (good). When life leaves the body, it becomes Shavam (corpse). Life is sustained by the five elements. Therefore one should worship the five elements. Different keys in harmony produce different sounds: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. The basis of all of them is air. Likewise, there is one fundamental basis from which all creation has arisen. Shankaracharya explored the nature of this fundamental force and described it as Shabda Brahmamayi, Characharamayi, Jyotirmaya, Wangmayi, Nityanandamayi, Paratparamayi, Mayamaya and Srimayi (God is the embodiment of sound, movable immovable, light, speech, eternal bliss, supreme greatness, delusion and wealth) . Sound is the main principle of divinity. Sound permeates the entire universe. That is why divinity is praised as Characharamayi. It exists in our hearts and is expressed in the form of speech. That's why it's called Wangmai.

People talk about the Divine Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar - but no one has ever seen them. The shapes attributed to them are based on illustrations by artist Ravi Varma and do not correspond to reality. In fact, the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara corresponds to mother, father and mentor respectively. The mother gives birth to the child, just as Brahma creates everything. The father takes care of the children, educates them and is responsible for their food. Therefore it symbolizes the aspect of Vishnu. The Guru symbolizes Maheshwara as he destroys ignorance and bestows wisdom. That is why the Vedas declare: Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava (revere your mother, father and mentor as God, as a tangible form of divinity). Similarly, our ancestors taught and preached various aspects of divinity).

You need to follow your own experience and not be misled by other people's opinions. Opinions based on feelings vary from one person to another. Sai says “yes” to those who say “yes” to Him and “no” to those who say “no” to Him. Yes and no have to do with a person's feelings, but for Sai everything is yes, yes, yes. (Telugu poem)

God always says yes to the values ​​of Sanghika (social), Samskritika (cultural) and Sanatana (eternal). Those who relate to the world are destined to change. What is the point of basing your faith on these fleeting works? One must have faith in divinity and contemplate it, for it is unchangeable and eternal. But it is foolish to misinterpret them without understanding the ways of the Lord and talk about them as you please. Don't pay attention to such stupid statements. By joining a bad company, a person will destroy himself. Therefore it is said: Tyaja Durjana Samsargam; Bhaja Sadhu Samagamam; Kuru Punyam Ahorathram (stay away from bad company; stay in good company; do good deeds day after day). It is not enough just to leave bad company. You need to join good company. In the word Satsanga (good company), Sat refers to that which is unchangeable, divinity. Sugar gives sweetness to everything it is added to. The sweetness is constant. Therefore Sat can be compared to sugar and Chit is Chaitanya which can be compared to water. Similarly, when Sat and Chit combine together, Ananda (bliss) is produced. Let the eternal principle of truth be the basis of all your worldly endeavors. Only then can you achieve Divinity.

The embodiment of Love!

There is no such thing as that there is not divinity in any person or anywhere. Never fall into the delusion that God is here and He is not there. Wherever you look for Him, you are sure to find Him there. Sarvata Panipadam Tat Sarvatokshi Siromukham, Sarvata Sruthimalloke Sarvamavrutya Thishtati (with hands, feet, eyes, heads, mouth everywhere, God permeates the entire universe). All sacred texts, be it the Koran, the Bible, the Granth Sahib or the Bhagavad Gita, proclaim the same truth. All religions recognize that the five elements are divine.

Modern man fragments unity and perceives only difference, which is a big mistake. He must make an effort to see the underlying unity in diversity. Only then can he realize the truth. Due to the lack of unity, enmity has found a place in the human heart. Such a heart cannot be called a heart at all. It can be called a stone.

God cares for all beings. Some frogs become trapped in rocks and continue to exist there for a long time. They only come out when the stones split. Who gives them food while they are inside? Even if you water and fertilize the plant regularly, you still cannot be sure that it will grow into a tree. Yet we see gigantic trees on top of bare cliffs. Who watered and fertilized them? God and only one God. He takes care of the needs of all beings throughout the world. God has no differences, but man does! This is the worst disease that affects man today. He is plagued with doubts. Even a deadly disease like cancer is curable, but not the disease of doubt. A person kills himself with his doubts.

Humanity is supremely holy, divine and full of bliss. Having received human rebirth, why should a person allow himself to suffer? Today people always wear masks of despondency. What a failure! You should always be in jubilation. A smiling face is an expression of divinity. Happiness is unity with God. Man is subject to misfortune because he separates himself from divinity. Let anything happen. A person should always be happy. He should give up all worries and welcome bliss. It is imperative that students understand this truth and behave accordingly. Students! Your age is the most critical period in your life. Leave early, move slowly and arrive safe and sound. You should start on the spiritual path right from this age. You can do your job and earn money. But you must have firm determination to follow the spiritual path. He is truly fortunate who has such a strong will. Buddha was a prince. He had all the palace amenities and comfort at his disposal. But didn't he give up everything and become a renunciant? Rama also did not need anything. But He was not interested in pleasures and comfort. When His mother Kausalya served Him various delicacies on a platter, He never ate alone. He ate food only in the company of His brothers Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna. Most of the time He remained in His own world, completely absorbed in His. Often He seemed to write something in the air. One day Dasaratha called the sage Vasishta and asked him to explain the strange behavior of Rama. He plunged into meditation for some time, and then said: “These are all signs of Divinity. He may occasionally converse with other beings. He has no attachment to the body. He has an attachment to the Spirit. This is the true meaning of Divinity."

When Vishwamitra asked Dasaratha to release Rama and Lakshmana with him to protect his Yajna, Dasaratha stubbornly resisted this. But Rama was ready to go into the forest immediately. Dasaratha thought that Rama and Lakshmana, being still very young, might be afraid of demons, but Rama said that there was no fear in Him. Vasishta and Vishvamitra were forced to tell Dasaratha: “Do not be under the delusion that Rama is an ordinary boy. This is the incarnation of God." Although in the presence of Dasaratha, Vishwamitra praised the Divinity of Rama, later his vision was obscured by the cloud of Maya. When they reached the bank of the Sarayu River, he said to Rama, “You have never seen demons in your life. Therefore, I will teach you two mantras: Bala and Abala - which will free you from sleep and hunger so that you can fight demons without fear." Such is the power of Maya. The one who had previously praised the Divinity of Rama now considered Him to be an ordinary boy and taught Him mantras.

There is a reason for everything God does. He acts according to the time and situation. Jayamma in her speech mentioned that Swami visits distant places but does not come to Anantapur, which is 40 miles away. I have no preference for any places. Time is important to Me. I will definitely come at the appropriate time. Previously I visited Anantapur every week. Now the situation has changed. Wherever I go, devotees gather there in large numbers. Hundreds of cars are following My car. Who will provide them all with food and shelter? Swami will be upset if the devotees experience any inconvenience because they are a reflection of Swami. Moreover, there are no proper conditions for My residence. The hostel there is intended for girls. How can I stay there? I am an ideal person and an ideal in every way. I must demonstrate an ideal to the whole world. Taking into account many such aspects, I have not gone there for a long time. However, when they come here, I speak to them with love. They are upset that I do not come there. They plead, “Swami, come at least for one day.” I tell them that I will definitely come. I never tell anyone that I won't come. This is My nature. To everything I say: Santosham, Santosham (happy, happy). If you say, “Swami, my stomach hurts,” I tell them, “Santosham.” If anyone says, “Swami, my child has died,” I say, “Santosham.” This word comes to Me naturally. No matter what happens, I am always happy. But not everyone can understand this. One day a devotee came and told Me that her husband had died, and I told her, “Chala Santosham (very happy).” She got angry and said, “Swami, what makes You so happy while I am mourning the death of my husband?” I told her: “Mother, I am always happy. That's why I told you this." You always see Me smiling because happiness is My nature, I am never sad.

Love is My form; Truth is My breath; Bliss is My food; My life is My message; Expansion is My life; No reason for love; No season for love; No birth, no death/

(Love is My form; Truth is My breath; Bliss is My food; My life is My message; Distribution is My life; There is no reason for love; there are no seasons for love; Neither birth nor death.)

This is My true nature. Under no circumstances will My nature change. I am always in bliss. Seeing My blissful state, many people become jealous. They wonder: “Why is Sai Baba always happy? He runs many hospitals and educational institutions. He has so many responsibilities, but He doesn’t seem to worry at all.” Why worry? All the same, only what was supposed to happen will happen. And so everything happens according to My Will. That's why I don't have any worries. Worries have never dared to touch Me before and will never touch Me in the future. I'm always happy. I try to put on a sad face when I talk to a suffering person, but what can I do if I cannot do it, because happiness is My nature. I need a lot of money because I have to spend millions of rupees on the social welfare projects that I am running. However, I have no worries or worries. Why worry if everything is going according to My plan. I mentioned this in My Krishnastami message. Running hospitals and educational institutes requires tens of millions of rupees every month. There are no problems as long as I am still in this body. But who will take care after? Therefore, I wanted to pledge capital so that the interest from it could be used to support hospitals and institutes. These days we see many different Swamijis and Matajis traveling abroad and begging for money. They go abroad when they need money. Such people can be called beggars rather than 'biggers'. But I have never resorted to such humiliating practices. How many people come here, I have never asked anyone for anything. The one who asks is not God at all. My business goes on without me having to ask for anything. By My Will the required amounts appear. Where did they come from? Go and ask the bank. Why ask Me? I am not involved in such matters. I have only one wish: Sarva Jana Sukhino Bhavantu (may everyone be happy). Misfortunes and worries haunt those who have desires. But I have no desires. Therefore I am always in bliss. What I do not wish happens instantly. Therefore, I don't need to worry about anything.

Bhagavan ended His Discourse with the bhajan “Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanti Nahi...”

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Achieving balance

The five elements require harmony in your life. And since we spend a significant part of it at home, that’s where we need to start.

Water. Various clutter, plumbing malfunctions, doors that do not close - all this can cause an imbalance in the water element. There can be either over-stimulation or under-stimulation. In the first case, the cause may be excessively large aquariums or photographs/paintings with water landscapes. You should get rid of such elements or, on the contrary, add them to the interior if there is a shortage. You should also not drink too much coffee or eat salt.

Tree. Heavy furniture, bulky cabinets, everything that can symbolize inflexibility and inactivity, heaviness. It is worth replacing such items with lighter and more elegant ones. Bamboo is ideal in this case. Animal food in the diet should be limited. It is also important to do exercises and learn to relax. Allow yourself to fool around - it's a great way to relax.

Fire. A large concentration of household appliances and electrical appliances in one place can upset the balance of this element. It is best to separate equipment into different rooms. Add also calm and beautiful paintings or figurines. On a personal level, try to see things through to the end, learn to be calm. This way you will learn to get satisfaction from life. It is better to forget about stimulants like coffee and alcohol.

Earth. The cause of the violation may be accumulations of objects that carry the essence of this element. If they are not used, it is better to get rid of them. All five elements require balance, and the Earth is not the least important here. The space needs to be cleared, which will allow the Chi energy to circulate freely. A balance of free space and furniture should be maintained in all rooms. It is also important to play sports and various physical activities.

Metal. Shows imbalance in stingy, cold or orderly elements. Too many items associated with this symbol is very bad. Bring fun and joy into your home. Dilute all this with elements of Water to create mobility and flexibility in the interior. On a personal level, learn to be joyful, to have fun, to be festive. To do this, you can watch comedies, go to theaters, go to parties. Active physical mobility will also be beneficial.

The importance of cleansing the body

Before looking for the cause of any disease, it is necessary to “clean” the body. Thus, help him cope with the problem on his own. After all, our body is a self-regenerating system, programmed for long-term use in life. The main thing is to clean it and give it resources in the form of movement and proper nutrition!

And then many will answer, I can’t! I can’t bring myself to give up my favorite foods and start moving more. You can look for help in psychology! But this is the story in the following materials, follow the articles!

Thank you for reading the article “Wu Xing system - what is its essence?” and broaden your horizons! If you want to get acquainted with your birth chart and understand the reasons for life scenarios, I recommend contacting me for a consultation.

Best wishes, Raisa

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My personal experience of correcting my energy

My personal birth chart, like many people’s, is out of balance: a large excess of the Earth element with a complete absence of Wood. In addition, when constructing her map, Qimen discovered that the most problematic system is the bladder meridian system, which corresponds to our spine. This means that all problems of the body can be treated by influencing the spine.

Therefore, for many years now, every morning has been devoted to morning exercises with an emphasis on exercises for a truly problematic spine. And practicing qigong exercises helps strengthen the inevitably weak ligaments when the element of Wood is absent in the body. And I make sure to constantly add a lot of travel and trips to my life, reinforcing the weakened kidneys (excessive control by the Earth), which “feed” on new impressions!

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