The meaning of the car number - how to choose a lucky number

To begin with, I will quote in full the article I found on the Internet, and then we will reflect on this topic.


Every day we come across numbers - we dial phone numbers, write down the birth dates of friends, remember car numbers. And we hardly often think about the fact that each number carries a certain Energy, and not always positive. Now you can choose your own car number. Therefore, foreign cars with numbers 1111, 7777, 4444 are driving around the city. But is it enough to choose such a “thieves” number for a successful life? Let's figure it out.

There are several complementary approaches to analyzing numbers.

For example, Chinese numerology divides all numbers into Yin numbers (even) and Yang numbers (odd). On the one hand, odd numbers are considered the happiest and most favorable. On the other hand, all Chinese philosophy is based on the idea of ​​balance between Yin and Yang. Therefore, to ensure such balance, even and odd numbers must be present in equal numbers. It is very good when the number of a house, car, telephone or date of birth contains elements of both Yin and Yang. So, we can conclude that in general, car numbers consisting of identical digits cannot be favorable. Let's figure it out further.

When choosing a number - for example, a license plate for a car - first of all, you should pay attention to how the numbers “sound” and whether they attract favorable Energy. In China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau, people listen to how numbers sound in Cantonese. By the way, it is in these countries that more than 90% of motorists choose their own license plates based on a very complex analysis of their favorability. According to statistics, cars with lucky numbers are much easier and more profitable to resell in the future. The luckiest numbers are considered to be “8”, “6” and “9”. They carry positive vibrations in any combination: “168”, “8998”, “7788”, and of course “8888” (four eights are a special case, favorable even in the absence of Yang). Let's take a closer look at the meanings of the numbers, and figure out which numbers can be called lucky (from a Chinese point of view!)*, and which ones are best avoided.

The number "1" is very successful. The unit symbolizes unity and sounds like “win, honor.” The one enhances the favorable meaning of other lucky ones, such as “1898” or “1389.”

The number "2" sounds like "easy". Two brings special luck if it is placed in front of other numbers. You yourself can already decipher that the number “21” sounds like an “easy win.”

The number “3” is also considered favorable and symbolizes “life”. Three also sounds like “growth”, “path”. The combination “328” is very popular; it means “an easy and successful path in business.”

The Chinese try to avoid the number “4”, since four means “death” in Cantonese. The most unfavorable combination is “24” meaning “easy death”. Avoid it, because an unhindered death is not what you want, is it? But in combination with five (the number “5” sounds like “no”, “will not happen”), four is not dangerous, since “45” means “there will be no death.” And the most important rule is never put 4 at the end of a number combination.

The number “5” should not be combined with other favorable numbers, since its meaning - “no”, “will not” - will weaken luck. Try to decipher the number “51” yourself. You will not see anything good - it will be “lack of gain”, “loss of honor”.

The number “6” is very favorable, it means “wealth”, “income”. Moreover, six is ​​double three! Therefore it means "double growth", "double everything you have." If your car number is, for example, “1368”, then this means “you are lucky, and your wealth will double all the time.” And the combination “68” means “a lot of money.”

Numerology decoding. Calculation rules

This science studies the influence of numbers on human life and destiny. Thanks to numerology, it is possible to determine whether a car is suitable for its owner or not. Therefore, you should always pay attention to the car number.

To identify a favorable car license plate, you need to add all the numbers together. If more accurate information is needed, the numerical value of the region is also taken into account.

An example of a calculation according to numerology:

A person owns a car with license plate 143, and the region is 55. The addition is carried out in order.

143 = 1 + 4 + 3 = 8.

55 = 5 + 5 = 10.

8 + 10 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9.

The result is the numerological number 9. After calculating it, you should study the meaning of the number. To understand the meaning of a car license plate according to numerology, you need to consider each digit.

Tips for purchasing the right car

When purchasing a vehicle according to Feng Shui, the following are taken into account:

  • car release date;
  • date of the purchase and sale transaction;
  • car status (new, used), etc.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is necessary to take into account the production date of the vehicle: the date must have the meaning necessary for the owner.

It is recommended to calculate favorable lunar days for buying a car. According to 2021 data, the following days are optimal for acquisitions: September 5, 21; December 11, 12, 17. It is recommended to refrain from large purchases during periods of solar eclipses, retrograde movements of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The 5 days before and after a solar eclipse are unfavorable.

It is optimal to buy a car without a car race, because... the equipment will not retain the energy of the previous owner. If you buy a used car, you need to find out the mileage, the presence or absence of accidents. According to Feng Shui, space is cleansed.

Number 1

Cars with a number one have a rebellious character. It is very difficult to drive such a vehicle; rather, the car is owned by its owner, and not by him. The car needs constant attention, it must be carefully looked after and handled with extreme care. The owner, without realizing it, receives energetic influence from number 1, and on a subconscious level he wants to improve his car, he can spend hours repairing it, washing it often, and constantly improving it.

Number 7

A car for balanced, calm people, just like the car itself. Transport will not tolerate violations of road rules, fast racing and nervous drivers. In order to make friends with such a car, you will have to be attentive and careful during the trip, as well as keep the interior clean and tidy. Music in the car - preferably classical or at least calm. Swearing in a car, even on the phone, is strictly prohibited. This will negatively affect transport energy, which will subsequently be transferred to humans.

Numerology: how to calculate the number of a car?

A numerological interpretation of a car number is necessary for those who are just about to purchase a new “iron horse” or who are experiencing troubles related to a car in their life. Often a strong and intimate bond is formed between the owner and his vehicle. This is easy to explain: human life often depends on the machine he controls.

It is not difficult to calculate the numerological code of a car. Pythagoras, the founder of the theory of numerology, argued that human destiny is encrypted in one simple number, the name of which is “the number of fate.” The same can be said about a car. How can you calculate this code for your car?

Number 9 – women's car

She needs to be looked after in the truest sense of the word; the salon must contain a large amount of decorations, as well as a delicate fragrance with the smell of vanilla and floral notes. The body of such a car must be bright and conspicuous, for example, red or light green. The owner needs to treat the car with special love and care, then she will respond in kind.

According to the above calculations, the value of the car number with the number 9 was obtained. Such a vehicle is suitable for female representatives, only with them the car will work properly.

Numerology: which license plate number will bring you good luck

Car signs are of great importance in numerology. With its help, every car owner will be able to calculate whether he is the owner of a lucky number that brings him good luck.

Determining your luck number is not difficult. You need to add all the digits of the license plate until you get a single digit number. For example, 618: 6+1+8=15; 1+5=6.

Experts in the field of esotericism believe that a person’s energy can be transferred to objects around him, so remember that you need to treat your vehicle with care and due attention.

Meaning of numbers

1. Your car is under the protection of the Sun. Its energy brings good luck to people who hold positions in government and security forces. The unit enhances the qualities of a person who owns a car, gives him cheerfulness, energy and helps him remain in a leadership position. The unit in the car code encourages the owner to lead an honest life, not undertaking dubious affairs and not allowing himself to have accusatory and angry conversations, especially inside the car.

2. The patron of your vehicle is the Moon. Two is responsible for ease of communication, a friendly atmosphere and mutual understanding. Cars with this number are ideal for family people. Good luck awaits those who use such a vehicle to transport fruits, juices and water. The machine increases punctuality, and it makes it difficult for a person to remain in a bad mood. The car owner should take into account that the two enhances flexibility and sensitivity, which sometimes require volitional effort.

3. This figure is under the beginning of Jupiter. Its heavy energy brings good luck to people with a strong will and character. The troika is responsible for planning, negotiations, doing business, and finding additional sources of financing. This figure often contributes to the development of pride and vanity. The car owner needs to take this fact into account and not succumb to the temptation to look at people from the heights of their achievements, thereby belittling their dignity.

4. The patron of this number is the shadow planet Rahu. A car with this code will bring you good luck in the field of moving and transportation. The number four imparts discipline and a sense of timing to the car owner. This car is also suitable for mass trips. The four's tendency to intrigue and dishonest deeds somewhat distorts their luck. The owner of the car must remember that tempting fate and engaging in illegal transportation is fraught with danger. Punishment may come from an unexpected direction, and most likely it will be karmic retribution.

5. The patronage of Mercury and the five are responsible for success in negotiations, business trips and business activities in general. A car with this number is intended for earning money and is perfect for taxi drivers, cargo carriers and people traveling long distances. Five conveys to the car owner an energy that promotes easy communication, so it will be easy for you to come to an agreement even with the most restive clients. The planet that patronizes trade does not tolerate deception, so do not try to deceive fate by unjustifiably inflating prices.

6. Venus and the six are symbols of love, devotion and affection. This car is suitable for rent by newlyweds or married couples for temporary trips. The Six carries a positive charge that liberates people and imparts good energy to them. In a car with this number value, grievances and discontent quickly disappear. If you need to make peace with your soul mate, get into this car and go for new happy experiences.

7. Ketu, the ruling planet of this number, gives the owner of such a license plate the ability to provide assistance. Seven in this key means giving, that is, your car will bring you good luck, but to a greater extent it is intended for ambulance work, church, and volunteer activities. The negative influence of the seven extends to the desire to gossip in the car, so be on your guard.

8. Eight and Saturn are a rather heavyweight conjunction. The car, to match its patrons, is designed for work. Good luck awaits the hardworking in this machine. Eight gives strength, vigor, self-confidence, determination and perseverance. However, the owner of such a car must remember that only cheese in a mousetrap is free. Learn to refuse people who are clearly exploiting you; don’t be shy to say that your work and gas are worth money.

9. The patronage of Mars, supported by the influence of the nine, brings the car owner good luck in the field of legal services and financing. This number encourages order and discipline, strengthens the ability to count money and eliminates wastefulness. However, there are also disadvantages: the car can be capricious and require effort to maintain, as well as increase the owner’s irritability and emotionality. Self-control techniques will help you cope with such effects.

To ensure that luck stays with you, calculate your personal success code. With its help, you will be able to better understand the characteristics of your character and choose a profitable activity for yourself that brings both income and pleasant emotions.

Triplets numbers

Combinations such as 111, 777 have the strongest energetic impact. This number attracts the attention of other people, and the owner himself is called a major.

It is believed that the combination of three numbers will bring good luck to a person, but in reality this is not entirely true. It is necessary to proceed from its meaning:

  1. 111 is a fairly good combination that attracts good luck and wards off accidents.
  2. 222 - the car is very easy to drive, but it often causes accidents.
  3. 333 is a car that is distinguished by convenience and comfort. Even an inexperienced driver can handle it.
  4. 444 is a loyal car that will only work properly in the hands of an experienced owner.
  5. 555 is a car for beginners, careerists and businessmen.
  6. 666 is a wayward vehicle that always gets into accidents. You need to be patient to deal with him.
  7. The 777 is a car that is its own boss, because it decides where and how to go.
  8. 888 is a car for family trips. Preferably a female driver.
  9. 999 – the only whim of this car will be constant care.

How to choose a lucky sign?

You need to know the meaning of the car number in order to attract good luck. Therefore, according to numerology, a sign will be lucky if it looks like this:

  • 168 is the most successful combination, leading to the successful completion of any endeavor.
  • 108 is a combination tuned to success and positive gifts of fate.
  • 288 is a lucky number in terms of attracting money and fulfilling a person’s deepest desires. Therefore, while driving such a car, you need to think exclusively about good things, because thoughts are material.
  • 328 - this number will bring good luck to beginners and careerists, because it helps to find their place in life.

What's in a name…

One of the most famous ways to calculate your luck code is to add up all the numbers of the first name, last name and patronymic (each letter has its own digital value), for example:

Now you need to perform all the necessary manipulations:

So, the girl’s lucky number is 5. It is advisable that Annushka schedule all important meetings on the fifth or at five o’clock in the afternoon.

In addition, each name number carries certain qualities to its owner:

Feng Shui meaning of car number plate

This doctrine involves the study of the influence on a person of things around him. Feng Shui also helps in deciphering a car's license plate number. All numbers are divided into “white” and negative.

Good numbers in this case will be those that do not contain the numbers 2, 4. Even if there is one favorable number next to them, like 5 or 7, it will not correct the negative influence.

This disdain for the number 4 is caused by its meaning, which is interpreted as death, loss, failure or obstacle. A number with more than one of these digits is considered especially dangerous. Therefore, such a sign must be immediately changed to a favorable combination.

If there is only one 4 in the number, which is located between two good numbers, then the negative impact will be reduced. But if there is a 2 next to it, the sign will become doubly dangerous. Feng Shui tries to avoid the number 0, because it has a neutral energy value. Although many tilt it in a positive direction.

The greatest luck is attracted by a sign that ends in 1. This number is one of the strongest positive elements, so its presence in the number is very desirable. For motorists, the most favorable sign according to the teachings of Feng Shui will be 989, because it contains three “white” numbers, foreshadowing a bright path and good luck on the road.

Suitable talismans and amulets for a car

Symbols of good luck play an important role in the car. Properly selected amulets help protect the car owner from road accidents and promote an easy journey. However, it is not recommended to use a large number of bulky souvenirs, because... objects distract from monitoring the track. For harmony, 1-2 amulets are optimal.

Charms for the car and the owner are chosen that symbolize longevity, health, safety and well-being. Common:

Coins on a red cord bring good luck in business and help along the way.

Quartz crystals protect against negative energy and traffic accidents. The talisman must be placed in a place hidden from prying eyes.

The turtle is considered a symbol of longevity and a popular automobile mascot, denoting progressive advancement, endurance, endurance, long life and prosperity in the business sphere. The talisman is placed on the rear panel of the vehicle or under the passenger seats.

Fu dogs are recognized as a popular mascot; according to the rules of Feng Shui, there should be 2 figures. Talismans are placed with their muzzles forward towards the entrance doors. The amulets symbolize security, safe driving, courage and bravery.

It is recommended to print or draw the image of the Bagua octagon and place it in the front block of the car above the windshield. It is important to hide the symbol from prying eyes.

It is recommended to place amulets in the glove compartment and in parts of the car that are inaccessible to the eyes of strangers. Talismans are not placed in the windshield area, because souvenirs distract the driver's attention from the traffic on the road.


Letter meaning

What do the letters of the car number mean? Every car owner wants to have a memorable sign. Therefore, in addition to numbers, it also contains letters. There are only three of them.

They are a series of a car plate, and the numbers are its registration number. But when constructing a new combination, not the entire alphabet is used, but only part of it - 12 letters. They are needed in order to correlate the owner’s affiliation with his status or profession.

For example, the value of a car number that contains the letters MMM determines that the driver is a police officer or private citizen, and UMR is most often the government. There is such a trick that if a person with an ordinary profession can acquire a badge that indicates an important state status, then traffic police officers will stop him less often, or at least not ask him unnecessary questions.

Numerical talisman by date of birth, or Luck is always nearby

A numerical talisman can help in making important decisions.
If a person in a difficult situation accidentally sees his lucky number (a passing bus, ticket or house number, and much more), a favorable combination of circumstances awaits him. Any dispute will be resolved, the envious person and the enemy will lose power. It is advisable to always keep your amulet with you in numerical form. You can draw a number on paper or embroider it on clothing.

Your personal lucky number is calculated by summing your date of birth and the birth dates of your parents, for example:

With these simple calculations we got the talisman number for Anna. If you add these two numbers together, you can get the second important amulet number for a girl (3+5=8).

The meaning of the numbers in state. car number

There are signs that are used only by important government officials. Therefore, the first purpose of such a number will be an advantage over ordinary drivers. The cars of FSB employees have different combinations of numbers in the sign, but the letters will indicate the affiliation of these people with their professional activities. An example of such a number is the Russian Federation - EKH99. It is different from the usual series of characters. Cars that belong to people close to the president often have numbers in the license plate such as 77, less often - 97. The main attention here is paid to the letters, because in this case knowledge of the owner’s status is more important.

Top 20 most expensive rooms in Russia

Car numberCharacteristicprice, rub. on the website
1O001OO77The first number in the series, identical letters, the first ten, such a number is considered “thieves”15 024 000
2A001AA01The same letters, the first ten, “blatnoy”, the numbers of the region coincide with the rest.9 025 000
3С007СС77Identical letters, the first ten with seven, which is considered a lucky number, partially coincides with the numbers of the region - also 7.7 026 000
4M888MM777Identical letters, numbers, region, three “lucky” sevens, “thieves” series.7 000 000
5A***MP77Possibility to choose a number yourself.5 524 000
6О888ОО99The letters and numbers are the same, “thieves”.5 500 000
7O001OO78Identical letters, first ten, “blatnoy”.5 250 000
8M555MM97Identical numbers and letters, “thieves”.
9Х888ХХ77Identical letters and numbers.5 050 000
10M01*MM77Identical letters, “blatnoy”, the ability to choose one number.5 025 000
11А777МР78Identical numbers, "thieves".5 025 000
12О777ОО21Identical numbers and letters, three “lucky” sevens.5 015 000
13О300ОО33Identical letters and numbers, partially coinciding with the symbols of the region.5 000 000
14О888ОО97Identical letters and numbers.4 200 000
15M222M region 777Identical letters and numbers, “blatnoy”, region “lucky” sevens.4 200 000
16A333AA77Identical letters and numbers, “thieves”.4 095 000
17А444У*123Identical numbers, ability to choose the last letter.4 025 000
18K444KK777Identical letters and numbers, “three sevens” region.3 625 000
19В777ВВ***Identical letters and numbers, including sevens, the ability to select a region.3 515 000
20О008ОО99Identical letters, first ten.3 500 000

As we can see, the cost of rooms with the same characteristics can vary greatly. The key points when conducting a transaction to exchange numbers will be the greed of the seller and the taste preferences of the buyer.

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