How to make a wish map with your own hands so that it works

A wish map or treasure board is a way to organize plans and achieve goals that seem impossible. You can create it yourself, assembling it from pieces chosen with love, or turn to computer technology. You need to believe in the map, treat it with respect, but also act, trying to solve problems. Then the Universe will smile and fulfill your wishes.

What is and how does a wish card work?

A wish map is a way to achieve goals and fulfill dreams. But you should not perceive its compilation as a ritual based on magic. Thanks to the map, you can realize what you can’t wait to achieve in life. Plans can concern both the near future and capture goals designed for 2-3 years. The main thing is that they are achievable, real, and not fantastic. You should not rely on the card, trusting it to do something that cannot be done. For example, it is impossible to turn back time or stop aging.

A vision board is a way to touch your dreams, see them from the outside and look at them from a different angle. When they are constantly before your eyes, their achievement seems more real. It’s as if they have already appeared in life, as if a trip to Paris awaits tomorrow, and new shoes are already on the shelf. Subconsciously, a person begins to take steps towards his dreams, stepping over obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable.

Thoughts can come true. If you want something very strongly, the Universe will feel these signals and make sure that your plan comes true. But she will only meet halfway those who move in the right direction. If a person does not understand where to move next, he will suggest the direction and give an encouraging sign. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not rely on miracles.

What to consider when creating a map?

  • Goals should be realistic, completely achievable, and not ones that will disappoint without being realized and sow doubts in self-esteem. For example, becoming a Hollywood star or receiving a billion dollars as a gift.
  • To make your desire come true, you need to move towards your goal, celebrating small victories and successes every day. It would be a good idea to record your achievements in a notepad, then the results will come faster.
  • All sectors in the map should be filled in so that the balance in different areas of life is not disturbed. You can add and correct what you have written down.
  • Goals can be small or large-scale, the main thing is to focus your attention on them, at least for a few minutes a day. Simple ones will help you become more confident when they come true and will launch passionate intentions.

Therefore, it is not enough to just lie on the couch and indulge in unrealistic fantasies. Desires come true only when a person consciously moves towards his goal. This is the only way to achieve success in what you want.

How to correctly formulate desires

The effectiveness of the card depends on how well thought out desires and goals are. They need to be specified. If the picture is not enough, the only remaining ambiguity is to add text.

To get the right wish map for visualization, it is better to rely on the following rules:

  • it is necessary to present a picture of the future in all details. Images must be specific. If a person wants a new job, then it is worth thinking about what it will be like. You can imagine a spacious office, employees shaking hands, a large salary and other details. The Universe can interpret the desire for a new position in its own way if it seems that there is not enough information. For example, a person will be demoted or fired from the company and will have to take a job with a lower salary and more complex responsibilities. And you won’t be able to argue, because it will turn out to be new;
  • You need to think about dreams in the present tense, as if they are about to happen or have already happened. You cannot turn to the past in the belief that it can be corrected;
  • You cannot think about bad things, wish harm on others, or try to achieve a personal goal to the detriment of your friends. The message to the Universe should be positively colored. Bad thoughts will return and act against the one who sent them.

Feng Shui wish card

Many people know about the ancient art of Feng Shui, which can direct the life path of every person in the right direction. His followers believe that there is a strong connection between the worldview of the Universe and the thoughts of people. Therefore, you should send clear instructions and thoughtful signals, then success is guaranteed. They will pay attention to you and help you implement your plans.

Map creation process - basic steps

In order to organize your images and depict them correctly in the picture, you should adhere to certain rules.

  • First of all, you must clearly understand what you really want; your thoughts should not be vague and vague.
  • Then you must completely dissolve in your imagined wish and imagine that it has already come true.
  • To do this, you can use additional available methods and tools.
  • Do not forget that the atmosphere at the moment of creation should be calm and relaxing.
  • You can turn on your favorite tune and sit comfortably in a rocking chair.

Correct date for creating a wish card

It is recommended to make a wish card on the full moon or on the days of the waxing moon. These days there is powerful energy, a rise in strength is noticeable. When you make a board on the new moon, your wishes will come true quickly. When it declines, energy also decreases, laziness, melancholy and apathy are everywhere. During this period, it is difficult to tune in to a positive mood.

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You can time the creation of a motivating card to coincide with the new year or birthday. After all, the main thing remains personal attitude, the understanding that everything is being done correctly.

Wish card for 2021: when to do it

A wish card is always made at the beginning of the First Lunar Year - after the first new moon. In 2021, the best time to create a Wish Card is February 5 after 0:04 Moscow time.

Since visualization covers 9 areas of everyday life - almost like the wheel of time management , 12 days are also allocated for magical creativity. But this does not mean that work in one area takes one day. No. It’s just that when creating a wish card 2021, you need to meet the dates of February 5 – February 17.

Duration of action and frequency of replacement

It is believed that the wish card must be made again every year. It is during this period that the Earth makes a revolution around the Sun. The energy of the Universe depends on the activity of the planets. At the same time, there are desires that cannot be fulfilled in 12 months. But they still need to be fixed at the point of execution, and not at an intermediate stage. Only the final goals should be indicated on the map. The maximum validity period for a treasure board is 3 years.

You can create a flowing map. Desires that have already been fulfilled are replaced with new ones. Unfulfilled dreams remain in place to guide, to be a source of inspiration.

Careful selection of photographs is a very important nuance

To make the treasure map the most effective and efficient, you need to take a responsible approach to the selection of pictures. If the author does not have the artistic ability to draw sketches on his own, then photographs can be selected on the Internet and printed or cut out from suitable magazines. The main thing is that they must exactly correspond to the dream, radiate positive energy, be bright and eye-catching.

In the center - the yellow sector - there must be a personal image of a happy woman if the collage is made by a lady, or a man’s own photo when the card is created by a representative of the stronger sex.

In the family sector there should be an image of a happy couple if you want to create a new family. For those who are already married, you need to place a photo in this square that captures a memorable moment from family life.

In the sector of wealth that is important to everyone, you need to decide what you want most. These could be images of a new car, apartment, or cottage. The main thing is that the desire can be fulfilled.

What to do with the old version

After a new card has appeared, it is better to get rid of the old version. It confuses the Universe and confuses thoughts. You should not keep it, even if the wishes entrusted to it did not come true. It is necessary to get rid of the vision board on days when the moon is waning:

  • thank the card for its faithful service and the Universe for its help;
  • You shouldn’t get angry if part of what you planned didn’t happen. You need to part amicably, as if saying goodbye to an old and good friend, cutting off negative emotions;
  • discard the card in any way. There are no rituals or strict rules. If you don’t want it to be seen by strangers, you can cut it into small pieces and burn it. Pictures from the card are saved if they remain in good condition, not wrinkled, not faded, not torn.

We create a wish card with our own hands

A wish map made by the author himself is more valuable and effective, when each picture evokes a storm of emotions, it is chosen with love. Even if it takes a lot of time to make, it's worth it. After all, already during drawing, cutting out, the images will be remembered and loved. Signals will immediately be sent to the Universe, ready to help.

Suitable materials for a wish card

Usually a map is made on paper. It can be found in everyone's home. You can not only glue images and photographs to it, but also draw them yourself.


It is better to choose a larger sheet so as not to make small pictures. They should be striking and memorable. Whatman paper is suitable for a wish card. A lot of pictures and inscriptions will fit on paper of this size. You can make it smaller, the main thing is that there is a place for all thoughts.

Cork board

If you want the motivational card to match the interior, you can use a cork board. Photographs and pictures are attached to it with pins. They can be removed at any time and replaced with new ones, without any damage to other parts. In addition, the images on the cork board look quite stylish.

Dream photos

You should like the pictures on the wish card. Do not use crumpled or dirty photographs. Of course, they can be cut out from magazines, but only those that are not damaged. A card with photographs of the same size printed on photo paper will turn out to be bright. They will look neat and be perceived as a whole. It will not seem that one desire is more important than another.

Paints, markers, pencils, glue

When you can’t find a photo that reflects your dream, you can depict it yourself. Paints, markers, crayons, pencils will do. There is no need to try to create an ideal picture that fully reflects reality. The main thing is that you like her and describe your desire in great detail.

Glue is useful if the map is planned on paper. Instead, you can use tape, carefully sticking it to the corners of the images.

Sector colors

The zones of the wish map correspond to different colors. This enhances their energy and brings their dream closer. It is not necessary to paint over the squares, but in order to join the teachings of Feng Shui, it is better to know about the shades assigned to each sector:

  • assistants and travel – gray, gold, yellow, silver, white;
  • career – blue, light blue, white or black;
  • knowledge – orange, beige, yellow;
  • children and creativity - silver, gold, yellow, gray;
  • health – yellow, terracotta, orange;
  • family – green, blue, brown, black;
  • love – pink, red, brown and its shades;
  • glory – red, green;
  • wealth – violet, lilac, green.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start making a wish map, you need to forget about your problems and tune in to the positive. You need to select images, print them, cut them out or draw them.

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Having prepared the tools, you can start creating:

  • divide the board or whatman paper into 9 identical squares;
  • you can paint each sector in its own color or glue paper of the desired shade;
  • attach images in a convenient way. It is better not to leave empty spaces, but also not to glue photographs one on top of the other;
  • you can decorate the board with beads, ribbons, and any details;
  • come up with a simple wish that will come true;
  • activate the card.

It is recommended to keep the treasure board away from prying eyes. This is personal, intimate, someone else’s energy should not influence her.


There are online designers that allow you to quickly make a wish map. This will save a lot of time and no additional materials will be needed. You can add any pictures found on the Internet, change the background, and make inscriptions. The future wish card will appear on the computer screen; all you have to do is print it out in a convenient format.

There are various patterns that differ from the usual square zone map. They can be in a list or part of a chart. The main thing is that the design is inspiring and that you like to look at the map. Photos in online designers are collected by topic, so you can quickly find an image that suits each zone.

There are programs that you can install on your phone so that inspiring pictures are nearby. Convenient to use if it is not possible to print the map.

Ready-made sets

When you don’t have time to create a wish map, but want to visualize your dreams, you can choose a ready-made set. They already have a sheet of paper divided into 9 zones. Depending on the cost of the set, the number of pictures changes. They are usually made on adhesive paper; you just need to cut them and place them in the appropriate sector. Some manufacturers include inspirational messages in the kits that can also be easily placed on the board.

Working with Map sectors - key points

Each sector of the Desire Map is responsible for a specific area of ​​human life. It creates a certain energy impulse, which opens up opportunities for the gradual implementation of cherished goals. The following sectors are distinguished:

  • Central
    , designed to accommodate your deepest dreams. If you doubt the importance of several desires or cannot choose one, then the best option would be to combine all the fantasies that should come true together. You can also supplement the sector with pictures that do not find a place in other areas of the layout.

    Many psychologists argue that in the middle of the central square you should place your own photo, emitting positive energy. It will help bring to life your most secret dreams that will become reality.

  • "Wealth"
    , responsible for the material aspect of existence. Everything you need for a happy and comfortable life should be here - a mansion or a luxurious apartment, jewelry, antiques, money. You can place photographs of the desired things in the sector or paste a banknote, adding the number of zeros to the required amount. Captions under pictures should be positive and affirming.

    For example: “I celebrated my housewarming in the fall of 2021,” “I am happy about driving a new car,” “My fortune is estimated at 100 thousand dollars.” “I wear clothes from expensive, prestigious brands.”

  • "Health"
    , which should contain your photo. You can cut out a person's shape that you like and paste your face on top of it. The text accompaniment should be as follows:

    “I have excellent health,” “My head is always light and clear,” “My sculpted and toned body is perfect!” It is prohibited to use the negative particle “not” and the word “thin”.

  • "Love and personal relationships"
    . This sector is one of the main ones, because a person who has a beloved family cannot be unhappy. Here you need to place images of the closest people you want to see in your life. If we are talking about finding a true life partner, then you can simply write:

    “I married the man I loved,” “I married the kindest girl.” “I have a strong-willed, purposeful husband who achieves his goals. He leads a healthy lifestyle, loves me and our children, and is dedicated and loyal to his family.”

    It is important to focus on the personal qualities of your partner that are of the greatest value to you.

  • "Career and success at work"
    . In the square you need to place a picture in which you are doing what you love and making a good profit from it. You can draw a kind of ladder, each of the steps of which should be labeled in accordance with the position you plan to occupy. It is important to determine the specific amount of wages, the features of the business and the dates when all this is implemented.
  • "Glory"
    . This concept implies not only stunning achievements, such as winning the Olympic Games or an award at the Cannes Film Festival, but also public recognition at work, at home and in a narrow circle of loved ones.

Important! Many people, when creating a collage of desires, make serious mistakes that block the realization and material embodiment of their dreams. Most often they choose pictures of money raining down on a person from the sky, or a mansion surrounded by an impenetrable fence. In this case, the subconscious takes everything at face value.

In fact, these photographs mean that all your money will “fly away” and pass by you, and the doors of the long-awaited cottage will remain locked, surrounded by a fence. Therefore, it is important to choose dream images that our subconscious will perceive realistically and will realize it step by step. You can paste on a collage a photo with money in your hands, driving a car, or inside a long-awaited house, and not next to it.

Now you know how to make a wish map correctly so that it brings the desired results.

Where to place

For the wish card to work, it needs to be hung up. You cannot hide it under the bed, on the closet or in the pantry. This will kill her energy, and there will be no hope for the fulfillment of her desires.

According to Feng Shui

You should not place the treasure board in the bath, toilet, or kitchen. It is also not recommended to hang it in the corridor if it is a passageway and people are constantly scurrying past the secret map. It must be hidden from prying eyes. This doesn't mean you can't show it to your friend or husband. It should not be seen by anyone who is capable of insulting desires, laughing at them and the board itself, doubting its strength.

The effectiveness of the card increases if the following rules are observed:

  • it hangs in the east or southeast. Don't be upset if you can't do this. The energy of the card will remain, the main thing is to believe in its powers and remember your desires. You should not place it on the window to achieve the position on the desired side;
  • The board is located in the bedroom, living room or office.

If the collage of dreams hangs in a prominent place and you don’t want guests to see it, you can simply remove it during the visit. This will not affect his work, because later he will be back in his place.

Where to place the wish card: 5 best places

Simply writing and forgetting is not enough. To make your wishes come true, you need to contact the card every day - look at it, reflect and act. Therefore, the optimal place to place it is above the desktop. But if you are not inclined to share your dreams with others and are sensitive to unfounded criticism, it is better to choose places where only you will see the map:

  • On the inner cabinet door;
  • At the bottom of the underwear drawer;
  • In a desk drawer;
  • Inside is a folder with personal documents;
  • In phone.

You can place your wish card anywhere. The main thing is that you unwittingly meet her every day, and strangers have no idea about her existence.

Working with the visualization tool

The wish map helps you understand your own thoughts, determine what is a priority in life, and what you can refuse for now. Thanks to her, images appear before your eyes that you want to strive for. She inspires action. When you encounter difficulties along the way, you need to look at the map and doubts will dissipate. It will give you confidence that your plans will come true, that the Universe will tell you the right path, the main thing is to think positively and believe in your own strength.

A wish map is a way to fix the main goal, constantly observe it, and not let it go out of sight. So it begins to seem understandable, close, and perceived as achievable. Therefore, all elements of the card should be pleasant and make you smile. Otherwise, they will not be able to give confidence and fill them with the energy necessary for new achievements.


It is recommended to reinforce the wish card with affirmative phrases that lift your spirits and force you to act. Affirmations are settings that tune the subconscious in the right way. When repeated daily, they begin to work.

Affirmations should not contain negative particles. These include, for example, the following phrases:

  • "I am well";
  • “I am happily married”;
  • “I travel constantly”;
  • “My work inspires me.”

Positive thoughts are written under the pictures they correspond to.

What to Remember When Setting an Intention

Drawing up a wish map is only half the battle. The key point in creating it should be your intention to get what you want. After you have divided the whatman paper into sectors and started working on them, stop thinking about the obstacles that may hinder you, the opinions of strangers, the money needed to get what you want. You need to give yourself permission to have what you want and stop doubting that you will get everything you dream of.

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Safety precautions

When selecting images for a wish card, you need to ensure that they match your dreams as closely as possible. It is necessary to pay attention to the details; if they are missing, then add them. The Universe can think of it, add the missing information, and the desire will completely change.

You should not take pictures and photographs that contain unpleasant, ugly details. This applies to dried trees, a broken cup, a burnt house. Even if they are located in the background, such images are not suitable for a wish card.

You can't wish harm on others. If you manage to achieve your own goal, while destroying the dream of another, the Universe will take revenge. Any negativity comes back with disastrous consequences. Desires should not infringe on the interests of others. This is a personal card, which is designed to solve personal problems, and it does not concern specific people from the environment.

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All pictures, photographs, affirmations should be joyful, without a hint of sadness or negativity.

The meaning of zones and sectors of the map of Happiness

To prevent a disorderly flow of your life and eliminate the possibility of chaos, place pictures in strictly designated sectors, corresponding to certain areas, colors, with the necessary text.

ZoneColorPhraseFeatured Images
HealthYellow, gold
  • "My body is healthy"
  • “All illnesses have left me”
Own photo
  • “I achieved the position of director (manager, etc.)”,
  • “I make the most of every chance”
Logos of the companies where you want to work, career growth chart, dynamics of professional achievements, etc.
  • “The number of my followers is increasing”
  • “I have achieved everyone’s respect”
Providing popularity and success in the desired areas of photography and pictures.
ProsperityPurple, green
  • “I have enough money on my bank card”
  • “My income is growing every day”
Items that emphasize wealth and financial independence: banknotes, expensive jewelry, yachts and cars.
WisdomDark orange, brown
  • “I have a fairly developed intuition”
  • "I gain wisdom every day"
Your acquired knowledge: the name of the courses where you are thinking of learning a new line of work, diplomas, certificates, driver’s license, etc.
FamilyDark green
  • "My family is friendly"
  • "I am pregnant"
Images of an existing or planned family or children.
LovePink, red
  • "I love and I am loved"
  • “My chosen one (chosen one) is crazy about me”
Pictures of lovers' dates, romantic surprises and other manifestations of tenderness and feelings towards each other.
HobbiesSilver, white
  • “My hobby is interesting and useful”
  • “I realize myself as a creatively developed personality”
Imagine your dreams of learning to embroider, play the guitar, bake pies or much more with the appropriate photos in this sector.
TripsSilver, gray
  • “I will spend my vacation at sea”
Pictures of places where you have been and where you dream of returning, or those that you cannot even think about in your thoughts.

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Having considered such a concept as a wish map and how to make it correctly, you have already been able to come to the conclusion that you should focus on the correct arrangement of sectors on a sheet of whatman paper.

Only in this case will you be able to adjust certain areas of your life in which you are currently not entirely sure.

How to select pictures for sectors

Consider such an important point as the choice of pictures. They should be quite bright and colorful. Select certain options from glossy magazines or ask an artist you know to make a couple of sketches on paper for you.

Don't forget the following rules:

  • All photos must truly reflect what you want.
  • Don’t be lazy, spend some time searching for suitable ones, both in essence and in subject matter.
  • Images should be beautiful and convey a positive message.
  • Choose a specific photo that reflects only the desired idea.
  • Eliminate unnecessary details so that energy is not wasted.
  • Design each sector sequentially, without stopping or returning to the previous one.
  • Spend as much time as possible on each zone.
  • Select the required optimal size for your happiness screen. It doesn't have to be too big. The preferred size options are: 68x68, 69x69, 88x88.

Common mistakes

A wish map is a way to achieve your goals. But it doesn't work by itself. If the one who created it gives up and waits for the favor of fate, nothing will happen. The Universe is ready to help those who strive for their goals and are not afraid to go through obstacles.

Among the errors when drawing up the map are:

  • girls place famous actors or singers in the love zone. They hope that fate will bring them together. But perhaps she has other plans, and the person is meant for someone else. It turns out this is violence against his will. If there is a person you like, then you can find a photo of someone similar from the back. And place this silhouette next to your own image;
  • they place the images incorrectly, confuse the sectors, or make the images overlap one another;
  • they do not use their own desires, but think more about the dreams of their spouses, parents or children;
  • take photographs with defects, poor quality, sun-bleached, torn edges, wrinkled or dirty;
  • When dreaming of owning a house or car, they place their photo aside. If you want to combine both images, then you need to place yourself inside. When looking at the photo, it should be clear who the owner of the mansion and convertible is;
  • make a map together with friends. If this is a board of personal goals, then you need to work through them alone, ignoring the advice of others.

You need to believe in the wish card, love it and respect it. Only then will she work and help her dreams come true.

How to charge the card with energy

When creating your planned life on paper, do not forget that you are thus drawing your future Destiny. Do not approach this process if you are in a bad mood, depressed, or upset about current events. Get alone and get rid of all distractions. This procedure does not tolerate fuss and haste. Clearly trace every detail and every touch; if done incorrectly, it will not bring the expected result. Try to provide your wishes with positive thoughts and emotions as fully as possible. After achieving your goals, replace your vision board with “fresh” plans and perspectives.


To get the most out of your wish card, you need to take into account all the details. It’s not enough to find photos and place them in squares of the appropriate color. You need to respect the Universe and your environment, believe in your own strengths and not listen to negative thoughts. Only a person who lives in harmony with his own desires will be helped by Fate in his aspirations.

One card per couple/family

The most effective cards are those made collectively. After all, more strength, energy, and emotions are invested in them. It is important that everyone supports the idea. If a person does not believe in the power of the card, you should not involve him in the process.

When preparing a family vision board, everyone's interests need to be taken into account. Discuss goals and only when they are perceived with enthusiasm by everyone should they be placed on paper. It is impossible for interests and aspirations to coincide in all sectors. This is especially true for education and career. You can place such desires separately, but you need to differentiate between who wants to do yoga and who wants to do numismatics.

The child's wishes can also be pasted on the board. Especially if he is small and cannot create a map himself. Parents help the already grown child and suggest how to correctly place the images he has chosen.

Adding a card after activation

Changes can be made to a ready-made map. Doing this is not prohibited at any time, even after its activation. The only way to charge new targets with energy is to place them on favorable days when the moon is waxing. You can even replace your own photo if you no longer like it. After all, the most important thing is the smile and the desire to move forward, which appear when looking at the treasure board.

Using black and white photos

The main thing when drawing up a map is to follow the sectors and not make mistakes. It is also important that she inspires. If you want to use black and white photos, then there is nothing wrong with that. This will not affect the operation of the card; what is important is the feeling that appears when working with images. If it seems that such pictures are what is needed at the moment, then the card is being made correctly. At the same time, photographs should be clear and understandable, without blurry details that can be interpreted in different ways.

Why the wish card doesn't work

It happens that a correctly prepared card refuses to fulfill wishes.

This can be explained as follows:

  • They stopped believing in the dream board and treat it with disrespect, like a household item. But you need to love her, thank her for her help, and most importantly, not doubt her strength;
  • The Universe helps those who give love and kindness to the world. She is unlikely to agree to show an angry and envious person the right path. And it's not just about actions. Even negative thoughts, offensive words thrown in jest can spoil karma. Therefore, if you really ask for help from the Universe, then you should reconsider your attitude towards life, friends and acquaintances. If you trust them, help them, thinking positively, then Fate will not be in debt.

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Tips from the experts

Experts in the field of psychology and positive thinking support the technique of drawing up a wish map. But they also emphasize that making a collage is not enough, it is important to move in the intended direction. You cannot trust fate without taking action to achieve your goals.

Alina Gess

Alina Hess has helped many people achieve their deepest desires. She works with a variety of techniques, including practicing dream card making and advising on how to properly make them.

She calls for caution when designing the “Children and Creativity” zone. Photos of babies should be pasted only when there is a desire to get pregnant. If a couple no longer wants to have children, then there is no point in posting images of them. You don’t even need to use a photo of your own baby, wishing him health and happiness. When there is a girl in the family, and mom and dad want to give her a brother, then it’s better to find a picture with a boy. There is no need to use a photo of your daughter.

Yulia Voronina

Feng Shui consultant Yulia Voronina is known as a specialist in the Wish Fulfillment System. She considers the treasure board to be a living thing and talks about it as if it were a person. She shares the concepts of “vision board” and “dream collage”. The latter must contain personal photographs. It combines reality and dreams. And therefore it is considered more effective.

Vasilisa Volodina

The famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina refers to the wish map as a motivator. She believes this technique works. But simple planning also works, when a person sets a goal and breaks it down into separate tasks. Once he understands what actions he needs to perform, the dream will begin to approach. Without work, it is impossible to achieve a single dream.

Vasilisa advises setting priorities every year and trying to move towards your goals. After 12 months, you need to check whether everything was completed. Usually, if a person is really interested, most of the cases are successfully completed. The wish card also works.

Natalya Pravdina

Writer and positive psychology specialist Natalya Pravdina also gives advice to those trying to create a wish map. She encourages you to put on the board only what you really dream about. You shouldn't think about a luxury car if you don't plan to get a license. Also, you don’t need to imagine yourself in a huge house when you like to live in a small and cozy apartment.

It is important to believe that wishes will come true, they will not harm anyone, and their fulfillment works for the common good. This thought can be reformulated in your own way and captured on a map so that it catches your eye and becomes entrenched in your subconscious.

Important areas

How to make a wish card with your own hands correctly? It is important to remember that Feng Shui divides space into several zones. These are 4 main sides (north, south, west, east) and 4 adjacent ones (northeast, southwest, northwest, southeast).

Each of these sectors is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. The wish map must be divided into zones and activated in a special way.

Central Health Sector

Making a wish card with your own hands is very easy. but you must always start from the center. You must place your photo in the very middle of the wish poster. On it you should smile or be joyful. The center turns golden or yellow. Inside you can write affirmations that are related to your health and beauty.

Suitable affirmations:

  • I love my body.
  • I enjoy life, I am learning to be optimistic, and at the same time my health is getting better.
  • Day by day my organs and systems are working better and better.
  • I live in peace and harmony with my body. I love and respect him.
  • Miracles happen in my life every day. I rejoice in them and continue to love and develop myself.

Southern Glory Zone

The glory zone is located in the south and is associated with the color red. All your ambitions and achievements are here. Everything that concerns your identification. Do you need more fans, more venues, top iTunes, top Shazam? Olympic medals?

Do you want to win an Oscar for your leading role or become a millionaire blogger? Discover your own uniqueness so that you will be recognized as a master of your craft? Write it here!

You can read more about the southern zone of Glory in our other article.

Suitable affirmations:

  • I am a master of my craft (specify which one). People love me, and I love them.
  • I am becoming more successful every day.
  • My rocket (project, business, business) is flying upward at maximum speed.
  • People find out about me through social networks.
  • I am that beacon that shines in the middle of the night and helps people see light in pitch darkness.

Southeast sector of Money

The Money Zone is located in the southeast and is colored purple or green. You can glue or draw a huge number of banknotes, banknotes, securities, coins and gold bars into this sector. A DIY wish card should be filled with wealth.

If you want to receive a large amount of money per month, then indicate it and the sources of your income. Imagine that money is falling from heaven. Read more about the southeastern zone of Money according to Feng Shui.

Suitable affirmations:

  • I am a money magnet.
  • I earn 100,000 rubles a month from my job.
  • Cosmic abundance manifests itself as cash flow in my life.
  • I love seeing money come into my bank account.
  • Money comes easily to me and I feel like I deserve it.

Southwestern sector of Marriage and Love

How to make a wish card with your own hands? There should be a lot of pink and red in this southwest zone. It's best to post couple photos of you and your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Any attributes of love will do: hearts, cupids, rose quartz and much more. You can stick on Love is... chewing gum inserts.

If you are looking for your soulmate, then you should cut out a photo of your favorite actor or musician from a magazine and paste it into a wish card. Let this be a certain message of the ideal image that you are waiting for.

For those who want to attract love into their lives as soon as possible, we have a special ritual for attracting a loved one. You can read more about the Southwestern sector of Marriage and Love here.

Suitable affirmations:

  • Love comes into my life easily and freely. I am learning to accept it with gratitude and dignity.
  • I am the source of love and happiness.
  • My soulmate (name) loves me very much. I feel his (her) love every minute.
  • I meet my love, which I need at the moment.
  • I create my own world around me, which is full of love.

East Zone Families

The best background for the eastern zone is dark green. All images that are related to your family should be here. Paste a photo of your whole family together.

Maybe it was some kind of feast or a joint vacation. The main thing is that you all smile. Draw a sketch of your family holding hands together.

If there are any omissions or disagreements in your family, then with the help of affirmations and positive thoughts, try to replace quarrels and conflicts with peace in the family. You can learn more about the Eastern Sector of the Family here.

Suitable affirmations:

  • My family is the best thing that life can give me today.
  • Relationships in my family are improving every day. Harmony and love take the place of conflicts and disputes.
  • I love every member of my family. We spend the holidays together and every week we gather at a huge table for dinner.
  • All my family members are always protected by divine power and that is why I am at peace.
  • My young family is only growing stronger every day. And we are expecting an addition soon.

Western sector of Creativity and Children

There is no limit to imagination in this zone. After all, making a wish map with your own hands is very simple. It is better to leave the background white or make it silver. If you are a creative person, then decorate this area the way only you can. Or you draw, then draw something cute and original there.

If you sew or knit, stick on pictures of your tool materials. For people who sing, you can place an image of a microphone, notes or musical instruments. If you are an actor, then it would be appropriate to place a stage, a harp or two masks here.

This zone is also responsible for children. A DIY wish card should reflect your personality. In addition to creative skills, you can put photos of your children here. It is very important that they are happy and smiling in the photo.

If you are just planning to have a child (or a cat), then find a picture of a stork, or... a cabbage. Even more details about the symbols of the Western Zone of Creativity and Children.

Suitable affirmations:

  • Inside me, in my soul, is the source of creativity.
  • I generate brilliant ideas on a global scale. I am giving an interview to Yuri Dudu.
  • And I am gradually and actively realizing my creative essence. Ivan Urgant notices me and invites me to visit the “Evening Urgant” program on Channel One.
  • My child finishes first grade with straight A's.
  • My child loves me very much, and I love him even more every day.

Northeast sector of Knowledge and Wisdom

The Zone of Knowledge and Wisdom is colored brown or dark orange. Before you post anything here, think: what knowledge would you like to gain? Some are interested in physics, some conduct chemical experiments, some are interested in geography, and some are interested in occult sciences.

Images of books, globes, secret formulas or signs can be pasted here. Make a list of works that you would like to read or watch and leave it in your wish list. You can read more about the Zone of Knowledge and Wisdom in our article.

Suitable affirmations:

  • I have an intuition that directly connects me to the source of knowledge.
  • There is a source of infinite wisdom and knowledge within me.
  • I am making world discoveries in the area of ​​(specify area).
  • I read a lot of books and learn about myself through them.
  • Every new day teaches me something.

Northern sector Careers

According to Feng Shui, the Career zone is colored blue. Here you need to have everything you dream of. If you want to become a colonel, draw shoulder straps.

Or if you want to win some competition, then picture yourself on the podium as a winner. If you want to work for Gazprom, stick on the company badge and sign your position.

Do not ask for too much at once, otherwise your wishes will not come true. Start wanting a step in your career a little higher than the one you are currently at. Every time you rise, simply indicate a new position in the new wish card. Read more about the Career zone here.

Did you know that Polina Gagarina visualized herself 2nd place at Eurovision in 2015? Just before the competition, she and her husband made a wish card, in which the singer predicted 2nd place for herself and indicated those countries that would give Russia 12 points. This is exactly what came to life soon!

Suitable affirmations:

  • I have many plans and abilities. I have everything to succeed in my (specify what) business.
  • I work for the fashion magazine Cosmopolitan and earn 200,000 rubles a month.
  • Every day brings me new opportunities for my professional growth (specify area).
  • I am always in the right place at the right time and complete everything on time.
  • I find a job with a schedule convenient for me (specify what) in company N (specify name) and earn 500,000 rubles (any other amount) per month.

Northwest Sector of Travel and Helpers

A gray or silver tint characterizes the zone of Helpers and Travel. If you have any personalities whose support you want to enlist, or idols who inspire you, then feel free to post their image here.

If you have long dreamed of visiting Paris, Prague, Canada or the USA, then quickly cut out the image and the main attractions of this country.

When you ride the observation wheel in Rome, remember how you pasted images of this city into your wish map. You can read more about the Helpers and Travel zone in our other article.

Suitable affirmations:

  • There are always many kind and sympathetic people around me who are ready to help me.
  • I'm having lobster dinner at the authentic restaurant Le Grand Véfour, which is located in France at the address: 1st arrondissement, 17 Rue du Beaujolais
  • During the winter holidays, our whole family went to the Alps to ski.
  • The world is filled with wonderful people, I always meet them.
  • I am happy that I can travel and enjoy the beauty of Canada.


You should carefully think through your desires in order to ultimately achieve your dream. For example, if a woman wants to become slim, she should not post photos of models on the map. To keep themselves in shape, they go on exhausting diets, deny themselves sweets and starchy foods, and live according to a strict schedule. This affects a person’s health and emotional background. Therefore, a beautiful picture is a shell. Not everyone wants to live at this pace for the sake of envious glances from friends and a bunch of fans.

If you want to look beautiful and stay healthy, photographs of athletes, people practicing yoga or martial arts are suitable for the card.

When you have to make repairs in a newly acquired apartment, your dreams of how it will be should be placed in the “Creativity” sector. At the same time, in the “Wealth” zone of the card, you can leave a message that money for renovations in a new apartment is easy to get. It is necessary to emphasize that this is a different living space, not the one in which the family has settled now. Otherwise, the Universe will interpret desires in its own way, which will cause problems in the old apartment. For example, pipes will burst and the floors will have to be re-laid. Or there will be a fire at the neighbors and you will need to re-glue the wallpaper.

If a person dreams of opening his own business, a coffee shop or pizzeria, then the images should be placed in two sectors, “Career” and “Wealth”. In the first, you need to indicate that the business is growing stronger before our eyes, new clients are constantly appearing, they leave rave reviews, and recommend the establishment to their friends. There are plans to expand or open a new cafe. In the “Wealth” zone, cards leave an affirmation confirming income growth. Revenue, as well as profit, are growing steadily.

A wish card is not a piece of paper with photographs. It should not be treated carelessly, doubt its strength, throw it into a far corner and store it under a layer of dust. It is created with love, causing a surge of joy when looking at it. The treasure board should be thanked for its help. But it is also necessary to select the material for it carefully, so that the Universe cannot interpret the plan differently.

How to correctly create a square of Desires

The Bagua Square is the starting point from which you should start when determining what it is, your wish card according to Feng Shui.

Therefore, it is important to decide on its filling and distribution into the required spaces and zones. Before the actual visualization procedure, you will think about what you want to see in your future life. As a result, you will get a certain energy that can allow dreams and plans to come true.

How to draw sectors

Divide the sheet into nine parts, each of which will have its own color, name and direction.

Don't forget about the specific cardinal directions, which looks like this:

  • east is on the left,
  • west is on the right,
  • south is from above,
  • north is from below.

More interesting things about Feng Shui: Health zone according to Feng Shui in an apartment - the secrets of Eastern longevity

The basics of correctly drawing up your Lucky Card

Sector nameColorMeaningDescription
Centralthe main objectiveIf your plans are to be a successful, prosperous person in excellent health, place in the center a photo depicting you in exactly this way.
Upper left corner
Light greenMaterial well-beingArrange pictures of financial success:
  • money, jewelry,
  • branded items,
  • cars, etc.

Below, write affirmative entries regarding the planned and expected amount of your income.

Upper Middle
RedFame, public approval, respectDefine your creative and professional ambitions and reflect them with appropriate pictures:

  • cup,
  • diploma,
  • podium, etc.
Upper right corner
BrownLoveFor a person who is in search of a soul mate, here you can place your photo as a groom or bride.
Those who have found marital happiness can strengthen their relationship with an image where both partners jointly radiate joy and happiness.
Left Center
Dark greenHealth and family relationshipsThe sector touches on the main aspects of not only a positive physical state, but also the spiritual psychological atmosphere that reigns in your home.
Place here photos of beautiful and pleasant places you have visited or are planning to visit.
Right Center
WhiteCreativity, childrenDreams about a child can be realized by depicting a newborn.
Represent the development and strengthening of your and your children’s creative potential with appropriate drawings.

At the same time, plan any creative activities - from crocheting to masterpieces when playing the piano.

Bottom left corner
Light brownKnowledge and skillWhen planning to achieve success in a new activity, reflect your aspirations in the form of certain compositions.
The field can be varied: dancing, science, singing, drawing, etc.
Lower Middle
BlueCareerUse your imagination as much as possible to explain your professional claims.
Draw a beautiful manager’s office, a career growth chart, desired achievements and other work aspects that you strive for.
Bottom right corner
GreyTravel and PatronsMost likely, your plans include visiting picturesque corners of both our country and neighboring countries.
Find pictures of islands, hotels and hotels where you dream of visiting with your family.

Do not exclude from your species important patrons, who are not only certain people, but also invisible forces that accompany you through life.

Where to hang the map

You have now sorted out the important question of how to make a wish map. Now it remains to figure out where to find the most favorable place for it.

Important places

Its performance will be expected only if it always hangs before your eyes, but envious strangers should not see it under any circumstances.

  • It would be best if your tree of Happiness was located in your office or area where you prefer to relax.
  • But in cases where you don’t have the ability to restrict others’ access to it, it’s better to put it in a nice folder and look at it periodically when you’re alone.
  • You can place your treasure on the inside of the closet door where you store your belongings.
  • In our age of developed information technologies, use them to create an electronic version of the card, which will be conveniently stored in your smartphone or tablet and flipped through at any time convenient for you.
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