How to choose a clothing color that matches the day of the week

When getting dressed in the morning, you don’t know what color dress or blouse to choose. Vedic astrology proves that each day of the week is favored by either a deity or a planet with its own qualities and color. We often owe our well-being, mood, and even success to the color of the outfit that day or to the presence of an attribute of that shade.

How to calculate the number of a planet

Each number is protected by planets, as well as the day of the week. Therefore, one day is covered by two planets: according to the number of the planet and according to the day of the week.

Numbers and days of the week of the planets:

  1. Sun - Sunday.
  2. Moon - Monday.
  3. Rahu - Saturday.
  4. Mercury - Wednesday.
  5. Venus - Friday.
  6. Ketu - Tuesday.
  7. Saturn - Saturday.
  8. Mars - Tuesday.

To calculate the planet number, the digits of the day are added until you get a single digit number. An example of calculating the number of a planet on the 16th: 16=1+6=7. Or the calculation of the patron planet based on one’s own date of birth: 04/21/1989=2+1+0+4+1+9+8+9=34=3+4=7. Under the number 7 is Mars, which means red and brown are lucky colors.

How to determine your element and choose the right clothes

What specific clothes are right for you? In order to answer this question, you need to determine which of the five elements (Water, Fire, Earth, Metal or Wood) you belong to. This is very easy to do: the last digit of the year of your birth will tell you about this.

So, if the year in which you were born ends in 0 or 1, you belong to the Metal element, 2 or 3 to the Water element, 4 or 5 to the Wood element, 6 or 7 to the Fire element, 8 or 9 to the Earth element.

5 elements of feng shui

Metal. You will want clothes that resemble metal in structure or color - these can be metallic colors, things made of organza or structured brocade. An excellent choice would be clothes that are embroidered with sequins, beads, and rhinestones.

Give preference to metallic colors - white, silver, copper, gold. Metal jewelry and accessories will suit you well. Avoid lush, light, airy and delicate outfits - they will take away your energy.

Water. Classic clothes, as well as romantic outfits, are what are more consistent with your inner world if your element is water. Opt for muted cream shades, white and gray. Avoid flashy, so-called trendy things, and acidic colors - they are in such disharmony with your nature that they can bring chaos into your life.

Runes without fear

Sunday is the day of the Sun

This day is meant for walks, travel, celebration and joy. Corresponds to Sunday:

  • yellow,
  • orange,
  • light red,
  • light brown colors.

The aroma of patchouli, orange or rosewood is suitable for such shades. It is acceptable to choose clothes in white, pink, blue or green. If women wear yellow clothes, they are pleased with their own beauty.

An outfit of black, dark purple and dark red tones will not bring good luck.


This day is led by Jupiter. It is suitable for meditation, rituals and prayers. It is ideal for organizing a wedding, making contributions to charity and giving gifts.

The best color to attract good luck is purple, as well as all its variations:

  • lilac;
  • lilac;
  • violet;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Yellow or golden shades in outfits are contraindicated. Clothing in red, green, blue and brown colors will be neutral.

Monday – Moon

At the beginning of the week, the mood is unstable and changeable. Women are emotional, capricious, and suffer from frequent mood swings, which is why Monday has soft and calm colors. Main shades:

  • silver,
  • white,
  • light gray,
  • cream and milk.

This also includes yellow and blue tones. Lovers of white clothes love cleanliness and decorate the house on Mondays with bouquets of white lilies, citruses, patchouli or other snow-white flowers.

Pink, green, grey, chocolate and purple clothes are acceptable on the first day of the week. You should not choose a black, dark purple or dark red dress.

Dos and Don'ts of Dressing According to Feng Shui

Feng Shui clothing rules

There are general recommendations when choosing clothes that you need to follow in order to harmonize your life and direct it in the right direction. Pay attention to your state of mind - if you feel a loss of energy, sudden changes in mood, if you are prone to apathy and depressive thoughts, then it’s time for you to clean up your wardrobe.

First, always make sure that your clothes are clean, smell nice, and generally look neat and well-groomed. People who do not take care of the neatness of their things, and life becomes a mess, have many problems; such people attract failures to themselves.

Secondly, be careful about what is depicted on your clothes. Any drawings that carry a negative charge, be it skulls, obscene inscriptions or anything similar, can harm you. Feng Shui also does not recommend images of predatory animals. Choose something more positive and life-affirming, and then you will see how much luckier and joyful you become.

Tuesday – Mars

Pink clothing will calm the angry planet. On Tuesday, it is recommended to wear a red, brown or burgundy dress.

The average ones include blue, ash, gold, saffron and red clothes. A black, green and blue outfit combined with the scent of ginger and pine will bring bad luck on this day.

Out of intuition, people who are brave and confident in their own actions dress in red. Mars is the personification of truth, justice, passion and excitement. But red is the color of aggression and quarrels, accidents, so when dressing in red, you should be careful and remain calm.

The planet Ketu is also considered the patroness of Tuesday. Her colors:

  • gray,
  • beige,
  • golden,
  • blue,
  • green,
  • white.

Medium shades include pink, red and brown shades. Secretive individuals who are interested in mysticism and secret knowledge prefer to wear clothes of this color.


At the head of the day is Mars, an aggressive planet. To neutralize angry energy, the most soothing shade - soft pink - is best suited. Red or brown wardrobe items will also bring good luck.

When dressing in bright red colors, it is worth remembering that you need to remain calm and fortitude, not get into quarrels and not succumb to aggression.

Clothing in the following colors would also be a good choice:

  • blue;
  • gray;
  • green;
  • beige;
  • white;
  • gold.

If you want to avoid provocations and test your strength of character, soft pink will be the best choice.

Check it out for yourself: how to understand a person’s character by the color of his clothes

Wednesday – Mercury

Wednesday prefers green, gray, yellow and emerald clothes, which help with mental pursuits and trade. Among other things, this is the color of romance and youth.

It is permissible to dress in a blue, ash or gold dress, combined with the scent of lavender and cinnamon. Blue, purple and orange clothes and idle pastime are undesirable on Wednesday.


Day of the planet Mercury. The main shade is green. This day will be a good option for planting green vegetables and trees. On Wednesdays, you need to pay attention to all the plants in the house or on the site.

Green tones are preferred in the wardrobe. The following will also perform well:

  • gold;
  • blue;
  • ashy.

You should refrain from wearing purple, orange and blue clothes. Don't waste your time on Wednesday - do something useful. The day is good for mental tasks, trading and romantic activities.

Thursday – Jupiter

A good day to give gifts, make donations and perform rituals, play weddings, read prayers or meditate. In addition, Jupiter encourages those who teach and those who learn.

For these purposes, purple, blue, lilac, lilac and pink or raspberry clothes and aromas of violet, jasmine and musk are best suited. These colors create harmony in life.

Among the medium shades, choose red, blue, green, brown and white. Don't wear yellow and gold.

Color calendar: professional and simple about the color of each day of the week

Did you know that for each day of the week not only a certain planet is “responsible”, but also a certain color symbolizing this planet? Let's figure it out and experiment!

  • Monday is the day of the moon.

The most “favorite” colors of the Moon are silver, milky, and white. Colors such as yellow and blue are also suitable. For example, a very fashionable combination this season is lemon color with denim. Ideally, this day would be dedicated to yourself, your appearance and your home, but you need to go to work, so we “smoothly” get into the working rhythm. If it works out, of course...

Black and dark colors such as dark purple or dark red are best avoided today.

  • Tuesday is Mars day.

Clothing in colors such as red, brown, marsala, terracotta, bright orange, brick will give you energy and strength for exploits and accomplishments at work.

It is better to avoid black again, as well as blue and green.

  • Wednesday is Mercury day.

A great day for new acquaintances, meetings, communication, training and education, and clothes in gray-blue and sky-blue colors will enhance your communication skills. Gray (“office”) colors and yellow are also suitable for this day.

If possible, clothes in colors such as blue, purple and orange are best left for another day.

  • Thursday is Jupiter day.

This day is also good to continue your studies. And if you have planned a visit to “higher” or government authorities or a conversation with your boss, then Thursday is best for this.

And finally, we will need blue, as well as turquoise and purple.

They can be combined with “helper” colors: red, blue, brown, white...

The exception is yellow and golden colors.

  • Friday is Venus day.

A day that is best dedicated to love, your beauty, achieving harmony, as well as creativity: your own, or looking at what others have done - performances, exhibitions, movies.

The colors that will emphasize this mood are white, but not pure white, but, for example, the color of champagne; brown, but again not a classic color, but coffee or ecru; green and its “brother” – light green.

The “helper” colors are blue, pink and red.

But black and purple can “disturb” the romantic mood of this day.

  • Saturday is Saturn day.

I’ll warn you right away, because... many will disagree, but both Vedic (Indian) astrology and Western astrology agree that on Saturday it is better to dress in... dark colors.

Yes, yes, because... the patron of the day is Saturn, who “loves” order and rigor. Therefore, for a long time, the best day to put things in order in the house is Saturday...

Therefore, the favorable colors of the day are black, dark gray, dark purple, dark brown, blue, lead.

And clothes of light colors, and especially white and yellow, are best left for Sunday.

  • Sunday is the day of the Sun.

A great day to dedicate to yourself, family, children, creativity, enjoy life and the Sun... Sunday, and there is Sunday, something to add.

The sunniest colors are yellow and golden, and the “helper” colors are white, pink, blue, green.

And we put away all dark and black clothes until next Saturday.

Good luck!

Friday – Venus

On Friday, calm and harmonious energy prevails with strong outbursts of feeling, so this day is identified with shades of blue, aquamarine or turquoise. Friday is the day of the goddess Shakti, who prefers white clothes.

The planet Venus represents love, beauty, prosperity, and is the patroness of talented people and women. Women should be beautiful on Friday.

In addition to the main shades, the following are acceptable:

  • blue and pink,
  • red,
  • lemon and beige tones.

The color will be decorated with aromas of violet, rose, ylang-ylang, bergamot, vanilla and hibiscus.


The patron of Friday, Venus, is not only the goddess of love and harmony between loved ones, she is also in charge of finances.

And there are a number of subtleties here.

To win the favor of the right people or make peace with your loved one if there is a disagreement, choose clothes, shoes and accessories in milky white color.

Cream, soft pink and blue will help you start a romantic acquaintance.

But silver color can attract financial flows.

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