Wallet color and wealth: how to choose a money color for yourself

Shape of a suitable wallet

Practicing masters are unanimous in the opinion that it is better to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui from rectangular options. The best choice would be the shape of a paper bill. Round (or with pronounced roundings) wallets are extremely undesirable, as they deprive the owner of financial stability. A wallet for attracting money should be as simple as possible, in terms of shape and outline.


A brown wallet, as a rule, is made of genuine leather, so it does not create any artificial barriers to cash flow. Shades of brown belong to the element of Earth, the main qualities of which are stability and abundance.

Such wallets are suitable not only for those who want to increase their wealth, but also for people who do not know how to hold money in their hands. A strict color will teach you to be disciplined about spending.

Red suits everyone

Optimal product dimensions

In the practice of Feng Shui, exact numbers associated with the sizes of important objects in life are of considerable importance. When choosing a Feng Shui wallet size, you can refer to imperial sizes: eight categories that can be used to calculate the correct length, width and thickness.

The most favorable segments are the following lengths:

  • from 0 to 5.4 cm;
  • from 16.2 to 21.5 cm;
  • from 37.5 to 43.2 cm.

A wallet should be abandoned if any of its sides fall within one of the following intervals:

  • from 5.4 to 10.8 cm;
  • from 10.8 to 16.2 cm;
  • from 27 to 32.4 cm.

Choosing the wrong size can lead to a number of negative consequences, including financial losses, problems with the law, encounters with deceivers and criminals, and deprivation of a social circle.

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It is not advisable to purchase a wallet that is too small, as it will not be able to store banknotes in proper form. Money should be well straightened, not bent. For the same reason, wallets that need to be folded in half are not recommended, because folding can disrupt the circulation of favorable energies.

Natural materials are the basis of wealth

The following principles will help you choose the right wallet, in terms of material and quality:

  1. Money should not be visible when the wallet is closed. Therefore, it is unacceptable to have compartments made of transparent materials (even pockets for coins).
  2. A natural base is the best choice for a wallet, especially if it is genuine leather or suede. It is believed that due to its natural origin it is capable of transmitting energy through itself. If it is not possible to purchase a leather wallet, natural fabric is a good alternative. This option is always better than any artificial materials that can lead to stagnation of energy.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of tailoring: it should be as high as possible. No uneven seams, sloppy threads, loose or crooked elements. The coloring must also be durable. To know for sure whether a wallet has been painted correctly, just rub it.
  4. The wallet should not be cheap; it is better to give preference to an expensive model. Although if it is possible to purchase a high-quality product at a discount, this is not prohibited.
  5. All available fittings must work properly. Before purchasing, you should make sure that all locks and fastenings function without difficulty.
  6. The wallet must be new; you cannot buy or accept as a gift a product that has already been in use, even for a very short time.
  7. Wallets with external trim are not the best option, but are also acceptable.

For conspiracies to work

For conspiracies to work, what to do with an old wallet? Signs warn the owner that during rituals one should not allow other people’s hands to touch the item. You need to either warn household members not to touch the product, or hide it securely.

You cannot perform money rituals in a bad mood. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite of what is expected. No one should see what is in the wallet. It is also advisable to hide the fact of performing a magical ritual from others.

Wallet color palette according to Feng Shui

Despite the large number of principles that you can rely on when choosing this product, there is one golden rule: the best color for a wallet according to Feng Shui is red. It symbolizes wealth and great financial success. A red wallet should look luxurious and requires especially careful care. It is not forbidden to have any symbols of wealth on the purse, not necessarily related to Eastern teachings.

Also, a wallet can be selected in accordance with the element to which its future owner belongs from a Feng Shui point of view. This can be determined by the last digit of the year of birth:

  1. Metal (0 or 1): gray, white, silver, copper. It is important to consider that wallets of these colors are difficult to care for.
  2. Water (2 or 3): blue, light blue, purple, turquoise, black wallet.
  3. Wood (4 or 5): Any shade of green that encourages prosperity and growth.
  4. Fire (6 or 7): red, yellow, pink, orange and any shades thereof.
  5. Earth (8 or 9): all shades of brown, gold, beige. These are the colors of reliability and stability.

When choosing a wallet, it is better to give preference to bright, rich shades that lift your spirits and are pleasing to the eye. In addition, this approach increases security: a bright wallet is much more difficult to lose than a black or gray one.

Favorite shades of banknotes

Quite a long time ago, people began to wonder what color wallet attracts money? People are convinced that material well-being is drawn to the colors of Metal and Earth. All brown and yellow shades are ideal for banknotes. But when purchasing an accessory, you should also listen to your wishes. The color of the wallet should please its owner and not cause negative emotions.

Brown and black

These shades symbolize constancy and reliability, fertility and the beginning of the material. Money senses this, so it stays with great willingness. This wallet is suitable for serious people with conservative views. It is recommended to give preference to wallets made of leather, preferably calfskin.


Excellent for enrichment and material well-being. However, too calm personalities should not purchase such an accessory; he loves open and cheerful people. A red wallet should be expensive, shiny and of high quality.


The shade has a softer effect on money. It is suitable for creative individuals for whom enrichment is not paramount. The yellow product should be made of suede; it will slow down funds and facilitate their quick return.

Silver and white

Shades attract a prosperous life; a person will always have enough money and delight its owner . To enhance energy flows, you should purchase an accessory of the same color.

Important! Under no circumstances should you choose blue colors for your wallet, because they symbolize an exclusively temporary stay. Finances will begin to disappear very quickly.

What talismans can be stored in it?

After purchasing a new wallet, you can place a Feng Shui talisman in it, which will enhance the attraction of money. This is not necessary, but this approach is common and produces good results. As a talisman for well-being you can use:

  • three Chinese coins decorated with hieroglyphs and tied with a red thread - the most common symbol of wealth that can be carried with you everywhere;
  • a small bill or coin earned by the owner of the wallet;
  • one dollar bill: green currency best suits the principles of Feng Shui;
  • A mint leaf is a strong positive symbol.

You should always keep money in your wallet, and nothing extra. It is acceptable to have bank cards, but they have their own branch. Banknotes inside the wallet should be kept neat and clean, arranged in ascending order, face forward. Over time, this becomes a habit and does not cause any inconvenience, but the right approach brings more finances into life. It is important to ensure that banknotes do not wrinkle during storage.

What is harmful to keep in your wallet?

Having chosen a wallet to attract money, you should keep it clean and tidy. For many people, it is common to carry photographs of loved ones and family members inside their wallet.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is highly not recommended, since the energy of people important in a person’s life is too strong, and it conflicts with the energy of money. Also, you should not keep the following items in your wallet:

  1. Receipts, checks, tickets and other similar garbage (which often includes various shopping lists). When you come home, you should check every time to see if there are any extra papers inside, move them to another place or throw them away.
  2. Dirty, shabby, torn money. It is recommended to spend them immediately, put them in a bank account or exchange them for cleaner ones.
  3. Discount cards. They do not carry monetary energy and can interfere with its circulation.
  4. SIM cards, memory cards and other plastic cards.

At the same time, the wallet should never be left completely empty, even if its owner practically does not use cash. The energy of money can leave it, so it is important to constantly keep at least one coin or bill of any denomination in your wallet.

You should carefully monitor the condition of your wallet to prevent damage to it. The condition of all locks and fittings is especially important. If you don’t keep your wallet in good condition, you can’t count on inflows of monetary energy.

Tips for disposing of your old wallet

The wallet requires replacement in two cases:

  • it is in normal condition, but does not bring financial well-being (or even prevents it);
  • it has served well, but has become worn out over time and no longer has a presentable appearance.

In the first case, it is recommended to empty the wallet of the last remaining coins, wrap it in black cloth and burn it. Preferably outside the home. The last money taken out of the wallet should be distributed to the poor.

In the second case, you should leave one bill (the smallest denomination) in your wallet and carefully put it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. The wallet owner's personal mailbox is best suited for this. After a month, the bill is replaced with a larger one. The ritual is repeated monthly throughout the year; it must be performed in high spirits. It is believed that this approach will increase the chances of financial well-being so much that the last bill will no longer seem large to a person.

The bills in your wallet should be spent with a feeling of ease and gratitude: this approach will certainly bring financial well-being.

How a properly selected wallet affects the owner’s well-being

Looking through the ancient treatises of Feng Shui, you will not find a single mention of a wallet. But this popular teaching does not stand still and is developing every day, adapting to new trends and realities. Nowadays, it is the wallet that acts as a symbol of prosperity. Your financial condition largely depends on its appearance. A wallet is a “home” for your money. Therefore, it is very important that it is selected according to all the rules.

There is one more factor that will make you take your choice of wallet as seriously as possible. Remember that he is always next to you, so constant energy exchange is inevitable. That is, even your mood and health will depend on what wallet you use.

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