Patchouli oil - attracting money and wealth into the home!

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Essential oils gained popularity many centuries ago. Their uses are varied - medicine, beauty, perfumery and, oddly enough... in magic. However, we are talking about wealth and this is Patchouli oil.

What is patchouli oil and its characteristics

Patchouli oil is extracted from an inconspicuous shrub that grows wild mainly in the Philippine Islands and is cultivated in many Asian countries. The plant extract smells pleasantly of damp earth or grass; some people detect spicy, resinous and woody notes in it. At first, the sharp, tart aroma of patchouli evokes associations with Indian spices, but later the smell acquires soft shades, and the longer the oil is aged, the more pleasant its aroma becomes. Local residents have studied the properties of the plant in detail and use it in folk medicine in the form of tea or tincture. It must be said that throughout the history of its existence, patchouli oil has experienced ups and downs more than once. People have noticed its beneficial properties for a long time:

1. In India, patchouli oil is used as an effective, environmentally friendly insect repellent. This is also an excellent method of disinfection and, of course, one of the popular means for aromatizing living rooms.

2. Some peoples note that this product has the ability to awaken sensuality and create an atmosphere of spiritual comfort. Therefore, there is still a tradition of rubbing the bride’s body with patchouli extract before the wedding, and when moving to a new home, scenting all the rooms with it.

3. During the popularity of oriental fabrics, merchants used patchouli to protect goods from moths. Rows of expensive fabrics were fragrant with an unprecedented aroma, which began to symbolize luxury and wealth. The smell became fashionable in Europe and essential oil turned from a moth repellent into an expensive product. They began to make perfumes and cosmetics based on it, and oil sellers made a fortune. Maybe this is where the confidence comes from that it attracts money?

4. Patchouli oil is actively used in perfumery and is added to the production of natural soaps and many cosmetics. However, this remedy owes its popularity not only to its practical, but also to its magical properties. It is believed that the ability to attract good luck makes it indispensable in rituals for attracting material wealth.

5. The treatises of ancient Eastern sorcerers and magicians mention that the fragrance of this essential oil can maintain peace and harmony in the house, endow women with fertility, and men with strength and energy.

6. Among the magical properties of this oil, one can note the ability to attract love. Therefore, those who are in search of their soulmate are recommended to wear an aroma medallion enriched with a few drops of essential oil. But even those who already have a loved one will benefit from it in that it will help create an atmosphere of incredible intimacy and trust, and reveal their feelings more fully.

Unfortunately, there is no reliable data on where the legends about the magic of patchouli for attracting wealth came from. They probably go back to the Renaissance, when merchants brought the wonderful oil to Europe. Then the scent of patchouli was called “the smell of money,” at first as a joke, because that’s what expensive oriental fabrics smelled like. Then the catchphrase caught on and a belief arose that the strange oil really attracts money.

Thanks to its magical properties, the product has established itself as a “wealth magnet”:

  • attracting good luck;
  • unleashing creative potential;
  • raising money;
  • beneficial effect on mental abilities;
  • plays the role of a talisman protecting against envy.
  • providing a stable source of cash income.

It is worth understanding that magic will not work if it does not feel the return. This means that a person must work for his own benefit, and the magical patchouli essential oil will help make profits stable.

The main beliefs that have survived to this day:

  • Having a jar of patchouli ether in the house will ensure the constant presence of money in the family;
  • if you lubricate your wallet with a few drops of patchouli extract, lost or stolen money will definitely be returned in the very near future;
  • An item charged with money cannot not only be given to strangers, but also shown. When transferring a bottle of oil into the wrong hands, a person interrupts the flow of money;
  • patchouli extract must be used to the last drop, so the bottle is used until the patchouli aroma has completely disappeared from it;
  • By the way, cotton pads “can” wonderfully store aromas. If you soak them in patchouli oil and citrus esters, and then place them in cabinets, the moths will disappear.
  • losing a bottle means expecting large material costs.

History of application

The history of oil use goes back several thousand years. Mentions of it are found in the books of sorcerers of the Ancient East, where it is described as a remedy that attracts peace to the house, relieves women of infertility and gives men strength.

But magicians called its most important property the ability to attract money to those who use it.

The popularization of essential oil in the world was facilitated by the fact that in the 18th century. Indian merchants who traded oriental fabrics in European countries used the scent of patchouli to protect their goods from moths.

The strong aroma that emanated from rolls of silk and other expensive materials gradually began to be associated among buyers with wealth and luxury.

How to use Patchouli oil to attract money

Used a certain essential oil and got what you wanted? I would really like to, but it’s too simple. Having decided to turn to Feng Shui for help, you need to follow certain rules, because this is a whole science, although unrecognized by many.

Rule 1. Visualize the goal. For example, if you set yourself the goal of attracting money, and in the case of using patchouli oil, this is the most common one, you need to imagine a picture of the end result. This could be a vacation in a five-star hotel, a trip in an expensive car, etc. You can get results faster by visualizing achieving your goal step by step - getting a position, raising your salary, saving certain amounts, etc.

Rule 2: Charging the oil. Patchouli oil, like any other oil, was not originally created for magical rituals, which means that in order to set it in the right way, you need to carry out a certain procedure. It’s not worth starting with complex ones, because... they require certain skills and abilities, as well as experience in magic and extrasensory perception.

Try the simplest option. Take a bottle of oil, hold it between your palms and, rubbing it, talk to patchouli, tell him everything you dream about, share it with him as with your best friend, open your soul. Then the answer will be received almost immediately, and success will accompany you in all your endeavors.

Rule 3. Choosing a method of use. After all the preparatory procedures, you can proceed directly to using the oil, but these methods should not change. If you decide to focus on working with banknotes, then do only them; having decided to inhale aromas, do not deviate from the chosen path. One of the most effective is the use of patchouli oil instead of perfume. In this case, patchouli oil mixed with 0.5 cups of purified olive oil is applied to the wrists and ankles, as well as other places where the blood pulsates.

Blends to attract money include at least three essential oils, one of which should be yours.

Determine your aroma oil to attract money by your zodiac sign, because it is the one that can increase a person’s energy.

  • Aries oils are cedar and pine.
  • Taurus can choose from patchouli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosewood.
  • Lavender, eucalyptus, and mint oils are suitable for Gemini
  • Essential oils of Cancer are eucalyptus, rosewood, neroli.
  • Leos need to take a closer look at the aromatic oils of rosemary, bergamot, and lavender.
  • Virgo aromas - lavender, geranium, rosemary oils.
  • Ylang-ylang, rosewood, and mint oils are suitable for Libra .
  • Scorpios should buy pine or patchouli oils.
  • Sagittarius can choose from the aromas of cedar, pine, mint, and grapefruit.
  • Capricorn aromas include the aromas of patchouli, cedar, and eucalyptus.
  • Lavender, patchouli, pine, cedar, and eucalyptus oils are suitable for Aquarius
  • Pisces essential oils are eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, pine, and rosewood oils.

You should not give away or throw away your own patchouli oil. It is believed that in this way you are giving away your own monetary energy, which means you can ultimately lose part of your own financial well-being. Therefore, if you want to give patchouli to someone, then give only a new purchased package, and use your own completely and rinse it or let it air out before throwing it away.

If the goal is exclusively money, and not luck in all areas of life, you can lubricate banknotes, cards, or the wallet itself with oil. It wouldn’t hurt for businessmen to “appease” the pen they use to sign contracts; for those whose income depends on a computer, you can lubricate the keyboard or mouse.

For those who want to increase their income, you can perform the ritual right at your workplace. To do this, you need to purchase two green candles (size has absolutely no meaning), place them on both sides of the table and light them, dropping a drop of patchouli oil on each. At this time, you can just sit down and dream, imagining everything that is missing (a huge number of clients, successful deals, etc.). The candles must burn out completely, then they must be hidden in a secluded place and never thrown away.

If you need to attract good luck into a room, a regular aroma lamp will help you cope with this. Twice a week - and the problems will go away.

Don’t think that you can use aromatic oils to attract money only by purchasing a special lamp. In fact, everything is much simpler, and the range of possibilities is much wider.

Use of oil in modern cosmetics and cosmetology

These days, this product of tropical plantations is again on the wave of fashion. In particular, it is widely used by manufacturers of both men's and women's cosmetics. The bitter-resinous, but at the same time warm aroma of the perfume in which it is included creates a feeling of sensual fragrance. This oil is also used in cosmetology. It is an integral part of many skin care products, which it gives a fresh and healthy look, eliminates flaking, and also helps get rid of irritations.

Recipe for a “profitable” aroma oil

To prepare a mixture of aromatic oils that brings money into the house, you need to add each ingredient in turn. First, add 7 drops of patchouli ether, followed by 5 drops of cedar oil. Immediately after this, add two drops of cinnamon. And finally, pour in 4 drops of pine oil.

At the same time, as you infuse each new scent, you should visualize money and profit in your mind. That is, it should look something like this: add aroma oil, inhale the aroma, present money. As a result, you will have a whole composition of magical ingredients. With this mixture you lubricate items that are related to finance.

Use your favorite oils to lubricate:

  • inner and outer parts of wallets;
  • safes;
  • bank cards;
  • business documentation;
  • banknotes;
  • goods intended for sale;
  • business portfolio;
  • own hands;
  • walls in the house, door frames, window frames, mirror frames, etc.
  • Soak a cotton pad with aromatic oils to attract money, luck and love and place it, for example, in a desk drawer.
  • If you earn money from using your own car, you can apply a few drops of ether to attract money on the steering wheel, seat (especially important for taxi drivers), and on an air freshener attached to the rear-view mirror. This will attract worthy clients to you.

A little about the plant itself

This miraculous oil is extracted from the leaves of small and inconspicuous-looking patchouli bushes, a tropical plant native to the Philippine Islands. Since people noticed how effective patchouli oil is in attracting success and money, it began to be grown on plantations specially designated for this purpose in Java, Sumatra, Singapore and a number of tropical islands. By the way, among those to whom it actually brings wealth, the first are its producers.

Patchouli oil - application rituals

However, it is rituals to attract money and wealth that have gained the greatest popularity, which, especially today, in the era of consumption, are the measure of everything. Of course, wealth is not the key to happiness, but you won’t be able to live without a penny in your pocket. Therefore, everyone can adopt the following rituals and effective magical techniques:

Wellbeing bath

Fill the bathtub with warm water and add 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, after adding 5-7 drops of patchouli oil and 2 drops of cedar and cinnamon oils, or using cedar cones and cinnamon sticks. Dissolve the composition in warm water and immerse yourself in it.

As you enter the bath, feel the energy of the oil mixing with your own energies. Visualize your goal in your mind. Imagine how the money comes to you (how you want to get this money - do some work that will give you profit, etc.). While lying in the bath, absorb these energies, vividly imagine in your mind how money flows to you, how you receive it, count it, smell it and even hear the rustle of banknotes.

Take such baths for as many days in a row as you feel is needed, until you feel that they have achieved their goal. The time for taking such a bath is not limited.

Business success

  • 3 parts bergamot mint oil (lemon mint), 1 part basil,
  • 1 part patchouli
  • 1 pinch of crushed cinnamon.

Mix the oils and add cinnamon to the oil base. Apply to green candles, and can also be smeared on hands, on cash registers, and even applied to the office door - for an influx of money.

For the wallet - a small “money” sachet

Soak 1 tablespoon of wild rice with a mixture of essential oils of patchouli, cloves, cinnamon (proportions 3:2:1). Think not about money, but about your goals that you will achieve with it.

Separate the aromatic grains. Part for the home (it is better to put them in the money zone according to Feng Shui), the rest for the wallet.

Tie it in green cloth and carry it in your wallet until you get your way. Once the goal is achieved, return them to the earth with joy and gratitude.

Money soap

First production option . You need to grate regular soap using a grater, add water to it, and leave until dissolved. Beat the resulting mass with an immersion blender until the soap dissolves completely. Add the selected aroma oils to the soap solution to attract money and mix again. The consistency of the finished composition should be similar to liquid soap; it can be used using a container with a dispenser.

The second preparation option involves making your own soap.

The third method is the simplest and involves adding aroma oils for money to a container of liquid soap. Do not forget to shake the composition and you can safely start using it.

Ritual with a candle

You can prepare a reusable generator of material well-being from an ordinary candle, and the thicker it is, the better. The most important thing is that it is green. After rubbing it with a mixture of 7 drops of patchouli oil and 5 drops of cedar oil, light it and do this every time you have financial problems.

Starting from the sixth day of the lunar calendar, it is advisable to light a candle at the same time every day, closer to midnight. It needs to burn completely before the full moon. Do it no more than twice a year. You should not blow out a candle, but if you need to extinguish it, use your fingers or cover the candle with a suitable container.

A representative of any zodiac sign can use the power of Patchouli aroma, but most of all it is favorable to Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Money amulet with essential oil

This method is suitable for attracting money into life outside the home.

Take a natural material (it can be anything: a stone, a piece of tree bark, a cut of wood, etc.), soak it in aroma oil to attract money, imagining at this time that you are achieving financial well-being.

Wrap the amulet in a small piece of green cloth and place it in your wallet or bag.

Protective medallion or talisman

Another method is most widely used among users, because it does not require any special actions, and the result is simply amazing. All you need to do is apply a little ethereal extract to the inside of your purse or wallet.

Lubricating banknotes and spraying your wallet with oil are some of the simplest methods, but if you decide to approach the matter responsibly, make a talisman for your money.

To do this you will need a new shiny coin and a small fabric bag. They whisper a wish for the money, sprinkle it with patchouli oil and hide it in a bag. You can store it in a secret pocket of your bag or wallet.

Patchouli is rubbed on wallets, jewelry boxes and other things related to money, and sprinkled on folders with documents before concluding important contracts. They say that all money spent after this is returned to its owner.

Or perform a ritual. Take any paper bill. It is better to start with the smallest denomination, for example: 10 rubles. (Remember that in case of loss, you will have to repeat everything, but with a bill of higher denomination, i.e. they will go further - 1 $, 1 euro, 50 rubles, 100 rubles, 5 $ and so on. I, according to ignorance, I started with 100 rubles.) Put a few drops of PATCHOULI essential oil on it, which must be purchased. If the oil was given to you or you use someone else’s oil, the spell will not work. Rub the bill vigorously between your palms until you feel warm. Open your palms and, closing your eyes (so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes), inhale the aroma. Then, continuing to rub (maybe not so much), say the following, choosing the option that suits you:

I give money in rubles (hryvnia, dollars, etc.), They come (return) with friends (clients, partners, customers) in a thousandfold amount to me (your name).

It is advisable to imagine how money is reaching out to you from all sides, and you, as they say, shovel it. That's all. Hide the money in your wallet. Periodically, as the patchouli , repeat the procedure.

Everything is very simple. Nobody knows how , but it works!

If you look for a scientific explanation for this, then most likely the visualization method is at work here. And also a method for establishing a clear association - the scent of patchouli = money . And the following relationship turns out - the more often you smell Patchouli (and this happens every time you open your wallet), the more often you think about money (repeat the spell), imagining a large amount of it in your hands. The greater is your desire to have them and your confidence in success. The more likely it is that, instead of just lying on the couch, you will get up and go create an unlimited source of income for yourself.

Remember one more main rule of attracting money - never tell anyone about the ritual performed, and try to forget about it yourself, then the result will be more noticeable and more effective.

Now you know how to use patchouli oil for money and good luck, and if you are still in doubt, let us say that it will not harm you in any case.

The aroma awakens creativity in a person, gives the opportunity to reveal talent, stimulates active activity, revives vital energy, and gives the opportunity to enjoy life.

Believe in the result, you will definitely succeed.

Money bath:

- 3 drops of patchouli oil,

- 1 drop of cinnamon oil,

- 1 drop of cedar oil.

Just adding oil to the water is not enough; it is very important to do the bath correctly. Take a tablespoon of salt (by the way, salt was once used as money), drop some oil on the salt. Dissolve salt in a glass of warm water and cast a magic spell over it. It can be anything: just tell the water how much money you need, why you need it and why you can’t live without it. Then pour the water into a bathtub of water, throw a few coins in there and bathe, imagining yourself to be a rich man.

The most famous aromatic oils for attracting money

Bergamot can fill any area of ​​a person’s life with the necessary energy. He has the ability to rid an entire crowd of aggression. With its help you will ensure that you are heard. This aromatic oil helps in gaining mutual understanding and signing the most complex work contracts.

Carrying out a magical ritual with bergamot will attract good luck in business. To get into a business-like mood, try wearing an essential oil pendant on your chest. Its aroma can be used by both women and men. Bergamot goes well with an expensive suit and would be appropriate in the interior of a prestigious car.

Geranium has a euphoric aroma. Its main purpose is protection. Geranium helps overcome numerous inferiority complexes. Allows you to rethink unpleasant situations, paints the surrounding reality with brighter colors. Promotes mutual understanding between people.

Geranium essential oil can attract wealthy clients to you. However, it is not suitable for use in the office, since it removes you from reality and does not contribute to increased productivity. At the same time, when conducting personal negotiations, geranium will become an indispensable assistant. This oil is ideal for women, especially those over forty years old.

Ylang-ylang is an aroma oil for attracting money, good luck in business, and wealth. Moreover, wealth can be measured not only in monetary terms, but also in the ability to appreciate what we have right now. With this oil you can see something more in something small. Women who wear ylang-ylang in their perfume can easily get what they want from their male partners.

Cedar - one of the five sacred aromas - makes it possible to understand what true values ​​are. It helps smooth out the whirlpool of thoughts and protect you from vanity. You can use cedarwood essential oil to attract money, but only if this desire is based on noble intentions.

Cinnamon has the aroma of success. This oil is suitable for attracting money, luck, success, and prosperity in the home. Cinnamon has a positive effect on performance and helps to better understand people. A similar scent would not hurt in a study or office. You can improve your financial situation by adding cinnamon bark to your wallet or money pocket. This powerful hot oil will help hypotensive and very tired people.

Peppermint can be used to attract money, wealth, prosperity, new clients, increase turnover, and protect against attacks on freedom. Essential oil will help in discovering abilities and new talents. This strong, cool aroma will restore your strength and give you vital energy. This oil should not be used before bed.

Neroli is considered the scent of wealth. In the old days, only wealthy and noble nobles could afford it. It gives a trail of luxury, not limited to just the smell of money. If you strive for more, dream of something better, and don’t want to be satisfied with what ordinary people get, use the magic of this aroma oil to attract wealth. At home, light a candle, placing it on the flow of incoming energy, and drip neroli essential oil nearby. Let the candle burn out completely.

In addition, the oil can be used as perfume, applied to a handkerchief. Or add to water when taking a bath by candlelight. Or you can make a composition by mixing 10 g of fatty, for example, almond oil with 5 drops of neroli. Before you leave the house, apply one or two drops of the mixture to your wrists and good luck will be with you throughout the day.

In its pure form, neroli is not suitable for men, since it has a pronounced floral aroma, but representatives of the stronger sex can use it by mixing it with other essential oils, for example, lime and sandalwood.

Patchouli can be used to attract money by adding it to a purse or an aroma lamp standing in the hallway or office reception area, or by placing a green candle with this scent on the flow of incoming energy. This essential oil is suitable for attracting subtle energies, unleashing creativity, drawing pictures, visualizations, and making plans. If a man uses perfume with the aroma of patchouli, then his partners perceive him as more masculine, and women feel under reliable protection next to him.

Rosemary helps in protecting a home and business from burglars, and a person from attack. Choose this strong and energetic aroma when you need to increase production, sales and vitality when fatigue sets in. When diffused in the accounting department, rosemary will protect you from making mistakes. It is called high statistics oil. Both men and women can use the fragrance. The exception is hypertension of both sexes.

Pine – choose this essential oil to attract money. A number of magical rituals involve burning pine cones. The smell of this tree stimulates brain activity, helping in making important decisions, finding a way out of difficult situations, and helping to eliminate doubts. Essential oil is suitable for aroma lamps in the office, business meetings, and visiting the bathhouse.

Eucalyptus protects and cleanses. By placing an aroma lamp with eucalyptus essential oil in a non-residential area, you will cleanse the space of negative energy. It's good to use it when starting work in a new office. Eucalyptus helps with intellectual activity and restores strength if you did not get enough sleep at night.

Coins and pot

And in conclusion of the article - another proven and reliable recipe. This action is performed in the evening or at night, when the moon is waxing. You need to place seven lit wax candles rubbed with patchouli oil around a clay pot wrapped in silver foil. Candles should be green. Then, while making wishes, place coins around the pot - one for each wish. When all the coins are laid out, you need to use your imagination, vividly and figuratively imagining everything that was planned. When the candles go out, the coins are put into a pot and stored in it. You can also add paper bills there. If you then take them from there and spend them on something pleasant, then everything you wished for will certainly come true.

Patchouli oil has these properties to attract success and money. The photos presented in the article serve to illustrate everything that was discussed.

How to choose and store patchouli oil for magical rituals, what to look for

Finding patchouli essential oil is not difficult - it is sold in a pharmacy or specialty store. The chemical composition of the ester contains a unique element - patchouli alcohol. It is this that gives the oil its unique and distinctive aroma. The level of patchuole in the oil is responsible for the quality of the product. The higher its content, the better .

To choose high-quality oil, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The bottle of oil should be made of dark glass. No plastic or transparent material;
  • the inscription on the composition of the product must be presented in two languages ​​- Russian and Latin;
  • high quality essential oil has a natural aroma and appearance without impurities;
  • price is a strong argument. A cheap product cannot have a completely natural composition.

Before purchasing a product, it is advisable to study reviews of essential oils from different manufacturers.

To store a bottle of essential oil, it is preferable to choose a dry, cool place with an air temperature no higher than 25 °C. Do not leave patchouli oil near sources of heat or ignition, or in a place accessible to children.

Precautions and contraindications

Essential oils are not toxic substances, but they have quite a strong effect on the body. First of all, it is worth remembering that it can only be used externally, it should not be taken internally.

When using essential oils, you should remember the precautions and rules.

If used incorrectly, it can cause headaches and nausea. If the extract is applied to the skin in its pure form, allergic redness may appear.

The following are contraindications for use:

  • asthma;
  • hypersensitivity directly to the active component;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • lactation period.

The aroma of an essential product entering the body through the respiratory tract affects the functioning of internal systems no less than when entering through the skin.

Important tips for using aroma oils to attract money

  1. When you begin to treat the surfaces of objects with essential oil to attract money, say the words “This is for money!”
  2. It is necessary to carry out a money ritual while being in a good mood. If you are not in the mood, put it aside for a while, otherwise the result of the magic will be the opposite.
  3. To enhance the effect, use visualization. Imagine that you have already achieved financial stability and prosperity, received the amount of money that you need (great if you know the specific amount).
  4. If there is no specific amount, visualize those items or benefits for which you need material resources.
  5. Maintain stability and regularity in your actions. Performing rituals from time to time is not enough.
  6. Money energy is most active during the waxing moon. Rituals can be performed from the first day of the lunar cycle.
  7. Don't worry if you can't perform all the necessary rituals. It will be enough if you choose one or two, but start doing them regularly.
  8. If you have been doing some ritual for a long time, but are not getting results, try the following: change the aromatic oils you use to attract money, choose others, change the ritual itself.
  9. Always express gratitude to the Universe, God, money, your own luck, etc. It does not matter whether you thank during the ritual, after it, or before it. Just do it - because this point is one of the most important.
  10. Don't limit yourself to dreams and visualizations. This way you will speed up the process of receiving money. Even if you are skeptical about the power of aromatic oils to attract wealth, try performing at least one of the rituals.
  11. Do it for a month, even treating it as a game or entertainment. When performing such magic, have fun while performing the ritual.

And we are sure that very soon you will notice changes in your life and an improvement in your financial situation.

Incense is an indispensable attribute of magic and spiritual practices. They have a beneficial effect on you, the space around you and the result of your practice: they calm you down, promote concentration, and cleanse you of negative energy.


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Miraculous properties of oil

But patchouli oil is absolutely indispensable for attracting success and money. As mentioned above, this property was described by the magicians of the Ancient East. Today, in our modern world, it has acquired particular relevance. There are many specific recipes for its use for this purpose. If we turn to the testimony of those who have tested its miraculousness from their own experience (wallets), then all doubts disappear.

However, skeptics argue that the success that accompanies the use of patchouli oil is caused by completely natural reasons: a person, resorting to its help, sets himself up to achieve a specific goal, which generates determination and self-confidence. What happens is what is commonly called self-motivation. This may be true, but, in principle, what difference does it make if the desired goal is achieved?

Pine oil for prosperity

Oil is most often obtained from fresh Scots pine needles using steam distillation. The oil promotes prosperity and the development of spirituality, attracts money, increases energy, tones, relieves stress and fatigue. Disinfects and cleans the space. It has a mild aroma and is part of almost all antiseptic mixtures.

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