Dzi bead “PI YAO” - Accumulation and preservation of Wealth. Strongest defense against Tai Sui

Among all the Feng Shui talismans, a special place is occupied by one interesting and quite powerful in its protective properties, the talisman: Pi Yao. This mythical and wonderful creature embodies several animals, their characteristics, their properties and external features. Pi Yao is a creature that is a mixture of a dog with a lion, a dragon and a bull. Let's take a closer look.

* Pi Yao face, a mixture of a lion and a dog. - With just his mouth, he “scares away” all sorts of negative entities and energies. * On the head of Pi Yao, there is one Horn, similar to the Horn of Qi Lin or Unicorn. Rog, he draws positive energy from the universe in order to later turn it for the benefit of man. * Pi Yao's paws (sometimes) end in hooves. — With powerful paws or hooves, he repels negative energies, entities, thoughts, etc. from a person. * The body of Pi Yao is similar to the body of a dragon. The graceful and slender body of this creature allows it to move through any elements or energies without touching or dirtying its skin. * Wings are also similar to dragon wings. Thanks to them, Pi Yao can fly wherever he wants. * Pi Yao's tail, similar to a lion's. With its tail, it removes negative, unfavorable energies from itself. Due to such a complex and bizarre physique, Pi Yao is consistent with all the elements and therefore is a multifaceted and universal protective Feng Shui talisman, capable of protecting its owner from many troubles and troubles.

Description of the Pi Yao talisman

Pi Yao has the head of a lion dog with one (rarely two) horns, small wings on the sides, and a rather long tail at the back. Sometimes Pi Yao is confused with Fu or Qi Lin dogs, but this talisman has its own characteristic differences.

Pi Yao is usually depicted sitting. It is interesting that, despite the fact that according to legend, Pi Yao is the son of the Dragon, his body is never depicted as scaly.

Again, comparing Pi Yao with the dogs Fu and Qi Lin, it can be noted that this Feng Shui symbol is not so well known and popular. But despite this, the ancient teaching places Pi Yao in importance just after the majestic Dragon, given its enormous strength and ability to protect.

It is extremely rare to find precious jewelry with the Pi Yao symbol. But there is a ring that Feng Shui masters use for healing purposes.

The main task of the Pi Yao talisman is to protect against negativity and increase all the good.

Yin-Yang bracelet

We invite you to get acquainted with another symbol that came to us from ancient Chinese culture. It embodies the unity and struggle of opposites, that is, the diversity of the world.

Yin-Yang is twofold in one incarnation. Yang (a light curved semicircle with a dark dot) is a symbol of the active masculine principle, day, fire, creation, and eternal movement forward. But the opposite dark Yin is the feminine principle, mystery, static, night, as well as the emergence of life. It is the fusion of these two symbols that determines harmony.

Every person, regardless of gender, contains both principles that make up his personality. As soon as one half begins to suppress the other, harmony is disrupted, which is what the Yin-Yang bracelet is designed to prevent.

There are bracelets on sale with a solid Yin-Yang symbol, designed to harmonize the personality and gain spiritual comfort. However, lovers often choose paired bracelets with halves of Yin and Yang in order to emphasize that they are now a single whole.

Direction of the Pi Yao talisman

True experts in Feng Shui symbolism highly value the Pi Yao talisman. And in the East, he is revered no less than the Dragon himself, despite the fact that, as a mythical creature, he does not need to be worshiped.

Beginners may confuse Pi Yao with the popular dogs Fu or Qi Lin, because outwardly they have a lot in common. This is due to the fact that for symbolic animals in Eastern cultures, precise and strict rules regarding the depiction of appearance are not established. But you need to understand that if Fu dogs are always depicted in pairs (female and male), then Pi Yao (as well as Qi Lin) is often depicted independently. Pi Yao, as a one-horned celestial creature, is often confused with the Chinese Unicorn Qi Lin, which also has only one horn. Interestingly, Pi Yao can sometimes be found with two horns.

Pi Yao, like Fu dogs, are often placed near the main entrances to Temples as heavenly protectors from evil spirits. Although it is worth noting that Pi Yao plays the role of a Temple guard much less often than the same dogs Fu or Lions.

Interestingly, in Beijing the Dragon is more revered and is depicted in a variety of shapes and sizes. But in Shanghai, the city of business, finance and commerce, Pi Yao, who serves as a protector and Guardian Angel, is more popular. No other city in China reveres Pi Yao so much, showing him love and respect, perhaps this is the reason why Shanghai is so successful. Most followers of the eastern teachings of Feng Shui associate the financial and commercial superiority of Shanghai precisely with the protection and location of Pi Yao to this city.

What does "Hand of Fatima" mean?

Here is another ancient symbol, loved and appreciated by esotericists of all stripes and nationalities - the Hand of Fatima or Hamsa. The sign can exist on a bracelet in the form of a pendant or insert. Hamsa is often supplemented with the image of an eye, fish or Star of David, which further enhances its protective properties.

He came to us from the East. Archaeologists have proven that the amulet in the form of a palm with the fingers pointing down was used as a talisman against evil forces back in pre-Islamic times. This amulet is also known in Judaism, but under the name Miriam’s Hand.

Silver bracelet with cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Nowadays in Islam, the hand on the bracelet signifies the family of the Prophet Muhammad (the fingers symbolize its members). But regardless of the owner’s religious affiliation, the Hand of Fatima is a strong amulet that wards off hostile energy.

The Eye of Fatima on the bracelet, also called Nazar or Blue Eye, has a similar meaning - it is a talisman against the evil eye. Jewelry with a stylized pupil on a white and blue background is a popular souvenir that our tourists bring from Turkey.

Where to place the Pi Yao talisman

Usually the Pi Yao, as a powerful protective talisman, is located where the negative Sha energy enters, facing it, that is, towards sharp corners, blind areas, peaks, towers, cemeteries. You can place a Pi Yao figurine opposite the front door or on a window, facing the street. In general, the Pi Yao can be installed anywhere in your home, since it is loyal by nature and treats its owners with care. It is important that the Pi Yao is positioned no higher than the eye level of the head of the family or the tallest member of the family. It is not recommended to install Pi Yao only in toilets, bathrooms and bedrooms.

The most favorable combination is considered to be Pi Yao, who is depicted sitting on coins. Such a talisman can not only protect your well-being, but also make it much greater. Pi Yao is endowed with this property because it is believed that he has an immense appetite, which helps accumulate wealth.

The fact that the Pi Yao talisman promotes savings has made it a particularly popular symbol among businessmen not only in China, but also in other countries of the world. Interestingly, in Asian countries there are entire stores that sell exclusively this powerful talisman.

The power of the Pi Yao talisman

The most powerful talisman is considered to be Pi Yao, made during the early reign of the Shan, Ming and Han dynasties. The talismans made in those days are of great significance and are especially valued by businessmen and industrialists in China. Bronze figurines of Pi Yao were made by order not only of the Emperors, but also of famous military leaders, as well as wealthy merchants. The Pi Yaos made in honor of these people bear their names and are believed to have enormous power that has accumulated in them for centuries.

Being personal protectors of people, Pi Yao made for this purpose have enormous power that can protect and increase not only the wealth of their owners, but also preserve and strengthen their health.

But, despite the great power that ancient talismans are endowed with, most Feng Shui masters give preference to new figurines, since there is always a risk that old figurines have accumulated not only positive, but also negative energy, which could have been formed due to evil affairs of former owners.


The Shambhala bracelet consists of beads intertwined with thread or leather cord. Beads are made from semi-precious or ornamental stones (sometimes of different colors); in simpler versions, they are made of glass or plastic. These bracelets inherited their name from the name of the mysterious country of Shambhala, which according to legend is located in Tibet.

Many researchers searched for Shambhala, but never found it. But the whole world learned about the original culture of Tibetan monks who wore woven bracelets made of threads with stones. Moreover, each knot had a special meaning and gave the wearer the qualities it lacked.

Now Shambhala is also used to gain inner harmony, strengthen one’s own energy and improve health. In some subcultures they are downright worshiped. These are also stylish accessories that go perfectly with looks in boho and ethnic styles.

Shambhala bracelets owe their rise to the fashion catwalk to the Karnerup brothers. At the end of the last century, enterprising entrepreneurs registered the corresponding brand and successfully produce bracelets of this type to this day.

Legends of Pi Yao

According to ancient legends, Pi Yao is the ninth son of the Heavenly Dragon and has many names that speak about the purpose of the sacred animal. For example, Pi Kann lives in the water, Pi Hiu lives on the earth, and Pi Yao lives in the skies. But regardless of their purpose, each of them is equally powerful and brings benefit.

Sometimes Pi Yao is depicted as a paired symbol and then he becomes Qiang Liu (Heavenly Protector) and Xi (Dispelling Evil). Interestingly, in the period from 206 BC to 220 AD, when the Han Dynasty ruled, double Pi Yao figurines were usually placed in front of the tombs, which symbolized the strength and power of the dead.

The fact that Pi Yao has wings indicates that it is a creature that ascends to heaven. And only the bravest creatures who actively resisted evil were given such a privilege.

It is a pair of Pi Yao, according to the Chinese, that can bring happiness, good luck and material wealth into the home. Despite the fact that Pi Yao is often represented as a single figure, in classical Chinese teaching Pi Yao is considered a paired sign. Once upon a time, Pi Yao figurines were made exclusively from jade or jadeite; later they began to be made from a variety of materials.

The meaning of a red bracelet

Since ancient times, the color red symbolized life in all its diversity. This echoes the meaning of the red bracelet on the wrist - it is designed to protect the life of the owner from the attacks of enemies and otherworldly forces.

A bracelet with a red thread is one of the oldest amulets known to mankind. And its origins should be sought in Kabbalah (an ancient Jewish religious teaching). According to him, the left hand is a kind of gate through which negative energy can penetrate a person’s aura. And the red thread is designed to prevent this.

Silver bracelet with cubic zirconia (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

According to legends, the most powerful protective power is possessed by a red thread brought from Israel, from the tomb of the forefather of all Jews, Rachel. However, such an amulet bracelet can be bought in a regular store or made by the hands of a loving person.

The bracelet must be put on the left hand and tied with seven knots, and the ceremony of putting it on should be performed by a loved one with mental wishes of all the best.

Take a closer look at the hands of famous media figures: many of them have red threads, with or without pendants. People who are constantly in the spotlight thus protect themselves from the evil eye and hostile witchcraft spells.

A bracelet in the form of a red thread with a pendant means strengthening its properties. The pendant can be made in the form of a cross, futhark rune, Slavic or zodiac symbol - the main thing is that the owner believes in sacred symbolism and saturates the pendant with his own energy.

How else does Pi Yao work?

Pi Yao can be used after renovations have been made in the house to drive away negative energy from the home. Pi Yao will also operate in a new house, into which new residents have just moved.

Pi Yao is often used to pacify Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) and protect himself from his evil influence.

Pi Yao is considered an indispensable assistant for those who work in business, as he is able not only to increase wealth, possessing an immense appetite, but also to protect against the pressure of competitors.

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What does a white bracelet on your hand mean?

In most European cultures, the color white symbolized light, innocence and purity of thoughts: it is not for nothing that the traditional wedding dress of the bride is white. In India, on the contrary, white is the color of mourning and grief.

Nowadays, in the youth subculture, a white bracelet on the hand means freedom and readiness for new romantic adventures. Its bearer does not lose hope of finding a soul mate, which he openly declares to the world.

Develop yourself, strive for inner harmony, make a career, love and be loved, and the secret symbolism of bracelets will help you with this!


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