Where should the windows in the apartment face: north, south, west, east

According to Feng Shui, it is very important to distribute and install all interior items correctly, according to the flow of various energies. If you follow small rules, then there will always be comfort, good energy, love, health and well-being in the house.

Feng Shui considers all interior items, both individually and as a whole. According to Feng Shui, windows need to be installed correctly.

In general, according to Feng Shui, windows, like doors, are a very important attribute; they conduct energy into a house or apartment, which can come from the external environment. Windows also have an impact on human health, so they need to be washed more often and thoroughly.

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How many windows should a house have?

The number of windows in the house should not be large or, conversely, small. If there are a lot of them, then the positive Qi energy will freely leave the home. If there are few of them, then its supply to the house will be limited. The most optimal option is when there are no more than 3 windows per door. The best ratio is 2 windows per 1 door.

If there are many windows and they are large in size, this can lead to disruption of harmony in the relationship between parents and children: children become capricious and disobedient. Regardless of the size of the home, the number of windows in it should not be a multiple of 10.

Tips on window condition

According to Feng Shui practice, windows are the eyes of the house. They must be kept clean and tidy. Dirty or dusty openings can negatively affect your health and business success. They prevent life-giving energy from entering the house, attracting negative Sha energy.

Many home owners install large windows, believing that this way more air and sunlight will penetrate into their home. But the teachings of Feng Shui warn that large openings contribute to the leakage of Qi energy. This is especially true for those windows that are located close to the floor. Positive energy rushes towards them, leaving the house.

Absolute purity

Dirty and cloudy glass prevents the penetration of light and life-giving energy Qi into the apartment. A lack of it can cause a decline in vitality, deterioration of well-being, apathy and a decrease in the body’s resistance to various viruses and infections.

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A dark room accumulates negative energy that can affect the health of residents. To avoid this situation, you should regularly clean the glass from dust and dirt.

Without knots

The presence of cracks in glass can also cause health problems for home owners, since through these cracks the destructive energy of Sha penetrates into the house, which provokes conflicts, illnesses and troubles in all areas of life. Cracked glass can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma.

The glass in the frame must be firmly fixed. In no case should it move away or rattle during the wind: these sounds will attract a flow of negative energy.

Peeling paint on windows and the walls around them, as well as the presence of cracks and other defects can cause illness and failure.

Shape and size of windows according to Feng Shui

The size and number of windows in the house are of primary importance. It is recommended to install medium-sized windows, since high and long openings can release a large amount of positive energy outward. Small ones, in turn, prevent the penetration of sunlight, heat and air into the room.

It is believed that the most suitable for residential premises is the round shape of windows.

As for windows facing loggias and verandas, these rules do not apply to them, because they serve as a door. It is believed that when we go out onto the balcony, we leave the confines of our home.

External environment of the house according to Feng Shui

Today we will talk about the external environment of the house, how it affects the people living in it.

In general, the most ancient school of feng shui, “Sanhe,” was primarily concerned with helping to choose the right site for construction. I am going to tell you the detailed criteria later in a separate bonus lesson, where we will talk about choosing a new place of residence in accordance with Feng Shui criteria. And now we will proceed from the fact that we are improving the feng shui of existing housing, that is, we are talking about what we can start using right now without significant material costs. Therefore, here we have, in general, a small list of recommendations; they are probably not so difficult to follow. Although some may look symbolic, they also did not arise out of nowhere and it may be worth trying something.

I asked you to draw a diagram of the “surroundings” for yourself, and now I’ll tell you what we will look at on it. For those who didn’t have time to draw, then just do what is called “look from the window” and evaluate it. Let's now look in order at what we can look at “from the window” and say whether it’s good or not.

1. Firstly, we look at how our roads approach your home. It is believed that in a modern city, and not only in the city, since we do not live entirely in nature, most of us, and we, as a rule, do not have rivers near our houses, and roads play their function. And what does it look like here? The best option is when a smaller path branches off from the main street, a busy street, a highway or just a big street, and it already passes by your house. In this case, we don’t even do anything in this regard, because this is considered good, the energy comes to you smoothly. And if the house itself faces a highway or street, then it is believed that the energy seems to skip past the house and is more difficult to contain. In such a house, people may fuss more and it is believed that it is more difficult for them to accumulate something. This is the moment. And what is the best thing to do in such a situation? If possible, then it is better to do something outside, either a decorative fence or a hedge, which is already considered a protective property that helps dissipate energy, and it already flows smoothly. If it is not possible to fence something outside, then they can perform the same function, it is logical to imagine that there are the same flowers on the window, only then it is better that they are not ankle-shaped, in which there are more trunks than foliage, but better on the contrary, so that there was a small stem and more leaves. Here is a flower somewhere in the living room or in several rooms, in which case it has a positive effect on energy. But this, in general, is not so negative. It’s worse when the house is at a dead end and there’s still a road leading up to it, and it’s not abandoned, but people actually drive along it, and it, for example, bends near the house and then goes somewhere. This is not considered well. And, let’s say, further, if there is a road, and you are, as it were, at its bend at the outer edge. If the house, for example, is generally small, then it’s not even safe, because the car could fly out, that’s how you can imagine. And from the point of view of Feng Shui, this is also, of course, unhealthy, just like the base of a “T”-shaped intersection, such places are considered unhealthy. That is, “qi,” as if in the opposite situation, bursts into the house and is believed to cause emotional tension and conflicts.

There are special Feng Shui remedies here. Basically, this is, first of all, a concave mirror, they are sold, but you can also use a regular one, it is kind of magnifying, some people use such a shaving mirror, that is, it is concave inward and they fix it outside, but it is better, of course, inside the house so that it didn't gather dust. It should be directed directly at this road, at a slightly downward angle, and so as to mirror the excess energy, this is considered a protective symbol. And here, if you have your own house and there is a large plot in it, somewhere it is on the edge, and the road to it is straight, this happens. There is nothing so negative here, because this road is usually walked and driven a little, but it is better, they say, in this case, not to do through paving, but to leave, say, a gap with grass between the slabs, or use slabs with a transverse pattern. It will be more comfortable and better for energy.

Victoria: If the road at the back of the house is facing my window...?

Dmitry: Victoria, how busy is this road? If it’s like your local area, parking lot, cars, then it doesn’t count. A negative situation is if, as I said, it’s a real street, people drive along it a lot all the time, and it happens that it runs straight into a house and then goes somewhere at an angle. These are the roads that need to be dissipated, as it were, we are at war with them. But ordinary territory, if it’s just a road, that’s all normal.

Inga: A small path goes to the school along two windows...?

Dmitry: That is, it seems to be directed from you to the school. This, Inga, is just a good option. The school is generally considered a positive building. Now we’ll talk a little about which neighboring buildings are good and which are not so good. Here, in general, it’s clear. School is a source of Yang energy, and children are usually active.

Victoria, a mirror can be both outside and inside, the main thing is that it is not directed inward, naturally, but only outward. Because a concave mirror is like a protective tool; it should not be directed at other buildings at all. But if your road is active, you can go on it, it won’t hurt anyone. Victoria, if such dead ends are also considered your territory, I believe that no protection is required here.

2. Location of other houses. Here, fundamentally, what you need to pay attention to is the concept that in Feng Shui is called “arrows,” that is, directed sharp angles. If, say, the slope of the neighboring roof is level with your window, that is, one house is higher, the other is lower. This is, in fact, the same “arrow”, this ramp. And if, for example, we continue it, and it turns out to be directed at your door or window, then we will defend ourselves a little from this. This, by the way, is especially noticeable in private construction, and really noticeable. That is, if the neighbors build something like that, they seem to keep the distances and objectively it doesn’t interfere, even the sun doesn’t really block it, but relations between people begin to deteriorate. And in fact, it happens that you need to cover the predatory pediment with something, and in the old days there was the concept of “horse”, an animal figurine, some kind of ball, depending on which people, all sorts of carved ornaments, all this was done so that there were no sharp corners and predatory contours. This is added, and the neighbor no longer seems aggressive, although he has not fundamentally changed as a person. That is, this is a situation that is real in life, many probably noticed it, they just maybe didn’t pay attention. And those who have a plot can simply remember for themselves that it really is an “eyesore” for them. Here, it’s clear that something needs to be done with the neighbors so that everything is fine for everyone. But, if you can’t tell your neighbors that you can build something nicer in your shed or something else, then for your part the protective measure is exactly the same. As a rule, the houses are not high, there is some kind of fence or living plants, the same concave mirror can be used, but it cannot, of course, be directed at the house, it needs to be slightly angled so that it looks up, as if into the sky, or it is placed above the entrance , if you have such a thing directed at the entrance. In the end, we will look at all the factors that are protective.

When there are multi-storey buildings in cities, by the way, there are usually no problems with these so-called “arrows”. Usually the houses are all built parallel to approximately the same height, but sometimes there are still cases. For example, a house of some kind is “L”-shaped, the rectangular one next to it is oriented so that the corner faces the windows. This is the same situation, we will protect ourselves from it a little. Or there is simply one shorter house located next to a longer one, and the corner is right at the level of the windows.

I think that if the idea is clear, if something like this exists in immediate, naturally close proximity, not somewhere far away along the road, it no longer plays a role, but what is directly in your, say, micro-neighbourhood. We will fight them a little.

3. Another factor is power lines, factory pipes, of course, if they are not on the horizon, again, but somewhere within direct visibility. To a much lesser extent trees. They are considered to be human allies, but sometimes it happens that a tree, for example, is closer than 10 meters to the window, and it has grown a long time ago, but opposite the window there is only a bare trunk, or it seems to block the entrance to the house, and this is also the case is considered a generator of non-positive energy. Now we will talk about how this can be neutralized.

Victoria: Is it possible to place a mirror in the hallway so that it faces the front door?

Dmitry: No, Victoria, no need in the hallway. About those mirrors that we talked about, they are placed only on the outside of the building, or behind the glass so that it looks out. But not on inboxes! This, Victoria, is not necessary. And why, by the way? What is so negative about them? We are talking about external objects for now. We'll talk about internal ones tomorrow, but mirrors are not used inside the house. There we will smooth out the corners a little differently.

Question: What if the window of the neighboring house looks into the window of my nursery?

Answer: So what if the windows look out. I don't think that can be negative in itself. If the house is also residential, if it is not a hospital or anything like that, then there is no taboo here.

Question: “L”-shaped house and the corner looks out the window...

Answer: Yes, we will now talk about how we fight these “arrows”.

Saida: What if the neighboring house, which is higher, is parallel to my house, but across the road?

Dmitry: Saida, look. If when you look at it through the window, this section of the roof draws your attention, then yes, we are protecting ourselves a little from it. But if it’s still further away, besides the road there are also different trees growing in a row, then it all doesn’t matter.

Question: What about transformer booths?

Answer: Let me now tell you what common protective methods we have. We have them in common according to the elements. That is, we must determine for ourselves, you look at what you have there, a booth, say, a power line or a factory chimney. All these things and corners of houses, they all usually refer to some kind of objects. A house is, naturally, the element of the Earth; as a rule, our houses are made of brick, mostly all of them, with flat roofs. But, if the roof is pointed, then it will be the element, maybe even Fire, sharp ends, but these are rare houses. Basically, we are dealing with the elements of the Earth. And we will simply look at our cycle of generation, what is opposite the Earth, what weakens it. We take this element, specifically for the Earth we have Tree, and, in fact, on the window then we must place something corresponding to the element, which will dilute it. If we have some kind of power line looming or a factory chimney, this will most likely happen. The element of Fire, and we can extinguish it by placing it on the window, I do not recommend using symbols at all, you can use something functionally useful, some kind of watering can for blue flowers. That is, you can get creative.

The idea here is that we determine which element the harmful object belongs to, and on our window or inside the house, directly, so that it can be seen from the window, we place something protective, according to the element opposite to this object.

Again a tree. We have, say, a thick trunk growing, right in front of the window. In the old days, in such a situation, they actually hung an ax. But we won’t hang axes, we can put up the element of Metal, some kind of souvenir or something, not necessarily some cutting tools. Here the idea, I think, is clear.

Just in case, I’ll post this picture again, many already know it, “Interactions of the Five Elements.”

Here you simply look at the element from which the arrow is directed towards what you want to neutralize. This is a general method of protection.

Question: Is there a hospital near your house...?

Answer: Yes, then let's go to the adjacent premises now. Naturally, it is believed that hospitals, prisons, even police stations, still classify many things as things that are not very good for having them right next to you. Here, again, you can decide by the elements. but there is another way. The Chinese themselves, near their home in such cases, let’s say they have some kind of collapsed house nearby or something negative, like a prison, it turned out, in this case they set up a cannon. In general, in a private house, it may be possible to place such a cannon, but since we do everything, most likely on our windowsill, then here, too, some kind of military souvenir can be sent, but you can, however, really take one, there used to be, I remember a corkscrew, it had such a cannon attached to the screw part, actually, in terms of format it’s normal, some kind of small thing.

Now, if you have a hospital looking out the window, try this cannon. Or someone said that he had a samurai sword, but it probably wouldn’t look good through the window, it wouldn’t be harmonious.

Question: What about transformer booths? What to put?

Answer: I think that the transformer booth and everything related to electricity is the element of Fire. How do we neutralize Fire? Water, right? On the diagram we have Water opposite Fire. Put something, if you want a direct symbol, so that it is in its pure form of feng shui, then you can not just have water, but pour it into a beautiful blue bottle, and so that it is already salty water. This then, of course, will be a feng shui symbol in its pure form. I believe this is not necessary. If you, of course, have a very strong interfering factor, then you can do a special one, but it’s better to do something just based on colors...

Victoria: Why salty?

Dmitry: Victoria, salty. Because we have all tastes, for example, sweet taste is Earth, salty taste is Water. That is, they are also based on the elements, tastes, smells, and in general everything, everything. They are defined like this.

Question: With sea salt?

Answer: It is possible from the sea, this is no longer so important.

Question: Blue elephant aroma lamp?

Answer: In general, an aroma lamp, if you turn it on, it itself becomes a source of the element of Fire. The aroma lamp shines and burns. That is, I don’t know, you end up with some kind of contradictory symbol. On one side there is blue, on the other there is an aroma lamp. But maybe they did it this way on purpose, so that it would seem harmonious in itself, self-sufficient.

Question: Is there a church nearby?

Answer: In fact, spiritual institutions themselves are considered positive because the energy from them is considered to be strong. But, if she is very close, then for some reason there is an opinion that we must also defend ourselves. I really don’t know if it’s worth sending such a cannon, it’s probably not worth it. We will also have a church, most likely, the element Earth, although we also need to look at the architecture. It seems to me that in this case it is better to add something neutral to the interior.

Question: What if the windows face north?

Answer: We will continue to say that it is better to place it in the room itself. If you just have windows facing north, then it is believed that you just need more light in those rooms that you have to the south. I think that this in itself will not cause any problems.

4. One more factor. If there are some broken things outside, for example, there are remains of cars or some kind of garbage dump, and there are different situations. If the bins are neat with lids, this is normal; there is no escape if there is no garbage disposal. And if she is somehow ugly, then of course. It’s ideal here, in fact, instead of protective symbols, if this is not your territory, you can still somehow cooperate with your neighbors, restore order, shabby buildings, for example, paint them. This is true in every way. Of course, it’s good, and for Feng Shui as well. Here, of course, you can play with symbols, but it is much more effective to try to eliminate the unkemptness of the territory and hold a cleanup. This is an obvious question.

As for what the neighboring buildings are like, we basically talked, the school is good, the shops are good, by the way. Even if they are large, there are such bustling stores, but this is Yanskaya energy, positive. People usually experience good emotions there and buy something.

We discussed with the hospitals what we could do - a gun on them, it won’t harm the people in them. We protect ourselves from energy, or by the elements, this is best.

Question: I have a corner apartment, wooden windows facing northwest.

Answer: What does it mean that the windows are directed in a certain direction from a certain sector? We will start this tomorrow, already indoors. Today let's solve what's outside. In general, I actually listed everything.

Inga: Your son’s bedroom is north, two windows in the living room are to the west?

Dmitry: What's special, Inga? After all, most apartments do not have windows on all four sides. By the way. If in one room the windows are through, that is, directly in the attic, for example, this is the case in mine, then this is not considered so great. Here, in fact, you also need to partition it a little from the inside with something, then it will be more comfortable.

This is our topic today, which is, in general, simple in itself, but it is still necessary because it is universal. Then we will look in the room itself, all these sectors, everything that we, in general, are accustomed to in Feng Shui, has been heard by the majority. But it is still considered good to respect the outdoor environment, to a minimum, especially when choosing a new place to live. Usually, not everyone is interested in this, not everyone knows, so this does not affect the price of the premises that much, but in reality it is good to take it into account.

Question: If I live on the fifth floor, two of my windows face north, and the entrance to the entrance also faces north...?

Answer: Is the entrance to your apartment inside? Naturally, yes. We will differentiate. We will consider the facade direction, as a rule, everyone will have the largest number of windows, the largest number of rooms such as a living room, tomorrow I will tell you more about this. And you will separately look at the entrance to the apartment and its façade direction. In general, as a rule, everyone's situation is different. It happens that they coincide, but most often when they are in their own home.

Oksana: Are the heating pipes running along the surface along the house visible from the windows?

Dmitry: Oksana, these pipes are usually always round, they have a casing like this. If they do not cross out your window, they are somewhere below, then, in principle, there is nothing special about it. This, if all sorts of electrical wires, such things, used to be protected from them by burying scissors with the blades up. But I think. What is this. Most likely, some kind of prejudice. than real protection.

Question: There is an entrance to the apartment, and there is a vestibule, the directions are different...?

Answer: If the vestibule is only yours, then yes, look, of course. He continues your apartment, he will enter your apartment, most likely, as a sector. You can arrange it. I think consider the entrance to the vestibule as an entrance. But, if he is kind of negative to you, the situation. If you don’t like its direction, you can play around with it somehow, try to change it.

Question: ...the same height on all sides?

Answer: Oh, the one opposite is close? In classical feng shui, it is believed that a house is good if it was at the back, and behind it, for example, there is some kind of mountain or hill, but there are smaller hills on the sides. We can think so too. In the back, if the house is big, that’s good. Small on the sides - generally excellent. And in front the space was called “mentan”. We always tried to make it more spacious, with at least 20 meters of space unblocked by anything. This is a positive relationship.

Question: And if there is a gas pipeline running parallel to the ground opposite the front door, 5-6 meters away, do you need to do something?

Answer: Is this your private home with such a situation? If it's private, then you can do something, it's over. In principle, this is not a very beautiful situation when the front door and behind it are man-made, as they say, things. Is this a low thing, a gas pipeline? You can make a hedge in front of it there. And everything will be beautiful and good. I think it will be better this way.

Question: If the windows face an intersection?

Answer: What about the intersection, is it just visible or is it directly below you? If you can see it in the distance, then it’s not even a symbol, but simply a source of small energy for you, cars move in different directions, and “chi” stops and gets to you too. This is good.

Yes, Elena, we are glad to see you!

Elena: Tell me, what if the site is located at the dead end of an intersection?

Dmitry: Yes, that’s exactly what we discussed here, then you can listen to the recording later. In general, I don’t propose anything supernatural on this topic. That is, if this dead end is really active for you, then somehow a lot of cars are driving. If you have a private home, then this is most likely not the case. If it is private, then it is better to arrange the road yourself, so that it is also on the sides, like a hedge of some kind, so that the covering on it is something like paving stones or make it something so that it is sort of striped. That is, so that these slabs and arrows do not lead towards you, they will seem to slow down and nothing terrible will happen. Or, of course, you can use a concave mirror, place it above the door and point it at the road, but this is a last resort. I think if it’s a private house, and if it’s your driveway, you don’t need to point anything at it. You can simply make her more positive towards you so that she is pleasant to look at. Here is the determinant.

Scissors with the tip up - this is, they say, under the wires. If you really have a high-voltage structure nearby, wires go to it, you can go up and bury the scissors there. But, I don’t know, this is, in my opinion, a superstition.

Question: What if there is an arch for passage under a room in a high-rise building, that is, it does not touch the ground?

Answer: That is, your apartment is located above a common hallway. The entrance to the house is in the form of an arch? I wouldn't say that this is something bad, it's a completely normal situation.

Valentina: The intersection is visible from the windows, since it is located right next to the house, but is it beautiful?

Dmitry: You see, if everything is beautiful, good, if you look and you like it, then Valentina, as a rule, it seems to me that it’s all positive energetically. That is, apparently. There is not such a powerful flow that it directly presses on you. But, as a general rule, in this case, you still need to try to keep the house fairly quiet, because there is noise from such roads, sealed windows and normal ventilation, which will still provide fresh air in such conditions. So here Feng Shui does not contradict Western science at all.

If you have any questions, ask, and we’ll finish for today. But in general, I believe that if you are looking for housing, then you better do it with a good agency that will take into account all your wishes, for example, here is a good real estate agency https://pro-mesto.ru/.

Look at the homework, you will already need to draw, of course, this will probably be the most difficult, not that difficult, it’s just all in the calculations. It will be drawn how this should be done. We will divide the apartment plan into sectors. In order for us to get them all right, it is better to draw them to scale and mark them on the apartment plan. We will be interested in windows, doors, and what interior items you have, such as basic kitchen items, for example, stoves, beds in the bedroom, how they are located. Mark these things on the plan. And this will need to happen already in these days, and we will mark it out.

Saida: Could it be that one room can occupy several zones?

Dmitry: Saida, as a rule, if you have such an apartment, it’s not like a multi-story apartment. This happens in private houses where there are several floors and on some floors the room occupies most of the floor. Let's say there is a corridor and an entrance to one huge room. Then it happens that it occupies several zones, but, as a rule, we do it this way so that each room usually has some kind of zone corresponding to it.

Thank you for your participation! It's great that everyone is already connected!

Bye then. Talk to you tomorrow! Thank you! All the best!

Where should the windows go?

According to Feng Shui, windows facing east and south contribute to the accumulation of the energy of the rising sun in the apartment, which gives strength and energy for the whole next day. The ratio of window locations to cardinal directions affects many aspects of life. Their incorrect location can lead to loss of vitality, depression and failure.

Successful Variations

The most favorable option are windows that face southeast and east. Thus, Qi energy fills the house, cleanses it of negativity and heals the owners from various diseases, drives away evil spirits who are afraid of the rising rays of the sun.

Failed exit

In Chinese culture, it is generally accepted that windows facing west absorb the rays of the setting sun, which symbolizes the fading and decline of activity. Exiting to the north side is also unfavorable.

During sunset it is not recommended to stay near windows. They need to be tightly curtained to prevent negative energy from entering the home.

What should the view be like?

The energy that comes into the room from the outside should be bright and positive. A beautiful view from the street can contribute to this: a well-kept yard, beautiful vegetation, natural landscapes, etc.

It is undesirable for windows to look out onto busy highways, factories, factories, city dumps, cemeteries, etc. Unfavorable is access to the end of a neighboring house, pillars and intersections.

An important factor is the view from the window in the kitchen, as it affects the digestion of food and the mood of the owners of the house. Bad energy tends to accumulate in liquids and food. Once ingested, such food can be harmful to health.

Tinted double-glazed windows with various effects negatively affect not only vision, but also the perception of the surrounding reality. Through them, daylight and, accordingly, solar energy enter worse. Preference should be given to simple glass without sputtering or other effects.

Dependence of illumination on window position

Good light level:

  • the amount of serotonin increases, which increases tone;
  • surge of vital energy;
  • Plants develop perfectly.

Insufficient lighting has a bad effect on:

  • vision;
  • children's growth;
  • metabolism;
  • mood.

The sun moves across the sky along an elliptical path. The solstice depends on latitude and time of year. The closer to the equator, the higher it is. As the seasons change, the length of daylight hours changes. In summer, the sun rises high and its trajectory above the earth is greater than at the winter solstice. Accordingly, summer days are longer than winter ones.

Other factors influencing lighting in apartments in city houses:

  • on what floor is the home - the higher, the more time the sun is visible;
  • which houses are located opposite or next door - low ones are better;
  • the configuration of the building itself – the worst thing – is shaped like a “P”.

It is normal when the room is flooded with sunlight for at least 2 hours a day.

The degree of illumination directly depends on the orientation of the windows to the cardinal points.

Can curtains be used?

Curtains serve the function of protecting the home. They prevent unwanted light and prying eyes from entering. Curtains decorate your home and create a cozy atmosphere in it.

It is recommended to use curtains made of lightweight material in light shades, since dark colors make the room gloomy and contribute to the accumulation of negative energy in it.

The color of the curtains is selected depending on the location of the glazing of the house. The southern side corresponds to red shades, the northern – blue. The eastern and southeastern colors are green, and the northwestern and western ones are white. Shades of yellow are preferable to use on the southwest and northeast sides.

Windows facing east - pros and cons

With an eastern direction, the sun illuminates the room in the first half of the day - from sunrise to lunch.

It would be appropriate to place a bedroom or nursery there. The dawn will illuminate the room and charge you with energy, creating a working mood for the whole day. In summer, after lunch it is a good place to take a break from the bright sun.

Universal window exit to the northeast. Illumination in winter is similar to summer in the north, but daylight hours are longer.

With a southeastern location, the sun warms from dawn until almost evening.

What to do in case of incorrect windows

If, nevertheless, the window openings face the “wrong” side, from the point of view of Feng Shui, such a negative influence can be neutralized by using various techniques.

If the window opening and the door are located opposite each other, this adversely affects the energy of the home. Positive energy, entering through the doors, will immediately go out the window opening. You can place a screen or a large vase, a tree in a pot, etc. on the path between them. You can place crystals or hang a bell on the windowsill. This will help keep the Qi energy in the house and keep the Sha energy out.

For the same reason, placing windows opposite each other is considered unfavorable.

Chinese teachings emphasize that small window openings should be present in the toilet and bathroom. Often in multi-apartment developments they are not provided for by building codes. Their absence can be compensated for by hanging bells in these rooms that emit a pleasant sound. With their help, it will be possible to harmonize the energy in these rooms.

A large accumulation of fiery energy from the south side can provoke family quarrels. It is not recommended for a married couple to sleep in a room whose windows face south. In such rooms, it is recommended to hang a wide canopy over the opening to delay the excess penetration of solar energy.

The ugly view behind the walls of the house can be hidden with the help of stained glass, colored double-glazed windows, miniature toys and other types of decor. Care should be taken to ensure that such techniques do not affect the illumination of the premises.

Little tricks

You should not sit with your back to the window. This blocks the energy flow, resulting in energy not being able to circulate freely in space. If the workplace is arranged in this way, it can negatively affect one's career and relationships with colleagues and superiors.

A mirror located opposite a window opening can reflect both positive and negative energy. Among other things, the light reflected in the mirror will illuminate the reflection, distorting it.

In old buildings you can often find arched openings, rounded at the top. Such window designs will maximize the penetration of positive energy into the room. Having a large opening area, you can experiment with its shape. Rounded lines will have a beneficial effect on energy flows.

Shutter devices

Faulty shutter mechanisms and other fittings that wobble or fall off are conductors of Sha energy. It is necessary to pay attention to this factor and repair all faults. Mechanisms should be lubricated in a timely manner to prevent rust and other defects from appearing on them.

The shutters should close without squeaking or noise, without touching the cornice, window sill and pieces of furniture. The fixation of glass in the window frame must be strong.


Residents of lower floors often have to install bars, as this is a means of protection against unauthorized entry into the premises.

But such a security measure can protect not only from intrusion by offenders, but also block the flow of energy. Grilles may have an unaesthetic appearance, look massive and rough.

To solve all these problems at the same time, you can install openwork forged grilles, painting them white. This technique will help to give the structure lightness and aesthetics, without violating its functional purpose, and the qi energy will flow freely into the apartment.

Window sills and flowers on them

Window sills should be covered to a minimum and only with small objects.

Window sills and plastic windows, cluttered with a large number of large flowers and various decorative items, interfere with the free flow of Qi, while miniature flower pots or a small aquarium with fish swimming in it can enhance the flow of energy and fill the house with beauty and comfort.

How many windows should a house have?

The number of windows is important. In this case, you should take into account both their total number in the entire house and in a single room.

For a one-room apartment with a large area, the number of window openings should not exceed 7. If there are more than 3 openings in 1 room, this factor is negative from the point of view of Feng Shui.

To create a favorable atmosphere in your home, you should take into account all the nuances regarding windows and related items. Their number, location, appearance and shape must comply with the rules described in this teaching.

The color of the front door relative to the cardinal directions

According to Feng Shui, the color of the front door plays an important role in creating a favorable environment in the house. To create this most harmonious atmosphere, you need to choose a shade for the outer door in accordance with its direction relative to the cardinal points.

West and northwest

Main color: white, golden, silver. Additional: Yellow, brown. Not suitable: red, blue, black.

the shape of the front door in accordance with the elements and cardinal directions


Main color: blue, black, white. Not suitable: brown, yellow, green.

Northeast or southwest

Main color: brown, yellow. Additional: red, orange. Not suitable: green, white.

East or southeast

Main color: green, black, blue. Not suitable: white.


Main color: red, green. Additional: yellow, brown. Not suitable: blue, black.

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