Feng Shui Wealth Bowl - a symbol of harmony and stability

The Feng Shui Wealth Bowl is an excellent Feng Shui talisman for attracting wealth to your home. She acts as a symbol of harmony and stability. The concept of a “house as a full cup” dates back to ancient times. Remember the images of the palaces of maharajas, sultans, kings, very often they depicted vases full of fruit. It was considered not only a decoration for the table, but also a symbol of prosperity, abundance, and success in life.

feng shui wealth

In Feng Shui, the bowl of wealth is also considered an excellent way to achieve material well-being. Let's take a closer look at what the “correct” cup of wealth should be according to the teachings of Feng Shui.

In ancient China, the ritual of filling the cup of wealth was kept in great secrecy and was passed down from generation to generation through the male line. It was believed that this was the best way to provide oneself and all one’s descendants with the energy of prosperity, stability and success.

What the legend says

A folk legend tells about a poor fisherman whose net caught an expensive vase. He did not dare to sell it - the poor man could be accused of theft. Therefore, the man kept the bowl, adapting it for feeding the dog.

A few days later, the Chinese noticed that the dog had gained weight and its coat was shiny. There was food left in the makeshift bowl. It seemed to the owner that it simply didn’t end there, because the dog ate willingly and a lot. The fisherman shared his doubts with his wife. She leaned over the bowl, watching the dog eat, and accidentally dropped her only decoration - a pendant of 3 coins on a scarlet ribbon - into the food.

It was not possible to return the jewelry, and the couple went into the house, lamenting the loss. Consoling his wife, the fisherman loudly repeated that he would give her another pendant as soon as he had money. Going out into the yard again, the man saw that the dog’s bowl was filled with coins. Since then, prosperity has not left this house.

The vessel of abundance, or cup of desires, symbolizes prosperity not as a lot of money received by chance, but as an opportunity to satisfy one’s desires.

Flying mug with birds

The bird is a symbol of lightness and freedom; it is very often found in interior solutions in various styles and variations. This motif is also reflected in the decoration of the floating mug.

A floating mug can become a wonderful house for a nest of birds. The nest resembles a home and an idyll in it.

A cup with daisies and a bird with a nest looks like a real symbol of family, love and fidelity.

A bird with delicate roses, fluttering butterflies and other decorative elements will help create a summer soaring composition.

Appearance of the bowl according to the rules

The talisman of prosperity must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a wide and stable base. This will not only prevent the vessel from falling and overturning, scattering everything placed in it. The secret symbolism of the stable foundation of the bowl in Chinese philosophy is a reliable foundation of prosperity, which is formed by work and caring for loved ones.
  2. The body of the vase should be round. For a souvenir that attracts wealth, an inflated form is preferable: greatly expanded in relation to the base and neck. It is believed that the vessel should not have corners so that the Qi energy can smoothly enter it.
  3. Narrowed neck. It is designed to hold what gets inside the vase. This leads to the accumulation of energy and creates the resources necessary to fulfill desires, i.e. brings constant prosperity.
  4. The container must have a lid. When the cup of wealth is filled for the first time, it is recommended not to open it for 1 year so as not to miss your luck. According to Feng Shui, energy should flow freely, entering the xiaoxian bowl and leaving it again, bringing constant renewal and creating the opportunity to spend what has been accumulated on the fulfillment of desires. After the required period has passed, the lid of the vase must be removed.

When purchasing a ready-made souvenir, you need to pay attention to these details.

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Flying mug made of beads

Pearls are the most noble decorative element that will add festiveness and pomp to any craft! A simple white tea pair can be transformed into such a pearl miracle!

A very delicate floating bowl will be made from soft pink satin flowers and matching pearls. A white dove will perfectly complement the composition).

Beads of different colors will also help create a unique spill cup. Flowers and ribbons of the same shade as the mug will perfectly decorate and complete the image of your cup.

Master - Irina Khokhlova

How to make a cup of plenty with your own hands

You can make the bowl yourself. You can buy a container of a suitable shape in a store and charge it, observing the ritual of making a bowl with your own hands. If desired, you can make a vase from clay or plaster if you have the skills to sculpt pottery. The clay vase will need to be fired in a special ceramics kiln. In addition to these materials, you can use a container made of wood or yellow metal.

Making a talisman yourself fills it with the cup owner’s own energy and adapts its action to the concept of prosperity and success that is characteristic of this person. Therefore, it is recommended to first charge even a purchased Chinese craft with your energy. Without this, the cup of wealth will remain just a beautiful trinket. A purchased ready-made souvenir is charged by holding it in one’s hands and projecting onto it all one’s ideas about luck, prosperity and wealth.

When creating a bowl yourself, you can draw Chinese symbols of prosperity on the vase:

  • dragon;
  • phoenix;
  • bat;
  • three-legged toad with a coin;
  • a bundle of happiness;
  • xiao-xian sign, etc.

At the same time, it is important to be aware of your actions and when decorating a vase, think about what life in abundance looks like. For painting, use indelible paints:

  • special for painting glass and ceramics;
  • white enamel for repair work (it can be painted any color);
  • golden paint or metallic automotive spray (the aerosol can be applied through a stencil);
  • glitter nail polish.

The golden color of the painting does not have much significance, but it is advisable to use it as an additional symbol of wealth.

3 Chinese coins tied with red thread or braid are suspended from the neck of the bowl. It is better to take a natural one; silk or satin ribbon will do. This symbol represents the unity of Yin and Yang. It increases the income of the inhabitants of the house tenfold.

Pasta Spill Cup

You can decorate the flying cup with simple pasta. It’s better to take bow-shaped pasta, paint it with acrylic paint, and decorate the middle with pearls. We decorate the mug with them and the waterfall of bows is ready!

This mug looks elegant both in pastel colors and in classic colors - black and white.

Black and white pasta in a floating cup

Filling the cup of plenty

To use the bowl as a souvenir that brings good luck, the prepared vase must be filled with special items. They are divided into main and secret symbols. The first group includes mandatory elements that bring prosperity to the house:

  • 5 scraps of natural fabric (red, yellow, white, blue and green - according to the colors of the primary elements of the Chinese mantle);
  • 5 pieces of thread or ribbon of the same colors;
  • grains of the same 5 colors (for example, red, white, purple beans, yellow and green peas, etc.) - they symbolize gifts to the gods;
  • a red silk bag with 10 yellow coins is a symbol of your generosity and ability to give (you can take Chinese ones or use Russian ones);
  • 10 transparent crystals: you can take rhinestones, but it is best to put inexpensive natural gems (quartz, citrine, amethyst, etc.) in the bowl.

When placing colored shreds and grains into a bowl, you must observe the cycle of Generation and the above order of alternating colors.

Secret objects symbolize the individual desires of the owner of the bowl. You need to collect the following:

  • land from the garden of a prosperous person, to symbolize a resource for increasing prosperity, you need to ask the owner for it;
  • money from the merchant’s pocket - you can ask to change the bill;
  • if the concept of wealth is related to housing, a photograph of a house you like will do;
  • banknotes of different currencies are several sources of wealth;
  • images of other wealth associations of personal choice.

Fill the cup of wealth, close it with a lid and tie it with colored threads or ribbons prepared in advance. Place the bowl in the wealth sector of the apartment and do not open it for 1 year. The beginning of the talisman's action may seem strange: a change of job or move, changes in personal life, etc. But as a result of these events, the well-being of the owner of the cup and his loved ones will increase.

Flying mug of fruits and berries

With the help of plastic fruits, berries, and mushrooms, you can create such an abundance of fruits and berries pouring out of a cup. Butterflies will perfectly complement your fruit and berry cornucopia.

A floating cup can be decorated with bright gifts of autumn. Dried leaves and flowers can also be used. The mug can be replaced with a wooden barrel made from simple ice cream sticks.

Flowers and fruits are harmoniously combined in a floating stream. Butterflies, dragonflies, and ladybugs will be a wonderful “live” addition.

Suitable place in the house

According to Feng Shui, symbols of wealth should be placed in the wealth sector. You can determine it using the Bagua grid for your home, but you can use a simple tourist compass: the cup of wealth must certainly be located in the southeast corner of the home.

Chinese mantle specialists recommend another method for a separate room: standing with your back to the entrance, determine the far left corner of the room. In this case, the talisman will contribute to the prosperity of only those residents of the apartment who permanently live in this room (the method is suitable for a rented room or communal apartment). Next to the bowl can be a money tree or other souvenirs that have the energy of abundance.

Where to put

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, every item should have its own special place. In order for the amulet to have the desired effect on the life of the owner, it must be positioned in a special way. The best place will be the bedroom, where strangers will not see him, and the owners will feed him every day with their gaze. It is ideal if the vase is placed in the southeast, because this side symbolizes harmony and a bright future.

But there is one condition: there should be no windows in the part of the room where the cup of abundance will stand. You should not install the mascot where you receive guests. It is forbidden for strangers to see it, touch it or examine the amulet. If this happens, know that your energy financial flows will begin to dissipate and be wasted.


Embroidered canvases, tapestries, and silk paintings are especially powerful.
Images of ripe fruits (especially tangerines and grapes), flowers, summer landscapes, and clean flowing water attract the energy of good luck.

Images of the desert, storm, tornado, dirty ponds, bare trees, steppes will devastate your finances. Avoid surrealism and abstract compositions.

In the bedroom, water landscapes take away health, especially the paintings above the head of the bed.

Figurines, souvenirs

God of attracting money
A small statue of the god Hottei, a money tree made of coins, banknotes, amethyst, a frog with a coin in its mouth, a miniature mill, fish, turtles are not only pleasant decorations for the heart, but also a strong magnet of well-being.

Treat souvenirs with care, take care of them, and wipe off the dust regularly. If you purchased a Hottei statue, don't be afraid to talk to him! Constantly stroke God's belly - in gratitude, Hottei will fulfill your wishes!

Easter flying mug

The bright holiday of Easter can be decorated with such a cute mug with yellow chicks in a nest with eggs. The nest can be woven from thin twigs, sisal or jute.

Plastic eggs and hatched chicks look cute on their own:

Artificial flowers will make your Easter composition more lush and elegant:

Handicraft masterpieces cover in their master class how to make an Easter floating bowl:

DelkiRu talks about another type of Easter composition in his master class:

How to activate the wealth zone according to Feng Shui?

First you need to clear the area of ​​unnecessary, old things. Be sure to remove broken furniture, dried flowers, branches, plants, worn clothes, and unnecessary accessories.

Take courage, take out things that you didn’t dare throw away! According to experts in feng shui for the home (attracting money), finance zones should be updated.

Is there a trash can in the wealth area? Be sure to rearrange it!

A fireplace (stove) in the wealth zone will repel financial flows. Money is afraid of the fire element. Be sure to take this point into account when purchasing an apartment (organizing the interior).

To activate the wealth zone according to Feng Shui:


Plants with large round (oval) leaves attract the energy of money. Blooming buds enhance the positive influence.

Plants in the house

Money energy is especially favorable to the Crassula (its round leaves resemble coins), coffee tree, Persian cyclamen, Uzambara violets, tangerine and lemon trees. You can place vases with fresh flowers in the money zone, just be sure to replace dried bouquets with fresh ones.

Acti , plants with thorns and narrow sharp leaves attract negative energy to the wealth zone.

Avoid climbing plants - they confuse financial matters.


The element of water is a favorite place for monetary energy. She loves places where there are small aquariums, indoor fountains, filled vases, and silver vessels.

Water for money

The water must be clean!

If the Feng Shui money zone is located in the bedroom, discard the elements of water. Otherwise, you will face problems with health and personal relationships.

Life story:

Alla worked like an ox, but for some reason there was no money. Unexpected expenses arose all the time, and wages did not keep up with prices. While her friends were flaunting fashionable new clothes, Alla secretly visited cheap sales.

One day, during her lunch break, a woman went into a souvenir shop, saw a miniature fountain and suddenly wanted to buy it. “The money will fly away anyway. Can I please myself for once?” - she thought. And she said out loud: “Please pack it, I’ll take it!”

“Do you know where to put it?” – asked the seller, a young smiling girl. “No,” Alla was surprised. “This fountain is for attracting monetary energy, here are the instructions for determining the zone. That's where he should be. Just be sure to clean the space, throw away the old, unnecessary,” the saleswoman advised.

After work, Alla came home and unfolded the piece of paper. It was easy to determine the zone of wealth in a small apartment. To Alla’s horror, in this place stood an old, shabby grandmother’s closet. “Rarity” has long been asking to be thrown into the trash. Its contents were also not impressive: out-of-fashion clothes, worn-out shoes, holey terry robes... The picture was completed by a peeling pot with a dried geranium on top under the ceiling. “Oh my God!” the woman thought and rushed to clear away the hated rubble.

Two days later, in place of the closet there was a neat bedside table with a wonderful Chinese fountain on it. The old wallpaper was covered with a small poster with bright wildflowers.

Three months passed...Alla was offered a job as an accountant in a well-known IT company. “Is this salary suitable for you?” the director asked during the interview and announced an amount that the woman could not dream of. “This is at first. We will definitely raise the rate further,” the employer added.

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