Blooming Lotus: a state of bliss, a symbol of love and human wisdom

Lotus in the hands of Buddha, “Lotus Sutra”, lotus pose in yoga, born from lotus - this flower in the mythology and religions of the East is perhaps the most popular and mysterious. His image is often mentioned in ancient traditions and texts, and he was and is still used in religious rites and spiritual practices.

Usually growing in muddy, almost stagnant water or in swamps, far from noisy cities, the lotus is pure and beautiful. Every evening he closes his flower and hides under the water, and in the morning he appears again. But its flower always remains dry, radiating purity and freshness. The reason for this is the special structure of the petals and leaves: they can repel water and self-clean. Therefore, it is compared to the spirit: just as the spirit is not stained by matter, so the lotus is not stained by the silt from which it grows, and therefore it personifies eternal life, the immortal nature of man, spiritual revelation. The lotus is also an emblem of perfection as its leaves, flowers and fruits form a circle. Lotus petals resemble the rays of the sun. Growing among the primordial chaos, it symbolizes the center of the universe.

Lotus - a symbol of purity and enlightenment

The lotus is a flower that closes its petals every evening and hides in the dirty swamp water, only to return in the early morning as soon as the first rays of the sun appear in the sky. It symbolizes rebirth, spiritual purity and peace of life in its beauty and grace.

Opening its flower at dawn, the Lotus became a sign of youth, immortality and renewed vitality. Its petals resemble the rays of the Sun, and the bud itself forms a circle, like the center of the universe.

The secret meaning of the Lotus sign denotes three stages of human spiritual development:

  1. Ignorance;
  2. Overcoming ignorance;
  3. Gained understanding, enlightenment.

In the religion of Buddhism, the Lotus flower is often depicted either in the hands of the Buddha and his followers, or they sit on it as if on a throne.

The lotus is an image of creation, the original universe, emerging from the waters or emptiness.


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  4. Makeeva A.G. Avoiding trouble: Ped. prevention of drug abuse among schoolchildren. – 2nd ed. – Moscow: Education, 2004. – 190 p.

The meaning of the colors of the sacred Lotus

Lotus colors have different meanings and interpretations.

White Lotus

The white color of the Lotus belongs to the goddess “White Tara”, who eliminates dangers and gives long life without suffering. It is the color of healing and brings good luck.

Red Lotus

Red color represents purity of heart. It symbolizes purity of thoughts in love and empathy.

Blue Lotus

The blue color of the Lotus is a symbol of the victory of the spiritual over the sensual. He personifies wisdom and great knowledge. The blue emblem signifies modesty and purity.

Pink Lotus

The Pink Lotus is a symbol of the presence of the Divine and is associated with Buddha. The legend says that at the birth of Prince Gautama, the clouds in the sky burst into an extraordinary lotus rain. And during his stay on earth, wherever he walked, a graceful Lotus of enormous size grew.

Harm of the Egyptian lily to the body

It would seem that a harmless and beautiful flower cannot pose any danger to humans. But this is not true at all. It is not for nothing that this plant has been included in the list of narcotic substances since 2009 and is prohibited for distribution and use in Russia. And all because of the consequences that come from taking this exotic drug. The patient has:

  • disorders of the respiratory system: inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavity, frequent pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary failure;
  • cardiovascular complications: blood pressure surges, arrhythmia, strokes;
  • deterioration in the functionality of the liver and kidneys;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • psycho-emotional deviations: memory problems, weakening of mental abilities, psychotic manifestations.

Using lotus together with alcohol or other psychotropic compounds not only increases the narcotic effect, but also increases the risks for humans several times. In this case, it is very difficult to predict the effect of each component of the man-made mixture, and even more so it is impossible to calculate the safe amount of each product.

Therefore, the likelihood of severe poisoning or overdose increases , in which medical attention is urgently needed. Otherwise, irreversible physical and mental disorders may develop and even death may occur.

Secret meanings of Lotus

The image of the Lotus is often mentioned in ancient books of spiritual practices. The symbolism of a flower varies depending on the number of petals:

  • 5 petals - a symbol of the five stages of human life: birth, education, marriage, rest, death;
  • 7 petals - a symbol of seven planets;
  • 8 petals - a symbol of eternal oblivion;
  • 9 petals - a symbol of a person;
  • 12 petals are a symbol of the Divine and the Universe.

In Egypt, the Lotus is a symbol of life. This sacred flower was found everywhere: in houses, on clothes, as a decoration for the festive table and wedding bed. The funeral ceremony must necessarily include a wreath of flowers, as a symbol of the resurrection of a person.

The lotus represents rebirth and the regaining of youth, just as the old God dies to be reborn again young and full of vitality.

In China, the Lotus is a symbol of chastity and signifies spiritual perfection, purity and grace.

Drink of Oblivion

Herodotus in his writings described a country where the inhabitants of the “lotophagi” eat lotus flowers. They possessed the secret knowledge of the “drink of oblivion.” Anyone who tempts him at least once will forever remain in the flower’s homeland. The decoction completely erased a person’s memory of his true intentions in a foreign land and memories of his real homeland.

Odysseus, once on this land, almost lost his people, who treated themselves to the “drink of oblivion.” They refused to return home, and Odysseus was forced to tie them to benches on the deck of the ship.

Historians of our time have found the lands of lotophages. This place turned out to be the tropical island of Djerba, where several species of an amazing and mystical plant called lotus grow.

Lotus Temple

The Lotus symbol in modern interpretations

The mystical properties of the Lotus for our contemporaries lie in the flower’s ability to cleanse the bioenergy field around a person from negative vibrations.

The lotus aura relieves melancholy and depression. Moreover, it brings you out of a state of depressed mood very gradually, which provides a stable remission and prevents you from falling into the blues again. Such a gentle effect has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, giving him the opportunity to gradually adapt to the realities of the world around him.

The ability to change human consciousness

Lotus flowers have a beneficial effect on a person’s consciousness, guiding his musli towards spiritual development.

There is a practice called “lotus therapy”, based on sacred secrets about the power and strong impact of this flower on a person. This practice is recommended for people who do not care about the spiritual side of their lives and are completely focused on their career and making money.

“Lotus therapy” involves either carrying the petals of a plant with you or observing it for half an hour. Those who have done this exercise unanimously declare that consciousness does change. A desire for self-improvement and spiritual development appears.


The benefits and harms of edible lotus seeds, leaves and roots depend on the dosage of use and the condition of the body. It is necessary to stop using plant-based medicines:

  • for individual allergies;
  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • with a tendency to constipation.

Plant-based medicines should be consumed in small quantities. The flower contains a large amount of active substances and, in case of overdose, causes nausea, indigestion and headaches.

Warning! The essential oil of the plant can only be used for skin care, avoiding contact of the extract with mucous membranes. The product is not used internally.

The meaning and magical properties of the Lotus amulet

The magical amulet in the form of a Lotus flower contains a powerful force that puts a barrier against negative thoughts and conflicts directed at you.

In Eastern practice, it is believed that a flower in the house cleanses the room of negative Sha energy and transforms it into Qi.

It is better to make a talisman for your home from transparent rock crystal. A paper lotus, which you can make yourself from a white sheet, is also suitable. A product placed in the house will bring peace, get rid of negative thoughts and contribute to the acquisition of wisdom.

If a Lotus amulet is placed in a children's room, then the child's energy will be directed to the development of creativity and creativity.

Features of application

In cooking (lotus tea recipe)

Like other vegetables, the plant has been used as food for thousands of years as it grows free in swamps. It was eaten as porridge, fresh and raw, boiled and made into flour. It is an excellent complement to grain products, which form a predominant part of the Chinese diet. Lotus is delicious on its own and also goes well with other foods.

Photo: man and lotus

Today, restaurants serve duck wrapped in lotus leaves, stuffed root with rice, black mushrooms and other ingredients.

Several Chinese recipes for preparing the plant

Soup - To prepare the soup, take: 200 grams of seeds; 3 tablespoons sugar; 3 tablespoons chopped ginger; 2 tablespoons sesame paste; 3 tablespoons lotus root flour or sweet potato flour; 5 tablespoons glutinous rice flour; 2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with a quarter cup of cold water; 1/4 cup dates.


  1. Mix lotus puree, sugar, ginger, sesame paste and a quarter cup of boiled water and stir to dissolve the sugar; Make twenty-four small balls from this mixture.
  2. Combine two cups of cold water with the flour and cornstarch mixture and bring to a low boil, stirring constantly; add balls and heat, serve hot. A picture of the soup is shown below.

Lotus flower tea - Place two teaspoons of dried flowers in 500 ml of water. The tea is boiled for 2 minutes at 70 °C. If tea is brewed with too hot water, it will become bitter. It is preferable to drink petal tea hot, but it depends on the individual's preference.

For treatment

Doctors and pharmacists consider this type to be medicinal, so let’s take a closer look at the pharmacological actions.

  • Diarrhea - One of the most common uses of the plant in traditional Chinese medicine was as an antidiarrheal agent.
  • Lowers Blood Sugar Levels – Lotus root contains both fiber and complex carbohydrates. These two components help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • Anti-inflammatory - Recent research shows that both red and white varieties of seeds reduce inflammation.
  • Pressure – The stem contains minerals and nutrients such as vitamin C, which are important for the daily functioning of the body. For example, potassium serves to regulate blood pressure.
  • Acne - Add the flowers to green tea and apply it on your face, this will reduce the amount of sebum that a person's sebaceous glands produce.
  • Cycle Restoration - Leaves and root extracts have long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help regulate the menstrual cycle and stop excessive bleeding.

How to activate the magical properties of amulets and amulets

To activate the amulet and endow it with magical powers, it is recommended to take it in your hand and perform meditation.

  1. Close your eyes;
  2. Imagine a clear lake full of beautiful lotus flowers;
  3. Imagine yourself sitting on a huge flower;
  4. Feel the warmth and light energy that comes from bottom to top and fills every cell of your body with vital energy;
  5. Now imagine how the energy passes into the amulet that you hold in your palm and it begins to fill with sparkling shine.

This meditation should be repeated daily in the morning or afternoon for 8 days. It is not recommended to do it in the evening, as the body gets tired and weak by the end of the day.

Only such an amulet charged with energy will protect you and protect you from negative influences.

Unactivated amulets are worn as decoration, but they do not provide any power or protection to their owner.

“Lotus flowers are a ship on which someone drowning in the ocean of life can find salvation.”

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